Aliens are making contact anonymously--via Internet

1  2018-05-23 by Captainmanic

Is it possible for ET to make contact with us humans through the wireless internet?

I think ET already has...


What makes you think this?

Yes please elaborate more!

I'm a huge ufo fan...I want to know.

what makes you not think it?

Nothing. But I want to know why this guy is convinced.

Just a thought experiment.

That is how we learn, brother.

4chan mostly

I would say 100% possible but has it happened is another question.

Too easy, they prefer spoopy lights and UFO’s and government collaborations on mechanical buggering!

It's possible!

and will they contact us or the A.I. that has been lurking

How would you prove such a thing?

Of course. Various ET species have done it directly and indirectly to many people throughout the ages, so I imagine the internet isn't off limits either - although I imagine it's quite a bit more difficult to establish veracity in that manner.

These are not the aliens you are looking for...

The God in the Old Testament is an extraterrestrial.

Jesus in the New Testament too.

Jesus is Lucifer.

Huh. Interesting. Care to expand?

If yall have links with more information on these statements, that would be dope

My original statement was from the movie Prometheus. In it they imply that Jesus was one of the blue advanced "humans" and we killed him. Which is why they try to destroy earth at the end of the movie.

Interesting thought experiment.

Another interesting rabbit hole is the idea that the Ark of the Covenant was some sort of advanced technology. Fascinating shit.

God is high tech. That’s what all the UFO’s are. God even made Trump president because Hillary was going to disclosure the existence of aliens. And yes the God of Israel is an extraterrestrial. He came down to speak to Moses in a spaceship.

I'd love to know either where you're getting your information, or where you get your drugs from lol

But seriously, where can I learn more about the theories you just shared? Because it sounds very interesting.

It’s by bloodline. The Torah is only for Hebrews. Even if i make a powerpoint concise presentation your spirit will not receive it. Sorry.

Ahh, yea I'm not chosen.

Where in the movie Prometheus did they imply that Jesus was one of the blue advanced humans? I don't even remember the movie addressing "blue advanced humans."

It’s actually in the full script. They chopped the shit out of it due to time constraints. In the movie, they reference that the last time they visited Earth was “roughly 2000 years ago” (first clue).

They also test the DNA of the dead alien they find, which has a perfect match in terms of human DNA.

And finally, it explains why the second they wake up the last alien from stasis, he immediately tries to kill everyone and take off with the ship filled with weaponized black goo to earth.

Google like “deeper meaning of Prometheus” and you can find some pretty good articles.

cool thanks!

or Julius Caesar.

If they have it’s probably sitting in some randoms “unapproved messages” inbox on their Facebook which they don’t even know exists.

Did you see the 4chan thread with pics of the earth. Anons would leave coordinates and a pic would get posted.


Just a thought experiment.