The beast system will be beaten.

1  2018-05-23 by YetisInAtlanta

I know things are tough and there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Hold strong brothers and sisters. The beast system will be beaten. The light will always expel the darkness.


How do you expect that to happen

A little faith and a few tricks up the sleeve.

Faith ain't gonna do shit

Not with that attitude.

upvote for positivity!

Up vote for affirmation

Upvote and comment to strengthen the affirmation, and a reminder to people that there's still plenty of positivity and positive people out here and to not let the onslaught of meaningless, negative dribble make you think otherwise!

Hear hear.

Hope is addictive, try as I might I just can’t give it up!!

We create our own reality. Once you've got that down it's impossible to not be positive when you know that you can, and are, manifesting a truly beautiful life for the world and every conscious being, as I currently am.

Unfortunately I have to disagree, we may get America back and wound the Beast system with a mortal head wound, but the Bible is infallible, and it states that the Beast system will exist before/during the Great Tribulation. I think we are closer to rapture time daily : )

"Yesss yesss don't bother stopping the beast! You see, all of this must take place before the great "harvest"! Allow us to follow this script, or scripture. You see, these things must take place. Y(our) savior, Jesus, King of the Jews is coming! He will rule over us with an iron rod. God says this must happen, just let it happen. Can't you see these times are necessary? The "harvest" is coming soon."

Yeah, even as a Christian, I agree with you. People who want to just sit back and let it happen are cop-outs. Why does Now have to be the End Times? Let's push back and push it off for a few more centuries.

Why does Now have to be the End Times?

Because the End Times were meant to be awesome, that's why. Of course, people are free to not want it, or participate in it, but they would be kinda silly not to. I'm pretty sure it's why the entire universe was conceived in the first place, but whadda I know?

Let's shunt things off and discover TRUE freedom a few centuries from now.

Why doesn't God just come back now? Or yesterday for that matter. Children are starving. People are being raped. Children dying to bone cancer. God really has to wait 2000+ years for his "awesome" end times? Sounds like a narcissistic asshole

Have you ever paused to consider free will?

Are you going to answer my question or just ask unrelated questions. Of course I've paused to consider free will. Why doesn't God come back now? Why does he have to wait. There is NO reason why he can't come back right now and save us from this hell. Save us from this rape, disease, torture, slavery, etc. SAVE US GOD. PLEASE.

Did God save Jesus on the cross? It doesn't work that way.

Did Jesus save the world from evil? Obviously not. Coulda done it then too.

So, what is the takeaway? For humans to progress, it took an inversion of the Tower of Babel. The languages and knowledge were dispersed, but now there IS basically a one world language, and we are beginning to see the breakdown of the pall over reality.

And it IS about learning the ins and outs of morality. That's not to say that people don't receive divine assistance or inspiration, though.

No God didn't save Jesus on the cross because he had to kill himself to take away our sins. How exactly did scrambling our languages and dividing us help us progress??? We're more divided than ever. It's like God didn't want humanity to progress. What exactly is the one world language? And how exactly is a one world language a bad thing? Wouldn't a one world language help us be closer together?

Why doesn't God come back now? Why does he have to wait. There is NO reason why he can't come back right now and save us from this hell. Save us from this rape, disease, torture, slavery, etc. SAVE US GOD. PLEASE.

What does God do all day?

What did Jesus "do all day"? What if God already returned in human form?

Did Jesus go around saving kids from the brutally short lifespans back then?

What if there is something about HUMANITY and what humans ARE that you are missing?

And stop with the emotional pleas. Part of your misunderstanding goes with your misunderstanding of death.

With the one world language thing...yes, it's a great thing. But not originally when it was used to enslave people. We get to witness the end of the inversion of that. It's not pretty, but it will be that much better when all is done.

And we are not divided. There's just a loud minority that want people to think that.

We should always attempt to do the right thing and stop the beast, and we will...temporarily. That is what I was saying and nothing more, but the mockery is much appreciated.

Why doesn't God just come back right now. Why does he have to wait. What exactly does he do all day?

is this some retarded Q bullshit or what

No. The Bible.

So...worse than Q.

Fundamentalist eschatology is a creation of the 19th Century, in other words, it's a faulty interpretation. The end of A world, and the birth of another is what we are in for. It's going to be glorious.

I respectfully disagree but I would be just as pleased if that interpretation was correct and the end times were generations away.

The rapture is a false interpretation divised in the 1830's. Revelation 7:9-17 and Revelation 15:2 show a crowd to large to count going through the Great Tribulation and beating the Breast System. The rapture theory just provides a false hope, instead of preparing people to defeat the beast.

That Freudian slip 👌sum it all up better than any preacher

Both instances take place in heaven. The ch7 reference takes place before the throne of God and is about those martyred for the having been saved by learning the word from the 144000. The ch15 is also before the throne of God and refers to those martyred for refusing the mark of the beast. Look at 20:4 where John see the souls of the beheaded and those the refused the mark of the beast. I respect your interpretation and your right to it, but I will maintain my belief in a rapture because ultimately it won't matter. It either happens or I lose my head or I live through it and all would be ok with me.

The great throne you are standing before in both cases is the great city New Jerusalem that has come down to earth.

No, New Jerusalem appears after armageddon, those scenes take place in heaven.

I just want you to have an open mind, be prepared for anything. I know the end is not going to go down as i imagine. So many friends i know are so set on the rapture, all I try to do is get them prepared for anthing.

Thank you, I really do try to keep an open mind on things that are interpretation based. The only dogma for me is the salvation msg and the golden rule.

I think America is likely the whore of Babylon, NYC the main city. It even has a giant statute of her in the harbor. It ends badly, but quickly for us if I'm right. NWO needs a spectacle of an example to drive the other nations toward fascitic socialism.

It's the only nation that fits the description in Revelation 18, complete with corrupting the earth with her (American idol)atry, superconsumerism (with just a few percentage of the world's population we consume most of its wares), UN and WTC is headquartered there (rules over the Kings of the earth), the list goes on.

The world is too corrupt to save if you aren’t in government or a billionaire you’re just another puppet sadly

i think we will win, but like 1000 years from now

Nah, more like 10.

Nah, more like 10.

people were saying that 10-20-30 years ago. I remember when Obama was running, he was the ONE that was going to do it. Never happened.

Our Gov is under occupation my Shadow Gov/Deep State, Globalists, CEO's, Technocrats, Zionists, etc.

No politician is going to do anything.

(looks around)

i don't know what that is

Thank it might be reference to some religious shit

like "Mark of the Beast"

Armenia just took back their government. It can be done /r/ConspiracyActivism

The light cannot exist without the dark. Good cannot exist without evil. By what metric would we have for goodness should there be nothing to compare it to? Life thrives in chaos and pain, it is how life thrives.

So you suggest letting evil run rampant so we have something to understand good by? It seems like you would want pain inflicted so you can compare it to pleasure. Not a very smart argument in my opinion.

Depends on who's driving.

You just perfectly summed up my username.


There's your evil. Real, certified psychopaths.

Maybe they will always exist in some form but that doesn't mean we should stand by and let them be psychopaths unabated.

If the Bible is so inaccurate about the past why would it be accurate about the future?

Now I never mentioned the Bible. Here’s a little metaphor for you though: think of a dark room, like real dark. Now light a match. All of the sudden, there’s less darkness. Light will always banish the darkness. All it takes is one match.

The light will always expel the darkness.

Yes! I used to listen to a radio show about old film. The host used to say, "Good generally triumphs over evil, partly because even evil knows it should."

you will never win by sitting on your ass and doing nothing about it .

The end will be glorious, enter returning Messiah to save from total annihilation, but not before it is very evil. We are warned and given signs. Live in peace and hope for this is not our true home. But also be prepared for what is coming. Do not give yourself to the beast.

Sorry it has to be you, but I need to ask someone who is super religious and comments on this board - Why would you believe in religious nonsense from an authority figure and not evidence backed science from an authority figure, or official government statements? I understand big science breakthroughs have turned around occasionally, but the bible is known nonsense and contradictory. Why believe the bible over modern technology?

"known nonsense and contradictory"

Citation needed.

I'm sure most of them overlap in these articles, but here's a list of contradictions:

And an article written on nonsense:

Aside from the above, there are so many stories that are unproven. There is zero geological evidence for a worldwide flood during Noah's time. And Noah built his boat when he was around 500 hundred years old and lived to be 950. Obviously this is insane to actually believe. Science can easily prove any of those claims if there was actually evidence for it, but there isn't.

Taken out of context the verses appear to contradict, but they actually don't. For instance, "thou shalt not kill" is the law as to how to treat your people, and not applicable to war.

From the perspective of an ancient Israelite, the flood consumed the whole world as they knew it. Again, context.

You're putting an awful lot of faith in science, which proves itself wrong regularly. I'd call that much more insane than believing in God. How would an ancient Israelite have known the Pleiades was bound together? That Earth was round?

These articles are written by atheists who take things at face value, in a derogatory prose, never having taken the time to research what the verses we're actually saying. Much is lost in translation from Hebrew to English. Hebrew words often have multiple meanings depending on the context.

Ill concede that context does matter, but that doesnt explain away all of the examples i provided. Your sources are just as biased as mine were.

If hebrew words often have different meanings, doesnt that mean the english version of the bible, thats been translated from hebrew and arabic, may not be 100% accurate to what the "word of god" was when it was written by dudes 2000 years ago hundreds of years after Jesus?

And yes i do put faith in science. Logically it makes sense to update your theory and world view when new evidence backed information is presented.

Your sources are just as biased as mine were.

The difference is that my sources aren't written by an online blogger, but by individuals actually qualified to assess the text.

doesnt that mean the english version of the bible, thats been translated from hebrew and arabic, may not be 100% accurate to what the "word of god" was

The different ways a verse may be understood is provided in the footnotes, as well as biblical commentaries.

Logically it makes sense to update your theory and world view when new evidence backed information is presented.

Wisdom > Knowledge. Knowing how something works is inferior to knowing why.

Seriously, you think scientific authority trumps God’s authority? Science is God’s servant. Man understands minuscule amounts of it and regularly must redefine what it thought was right. I respect science and what we have discovered. but our knowledge does not compete with God. He invented science.

You are wrong about the Bible being contradictions and hits/misses. It is a difficult, sometimes cryptic, misunderstood, or pieces of evidence may not be in your hands but those things don’t negate it’s truth, authority, and power. When you/we see Him all these things will be obvious.

Official government statements from several leaders like Bush, Jr/Sr, Obama, and others speak freely of bring US (and world) into a new world order for decades now (for our ‘good’).

Look at recent history —globalist agenda has a predatory economic agenda (confessions of an eco hit man) to bring nations to their knees: Venezuela most recent. Taking $ of circulation has been attempted in India. All this, plus new tech to make totalitarian control possible is here now, to where no one without the ‘mark of the beast’ will survive (cannot buy or sell). This was prophesied thousands of years before even the telegram was invented.

You don’t have to believe one over the other. Both prophecy and science are showing you the same outcome.

How can the eyes see when the mind is blind. Once they open their mind. The eyes will see.

blockchain is the beast system

What if the light was evil and darkness is the true way? I mean look at the universe. its nothing but darkness and the only thing trying to stop it is the light.....


The beast system will be beaten, but only by Jesus Christ. The Bible makes it clear the beast system WILL be implemented, it will only end when Christ returns and puts an end to it.

That being said, delaying it is possible. God’s judgement has been delayed before by righteous kings of Israel such as Josiah.

What did Jesus "do all day"? What if God already returned in human form?

Did Jesus go around saving kids from the brutally short lifespans back then?

What if there is something about HUMANITY and what humans ARE that you are missing?

And stop with the emotional pleas. Part of your misunderstanding goes with your misunderstanding of death.

With the one world language thing...yes, it's a great thing. But not originally when it was used to enslave people. We get to witness the end of the inversion of that. It's not pretty, but it will be that much better when all is done.

And we are not divided. There's just a loud minority that want people to think that.
