The REAL real conspiracy

1  2018-05-23 by LaMerced

We’re living during the most technologically and socially advanced period of human existence. We have governments governed by the people they intend to serve, and though we have many improvements to make in our societies, more people have more rights right now than ever before. There is no other moment in the history of mankind as prosperous and free as this one.

We have the power, both collectively and as individuals, to foster whatever destiny we want. We’re bound only by our self-imposed limits. And if you think you’re bound by anyone other than yourself to pursue choices in life, then you are deluded. Learned helplessness is a condition developed over time, and though it is inherently pernicious, it is also easily disrupted by those willing to take risks and challenge the world around them.

Believe in yourself, believe in fellow man, and stop this self-created, unintentional conspiracy against ourselves. Take hold of your government. Take hold of your life. Take hold of the entire universe.


and yet we still allow the 1% to steal the fruits of our labor

nobody is willingly allowing it. they're either snatching it from you or reaping the benefit of our collective ignorance.

Exactly, we do let it happen.

Give this speech to a palestinian in apartheid Israel. As long as US soldiers die to promote the zionist’s agenda your words are hollow.

What? What does that have to do with what I said?

I think that Palestinians are so oppressed they cannot do what your speech promotes.

Nothing, he is just another /r/conspiracy complete buffoon who cannot help but bring Israel-Palestine conflict into unrelated threads.

They are saying they want to wipe out jews. Nothing else too it. They conveniently ignore all the other oppression blanketing the entire Earth and focus on their hatred of jews.

"Freedom" is faked. You think people have more freedom today but that's because instead of in your face its being slowly taken away from the shadows.

Those people are experiencing learned helplessness, too. Tell me they’re not. Tell me they have absolutely no ability to affect their own destiny.

They're trying every day to affect their destiny, through nonviolent protests. They get shot by Israeli soldiers like dogs.

You really believe we're being governed by the people? When lobbyists become presidential cabinet members? When 5 people own as much half the world? When laws are enacted that favor corporations over the environment?

Wake up.

Your point is sound, but still, in OP’s defense, these sociopaths wouldn’t be able to rule if their subjects withdrew their consent (and acted upon their withdrawal).

That’s the same as saying that when we become our own (internal) monarchs, all the (external) kings and rulers may disappear. This is akin to a spiritual evolution.

I get your point, but I just dont see that manifesting in external objective reality before the complete collapse of civilization. They have become too powerful.

They have and get shot for it. This is not learned helpnessness but just plain helpnessness. Just because there is something like learned helpnessness doesn't mean there is no not learned helpnessness.

We’re living during the most technologically and socially advanced period of human existence.

Sounds to me, like you should check out /r/AlternativeHistory ;)

We’re living during the most technologically and socially advanced period of human existence.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.



There's theories that over the 4.5 billion years of earth's life, there's been many "iterations" if you will, of man or man's likeness. If you look at time on a grander scale it's not that impossible.

Shit, even just in the last 300,000 years of homo sapiens there's likely been multiple rises and falls of civilization. The current "scientific consensus" is that human civilization only developed ~10,000 years ago (and that's a recent revision of dates), but considering that humanity, and the rest of the world for that matter, were coming out of the arse-end of a global cataclysmic event 10,000 years ago (younger dryas period: 12,800-11,600 years ago) then there's plenty of reason to suggest this isn't the first time, especially considering that for 290,000 years prior humans have had the exact same cognitive capability for intelligence as we do today.
According to the current official consensus, homo sapiens were hunter gatherers for 99.6% of the time we've been here on earth, and then only very recently decided to establish some kind of civilization and advisory advance it in any way. That's a silly assumption in my opinion.

I'm happy to entertain this thought, I find it quite pleasing, but to suggest it's anything but baseless speculation is as silly as the assumption that in the timespan involved there could not have been any advanced societies.

Either way, completely irrelevant to the point OP is making.

Oh yeah, there's a fair bit of speculation, but there is a bit of evidence for ancient civilizations having advanced technical/scientific/spiritual knowledge, both in written literature and in physical architecture/ancient artifacts. For more information look into the work of Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson, and also you can check /r/AlternativeHistory for more.
And yeah, sure it's irrelevant to the point op is making, but I just commented on that because that's an area I'm interested in and it was relevant to the particular comment chain.

Battlestar Galactica, baby! "This has all happened before, and it will all happen again"

Welcome to the big leagues, kiddo.

Thanks, kiddo.

What have you been doing to help tske hold of government?

That's what I was thinking lol.

I vote, contact representatives about issues important to me, openly discuss and debate basically any topic, volunteer to promote youth education/outreach, pay my taxes, and in and on....

I’m guessing you do nothing?

Think about this. More than 30,000 children die everyday. What could you do to change that? Not what you just said other than educating others. There is much evil in this world and I think you have a lot to learn will

So because children die somewhere OP doing what he can is not good enough?

Can't believe you're getting downvoted. You're absolutely right, people can only do so much, one man can't save 50000 starving children let alone the entire planet. If each of us makes a contribution we can pull it off together.

What topics do you talk about to your representatives? Whats going on in your town?

Logistically Speaking, what does "take hold of your government" mean?

Be an educated voter who holds elected and unelected officials to account. Participate in your own communities, both local and more distant. Promote individual/civil liberties above all else.

Define what educated voter, community participation, and promoting individual/civic liberties actually means.

They sound neat, but sounding neat is a fleeting motivator.

Are you, like, serious? Learn as much as you can about the things in life you want or care about, take that information and compare it to whatever your representatives are doing or not doing. Decide if you are happy with their performance. If not happy, vote him out office. If happy, vote him into office. If he is unelected, petition your elected representatives to do something on your behalf. None of this means you’ll get exactly what you want, probably ever. That’s how democracy works.

You know what doesn’t work? A democracy without educated voters. It only breeds bad policy diminishing civil liberties/rights.

Promoting individual freedoms really just means, to me, objecting to unconstitutional government action. For example, most people agree that the Patriot Act is unconstitutional in many of its surveillance provisions. Most people object; however, idly objecting is insufficient to cause the government to comply with its own mandate. You must demand, ardently, for the things you hold most dear.

So when you elected officials fail to be accountable, do you water the tree of liberty?

How can we be in the most advanced age while over 6,000 inventions are suppressed by the 1951 inventions secrets act?

Damn, it's a real thing.


"A secrecy order bars the award of a patent, orders that the invention be kept secret, restricts the filing of foreign patents, and specifies procedures to prevent disclosure of ideas contained in the application. The only way an inventor can avoid the risk of such imposed secrecy is to forgo patent protection."

In our best interest, of course. /s

Thanks for link

People should know by now, that if they have life-altering designs for things that could change the world. Fuck a patent and just open source so that humanity can thrive

I will be adding this to my toolbox, thank you.

That's the stupidest thing I've read all week.

Absolutely great post

So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, And we never even know we have the key.

That sounds like a victory song ;)

It is a line from an Eagles song. I've always loved that line because it is true.

It’s definitely true.

Yes, it is! 🙂🙂🙂

Ok so while you're all jerking each other off without any justification to your position, why not enlighten us to how exactly the impoverished hold the key to prosperity? How exactly the hungry have a key to a bakery? The war torn a key to safety? How small of a bubble do you exist in that you think everyone with a significant hurdle in their existence can just lift up their bootstraps and overcome it? Do you have any idea how many people die in needless ways while billions of dollars are squandered creating more strife?

What "technology" do you speak of anyways? What is in existence now that has altered your life in any significant way in the last ten years that wasn't around in the last 20 or even 30? Are you amazed by a fast pressure cooker? Whooaa! A coffee maker that spews waste? Holy shit! It's largely consumer driven bullshit you think is amazing but is really a piece of under performing, ultimately frivolous piece of crap. So you have a cellphone with instant access to the internet, what are you doing with it? You have a fast computer? What's it doing all day?

I just have to reply to you, even though I couldn’t get back here any sooner.

My point is not that the impoverished hold the key to prosperity, whatever that means. My point is that all people are more similar than they are different, and the more each person advocates for himself, the more effective democracy becomes.

Lots of people in this thread point to the really oppressed and subjugated people of the world as evidence that humanity isn’t as advanced as I claim. Well, we’re not perfect. We’ve got work to do, and the only way it can happen is through democratic processes. Through what other vehicle do you envision a more advanced society?

I’m not sure I understand your premise about instant telephone internet access. You do not believe that it is one the most important communication innovations in the history of mankind? Would poor people be better off without internet access?

Duh! I'm so slow! I just "got" your reply/comment!

That's it, exactly. The real conspiracy is that nobody is in charge except ourselves. And that might be a terrifying thought.

Not so terrifying to me. I experience lots of emotions when I think about it, but none that are scary.

Here is an exercise for you:
Envision a utopian Earth with 8 billion people. How far are we from that? What are the biggest gaps from today? What is life like for the bottom 2 billion vs. The top 2 billion?

Then ask yourself why nobody in politics really addresses the gaps you found? Why are we so far away?


The naïveté is palpable.

Maybe they're just trolling? Their post practically says "there's no conspiracy worth worrying about, you're good, you just have to try harder!"

Yes, clearly they're just trolling, because everyone knows everything is a conspiracy, everyone's evil, and nothing you try matters.

That's a healthy attitude which is sure to win you many friends

I agree with you that we need to tap into our human potential! On the other hand.. you need to look into the history we are not told that’s the real conspiracy. We arnt even close to the achievements of our past.

Take hold of your government.

It can be done, but we'll need your help /r/ConspiracyActivism

people have more rights than they ever have before

You are dreadfully wrong.

He should have said in the past 20 years, people have had more rights taken away than ever before. lol

Freedom of contract would be nice.

Wondeful post man, I agree. Many conspiracies exist, but they should not make us feel helpless. We still have massive control over our lives and destiny. Even on things we don't, lamenting about it won't help. Do your best and rise up, embrace life, then change what you can and allow the rest to be. If you wish to change the world, start with yourself, primarily your inner state, then expand outwards gradually, slowly, as best you can. Every little action, every smile, hug, shared message of awareness on an important issue, a message of inspiration, or any action you sincerely, fron your heart and intuition, deem would make the world that little bit better, is a good step forward.

This sub can be very awake on various external issues happening in our society, but that brings with it the idea and poison of helplessness. If we swallow that poison we are trapped, but if we drop it, we are free.

Thanks, and I agree with you here too.

Every step forward is a step forward. Pretty simple stuff. I’m not sure why you’re downvotes. I think some people are scared to think about having so much power over themselves when their whole life has been limited by rules and boundaries. Kinda like caged animals being released into the wild after being taken care of by someone else. Even if that care was somewhat negligent, the animal would probably prefer the familiarity of the cage to the uncertainty of freedom.

''We’re living during the most technologically and socially advanced period of human existence.''

And you know this how? Who's to say civilizations from thousand years ago weren't more technologically advanced than us? How did Mayans and Sumerians know so much about astrology, the universe, planets e.t.c?

They were also wrong about most of it, so what's your point?

In what ways?

Virtually everything ancient civilizations believed about our planet, solar system, universe, etc. has been wrong. Astrology has almost no basis in reality whatsoever. Now, they did make some important discoveries of course, but to say they "knew so much" compared to us is not accurate.

How sure are we that modern astrology is as depicted?

Modern astrology is a joke as well. Astronomy is the accurate term.

Do you believe in the Big Bang?

The Big Bang theory is separate from creationism. I don't "believe"in either; however the BB is our most accurate model to date. Plasma cosmology fails to account for several things, most notably CMB.

And you're an idiot.

Democracy is an illusion. We ain't shit. Just because you typed this from an iPhone doesn't mean you're not a slave.

What is this post? I'd be glad if live was as easy as you suggest. Do we live in different realities?

We have governments governed by the people they intend to serve, and though we have many improvements to make in our societies, more people have more rights right now than ever before.

That's cute.


There's theories that over the 4.5 billion years of earth's life, there's been many "iterations" if you will, of man or man's likeness. If you look at time on a grander scale it's not that impossible.

Welcome to the big leagues, kiddo.

So because children die somewhere OP doing what he can is not good enough?