I think my boss is spying on me and my co-workers and you guys are the only ones who'll believe me.

1  2018-05-23 by Yall-hypocrites

So starting a week ago my phone has been slow at work. I thought it was just my service being bad but it only happens at work. Yesterday I sent two messages to my SO complaining about my job. First was a complaint about how the temperature is cold because my boss is overweight.

He later walks by me and makes a comment "feel the air yet?".

I thought that was weird but brushed it off. Maybe he heard me complain to another colleague about it.

Then I sent my SO another message saying I wish someone would shoot me and put me out of my misery. That was private, never discussed with anyone except my SO through that text.

Well this morning my boss made a comment seemingly out of nowhere saying "did you bring your gun?" I said no and walked away but he's obviously telling me he's reading my messages.

First off, this is my personal phone. I don't have a company phone. Secondly, I never use the Wi-Fi in the office. Is he really spying on me? I tried looking it up online and it seems that this isn't technically illegal but not legal either.

What should I do? What can I do?

Apologies in advance if this isn't the right place for this post but I knew if I posted this in ask reddit most people would be like "That's impossible!". Thank you in advance.


Thats messed up. You gotta find a way to defeat this shill.

Time for a new job.

this is the real answer

First of all, your boss is spying on you. Period. That's a huge part of what they do, for various reasons. Second, he's probably not tapping your phones, as that is a serious charge. He is most likely equipping the place with sophisticated cameras and microphones. We have cameras at my work that can listen a long distance and zoom in to read a cellphone screen.

Why would a company spend so much money on spying equipment which does not offer any added security? Doesn't make sense to me.

My boss is rich and spies on his kids so I wouldn't put it past him to buy this stuff himself.

What a weirdo. I would start messing around with him.

Exactly what I was gonna say. Tell your SO you're going to do some experiments and start making shit up.

Maybe that you saw his children smoking some weed, his wife touching the plummer, idk. It should be fun - but please look for another job as well.

Hopefully OP doesn't go for this advice. Incredible easy to set up a few gaslighting pranks to really mess with this asshole, also really easy to end up with police arresting OP or boss suing him because he can.

Found OPs boss....

Ha! Just pointing out obvious facts. OP could joke about blackmail and coming next day prepared to get rid of the Boss and that would be quite a laugh at his expense, until Boss fires and sues him for harassment or has law enforcement wait for him next day and ends up getting shot over some misunderstanding.

Let's be clear. If the boss is tapping his phones, the boss will never win a lawsuit. Also, the boss will never admit to it, even if caught. He'd be crazy to do so.

This is the best advice.

When you're a powerless peon VS the unleashed apparatus of inscrutable technical total surveillance, what can you do?

Diddly squat.

But there is one thing you and any victim of gang stalking can always do to strike back.

Jam the gears of surveillance with bullshit.

They wanna watch? Fine. Put on a good show. Give them what they think they want.

Which is why every morning I have long and detailed text message conversations with my ISIS cell handler. Then I text my Mexican Cartel handler about the new shippments of coke and the names of snitches to whack. Finally I text my pedo cell to coordinate the shipping and caging of lil' Pizzas in preparation of next weeks orgy.

Of course none of it is true. But if I can force TPTB to waste a million dollars in man hours per year paying a closer look on me, only to chase their tails in the end, I have done the best I can to Bleed The Beast.

There's a pretty big unexpected consequence of watching everyone: 99% of your efforts will be wasted on false positives.

If none of that works for you, you can always murder yoyr boss and hide hus body in the nearest swamp bog.

Good luck!


Then he's a control freak and yes he is spying on you and your coworkers.

This honestly seems like the likelier situation. What is he going to gain by knowing I called him a fat Fuck? On my personal device to my SO no less. I think he just wanted to stroke his ego and throw his power around. I mean, why hint at the person whom your spying on that your spying on them?

Power. You have to realize they are wired differently than you and I.

Micromanaging bosses see this as reinvesting profits/capital in order to maximize productivity. In the mind of the boss, they are just doing what's best for the company and the people that are hurt or offended are non-issues.

I doubt it's this because the OP states that his/her phone has been slow since last week.

Did the new iPhone come out? There's tons of reasons s why a phone slows down. Could be interference with other equipment. Could be a jammer

Where does OP say they have an iPhone?

  • There phone slowed down last week

  • All of a sudden their creepy, for sure mentally ill boss, started hinting at having knowledge of what OP says on his/her phone.

That was just speculation. Just cause a phone slows down, doesn't mean it's hacked. Many possibilities. Truth is though, companies spy on their employees. A lof of bosses have money to spend. Some have private eyes on retainer. I mean, they have thousands to millions of dollars at stake.


Worked innthe security industry for a bit. Installed more then a few systems that were for monitoring employees.

I'm an android user. The jammer is a possibility as he's been threatening on installing one for years but if it is a jammer then it doesn't work well. We still get signal, people still text and make calls on site.

Unless jammers don't work how I think they work...

My ex gf's job had a jammer and they got absolutely no signal on site.

That is possible, I can see peoples phones on my cameras, what they type as well

It's been interesting to see all the different theories. I hadn't thought of a camera.

Ideas so far in order of likelihood IMO… - high def cameras - message app passwords phished / hacked -- or password same as company account password - stingray-like device intercepting messages

I guess the SO talking to the boss is another possibility, but seems unlikely. Any other possibilities?

It's illegal to monitor other people's phones. The boss would be going to jail a long time. I just can't imagine with what else he could do that he would go there, unless he really is super creep

Call him a big fat creepy fucker and stop perving on your messages

Definitely spying on you.

I would begin preparing for employment elsewhere, I would also be straightforward and ask about it. Mention that you've sent some messages related to the content of your conversation and would like to know if your phone has been compromised. If he says no or says he isn't spying on you, he's full of shit. You don't randomly ask somebody if they brought their gun.

I don't think finding employment elsewhere would stop this from continuing, might even give his boss more confidence to exploit him. Find a way to prove it and fuck your boss over op.

i would tell the other employees before i left

i think it'd fuck the boss over pretty hard if all his workers suddenly dissapeared or were upset at the actions of the company

You should start texting your friends about how you know something about your boss that would ruin his life. See if he gets nervous.

Or worse, say something like...my boss is doing something illegal, and you're gonna tell. That should get him.

... get him killed? Don't do that.


I like your style.

Change all of your passwords on a computer or a device free of work contamination. Add second factor id to iTunes and google if you have it so you will get notifications if someone is logging in etc

You're being spied on through your phone, or your SO talks to your boss.

The same exact thing happened to me. Someone put spyware on my phone and was tracking my location, making hidden calls to eavesdrop, reading my text, and so on.

This is what you need to do OP. FORMAT your phone. Wipe it.

In theory, this should remove the spyware. After you do this, DO NOT ACCEPT ATTACHMENTS THROUGH TEXT MESSAGES. For example if your SO sends you a sexy pic, don't open it. On most phones it has it so that it automatically downloads attachments on text messages, turn this off.

Most service providers let other people track you, for example, AT&T's Device Help, and some feature that lets you be part of the family tracking feature. Disable these.

Buy a cheap phone if you can afford it, and use it for clandestine communication with people you trust. You can buy a cheap throwaway phone at MetroPCS, for example.

Is your SO talking to your boss? Tell her something about work IN PERSON, away from your phone, and see if he hints at it.

If you do suspect your phone has spyware, file a police report.

What would a police report do? In my state only one party has to be aware of recordings and if he has company mail on his phone it’s very possible he acceptable a usage that allows IT to have root access to the device

Well, that's in your state, not necessarily OP's state.

Right but I’m saying it’s not out of the question that what he’s experiencing is not necessarily illegal and especially not if he has company phone. You kind of disregarded the entire reply so that you could have some kind of retort but it means absolutely nothing.

Did you read OP's post? OP clearly states it's not a company phone.

Did you read mine? It doesn’t matter. When we put our companies email on personal devices we can still monitor all their stuff. It’s not like corporations have their own phones that you use. When you put corporate applications on your mobile device you sign away your privacy in favor of protecting company data

We sha'll let OP clear up if they use company email on their personal phone.


Doubtful he will reply it’s either an alt account or something he forgets about. He doesn’t respond to his posts or post often

Welp. Looks like OP replied.

No company email on my phone. No company programs on my phone. It is 100% personal.

If you’ve not got any company software or use it to get to company data or anything then there’s no way for him to track your phone. Could be coincidental or your wife is sharing your conversations. Most security cams don’t have a strong enough picture to read your texts over your shoulder and unless he somehow made a sim duplicate I don’t see how it’d be possible

Well, it's certainly possible. Fuck off man. I fucking hate how this sub has individuals like you trying to shoot down peoples claims.

Fucking shill.

Ok so if his boss has no way of knowing his sim number which delivers his messages due to him not having mobile management and doesn’t have a clone of his sim to duplicate sms over network and he doesn’t have any company stuff to monitor his device and he isn’t accessing company portals with his device, how do you gather his nobody boss is tracking him?

I’m not discrediting since we don’t have all the info but it would be fairly impossible for someone to just “hack” his messages without having access to his messaging account, without an MDM, and without an illegal sim duplicate

It’s also very unlikely that his boss created some random app that he downloaded and now gives him access to info on his phone

You can't possible imagine how easy it is do gain access to someone's phone. You should really look into it.

If you say so

why dont you describe how its so easy ?

Have you logged into iTunes on a work pc or used the same pw for another service at work?

I don't see any unprotected company data; just a weird, creepy boss who feels the need to spy on his employees.

Op has not stated whether or not he gets company email on his phone or accesses other company assets

Imo that is where his vulnerability lies

So you're just making assumptions based off of what they have not said?

Do people in this sub seriously not read anymore ?

one party consent goes out the window when its a third party recording.

That I’m unsure of. But regardless if his phone is being monitored he either installed something that gave that access or used it to access something his manager controls in some way.

Or it’s not even a real thing and guy just wants attention since he’s not been replying at all

Or it’s not even a real thing and guy just wants attention since he’s not been replying at all

looking like that may be the case

I was busy working as to not add more fuel to the fire. Nothing installed, nothing new on my phone. It's password protected and almost never left unattended. Plus my boss is a 60 something iPhone user with little knowledge on tech. He can't even change the signature in his email, he has me do it. If he is spying I think it has to be something easy to use. Or my manager helped him install cameras and a Mic since my manager is slightly more tech savvy.

most replies are saying "new job"...so do that...in the meantime

Encrypt encrypt encrypt

Teach me, please tech illiterate here.

you don't have to be tech literate to install Signal. https://signal.org/

I can think of a dozen ways for you to mess with his head but they would likely end up with you getting fired, shot, arrested or even SWATed. So, just go for the high road. Start looking for a new job, and if you're so inclined, have the resources and time, gather info on the spying done to you and coworkers and prepare a lawsuit. AFAIK it's one thing to monitor network communication passing thru the employer's systems, another to bug their personal phones and monitor them via microphones/cameras without their knowledge.

Honestly the stingray is very possible. He has the money to buy one of these. I'll try to keep an eye out. I saw something in his office today that caught my eye but didn't walk in to examine it in case he planted a camera in there.

I saw something in his office today that caught my eye but didn't walk in to examine it in case he planted a camera in there.

Yeah don't do stuff like this. Specially after you are obviously under surveillance. Just stay in line. Look for another job.

I work in IT at a large corporation. If you have company email on your phone, take it off if you’re concerned about stuff like that. The scope is limited depending on your device and OS but not impossible especially if you use non native messaging apps

Get back to work, Steve.


Your Boss.

Fuck you fat fuck.

XD This is the correct answer.

Damn...yes sir. Might I add you look lovely today, new hair cut?

I agree with what machinecrafter told you. If this happened to me, I would buy a new phone and never open or receive personal messages while on the clock in the least. Plenty of employees have been fired over using fb at work.Other suggestions made to you are also good, but those are up to you...

As a targeted individual in my harassment they've used technology often as a person or car passed me or as I passed a neighbor's door or window, they will play their voice in my head of them saying something about me and it can really sound like the person, they can also play sounds in their heads when they're near you.

There's also technology to force people to say things. If he says something so weird as 'did you bring your gun with you' don't just say no and ask him what he means by it and try to get to the bottom of it so you can discern better if he's being controlled.

Do your job as best you can and try to not focus a lot or get emotional about the harassment, btw I been targeted for 10+ years and tortured everyday for about 2 years with remote influencing tech that causes painful sensations in my body in Iran just wanna make people aware this is happening globally, good luck.

Can you elaborate on your experience?

You can't explain paranoid delusions.

It really does sound schitzo... but this is exactly the goal of this type of harassment. who knows in this case if someone's out to get them, or they're crazy.

Its almost always crazy. Its sad really. "Persecuted individuals" usually just need to be medicated and their delusions go away, but they almost never seek help.

The technology exists.


Turability Th€ phenomenon is tunable in that the characteristic sounds and intansities ofthose sounds depend on the characteristics ofthe RF energy as delivered. Because the ftequency ofthe sound heard is dep€ndent on the pulse chamcteristics ofthe RF energy, it seems possible that this technology could be developed to the point where words could be hansmitted to be heard like the spoken wod, excepthat it could only bo heard within a person's head. In one experiment, communication ofthe words from one to ten using "speech modulated" microwave energy was successfully demonstrated. Microphones next to the p€rson experiencing the voice could not pick up the sound. Additional develonncnt ofthis would open up a wide range ofpossibilities.

(Typoes in above selection C&P'd from page 7 are due to shitty OCR layer in PDF).

This would mean that the human body has a developed a way to receive and understand radio frequencies without the use of any technology whatsoever. Do you see how ridiculous that is?

Guy says that experiments have demonstrated that radiation at 40 microjoules per pulse per square centimeter produces sound at zero decibels, which is just barely in hearing range. To produce sound at 60 decibels, or the sound of normal conversation, requires 40 watts per square centimeter of radiation. ”That would kill you pretty fast,” Guy says.

So even if it was POSSIBLE, there's no way that some random dude is just walking around and they are blasting radio waves directed ONLY at him, without the use of giant equipment. He'd more or less have to be in a soundproof room to even hear what the RF signal is broadcasting towards him.

Ok, i totally believe skeptics saying its impossible over military documentation saying we did it decades ago.

Super credable when scientists are calculating decibels for a NOISELESS EFFECT THAT WOULD SIMULATE THE EXPERIENCE OF HEARING IN YOUR BRAIN. Derp.

It's like you didn't read any of what I posted. Reading comprehension and some basic physics is a little over your head huh?

You still need energy to "simulate the experience". This energy still follows physical laws. Unless this guy was hooked up to it directly, this energy would need to be huge and concentrated to ONLY affect him. It would be way more damaging than just hearing a voice in your head.

Show me the military documentation saying we did it decades ago from a reliable source. So no Youtube or naturalnews or slave.org etc.

Yeah. Reading comprehension, and basic physics. Please tell me how they measured decibles of soundless effect. How many watts do you need for 60 decibels of silence?

FOIA release of a US army document not a reliable source? Wow.

IEEE and stackexchange you quote. Lol. Experts in neuroscience.

Show your source. You haven't shown any source yet.

From what I've read Radio frequency can stimulate bone and nerve tissue around your ear, which vibrates and creates a sound inside your ear. But that vibration is so small that it's barely audible, and wouldn't be able to accurately represent words or a conversation.

If they were focusing a beam directly at someone, they have to be insanely accurate with their direction to hit the specific spot of their brain to cause this to happen. You understand that's ridiculously difficult? Especially from far enough away to not be detected by the person experiencing it. Ultrasound and MRI is pretty difficult to do even applied directly to the skin.

I did my work for me. Both of those stories are citing the FIOA released US Army document I linked to-- “Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons”. The excerpt I quoted was also quoted by both of those articles.

Just because they won their case doesnt mean it was actually happening. Weird things happen in court all the time. But to your other points i guess i was wrong. Sorry i was a dick about it. Ill remain skeptical until i do some more research. Again, sorry i was a jerk. Guess i need to be less steadfast in my skepticism and be more open minded.

Also, another quote from the document--

Humans have been subjected to this phenomenon for many years. The energy deposition required to produce this effect is so small that it is not considered hazardous experimentation when investigating responses at the just-perceptible levels.

Take your own advice on that. The technology exists.

Fucking MK-Ultra.

If this is a company phone, well, you're probably sol.
If you own this phone, turn it off and seek council. You will need a lawyer.

You throwing me for a loop w/ this being a personal phone & you never connect to company wifi. There are only so many ways for him to see your txts. How are things w/ you & the SO? Do your boss & SO know each other?

Did you use sms or whatsapp/telegram/viber/signal? If sms switch to an app.

It was SMS. I've since switched and no weird remarks after that.

Sms is very easy to intercept though quite illegal. There is a way to detect an imsi catcher, google imsi catcher detector. You can put him in a lot of trouble.

Sms is very easy to intercept though quite illegal. There is a way to detect an imsi catcher, google imsi catcher detector. You can put him in a lot of trouble.

This sounds about right. I'll look into it, thank you.

start with some vodoo dolls,later with some black dirt and chicken feather in your desk.so intimidate him but slowly and not obvious.

Yeah, theres a Hi def camera around you and hes zooming in and reading your phone. Cover your screen with your hand and keep your phone to your chest. Then Start texting yourself things about how your boss is kinda cute and things, See if he starts hitting on you or something.

Ask him point blank, put him on the spot, and say, what do you mean by that?

Lol no you are just paranoid. How exactly would he spy on you if you have a personal phone?

OK so lets just assume he IS spying on OP. OP states that they are using a personal phone, not connected to the office wifi. I assume OP is either Texting or using something like Hangouts, iMessage, etc.

Without physical access to the mobile device, how could the boss possibly be spying on that communication? To intercept those messages, he would need malware on the actual device itself, or some rogue cellular base station that the phone is connecting to. So lets be real here, its likely not the latter.

Just trying to look at this from a technical perspective rather than whether or not a boss would spy on their employees.

Or he could just know OP password for whatever messaging service. If OP has Verizon he could know her Verizon info which would give the boss access to vtext.com which allows you to send and receive texts from a computer using OP phone number.

I would just get another job. You sound unhappy.

The job is good. Pays great, close to home, wonderful colleagues and benefits. The only problem is upper management, as I'm sure is the case for many people. I'm unhappy, but I don't want to leave something so good because of these jerks. :(

We need more answers OP! So many questions have been asked!!!

tell me what nationality/religion he is and I will give you a more accurate answer

Lots of companies spy on employees. Some companies even hire a special team to investigate online shenanigans and report disdain amongst the ranks. I used to employ 40 people and I certainly found it useful to keep one or two key people on side to let me know what was going on. And I am pretty lose when it comes to that stuff.

I’d just keep your opinions about your boss to evening chat when you get home. In the meantime start sending texts at how wonderful he is and see his attitude change. Just be smart about it we are cleverer than people imagine

Funnily enough, I’m a delivery driver and we get spies on daily by our App , drains my phone battery and makes my cellular data almost non existent . I have a top tier provider aswell. It’s crazy . But i understand i guess .

Some of these commenters think that he might be looking at your phone through a high def security camera. You can test this. Go into a private place in the office (bathroom stall, etc) or out in the parking lot and text. See if he gets it. If he doesn't, then he is likely using a camera.

It's not trivial to intercept text messages, unless he is using a Stingray device or something similar.

Shut off your wifi on the phone entirely and see if anything changes. This means all of your messages are going directly to the cell tower, not through any other service or device.

Start by not connecting to company WIFI.

OP said he does not connect to company wifi.

Gsm cloning must be dirt cheap and easy to get a hold of. Talk to a lawyer that knows tech, smells like a class action suit if you can prove it

Also you can send your gf a link from a website you own, and check the google analytics on it

IT manager here.

If you are using your personal phone, it is completely illegal for him to tap into it.

First thing I would do is hard reset the phone back to factory defaults and see if his comments continue.

Also, depending on the state, it can be illegal for him to audio record you without your permission.

PM me, I am interested in helping you with this.

Not so much. If I want to access my company's Outlook server from my personal phone, I have to agree to give them Admin rights over the phone including data monitoring and the ability to wipe the phone at any time.

Email via the company’s OWA shouldn’t be subject to the same requirements.

Outlook365.com is indeed an option. However, the best option was to decline their TOS for the Outlook server, delete the account from my personal phone, and only respond to work email during work hours on a company device (work phone or laptop).

Forward mail to a gmail account. access gmail on your phone.

You are correct, and I always warn our employees of this caveat when they ask about company email on their personal devices.

I live in a two party consent state so definitely illegal but being that I'm at the work place then it might be allowed, not sure. :/ Seems like a factory reset needs to happen, I would just hope that helps.

Does not matter if it’s on private property. It’s still illegal to record someone’s audio without their consent.

Here is what I recommend you do;

Hard wipe your phone.

Have a serious conversation with your SO about what’s going on. Don’t accuse them of anything, but let them know you believe your private conversations with them are being compromised. If it’s really happening, you are both victims.

Involve a trusted third party, like maybe one of your parents, and complain about your boss to them via text.

Remember! Do not use the WiFi.

If the behavior continues and you really feel he is watching or spying on you, switch to Signal and contact a lawyer.

Last resort, email someone at the EFF.

Thank you kindly for your advice, will do.

Keep me updated. LLAP

What is signal?

Encrypted messaging app

Is it really possible to intercept messages if the user is on wifi?

If it’s iMessage and you are on WiFi, I would think so.

You’re acting like a hard reset doesn’t take 5+ hours to redownload everything back on ur phone

Not sure what phone you are using but its never taken me 5 hours to factory restore my phone. Plus...so what? If I thought someone installed spyware on my phone id probably destroy it and get a new one, under a new carrier, with a new number...under a different name. But thats me, YMMV.

64 gb iPhone filled to near capacity took almost 4 hours to back-up to iTunes, then to restore all data from then-wiped iPhone

Why would you backup and restore if you suspect malware? You’re just restoring your problems.

I would start sending messages about how creepy your stalker boss is and make several examples of your choosing and intensity that hes "done" and see how that fat smug mfker feels then. Then if he gives you shit you have a history of his abuses and rock his world with it. Just saying hes playing dirty time for a dose of his own medicine.

I can think of a few possibilities:

1) Phone compromised with spyware via email 2) Phone replaced by mirror spyphone 3) SO is friends with boss 4) SO is more than friends with boss 5) Boss has HD cameras at your location 6) Stingray device intercepting sms 7) You work at the NSA 7a) You are about to be recruited by the NSA by your boss 7b) You are about to be recruited by the FSB by your boss 7c) Both 7a, b happen at some point in the future in an as of yet undetermined order 8) You work at the CIA 9) Your boss can read your mind 10) You exist in a simulated reality and your boss has admin rights 11) Synchronicity 12) You don't own a phone and are hallucinating the entire event, you don't have a job and your real name is marvin. 13) Your boss being rich is part of the illuminati and simply pays for access to your phone using his secret connections 14) You are being set up as a patsy and your boss is implanting suggestions in your mind 15) The staff canteen has laced their lunchtime baguettes with LSD 16) There is a secret door in an office block somewhere which allows people to inhabit your body for a short period of time before being dumped out of the sky next to a local highway intersection and your boss knows where this door is 17) Your boss is an annunaki descendant who can shapeshift into a lizard and ALSO read your mind 18) Time is running backwards and your boss is unstuck in time 19) Your boss experiences spontaneous human invisibility 20) Your boss commands a legion of invisible servitors in the etheric plane who report back to him 22) Your boss understands the significance of 3, 6 and 9 23) Confirmation bias 24) You talk in your sleep and sleep at work 25) Your colleagues peek over your shoulder and rat on you 26) Your boss is your SO


i want a job at #15

1 and 5 seem unlikely but the rest get more and more probable deeper in the list. I used to be able to spontaneously become invisible from my parents by closing my eyes but appear to have lost this ability as I aged.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Have you tried closing your eyes harder?

You don't own a phone and are hallucinating the entire event, you don't have a job and your real name is marvin.

Pack it up boys, this real detective has finally solved the case.

On a serious note: thanks for making me laugh.

This made me laugh, thanks I needed it.

So he can shapeshift into a lizard but not a person who's not obese?

It's the perfect cover!

this. all of this.

This might be my favorite conspiraxy comment ever lol

Do you use Verizon's messaging app? It's super easy to sync messages across devices. It would require physical access to your device. I would also suspect your computer has a keylogger installed, as well as a remote monitoring program. A new job would be your best bet. Also, look for spy cams in the bathroom.

My company pc having a key logger is no issue. My work computer is only used for work. The most non work related thing I use it for is to check the weather. Literally nothing else. The last guy in my position was fired for talking crap about the boss, on the company pc, though the company instant messenger to another employee. I'm not making his mistake! I've been super careful. They could look at my pc all they want, there's nothing there.

Do you have your company email on your phone? My employer requires a laundry list of permissions that you have to agree to if you have your work email on your personal phone.

> if I posted this in ask reddit most people would be like "That's impossible!"

It's not *impossible*. Not very likely but not impossible.

> my phone has been slow at work.

Define slow. Most methods of interception wouldn't make your phone slow per se. The implication is slow = virus = spying. That's probably the most implausible of the possibilities. You're not the kind of person that leaves your phone lying around are you?

There aren't many places on the planet where the kind of thing you're talking about isn't massively illegal - usually reserved for security services under warrant. I'd be surprised if your boss would take that sort of risk.

Is it an iPhone that was recently paid off?

What’s the significance if the device is paid off?

Apple slows down once they're paid off.

They do not. Mine is paid off and runs fine.

They slow down as the battery ages.

Ooooh, I see, well that's certainly proof positive that they don't.

Perhaps the class action lawsuit v. Apple on these grounds was frivolous.

Umm. Did you read it?

It’s exactly what I said.


Now can you back up your claim?

R/RBI is a good place to post this as well

All I can say is, if anyone puts any spyware apps on your phone (even if it's for parental control with a kid) and you're 18+, it's not going to hold in court as legal. Invasion of privacy is a crime. lol

but totally sounds to me like a snoop app, I have seen several articles about owners/bosses using them more and more if they can find a way to get them on your phone. Aside from them just looking up your facebook and reading anything they can find on that.

People are crazy, and they'll believe anything that's right in front of them, and there is no better way to feel like something's right in front of you than to snoop.

This is very funny and creepy at the same time. What is this guy’s life like?? If he spies you, why does he tells you? Definitely a psycho

Start texting about forming or joining a union . As soon as he comments on it , contact the https://www.nlrb.gov.

We have union work groups, another manager once put a cute little "no complaints zone" sign on her desk. An employee contacted the NLRB and said his rights were violated by the sign . We were fined and had to prove that the sign was removed.

This is super interesting, please keep it updated

It sounds like the constant bullying by your boss shows first psychological symptoms. Get out of there, it's making you paranoid, and it looks you are slowly becoming psychotic.

it seems possible that this technology COULD be developed

Come on man. Read your own post. Let alone the source of "slave.org", wouldnt this be a major scientific breakthrough? Whoever discovered this would have gotten a nobel prize.

Why would some "shadow gov" or group be targeting some fucking random dude? Do you even know how much dedication that would take? To set up equipment everywhere he goes BEFORE he gets there and him not see it? SO many people would have to be involved just to fuck with him. The logistics alone prove that hes a fucking loon.


I'm not sure what size company your company is or any of the details of it. This might not be relevant.

The largest SV companies are well know to have internal intelligence/counter-intelligence divisions to squash leaks. At Apple people even end up working on fake products to prove themselves.

Now, you're company probably isn't that size. At the same time, if you're using company resources to say something, you should expect that the company is monitoring it. Now there are power hungry creeps who are monitoring it real time and looking for juicy gossip. This may be where you work. On the other hand, I've worked at companies where they don't really give a shit about what you're doing as long as it's not coming back to haunt the company. If it does? They have 18 months worth of complete logs of all sorts of stuff available in order to research what might be going on. If they have reason to or the logs turn up something, there is additional monitoring to be turned on. A lot of this is actually a legal requirement to fulfill certain audits necessary for certain types of business (handling third-party data, money, medical documents, etc..)

The question is not is this possible, but whether it's being abused.

If you suspect it is being abused? Start looking for another job, but don't use any company resources to do so. Don't complain yet. Start keeping daily records of things that happen. The better you can timestamp and log it, the better our case later. You really don't want to have to come to that, as though you might win, that kind of battle can't last longer than you expected and drain you.

So yeah, assume company resources are being monitored. If you can tell that's being abused, use not compnay resources to find a new job.

If it's not company resources? Either he is hacking you (doubtful), has another source of the information you don't expect (people would be surprised at how much info they leak), or you're being paranoid.

No matter which one of those, get out. If it ends up repeating at the next place, it might just be you and consider that with the help of the professional. I'm not trying to say that, that's sort of the last possibility, but anything is possible.

What application did you use to send the 2 messages?

If you do not use the Wifi, how do you send the messages?

Text your SO a bomb threat

Don’t do this... this is how you get abc agencies involved, but against you and not your boss.

Send your SO some texts that will get a verbal response. Something as simple as “that fat ass still has the air turned up in here”. Something he’ll really want to respond to, and carry some kind of audio recording device to record his response. Try and get a few recordings, then you’ll have evidence against him spying.

After reading your story and the replies, I remembered how at a place I worked, it was discovered (by me) that the owners had instructed a girl to write up a “daily report” detailing what she observed of me and other associates, with regard to conduct and how our time was spent.

The mole was batshit insane to begin with, and craved attention. One of those formerly skinny girls who blimped into Shamu after college. People were fired based on her accounts of them.

Your story is totally believable, this shit happens.

Try sending a text message to yourself. Type a few out but don't send them, then send a select few with certain subjects. That would determine whether they're recording you at work with cameras or actually reading text messages.

Hopefully OP doesn't go for this advice. Incredible easy to set up a few gaslighting pranks to really mess with this asshole, also really easy to end up with police arresting OP or boss suing him because he can.

Right but I’m saying it’s not out of the question that what he’s experiencing is not necessarily illegal and especially not if he has company phone. You kind of disregarded the entire reply so that you could have some kind of retort but it means absolutely nothing.

Did the new iPhone come out? There's tons of reasons s why a phone slows down. Could be interference with other equipment. Could be a jammer

Fuck you fat fuck.

This is the best advice.

When you're a powerless peon VS the unleashed apparatus of inscrutable technical total surveillance, what can you do?

Diddly squat.

But there is one thing you and any victim of gang stalking can always do to strike back.

Jam the gears of surveillance with bullshit.

They wanna watch? Fine. Put on a good show. Give them what they think they want.

Which is why every morning I have long and detailed text message conversations with my ISIS cell handler. Then I text my Mexican Cartel handler about the new shippments of coke and the names of snitches to whack. Finally I text my pedo cell to coordinate the shipping and caging of lil' Pizzas in preparation of next weeks orgy.

Of course none of it is true. But if I can force TPTB to waste a million dollars in man hours per year paying a closer look on me, only to chase their tails in the end, I have done the best I can to Bleed The Beast.

There's a pretty big unexpected consequence of watching everyone: 99% of your efforts will be wasted on false positives.

If none of that works for you, you can always murder yoyr boss and hide hus body in the nearest swamp bog.

Good luck!

Or worse, say something like...my boss is doing something illegal, and you're gonna tell. That should get him.

Damn...yes sir. Might I add you look lovely today, new hair cut?

XD This is the correct answer.

I like your style.

Just because they won their case doesnt mean it was actually happening. Weird things happen in court all the time. But to your other points i guess i was wrong. Sorry i was a dick about it. Ill remain skeptical until i do some more research. Again, sorry i was a jerk. Guess i need to be less steadfast in my skepticism and be more open minded.