The US. economy has already collapsed (for the people)

1  2018-05-23 by Swiss_Pharaoh

Try to get a decent paying job right out of high-school, just fucking try.

Walk up to the nearest slave-driver corporation (e.g. Amazon) and say: "Dear Mr/Mrs. Corporate Shark, i would like to have a job like you gave the boomers 50 years ago, where you earn a living wage of 3000 $ a month, just so i can pay off the rent-lord who charges me 1000$ for my 3 square feet NYC hole in the Bronx and then gladly pay my 40+ % taxes (theft) which Uncle Sam invests right away not into welfare programs or my retirement, but into giving Israel guns so they can genocide those pesky freedomium-hating Palestinkian children.

While i got A+ in math and English, my practical qualification includes nothing, because the schools system in this shithole country is a total failure, but i have a drivers license and practical self-taught skills in handling computers.

I don't really wanna go to college because i don't wanna end up 300+ grand down the hole due to rip-off for-profit universities."

Mr./Mrs. Corporate Shark: I'm sorry, unless you are god himself, i can only offering you this 7.50$/h slave job and a free dumpster to sleep in...oh wait...we just gave this job to a illegal alien who only asked for 4.30$/h because they are getting subsidized by the welfare that was just cut from your parents. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

*door hits you

You: "AAAAH !"

SS: What the fuck does "full employment" even mean when the politicians say it ? That all jobs-slots are taken and you won't get one. When the economy fails to provide people with decent jobs that get you through life debt-free, it has essentially collapsed into slavery.


I don't really wanna go to college because i don't wanna end up 300+ grand down the hole due to rip-off for-profit universities."

That's such a gross hyperbolic statement of the average college debt experience

Right?? I get 30k - 50k but 300k???? Who are you Van Wilder??

/u/BlackhawkBolly /u/sea011235

Medical universities charge this much for example. Of course if you just want a degree in advanced tree climbing that is going to cost less.

Yes, that's still not the average debt experience though. Itry like 270k less for the average student debt, or around there

If you go to a medical university, you should end up as a doctor with a salary that can eventually pay that off in a somewhat reasonable time. Try not to be so hyperbolic next time.

Uh... $3000 a month in 1967 was the equivalent of like $22,000 in today's dollars. I'm pretty sure normal people weren't making $22K per month working in retail in 1967.

The 3k $/mo in this example are today.

Ah OK, got it now. I think the thing you may be overlooking is that women mostly didn't work 50 years ago, so it's even worse than you suggest. Basically, people have to work twice as hard now (2 salaries) to get close to the same standards.

overlooking is that women mostly didn't work 50 years ago,

Neither did about 30plus million illegal Mexicans did have to work on the US. black market / shadow economy, until US. corporations put them out of business by exporting cheaper than the Mexicans 20 years ago, because US. corps. got federal subsidies.

But this is of course another complex story adding to the big picture which leads me to...

overlooking is that women mostly didn't work 50 years ago,

...thanks, EVEN WORSE, this sure sets a positive outlook of the future. :D /s

(The US. has degraded to central African standards.)

Yeah, sorry, didn't mean to depress you. It is interesting to me though how the dual salary today vs. single salary 50 years ago thing kind of obscures the true extent of the economic repression going on right now though...

Yeah, sorry, didn't mean to depress you.

Don't worry, nothing can shock me, i expect things to get worse anyway.

dual salary today vs. single salary 50 years ago thing kind of obscures the true extent of the economic repression going on right now though...

Two people working at half the salary would equal to working four-times as hard in some way...and this is still considered "middle-class"...

$3000 barely covers my rent, food, gas, car payment, insurance. That's with being conservative and carefully budgeting.

OP said he's in NYC, which has prices comparable to San Francisco. In SF, low income is $105,500 for a family of 4. Renting a room in someone's house runs $1500/mo.

OP said he's in NYC

No, this is an abstract example. I am well aware of the different pricing of major cities tho. You are dead on with SF being at 1500$/mo, it's just insane.

typical redirect post. Out of that masterfully crafted post, the only thing this agent of ?? thinks to say is to bring up inflation rates (which are a conspiracy of their own)

Im lucky to make 1000 a month...

Have you tried mechanical Turk? In the past I’ve found it a reliable way to pick up $50-$100 a month with minimal effort (I.e. you can do it on your phone whilst pooping). That would be a 5-10% boost for you. No idea if that is still the case.

Honestly, its mostly people's own fault. The system is definitley rigged to fuck you, no doubt, but there are ways out.

If you learn a trade, or even a basic tech/IT cert, dont get 100k+ in college debt, don't buy or lease brand new vehicles, buy a reasonably priced home (less than what your approved for), burn all but one low-limit emergency credit card, you'll do fine.

Sadly the consumer society is the "norm" and people are brainwashed into believing holding massive debt is a mainstream thing to do.

Honestly, its mostly people's own fault

Who educated them to act this faulty ? That's right, the same overlords that put them in the slave jobs.

The system is definitley rigged to fuck you, no doubt, but there are ways out.

Yes, the people were set up, but the only way out would be to move, which is exactly what the millions of migrants are hoping for too.

I was educated that way, did the stupid shit, got in debt.

Luckily the internet exists, and with an open mind, the path out is pretty obvious and we still have enough freedom to pursue it.

burn all but one low-limit emergency credit card

Why? I have different ones for different uses (either car rental perks, higher percentages of cash back for different places, or extended warranty perks) and I've never paid a penny of interest, and have actually paid less than I have spent. I do spend probably 10minutes/month making sure they're all legit and paid, though. They're tools and just as I wouldn't destroy all my tools and just keep a hammer, I wouldn't destroy all cards.

Look into manufacturing. It is booming and the pay is good. The good paying jobs are also in areas with lower costs of living.

The jobs are very in demand because of the mantra taught to kids that not going to college makes them a failure.

You must be referring to life in China, because while these jobs exist in the US., this isn't an option for the majority anymore since they are very limited/regional e.g. Detroit car manufacturers.

That isn't true at all. Manufacturing is still a huge sector of the economy. Drive down any industrial parkway in any major city and you will see hiring signs in front of many shops. It's growing very rapidly in the south and sunbelt and it's still vital to many economies in the Midwest. You are not looking hard enough.

Go join a trade buddy. I’m making big bucks in commercial plumbing out in Seattle.

interesting comment but what is even more interesting to me is the obvious voting manipulation. I use it to gauge shills (establishment) view on not so obvious conspiracies. This tells me that turning the economy into a slave economy is an intention, not an indirect result of capitalism. Or else why would the shills downvote this thread?

It only gets worse from here, as more countries stop giving a fuck about America’s fear mongergering , such as Iran, after they withdrew the Petrodollar they get attacked , greed is a evil thing . US will suffer a collapse worse than the Great Depression , whether in 10 years or 50, it will come .

US will suffer a collapse worse than the Great Depression , whether in 10 years or 50, it will come .

We are already in it, the first sign of that was the 2008 mortgage apocalypse. It's very silently happening and the media is just propagating the same message "everything is fine, everything is fine" infinitely to distort the reality in peoples minds.

This thing could go on for another 100 years, it doesn't really matter how much time is left, because there is none. All it would need is to expose the fraudulent zombie corpse of a former industrial nation as what it is : Dead.

Stock bubble, housing bubble, zero interest loans etc. etc. are all just band-aid fixes for a gunshot to the head.

Dumping the petrodollar is just one additional bullet in the magazine that's going to be unloaded on the American public and Europe will be looking like a shell crater too if that happens.

A war with Iran seems more possible by the minute.

Correct. If the dollar ever stops being the world's reserve currency, think Weimar Republic.

It's only going to get worse until a final crisis sinks the ship due to the decline of the rate of profit.

The its time for dicatorship of the proletariate.

The its time for dicatorship of the proletariate.

The problem with that is that it already happened in world history both with communism and national socialism, but every single time the leadership of these movements was infiltrated and the movements ultimately turned against the people.

It's only going to get worse until a final crisis sinks the ship due to the decline of the rate of profit.

No matter how many new scams are invented to increase profit, you are correct, on day it will reach it's mathematically unavoidable growth cap and then what ? Collapse.

National socialism is more about class colaboration. Very different. As for preventing that hijacking everyone has a different idea. I would say Mao got the closest in actual practice to actually decentralizing power. Power still got stratified in the elites even after the cultural revolution was created to destroy them.

This is by design. When you do get that job that allows you to tread water, you are going to think long and hard about participating in any sort of dissent that might get you fired.

Where in the Bronx are you being charged $1000 for a room? You can live in much better places in NYC for $600.

Bronx, Park Avenue for example.

If you are a single person trying to save money on Park Ave, you can get a place for much cheaper than that.

Just graduated high school, planning on going into emt/paramedic field. Pay isn't the best (25k a year) but it's something, plus I will have a usable skill without too much college loan debt. On a side note, this skill will also be good in the inevitable revolt/civil war.

My long term plan is to start a media website eventually, like the drudge report but less biased and more interested in holding power accountable.

You're entirely right though, the avg. US wage hasn't gone up since the 80s, half of Americans cant afford a 1k emergency. Meanwhile wall street keeps getting richer, defense contractors get richer. 1% get richer. Ben Shapiro can go fuck himself, our economic system is broken.

In the mid 1970's my immigrant parents built a big nice house for $8000 & it had a separate garage on .75 acres of land.

When they sold it towards the end of the 1990's it went for 6 x's higher.

Since that time it has gone 14 times higher than than the late 1990's price.

If you look at the cost of real estate before the mid 1990's prices went up relatively little for many decades & a house was always around 3 times yearly income.

We are in a wild inflationary period despite what the government wants to bullshit everyone with.

Plus now in most cities you cannot build your own have to hire an overpriced contractor who does a shit job as well.

Right?? I get 30k - 50k but 300k???? Who are you Van Wilder??