Why we aren’t taught about electromagnetic energy

1  2018-05-23 by chrysanthemum9

If electromagnetic energy is such an important part of how we build and shape reality then why are we taught almost nothing about it? How come when we do hear about it it’s always couched in such New Agey terms? Why are topics such as numerology and astrology which are based on electromagnetic frequency branded as pseudo-science, when it’s obvious the people in power believe in them? Seems to me there’s an effort to prevent people from understanding electromagnetic energy and how to make use of it.


Humans are not thought to have a magnetic sense, but there is a protein (a cryptochrome) in the eye which could serve this function.[2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetoreception

Thank you for the link--it's interesting :-)

There's also current scientific belief that the humans have magnetic navigational ability that's atrophied and the sensory mechanism is located in the nose for it.


Oh I'm sure we do. Mines shit but my best buddy has a constant arial map in his head in most situations.

I have a huge nose and a great sense of direction. /mindblown ;)

I was taught about it in high school

We are given a basic overview, nothing in depth or about its real importance.

That's because you need vector calculus to get a rudimentary understanding. More complete understanding is impossible without additional abstract physics formalisms that aren't taught until (say) junior year in a physics or engineering program.

With that out of the way, I do think that contemporary mainstream Science ignores the ways all living organisms are likely connected magnetically, with each other and with the sun. Given some recent hints that quantum behavior may scale up to macroscopic biological systems, I think there is room for speculation on more "woo-woo" concepts related to EM.

We probably can't get past a rudimentary understanding with our current science.

I learned a lot about the em spectrum in my science classes with absolutely no "new agey" terms

Okay, let's get this out of the way:

Numerology and astrology are pseudo-sciences.

Belief in something does not make it real, no matter many how many people believe something.

Let me introduce you to your new friends, the logical fallacies:


Although, if you just can't pick one link, keep it simple:


As for electromagnetism itself, it's very much a science:-)

It is taught in schools; but unfortunately many schools only teach it as an advanced subject, leaving out many students who could benefit from a scientific introduction into the subject, before the purveyors of pseudoscience is start swinging in and hijacking their Natural Curiosity with misinformation, which is what I believe is happening to you.

They are not pseudo-sciences. Maybe instead of being so sure of yourself, consider for a moment that numbers vibrate at certain electromagnetic frequencies. Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency. All numerology is the study of the attributes of these specific frequencies.

I personally think Astrology is real ...

But it's not verifiable, and, you must admit a lot of it has to do with your own situation/interpretation during the reading, so I have to agree it's a pseudo-science ... Doesn't mean you have to stop believing in it.

There's a book called "Hamlet's Mill" that verifies astrology. Just because most people know little about it doesn't mean it's not valid. This society is completely lost due to a knowledge war being waged on us.

They are not pseudo-sciences.

You're right... they aren't science at all... pseudo or otherwise.

Let me ask you a question... how does a particular arrangement of the stars influence the future of a child? There is literally nothing in "astrology" that comes close to explaining how that bullshit works.

There is plenty of science that explains how they do not work.

So no, they are not "pseudo-science", they are utter bullshit.

Do you deny that the moons gravitational and electromagnetic energy has no impact on Earth? How about the sun? How about the other planets? Other stars? Everything is connected.

Yeah but the the position of the earth when your born doesn’t effect your personality or life circumstances. Astrology is bullshit.

There is bullshit mixed in with everything that should be important. It's what they do best. Just like the multiple rewrites of the bible. The good stuff is still in there, you just have to sift through the garbage they added in to throw you off the scent.

This... Makes no sense. Sorry dude, but you can't just ramble scientific terms at ease without really knowing what they mean. "Numbers" don't vibrate. Numbers are a concept.

Ask an ER doctor or nurse about how busy they get on the full moon.

Can confirm.

What? We've been talking it about since the quark epoch.

There is really no way to say it without sounding insulting, you weren’t taught about it because you never took any college level physics classes! That is one of the primary focuses of the second part of freshman physics in college!

But, many people either don’t go to college or don’t take hard sciences in college, you can get any number of Bachelor of the Arts degrees without ever taking physics. Any Bachelor of Science degree has spent a good deal of time learning about this very thing and the PITA calculations that go with it.

EM fields was a rough class, for certain.

which sums up 99% of this whole sub...


The effects, properties and interactions of electromagnetism are taught but science still has no idea what it is. Like gravity. Can't teach what we don't know. So you'll get the left hand rule and a bunch of other stuff but that's about it.

For the same reason we are not taught about pedophelia, because 5g will be the downfall of humanity.

OP, we're not taught about the *applications" of electromagnetism because it's one of the big secrets that could take down powerful industries and have a liberating effect on humanity. Look at the studies into electromagnetism, for example, which have proven positive. How do you think all those UFO's manage to perform "impossible" stunts and fly at speeds we can't come close to achieving? Yes, there's an effort by intelligence agencies to keep this information away from people, but the internet is slowly opening the door to the big secrets. In my humble opinion the big key is psychedelic drugs. Without psychedelic drugs most people aren't even open to the possibilities that we've been lied to on such a big level.

Yes, this is what I was getting at. As for psychedelics, it depends on which ones and how you use them. Psychs can help you see things in new ways but they don’t do the work for you. I used to do psychs and I still didn’t become awakened until years later. In my opinion, you need to do most of the work yourself and any substances can be used as enhancements. Like you said though, the it’s not so much about electromagnetic energy itself but how we make use of it. It’s really about how we utilize our own agency that matters.

Further you go into physics and electrical engineering classes the more you learn. I'm sure there are master level classes that go into it further if that is your focus.

The problem is you aren't going to get a deep dive in it since the electrical field is so broad. You'd have to major and then focus in it. Most people in this subreddit probably couldn't even do some of the prerequisite math and physics classes.

We are given a basic overview, nothing in depth or about its real importance.