Santa is an anagram of Satan

1  2018-05-23 by chrysanthemum9

Anything they can do to get little kids worshiping the devil.


Santa and Satan do not exist.

Peoples belief in them exists.

I find your lack of faith disturbing

Don't worry, I still spend a lot of money for Christmas gifts.

Not yet.

By Jove, youvr cracked the code!

By Jove

Zeus bless.

Satan Claws

Snail Santa! πŸŒπŸŽ…πŸ˜ˆπŸ€˜

Materialism is Satanism.

Wow! Noone has thought of this before! My god you're the modern equivalent of Newton!

interesting theory.

And both are an anagram for Nasta. Thus, it is obvious that both Christmas and Christianity were created by the Indian food industry.

It’s also an anagram of astan which isn’t even a word so your theory is meaningless! Look guys my logic is impeccable!

Actually, astan is a word. You just wrote it, therefore it exists. Look I even added it to my browser's dictionary so it recognizes it as a real word.

Literally all existence is imaginary, like come on now don't take this shit so serious.

"Yes We Can" played in reverse is "Thank You Satan"

He also sets kids up to reject Jesus Christ later in life. You learn about this magical omnipotent being and then get ridiculed in school if you are late figuring out he's made up. He's set up that way so that people can use him as an example when ridiculing one's faith in Jesus Christ. "Com on man! He's Santa Clause for adults!"

Santa Claus Vs. Satan

Do you dare go down the rabbit hole?

so Santa Clause is Satans claws?

'Barney the Dinosaur' is an anagram of 'try heroin and abuse'. Think about that.

And they both wear red suits!

Read some stories about St Nicholas.