As more time passes, more evidence should emerge in the wake of real mass shootings. Last time I made a thread asking for evidence of the Santa Fe shooting, I got NONE. So I'm asking again. How do we know a real shooting took place?

1  2018-05-23 by joe_jaywalker

Not only is the top comment in the above thread one which contains no evidence, the entire thread itself is devoid of evidence.

As conspiracy theorists, we presumably question the claims of mainstream media outlets, right?

So do you think I could go to r/baking and ask for a scone recipe and the top comment wouldn't be a recipe?

Why don't people just post evidence of a shooting? Post it here now. Compile it all so that it soundly refutes the idea of a fake shooting by its vividness and overwhelming quantity.


Posted one minute ago and already being downvoted.

Why so scared of posting evidence guys? Personally I don't assert or believe anything I can't even halfway-demonstrate to be true.

And before anyone asks me to prove a shooting was fake, that's not how the burden of proof works, nor have I claimed this.

I downvoted it because it was a dumb post. Don't know about the others.

What's dumb about asking for extraordinary evidence to accompany extraordinary claims?

If I didn't know better I would say you're scared or unable to demonstrate that Santa Fe was a real school shooting.

I think u/Chainsawjack covered it nicely.

Your being downvoted because the proper response to 'my child was just murdered' is never, "Prove it.

So the proper resp

Did you head to Texas? If no what you mean is you like to cast doubt. Looking for evidence is active not passive.

So how is casting doubt wrong? If anything you get more of a chance to prove how right you are and how dumb this argument is. If you have proof that is

When you claim to be doing one thing (seeking evidence) but are actually only casting your own doubts on the backs of grieving communities and parents you are not actually doing anything.

The reporters have presented significant amounts of evidence, a picture of the shooter and victims narratives about a common event and motive. If you want more evidence go and seek it don't just thumb your nose at the people who probably aren't the least concerned about whether it not you believe them. They are most likely the only ones who could provide the evidence you would deem sufficient. And you asking them doesn't make you a savvy skeptic it makes you insensitive at best.

This is a conspiracy subreddit right? Not a let's see who gets hurt if we talk about this or that topic, the fact that there could be families who lost people is obviously sad even for those who question the narrative, but it is our job to question it no matter what panties bunch up, obviously have tact. Most people here don't give a fuck about peoples sensitivity and they shouldn't asking questions shouldn't be a crime, being afraid of answers and people looking for truth is more of an issue for me.

It's not a crime to ask questions and if it were you would be in jail. At the same time people can and will react to you with down votes when they think that your questions are ill timed lacking tact or sensitivity. If you think being A skeptic means only questioning the official narrative then you need to review skepticism and standards of evidence and be realistic about the difference between looking for actual conspiracies and looking to believe what you want to believe. If you first reaction to need of a shooting is to call bs then I don't think you are applying skepticism correctly in a country with more guns And gun violence than any other in the first world.

Well proof SHOULD be easily acquired, america also has cameras everywhere, but somehow concrete proof that can shut theorists up barely ever comes out. I understand your sentiment. A skeptic is just someone who is harder to convince, life is a gray area there is no correct or incorrect in how you look at questioning things. Everybody will look at it different ways, it's about us making sure we get to the truth, whatever it takes.

I think the last sentence is the main factor, "if you have proof".

OP has the burden of proof making claims the shooting was false. If they have proof they think it was false, they should post it.

But you know, since you're sure it's true then you could help him out. Look I get your point that he should be the one looking for proof but he has a point, you see arguments but no proof. ( I've barely looked into this so I don't care whether it's true or not)

im not the one on here making multiple posts and slightly wild claims.

Well look at the world, had someone been paying attention to those wild statements, we wouldn't be dealing with so much world wide corruption. We need critical thinking, not emotional reactions.

honestly not sure what youre trying to say with this, of course we need critical thinking, isnt that what half the point of this sub is?

Ok, which evidence have you actively discovered? Post it below:

I am not making a claim mate. I am accepting the claim of others who have provided evidence. Nice try though

What evidence has been provided? You can’t post it in this thread, which is specifically dedicated to compiling evidence? now you give me something at least as detailed that is evidence that there wasn't a shooting

Ok, again, merely a list of victims. That really proves anyone got shot to you? Because you know if there were going to be a fake shooting you would probably still need to have a list of victims don’t you think?

I just don’t see how that proves that a bullet hit anything or anyone. Maybe you can explicitly demonstrate how it is conclusive evidence of a shooting. Or try again with more proof, since there should be a growing pile by now — if the shooting were real.

It's a mountain of evidence compared to the evidence that its a false flag conspiracy

Just to be clear, for the record, a list of names is the best evidence you seem capable of offering to substantiate the idea of a real mass shooting.

No to be very clear I just illustrated how little evidence you have by showing that I can produce a single scrap. You however cannot produce a similar amount of evidence to indicate that a massive conspiracy has taken place.

That’s not what I’m claiming or what the point of this thread is. The point of the thread is to prove that a REAL shooting happened. Has that been proven? Because so far all I see is a list of names which has been available since day 1.

So far off the only evidence presented supports a shooting having taken place and no evidence supports the claim that this did not happen. The epistavist apportions belief to the evidence so currently the default is to believe the position supported by presented evidence. Present actual evidence for another position or accept the existing evidence.

Can you prove any of those victims are real? Or is that step taken for granted?

Dude from a standpoint we can't prove that anything is real, for that matter how would I go about even proving that I am real to you? But again we know that people seem to exist as do guns and where they intersect people often die.

You draw a weird line ethically between a group ostensibly willing to fake a bunch of child murders so that they could take away you guns to control and enslave the populace but willing to risk faking it with all the million ways such a plot could be found out. I submit to you that Governments kill people all the time without batting an eye.

Project Northwoods was a plan to do just that kill American citizens to push public opinion towards willingness to accept c am unpopular policy goal. Knowing this I would say that the idea of crisis actors and fake shootings just pushes well past the wall of an extraordinary claim,

Therefore my Initial reaction when seeing photos of grieving parents and shattered lives is sympathy. Is it more likely that hundreds of people can keep a mammoth secret including entire towns, or more likely that someone would really kill little Kids to get what they want? They would take the risk of faking it all to save a few lives? what evil plan could they have that requires disarming us that doesn't involve the likelihood of killing some of us who resist?

I don't need concrete proof of anything to apply occham's razor to this and use logic to determine the most likely narrative here.

so that they could take away you guns to control and enslave the populace

Where did I state that?

I submit to you that Governments kill people all the time without batting an eye.

I submit to you that you can’t prove that statement without resorting to an appeal to authority, to emotion, or similar fallacy.

Do you believe some news stories but not others? Why do you believe any of them? Have you ever considered what news is really for, or what effects it actually produces?

Project Northwoods was

... a document provided by an untrustworthy source, the government. What makes you think it’s real either?

my Initial reaction

Your programmed response?

Mine too, by the way. I just reserve it for actual grieving parents and not conceptual ones, especially not the kind who grandstand within days (or hours!) of a “tragedy” instead of mourning privately, all while being unable to shed a real tear on camera.

Is it more likely that hundreds of people can keep a mammoth secret

Yes. Do you know all the trade secrets of your favourite tech company? What about the family spaghetti sauce recipe? Keeping secrets isn’t hard. Especially not when NDAs, financial incentives and possibly threats/blackmail/coercion are involved too.

I don't need concrete proof of anything to apply occham's razor to this and use logic to determine the most likely narrative here.

I agree wholeheartedly!

So you argue seriously that governments do not kill people. In Texan bro we execute prisoners all the time. We are at war and our soldiers kill people virtually every day. You are basically arguing yourself into a position where nothing can be proved and while hard solipsism is a way to look at the world of its useless.

You dismiss any evidence that doesn't support your suppositions but haven't even provided as much evidence as I have with a single list of names. Frankly you are arguing from a position of silliness.

Good luck out there.

Are you equivocating due process executions (and their many layers and years of appeals) with “shootings”?

Is voluntarily signing up for “war” even remotely similar to a government spontaneously gunning down its own citizens?

Do you honestly believe either of these examples even tangentially supports your position?

Good luck to you too... you’ll need it more than I will :)

You said I couldn't prove governments kill without appealing to fallacies I shot down that argument in flames mate. We have videos of police gunning down unarmed citizens are they not agents of the Government?

Is this in addition to the other threads you’ve created on this exact topic but decided to abandon because you didn’t like the answers in them? Seems you’re repeating this exact topic until you find the answer you want.....I’ve already posted in the thread YOU CREATED earlier with my evidence

Joe, I hope your dinner is tasty tonight , I’ve cooked up a steak and taters stew in the crockpot all day. By the way I’m not sure if you’ve heard but:

I’ve already posted in the thread YOU CREATED earlier with my evidence


Crisis actors, and terror drills.

In the spirit of r/conspiracy when it was dominated by critical thinking v. shills/trolls; no one shot up a school, and no one died. My proof-us government lies about EVERYTHING. Good post op.

It is when people lie constantly. Have you ever seen someone who just lost a loved one? The crisis actors haven’t.

Personally I don't assert or believe anything I can't even halfway-demonstrate to be true.

And yet in another thread, exactly the same as this one, you spoke with me about how you are a believer in God. When I questioned how this can be from someone that needs unassailable proof while discounting any and all witness statements you deleted the comment and a few hours later a new thread appeared with you asking the question.

So you don’t have any evidence of a shooting to share?

Hey joe. You’re still at this and I’ve already told you I’ll keep this up as long as you don’t respond to the evidence I posted in your first thread sooooo:

I’ve already posted in the thread YOU CREATED earlier with my evidence

Your being downvoted because the proper response to 'my child was just murdered' is never, "Prove it. " you are ostensibly making the positive claim that the shootings are fake. You have the burden of proof here mate. We know that there are tons of guns we know that there are school shootings we know that they seem to be increasing in frequency the idea that one happened in my home state is unfortunately not an extraordinary claim.

Indeed. I asked him the same thing on the other post - do you have any evidence that it wasn't a real shooting? The other post was made almost immediately after the shooting, where it wasn't really possible to confirm or deny anything as almost nothing was even known at the time, yet the post was worded as if OP didn't even consider it being a real shooting at all.

I also asked him what proof would he like, that we could have reasonable access to (no one is going to post photos of dead children online...). Also don't think I got an answer to that one.

Believing your personal narrative goes both ways, imo.

He's not asking the parents for evidence though, although they are probably welcome to provide it. He's asking literally anybody else. Nobody should have a problem with him merely asking.

I don't personally believe these were hoaxed, but it's a valid point in a conspiracy related forum, and on top of that, if people responded with even minuscule pieces of evidence, it would make a handy one-stop reference point for future false flag claims. But people don't respond with evidence, they respond with "UR teh wrong I'm so teh offendad that you would even ask for evidence in a conspiracy related forum of all places think of the parents! think of the children!".

Who else could provide such evidence apart from the parents and classmates. The police will not release evidence on an active investigation and the media has released all that they can within the bounds of good taste and broadcast standards. The parents are the only ones who would be able to show irrefutable proof that their children were killed.

I don't know about this specific shooting, because I don't know the details of how it went down, but in other shootings, like Las Vegas for example, people in Las Vegas actually physically went to the MB hotel and took video walking around there. But even in Vegas, nobody to my knowledge ever posted footage of bullet holes in anything apart from the few pics of the room door. Somebody could easily have taken a pic of bullet marks on the blacktop or something.

Now whether or not OP would count that as evidence I can't say.

Of course I would. Does it confirm that 50 people got shot by high powered rifles from a 32 story window? Now that’s another question.

This was the first one done in a while not using a AR15

I won’t downvote you even though, yeah, if you want to explore an issue like the mass murder of children you might think about tact

The thing I don’t get: if these school shootings are false flags by libtards to take away your gun rights...

...and they lead to exactly zero changes in gun policy...

Then wouldn’t Hilary and George soros eventually consider a different strategy?

They DO lead to changes is policy, like in Connecticut after Sandy Hook. Do some actual research.

I wouldn’t say being aware of some small changes on the local level is research

I think the spirit of my point holds up, i think a new, more plausible, conspiracy theory is needed if you want to keep disrespected dead kids

So you admit that your statement is incorrect, yet you still defend it. Interesting logic.

No, I’m saying the regional changes in law are basically negligible. If the evil powers that be really wanted to take away your guns, they are not being effective.

And they’re using the same false flag school shootings over and over again despite no impact federally

I think you can understand me, you are a very open minded free thinker

Politicians at the federal level repeatedly use these events as talking points, so their intention is to use them to change people's right to defend themselves. If they had their way they would have Americans "turn them all in" as senator Feinstein stated on camera. The only thing stopping them is the people themselves. Make no mistake: the criminals that run the US government do not want an armed populace and it has nothing to do with protecting the children. They want a vulnerable populace.

If that were true, the criminals who run the US government should consider a new strategy

That’s a fair point right?

The only way they could ever be successful in disarming American citizens is a long term social engineering campaign.

Ok! So they could stop murdering children!!!

No...once they disarm Americans, they will do what criminals do: rob you, then probably kill you for fun.

Dude youre fucking nuts

Say some more crazy shit please! Stuck at work for another 45

Ask your pimp if you can leave early

Haha nice one

When the Illuminati kills all of us for fun, I hope they use you to repopulate the earth! What a hilariously fun and not at all paranoid society we could have!

Ew. I am really despondent that people make comments about puppets in power and pretend they are legit. R.i.p. conspiracy, critical thinking.

Hey cheer up! I don’t think anyone is legit

I’m just saying the false flag school shooting thing is wearing thin

Right, I just meant the obvious trolls that contribute.

What evidence do you have that it's fake? Photos of the kids still alive after the shooting? Shell casings of blanks? A collaborator on record exposing the hoax?

Anyone can make outlandish claims if they ignore the burden of proof. Here's one: OP uses a pseudonym to write erotic fanfiction about the cast of Golden Girls. Prove me wrong.

Burden of proof you say? You mean like how when someone claims something they have to substantiate the claim?

A shooting has been claimed to have taken place. The burden of proof lies on this claim. Where is the proof for this claim?

JJ Watt of the Houston Texans said he would pay for the funerals of all kids killed in the "shooting"...He would be a good connection to that particular side of it.

The post has been downvoted to hell...a good indication that you struck close to home or the it's the result of the weak mindset of those who couldn't deal with this possible reality.

Why should anyone care what your believe or don't believe.

Pakistan and the US are not the best of friends right now. The Pakistani government would not agree to take part in this and pretend that one of their exchange students was killed.

Hey joe, this is the 3rd thread you’ve created about this on conspiracy sub

I’ve been following you around asking you to respond to the evidence I posted in your ORIGINAL thread but for some reason you won’t respond to it. Care to explain why? Why have you ignored what was posted there? Is it too much evidence for you or is it that you didn’t like the evidence offered or what? You never responded to my posted evidence so I’m not sure of your reasoning. Perhaps you would care to venture back to your 1st of 3 threads on the exact same topic for the exact same thing? It seems at this point you abandon any thread you create when you don’t like the evidence that YOU request?

In the mean time:

I’ve already posted in the thread YOU CREATED earlier with my evidence

I don't know about this specific shooting, because I don't know the details of how it went down, but in other shootings, like Las Vegas for example, people in Las Vegas actually physically went to the MB hotel and took video walking around there. But even in Vegas, nobody to my knowledge ever posted footage of bullet holes in anything apart from the few pics of the room door. Somebody could easily have taken a pic of bullet marks on the blacktop or something.

Now whether or not OP would count that as evidence I can't say.

Right, I just meant the obvious trolls that contribute.

So you believe it without confirmation or even substantiation?

Just to be clear, for the record, a list of names is the best evidence you seem capable of offering to substantiate the idea of a real mass shooting.