What book do I need to 'read'?

1  2018-05-23 by keepusernamesecret

Preferably one I can find on Audible.


What subjects do you like? You're casting a pretty wide net.



Add Animal Farm to that

Especially check out the part about 'ancient fossils'.

step2thhep (johnlebon) shill another John le Bon video... and the world continues to spin... oh wait, he doesn't believe in that either.

The Bible hehehehehehe but really

The Conquest of Bread

Not even a question under capitalism.

To understand why it's a question under Communism try the gulag archipelago.

behold a pale horse by william cooper.

What is the best thing you learned or took away from this book?

in his book he discusses how the CIA will facilitate school shootings to further their gun-grabbing agenda. he predicted it all 30+ years ago. it did not teach me anything new. it just added another layer of substance to the claim that the CIA is a murderous, traitorous organization with a deeply anti-american agenda.

Why be anti American though what’s their endgame

Ha! Came to say this.

I read it recently and...I love me some conspiracy, but that dude is a nutter and is pretty bad/eratic at writing.

Behold a pale horse, the holy Bible, the holographic universe, zetetic astronomy, book of Enoch. I guess start with those lol

Not kidding at all, you should at least skim through Jonathan Swift’s “The Conduct of the Allies”

Swift is known for “Gulliver’s Travel’s” but of course society casually forgets his political activism.

The book eerily mirrors what the US is going through today. Britain at the time was rotten to the core with all their politicians selling out to bankers and other powers. Swift doesn’t name names in detailing this corruption but it is obvious he is referring to John Churchill the 1st Duke of Marlborough and possibly one of the most despicable men in history. And yes, he is the ancestor of Winston. John Churchill’s father was in fact named Winston.

Swift’s book aside, the House of Marlborough spawned some very important and wicked actors of the last few centuries.

Other book recommendations: “The Anglo-American Establishment” - Carroll Quigley

“Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” - Antony Sutton (read as much of Sutton as you can, truly an excellent historian)

No Treason, the Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner.

Anything by Carlos Castaneda

Bhagavad Gita by Tripurari Swami

The creature from Jekyll Island.

Does it seem plausible to you that a handful of men on an island took over the entire American banking industry?

How many incredibly wealthy and powerful men should it take?

2 handfuls?

Depends on whose banking industry they are trying to take over.

Well gee...let's see...which one was the OP/book talking about?


No, it doesn’t seem plausible, the most interesting conspiracy theories never do. However time generally sorts fact from fiction. and here we are 100 years later, slaves to exactly the kind of banking system they intended to create, with all of the heinous consequences on display in every news bulletin, every government collapse, every financial bailout, every round of QE, every day. This is a conspiracy that is no longer just theory. It is clearly proven.

It is clearly proven.

In what way?

The Franklin Coverup

Guns, Germs and Steel

1984, creature from jekyll island

Deliberate dumbing down of America


The Book of Five Rings

The Demon-Haunted World

Fourth Reich of the Rich. Des Griffin. Will probably only be able to find it on paper, and it will be expensive.

It will change your life.

collapse by Mike Ruppert

1984 and brave new world are the blueprints.

The Mighty Wurlitzer (Hugh Wilford)

Oswald and the CIA (John Newman)

Both very dry but worthwhile

Not even a question under capitalism.

To understand why it's a question under Communism try the gulag archipelago.