From Macaulay Culkin's AMA today...Pizzagate reference?

1  2018-05-23 by ipizi


He's another occulist, no child is safe around him.

To clarify for those out of the loop, Comet Ping Pong, a popular pizza parlor located in DC, was/is the center of a child trafficking/sacrifice/auction conspiracy. Lots of celebrities have eaten there, including big name politicians. There's been lots of "evidence" brought forth to support these claims, including emails between some of the clients of the pizza shop, referencing pizza, and toppings in strange ways that seem like code.

Don't forget how they violated the laws of physics to make their basement disappear.

The basement was next door at Bucks Fishing and Camping - although James Alefantis himself did, I guess, slip up and mention a basement in CPP where they store tomatoes!

Important to note that he is in a band called the Pizza Underground parodying songs by the Velvet Underground with pizza-themed song names and lyrics. This predated pizzagate by a lot.

referencing pizza, and toppings in strange ways that seem like code

Can you give examples? None of the emails I saw referred to pizza or toppings in strange ways. They were all just run-of-the-mill stuff like buying pizzas for campaign workers or getting a pizza for lunch.

Now ur lying . We have one slice, how thinly should I slice it.. the issue is “pizza” is more likely drugs than kids

That was sent by someone making a joke about having to pinch pennies.

No you have to start on the basis that "pizza" = "kids" and work back from there.

Yeah, I read the original 4chan post making up "code words" that started the ball rolling. And when you look at Podesta's emails, the references to pizza were clearly about pizza, not children.

Some interesting discussion in the responses too. I'm surprised they haven't been nuked.

Holy shit

Macualey has a pretty dry sense of humour. I'd say he's joking.. this sounds like a typical answer of his tbh

Yeah, but even for his humor, that's a pretty bold thing to joke about openly. I wouldn't even want to verbally connect myself to any of that, if I were a celebrity.

Why is it bold? He's just making a joke, and that seems entirely in line with his sense of humour as displayed in the AMA. He also answered a couple of questions with references to his dick and balls.

Dick and ball jokes, compared to child murder/rape/sacrifice jokes? One is not like the other.

He wasn't joking about "child murder/rape/sacrifice", he was joking about a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Just because someone jokes about pizzagate does not mean they're making jokes about child abuse.

Why does Comet Ping Pong "resonate" with Macaulay Culkin? What exactly is the joke?

It doesn't. He's trolling pizzagaters.

Did he tell you this?


This post is the joke. Macaulay is probably sitting at home laughing at it right now.

When you start having to explain jokes to people, they're never going to get them. People have been talking about Culkin and abuse for ages, and pizzagaters also talked about him. He won't have been ignorant of this. So, when someone asked him if there's somewhere that felt like home to him or resonated on a deep level, he made a joking reference to Comet Ping Pong. It's just dry humour. See his answer, in an older AMA, to the question "What will it take to fully expose/overthrow the culture of exploitation in hollywood?" His answer: "The Illuminati/PizzaGate/Kony2012". He's joking.

This is a good example of one of the probelms with pizzagate. A lot of pizzagaters seemed simply unable to recognise humour or to understand basic conversational English, and thus they thought there was something sinister to a joke about eating cheese and playing dominoes.

When you start having to explain jokes to people, they're never going to get them.

No I think if you explain the joke for me, you can help me "get" it

People have been talking about Culkin and abuse for ages, and pizzagaters also talked about him. He won't have been ignorant of this. So, when someone asked him if there's somewhere that felt like home to him or resonated on a deep level, he made a joking reference to Comet Ping Pong.

So Comet Ping Pong reminds him of child sexual abuse?

What's the joke here?

It kinda does.

No, it doesn't. He was joking about a ridiculous made-up story, and joking about it in no way translates into joking about real child abuse. And, anyway, people make jokes about child abuse and other grim topics all the time. Family Guy is awash with child abuse jokes.

It kinda does though.

You know that joke in Family Guy where Lois says "9... 11" and everyone cheers? It might shock you to know that's not actually Seth MacFarlane making a mockery of the deaths of 3,000 people.

Making a joke about Pizzagate, especially as someone in his position (child celebrity, has a band called Pizza Underground) is... well I won't say expected, but there's literally nothing surprising about it.

Try thinking outside the box next time.

Yeah, the media liked to claim that "pizzagate" was about some kind of child sex cult being run out of some basement. That's the perception cultivated and I think everyone would agree that what they've been accused of would be horrible crimes regardless. If that's what people are likely to think of when thinking of that DC pizza place, why make wry references like that? I guess he was being deliberately provacative, but I wonder how he intended people to understand that comment.

He's obviously making fun of the pizzagate idiots, which is something most people are in support of.

He did mention something eerily similar in the last ama a few months back.

Hmmm could it be that the reason that pizza place feels like 'home' is because he's visited that place tons of times as a kid/teenager? Maybe that's where he was groomed as an actor?

Could be. It's such a specific, but vague answer it has to be intentional reference imo. Who feels at home at a pizza place anyways?

exactly. And it's not like he lives in D.C.

Someone in a band called Pizza Underground, who makes real songs and makes them about pizza.

CPP was founded in 2006 when Culkin would be 25-26.

Good lord, he is so obviously making fun of people just like you.

He's going to end like peewee somehow.


What kind of country do we live in where a man can't go to an adult movie theater in privacy?!

"The Pizza Underground"

He's aware of the whole pizzagate thing, it's been spammed at him a ton because of his band "The Pizza Underground". Pretty sure it's a joke.

Obviously it's a joke. Who would "feel at home" at a distant pizzaria? The weird thing is that he would make that kind of a joke.

Wow, this goes higher than I thought!

He was making jokes about his genitals for the whole AMA.

Wow, this comment is great.

It was a direct reference and also an OBVIOUS joke. Are you serious?

Lmfao people on this sub cant even entertain ideas anymore.

It was so obvious.

Yeah, it was. Do you struggle with reading comprehension or something?

Pizzagate in a nutshell. Taking thousands of emails, attributing malice and fake code words and you'll find a treasure trove of "evidence"

I don't think so. I'll ask a doctor and let you know.

Me thinks Macaulay is trolling.

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Someone in a band called Pizza Underground, who makes real songs and makes them about pizza.