What kind of freedom do we have in this country?

1  2018-05-22 by shualam

I see everything with limits. Fock sake I cant even stay in a park after past 11pm without being suspicious to the police. I just want get some fresh air and relax (public parks).


Freedom to slave, consume and shut-up.

Thanks, Socialism!

You mean capitalism buddy

Oh really? Last time I checked, the US has been Socialist since 1913, buddy...

Well you might want to check again. Reality and what you read are two different things.

Maybe, you should?

Why are you digitally winking at me. This is weird.

How weird..? Should I put my shirt back on?

Did you forget to comment back with your original account and not your alt? Lmao

What does that even mean? I've had this account for almost 2 years. You can look if you want.

Manipulation, aka central planning by the FED, of the monetary supply infringes on true free market capitalism. You are free to consume as you will. No one points a gun at your head to buy consumer commodities. They will point a gun at you for taxes to redistribute wealth (aka socialism).

Taxes aren't socialism. Taxes existed before anyone had even thought of the concept of socialism or capitalism.

The USA has private ownership of the means of production operated for profit. It's capitalist.

I understand taxes are not socialism. The current redistribution of wealth in the United States resembles socialism with close to 50% of the population on welfare and not to mention the coportate welfare system. Our taxes bail out both those in poverty (while encouraging them to stay there) and businesses & banks too big to fail. That is most certainly not a free market capitalist system. The term social capitalism is double speak.

I understand taxes are not socialism. The current redistribution of wealth in the United States resembles socialism with close to 50% of the population on welfare and not to mention the coportate welfare system.

None of that is socialism. Socialism is the public ownership and democratic operation of the means of production, it's not welfare. Also only about 20% of Americans are on welfare.

Corporate welfare flies in the face of every socialist ideal.

Our taxes bail out both those in poverty (while encouraging them to stay there) and businesses & banks too big to fail. That is most certainly not a free market capitalist system.

Doesn't mean it's not capitalist. Regulated capitalism is still capitalism. Bailouts aren't socialist and corporate/bank bailouts piss socialists off.

Socialism is an entirely different economic system to capitalism. If there is wage labour and private ownership of the means of production operated for profit then it is capitalism, not socialism, regardless of any other policies.

Are you at least going to try and explain your reasoning or are you just using socialism as a buzzword?

Last time I checked the USA has had private property rights since its inception.

He didn’t reply and commented with his alt right right u/putin_loves_cats ?

None. We are slaves, who think we are free (best kind of slaves), and every x years we "vote" for (or give recommendation for) our next slave master(s). Stockholm Syndrome. It's a sick fucked up joke, and we have no one to blame, but, ourselves (for falling for it and not doing anything about it).

Wolin called this "inverted totalitarianism" we helped create the totalitarian powers who now control and limit all of our freedoms.

In fairness I’ve generally seen a consensus from older gentleman that as a 30 something the system was already completely fucked by the time my generation was born (assumes natural linear history).

As a fifty year old, I can say you have been told correctly. Our rights and personal freedoms started dissappearing around the mid 70's as I remember it. Maybe a bit sooner, but I was too young to care then.

Yep. There's a new book out there titled A Generation of Sociopaths: How The Baby Boomers Betrayed America. In fact not just betrayed but ruined. The author blames the Boomers for dressing up their indulgence as a moral crusade. He goes into detail about how the "Me Generation" burned tones of fossil fuel, ruined the job market, didn't care when the federal debt skyrocketed, etc, with no care for future generations, and without having to pay for their greediness. They've all built their "dream home" now haven't they and they retired with expendable cash? Then the author speaks to those who came after, who inherited terrible financial shape, student debt, hard work for little wages, the inability to buy homes, less tangible income, and who will have to pay for the costs of economic and climate ruin. So, TL:DR, yep.

People now laugh at those who claim Sovereignty. Stockholm Syndrome.

You’re so deep

Our local park is full of homeless people. Not a good place to be getting fresh air in the middle of the night.

At least a few of those people might be completely badass side quests for the brave and willing. You never know.

Hehe name xhecks out

Freedom 🍟

You are free to do as youre told- RIP Bill Hicks

Bill hicks isn't dead just probablly his soul is.

Died: February 26, 1994

Hicks faked his death. He's now Alex Jones.

Bahahah no

Its really, really shitty that its been meme'd to death but it really might be true. Unfortunately here on conspiracy there are certain ones that the majority have yet to accept as even possible. The rabbit hole really is the best analogy. Many of us here can accept the "big" conspiracies (corporate slavery, fed reserve, Rothschild, aliens, suppressed knowledge) but whenever it comes to anything past that, certain subjects became taboo almost instantaneously, even with the same amount of scrutiny going towards the research. You've got me inspired to write a post on all the valid reasons I believe its not impossible. Ill probablly do that sometime this week.

Cool, good for you. Its a open forum. I just dont believe that is the case.

And that's righteous my man! Just saying it doesn't feel open with the bahaha but its all good. Humor can be very dismissive, which is why I truly believe there are crazy sounding non truths mixed in to make legitimate conspiracies 'sound crazy'.

We all express ourselves differently. Good luck with the post

Freedom? What's that?

You have the freedom to remain silent!

I once had a judge tell me I had no right to walk in my town after dark. (He was all yelling and redfaced and I didn't want to cop a Contempt charge from a $60 ticket so I just shut up, shrugged, and stared blankly.)

I fucking hate the court system I saw a homeless man face a judge for stealing food. He was ordered to pay $125 some fine...how in the world is he suppose to pay? When he doesn't even have money for food.

Poor people get thrown in jail until their fines are erased. A lot of people in county jail are there for unpaid child support. I'm not sure how solves anything but that's how it is.

i was on my kayak, in Texas, out in the middle of nowhere on a river and 2 cops on fan boat rolled upon us out of nowhere ...i couldn't believe it

I got pulled over by the water police last summer for not wearing life vest while kayaking in the damn beach area where I can literally stand up.

I got towed a quarter mile in the wrong direction for wearing fishing waders in a canoe in 4 feet of water. :/


Do what you need to do.

This is a international website. it would help if you specified the country. For example im in China and i can be at 3am in a park safe and sound watch ultra early birds early burding (Sports) and share a smoke with a policeman.

It aint so bad in other places....(Even though the news says that it is!)

Talking about the country that always says the land of the free and the home of the brave.

False advertising.

You call it the land of the free and the home of the brave, but you don't feel comfortable in public parks when it's dark.

You need to see the world, your country has fallen behind quite far.

I don't think he's saying that because he believes it, but rather to illustrate the contradiction you make with your first statement.

How does that affect your social credit score?

I was talking with a government person about that yesterday. She has never heard of it. Some pilot project here and there but nothing resembling a national databank so far.

Where i am at we dont have it yet.

Freedom from thought

What kind of freedom you want ?

True freedom will only come when we don't have conscience, morality, ethics, society, laws and compassion anymore, all of these things are basic chains, but it would be worthy ?

Freedom doesn't exist on the mundane plane. Everyone is slaves to their mind and senses.

The matrix is real

My State voted Weed recreationally legal years ago and was recently fired due to smoking the reefer. So no rights, just privileges. Privileages to be taken away.

Seriously! I'm glad im not alone in that thought.

It really is absurd. And it’s been a slow enough process that most people just accept this change. We don’t need laws to protect us from parks at night. We don’t need laws to protect us from our own decisions. It really is alarming and creepy what is happening to the US.