Is this sub left or right?

1  2018-05-24 by CanadianAsshole1




For now lol

Yes, up and down. Up - > Anti-Imperialists Down -> Pro-MSM

Is ya' mother hot or Black?

PLC everyone.

Top. Content.

Hey Rocky roo. OP's question is the equivalent to mine. Don't you have a telescope and chemistry set you should be playing with?

OP asks for political leaning.

PLC goes flat out racist.

PLC goes flat out racist.

Um, hows what I said racist?

Asking if someone is hot or black doesn't seem racist to you?

No, and you're missing the actual point of what I said (in context). It's fuckin' golden, LMAO. Put your space jam jammies on, and jerk off to Mars, Rocky.

You're upset of OP's false dichotomy so you decided to try your hand at it, but instead went for a racist false dichotomy.

You're upset of OP's false dichotomy so you decided to try your hand at it, but instead went for a racist false dichotomy.

No, I was pointing out idiocy.

But you're drunk and naturally racist

I'm not drunk, and I'm not racist.

so you didn't even realise you were being racist.

lol, have you applied to BuzzFeed, yet? You'd fit in. LMAO.

No, I was pointing out the idiocy of the question at hand.

By being racist? I don't see the logic there, then again a drunk racist like you isn't known for logic.

I'm not drunk, and I'm not racist.

LMAO pick one. You ARE PLC, right? Or is this an imposter...

lol, have you applied to BuzzFeed, yet? You'd fit in. LMAO.

Asking if someone is hot or black is unquestionably racist.

By being racist? I don't see the logic there, then again a drunk racist like you isn't known for logic.

How was what I said Racist? You never answered that.

LMAO pick one. You ARE PLC, right? Or is this an imposter...

Aye, the one and only PLC.

Asking if someone is hot or black is unquestionably racist.

How so? Why are you so afraid to answer?

Because you're saying someone black cannot be hot. That's literally what you said - Think about that for a moment and how racist that is.

Hot OR black. So OP can only pick ONE. Not allowing for the potential for someone to be both black AND hot.

Unquestionably racist.

Because you're saying someone black cannot be hot.

No, I'm not. You're assuming that. Why so Racist, yo'?

If you cannot see my point, in regards to OP... then, I'm not sure what to tell ya' Rocky.

Look at OP, and what I said. You will have pie on your face, after. Trust me ;). LMAO.

This isn't a matter of opinion, you gave them two choices. Hot or black.

If their mother is black then they cannot be hot by your options.


This isn't a matter of opinion, you gave them two choices. Hot or black.

lol, you're still not understanding my comment in context to OP.

If their mother is black then they cannot be hot by your options.

Never said that. You actually did, though. You Racist, yo'.

Tell me more about this context of OP's 6 word post, which will somehow redeem your UNQUESTIONABLY RACIST comment - Because i'd love to see you perform the impossible.

Go on, i'll wait.

Tell me more about this context of OP's 6 word post

OP is asking a completely subjective question. I love how you fell for it, though. Tis' GOLDEN.

which will somehow redeem your UNQUESTIONABLY RACIST

Why are you using cap locks all of a sudden? Is this the same Rocky, I ass blasted years ago?

Go on, i'll wait.


So the context for why you decided to post a racist false dichotomy is: "OP is asking a completely subjective question."

... You serious? So if someone asks a subjective question that suddenly absolves any and all UNQUESTIONABLY RACIST comments you will quickly post?

How is what I said Racist? You keep saying this, but are not explaining anything. God damn, are you a robot or some shit? Tell me, in your own words, how anything I said was Racist. You can't, and you are the actual Racist.




Therefore, if black, cannot be hot. If hot, cannot be black. UNQUESTIONABLY RACIST.

This is seriously pitiful, Rocky (did I really fuck you up that much - lol?). Can you not think one person is hot, but not another? Can you agree with one ideology while simultaneously agreeing with other parts? You're not seeing the point. My point is... the world is not Black and White. God damn...

You're literally a waste of time and space. You're pathetic and a joke, and may the god(s) have mercy on your soul.

It's your racist false dichotomy, not mine.

I reckon you're racist and drunk, so it just slipped out and only now you're facepalming because you didn't want people to know the truth that you're UNQUESTIONABLY RACIST.

But that's okay i've already archived it.


And now you've realised there's no running and explaining it, so just time to sit quiet and hope no-one else comes across this thread.

you are the actual Racist

Wow beyond pathetic. Be a man for once and own up to your words. I get my comments removed and and ban threatened for saying that all Republicans are morally devoid. You're prime example #1.


Left vs right is merely a device to divide the populous. You have no say in how things are run and neither does ‘the other side’

Left and Right are actually a real thing. I personally do not care for those, who think they are entitled to my shit, and think stealing from me is moral, or some shit.


You'll be surprised to find out that life isn't left and right

We're not stuck in a left right paradigm

This sub is neither. If you dare to question authority then you belong here, I don’t give a fuck who you voted for.

dare to question authority

So most of you are libertarians or anarchists?

It seems that all political affiliations are represented here. This isn't a place that I think of in terms of left or right, nor should it be viewed that way. Sometimes, there are posts that indicate which way the poster leans politically, but that opens a wider discussion by people who disagree with them. It's a good sub.

Why do you have to put them in a box? Free your mind

There was a study that analyzed all the r/conspiracy posts and found that by far most commenters are what they classified as anti-imperialists.

Ok thank you, I am comfortable with that.

They also found that despite claims of this being some antisemitic hate sub that it seems most the anti-semitic stuff comes from a very vocal 3% or so.

I thought the Libertarians were the Anarchists.

To give you an honest answer (and I'll keep it simple although I could elaborate greatly) it's not very left. That doesn't mean it's automatically right-leaning, it's just not left-leaning at all.

Consider: By nature, leftist ideology has a tendency to trust their government and are willing to allow more of it. The left in general tends to believe that people are inherently good, and that there really are 'good people' in there (the government) 'looking out for us.' The left tends to look to the government for answers, and tends to adhere to "grouping up together" as opposed to finding answers on your own as individuals.

Automatically, it's going to be hard for a leftist to swallow 90% of the conspiracy theories since they are often related to governments and people they like and trust. If they weren't, they wouldn't even matter much would they?

Don't even get me started on the media angle.

What about us anti-authoritarian leftists? In my opinion as an anarcho-communist, power corrupts, money corrupts, and the current system rewards corrupt people.

This sub is about right vs wrong, not right vs left.

Right vs left needs to die.

its fucked

Little bit of both, little bit of neither.

This sub isn't left nor right. It's downright stupid.

The middle is where you want to be. Don't fall for the propoganda of either side of else you'll find yourself in a bubble trap. You'll only be angry at certain things the media tells you to be while ignoring obvious signs that something else is wrong, all because you chose a side to ride along with.

A very good friend of mine is hardcore lefty and he seems amazed at when I point out hyprocirasy on both sides. At first comes the excuses and such. But when I kept showing him that its not about left or right and why both sides play dirty and actually want divisiveness to an extent, I'm getting through.

Don't fall for the tricks and damn sure don't feel afraid to question things even if it goes against the grain of your own beliefs. That phrase "knowledge is power" couldn't be more relevant.

It's mostly right because right wingers are liars and will use conspiracy to gain control of the culture because it's in their nature to be controlling.

left vs right is clearly just there to divide us and make us hate each other.but if I had to say what side has the policies that I like more id say i like the Republicans more than the Dems

From what I see from an Anarcho-Communist viewpoint, generally a mix of both. It seems to lean down though.

Left and right are opposite extremes of the same concept that are just a small idea away from each other.


It's both, but I know that's not entirely organic. Ideally, it should be neither, sense every conspiracy theorist worth their salt knows the left-right paradigm is a device of control of the State. If this sub weren't influentially important, it wouldn't be a magnet for bad actors.

Personally, I can piss off both leftists and rightists, and christians and atheists, so I know I'm doing something correct.

You must transcend the right/left paradigm to see the truth.


The received dialectic is two heads of the same beast.

This sub is a safe space for radically open minded anti authoritarian thought.

It depends on the post and the day, really. For the most part, it’s non partisan (as it should be), but if you get an anti-Trump post going and point out that both parties lie, cheat, steal, you get downvoted to oblivion for dare suggesting that both parties are controlled by corrupt people.

"You look to your left, you see one way. You look to your right, you see another. But neither is any harder than the opposite. But the Elder Scrolls... they look left and right in the stream of time. The future and past are as one: Sometimes they even look up. What do they see then? What if they dive in? Then the madness begins."

~Septimus Signus

North Central for the most part.

A lot of Centrists. And many who claim no affiliation.

Some Liberal - Left, Some Conservative - Right, Lotsa Libertarians - North and a few authoritarians - south.

This has been a public Service announcement.


PLC everyone.

Top. Content.

For now lol

Because you're saying someone black cannot be hot.

No, I'm not. You're assuming that. Why so Racist, yo'?

If you cannot see my point, in regards to OP... then, I'm not sure what to tell ya' Rocky.

Look at OP, and what I said. You will have pie on your face, after. Trust me ;). LMAO.

Tell me more about this context of OP's 6 word post

OP is asking a completely subjective question. I love how you fell for it, though. Tis' GOLDEN.

which will somehow redeem your UNQUESTIONABLY RACIST

Why are you using cap locks all of a sudden? Is this the same Rocky, I ass blasted years ago?

Go on, i'll wait.


It's your racist false dichotomy, not mine.

I reckon you're racist and drunk, so it just slipped out and only now you're facepalming because you didn't want people to know the truth that you're UNQUESTIONABLY RACIST.

But that's okay i've already archived it.

Yes, up and down. Up - > Anti-Imperialists Down -> Pro-MSM