A Conspiracy does NOT need EVIDENCES in order to be discussed in a normal manner!

1  2018-05-25 by dubspl0it

So I just created this post about pizzagate, and I noticed, that all of the "debunkers" told to give evidence for the existing theories.

See for yourself:


To all of them I can only say: GET OUT here

Read this:


This board is about discussing possible relations between certain cirumstances and allignments, and I would REALLY appreciate, if the everlasting DEMANDING of EVIDENCE would stay away once and for all.

If there are FACTS, then it´s fine to discuss them or use them against any other theory, but it should be not possible to DISCARD A conspiracy theory because it is lacking EVIDENCE!

Thanks for the read again!


I'm really not a fan of your original post. It's like you purposely presented extremely weak arguments. I think you should leave posts like yours to the people that have a bit more knowledge about Pizzagate.

I'm not going to sit here and pick apart your post, because I don't feel like typing an essay, but seriously in many cases, posts like yours so more harm than good.

Now you're here making a post going "wowww guys Pizzagate doesn't need evidence to be discussed". What the f**k? Why wouldn't Pizzagate need evidence to be discussed? See it's just things like that I don't like.

You could've gone about your post in a much better way.

Like FFS you're over there claiming the FBI logos are "satanic". What the hell OP? No one has EVER said they're satanic. They're FBI pedophilia logos. Nothing to do with satanism.

All you accomplished with that post was a thorough muddying of the waters. You presented easily debunkable posts, and some that are just blatantly incorrect or misleading.

Now it's at the top of the subreddit, and actual Pizzagate theorists that actually know what they're talking about how to pick apart your thread and defend it from obviously shills that are obliterating the weakest parts of your arguments.

I appreciate your post, and your attempt to bring awareness to this issue, but please get your facts in order before presenting such a low quality post with many errors.

This wouldn't be the first time I've seen a post that appeared deliberately low quality in order to allow shills to go on a debunking spree, so I'm rather suspicious of your actions. Especially given that you just made a post claiming conspiracies don't need evidence to be discussed.

I wrote:

*an allegedly leaked FBI document of pedophile symbols did lead to a inspection of the symbols of each shop around that pizza place, after these very symbols were found within the logo and menu of comet ping pong. *

and I wrote:

Satanic symbols were found in a room within comet ping-pong and the logo, too.

I did not write: FBI declared these symbols to be satanic.

Other than that, I kept myself to facts. Straight and without any room for discussion, as they were facts.

What happened was, that I got asked for proof regarding the actual crime the theory is about, and Oh wonder, no one can proof them.

BUT THAT doesn´t mean that these pictures from Alefantis Instagram page were not creepy as hell. That´s a fact.

Not sure what you try to allege me here.

See now you're saying the pictures are creepy as hell, and I agree. But in your post they're "weird" and "raise eyebrows". By doing this you're allowing people to go "what's "weird" about children playing with tape??"

Talk about the sleep children with dark bags under their eyes. Idk just do more. Structure your arguments. Make them powerful.

Also you're saying "even if the FBI symbols are fake, we should still discuss them!!!" They're 100% real, and if you had done more research, you wouldn't be going "they might be fake but still!!!"

I don't feel like explaining further. If you conducted more thorough research your points wouldn't be so shaky. Regardless thanks for bringing attention to Pizzagate.

"weird" was just an more "neutral" way of describing those pictures, whereas creepy is clearly subjective. Anybody would agree they are weird, not everybody would be scared of them right after seeing them.

I for myself do not know how one can not wonder about kids being taped to a table, KNOWING about the other pictures alefantis posted. It´s about the big picture these photos created in the minds of a innocent viewer.

I further tried to point to the very special meaning of my message: Even if these symbols would have been fake, these photos itself would have been reason enough. What I might have missed, and you´re right regarding this is, that I did not make clear that the FBI did actually reveal this information on their website.

The FBI symbols are not on the FBI website, but when you do the research, you will find that the FBI distributed the memo to various police departments. Even a law enforcement organization in Portugal uses the memo as evidence. Do you kind of see what my point is now? I just debunked your "the symbols are on the website" statement, but there IS truth to your statement.

Make your arguments so powerful that shills can't even come up with BS reasons to debunk your posts. Don't give them anything. Sorry if my post comes off as offensive, but I just get annoyed when people make posts with holes in their arguments. Do not give shills any opportunity to twist your words or statements.

Do not say "weird", say creepy as hell. You're not subjective to begin with, you are accusing James Alefantis of being a pedophile. This is a huge accusation, and thus is requires hardcore facts. If you're a lawyer, you don't say his pictures are "weird", you say they're creepy as hell, because his Instagram features children being called Hotards, sleep deprived children with bruised eyes, James Alefantis posting a toddler in a suggestive pose commenting "why does daddy like BUTT?"

Present brick wall arguments. Stop playing nice. Don't give them ANY room to "debunk" you. I hope you're starting to understand my message.

Fair point. Noted.

It´s tough to find a dialog by presenting brick wall arguments, but you´re right, my post before could have been improved. Been posting it from mobile, if I did it from PC I would have added sources anyway.

gotcha tho. Still, disregarding conspiracys because they are lacking evidence is ridicolous.

How do we judge the merits of different conspiracy theories? How do we determine the likelihood of them being true or not?

“Actual pizzagate theorists who know what they’re talking about” 😂😂😂

Good one

I disagree.

This shouldnt be an echo chamber of people nodding along with your beliefs.

Im not too well versed in pizzagate (More than your average person but still). Im into Flat Earth.

Should people be allowed to spread false evidence without objection? Of courese not.

If you cant stand up to people challenging your beliefs then you need to better educate yourself on the subject.

I disagree.

Why feed the opposition your source material and references? They

will scrub said source or rig search engines to not find the evidence.

People should be able to point fingers at conspiracies without leading

a path to their opposition.

Why feed the opposition your source material and references?

Because facts are facts, why wouldnt you? I honeslty dont follow that logic.


will scrub said source or rig search engines to not find the evidence.

Make copies or submit them to an archive.

People should be able to point fingers at conspiracies without leading a path for their opposition.

Sure and you should be able to debate your points like an adult. Not all theories are created equal.

If I claimed the world was gonna end next tuesday and refused to submit evidence of any kind why should you believe me?

This is a statement, not a theory. Statements are nothing to be dealt with here, as they don´t leave room for opinions.

A theory would have been "world is gonna end next tuesday, because I see pretty dark clouds on the sky and this means World is rotating faster, thus about to implode". (For example)

This leaves room for a discussion.

What any other debunker would say is: Give proof for the World to have imploded already, or GTFO.

Do you get the difference?

because I see pretty dark clouds on the sky and this means World is rotating faster, thus about to implode"

A conspiracy does not need EVIDENCES!

Basically what Im hearing is you complaining about being challenged. Sorry people werent nice to you that sucks but get tougher skin.

If I say "you are stupid" then this is not a theory, but a statement. A theory would have been "You are stupid, because you didn´t learn to differentiate and try to rush conclusions rather than using your brain"

Now we have room for discussion. You can argue against my reasoning. (can you tho?). However, it´s going to be tough for me to provide evidence.

Learn the difference, and stop trying to comprehend you know what you´re talking about.

If I say "you are stupid" then this is not a theory, but a statement.

Sure and again sucks people were rude to you.

You should probably rephrase your post because it comes off as " a conspiracy does NOT need EVIDENCES"

Maybe you post it as

"Like every should be cool to each other dude, peace and love bros"

Me you and many many authentic users do get the difference. Good post

Conspiracy does not lend itself to the scientific method and you are wrong that those who hide won't modify data that incriminates them. I measure what I hear and read then see how things fit within my own critical thinking process. You don't need to know plant biology to know it's spring and it doesn't need proving. You want us to hop on a hamster wheel wasting our time and effort or worse you want to show the enemy where the skeletons are.

Conspiracy does not lend itself to the scientific method

Yes it does.

If I say gravity is fake or the earth is flat I should at the very least have to support that position, right?

I cant just make claims and get pissy when people call me out on it.

You don't need to know plant biology to know it's spring and it doesn't need proving.

Apples and oranges.

You want us to hop on a hamster wheel wasting our time and effort or worse you want to show the enemy where the skeletons are.

This logic is ridiculous.

Why would you knowingly withhold information?

You have become circular. Be not like a dog and returning to your vomit.

Be not like a dog returning to your vomit.

Eh about the level of discourse I would expect from people who think a conspiracy doesnt need EVIDENCES!

I disagree.

Conspiracies by their nature have those who suspect and those who

could be guilty. The guilty will make every effort to hide, remove, their

content and even employ the suspicious public in the search for the

condemning evidence.

Cant talk about the facts because they will hide the facts is one huge cop out.

There are ways to retain info but you arent interested in that you are interested in being right.

Two people conspire to kill another. They're not sure whether or not they slipped up so they go to a neighborhood block party to listen or engage others in conversations, fishing for what they might know. What happens when they here someone spouting off about what really happened and it comes very close to what and how the murderers did it. What do the murderers do?

A lot of you are in your own heads thinking you can treat conspiracies like a hobby or puzzle. Conspirators are not so flippant or superficial as that.

What happens when they here someone spouting off about what really happened and it comes very close to what and how the murderers did it. What do the murderers do?

Spread disinfo. Like OP.

Are you seriously worried about being disappeared because of reddit posts?

A lot of you are in your own heads thinking you can treat conspiracies like a hobby or puzzle. Conspirators are not so flippant or superficial as that.

Not all but there are people doing actual work with actual evidence not standing on a soap box getting shitty when people ask questions.

Then you should perhaps not continue.

Thank you for gatekeeping but Ill speak my mind when I like.

Have a good weekend bud

Don't go, you left the symbolic gate open, the imaginary sheep are getting out! You can take off your lab coat, Poindexter, and go back to Pornhub.

Thats a weird response.


There’s a full list on the sidebar of confirmed conspiracies, with evidence. If this is a serious conspiracy forum, then the hope is that eventually some new items being discussed here would make the list. If not, then what exactly is being discussed here? It goes without saying that many of these conspiracies have yet to be proven, but eventually they should either be confirmed or discarded.

That’s what a real conspiracy forum does.

A "real conspiracy forum" you say. Good joke, Skipper. What division of this august forum is working on warmongering for Israel? Who's on the team, I mean their fake names? How about PNAC suggesting "a new Pearl Harbor?" Lotta progress there? How about the mass dosing of endocrine disrupters, feminizing the male population.... You fuckers are not serious, may as well play Dungeons and Dragons.

I’m not too sure what you’re talking about here, but I’ll say again: Conspiracies are discussed, often without evidence. That’s fine, they are conspiracy theories after all. Eventually, they are either proven or disproven. Some theories remain unproven, and those are generally the lower quality ones. Good theories can be tested and proven, maybe not now but eventually.

A theory that can never be proven or disproven is just propaganda, gossip, hearsay. Go ahead and discuss them, but people are going to call your theory out on its lack of evidence.

"Theory" was added to Conspiracy by the CIA, it's documented. So, in truth their not theories at all. They are conspiracies. How many, precisely have been proven or disproven? You don't know. "Lower quality" is hilarious, really? Conspiracies aren't shirts you buy at TJ Max. I checked the dictionary: propaganda is not an "unproven" conspiracy. It literally means "to breath together" in secret. The modern day would say, "Thinks whispered in the dark." So, they are either conspiracies or not conspiracies and nobody is going to "call you out". Is this high school?

I know the ones on the sidebar have some evidence behind them. Those were discussed before evidence surfaced. Chances are some of the current conspiracies will eventually have evidence surface to support them. Some will not. I’m not saying you have to have evidence to discuss a conspiracy, but if none ever comes out then your conspiracy remains unconfirmed.

Many of these perpetually unconfirmed conspiracies are propaganda, not meant to ever be proven or disproven.

There are real unconfirmed conspiracies. Do you see how they've enslaved you to "theory"? The evidence is not required. There are conspiracies whether you believe them or not and no external judge or vetting process is in place to legitimize them, certainly not Reddit. For example: They are trying to sterilize or kill you. Watch Kevin Galalae on Youtube. Your bottled water, your pills, the food you eat, your microwave, "products", franken-food, plastics, pesticides. Not that it's needed, there will never be sufficient proof but in the meantime, your getting cancer, eating poison and your economy is being mindfully fucked to eliminate the middle class, school loans, health care, all chains to bind you. WAKE UP assholes.

Of course there are real unconfirmed conspiracies, I don’t think I said otherwise? There are also fake conspiracies.

Regarding "fake" conspiracy. There can be a single individual, who didn't "conspire" putting out shit for his own perverse pleasure by himself, or proposing a strange possibility to "beat the bushes", I've done it myself based on suspicion, alone. I actually want to tweak the noses of the government that is failing "The People" wholesale.

My main point is we're stupidly chasing our tails instead of identifying our oppressors and evil fuckers with fossilized notions that permit these satanic fucks to hurt innocent people.

We’re chasing our tails around here rather than going out into the world to do some good and tip the balance.

They want you to spend your energy here and once discouraged, jaded, and without hope, surrendering your Constitutional rights, vapid, stoned, drugged, defeated, depressed, you'll just report to the abuse of your shit-work and not threaten those who milk the fuck out of the system, at your expense.

>disagrees with reasonable OP


>believes in flat earth, a literal psy op to make conspiracy theorists look dumb

Lol I dont believe in a FE I was using it as an example of an idea that should be challenged not just accepted at face value.

We disagree and thats okay.

Its not about accepting at face value, its about trying to discredit and prevent discussion of coincidences and hypotheticals and circumstantial evidece that make sense to a person but their is not hard evidence of.

Their is rarely hard evidence of any conspiracy and trying to shut down a discussion because it lacks evidence on wikipedia or CNN is a shill tactic to prevent productive discussion

Dude OP is literally saying he doesnt have to show supporting info because the powers that be will delete it if he does. Here Ill quote him

Why feed the opposition your source material and references? They will scrub said source or rig search engines to not find the evidence. People should be able to point fingers at conspiracies without leading a path for their opposition.

He doesnt give a shit about a discussion.

People were rude to him because he refused to show how or why he came to certain conclusions, thats the opposite of a discussion.

I get and agree where youre coming from but this isnt an example of someone having their discussion censored or him being silenced. He straight up wants people to listen to him soap box.

This particular OP is a bad example but his point stands as does the problem he is pointing out

This particular OP is a bad example but his point stands as does the problem he is pointing out

This shouldnt be an echo chamber of people nodding along with your beliefs.

That is exactly what this sub was created to be, a safe haven where things most people don't understand can be discussed.

You just want this place to be assimilated into the rest of Reddit. You want us to join your idiotic Echo Chamber of following the crowd.

Fuck that. This place wasn't made for ignorant normies to shit in.

This shouldnt be an echo chamber of people nodding along with your beliefs.

That is exactly what this sub was created to be, a safe haven where things most people don't understand can be discussed.

You just want this place to be assimilated into the rest of Reddit. You want us to join your idiotic Echo Chamber of following the crowd.

Fuck that. This place wasn't made for ignorant normies to shit in.

You should probably have some evidence before you accuse people of pedophilia. Just a decent human being type of thing to do.

I did not accuse anybody of pedophilia, this is plain incorrect. What I ever did and will try to do, is to make clear that these pictures on alefantis instagram page were a really good reason to research further into possible ties to child prostitution, and that the awareness ruled from the podesta emails. How and why does not matter at all, does it?

By their standards, we can't talk about bigfoot, ayylmaos, and a bunch of other shit

All they want is to make us stop discussing, because when we do we figure stuff out

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No loitering. No sharing ideas. No working on a puzzle

So no evidence and now CAP SCREAMING at us. Sure that's how discussions and debate work. Why not discuss real crimes against children instead of continuing to use a made up word, "pizzagate"?

pizzagate was the chance to increase the global awareness for child molsting rings worldwide. It got derailed by making false accusations too quickly and by disregarding a theory and even a discussion by demanding evidences for the crime right away. I´m glad you understand the problem why I actually try to get the focus off of such a narrow mentality in order to discuss the crimes that were done and will be done to children if we stick to disregarding valueable discussions like these.

"valueable discussions like these."

Sure. Nothing has happened since this nonsense started, except for every real child abuse case that pops in this sub is now labeled "pizzagate". If anything this pizza bullshit is taking time away from helping real children.

TuMor is a cancer that tries to squeeze out the healthy cells and/or suck up all the nutrients in the blood and starve the healthy cells.

People agreeing with you is discussion. So are people calling you out for lack of evidence. A discussion.isnt just two people all agreeing

How dare you use logic

Talk about any crazy conspiracy you want, the crazier the better.

Just don't drag in links to boring as fuck news stories that I can see anywhere else.

Nope, sorry, but it's not cool to make a theory based on "who benefits" or linking patterns without...uhm...evidence.

For example, don't just say "U.S. created ISIS" without BACKING IT UP.

Like this:




You can't present a theory without backing it up. Otherwise, it's just hearsay and spreading of misinformation. People already think conspiracy theorists are whack jobs thanks to the smear campaign. When you further alienate people by making statements as if they are fact and bringing forth no evidence to convince people, not only is it a weak argument, but it is also a chance for people to look down on conspiracy theory and theorists in general.

Imagine if a scientist came up with a new theory of relativity and just wanted you to take his/her word for it. The scientist didn't present any evidence and just hoped people would believe.

Like no. Information is powerful and misinformation is even more powerful because lies permeate more than truths.

Having no evidence makes you full of shit.

because I see pretty dark clouds on the sky and this means World is rotating faster, thus about to implode"

A conspiracy does not need EVIDENCES!

Basically what Im hearing is you complaining about being challenged. Sorry people werent nice to you that sucks but get tougher skin.

Me you and many many authentic users do get the difference. Good post

Thank you for gatekeeping but Ill speak my mind when I like.

Have a good weekend bud