Can we please all agree on one thing! [pizzagate!]

1  2018-05-25 by dubspl0it

So I am sick and tired of this very specific conversation:

  • "pizzagate is real"
  • "oh so you think Hillary raped and tortured countless children in a pizzaplace in Washington DC? Yeah sure man"

NO. For fucks sake, no one ever said that in the first place, and no one actually believes this kind a statement at all. "The Washington Post mentioned that in their article once news about pizzagate broke free, and that's when all this stuff began to become badmouthed as a conspiracy shit.

So let's get the facts straight:

  • In the Podesta Mails, some anons found weird wordings and phrases. These phrases were said to be code for pedophiles, which could most likely be fake. HOWEVER:
  • These mails mentioned Comet Ping Pong as a place, where one could meet up. This made a few anons study this very specific pizza place.
  • They found the owner of this very specific pizza place, James Alefantis, to have been posting some rather weird pictures of children.
  • Some of them were taped to a table, and didn't look too happy
  • Some pics of babies were titled as "whore"
  • Some other weird pics from that instagram page raised a few anons eyebrow.
  • an allegedly leaked FBI document of pedophile symbols did lead to a inspection of the symbols of each shop around that pizza place, after these very symbols were found within the logo and menu of comet ping pong.
  • wether these symbols are real or not, doesn't matter for this place to at least having had left a weird impression on the anons doing the research

-Satanic symbols were found in a room within comet ping-pong and the logo, too.

  • The "Finders", "Dutroux Affair" alongside the "Franklin Coverup" came to the mind of anons. All these cases were proven to be an appearance in the past of pedophilia connected to satanism and politicians or at least elitist members of the society

  • *Any further research from this point should have not been discredited in the way we actually have seen it been to. *

TL;DR: pizzagate is not about Hillary raping children in a basement of a pizzaplace, but this very specific pizza place was found to be lead by a person that posted photos of children in relation to sexual meanings, as well as photos of children that didn't look very comfortable taped on a table. While one can argue about the symbolism, these facts alone should have legalized any further research without any doubt, as this is an absolutely improper behavior towards minors.

Thank you for the read.


"Pizzagate" is a term that undermines the mass harvesting of innocents. This term was given to you, if reflects the image of a goofy conspiracy claiming nut. The ancient aliens fellow comes to mind.

No, that’s what you want everyone to believe but that is simply not the case. I want to also mention that James Alefantis is not on the up and up. Here we have a man who was pronounced the 49th most powerful man in Washington DC by GQ magazine. His occupation? Pizza restaurant owner, and for most of the week the kitchen is open for 4 hours a day. Now let’s say you think there is nothing wrong with his disgusting instagram posts. Fine. However, there was found to be a protected section on the Comet Ping Pong website. What was on that protected section? According to Titus Frost (real name Dean Fougere) and the hacker Bigfish, there was “Cheese Pizza” aka Child Pornography on that website. In this video, you can see the e-mails that we’re sent to the Washington DC police department officer Marcus Stevens, and he shows that Officer Marcus Stevens confirmed receipt of the e-mail as well. And to the naysayers who will inevitably come out of the woodwork to say that there is no real proof to what I am saying and that the e-mails could have been fabricated, as could evidence of the protected section of the Comet Ping Pong website, I would like to remind you that falsely accusing someone of possessing and distributing child pornography is an extremely serious crime which would almost certainly result in jail time if James Alefantis were to persue a lawsuit against Dean Fougere andthr hacker Bigfish, so if you honestly think that these men would risk their freedom by making up this whole story in order to get more views on their YouTube video or whatever motive you can come up with, you’re out of your mind.

There was a protected area on the website but it was part of the jimdo website template and the only files on it were menus.

Old comment I made below

It was part of the website template ( check about page below)

It wasn't child porn, it was menus.

There was a protected area on the website but it was part of the jimdo website template and the only files on it were menus.


Titus Frost is a liar.


Below is the incident report made avaliable after contacting the DC police.

What's this have to do with anything /u/GoddamnFreemasons just wrote?

It certainly looks like you just put a bunch of links in there to give the appearance of sourcing your claims, when really your references are:

  1. A post from 4chan (ironically enough)

  2. A web archive to the password protected page itself (which doesn't show menus of any kind)

3 and 4. The incident report from when the kid went in with an AR to "investigate"... which is 100% irrelevant to the comment you replied to.

The proof is in my post

The proof for Titus... Well that's more esoteric but if you've been around the conspiracy community you may be aware.

I linked the police report because parent linked to a video talking about speaking to an officer in DC. Yes that happened but the only files released had nothing to do with pedophillia just the comet shooter which is the only crime with any evidence that's occurred at comet.

The proof is in my post

All that shows is they had a password protected area of the site. Where's the proof that it was just menus?

The proof for Titus... Well that's more esoteric but if you've been around the conspiracy community you may be aware.

I've been around this community for quite some time. Are you trying to present some blogger making completely unverified and unsubstantiated claims as "proof" of someone lying?

I linked the police report because parent linked to a video talking about speaking to an officer in DC. Yes that happened but the only files released had nothing to do with pedophillia just the comet shooter which is the only crime with any evidence that's occurred at comet.

Again, that has absolutely nothing to do with the video posted by /u/GoddamnFreemasons. The video shows the email correspondence of the evidence from the password protected section being submitted to Officer Stevens. The fact that you're trying to link the unrelated police report of a separate incident is suspicious.

I linked 4chan because a user there in the original investigation thread identified the password protected area as a normal Web template.

Sooooo... your proof is literally "this random person on 4chan said so"?

I find it both ironic and troubling that everyone seems to say there's "no evidence for p-gate" and "it's all from random people on 4chan, no actual evidence!" when that's completely untrue... meanwhile, you're "evidence" for it being fake is based on literally the opinions of a random blogger, and a random 4chan poster, with no real evidence whatsoever.

It is. This is a well doing shill. Instead of arguing the meaning of the concerns made, he goes as simple as pointing out spelling differences. He doesn't provide any evidence against, he just demands evidence (such as videos of a kid being killed and raped, easy huh?), and points out random mistakes by his advocate, refusing to even try to understand our message.

Removed. Rule 10

Thank you for pointing this out.

Removed. Rule 6.

Wouldn’t exactly call that a “large percentage”, but I can see how the big letters could be rule 6. I’ve removed the #, is that enough to get this comment reinstated?



And crickets. Excellent reply good sir.

The "gate" part is attached because there is the very real connection with proven conspiracies in the past that were devastating to the participants.

there is the very real connection with proven conspiracies

No there isn't, unless playing "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" counts.

Watergate, friend. Watergate.

Like, what do you think about the world of politics? That politics is NOT power? As if that power doesn't cause certain groups to go to any and all lengths to achieve power? You think JFK was actually killed by the lone nut Oswald?

Give your head a shake.

Sorry, I thought you were implying that the characters involved with pizzagate were involved in progress conspiracies. My misunderstanding.

Ahh, ok. What do you mean by "progress conspiracies"?

*proven. Mobile typo.

hilary herself may not be directly mixed up in the pizzagate issue but John Podesta was her guy for the primaries. The connections there are maybe circumstantial but these people all work in the same cicles in DC. Even if hilary was aware but not connected, should she not be a decent person and get these people arrested? Does that not make her part of the problem?

Hey, its up to everyone to figure out on their own.

a limited hang-out

Very concise and well put. Thank you for the info.


Should just add Alfantis was 49th(?) most powerful man in DC IIRC... which raises eyebrows as well since he owns a ping pong pizza shop.

yes....he's clearly connected with the elite. well he is, he played ping pong with obama in the white house.

Are you on Voat? The Tommy Robinson fangirl?

haha. you mean the comment i made about him yesterday?

Nah we debated about him some time a while back.

Just noticed a voat username so i thought id say hi.

i don't recall...unless it was the one about him being a zionist.

tbh i don't know anymore. i don't really trust him or anybody else. but i'm pretty clueless when it comes to israel, zionism, jews etc. i don't know too much about it, but yeah, idk. you may have been right. and hi there.

well Israel has quite a lot to do with pedo rings in general. they're into organ trafficking.

probably it was and i'm sorry, i have no sense of humour on reddit bc everyone's so horrible lmao. i am interested though in learning more about the whole thing...but im not sure where to start. for instance from what i think i know, israel conquered palestine many years ago, and israel are zionists right? so britain and the us do deals with israel all the time...and they are in agreement with palestine being attacked still?

also am not a fangirl.

The pizza isn’t even that good according to my buddy who lives in DC lol

49th in GQ magazine below baseball players and other restaurateurs and party planners. Yes he was active politically, I don't understand why that implicates him as a pedophile.

Not saying he is, but think for one second as to why a ping pong pizza shop might be on the list. Probly not for delicious food. But anyway I remember you arguing with a guy early, not arguing with a guy with your history. Not saying he's a pedo, but there may be something going on.

Enjoy your day, no need to reply.

dont worry its all bubbling up to the surface. look at the backlash to that movie "showdogs" that teaches kids to go to their "zen place" (read dissociation) while strangers fondle their genitals.


Very good post, thank you.

Oh boy... you said the P word. Prepare for mass downvotes in a couple of hours (ya know, once they make it into the office)

Another hilarious tactic that you’ll constantly see, is they’ll use the kid who went in to CPP and “shot it up” (aka shot 1 bullet through a hard drive) as justification for not wanting to discuss the idea any further because “look what it made someone do to this poor innocent pizza shop owner! These people are insane!”

Then if you try to bring up the suspicious moving of traffic cams just before the shooting, or the shooters weird family government connections, they’ll just stop responding to you, but the downvotes will keep coming.

Good post. Very interested to see how this thread will play out (don’t have very high hopes for you though).

There was more than one shot fired, that is another lie propagated by certain actors.

And the hard drive was not hit directly, the bullet went through the cd drive/top of the pc tower.

Incident Report

Relevant part:

Criminal Complaint

Relevant part:

note the document says "rounds" and "walls", counter to the common single shot magic bullet narrative.

I edited my post to reflect 3 shots, not one. Thanks for pointing out my mistake.

The camera was moved because 4chan found it and were hammering the stream.

Got any proof of that?

Seems rather convenient that it went down less than 24 hours before the shooting.

Can't find the 4chan thread but here is a voat thread from before the shooting discussing the camera and acknowledging people had access to it prior to the shooting.

When I'm not on mobile, I'm posting footage of an alleged Comet Ping Pong employee saying there was only 1 shot.

Please do, because that's how I remembered it. But when I looked it up, all the articles I could find said 3, so I edited my post.

Sorry for getting this to you so late. Timestamp included.

Yeah, they moved the camera shortly before the shooting because too many people were viewing the steam, and then moved it back soon after the shooting. Riiiiight.

and then moved it back soon after the shooting.

I was going to point that part out too, but I had trouble finding any proof that it was moved back a day or two after the shooting to back up my claim. And when you look at the camera now, it's aimed in a completely different direction.

Got a source for the moving back part? Because that's how I remember it too, but I couldn't find anything.

i remember that too. and the 1 shot video. i can't find anything online but i know it existed. it's like 1984 where history is erased and altered right before us.

Been watching it happen with Sandy Hook for years now. So it’s no surprise to me seeing it happen now with this as well.

1984 indeed.

see r/1984isreality

Boom, subscribed. Good call, thanks for the suggestion.

just playing it forward

see r/1984isreality

Thanks for the primary sources. However, to your last point regarding Besta Pizza, their logo couldn't have been any more spot-on to one of the pedophilic symbols from the FBI page. It understandably raised some eyebrows at the time considering their neighbor Comet's Instagram and the theory that tunnels were in use.

What tunnels?

All these raised eyebrows... No proof any child was harmed. Weird.

You've heard of Jimmy Savile right? No one thought a children's TV show host could fuck kids we are!

Just because there is no proof and people behind bars, doesn't mean its not happening.

All you're here for is to tell others not to think about this issue, because why? Because you say so....and you're the self appointed expert in opinions.

I haven't once told anyone not to think about it, in fact I encourage thinking about it.

Because after some reflection most people have realised there is no evidence James Alefantis, Podesta or Clinton have ever absurd a child.

If you have some I'd be calling for their heads like everyone else.

There are many people that think the abuse could be taking place underground. This is due to the multiple Comet Ping Pong Instagram pictures where construction is being down to the floors. They're digging into the floors. Also when I'm not on mobile I'm going to link a document where the owner of DuPont underground personally thanks James Alefantis for helping him with a project. I believe he also thanks Dr. Pong who is related to Pizzagate via Berlin.

I'm sorry but you really don't know what you're talking about with regard to many aspects of Pizzagate.

Please stop stating your opinions so confidently

Also again, when I'm not on mobile, I'm posting the 2007 video by Frank Winstead where a child can he heard yelling for help. The sound is coming from Comet Ping Pong. What's even more peculiar is that the child screams the loudest for help as a family walks over the manhole in front of Comet Ping Pong

I'm sorry but you really don't know what you're talking about with regard to many aspects of Pizzagate.

I disagree.

Please stop stating your opinions so confidently


The first few days after the CPP instagram page was introduced to 4chan there were theories discussed regarding tunnels stemming from a couple of the posts of basement renovations (#killroom) and a YouTube video that a random guy had uploaded years prior that sounded like a child yelling for help from under the street outside CPP.

None of it turned into anything solid, but at the time there was enough smoke that deserved to be looked into further.

That video of the sidewalk violation still doesn’t sit right with me...

I have a footage of an alleged Comet Ping Pong employee saying that there was only 1 shot. I'll post it when I'm not on mobile. If this was a false flag, why wouldn't they be able to tamper with the incident report and say there was more than one shot

I didn't say 4chan hacked anything.

It was a publicly accessible camera.

Holy shit, you're fact based replies are legitimately the best posts I've seen on this board in the 4-5 years I've been coming. I took way too much of this narrative seriously even though I was skeptical. Thank you. Sincerely.

Happy to spread the knowledge!

It's interesting how in the early posts there was also discussion of these underground WiFi hotpots in Hawaii that were somehow related and how selling art was used to launder money - now it transpires some shady guys around Trump broke the world record buying art as if it were the most brazen money laundering in history.

The guy who bought the painting also bought property off Trump at much higher than market value.

Yeah man, I still believe that was a false flag. No logical person that was researching into it would ever shoot a suspect's computer as it could have destroyed extremely valuable evidence.

I don't believe someone snapped; I believe it was planned in an attempt to discredit the conspiracy and possibly to destroy evidence.

You obviously have no clue how the law works if you think those flimsy connections you made somehow are enough for a police force to go in a privately owned business and sweep the place for pedophilia. Let's not act like pizzagate didn't start with the handkerchief with a picture of a pizza and an email talking a playing dominoes high on cheese. Both of those were taking from the hacks of Jon Podesta email accounts. Then 4chan in true neckbeard fashion took all context out of those statements said the cheese and pizza he's referring to are code words for pedophilia and a bunch of ignorant right wingers believed it and a bunch of malicius right wingers saw it as an opportunity to paint the then dem presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, as a either a pedophile or knowingly works to get them children

A. OP never talked about the law. B. I like you mentioned everything except for Alefantis's instagram page.

Why are you even here? You're not fooling anyone...

Not to mention Podesta's "Art" collection

It's unsettling to say the least..

"(scoffs) You just don't get art"

My peasant eyes can't comprehend the magnificence of that art. :(

"these facts alone should have legalized any further research without any doubt, "

Never talked about the law yet has legalize in a sentence. Can you not read or did you just glance over that?

Given the context of it, it could be more appropriate to say "legitimized" instead of "legalized". Do you have any sort of reading comprehension or are you still in middle school?

It could be but I don't make assumptions about what people are trying to say. If somebody puts legalized I'm not going to assume they actually meant legitimized. Also how do you legitimize research that started on 4chan?

Well, how would you legalize it? Is it illegal to conduct research?

There's ways to legitimize it. Usually, it will start with evidence, regardless of where it originated.

The cops staking a place out with the proper warrants would be legalized research. Yes evidence something pizzagate is missing. You have no case that points to anybody being a pedophile. No victims coming forward,no eye witnesses, no dna.

I could see that as being legalized research, I suppose. I never really thought of it that way. Well, I'm not going to argue with you there. All of it is circumstantial. Then again, most conspiracies stem from circumstantial evidence, so while I don't demonize the people involved, I can't quite discount the circumstances surrounding the allegations.

I just think it's foolish to investigate a crime that no victim has come forward for. Plus it's pretty apparent this was an attempt to paint Hilarys campaign as being ran by a pedophile. You would have to investigate every weird thing people do if you keep taking circumstantial evidence and assume it's a crime yet there's never been a victim

Well, the victims, in this case, are children. The babies in Alefantis's instagram page are incapable of coming forward.

It's foolish to discount something because of where it originates.

It's foolish to discredit something because of where it originates. Well actually it's not. This started on 4chan. 4chan is full of trolls and larpers. Just as you shouldn't just believe what somebody who lies all the time because they've shown to not be trustworthy. Same as 4chan

Have you ever read the book The Boy Who Cried Wolf or familiar with it? If so, you could apply the same principle to 4Chan.

Except the boy who cried wolf actually saw a wolf. 4chan hasn't caught anybody being a pedophile.

You keep strawman-ing.

Common scheme. Kinda bullet proof. You look stupid because you can't provide evidence, and shill looks competent, thus adding value to his message.

Sad but working

Are you really calling me a shill and I look credible. Could it be because what I'm saying makes sense. Occams razor is a thing for a reason

You are demanding a proof. What kind of evidence do you want? Are you totally retarded to discard a conspiracy because it's lacking evidence?

Conspiracy is actually the meaning of having a theory involving several actors without having a concrete evidence?

That's literally what this sub is about, one can't start an actual discussion around facts, as there are people like you that want to have evidence for the theory?

If this was about concrete evidence, then this would be a news board, not a conspiracy.

The state of this sub is beyond ridiculous, and I definitely will try to change that.

Listen to yourself. You're saying it ridiculous people ask for evidence. A victim,an eye witness, some physical evidence, a camera picking up children being led somewhere,. Anything other than cheese pizza and a handkerchief with a picture of pizza on it. At least with ufos there's some footage and other government conspiracies have plenty of evidence to point to as factual. Theories presented with no evidence can be dismissed with no evidence

Lmao you keep leaving out how the owner of Comet Ping Pong, James Alefantis, had pictures of children taped down and sleep deprived. It's obvious what you are and what you're doing.

It's a picture of a smiling girl with masking tape barely on her arms with a joke about it being the new seating arrangement for kids because they run around alot. That's not evidence he's a pedophile

And other pictures have captions as "hotard". Can't wait to hear the justification for this one.


Do you know what cumpanda stands for? That along with the pictures is pretty worrisome.

Let's ask all the kids hillary Clinton helped in Haiti??? Oh,,,,wait a minute,

Great post OP

no one ever said that in the first place, and no one actually believes this kind a statement at all.

But they know all this...

It's like the "There's no basement at Comet Ping Pong, you guys are idiots!"

When in reality there is a basement under Comet Ping Pong but the entrance is on Buck's Fishing and Camping side which he also happens to own. It's not rocket science but these people are playing dumb in order to derail convos

Alefantis stored ingredients for comet in Bucks basement. It's not a secret.

The point is there is no evidence anything untoward happened there.

Alefantis stored ingredients for comet in Bucks basement. It's not a secret.

You can't be serious buddy, it's the main line to ridicule Pizzagate that has been used over and over to "debunk" the whole thing.

The point is there is no evidence anything untoward happened there.

Whatever you say buddy

Here's an interview with Alefantis where he describes storing 10 tons of harvested tomatoes in the basement of bucks

Here's an interview with Alefantis where he describes storing 10 tons of harvested tomatoes in the basement of bucks

Again, that was pointed out during Pizzagate, that very same interview to prove that he in fact did have a basement

The goal posts just moved over time but the facts have always been the same, there's extensive documentation and research on it I'm not gonna hold your hand through it.

Yes Bucks has a basement where Alefantis stored ingredients. I don't understand what your point is or how it's indicative of a pedophile ring.

This shills name gives me the creeps

Everytime I come back to reddit, you in particular are obssesed with making PizzaGate seem like bullshit.

I don't make it look like bullshit, it is bullshit.

Nope. Its only bullshit to braindeads with no critical thinking abilities.

Who do you think is a pedophile and what's the most compelling piece of evidence that convinces you?

If Alefantis has nothing to hide, why doesn’t he use his real birth name?

Well obviously changing his name never stopped you finding out his birth name so he's not really hiding anything.

What do you think a name change means? I wonder what Cher and Sting and Slash are involved in...

There is no definitive proof of his real name, but it 100% isn’t Alefantis. If I had to guess, he is a Rothschild.

His mother is called Susan Alefantis. Did James time travel and change her name before he was born?

There is one person in the entire US with that last name lol.

Better question, why change your name to something so eerily similar to "I love children" in French?

Damn I had never heard this about his name but yeah...WTF

James Alefantis has 1 "n".

Jaime les enfants has 2 "n"s.

Therfore James Alefantis didn't change his name to something which is an anagram of I love kids in French.

I would actually love to have a discussion with you, but now I have the absolute proof that you are not interested in debunking anything, you are interested in pointing out mistakes made by each of the poster within their statements, neglecting the actual message behind.

This is actually brilliant, but it doesn't work. It makes you just look like incredible narrow minded.

Les Entfants and Alefantis doesn't sound similar because of two n?

You can be narrow minded, but for it to be close to an anagram, it should be sufficient

I pointed out an obvious flaw in the anagram theory.

That's not ignoring evidence, it's proving that piece of evidence doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Lots of words sound similar. It's not evidence someone is a pedophile.

Is that you, James?

My name is not James.

Haha we know.

you're right, he's a pedantic pervert. he told me there was nothing wrong with putting your baby on a website and saying its raw and uncut. so just think about that.

If you look on blogspot you will find dozens of parents and grandparents blogging baby pictures.

It's not a strange indicator of pedophillia.

how is this the same? Is James Alefantis a parent? Are his friends really the parent types? No theyre gay males calling the babys whores and making pedo references in other photographs. If you dont see something wrong with all those photo's you are in a very severe case of denial. Or you are intentional disinfo

We were talking about the Luzzatto baby blog not Alefantis.

Whatever, hotard.

Just no need for that.

Removed. Rule 10

Oh ok, the one that read like an advertisement for the luzatto kids who we still have yet to hear from. Saying spend some time with her now, raw and uncut. Yes very much what you said. I wrote a blog post concerning some of this a while ago. Feel free to read.

Here's an old comment I saved about it.

This was a blog of cute baby pictures with a few videos. Tamera Luzzatto did not run the blog, Evie's father did.

The blog was not invite-only until internet stalkers started harassing the Luzzattos.

There is a little bit archived here:

There were more pictures archived on but that site has been down since mid-January.

As you can see, there's nothing unusual about the photos at all.

Also, the father tries to make humorous remarks on nearly every picture. People are trying to insinuate that there's something sinister about the phrase "raw and uncut", but that's just the way he writes.

EDIT: Well, after looking at the header on the page, I figured out there are more pages archived.

Here is the biggest group of pictures:

As you can see, there's nothing suspicious about any of the pictures.

And here is the first post on the blog:

This is where the magic happens!

Welcome! If you are here you are one of the first people to view Evie's blog! And our friends should thank us---by indulging ourselves with this web portal we are NOT filling your inboxes with large files of pictures and videos!

Enjoy and we will look forward to your comments....

And another one from that day:

Evie's first day

Here is Dad the night I was born. Very glad he didn't make it through Organic Chemistry to become a doctor, this site doesn't inspire confidence.

So, it is the father who made the site.

This website is anything from normal. Nothing unusual at all. Accept a picture of James Alefantis at the birth, when prior to this they had no known connection. And the sketchy email by the Luzattattos was something completely unrelated w John podesta. I read your comment. Read my blog post

Spot on.

pizzagate/pedogate is bigger than the real or imagined basement of a single pizza joint. Pedophiles exist. Some ascend to positions of power and authority.

Labeling pizzagate as "hillary clinton raped and murdered kids in a dc pizza parlor" is simply a damage control tactic.

The PG investigation has sparked interest in many people and led to countless arrests and removal of harmful content on the internet.

I agree.

My point is none of the pizzagate evidence suggests James, John, Tony, Hillary or Bill or anyone else mentioned is a pedophile.


Is there some I've missed or something?

Yes, yourself.

What do you mean?


I feel this exchange has become unproductive.

This guy is doing MAJOR damage control in this thread.

All this for some nutty conspiracy?

Seriously starting to think it's James Alefantis himself.

Closed as soon as I found out it's Dexter.

That fucking song has been stuck in my head for like 2 years straight.

How's that for mind control.

he's a crisis actor.

he is dexter.

Where does it say the basement of bucks? It just says "the basement", which could mean any basement.

This guy's ENTIRE post history is dedicated to debunking Pizzagate (and pics of Antonius).

What's your point?

That this is more than just a hobby for you. Everyone here can see it. Your participation in highly questionable subreddits also speaks volumes.

When all else fails as hominen

you mean "ad hominem"?

that's not even an ad hominem attack you prat.

meant for landiesaw, another perv sympathiser

Yeah probably.

It's not a hobby, I'm interested in the conspiracy theory. That is to say the political smear campaign that pizzagate is I have a feeling Roger Stone is involved.

I don't really care about your moralising over my post history.

That isn't evidence of anything other than I like a bit of porno.

Sure buddy

Too bad kids taped to a table and symbolism isn’t enough evidence for you. Are u specifically in this sub to defend pedos? Is that your job? And your user name gives me the chills...

he actually said she was tied up and she was smiling. she may be smiling but she does not look happy. the bags under here eyes are unmissable. poor child. if i showed a pic like that to my family and said it was my friend's kid they would be like wtf. kids are meant to be happy.

It's not rocket science but these people are playing dumb in order to derail convos

Or playing dumb to avoid having to confront the awful reality of this situation.

some people refuse to wake up. Even when it happens to their kids they will think "they" just ran away. doubtful when you see how many kids are taking each year in this country alone.

sickening to say the least.

Agree, great post. One correction.

The FBI symbols is not alleged. You can view the document on the FBI website. It is a fact that pedos use those symbols to communicated to other pedos.

There is also very good evidence that "cheese pizza" is a common euphemism /code word for child porn. Chicken is another term. There are other terms that are validated by law enforcement.

The longer list that 4chan cited from the emails, including maps, dominoes, and walnut sauce, is very questionable, however.

very good evidence that "cheese pizza" is a common euphemism /code word for child porn

"The words don't mean that, it's drugs!!" is what they keep telling us, but some people went on the darknet and found exactly the kind of language there


Great, now point out where they said 'cheese pizza' anywhere in the Podesta emails.

Where do you get the idea that the basement of Buck's is connected to the basement of Comet, or that Comet even has a basement?? And what about the building in between?

Wasn't there evidence that the basement being "built" in JA's IG photos was actually under Pegasus Museum...?

In the Podesta Mails, some anons found weird wordings and phrases. These phrases were said to be code for pedophiles, which could most likely be fake. HOWEVER:

This is a bit vague. If you actually look at the emails such as the handkerchief email or the outdoor pool email John Podesta doesn't use any of the alleged code. The words are used by a real estate agent and Susan Sandler, a family friend.

These mails mentioned Comet Ping Pong as a place, where one could meet up. This made a few anons study this very specific pizza place.

Can you cite this email? Podesta and Alefantis held a few publicity events at Comet to raise money for the dem campaign.

They found the owner of this very specific pizza place, James Alefantis, to have been posting some rather weird pictures of children.

In your opinion they're weird.

Some of them were taped to a table, and didn't look too happy

One picture has James God daughter jokingly taped to a table, in the middle of the restaurant, while customers are around. And she's smiling.

Some pics of babies were titled as "whore"

No they weren't.

Some other weird pics from that instagram page raised a few anons eyebrow.

So? Raised eyebrows about a public instagram post aren't evidence someone is a pedophile.

an allegedly leaked FBI document of pedophile symbols did lead to a inspection of the symbols of each shop around that pizza place, after these very symbols were found within the logo and menu of comet ping pong.

The FBI symbols were not part of the comet logo although there may have been a spiral on the menu somewhere. Spirals are a very common shape.

wether these symbols are real or not, doesn't matter for this place to at least having had left a weird impression on the anons doing the research

That's fine but once again a weird feeling because of a shape on a pizza menu isn't evidence Alefantis is a pedophile.

Satanic symbols were found in a room within comet ping-pong and the logo, too.

What is a satanic symbol and where do they appear exactly?

The "Finders", "Dutroux Affair" alongside the "Franklin Coverup" came to the mind of anons. All these cases were proven to be an appearance in the past of pedophilia connected to satanism and politicians or at least elitist members of the society

These cases have nothing to do with pizzagate except to try and convince casual observers there is something there.

*Any further research from this point should have not been discredited in the way we actually have seen it been to. *

What research? You haven't identified one victim in almost 2 years of investigation.

TL;DR: pizzagate is not about Hillary raping children in a basement of a pizzaplace, but this very specific pizza place was found to be lead by a person that posted photos of children in relation to sexual meanings

That's not true and a gross misrepresentation of what James Alefantis posted on instagram.

, as well as photos of children that didn't look very comfortable taped on a table.

1 child, smiling, loosely taped to a table in a public place.

While one can argue about the symbolism, these facts alone should have legalized any further research without any doubt, as this is an absolutely improper behavior towards minors.

What facts? Nothing you have posted is evidence much less evidence of a pedophile ring.

The problem with pizzagate is it starts at the end (child abuse happens) then tries to insert these various innocuous details the paint this evil picture.

Pizzagate was an organised political smear campaign - that's the real conspiracy.

Where I come from, taping children to a table or calling them hottard isn't quite a behavior that's accepted by society, but well...

To be fair, in anybodys opinion those pictures were weird and the comments he got for them cauaed such an outrage they were another reason to make his Instagram account private.

As I already stated, wether these symbols are accurate or not doesn't matter.

The weird feeling came from the pictures of clearly uncomfortable and apparently physically harassed children. Yes, some were smiling like that baby biting a pizza, but some were not...

You can research the symbolism for satanism in almost any library on earth, they are known and proven to be used by Satanic cults. One of them is displayed quite accurately in the comet ping-pong logo, however even if that's not important, those pictures and comments were. Some other pictures allowed a conclusion that James Alefantis at least knows if not appreciates Occultism. Don't try to distract, I said many times symbolism might be random and without any meaningful message.

If you did accept the fact that each of these cases deals with pedophilia and satanism by elitist members, then yes, this is exactly what would have been in common with James Alefantis, rich member of the society, molesting children while showing appreciation to occultism.

The Franklin scandal is not really in doubt, neither is the Dutroux Affair, don't know where you made that one up? Evidence for exactly this, a pedophile ring in relation to satanism was found, read the Belgium X Dossiers.

Pizzagate in the very beginning was very real and got discredited over the time to a conspiracy theory of Hillary eating children and raping them.


Where I come from, taping children to a table or calling them hottard isn't quite a behavior that's accepted by society, but well...

Where I come from playing with kids is popular. James didn't call a child hotard, his friend in the comments on instagram used the hashtag hotard and then James used it back in another comment. So he was talking to his friend, regardless leaving such a comment isn't evidence of pedophillia.

To be fair, in anybodys opinion those pictures were weird and the comments he got for them cauaed such an outrage they were another reason to make his Instagram account private.

I don't think the pictures were weird at all. He made his account private because he was being harrased by hundreds of strangers.

As I already stated, wether these symbols are accurate or not doesn't matter.

Then they can be dismissed as evidence.

The weird feeling came from the pictures of clearly uncomfortable and apparently physically harassed children. Yes, some were smiling like that baby biting a pizza, but some were not...

I don't know how many times I can say this but your pearl clutching "these are weird photos" is not evidence James Alefantis is a pedophile.

You can research the symbolism for satanism in almost any library on earth, they are known and proven to be used by Satanic cults. One of them is displayed quite accurately in the comet ping-pong logo, however even if that's not important, those pictures and comments were. Some other pictures allowed a conclusion that James Alefantis at least knows if not appreciates Occultism. Don't try to distract, I said many times symbolism might be random and without any meaningful message.

Ok I have discounted the symbolism as you say it is meaningless. What occultism do you associate with Alefantis? By all accounts he's a successful business owner and nothing more.

If you did accept the fact that each of these cases deals with pedophilia and satanism by elitist members, then yes, this is exactly what would have been in common with James Alefantis, rich member of the society, molesting children while showing appreciation to occultism.

Expect there's no evidence he's ever abused a child and you just said the symbolism doesn't matter because it could just be random.

The Franklin scandal is not really in doubt, neither is the Dutroux Affair, don't know where you made that one up? Evidence for exactly this, a pedophile ring in relation to satanism was found, read the Belgium X Dossiers.

The Franklin scandal was pushed by a guy trying to sell a book

federal grand juriesconcluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a "carefully crafted hoax."

Dutroux was found guilty of two murders. That's it. Yes he was a pedophile but there is no evidence of a ring, other than that provided by the accused himself who would have plenty to gain by implicating others.

Pizzagate in the very beginning was very real and got discredited over the time to a conspiracy theory of Hillary eating children and raping them.

What do you mean it was very real in the beginning? It was no more real then than it is now.

No victims, no evidence of abuse. Nothing expect your weird feelings.



I think you miss the point of this sub. This is /r/conspiracy. We don't need 100% concrete evidence that something happened. We are here to ask questions and get a thought provoking conversation about certain topics.

James Alefantis and his friends posted some weird shit on social media, and there are some weird symbolism and such around his pizza shop. Weird post 1 Werd Post 2

Here's a screenshot from a deepweb pedo forum acknowledging that pizza parlors are used in pedo circles.

Here's another screenshot showing part of Robert Robinson's "Favorite" section on his Flikr. He was arrested for raping a 13 year old girl.

None of this is proof that Alefantis is a pedo, but it's enough to start asking questions.

Why are you rushing to deny pedophilia everywhere? Why do you post to a subreddit that's technically about pedophilia?

Better question: who in the fuck is upvoting all his posts this much, and downvoting the users he's arguing?

Very good point.

Its obvious he's a pedophile or something similar maybe a fanboy. That's absolutely disgusting. I don't get why pedophile is a common denominator in many elite circles such as the Catholic Church, English Parliament and Afgan government. But any time it's mentioned here it's downvoted and told that it's all lies.

I am.

I think he's making good points.

Then you must not be doing very much thinking.

Let's not forget Alefantis' pal literally makes child sized coffins and has a concrete floor in his box van. He also refers to Alefantis as his boss.

That's super creepy


our pizza shop owner is dexter

crisis actors are a thing.

Its not a coffin it's a coffee table

The first photo shows a father and daughter.

The 2nd photo shows a friend of James posting on instagram. James doesn't comment on the post as far as I can see. How is that evidence podesta and Alefantis are pedophiles?

The image from a message board claiming pizza parlours are used by pedophiles is just that - a post by a random on a message board. It's not evidence James is a pedophile, as you say.

What questions would you like to ask that haven't been asked over the past year and a half?

The first photo shows a father and daughter.

It says Chicken Lover? Which means this or this

The 2nd photo shows a friend of James posting on instagram. Your right, I must've grabbed the wrong link. But while we are on the topic of instagram, why is/was James' profile pic Antinous? That's odd behavior like yours.

The image from a message board claiming pizza parlours are used by pedophiles is just that - a post by a random on a message board. It's not evidence James is a pedophile, as you say.

What does this Robertson guys arrest have to do with James? Guilt by association? That's not convincing me that James is a pedophile.

I don't think you understand. We aren't here giving proof that James is a pedophile. We are pointing out things that are weird. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

chicken lover

Maybe the kid loves chicken?

See you think James friend being weird on instagram is enough reason to accuse prole of being pedophiles.

I don't.

Maybe the kid loves chicken?

Those are pictures of kid with an actual chicken. Not of a man holding a child. Context is everything.

What's in the babies mouth in the instagram picture?

Looks like a carrot

Could be a bit of chicken, hard to say.

Regardless, even if James did mean the "lover of underage males" meaning - it could simply be a joke in poor taste. The sort of thing you share with friends until 1000 4chan users message you telling you you're a pedophile.

You're totally right, it definitely could be. (and I hope it is).

But that's the whole point of this sub. Question the official narrative, do research, and then make your own conclusion.

Right. So you can understand why I feel the way I do. And I understand why people see the other, to much bad shit does happen behind closed doors but I don't see it here.

I definitely understand why you feel the way you do. I do not understand why you feel as strongly as you do.

I did an experiment once, I Googled a random instagram with pizza in the name. Very shortly I was able to go through the profile and make up a story using the friends and pictures.

It's just to easy for all of this stuff to be confirmation bias for me to believe any part of it. So collectively I think it's just this hodge podge of unconnected stuff that doesn't mean any th9.

To him, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, but you don’t have a conclusive DNA test stating that it is indeed a duck... then it’s not a duck, and how dare you even suggest that it might be a duck.

well said

Except this post isn't a recording of alefantis quacking or a video of him waddling. This is someone finding a feather near the guy and posting on the internet that this ... Feels ... Like a duck. And because this feels like a duck feather we should try and ruin someone's life, because feelings are apparently truth now

Lol ok buddy, whatever you say.

You don’t need 100% evidence to talk, but you do if you’re gonna pass soemthing off as irrefutable fact.

Lol no shit, the only one using words like “irrefutable fact” is you. Do you even read the comments you reply to with such bull shit answers?

LOL wow, just check out this user's word cloud of most frequently used words on reddit... nothing suspicious at all there!!!

alefantis 165

reddit 115

people 97

evidence 89

time 77

pizzagate 66

podesta 66

story 62

obama 59

child 58

made 52

email 51

Created /r/Antinous

Interdasting interests huh

So cavalier

Also posts in r/LegalteensXXX, r/braceface, r/barelylegalteens, r/malemodels, r/realgirls (majority of karma) and r/VolleyballGirls...

Just some food for thought (as they continue to defend suspected pedophiles)!

Almost as if he came to reddit to defend Alefantis then stayed to beat his meat off lol

Removed. Rule 10

Jesus Christ, so disgusting.

Obvious pedo shill is obvious lol

And he's still being upvoted like crazy at the top levels of each thread... which raises a ton of other questions.

The one thing shills cant deflect is this:

Let's not forget Alefantis' pal literally makes child sized coffins and has a concrete floor in his box van. He also refers to Alefantis as his boss. He posted an instagram pic of a coffin titled "KILL ROOM"...

Alefantis met with obama. Why.

In 2012 the secret service was caught shuffling prostitutes around

Just who the actual fuck is alefantis

It wasn't a child's coffin it was a coffee table

The kill room instagram picture was a reference to the TV show Dexter.

You’re a disgusting pedophile

No I'm not.

What are you doing here on reddit? Only defending pedophiles while browsing sex subreddits tinted with underage shit. You will be punished in after life

I'm not defending any pedophiles. I don't care what you think about my post history. There is no afterlife.

Will you admit that Besta Pizza's logo looked like the FBI declassified triangle spiral pedophile symbol?

Sort of resembled it? That's it? I'm pretty sure it's a striking resemblance.

If you rotate it a few hundred degrees and add some dots.

Check this out

People went wild with this. It doesn't stand up to scrutiny. What is bestas role in the pedophile ring?

Actually that absolutely deserves attention. It was a deliberate choice that the Disney animators or whoever greenlighted that idea had to make. Disney has inserted a lot of other hidden sexual messages into their movies in the past as well. I think you are in denial about all of this. To not be able to see any kind of pattern when you clearly know about many of the examples of these sorts of things which are getting people riled up. But you seem to be very passionate about explaining everything away and telling everyone that they are crazy for thinking it’s a conspiracy and that there is really nothing to see here.

Removed. Rule 10.

Removed. Rule 10

Which pedophile have I defended?

this guy invest so much time in 'disproving' pizzagate that its creepy.

Removed. Rule 10

It's become quite a useful reference for me.

What's your point?

Nice try, but your attempts to bait me won't work.

My point is very obvious to anyone with two eyes and a brain.

I'm serious. Do you think I am unaware that other redditors can view my post history? I was here when pizzagate began and the doxxing was real, I won't run that risk again.


Lmao you can't make this shit up

still laughing at that and the fact he's gone quiet now. happy friday

Gone quiet now? He commented again 30 minutes before you did. What are you talking about?

Still here too. Lol.

So nothing about the content of his post? Just gonna talk about post history? Is that because you have nothing to say to dispute what he says? That’s what we’ll assume until you post otherwise.

If you took even 2 seconds, you’d noticed that I’ve been vocally challenging nearly every single bull shit point he’s made throughout this entire thread.

Nice try deflecting though!

extensive investigation of the Dutroux affair found no evidence of...

I'm from Belgium and trust me on this , the Dutroux affair wasn't properly investigated at all. Many, many people will tell you the whole thing stinks to high hell.

For example, 27 people that were supposed to testify on this network or that had information pointing in that direction ended up dead before they could get in front of an officer or judge, the judge that got the case first decided to go on a vacation and failed to pass along the case, causing the missing girls to be found weeks later than necessary, some cops burnt a box of videos found at Dutroux's place before they could be used in court because "we watched them and there wasn't anything on them", judges and prosecutors were shuffled around and some failed to act competently seemingly on purpose, Dutroux's escape, the first prosecutor of the case fully believed in the network theory and today still argues that there was much more that his predecessor failed to look into. The guy that replaced him was a rookie btw, it was his first case. Look into it man, the Dutroux affair might've been exactly what Dutroux himself claims it is.

We even changed our entire police system and passed some major reforms because the people had lost all faith in our justice system. Plenty of people still remember.

27 people that were supposed to testify on this network or that had information pointing in that direction ended up dead before they could get in front of an officer or judge

Holy hell, know where I can read more about this?? I don't think I've heard about this one before.

There's this documentary. Can't watch if it's the one I'm thinking of, should be German with subtitles.

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My apologies, I have misunderstood. Thanks for the reply!

I looked at some info and it said people were so appalled 1/3 of people named Dutroux in Belgium changed their names.

In your opinion they're weird.

I'm pretty sure pictures of kids duct taped to tables is universally weird, nothing subjective about it.

Putting kids in bondage is just messing around.


Not everything is literal.

He didn't literally duct tape a little girl's hands to a table then took a picture of it.

...Oh wait.

Yea he literally did that it's not literal bondage was what I meant.

Yeah, I've literally done that with my kids before for fun. They asked me to do it. Am I a child rapist now?

...You... Duct taped your kids up... For fun?

Yeah, they wanted their hands taped to the wall. They wanted to be upside down but that didn't seem safe..

It's tape and not acid, a kid can have tape on their hands and think that is fun. Do you consider tape a dangerous weapon? can you explain how having tape on your hands is automatically sexual? Honestly that sounds like a personal problem you've got there.

I'm not the one advocating for tying children up with duct tape "because it's fun" and how dare you try to imply that I have a problem while defending taping kids up in the same statement.

Absolutely disgusting, as are your mental gymnastics to normalize crap like this.

I see your pearl clutching knows no bounds.

I didn't say anything about sexuality but you already know that, don't try and be cute with your words.

What I said was that taping kids up is universally weird. You brought sexuality into it.

Care to prove me wrong? Or do you just wanna project your own mental delusions on everyone else?

I’ve already proved you wrong, kids play with tape on a regular basis across the country in arts and crafts. Playing with tape is the opposite of weird by definition because most kids do it. You’ve addressed none of my points and this is a pretty poor pivot so I assume you’ve got nothing here. Resume your baseless pearl clutching,

Okay kiddo, keep using mental gymnastics to try to and defend pedophilia. Note, there is no way for you to come out looking like a good guy in this.

For all your talk, you think very little. Maybe next time keep your mouth closed and not prove your idiocy by opening it so the world can watch you defend and try and normalize degeneracy.

Take pride in your ability to twist words if you like, but you've already lost. You already displayed your disgusting underbelly for the entire world to see, good job!

Sorry you got suckered into a now-dead theory. Guess it’s time to move on with your life. Or not, doesn’t matter to me, the sooner the better for your benefit but makes no difference to me.

Removed. Rule 10


Actually, it wasn't duct tape in the photo, it was masking tape, which is significantly weaker than duct tape.

Pizzagate a smear campaign? Thats a conspiracy theory

The blue pill is strong with this one

I hope they're paying you well for this at least

Who is "they"?


I thought they ceased business after the whole election thing.

a lot of coincidences you’ve chosen to ignore

Such as?

They found the owner of this very specific pizza place, James Alefantis, to have been posting some rather weird pictures of children.

In your opinion they're weird.

in your opinion they were not wierd...........oooooooooooooooooooh kay

Yo bruh. I saw a fair few Instagram pictures from accounts that were friends and part of Alefantis' Instagram circle jerk. ALOT were all fucked up. The most fucked one was a lil boy, very young, being fingered by the devil.

If that's not weird then nothing is. Do not care what you say if you post that on your account. You a monster.

I know pizzagate is real because the subreddit was shut down without warning due to the research people were doing. People were finding out some shit and connecting big names. It seems Washington DC is ripe with pedophilia. Only idiots who listen to the news and paid shills believe Hilary was raping kids in the restaurant basement. It’s all done on purpose to make us look like lunatics. I’ve never EVER seen such an effort from shills to discredit this theory. Not even for the craziest conspiracies. Not even for stuff like 9/11. But politicians being involved with trafficking and satanic ritual abuse is out of the question. That’s how I know it’s real.

The sub was shut down because of doxxing and harrasment.

Lol wikipedia

lol reality

Wikipedia isn’t reality. Any old fucker can edit that website.

slow clap

I saw your ten paragraph comment on this post....this is what I mean, the effort you people go through to shun pizzagate is fucking ridiculous and suspect. Imagine if you spent half as much time looking into it instead of picking every little thing apart. Most of your points were rubbish anyway. I don’t recall any doxxing and I was there. Nothing. It didn’t happen. It’s another way to discredit us. It was shut down because of the information people were finding about JA, Pegasus museum, Podesta etc but mostly JA.

This is a discussion board and I can provide evidence for everything I write.

What's really strange is the number of people who want others to buy into pizzagate without a shred of proof anyone mentioned from Podesta to Alefantis to the Luzzattos ever harmed a child.

Do you think creating a website for your toddler and listing the footage as “raw and uncut” is normal? I certainly don’t. What about all the paintings of abused kids in Tony Podesta’s Home? Normal to you? Or the pictures of babies on JA’s instagram with the disgusting captions?? It may be circumstantial but it’s a conspiracy sub. This is what we have to go off. It’s acceptable for literally EVERY other conspiracy but not PG. Why? Because people are paid to discredit it? YES.

Do you think creating a website for your toddler and listing the footage as “raw and uncut” is normal? I certainly don’t.

It wasn't a toddler it was a new born baby and I don't find the tongue in cheek use of a well known phrase is abnormal.

What about all the paintings of abused kids in Tony Podesta’s Home? Normal to you?

What paintings is that? Why does Tonys taste in art which he displayed at his home and discussed in news articles indicative of pedophillia? What do those paintings have to do with John's friends baby blog?

Or the pictures of babies on JA’s instagram with the disgusting captions??

One baby, his god daughter. I don't recall any disgusting captions.

It may be circumstantial but it’s a conspiracy sub. This is what we have to go off. It’s acceptable for literally EVERY other conspiracy but not PG. Why? Because people are paid to discredit it? YES.

Which is fine, which is why I am providing a counter point to your claims. I don't fear questions about the subject but you seem eager to shut down discussions which don't agree with your preconceived narrative.

You don't think it's weird for Luzzatto to have Uber deliver her kids (ages 11, 9 and almost 7) to a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere to serve as "entertainment" for a bunch of middle-aged men?

"your entertainment will definitely be in that pool"

You think it's totally normal for a guy like Podesta to be sending emails telling his pals how much he loves waking up to a little kid's nose in his ear?

You think Alefantis's obsession with pederasty is lol just a joke bruh?

It wasn't an uber driver, read the email again it was her friend "acting as uber" ie a taxi for the kids.

It was a holiday home they had been to before and it was a mixture of married couples and some singles. I have a comment saved on this one second.

You're trying WAY too hard buddy.

but it wasn´t an Uber driver... it was a taxi :[

No, it wasn't a taxi or an uber it was a family friend being jokingly referred to as "uber service" - you know like parents do because they have to drive their kids everywhere... Like an uber driver.

I'm really not.

You've been here ALL morning. Yes, you are trying extremely hard to obfuscate the facts.

I saw the thread when I was at work. I have since made it home and am continuing to reply to people, like you.

fuck it's so so obvious and disgusting i am trying to imagine what this dude looks like and i vomited in my mouth


Newborn baby is even weirder. Let’s put our child all over the internet with a dodgy caption about access to her videos. That sounds like something off a porn site not one about kids. Don’t gimme bullshit.

Oh the paintings were fine to you? If you went to someone’s house and saw paintings of half naked kids who are clearly traumatised, together with a bronze statue of a murder would think that was normal?

You’re not providing a counter point you’re coming onto pizzagate arguments so you can trash talk it. Defending pedophilia isn’t a counter argument believe it or not.

There’s nothing normal about the arguments I presented to you yet you’re behaving as if it is the norm. It’s not. Go on Instagram and see how many people have pictures of random kids on there. Not many. And it wasn’t just one picture of his goddaughter (a goddaughter that had noticeable bags under her eyes which sure isn’t ok for a child) it was many pictures of kids and babies. One was calling a baby a slut. The other said chicken hawk which is a derogatory term. Fuck you for defending these pedophiles.

And regarding your other point, I am not pushing any narrative or forcing people to believe the opposite, that’s what people like you and shills do. I just find myself getting increasingly frustrated with this god awful website and speaking to people like you who seems to think JA is OK. he is not and neither are you. Fuck off now will you

Newborn baby is even weirder. Let’s put our child all over the internet with a dodgy caption about access to her videos. That sounds like something off a porn site not one about kids. Don’t gimme bullshit.

Baby blogs are quite common, or they were a few years ago before everyone was in Facebook. The blog even explained its purpose was so they didn't clog up people's inboxes with baby photos.

There's nothing odd about sharing baby pictures for a family. It's not bullshit.

Oh the paintings were fine to you? If you went to someone’s house and saw paintings of half naked kids who are clearly traumatised, together with a bronze statue of a murder would think that was normal?

What paintings are you referring to specifically? Paintings are imaginary and the Biljana Djurdjevic paintings I think you're referring to aren't based on real life.

You’re not providing a counter point you’re coming onto pizzagate arguments so you can trash talk it. Defending pedophilia isn’t a counter argument believe it or not.

I'm not "crash talking" I'm explaining why I don't agree with your weird/creepy conclusions.

There’s nothing normal about the arguments I presented to you yet you’re behaving as if it is the norm. It’s not. Go on Instagram and see how many people have pictures of random kids on there. Not many. And it wasn’t just one picture of his goddaughter (a goddaughter that had noticeable bags under her eyes which sure isn’t ok for a child) it was many pictures of kids and babies. One was calling a baby a slut. The other said chicken hawk which is a derogatory term. Fuck you for defending these pedophiles.

There are lots of images of children on instagram of course they're not random, and the ones James posted are known to him and his friends too.

You talk about James calling a baby a slut but that is fabricated. Can you source it?

Thank you for the kind words too! I am not defending pedophiles as I have explained there is no evidence James Alefantis is a pedophile.

And regarding your other point, I am not pushing any narrative or forcing people to believe the opposite, that’s what people like you and shills do. I just find myself getting increasingly frustrated with this god awful website and speaking to people like you who seems to think JA is OK. he is not and neither are you. Fuck off now will you

I am not a shill and your rapid descent to personal attacks only serves to show how flimsy your premise is. It can't be defended logically so you must go on the attack. It won't work on me.

i typed out a whole thing and deleted it because it's not worth it. the downvotes, the shills, the defensive comments, i'm tired of it. i've been arguing with pedo sympathisers since this whole thing started. i'm really tired of it tbh. the same arguments over and over again because people are too thick to realise what's normal and what's not. you are defending a pedophile and ultimately you will have to answer to that someday.

now you will comment back saying something sarcastic about me not following up or just pick apart my argument comment by comment again. how sad.

you've won, honestly. you're right. i've changed my mind about the whole thing. there's nothing shady about james alefantis or his friends at all. hrc. john podesta. they are all fine. nothing means anything. we were all just bored.

I am not a pedo sympathiser I think child abuse is abhorrent.

It's not about winning, it's about the truth. You believe these people (who?) are pedophiles when no one has presented evidence they are.

How many children do you think the pizzagate investigation has protected? I'd say zero. This time could have been spent actually protecting some of the thousands of trafficked children in the US, alas here we are discussing 5 year old emails about handkerchiefs.

Pizzagate is about a lot more than that pizza shop. Its about the very real evidence that exists that implicates people in positions of power. Elites, politicians, etc. In the practice of satanice ritual abuse and pedophilia. This is a very real thing regardless of what you think of pizzagate. So maybe pizzagate is a psyop, to group all these other theories into the same crazy box. But once you become more familiar with the subject its really hard to completely dismiss. And spending your time trying to debunk such theories in the manner you are is not only futile but counterproductive. If you truly have an interest in debunking the heart of these theories heres some places to start. Heres the first BBC documentary Conspiracy of Silence, which was pulled by unknown forces days before it aired in 94. Lucky for humanity a copy was leaked out. You could call this next one the sequel. They both deal with unbelievable corruption in very high places. Satanic Ritual Abuse. And pedophile raquets in very high places. Might make you think before you dismiss these other theories so easily.

You lost this hard enough that you should change your view. You won't, but you should consider that maybe, just maybe, you're wrong.

Removed. Rule 10

Don't let this person lead you down the path. They're stuck.

Notice how all their comments are being upvoted when all he’s doing is picking it apart with his flimsy arguments. He sounds like a fucking pedophile himself. Nobody defends pedo or suspected pedo behaviour without being A FUCKING NONCE THEMSELVES!

I apologise but it makes me really mad because there are innocent children being harmed and everyonestoo busy arguing over whether it’s real or not.

You're a pedophile.

Good now anything you or anyone else says in your defence is "A FUCKING NONCE THEMSELVES!"

Or maybe a bunch of us find him to be a voice of reason in the midst of a witch hunt.

witch hunt? or....looking at the evidence and going from that. as far as i know, hilary clinton is living free and well. same as john podesta. james alefantis is probably still getting hard over toddlers. so if it is a witch hunt. it's not really a good one.

witch hunt....honestly it's laughable. all people are doing is connecting dots and posting links. but it's a witch hunt. okay.

voice of reason? he's a fucking pedophile shill. have fun with that.

when all he’s doing is picking it apart with his flimsy arguments.

Flimsy arguments? He's demolished every claim you've made with reason and citations. You did so poorly in refuting his claims that your argument eventually boiled down to "well you're a pedo defender and you suck."

I'm on your side! Like you said, it may all be circumstantial, but people have to admit that it is all very odd and suspicious.

Okay, if any of my friends were posting pictures of children duct taped on their instagram or other social media, I would be a little alarmed and concerned. Very odd to me.

Also, all the art in my home is quite normal and tame. All pictures of either "horse racing scenes" (husband loves horse racing), landscape pictures with flowers, and some art of local buildings/scenery by a local artist. All very normal to me.

All of my friends have normal art in their homes too. If I ever went to somebody's house or office and they had the art that the Podesta's have, I wouldn't go back to their house. I also wouldn't be friends with them. I would distance myself from them.

Also, that website with the "raw and uncut" footage is very weird and not normal.

I saw your ten paragraph comment on this post....this is what I mean, the effort you people go through to shun pizzagate is fucking ridiculous and suspect.


I saw pixiesbitch's posts and dozens of comments promoting pizzagate.... this is what I mean, the effort these people go to push pizzagate is fucking ridiculous and suspect.

Notice how pizzagate proponents are always quick to label anyone who questions the validity of the theory, but never the users who constantly push it. Makes me wonder if there's a conspiracy to promote this political witch-hunt.

Exactly. They are in the offensive so much because they know their hand is weak.

And the more time passes the more desperate it becomes.

I was there too. There was no wild witch hunt with people on the phones badgering people. This is akin to Sandy Hook, where concerned people were mislabeled as harassers of the families of supposed SH victims.

YHC is either citing bullshit he believes is true and doesn't understand, or he is bullshitting.

He is bullshitting. We were just posting shit we found out. Nobody was being doxxed. Sick of the pervs.

The elite all participate in child sacrifice rituals. The Clintons are no exceptions. The Bush's are no exception. As far as I can tell, Trump is the only exception. Downvote away. #QAnon

Pizzagate has been 100% thoroughly debunked, many times, and yet you all continue to try and see if something is there.

Hint: there isn't.

You're so persistent.

"Hey everybody! I don't think this is true! You shouldn't either! Ok, bye!"

This is a personal opinion issue, not you pushing your own garbage on others issue.

Everyone gets to choose what they think about this issue.

Let's see this 100% proof.

This should be stickied

Why are you trying to lead people from the truth?

He is doing the opposite, stating the facts. You must have it wrong in your head. Find your own "truth", that's the point. No one is pushing theirs on you.

It should be known that the actual triangular spiral symbol was never found anywhere in or on Comet Ping Pong. However there was a shop called Besta Pizza a few stores down that used the symbol. All Comet Ping Pong had was some strange and eccentric artwork and the instagram pictures of the owner you referred to. It should Also be noted thst Tony Podesta had a home magazine take pictures inside his Kalorama Heights mansion in D.C. There were some very violent and disturbing images on the walls and sculptures aswell as children dolls around his and his wife's bed.

A band that played at Comet several times had the pedo spiral triangle in their music video. There were also performances at Comet where someone disguised as Majestic Ape makes creepy pedo jokes. More people need to see these affiliations.

The jokes wer ent at comet, it was a venue below a subway which is why the jokes were about Jared fogle

Other bands that Comet has hosted gigs for: "Heavy Breathing", and "Sex Stains"

kid friendly!!! all ages!!!!!

Pizzagate is real. Child trafficking among the elites is fucking real. They're all going to rot in prison. They'll get gangraped in the ass so many times their asshole is going to need stitches all the way up to their neck. Pedophilia is one of the worst possible crimes you could ever commit. These people should be burned at the stake or other public execution.

Pizzagate is real. Child trafficking among the elites is fucking real.

These are two very separate things.


Well pizzagate isn't real. The other is. As I said, two very different things.

Sure is shilly in here

Pizzagate threads attract shills like a moth to a flame. Its hard not to notice, and it makes the conspiracy theory that much more interesting imo.

If you're going to use 4Chan as a source of evidence and speculation you can't dismiss other 4Chan speculations as obviously false and a distraction.

I'm sick of this conversation:

"Pizzagate isn't real."

"Oh so you think pizzagate is literally Hillary raping and eating babies at Comet Ping Pong?"

No, pizzagate is bullshit because it's entirely based on the willingness to believe. The theory was born because people were so desperate to find something wrong in those emails they decided that "eating pizza" means "fucking children"

Not to mention that there are pizzagaters who think Hillary and others performed satanic human sacrifices at Comet Ping Pong and other locations.

This "actually pizzagate isn't Hillary raping babies in a pizza parlor basement" argument is so transparent, it doesn't make the theory less ridiculous it just says the ridiculous elements don't piece together in that exact way.

No, the reason people like you have such a problem with Pizzagate is that you feel like its attacking "your team" mostly because much of it came from John Podesta's leaked emails. Its sad that some people are so partisan that they violently reject any conspiracy that might make "their team" look bad.

This is a bullshit dismissal. I'm not even American, I had no idea who Podesta was before PG, and I even believed it at first until I did the research.

Its telling that you brought up Hillary. I've discussed PG with many different people and they don't talk about Hillary or the Democratic party. We don't think PG is about one party. You're the one making it partisan.

The part where 'he brought up Hillary' was literally a direct quote from your post.

I didn't bring up Hillary at all.

Welcome to most everything spouted by the alt right. Total bullshit when you give it the slightest critical thought.

I couldn't care less about Podesta and Clinton. Pizzagate is bullshit because it is unsubstantiated nonsense.

Radical assumptions my dude

I hate the Dems too.

Not enough to do the necessary mental gymnastics needed to believe in Pizzagate, but I do hate them for being pay-to-play warhawk neoliberals.

right, show me which pizzagaters believe hillary was doing sacrifices at CPP. fucking show me, because honestly it's bullshit.


so show me who said that. not based on the willingness to believe......where do you people even get this fucking shit. people have not made up that CHILD PORN = CHEESE PIZZA. that's a real thing on the dark web and dating back to the 90s.

Actually, I'm sure there are people who think that, but that's like what, 1/10th of a percent of the rest who don't?

It's a total strawman argument.

Removed. Rule 6.

Sacrifice by the political elite isn't a new conspiracy theory; it goes back YEARS, originally it was believed (and many still do) that sacrifices took place at the Bohemian Grove.

Yet it's inconceivable to you once you alter the location?

This comment presumes that I believe the political elite commit human sacrifice in other locations.

It actually goes back to Antinous, Hadrian's supposed lover who was sacrificed on the Nile. I would be wary of anyone making reference to both occultic sacrifice and Antinous.

holy crap!

I think the most basic thing that can be agreed upon is that child sex rings are thriving and they need to be stopped. after that one begins to question the validity of the the path they have taken to fight this evil. In the example of Pizzagate, for some, the evidence is proficient to accuse. For others it is not. Because of this, the question arises: "when do our efforts to expose and incriminate predatory sex offenders actually hinder our ability to do so?" Of course chasing empty leads is wasted time, which could have been spent actually exposing child sex rings. Yet, one of the greatest moments of shame in the pursuit of Justice is when an abandoned lead actually lead somewhere, and if only you had kept pushing you would have found what you were looking for. Equally so for false accusations... anywho, I'm excited to be able to participate in the conversation.

OP should add that alfantis is 49 most powerful man in DC.

He's not even the most powerful chef in dc.(according to power authority GQ) What kind of operation is the other guy running?

What about a chef ?

José Andrés is the 41st most powerful person in dc according to the same gq list, also below a party planner and a Washington nationals pitcher

He loaded ?

According to GQ magazine.

Jesus, thanks. Been driving me crazy in the other thread.

Yeah, we can all agree that that Pizza place is fuuuucked up..

Well done, this is solid work!

Lets not forget a couple more eyebrow raisers:

-the likely false flag attack on cpp to play them as the victims in the media and further discredit our tireless investigative findings

-the media in general bad mouthing pizzagate truthers

-reddit closing down the now defunct r/pizzagate and forcing the conversation to continue over on voat

-Alefantis and associates made many bizarre posts including showing what appears to be a kill room, and references to satanic worship

-the neighborhood that pizzagate happens to be. Estimated 90% of govt (CIA employees)

-the "artwork" displayed in cpp and flyers for "all ages shows" hosted there. Wholesome acts such as "the sex stains"

-alefantis connections with the Democrats and Obama whitehouse/visits to the whitehouse

-the audio/video that surfaced on that strange website that appeared to feature that worm Podesta (skippy) saying "say my name" repeatedly to a victim

Hmmm, feel like I'm forgetting a shitload that wasnt mentioned in OP's post

One very important detail that is being left out here in terms of evidence is MAJESTIC APE a.k.a. AMANDA KLEINMAN, from the band HEAVY BREATHING who play at CPP. She sounds either transgender or like a gay man which leads many to believe it is actually JA under the mask and wig.
Seriously, look at their website. Watch their videos, where majestic ape speaks of Jared Fogle being a regular "down there" and when the crowd shouts that he likes kids, "We all have preferences!! teehee!!" ... There is a lot of disturbing innuendo used and a lot of it is pretty blatant but also cryptic enough to not expose what their real intentions are. Look up the video for The Neutered Noel.

CPP features a lot of weird band posters too with subtle pedophilic symbols included in the designs.

There you go, actual creepy empirical evidence of weird fuckery.

Mind citing some evidence besides fundamentalist batshittery for The Finders and the Omaha Credit Union Scandal being anything other than an embezzlement case?

The Dutroux affair and Pizzagate are definitely real but don't fall into the trap of thinking Republicans are going to save you. Trump was tight with both Epstein and the Clintons, flew on the lolita express, had a pedophile for a campaign worker (Tim Nolan) and another pedophile for a financial backer (Senator Ralph Shorty). `100% of politicians are compromised and can't be trusted to clean things up. Stop looking to the system to save you from the system.

"Weird" and "didn't look too happy" are entirely subjective. "Said to be" and "allegedly" are not evidence.

If you want to ruin someone's life with accusations of pedophilia and trafficking, you need to have a hell of a lot more behind you than "weird" and "allegedly."

it's all a fake story; rich powerful people never molest kids

It’s no mystery the elite And many high up business owners especially in the US but around the world are deeply involved in satanism and pedophilia , aswell as homosexuality .

Well said.

My contribution:

The pizzagate wikipedia article itself is the biggest sign of a coverup on the topic, oddly no mention of spirit cooking or any of the relevant facts. full page on the staged shooting event of course.

According to the FBI, in 2017 there were 464,324 NCIC entries for missing children. Similarly, in 2016, the total number of missing children entries into NCIC was 465,676.

This very same pizza place where the owner is one of the top 50 most influential/powerful/connected people in DC? Weird... And the shooting incident at the pizza joint by a dude that is an actor with family in politics.

Their art and entertainment equal all things peedophyle and satanic.

no one ever said that in the first place, and no one actually believes this kind a statement at all.

Stopped reading right there. You are NOT going to stop us.

Look at the shills in the comments lmao


No, that’s what you want everyone to believe but that is simply not the case. I want to also mention that James Alefantis is not on the up and up. Here we have a man who was pronounced the 49th most powerful man in Washington DC by GQ magazine. His occupation? Pizza restaurant owner, and for most of the week the kitchen is open for 4 hours a day. Now let’s say you think there is nothing wrong with his disgusting instagram posts. Fine. However, there was found to be a protected section on the Comet Ping Pong website. What was on that protected section? According to Titus Frost (real name Dean Fougere) and the hacker Bigfish, there was “Cheese Pizza” aka Child Pornography on that website. In this video, you can see the e-mails that we’re sent to the Washington DC police department officer Marcus Stevens, and he shows that Officer Marcus Stevens confirmed receipt of the e-mail as well. And to the naysayers who will inevitably come out of the woodwork to say that there is no real proof to what I am saying and that the e-mails could have been fabricated, as could evidence of the protected section of the Comet Ping Pong website, I would like to remind you that falsely accusing someone of possessing and distributing child pornography is an extremely serious crime which would almost certainly result in jail time if James Alefantis were to persue a lawsuit against Dean Fougere andthr hacker Bigfish, so if you honestly think that these men would risk their freedom by making up this whole story in order to get more views on their YouTube video or whatever motive you can come up with, you’re out of your mind.

Wikipedia isn’t reality. Any old fucker can edit that website.

Can't find the 4chan thread but here is a voat thread from before the shooting discussing the camera and acknowledging people had access to it prior to the shooting.

slow clap

The "gate" part is attached because there is the very real connection with proven conspiracies in the past that were devastating to the participants.

Exactly. They are in the offensive so much because they know their hand is weak.

And the more time passes the more desperate it becomes.

When I'm not on mobile, I'm posting footage of an alleged Comet Ping Pong employee saying there was only 1 shot.

Yeah, they moved the camera shortly before the shooting because too many people were viewing the steam, and then moved it back soon after the shooting. Riiiiight.

And he's still being upvoted like crazy at the top levels of each thread... which raises a ton of other questions.

That's super creepy

witch hunt? or....looking at the evidence and going from that. as far as i know, hilary clinton is living free and well. same as john podesta. james alefantis is probably still getting hard over toddlers. so if it is a witch hunt. it's not really a good one.

witch hunt....honestly it's laughable. all people are doing is connecting dots and posting links. but it's a witch hunt. okay.

voice of reason? he's a fucking pedophile shill. have fun with that.

that's not even an ad hominem attack you prat.

Gone quiet now? He commented again 30 minutes before you did. What are you talking about?

Removed. Rule 10

Not everything is literal.

Its not a coffin it's a coffee table

a limited hang-out

Yeah probably.