The amount of hostility in this sub

1  2018-05-23 by chrysanthemum9

Anytime someone makes a genuine post in this sub, there are always at least 5-10 people who do nothing but make the most nasty, hateful, derisive comments possible. It’s really annoying.

Sometimes it’s so bad that it almost feels as though there were some kind of coordinated effort to attack any real theories with constant ridicule and hostility... Almost.

When mocking doesn’t work, there is the tendency to reject any possible theory unless there is absolute irrefutable evidence for whatever claims made. It’s ridiculous to demand evidence for every conspiracy theory because if such evidence were readily available then maybe they wouldn’t be conspiracies in the first place. Most conspiracies are born out of suspicion and theorizing anyway.

Anyway, I suggest just ignoring these people. They’re not gonna go away and while it may be fun to troll them, they ultimately add nothing of value to this sub.


It also almost feels as though upvotes are manipulated..... almost.

They’re conspiracy... skeptics.

Ha. Is that short for ignorant?

"I just like to call out bullshit and illogical statements man, never mind the fact that 95% of my comments are in r/runescape

What's wrong with calling out bullshit and illogical statements? That seems like a good thing.

Nothing. Why don't you give your opinion ever? Why do you just chtitque the views of others?

I give my opinion on lots of things. And I try not to be overly critical of someone's opinion unless they clearly have not critically looked at their position at all.

What's your opinion on the Obama birth certificate?

It's legitimate and the birther movement was a patently racist attempt to paint the first black president as "unAmerican". President Trump should be ashamed of himself that he helped promote the idea.

It's legitimate and the birther movement was a patently racist attempt to paint the first black president as "unAmerican". President Trump should be ashamed of himself that he helped promote the idea.

There weren't digital layers in the official PDF that the White House released? The name Loretta Fuddy doesn't ring a bell, does it?

The layers thing has been debunked repeatedly:

*But that’s not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. “I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings — and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

Tremblay explained that the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text. He said the layers cited by the doubters shows that software at work — and nothing more.

“When you open it in Illustrator it looks like layers, but it doesn’t look like someone built it from scratch. If someone made a fake it wouldn’t look like this,” he said. “Some scanning software is trying to separate the background and the text and splitting element into layers and parts of layers.”

Tremblay also said that during the scanning process, instances where the software was unable to separate text fully from background led to the creation of a separate layer within the document. This could be places where a signature runs over the line of background, or typed characters touch the internal border of the document.*


Exaplin to me how a image that is scanned into a program has layers already? Wut? So the document was legitimate and there is nothing fishy about Obama's past? Right...

Exaplin to me how a image that is scanned into a program has layers already?

No, it doesn't have "layers" until the document is scanned and processed. The program that they used to scan it automatically tries to separate the foreground and backgrounds. That's why "layers" show up.

So the document was legitimate and there is nothing fishy about Obama's past?

The document was legitimate and your concern has been addressed. What other issue do you have with the certificate besides layering?

Not just the certificate. The name Loretta Fuddy is related to this particular conspiracy theory.

You're gonna have to explain. You can't just say a name and expect people to refute it. Summarize the issue.

Look into her a bit. Look into her connection to the Supud cult.

Again, you got to put in some legwork. Summarize.

I'm not going to hold your hand through this. Most of the journey is checking these things out for yourself. It's very simple to search. I gave you the key terms.

I'm not going to hold your hand through this.

You asked for an opinion and I gave it to you. You have failed to coherently bring up any concerns, so there's no need to go further.

And your opinion was of no surprise. It was parroting the mainstream narrative..

Sometimes the mainstream narrative is truthful. The mainstream narrative is that 1 + 1 = 2, and I believe in that as well.

Sometimes the mainstream narrative is truthful. The mainstream narrative is that 1 + 1 = 2, and I believe in that as well.

Damn. Really? You believe that?

He probably believes that McCain is an upstanding citizen and war hero and that Bush had the best of intentions invading Iraq. Those silly Bushes.

Sometimes the mainstream narrative is truthful. The mainstream narrative is that 1 + 1 = 2, and I believe in that as well.

You used the SAME LINE in another thread.

You like to repeat silly arguments?

If an analogy isn't broke, why change it? Do you need me to use a different analogy every single time?

No, you just use it as an excuse for why you literally parrot the MSM. And you DON'T believe in conspiracies, so no, I don't expect you to have independent thought.

I definitely believe in some conspiracies, just not all of them. To believe in all of them is a bit silly, don't you think?

I definitely believe in some conspiracies,

Just none in the threads that you comment in, though.

You can't even articulate it yourself, why would anyone bother? Do you even know what you are arguing? It certainly doesn't seem like you do.

The layers thing has been debunked repeatedly:

No, they have not, stop spreading disinfo. Jean-Claude Tremblay was deliberately misquoted by Fox News and he has gone on the record to say so.

You will also note that in the article (which you probably won't bother to read because it will contradict your fragile worldview), Tremblay admits that although he saw no evidence of tampering "I am not an expert on OCR" and "I’m not a detective specialized in the forgery of electronic documents."

The truth is that the overwhelming weight of expert opinion is that the document posted on the White House website was created on a computer, and is not a scan of a real document.

Here are ten experts who are convinced the document is an electronic forgery:

And here is a very good talk-through of why the Obama LFBC is a blatant fraud.

Oh howdy great to see you again joe, my Wednesday evening is quite swell,

By the way why haven’t you responded to the evidence that you requested from me? Did you find it too convincing to respond or did you simply choose to ignore it?

I’ve already posted in the thread YOU CREATED earlier with my evidence

I have been a long time lurker but rarely comment

They think we're idiots on top of that lol

😂 I was about to say the same thing

Im a new user and post constantly. Quantity over quality I say.

Or they post exclusively on the political posts and nothing else

It's not surprising that politically-minded people might also have interest in conspiracies, especially given the current state of American politics.

I'm not taking the bait lol Nice username

You know why I picked this username? Because it makes it really clear when someone doesn't have an actual response. It's always easier to attack the name than post a coherent response.

I get a lot of "username checks out" from people who can't come up with a better response.

Idk my post history wouldn't make anyone think I was a die hard conspiracy theorist but I love the shit lol. So what would happen if I were to disagree, I would fall into this category of not a real person or what?

Just focus on shit you agree with. No need to piss on other people's fancy.

No need to piss on other people's fancy.

I think there's a better medium. You can disagree with someone's post without "pissing" on it. If someone is posting falsehoods, one should feel compelled to draw attention to it, lest others be misled too.

You can disagree with someone's post without "pissing" on it.

I agree. Mostly what happens here is people pissing on it though.

If someone is posting falsehoods, one should feel compelled to draw attention to it, lest others be misled too.

Here's where I disagree, your opinion is that something is false so instead of engaging in normal on topic discussion you because the arbiter of Truth and start pissing on people's discussions.

It's annoying as fuck. Nobody goes over to my little pony to tell people how lame they think the show is.

You're really just advocating for an echo chamber where anyone with skepticism shouldn't post.

If the point is to find truth pointing out flaws and inconsistencies (staying on topic and not being a dick) should be encouraged.

No, you don't get to redefine anything I say. I'm advocating for an echo chamber, I'm advocating for a conspiracy sub.

Here's where I disagree, your opinion is that something is false so instead of engaging in normal on topic discussion you because the arbiter of Truth and start pissing on people's discussions.

It's annoying as fuck. Nobody goes over to my little pony to tell people how lame they think the show is.

I don't think that's a fair comparison because the view that My Little Pony is a lame show is very clearly just a subjective opinion. It's not a true or false statement; it's just a perspective.

On /r/conspiracy, though, there are a lot of people who post not opinions, but factually incorrect statements in the hopes of getting others to believe them. This is completely different and ethically dangerous. If you see someone lying to others, you have a moral obligation to try to correct the record (heh).

If someone were to just post a conspiracy opinion like "Isn't this aliens conspiracy cool?!", then obviously there's no reason to do a fact check.

is very clearly just a subjective opinion.

Which is exactly the problem, too many people think their opinions aren't subjective because there is some consensus or sources familiar with the situation.

Still subjective but with entitled assholes who know they got it all figured out and insist they are objective.

you have a moral obligation to try to correct the record (heh).

It's hardly moral. It's a party imperative on Reddit. 800 plus anti-trump subs resisting but everyone is freaking out about the_donald. It's a fucking joke and everyone not consumed with resisting can see it. Fucking hell we have people literally celebrating antifa, who bullies people as a matter of policy.

The consensus defense warriors are no more backed by truth than anyone else here. Hell I even had one dude start mocking me because I said we are in an ice age. Turns out he doesn't know shit about the climate yet here is comes defending the consensus, backed with arrogant confidence that he is being objective.

there's no reason to do a fact check.

And this shit. For the love of Christ. If there is a conspiracy then the MSM isn't going to say anything except "well that's not a thing". What are you going to fact check the Anunnaki with? What are you going to fact check pizzagate with? What are you going to fact check smedley butler's accusations against?

The MSM is not one entity, and fact-checking doesn't mean look up the nearest MSM article for confirmation; it means looking for primary sources.

I'm glad you brought up Pizzagate because that's a perfect example. Often times people will post emails from Wikileaks without their proper context, so ensuring that context is provided and no misleading narratives are being constructed is important.

The MSM is not one entity

Last I heard it was down from about 260 to 4 entities.

You're right that the consolidation is out of control (you can thank Bill Clinton's Telecommunications Act of 1996 for that), but there are lots and lots of mainstream news outlets from all over the political spectrum, so it's not hard to get a diversity of viewpoints if you seek them out.

Bill Clinton's Telecommunications Act? It says right in your link that it's Larry Pressler's.

Bill Clinton was not the guy behind media deregulation. The 1996 Act was sponsored by Republicans, passed by a Republican Congress, supported by a large number of Democrats to the point of being veto-proof and signed by Bill Clinton who could not have stopped it.

I am not saying this is right and I am not saying the 1996 Act did not do additional damage. I am saying that Ronald Reagan and Republicans invented media deregulation as government policy and did the most of it.

By the time Bill Clinton came along, things had already become so bad that eight giant companies controlled 90 percent of the information stream.

I posted more details about Ronald Reagan's deregulation here

Question: Why is it that everyone knows about the 1996 Act and pretty much no one knows what Ronald Reagan did? Probably because the information stream is largely skewed toward oligarchs and Republicans that we are not even getting the most basic information out. It's just blame Bill Clinton all the time.

Hahahaha. The #1 fallacy I probably see repeated on this sub is thinking that there’s going to be a conspiracy but literally no effort to cover it up.

In my post asking for evidence of an authentic school shooting in Santa Fe literally the only evidence someone proffered was a list of victims names from

As if there wouldn’t be a list of names in a fake shooting.

That’s just an example of your point. People act like they can just hop on Google and ask “are chemtrails real?” etc. and thus “debunk” any conspiracy theory.

People act like they can hop on the Conspiracies sub, post bullshit and then shit on anything that counters their conspiracy by calling it fake news.


So much this. If you have a theory - back it up or ask for help backing it up.

I’m an engineer and military historian, I’m happy to help anyone but I’m never afraid to ask conflicting questions if I see a flaw.

So you think there are users who roam around from sub to sub, like a discerning tumbleweed, shining their light of wisdom on falsehoods wherever they exist, and we should graciously accept their passing judgment.... yeah sounds legit.

Am I being advised to not ask questions or exchange in dialogue on a conspiracy sub? Lol

and here they are

Just cause I asked a conspiracy question on a conspiracy sub lmao. This shits ridiculous.

Then leave

You're being advised to seek out conspiracies that sound good to you and ask questions about those things. You're being advised to focus on doing that and resist the urge to comment on conspiracies that you don't like and to resist mercilessly downvoting things you don't want to talk about.


Just don’t be an asshole to the people whom you disagree with, and you’re good.

everything is manipulated here. algorithms exist for a reason.

Also, this site is a social engineer project. They use karma to reward correct think and get you to fall in line. You dont want bad karma do you? You dont want people disagreeing with you do you? You want to be right like everyone else dont you?

I upvoted that before thinking about it too much.

Hi joe how’s your Wednesday going? By the way I noticed you have yet to respond to where:

I’ve already posted in the thread YOU CREATED earlier with my evidence

In relation to your request for evidence

There are plenty of people here who aren't conspiracy theorists. There isn't a lie detector test at the door.

This is half the problem. People gatekeeping on who's "allowed" to be into conspiracy theory. You realize people can have a passing interest and not live here full time like some of the fucking clique that think they own this sub. Some people have lives and need to do other things too.

Interesting choice of words considering many of the users I reference are literal paid gatekeeper shills.

So who judges who's a "true" conspiracy theorist and who isn't then? You? Just based on someones post history you can really tell? Can you prove these people are paid shills? I don't which users you're talking about but there's sure a clique here that believes anyone who doesn't think like them is a shill. And they think they own this sub.

Well let’s see, if I look at someone’s comment history and can’t spot a single conspiracy theory they subscribe to, it’s looking to me like that user is not a “true” conspiracy theorist.

Think if I show up on r/nfl spouting strong opinions about pro football and deriding the normal users that no one is going to notice I’m an interloper?

This is one of the worst places on the internet to discuss real conspiracy stuff, anyone that's really into it - isn't it doing it much here, trust me. So that argument falls apart pretty quickly.

r/nfl? Yeah if you were being really disingenuous someone might check your post history and call you out but, having no post history in r/nfl doesn't prove you're not a real NFL fan, just means you haven't posted in that subreddit.

So I don't post here much at all because it's a shitshow. Ive been into conspiracy stuff since the 80's when it was all magazines and talk radio shows. By your reasoning you'd say I'm a shill because my reddit history doesn't show you any of that.

So name a government conspiracy that you believe in, which incriminates the government.

lol, no. I'm not required to meet your standards. You don't get to decide if my interests are suitable or not.

You could've literally just said anything, but instead you decide to be contrarian again. You're not here in good faith and it's obvious to more than just OP.

If you say so. If I could have literally said anything I could've have just made it up too. I don't need to prove my "conspiracy credentials" to any of you.

If you absolutely must know, my favourite subject is MK Ultra and the "suicide" of Frank Olson. But I don't fucking care if that meets your "good faith" standards or not.

So there are no fake shootings, all space missions from all space agencies are legitimate, 19 Arab Muslims did 9/11 and Israel is our greatest ally?

What the hell are you talking about? I didn't say any of that!!I mentioned one conspiracy I'm interested in, I didn't discount any others, your making shit up and then getting mad about you weirdo.

Removed. Rule 10

Wait, which user did I attack?

That's pretty easy - I like to hop on here and take a look at the top posts every so often whenever I'm feeling a bit down. Cheers me right up.

Follow my newest post, let's see what happens. I love you bro.

Everybody mad cuz they guy probably a criminal.

Report dem trolls. The MSM will keep the supply coming.

Mature people will engage in polite debate if they disagree, or they will simply not comment at all.

Immature people will be nasty, mock you, etc.

Yes, just ignore the immature people.

Nah, sometimes I am in an eye for an eye mood. Sometimes I'm just pissy. I'm older than fuck but I let the kid in me have his way just a bit.

Don't ignore them. Engage with them. Report them.

How old is "older than fuck"? I'm 50. Do I need to start using this to describe how old I am? LOL! 🙂

As far as the other, it is up to each individual. Sometimes I ignore them, sometimes I don't. But I never stoop to their level and be mean. But that's just me.

You one a da good ones darling.

No too old ; )

Kind of like the story of the Three Bears and the porridge, but with age. Not too old and not too young, I'm just right! 🙂

How long does that last? :)

How long does what last? Being the perfect age? Hopefully for a long time! 🙂

I get it, whatever age you’re at is the perfect age! if you could bottle that feeling and sell it, I’d buy some!

Maybe one day we will figure out a way to do that! 🙂

thats not a bad idea. someone should do a sticky with a vote on age range to get an idea about the gen age of r/conspiracy guessing between 35-55 yrs.

That would be interesting to know the ages or age range of people who post here.

47 Imo age is a state of mind - until you are back in diapers that is ....

Yes, age is a state of mind. I agree with that.

Stopped having birthdays at 39, that was 19yrs ago........

Is it too late for me to stop having birthdays at 39? 🙂

Nope.... State of mind, right? Though the body doesn't keep up as well anymore.... :)

I know all about the body not keeping up, unfortunately! In my mind, I'm still in my 20s. But my body sure doesn't look or feel like it! LOL!

In my 70th year I can tell you that it's more than that.

Age is more than a state of mind?

Yep. It's also a state of age.


20s graduated college 2 years ago.

Donna, I respect your opinion. Youre a vet here and have been in the trenches a long time. I do not know how you continue to hope, believe we are going to alter the course of the inevitable. I really hope youll hook me up with some of that hopium!

LOL! I'm not on any drugs at all. I'm 50 and have always been a positive person - glass half full, instead of glass half empty. No, my life is not perfect. But I realize my life could be a lot worse, so that makes me thankful and positive. 🙂

always depends on if your are drinking from the glass or filling it up.

then decide what the glass is filled with.


The glass is always full. If its half full of water molecules, then it is also half full of air/oxygen molecules.
There is no spoon, brother.

I envy that.

Problem is some people take disagreement and debate as an attack. My wife is like that and it drives me crazy. Just because I disagree with her sometimes she thinks I’m attacking her or calling her stupid. I think a lot of people approach debate that way.

Sit her down, tell her how much you love her and then tell her you have decided to convert to Islam and that so should she.

Keep it up, show her all the positive videos about how Muslims are superior, all the feminist stuff about how Islam and feminism are in full support of each other.

Once she has converted it will be the end of any arguments from her. If she disagrees with you, just smite her face. If things deteriorate within the marriage, just throw a party for you and your Muslim brothers and their families, tell them your wife is beyond your control - then pour gasoline over your wife, set her ablaze and all your new Muslim brothers and sisters will say that your wife committed suicide in front of them all.

Where did that come from?

Ah Islam... The cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.

Well I guess he definitely walked right into that one. The nerve.

Huh! I think I married your wife's sister.

Wow! I feel special now! They've noticed me!

I called him a Soy Boy, not a Soy Goy. You must have made a typo.


Soy goy is good too.


Why did you name call?

If you read my comment, I admit that I was being immature.

What did you mean by it? Were you attacking his masculinity? Disparaging vegetarians?

I was not disparaging vegetarians.

We're you attacking his masculinity?

Is there anyone who messes with topminds? I can't imagine that place is full of normal folk.


you don't get to decide someones motives just because they disagree with you so ironically it's you showing the immature attitude to people who have different ideas. funny that, off course i'll be down voted by the blethering morons that hide away in the grass with their select knowledge and their condescending attitudes. i would bet your reply will make my case for me.

I never said anything about people's motives in my comment.

off course i'll be down voted by the blethering morons

10 hours old and +4 score. The preemptive I'm a victim of downvoting thing is old.

i stand corrected, for now.

I agree with you. And some people just aren’t happy with their surroundings so they become keyboard warriors and will make their best attempt to make your life as terrible as theirs.

The trolls are 15:1 ratio in this sub, but there’s some good people still out there.

If people use the voting system for what it actually is supposed to be used for, then you wouldn’t see the hate/negativity so much.

Yes, you are right. And yes, there are still some good people here too!

It's a war of stupidity between two insane extremist groups, trump supports and Hillary supporters. They migrated here during the election.

All discussion between them boils down to:

Trump's cum testates better. No, Hillary's Vagina juice tastes way better. Rinse and repeat this pattern in every post.

I would completely be in favor of a rule requiring civility. I can immediately see how this rule could be abused by mods and people on all sides, but a simple “Don’t be a snarky condescending asshole” rule would do wonders for this sub. Or just a “Don’t be rude” rule would be great. Obviously that’s very subjective, but something similar would be wonderful.

It's what's needed right now.

The rule we need, but don’t deserve right now.

The No Meta posts simply outlawed any attacks on users. It was trulybdiscussion promoting and it felt chivarly like. I wouldn't mind it implemented subreddit wide.

I’ve been away for a long time... just my personal experience… it feels like Sharia Blue has infiltrated. There’s a ton of muh Russia going on in here.

I think this is intentional. The closer you are to discussing things of actual importance, the more of this noise you will see. It's largely sock puppet and bot accounts. Hostility and negativity is an effect tactic for shifting a discussion.

The door swings both ways, though. Many people who post don’t want to read anything that could disrupt the narrative they are pushing and do the exact same thing.

OR they just want to focus on the discussion - idk maybe that's crazy

So it’s excused when theorists behave badly, but not if someone else does it?

I don't expect much different to this sentiment from a conspiracy forum, but it's important to know that sometimes people just genuinely disagree with you.

If you assume everyone that has a differing opinion to your own is some sort of controlled opposition, you're going to dig yourself into a hole of self affirmation that will ruin your ability to interact with people.

There is a difference between genuine disagreement and being a snarky condescending douche bag. The latter is what OP is referring to.

Chiming in to remind everyone to hit report on comments that breach the rules. Those hostile users don't hesitate to report you guys as soon as they've provoked a rule violating response.

The report function on the reddit iOS app doesn't work. It's quite infuriating.

I tend use a browser instead of apps when on mobile. It's not as clean to navigate, but I find the apps very restrictive.

It fits in well with the increased hostile partisanship worldwide. People are more divided than ever. Who profits?

If you're being attacked, you're right.

So banning people for making threads about the Trump/Russia investigations means they've been right all along?

Trump is a known actor. We should be skeptical of him.

Who is he a known actor for, all the known actors I know are pouring everything they can into removing him and stomping out populism across the globe.

Life is but a stage.

The realest thing you've ever said.

;D stay tuned.

Keep your derriere in your chairiere! We'll be right back with moreeeee ARE EM EFF EN!


The fact that this utter nonsense gets upvoted even in the slightest is indicative of manipulation.

Honestly , that’s reddit for you

It sure didn't use to be. Not in this sub, anyway.

Things really got bad around the lead up to the 2016 election, and have only gotten worse from there.

When will this sub be back to just actual conspiracy posts and not junk? The world may never know....

RT news shouldn't be down voted to hell with no responses just because they're funded by the Russian federation.

They usually get downvoted because RT literally tries to tell you what to think rather than the facts. Often you have better sources that stick to just tge information.

I hate that being skeptical and asking for more evidence means I’m a shill. It’s lazy, boring and does nothing to improve a theory.

I had a great debate over a World War Two theory I disagreed with because of overarching evidence on the grand scale of the war at large, but it’s my favorite post on here to date.

Two people openly discussing a situation, civilly while disagreeing the whole time.

There was no hostility, no name calling, no dismissal and more importantly, the theory still has small scale merit and because of it I’m looking for similar scenarios that could back up the original claim.

Compare that to a recent exchange where I’m being personally attacked for daring to ask for actual evidence, logistical supply companies etc that could enable the claim. Nope, I’m a shill because I read and ask questions.

This subreddit could be amazing, more than the sum of its parts, but because very few people want to flesh out ideas, build evidence or even entertain the possibility that they are wrong? It’s far less than the sum of its parts, waiting for people to evolve beyond their own petty nature.

If there was no hostility then that’s not what I was referring to. I’m referring to openly nasty and sarcastic comments.

It was there, and being labeled a shill ad hominem is not only hostile and sarcastic, but it weakens the term as well when it’s actually pertinent.

The fact many people here use personal attacks as their first resort says a lot for how closed minded this subreddit can be at times, when it should be the opposite.

Report them and block them.

i find weed helps

i one hundred percent agree. of ur open to conspiracies why ridicule ops? stay off sub if ur not open minded

Indeed. I've had posts go sour because of these people, and it really takes the fun out of trying to learn more about these theories.

There has been an influx of new users to the conspiracy sub. These new users are not nice, on average. They is a lot of anger and paranoia coming from the left these days and its showing up here in droves. Sad.

I blame that Putin_loves_cats dude. He's kind of an ass.

No I like his/her posts.

Removed. Rule 10.

there is the tendency to reject any possible theory unless there is absolute irrefutable evidence for whatever claims made

what's wrong with that? no one is obligated to provide evidence, and often times a third user will instead and then everyone benefits from the sweet juicy links.

you can't argue with someones conspiracy, that's the problem you're facing no matter the drivel posted for consideration. It's because conspiracy theorists hide from reality and actually know fuck all about anything and instead retreat into a world of fantasy where they control the narrative. It's quite pathetic really.

^ Exhibit A.

Or they get banned for posting non-maga related content.

That's their job

The truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as self evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Besides, if you're only posting and writing about stuff that exclusively gets up-voted then chances are you're not saying anything that really means something to people.

Advocating for peace?!?!

What kind of monster are you?!?

It's gangstalking. And it's deliberate. Some group is really trying to suppress participation in this sub.

Many of us are just angry curmudgeons.

Good post. I agree. Also, excellent username.

Kind of like the story of the Three Bears and the porridge, but with age. Not too old and not too young, I'm just right! 🙂

Nothing. Why don't you give your opinion ever? Why do you just chtitque the views of others?

Exaplin to me how a image that is scanned into a program has layers already? Wut? So the document was legitimate and there is nothing fishy about Obama's past? Right...

Look into her a bit. Look into her connection to the Supud cult.

The layers thing has been debunked repeatedly:

No, they have not, stop spreading disinfo. Jean-Claude Tremblay was deliberately misquoted by Fox News and he has gone on the record to say so.

You will also note that in the article (which you probably won't bother to read because it will contradict your fragile worldview), Tremblay admits that although he saw no evidence of tampering "I am not an expert on OCR" and "I’m not a detective specialized in the forgery of electronic documents."

The truth is that the overwhelming weight of expert opinion is that the document posted on the White House website was created on a computer, and is not a scan of a real document.

Here are ten experts who are convinced the document is an electronic forgery:

And here is a very good talk-through of why the Obama LFBC is a blatant fraud.

I definitely believe in some conspiracies, just not all of them. To believe in all of them is a bit silly, don't you think?

Age is more than a state of mind?