It's getting real.

1  2018-05-23 by Ok_Run

Things are starting to move fast. More info is coming out about Brennan and Clapper being directly involved. There's no way this went that high up the chain without it all be orchestrated by Obama himself. 

The spin put on events by the MSM is starting to unravel. Starting with the actual timeline of events. Based on when the spying started it's looking more and more like Halper was a CIA asset that either brought in Papadapolus and Carter Page as paid assets or unwitting dupes. So Halper wasn't just spying, he was setting up Trump. 

Also, the FBI gave the dossier to CNN. Clapper then had Comey go and brief President elect Trump on the dossier. Clapper did that because CNN knew nothing in the dossier could be verified and they couldn't "ethically" (as if they have ethics) report on it without some aspect of it being newsworthy. The briefing was the newsworthy event orchestrated by Clapper via Comey.

As soon as Comey met with Trump CNN was notified and McCabe sent an email to everyone in the know that CNN was going to drop the story. The email said "a flood is coming." 

Sharyl Attkinsson, one of the few good investigative journalists left out there, put together an amazingly detailed timeline of events:

Based on this Brennan, Clapper, Comey and several others are all going down. You should see how giddy Sara Carter, Joe DeGenova and Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch are. Joe DeGenova flat out said Brennan needs to get himself a good criminal attorney because he's going to be charged criminally.


I wish I was so up Trump's ass I ate up every word he said too. Living would be much simpler and less stressful

You don't have to "be up his ass", just try to see things objectively.

He's fighting for you too.

You really believe he gives a shit about you and I ? Lmao

Lmao I wish I was deluded as you

C'mon, let's you and I get Trump redpilled so we can live life gloriously deluded and uninformed and believe a degenerate billionaire liar is looking out for us. Then we can sleep away life in bliss.

I wish I could be an ignorant piece of shit but alas I refuse to support Trump

Rule 10

Rule 10

Thats why he has Netanyahu's balls in his mouth right?

Do you have evidence of your claim?

Pics or it didn't happen

Pics or it didn't happen

You know, for science!

He's fighting for you too.

Trump is only fighting for his own interests. Thats why insurance premiums are going up everywhere while the rich got a big tax cut.

You don't understand how taxation works. You just absorb buzzwords and catch phrases and spit them out like it's your job.


ACA was doomed from the start and premiums have gone up horribly every year since its inception.

I'm not rich so I know Trump doesn't give a shit about me.

Are you referring to Comey, Brennan, Clapper, or the MSM in general? There's so many players up his ass it's hard to keep track of which is which.

You don't have to like Trump to see that this msm and "intelligence" crusade against him are horseshit. I'm not buying into their theatre production.

Yes because all the plea deals surrounding his administration is just a random crusade lmao

If you were investigated by an entire department, nonstop, for a year, digging as far back as they like, I guarantee they'd find dirt to charge lots of your friends with.

But I'm not here to defend Trump. He's a swamp creature, just like the rest of his Family in Washington and federal agencies. I'm just calling out this faked crusade against him.

What's fake about it? It's very real and has already had real world consequences lmao

You can laugh your ass off as much as you like. They're making a big show of "investigating" their russhin bogeymen, while ignoring tons of legitimate crimes he's participated in. The same crimes that all of those criminals in D.C. participate in. If they have to crack a few eggs to put on a believable show, it's just the cost of doing showbusiness. Collateral damage.

It's not a Boogeyman it's a multilayered shitshow of corrupt dealings lol

They want you to believe the enemies are over there.

But the most vile, criminal, manipulative psychos were born and bred in the good ol' USA. And they've been at it for decades, centuries, even.

But keeping believing that colluding with russha is the problem. Ignore the multitrillion dollar banks, agencies, and corrupt government institutions behind the curtain.

Oh shit! There's a russhin behind that bush!! Look!

scurrying out of here

No, they want you to recognize that Russia is perfectly okay disrupting American politics because it weakens us a anation. We do the same shit , but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do everything we can do to stop it from happening to our elections.

It's like you guys can't even be impartial lmao.

I didn't scurry far enough away, I guess.

You were just forced to choose between the disgusting Trump, and the evil incarnate Hillary. And you still think your vote matters.

Bwahaha. Chuckle cackle, lol lmao. (Am I doing it right?)

Yes we could have gotten someone qualified for being president if the swing States voted different :)

Still waiting on that evidence.

Evidence of what exactly? We will see what muehller finds

If you were investigated by an entire department, nonstop, for a year, digging as far back as they like, I guarantee they'd find dirt to charge lots of your friends with.

Bahahahahaha! Yes, a random hanging out on r/conspiracy surely would be caught laundering Russian money (Manafort), making deals with foreign powers to help influence an election (Don Jr, Kushner) or lying to the FBI (that lawyer dude).

Going back to the OP of this thread:

I wish I was so up Trump's ass I ate up every word he said too.

So much feeble minded laughter from you totally organic users...

Yes. If your "friends" we're Washington and NYC bigwigs whose hobbies include extortion, bribery, market manipulations, illegal foreign wars, and forwarding the creeping police state, then Yes. Your "friends" would be guilty of all of those.

Chuckle chuckle...? I'm feeling left out, with all this idiotic "laughter" you guys keep projecting...

Oh so, your two years on reddit is organic but my 11 is inorganic.

Can't you folks come with better arguments? Sad.

You spend a lot of time here, for someone whose shown no interest in conspiracy theories. Well, except for your msm approved "conspiracy".

It would be like me spending my entire days at r/protectandserve. There's no way in hell I'd be doing that unless I was well compensated for my time.

You spend a lot of time here, for someone whose shown no interest in conspiracy theories.

Blah blah blah. Makes shit up and then accuses me of being a shill. Typical weak kneed arguments.

Sure thing, fellow organic user.

lol how many alts did you upvote that with

No real person would upvote a shill accusation unless they are evil.

I mean, they spent two years and four months investigating Benghazi and didn’t charge anyone.

These plea deals aren’t to avoid parking tickets. There have been some serious crimes committed.

Rule 10


We're seeing a CONSPIRACY being exposed.

Yes, OMYGOD so many 3 letter organizations of importance being mentioned I'm losing my shit right here, there's the MSM, CIA, CNN, FBI .....

And then the names being thrown around, well there's Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Carter, Obama, Trump, Attinsson, McCabe, DeGenova, Fitton, Halper, Page, Papadapolus -

Holee shite. So many Big Names, so many Big Agencies, so much Big Stuff; the only conclusion one can reasonably come to with all that Bigness is -


Just another day in the 24hour news cycle that needs headline clicks.

You know you feel it. We all do.

Deflect, deflect, deflect!

Donald Trump is a rapist.

Looks like I found a new playground ;)

Things are finally starting to come together, aren't they? Its about damn time, and its beautiful to watch.

It certainly is!

Imagine being this hard for a politician.

Oh sorry, let me correct myself: imagine being this hard for two politicians.

Page! Flynn! Manafort! Papadopoulos! Gates! Muller is going to take Drumpf to the woodshed! REEEE

Why you skipping over the rest of the traitorous criminals your boy is in bed with, list getting too long?

traitorous criminals

ohhh! We have a Judge and the Jury!

Nope, a literate citizen.

traitorous criminals


Will the shills be able to keep this post at 0 points? Only time will tell.

I wish I had the add-on thing that let's me see real upvote/downvote count.

All signs point to yes!!! I just wish I had more downvotes to give

Its at 2 right now! Maybe use a couple sock puppets and you can get there!

Donald Trump is a rapist.

This sub is shill central, in case you haven't realized that yet.

I've been here since long before Trump was a subject of interest.

For a time reference, I traded snacks for shrooms a few times with a Belgian when /r/snackexchange was relatively new.

Nice, same here. Been through quite a few usernames. Reddit is a shadow of what it once was.

We're still here though. Like sealife navigating through a giant patch of garbage in out the ocean.

Nice analogy. I've adapted and learned to thrive amidst the pollution. The shills give me energy and strength.

Know thy enemy.

True, Hillary did get reamed.

I don't speak ebonics

It’s a weird time for conspiracy theorists when the word of the federal government is trusted over the word of the free press.

You said it, brother. Yet, the goal was always to take the country back. It's just happening in a way I never could have imagined.

Lmao, “Free Press.” That’s a good one.

The federal government corrupted the media, so now that makes the federal government trustworthy over the media? I’d love to understand the rationale behind that one.

It’s almost like the federal government has changed hands, and those who were in control are at odds with who is currently in control....

But media outlets haven’t changed hands? No journalist over the past 50 years has changed? No studio executive? The internet wasn’t even invented during Operation Mockingbird. Are those media outlets retroactively corrupt? If so, why does the Federally government get a free pass?

You’re acting like operation mockibird actually ended. That’s just what got declassified. Nobody got in trouble, nobody was reprimanded, nobody was fired. There was never a reason to stop what was viewed as a successful program. If you don’t think they’re still manipulating the message and what gets put out, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

If it didn’t end, then back to my original question, why does operation mockingbird make the federal government more credible than a free press?

Because right now the federal government has goons like Brennan and Clapper shitting their pants. It’s pretty obvious that Trump isn’t particularly liked among those entrenched in the federal government.

you guys are both wrong tho, press and trump are both in collusion and putting on bread and circus shows for you

press and trump are both in collusion

I want some of whatever you’re smoking

LMAO that you are getting down votes for posting about government run media. What a time to be a conspiracy theorist!

I’m sure those downvotes were entirely organic...

Free press? That is hilarious. All American media groups are owned by 6 entities.

Investigative journalism is dead.

Those 6 entities all share major shareholders.

Yes, the genius plan of Obama and his team was to (1) put a spy in Trump's campaign; (2) initiate a criminal investigation into Trump's campaign in July 2016; (3) announce publicly twice that Clinton is under investigation before the election; (4) not publicly announce that Trump is also under investigation at the exact same time; and (5) not use any of their "spies'" information until a full year after Clinton lost.

Or maybe, just maybe, Trump is a real piece of shit surrounded by the bottom of the dumpster of the republican party, and most of the people around him are corrupt as fuck.

You forgot the part about totally fucking over Bernie Sanders and all of his supporters. But hey, it was "her turn" right?

I think we can all accept that the DNC fucked over Bernie. What does that have to do with "Spygate"?

It's all tied in, she had to win at any cost.

Are people really naive to think that they would openly, fraudulently steal the DNC nom for The Witch, but then proceed to play it completely straight against Trump? Of course they spied, of course they tried to frame him, of course they tried to kill him. Let's stop with the bullshit already. Let Justice Reign!

What would be the point of doing all that stuff and not actually using any of it before the election?

Could it possibly be that Trump is a criminal who is surrounded by criminals?

How long before Cohen gets indicted by SDNY ya think?

Simple: they didn't find a goddamn thing. They tried to frame him but it didn't stick. And then he let them continue so they would expose themselves and now they're scared as fuck as the boomerang comes back at em.

And no one gives a fuck about Cohen either way.

Welp, I'd like to believe you but it's just so much stretching it doesn't really make any sense.

It's not stretching at all. Do you even Conspiracy, bro?

There's good stretching (aliens, atlantis) and delusional stretching (religion, trump 777 Qanon 5d chess bullshit).

Did you read what you just said? Aliens are less of a stretch than a contingency of Patriotic insiders working to take back the country? Classic conspiracist cynicism right there.

No, there's no problem in stretching for fun, which this sub is for. But when you do that to believe in a rapist president then it's delusional.

I never had any faith in Bill Clinton. Total globalist that guy.

Also a potential rapist.

I'm guessing by the amount of shitposting by the Trump fanatics it'll be Friday. Then of course they'll say that Trump barely knows Cohen.

A low level volunteer

Another coffee guy

It seems clear that we have multiple criminal mafias fighting against each other here. If I were Trump, I know the only way I'm going to have a chance is to find the dirtiest criminals I can to pit against the Clinton mafia. You don't get to climb this high on the tower of monkeys by being a clean monkey, you have to wade through piles of shit

If I were Trump, I know the only way I'm going to have a chance is to find the dirtiest criminals I can to pit against the Clinton mafia.

Well he took your advice. Let's see how that works out for him

What other options did he have? The more the mafias sling mud at each other, the more apparent it is that everyone at this level is a criminal. If he is going to succeed at whatever his goal is, the only choice is to build a new mafia, only out of criminals that are loyal to him. That's the game

Also forgot about the murder of Seth Rich.

Let's face it, logic and common sense are not strong suits of Trump followers.

Trump followers any partisans

Why were they investigating Flynn 6 months before he actually had contact with the Russian Ambassador? Why did they file for wiretaps 4 times on Manafort after he joined the Trump team yet claim he was under investigation before he joined? He was an FBI informant before the election and then he goes under investigation for what?

They had a code name for the operation. They paid a professor over a million to support their investigation.

Sounds to me like the CIA wanted to control the President. I honestly feel like Obama probably got the same treatment because of how he switched from his agenda to being a GW Bush like President.

Your #2 happened because of your #5. Which disproves your hypothesis...and is illegal.

If you haven’t noticed, entrenched Republicans have undermined Trumps effort to shed light on the darkness as eagerly as the Democrats.

If you don’t understand that corruption has entrenched itself at the highest levels of the government (colluding with the media) for the purposes of diminishing the rights and freedoms of the electorate then you are wholly ignorant of present and historical facts...and I think you’re in the wrong sub.

Wrong. The informant came after the investigation was initiated.

Are you the gate keeper? Are we not allowed to question our president here?

You forgot the part about totally fucking over Bernie Sanders and all of his supporters. But hey, it was "her turn" right?

Let's face it, logic and common sense are not strong suits of Trump followers.

Why were they investigating Flynn 6 months before he actually had contact with the Russian Ambassador? Why did they file for wiretaps 4 times on Manafort after he joined the Trump team yet claim he was under investigation before he joined? He was an FBI informant before the election and then he goes under investigation for what?

They had a code name for the operation. They paid a professor over a million to support their investigation.

Sounds to me like the CIA wanted to control the President. I honestly feel like Obama probably got the same treatment because of how he switched from his agenda to being a GW Bush like President.

Your #2 happened because of your #5. Which disproves your hypothesis...and is illegal.

If you haven’t noticed, entrenched Republicans have undermined Trumps effort to shed light on the darkness as eagerly as the Democrats.

If you don’t understand that corruption has entrenched itself at the highest levels of the government (colluding with the media) for the purposes of diminishing the rights and freedoms of the electorate then you are wholly ignorant of present and historical facts...and I think you’re in the wrong sub.

Did you read what you just said? Aliens are less of a stretch than a contingency of Patriotic insiders working to take back the country? Classic conspiracist cynicism right there.