What do you think the government would if a 911 truth protest was organized and we got thousands of people to protest in front of the whitehouse?

1  2018-05-22 by ilikerealmaplesyrup

I'm talking enough people that the media could not ignore it?


protests do nothing. it's been 17 fucking years and NOTHING has happened. the only way is to create a safe way for the actual humans who had a role in the planned destruction of those buildings to spill their guts without being harmed by the government.

I would settle for one Pentagon clean-up crew member who could prove no plane hit there (or better yet tge gas station video released from across the street). If no plane = missile attack than the narrative crumbles immediately.

protests do nothing.

Agreed. Slacktivism on the internet is a far more effective use of our time.

At least here, we can adjust our air conditioners and/or heaters.

Mmm, comfy.

The conspiracy is approaching 17 years of age. These "events" age like fine wine to the perpetrators. Once it becomes old enough Hollywood hacks will make money off of explaining the truth in a way that changes nothing. JFK comes to mind. Nazis secretly escaping Germany comes to mind. Operation Northwoods comes to mind.

In order for 9/11 truth to break through, we need a new revelation that is beyond obvious and undeniable.

JFK comes to mind. Nazis secretly escaping Germany comes to mind. Operation Northwoods comes to mind.

All hoaxes.

The only truth is that the whole thing is theatre.

The world is a stage.

Somehow, people think that going to one of the major sets of the grand play (the White House) and complaining about another part of the play (9/11) will make the actors break character.

Come on, man.

I'd like to hear your theories on the truth. If you have the time or inclination of course.

Where to begin?

The book 1984 is a good start. Most people are 'too busy' to read books these days, which is another way of saying that thry are too stupid.

In 1984, Orwell explores how history is a lie, war is a hoax, and even dinosaurs are a fabrication.

You won't hear people mention these things, because, as I said, people do not read books any more. But it is all in there, in a book written 70 years ago.

Here is a very brief example with proof.

I'd also like to hear proposed solutions since you feel a protest at the White House would not suffice.

Look internally and try to improve yourself as a person.

When you're smiling, the world smiles with you.

As usually they're waiting for everyone involved to either grow old and die before anyone can hold their feet to the fire. In the meantime they'll cash in on another book deal, and push us further and further deeper into a false reality based on lie after lie. And then they wonder why nothing makes sense, and everyone is depressed on on opiods, and the collective IQ drops and we start arguing about You're Fired's tweets over a pornstar.

Proofreading your own posts would help on a large scale.

Ignore it. Zero MSM coverage.

Oh, they'd cover it, but they would interview one crazy person with some bushes behind them, while the other thousands of protesters were behind the camera and try to marginalize the entire event.

What outcome did the Occupy movement have?

I heard they were still camped out there, waiting for the next wave...

MSM would show a video of Alex Jones going batshit crazy and call them all conspiracy lunatics

This too.


Like everything the government uses time to dissolve problems. They do it with everything. Time is on their side they just wait it out. The masses will forget and move on and not care anymore or if the masses do remember by then it’s “oh well it was probably for the better.” The masses will not protest.

The masses will not protest.

Have you been reading too much George Orwell lately?

If so, then GOOD!

If only more people would take the time to read books.

Orwell had a lot of interesting things to say...

You heard of the largest civil rally? The Pro-life one?

The response would be ignore at best, a smirk at worst.

They will use LRAD on you. It works and is non lethal. Bastards.

They'd ignore you. 100,000's in the USA turned out to protest the Iraq war and millions worldwide. It was barely reported.

The government would do nothing to feckless demonstration in front of a building. At best, I think they'd just arrest everyone and nothing would really happen. Kind of like the "Democracy Spring" protests back in 2016. They arrested hundreds of people for peaceful demonstration outside the Capital Building. It was touted as "the largest civil disobedience action of the century", thousands participated, hundreds were arrested. And nothing really happened.

Also, the media could ignore it even if it's ridiculously massive. You shouldn't expect that you can necessarily force the corporate media to cover a political movement just by being popular. I bet you never heard from the corporate media about those Democracy Spring protests I mentioned before, right? Might have something to do with them protesting against the Citizens United case that affirmed the idea that spending money is constitutionally protected speech. I think I heard about it from TYT or maybe Democracy Now, but I'm sure that so-called "mainstream" media didn't give it the attention it deserved. I mean, it's not like hundreds of protestors are arrested in DC every day or something, that was kind of a big deal.

I am not sure they would care. It is completlyvpossible tha the goverments hands are not dirty. That they took no part in the terror attacks, rather they were ochestrated by people with similar interests as Bush and they knew this wouod prompt a war.

I would focus on who the hell did thw attack. The US goverment has all but admitted thatbit was the saudis. Not afganastan or iraq.


They might try to prevent the location, but honestly they wouldn't give a shit. If a million people marched to the White House to demand an investigation, it might get some coverage, but at best you'd get a dismissive comment from president (who will do nothing for 9/11 truth as he is too tight with Israel).

Movement needs to get a ton of $$$, promote new candidates to run for office at the same time--all of whom support opening up the investigation. Infiltrate the government the same way the perpetrators of 9/11 did.

A cointel type program would most assuredly co-opt the movement as well as have agents provocateurs show up to start trouble.

Mental health programs would finally receive a decent level of funding.

Not a damn thing, because you would all be considered crackpots.

people have marched and protested ie shouted "inside job"

the 9/11-conspirator MSM smiles and calls them crazy or ignores them.

Ever see the scene in “They Live” where the bulldozers and cops hit the homeless encampment?

is that a question??

and the answer is yes

I heard they were still camped out there, waiting for the next wave...