Bloomberg is behind the medias gun removal campaign because he and 6 other mega wealthy find an armed populace a threat to their wealth after their greed collapses the economy. Wealth inequality and violence go hand in hand but the rich bury it to blame what threatens them.

1  2018-05-21 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Bloomberg's engine is firing. Vroom vroom. To bad Bloomberg, the corporatacrate, is to disassociated to see that his political philosophy and wealth are driving society to this. TIL: Bloomberg and 6 other billionares came together to say that an armed populace is the greatest threat to their wealth should the economy collapse. This dude wants gun control because he is unwilling to elevate the middle-class because he wants to protect his wealth. Bloomberg spends more on anti-gun than he does in education and racial economic division.

You should know that Trump and Bloomberg both colluded in bribery, I mean lobbying, the Clinton administration to rewrite the community reinvestment act so people woukd knowingly default in a bubble economy so they could buy it up for pennies. This caused a rise in suicide never before seen... If bloomberg cared about gun violence, he wouldnt have financially flatlined the estate markets leading to the biggest spike in suicide in American history. Those americans blood is on Bloomberg trump Moore clinton and everyone else.

While we need better regulation and tracking of weapons and those owners, we need yo fucking hold the rich accountable. We need to find a way to bridge the wealth inequality and provide hope to the hopeless that carry out gun violence in both suicide and murder. If you take away guns, broken people will still snap. If you take away wealth inequality, societal judgements based on belief, and the political polarization, you would see violence plummet. The problem with this is that it demands the 1% change. They rarely change. Theyd rather spend 500 mil on lobbying and PR than give their bottom a raise. They'd rather waste money changing the 99% than changing themselves.

Fuck you Bloomberg and this move to ignore inequality and societal problems directly related to your echelon greed. Fuck you media taking money to reshape people on guns than helping connect and celebrate communities and diversity. Fuck you for being buddy with trump for your financial gain then battling him later when it effects your philosophy. If you cared more for ethics and philosophy, you would of never worked with him.

Seriously google bloomber anti-gun. Then Google the community reinvestment act under clinton and trump (Seperate parties doing the same thing in polar administrations). Its insane. Greed, inequality, and us judging without investment in helping broken people is the cause.


You need sources because this doesn’t seem to hold any weight, considering Trump is pretty pro gun. If anything clinton and Democrats want this because an armed populace threatens their ability to expand the government and allow more control over the population

Edited soon. What we need to learn is that republicans and democrats are owned by the same wealth behind both sides. They collude and drive both sides to insanity, taking turns at grace and disgrace. Its hard yobthink because it leaves us lost.

You've hit the nail on the head and no one comments. We live in a corporate-ran world. Maybe its not bloomberg specifically, but the wealthy in general do NOT want to live in the same area as the general population, let alone have to fend against an armed percentage. Especially if shit hits the fan. Notice how the only other comment here mentions their daddy trump. The sad part is i wish he was a shill, itd be less sad. People sit on this forum for hours on end preaching dont trust the msm, the regurgitate a corporate sponsored message. A republican will ban your guns for their safety just as a Democrat would, only theyd package it as keeping YOU safe.

no my side isn't bad, it's the other side

Media is pushing race bs extra hard lately. Should be an interesting summer on that front.. Sadly the zionist controlled media tells black people what to get mad at, when to protest, and who to vote for..

Notice how it's the Rifles they're coming for first. Despite the fact that rifles account for less than 1% of gun homicides in the US. Wonder why? My 120lb GF on her first day at the range could hit a steel plate at 100 yards with just irons, with a red-dot or scope 200 yards. Yet after more than a dozen times to the range, shooting pistols and she can really only reliably hit about 10 yards with any appreciable accuracy.

Same for me, I can hit 300+ yards standing with an AR, yet only about 25 yards with a pistol.

At that's aiming for center-mass, which doesn't do much good with a pistol if they're wearing armor. (For the average Joe who doesn't practice regularly or have training) With a rifle one with minimal practice could easily take head or pelvic region shots with a basic rifle at 50-100 yards. With a pistol, perhaps 7-15 yards-if they weren't moving or shooting back,lol.

Not sure why the downvotes, im with you. Pistols are far more concealable but arent accurate at any real distance...a basic 22 rifle can do way more damage

Perhaps by people who think they're Rambo? Very few, myself included have done moving target training, yet alone trying to hit a target that is also shooting at you.

Unless you've been in a firefight, chances are you're gonna be lucky to hit center mass at any distance beyond 15 yards with a pistol if it's shooting back.

Hope none of us are ever in a situation to find out exactly well our training readied us.

Pitsol and shotgun and ALWAYS just how you fight to go get your rifle ;)

Completely agree.. Though sometimes you might need to be very proficient with a pistol to get to your rifle, say if you were at the movies and shtf. Naturally, if you know shit will hit the fan, either don't go, or if unavoidable, bring a rifle,lol.

Bloomberg is Jewish. Jews find armed Goyim to be a threat (they don't mind armed Jews).

I think that's a bit of a stretch. Gun or no gun the average Joe is already under control.

Well one can kinda see why when you threaten them with death just for being rich.

The article calls them 'super gun owners'. Wtf is this crap

Gun super-owners. Not super gun owners. The owning is the bit that is "super" not the people who own them, nor the guns themselves.

This survey assumes criminals tell the truth.

Yes gun collectors are a real thing. I have more guns than fingers but I'm not a threat to anybody unless they force my hand.

There are a lot more guns in America than any survey will ever report and they aren't all in the hands of collectors.

This is easy to see though.

I've said a few times on this forum, do not give up your guns.

Even if you hate guns (and tbh I would hate to live in an American city with pistols but I wouldn't be arsed about living in the sticks with rifles etc) do not give them up. It is your last chance of freedom and your last bastion of hope.

The elite may coerce your life and companies may persuade you to buy their pointless shit. Neither of those completely control your life like they want to, because they know the population will fight back.

Imagine if America announced an immediate banning of all firearms, country wide. How many communities would come together, bunker down and say "take out of my cold dead hands"?

It would be civil war, again.

The real conspiracy is the false flag school shootings initialized by the gun manufactures. They stage those, media will report them, and people start buying more guns. It's an open secret that gun sales increase after every shooting, because people are scared that the government takes their guns, but the gun manufactures have to much money in the government that there'll ever be a ban.

Nah you have it wrong. The Deep State wants you to be scared so you will buy their firearms and make them money. Your AR-15 is useless when they can drone you from a place you cant even see or drop a bomb from a plane miles away. What does help is being in a perpetual state of fear and people rushing to buy guns. The other ways the deep state conspiracy is interpreted, they are war mongering and deeply tied to the military industrial complex. Why wouldn't they want to sell you guns. You buy in to their trap with posts like this as you freely reinforce their propaganda that the government is coming for their guns. Elementary aged school children were gunned down and no meaningful gun legislation was passed.

Disagree but not downvoting. There was a great 4chan post about why this is unreasonable. There aren't enough drones, tanks etc to control an armed populous spread out over the landmass of the United States. Even if they built more, a lot more, it still just cant be done.

Those tools decimate. And the rich elite doesn't want to ruin the Infrastructure they depend on so much for their comforts. To control an armed populous you need boots on the ground. A: lots of soldiers wouldn't follow orders like that. B: lots of soldiers would be killed or injured by the populous, and therefore strike a few second thoughts into the next wave etc.

If they want to mass murder us all, sure they could do it with true WMDs. But at that point theres obviously going to be a giant war going on and the face of the planet would change forever. If it ever comes to that point, we'd probably all rather he dead anyway.

Oh how naive you are.

Offering zero rebuttal. Besides, they'd poisonnus or disease us before they bombed us.

The deep state doesn't want a scared populace that feels threatened by the government... they want a complacent and obedient one.

Your AR-15 is useless when they can drone you from a place you cant even see or drop a bomb from a plane miles away.

How'd that work in Afghanistan?

That would imply we were trying to bring down terrorists and not propping up a war for illegitimate reasons.

How'd it work in Vietnam?

I just don't understand why the aristocracy think they can get rid of firearms. The first firearms ever created were made by men with very meager tools. We now have CNC machines that can carve the most complex shapes out of metals as hard as titanium with the push of a button. Amatuer gunsmithing is more popular today than it's ever been. When does a hunk of metal become a gun?

According to the government- when it is 80% complete. Because of this law- a huge host of some of America's fastest growing businesses cater to 80% firearms manufacturing. Right now, you can purchase 80% complete firearms through the mail no matter what your legal standing is. We're talking 300 blackouts, AR-15's, and etc, and they don't take that much to finish. In most cases they can be finished with simple hand tools. Let us assume that lawmakers one day challenge these laws and restrict them even further.

Do they change the law to 70% complete, 60% complete? With each reduction amatuer gunsmiths have no learn an additional part of the process. So what was initially a 20% gunsmith, turns into a 30%, a 40% amatuer gunsmith. They're just driving the entire market underground by making these people more and more competent. These are unregistered firearms, 'ghost guns'. I am a CNC enthusiast.

I know exactly how much it costs to get into this trade, and it's getting cheaper every year. Millions of people across America have mills and lathes in their homes and workshops. Banning guns would simply create one of the most thriving black markets in American history, and it would do it almost overnight. We will not fix violence in our society by removing/limiting our access to tools.

We have to address these issues at the root of the problem. We've got too many inflated egos accompanied by a whimpering sense of self-esteem, and that creates anger, bitterness and alienation.