Change My View: The single most important conspiracy is the world spanning catastrophe of 200 years ago

1  2018-05-25 by GeneralApollyon

And subsequent cover up. Nothing about our current situation can be understood without acknowledging this series of events.

"Cultural layer", what's in a name?

Buried Russian Cities, Evidence of a Recent Catastrophe pt. 1 - Alternative History w/ Nik research

The glow time: An introduction to the work of Nik Research

continuing the theme of mythological creatures representing true creatures.

Interesting observation made in the comments of an article


american civil war strangeness

Mental health boom and bust

street cars of the early 19th century lacking any obvious signs of power supply

In electronics, porcelain (and ceramic derivatives) is widely used for insulating material due to its excellent non-conductivity.

Cast-iron flooring in ancient temples.

Steel beams in antiquities? Echoes of a global civilization

lets talk about classical architecture. And other global architectural phenomenon, polygonal masonry, impossible craftsmanship, and strange metallic elements.

Emperors Napoleon and Alexander depicted on the same 1912 commemorative medal "In unity, strength: the providence of God, the firmness of the monarch, love of the homeland of the people"

half a dozen indications that star forts were not made by men in our time

Megalithic structure in Jersey City is 6 times wider than the great wall of China and weighs more than the Great Pyramid in Giza

The Fate of the "1000 cities of Bactria," Kingdom of Buddhist Greeks. Probable gap in history. Kingdom mysterious disappears only to reappear under a different name when 1,748,000 people died in one hour according to some legends.

Exactly how much time was added to the calendar?

History's greatest con job: the life of Genghis Khan is a work of fiction largely made up by one man named Baavuday Tsend Gun in 1908.

Indication of falsified Aztecan history

sharing this wikipedia page to illustrate how, with the right eye, you can pick apart an mainstream article and get at the meat of whats been hidden.

The empty streets of Saint Petersburg in the 1860s - where is everyone?

Blackened cityscapes of the world

This only makes sense when viewed through the lens of phantom time. A Cathedral dedicated to a pagan goddess.

The 100 year old Russian warship still in service.

Granite polygons of Kronstadt (not a single structure within the city is built with granite)

1952 inventions secrets act

Vorontsov palace, window frames hewed from a single piece of ultra hard diabase stone using crude iron hand tools?

The Full Size Parthenon in Nashville, TN

The world fairs were used as an excuse to demolish America's ancient architectural heritage.

"Mud Flood" evidence in the City of Port Townsend, WA

Change my view: The floral wreath found in king Tuts tomb is not 2000 years old.

No such thing as megaliths; re-understanding history archeology, geology and catastrophism

Buried Copenhagen part 1

Our architectural heritage restored to it's former glory only after the retreat of the Reds from East Germany.

4 albums containing hundreds of examples showing an anomalous build up of soil and the necessary re-modeling.

Sarkel's fortress under layers of clay

Moscow in early 1800's oil paintings , everything is overgrown with vegetation

why would maps of Africa from 1800's show more uncharted territory than those made in 1500's?

paris 1971

Chichen Itza

At some point in time, possibly between 1875 and 1905, Chattanooga built up its roads and abandoned the first stories of the buildings in the downtown of the city, turning them into basements. Today, no one knows exactly why or how it happened

Krakow. Underground Archaeological Museum

The Louvre, underground museum

Underground Museum of Archeology of the City of Moscow

According to local folklore, the region was inhabited by Caeté Indians, who woke up one day to find their town covered by sand


Gunnar Heinsohn

Best of r/culturallayer and resource guide


I don't get it, you say something about a single event 200 years ago then list a few dozen random things?

couldn't say for sure it was a single event or a series of events. that's why we continue to research. everything i listed is either related to the cover up or can't be understood without understanding that some event is missing from our chronology.

Ah, i see.

I still don't.

How are these events even remotely linked?

Well, i meant i see what he's asking now. I don't see a link either. I don't even see how most of those are conspiracies. :P

I recall a similar themed post and a comment referenced a theory that 200 years were entirely made up in the Middle Ages - anyone have anything on that?

Phantom Time.

fantasy time

I think it would be helpful if you put the basic relevant fact under each one (and the years) and listed them in order of importance/strength for the theory (I understand you have with some already) and pushed some of the more vague ones to the bottom of the pile listed under "for further consideration" or something. Or even a write-up of a couple of paragraphs with the biggest gems.

Some of these items seem to cover a very broad range. Genghis Khan lived 800 years ago, some of these are from the 19th century, some the 20th. Did the single catastrophe take decades/centuries?

sorry ill see what i can do

So, generating energy from the spirit? I'm sorry, I'm not going through 51 links

What happened to u/Captain_Apolloyon? Wasn't that a user here? Your name reminds me of his

So, generating energy from the spirit? I'm sorry, I'm not going through 51 links

only read what strikes your interest.

What happened to u/Captain_Apolloyon

got promoted

Curious, assuming that is your other account, what happened to it?

I'll give it a shot, but it seems like blind reading to me. A general guide would be nice.

i shared a link that showed that a certain website that catalogues missing children didn't provide images of said children for the vast majority of missing kids in the dc metro area. woke up the next day with my account perma suspended.

Oh I see. So you're ban evading.

nope never been banned from r/conspiracy learn how to reddit

What the fuck...

Skipped a few ranks, eh? I'm on the fence about the cultural layer thing, but that's a great point about objects not being found in those several meters of depth (if we know for sure that's true), and some good points about other things like metal grounding floors (I like the idea of churches' steeples collecting atmospheric electricity) and all the fuckery with historical records. Great post.

What happened to u/Captain_Apolloyon? Wasn't that a user here? Your name reminds me of his


I'm only here to snitch. Watch me play nice though.


Snitch on who? I remember seeing that user with a name. I'm not sure what your point is.

That sub seems to advertise itself here every 2 weeks a post containing 50 links. I've seen this same post like 4 times already.

that sounds like a personal problem. care to change my view?

Well my grandmother lived to 100, and her mother lived to 97 and I personally spoke to both of them who were alive in the late 1800s, so just my personal contacts go back 140 years with no mention of a huge world changing disaster. 200 years is just not enough time to erase something this big from immediate family folklore.

Did she mention the 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes? Or the 3 years with no summer 1815-17, or the dust bowl? Because my theory says they were all part of the same series of events. Any event that your grandmother could describe would have been painted as localized she would have no idea that the same thing was happening in other parts of the world.

Year without a summer is super interesting! Puts Frankenstein and those intellectuals in a new context for me.

Change my view... wtf. Is your mind so weak that you cant stop begging people to change it? Or are you just that confrontational over a subject that seems cool but lacks evidence other than old photos and then theorizing to explain what your mind doesnt grok.

You seem to be your own worst enemy in this endeavor. curb your hostilities and manage your cognitive dissonance without being a.....

Was that English?

you are doing fine kid. although you seem to have trouble with comprehension.

What's your deal? Did you come here to change my view?

Thanks for the post. I've been browsing r/culturallayer for a little while and find it to be very interesting. Noticed that Russian history tends to run strong on that sub, any particular reason? Maybe it just jumps out at me.

People need to realize the it was just 26 years ago that the iron curtain was lifted and russian/soviet people could read non-soviet sources. And it wasn't until much more recent that the average russian citizen could get on the internet and compare and contrast their experiences and history with that of the rest of the world. this comparison and subsequent critique is what you are witnessing.

I can see that as a possibility , propaganda runs strong everywhere. Really like the links about world fair buildings. I've been in construction for longer than I care to remember, the amount of resources and sheer effort to build structures like that for temporary use absolutely baffle me.

Did she mention the 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes? Or the 3 years with no summer 1815-17, or the dust bowl? Because my theory says they were all part of the same series of events. Any event that your grandmother could describe would have been painted as localized she would have no idea that the same thing was happening in other parts of the world.