Kendrick Lamar Flash Poll

1  2018-05-23 by SoTxJoe

  1. Was it racist for Kendrick Lamar to kick the white girl off the stage for accurately singing his song along with him as she was invited to?

  2. Is the word "n***er" that Kendrick Lamar constantly repeats even racist?

  3. If the word is banned for one group to say, shouldn't it be banned for everybody?

  4. If Kendrick Lamar ever asks for "crackers" at a salad bar, should he be kicked out of the restaurant?



Depends on context


No, and now your bias is revealed so your “poll” isn’t really that

How can you justify 1 and 3, and how was the white girl's context different than Kendrick's?

Haha you said flash poll

I’m not gonna get into a whole thing with you

Exactly, because there is no legitimate response. Sorry, the race card is not accepted here.

You got me good you post deleting pussy!!!

Haven't deleted anything, you name-caller.

Oh you were silenced by the liberal media

My fault, I retract the name I called you!

Better luck start racial arguments on the internet in the future! Go longhorns!

Trying to have illegitimate discussion on race relations is not the same as intentionally race-baiting like Lamar did. Of couese as far as your witty rejoinders, when there is no intellectual substance, name-calling is all you have left

You know what you are right and you have the moral high ground so let’s talk

On a linguistic level, the N word is a very unique phenomenon. Because of its association with a very dark chapter in history, some white folks condemn it. However through a fascinating phenomenon of community resilience, cultural appropriation, and, yes, internalization, it has been redefined by the black community in a way that signifies a hard boundary against infiltrators.

There is no historical equivalent that I know of. Cracker is far from equivalent, especially because the word cracker exists in multiple places in our lexicon. The F word for gays is pretty close.

Here is the history of the slur use of "cracker". Is it not fascinating how it aligns, time-wise, with the use of "n*gger"??

It is very interesting

Speak on that

I'm not the OP. I'm the mod that gets pinged when y'all use slurs in your comments. I just thought I would help set you straight. "Cracker" is a slur. There is etymological history to back it up.

Oh I see. Sorry we are discussing slurs, do we need to stop?

No, not at all! I think it is a fascinating discussion and you both seem to be respectful and thoughtful.

I just wanted you to see that there is backup for the usage of "cracker" as a slur.

I’m super curious, do you have a list of words that get you pinged?

I’d be really interested in seeing it

I've never seen the official list, but "cracker" comes up daily and it never fails to make me giggle- 99% of the time, it is folks fighting about gmo, paleo or keto and they all despise crackers.

Haha and the simpsons! Milhouses dad was a superstar down at the cracker factory

Yeah, it has been an oft used "slur" for a long time.

To be fair, you could invent a new word to delegate a faction of society in a derogatory way and it would be a slur.

That is very interesting. It makes me wonder why typical black people insist on holding on to both terms while typical non blacks don't even bother with either. Use of the words by anybody is hateful, boorish and shallow, and pretending it's okay for some to use the words but not others is asinine, disingenuous, and stupid.

“Typical black people”

I don’t hear the N word a lot from the black people I know. Maybe about as often as you will hear Motherfucker or Pussy or Dickhead from me, and in the same contexts.

It’s in art a lot, obviously because it such a powerful and loaded term. And white folks have used it in some artistic examples, with out backlash, Elvis Costello comes to mind.

Do you wish that Kendrick didn’t put the word in his lyrics? He’s a brilliant writer, I am greatful for his work

I hear it regularly in department stores and such. Not even surprised by anymore

Oh I see you feel bad for the girl

Well if that’s the worst thing that happens to her, I think she’ll turn out OK

Violence is a weird thing to invoke, so now Im uncomfortable continuing this convo

Standing up for someone's honor is a little different than gang banging or playing The Knockout game.

Ok just try not to hurt anyone out there

It's a deal. And I do think we had some constructive conversation during this string

I'm having trouble with what you mean by "typical black people". What even is that?

For what it's worth, it's the same adjective I used to describe non-blacks also. From, "of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen".

  1. Is it that hard for y’all to not say the N words. There’s more than 35000 in a dictionary, I’m sure you’ll fine another one that’s not pejorative to any ethnic group.

  2. I personally think nobody should say the N word, but I’m not Black. So who am I to tell them to not use a word that our ancestors used against them in such cruel ways.

  3. Is cracker even an insult? I mean it’s not an insult for White people by Black people. Cracker was used back then to describe a poor white man.

If the rules are fair, you've got to BE a cracker before you can SAY "cracker" in any context.

okay yeah you’re right. but has anybody ever been called a cracker?

Kendrick probably came into the game trying to be non racial and elevated above the rhetoric. aka "Fuck your ethnicity"

Now he is just another corporate shill. I'm sure somewhere there are pics of him with a 10yo boy or he is majorly compromised some how. Sooner or later they get them all, powerful sick people control these entertainers like puppets.

Removed. Rule 12.

Since my post contained content and context, no profanity, and was obviously anti-racist, why should it be removed?

Self posts that lack context or content may be removed.

Because this is a conspiracy subreddit. Try /r/askreddit or something.

The hijacking of popular culture by the Institutional racism by minorities is not a conspiracy?

Go be angry at black people somewhere else.

Not angry at black people at all. Angry at disingenuous jerks like those who trick innocent people into thinking innocent actions are bad, or those who remove posts based on politically correct personal preference instead of content.

Not angry at black people at all. Angry at disingenuous jerks like those who trick innocent people into thinking innocent actions are bad, or those who remove posts based on politically correct personal preference instead of content.

Oh I see you feel bad for the girl

Well if that’s the worst thing that happens to her, I think she’ll turn out OK

Violence is a weird thing to invoke, so now Im uncomfortable continuing this convo