Another Israeli firm brought in for working with Trump. Its obvious who was behind all the American election fiasco.

1  2018-05-22 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Ss: Mueller keeps uncovering Israeli connwctions in the Russia probe. Will America actually do anything? Will media even report it?



Take your shit some where else. Israel deserves hate right now. They fucked us into having a fucking creamsicle president and destabalizing the middle east whete us soldiers have to go die. Israel is not our friends.

Mate the destabilization started circa 2001. The amount of soldiers and middle Eastern people killed and displaced under bushy and Obama was 100 fold over Trump.

Take your anti trump circle jerk back to r/politics.

You're one sided and should take your shit dick back to T_D. Sorry your orange god sold us out for zealot psychos that would honestly treat you the same as a Muslim.believing a false prophet is punisgable by death in the mishna Talmud. So if you believe in Jesus or mohammed you should die according to them. But hey if islamaphobia and wanting to fuck your daughter makes you respect someone and ignore that he chose foreigners over you, go right ahead. America first my ads.

Hahhahahaha so much hate and abuse in one post. Bravo!

Diddo buddy...

Please show me where I was so hateful...........

Shitdick, butfuck, fuck your daughter....haha

Removed. Rules 1, 4 and 10. Final warning.

You mean the war that trump said he was in support of?

While I agree with you, there is one key difference between 2001 and 2018.

Back in 2001, the Pentagon/CIA didn't have 10 illegal bases in Syria, where US soldiers, oops I mean "advisers", defend a front-line to carve out a safe space umbrella for terrorists like ISIS, oops I mean "moderate rebels", who then attack the forces of the legally elected head of Syria in order to pull off Langley's coup, all as a favor to Zion, which threatens imminent nuclear WW3 because Russia is a legally invited guest of Syria to defend Syria, while the US is 100% in the wrong as an illegal invader, and it's only a matter of time until some accident pits US forces directly against Russian forces and then the powder keg blows, making the quicksand mutual defense treaties of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in WW1 look like school boys lighting firecrackers.

Playing slalom with nuclear WW3 over some shitty corner of irrelevant desert is all on Trump. As Commander in Chief all he'd have to do is say "GTFO" and the Pentagon would exit Syria faster than a CH-53 taking off from the US Embassy rooftop in the Fall of Saigon.

But Trump ain't doing that. Trump wants to stay in Syria because every US President gets to start their own war instead of ending their predecessor's wars, and so Trump wants his ruin to to be Syria.

"The more things change..."

I agree with your second paragraph.

Regarding after that, instead of GTFO he ass blasted Isis, stopped arming and paying them, the white helmets, is trying to bring a coalition of middle eastern countries to police thier own nieghbour hood and more.

But I actually wouldn't mind him picking up and just leaving also as you stated.

Swap israel with america and us with uk and thats how we feel tbh.

Good post. Thanks.

The Obama administration?

What do you mean?

Why does it have to be one or another? Why can’t corruption have involved multiple countries?

According to the MSM, picking and choosing “colluders” like Saudi Arabia or Israel isn’t relevant, however any connection with a Russian or the Russian government is immediate, collusion, treason, criminal activity, etc. Those pesky Russians meddling about, it’s like a fucking scooby doo episode. I’m all for prosecuting illegal activity with anyone, including Russia. However, this has become an obvious witch hunt. I’m more of a Secular Talk and Jimmy Dore style progressive, for caveat. Don’t support Trump 99% of the time, but if you look back on how the whole Russian investigation started it’s very easy to see it was a ploy and diversion from addressing why Hilary lost. One of the most damming things is, Hilary’s team did a internal poll seeing what was the most disliked thing about her and it was the Uranium One scandal and their Russian connections, so they flip it around and with their connections to intelligence and the media and they seeded this narrative. Straight out of John Podestas playbook, he helped usher in this narrative. People can’t seem to look back and see how this started and give perspective on the whole ordeal. Of course if you go looking through any politician or elite, you’re going to find illegal activity, corruption, bribes, etc. Income the Trump apologist labels and deflection. Before that know it’s been almost two years and we’ve got some trolls and liars. Russian collusion conspiracy theories are now widely accepted because of the propaganda and mind seeding of this topic. All in all a total deflection of how the system gave us Trump.

Or Israel and her sworn have blamed Russia for their role because russia was working with them... It wasn't just some 1 group. Many groups worked together and people on both sides are hiding and distracting to protect their interests.

The main group of election fixers that are being protected are Republicans. They've been routinely cheating on elections since they stole the White House in 2000. That one was very much in our faces. They are trying desperately to memory hole it. One way to do that is to rehabilitate the reputation of George W. Bush as someone with "humanity" compared to Donald Trump. Democrats seem to be buying into this revisionism.

The TV fills with Donald Trump scandals all day long and talks about little else. This benefits Donald Trump by increasing the amount of outrage in society and making people believe that all these charges flying around are equal. This discourages the majority who want Donald Trump out from taking action. People have been polarized for the most part on the DJT scandals, so who are they trying to convince? Today, the House passed a partial repeal of banking regulations. Could they find room on the TV to discuss that?

Could they find room on the TV to discuss that?

Yes. Exactly.

Americans are easier to divide and conquer if they are adrift in the gas light eating themselves.

Compassion fatigue works so well...

It is a pathetic abuse of the public trust.

There is no evidence of Russian State collusion in the "hacking" or "rigging" of the American Election, Gmail or The Democratic Party Servers.

Enjoy the down votes not hysterically delusional person.

I agree its many many involved.

So he worked with an Israeli social media company. Why would he do that?

US social media companies openly censored Trump's fans Diamond and Silk, conservative media, and are openly working against Trump very hard. Oh that's why.

Trumpers were crying clinton Saudi and now we see Trump did that and the response is so clinton did it and since us media is controlled by the Jews he had to go to israel to beat the Jews with their espionage and media companies.

Trumpers were crying clinton Saudi and now we see Trump did that

What you actually mean is that you read a bias article about a republican lobbyist and you fell for the bias spin of the article. You have to realize there are thousands of lobbyists in this country. Trump is not directly responsible for every single one.

I did a quick Google Search on The PSY (OP) Group:

Shape reality

That pdf is a great find!

Take your shit some where else. Israel deserves hate right now. They fucked us into having a fucking creamsicle president and destabalizing the middle east whete us soldiers have to go die. Israel is not our friends.