I believe there is a war comming.

1  2018-05-26 by AFuckYou

From my limited knowledge. And from circle jerks about the military, and from everything going on.

I think a war is comming. For real.

I think you people should buy water purification systems. And books on how to live in the wild.


So who is going to be involved and where do you are think the fighting is going to take place? What will the likely outcome be?

I believe it will be the middle east. Ot will look like a controversy between nk and us. But it will hit the middle east.

Well we've been fuckin up the middle east for like 30 years now and I haven't had to relocate to the woods or get water filters. I think you'll be alright dude. It definitely sucks, but I think we will be fine over here.

I bet it will be the Chinese. They are begging for any excuse to invade Taiwan. I don't see them starting a war now as they are quite successfully manipulating the world to their advantage and have too much to loose. If the Chinese economy goes belly up and they have a billion chinamen angry at government, a war will definitely be a viable option for them. Unite your people and buy their affection by plundering your neighbours.

I don't think we would step in to help Taiwan. The Chinese are a lil too touchy with the subject to risk even a halfhearted game of chicken with them.

America absolutely would step in to defend TAIWAN from the Commie gooks.

It has to.

If America didn't defend TAIWAN, if would send a signak that America can no longer defend any of its Allies and that all mutual defense treatise are null and void.

Which ally wants to risk going all in with America, if America might cut and run and sneak out the back door as soon as the chips are down and a bigger junk yard dog threatens them?

It'll be the end of China if they touch TAIWAN.

Remember from the Snowden leaks, that NSA has a battle plan to turn the lights off of the entire electric grid of entire nations? The only example leaked was Japan, which is alarming by itself because why is NSA planning contingencies to pull the plug on our own Allies?

Given NSA would do that to Japan, just imagine how vicious they are towards China.

China wouldn't even get to launch its own nukes, because within one hour the gooks would find their entire country and 1 billion illiterate peasant farmers have been thrown back to the Dark Ages.

Taiwan? You mean Chinese TaiPai right ?

Apparently it’s a big faux pas to call it Taiwan

Thanks for the post man. Could you expand on any kind of hearsay from the military people you know?

Also, check out any of these sites if you want to learn about prepping.


Im not going to sat it. As a jinx for good luck.

But without saying anything north korea and trump appear to be working in concert.

NK is a cia play ground and a friend of russia.

Inclusive of the cia is israel.

Im not going to sat it. As a jinx for good luck.

Never mind man. If you can't without naming names etc, say what you've heard from military people and explain it like this, then never mind man.

We've been at war for 222 years out of 239 as a country.

That's not a conspiracy.

That is fact.

*conflicts, in the recent years no?

Disgusting also.

Civil war. No matter what Mueller comes up with, there is going to be some major uprisings

From who?

You think things got a little crazy when Trump won? Riots and looters and fires and mobs? What happens if the GOP wins the midterms? Meaning Trump gets to get **everything** he wants and **no one can stop him**. The left will literally go fucking insane.

So very few of them realize how absolutely fucked they are in those major cities.

It'd be more likely that someone tries to arrest him, that the right would be up in arms to incite a civil war, if that is the case. I don't think the left would be able to start an sustain one, without some kind of paid help from black ops teams or I don't know, private contractors, etc. The left would be able to then "defend" themselves.

I think the left will be pretty pissed about a midterm loss. And mostly discouraged. Extended Riots are unlikely.

I think the left will make some major gains in the house and maybe barely take the senate. Anyone assuming they can take both easily, even with a 10 point shift, aren't aware of which seats are up for vote.

Mueller comes up with little other than a few associate indictments. People on both side will be upset, but life goes on.

If Mueller comes up with enough to prosecute the entire wannabe trump crime family some people celebrate. And any Trump supporters who try to rise up get BRRRRPd by the national guard in seconds.

It's going to be ok.

Lemme get this straight. A bunch of neo-hippy peacenik shitlibs pacified on soy diets who refuse to carry guns who reject violence who forfeit their own self-defense to the State who sit back and let Illuminati elites trample all over them and destroy their families and livelihoods and rob them blind and poison their environment and subjugate them into permanent pauperhood--these are the Populist masses who will "rise up" and sieze the means of production and impose Full Communism Now and Utopia will begin and we'll all hold hands and skip off into the sunset singing la-la-la-la-la-la.

sure pal, Deumpf is done for sure this time.

thanks for the laughs.

if the libtards were capable of resisting, they already would have overthrown the govt and hung Trump up from a street lamp like Mussolini.

Stupid urban Liberals are so lost in their bubble chamber that they are effectively neutralized as a counter force for all intents and purposes.

Who has all the guns? Who are the survivalists who have trained and prepped for the Day if the Rope? Who largely staff the National Guard? Who is the biggest demographic of enlisted military and law enforcement.

That's right. We Deplorables are. Us dumb Bible thumping racist redneck inbred hicks. We are the proverbial rifle behind every blade of grass in America.

Some video game playing SJW cosplaying petite homosexual with a hipster beard and a soyface grimace who has never left SF won't last 5 minutes versus any of the 334 militias in the US.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militia_organizations_in_the_United_States

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I appreciate your concern and water purification is a valid recommendation. It seems many people sense or feel an impending cataclysm and perhaps it's war or maybe it will be like retribution or simply the consequences of bringing war, death and destruction to others. From what I understand _ karma can be a real bitch sometime.

Iran is best, obviously.


We are one black swan event away from utter chaos.

What’s crazy, is that people consider the advice you just gave as crazy.

No one seems to realize how incredibly fragile our society is.



trump and israel want out from all this scrutiny, there is a decent chance of another 9/11.

i see it such that there is already war, but these are resource/posturing wars, the big players aren't experiencing an existential threat.

but israel wants another 1973/1967 where they can fight for a little while, bomb anything they want, and then declare a truce and use the fake truce to steal some land.

only that plan may backfire horribly this time. israel is so ticked off they couldn't replace erdogan with a puppet.

i do not like erdogan but i like israel less because it infiltrated my country using a fake alliance.

watching turkey and israel fight would be pretty fun. if israel fought turkey and that triggered the nato clause lol.

turkey might leave nato and join russia and iran, also hilarious.

israel keeps bullying people, so the remaining adjacent countriess are realizing they have to work together.

this is how historical dialectics work, similar to how napoleon was defeated at the battle of nations and then waterloo.

if you are american, stop being a client or stooge of israel plz. thx.

"coming" Its already here.... informational war, trade war, political expulsion, propaganda, military conflict. Its all there.

Just remember US military is at the arms of the people, if the nation truly doesnt want to go to war, its government should follow the will of the people.

US is manufacturing consent again. But nobody wants a WW3, WSC is the point of that, but middle east and africa is up for grabs. Syrian conflict, iraq conflict, iranian conflict. Its all a part of a large initiative. 100 year cycle people.

100 years ago the world was full of revolutions and industrial revolution brought on a war. This time the world is at the foothold of the automation revolution, with once again, change in governance at the sociocultural levels is going to happen. Communism and Capitalism won last round, this time the world is ready for AI and Automation and socialism. Corporatism socialism is fascism, but fascism is hated, so....US wont have fascism, but be damned sure US elite wont fight back as they are doing now.

There wont be an actual ww3, but middle eastern conflict that entire line of nations iraq iran syria, I bet thats the line. Also US really wants NK.

On a level I think the true test of US democracy lies in the ability of the people to overcome corporatist corruption, or corruption of the monetary echelons of society. Its no secret US inequality and 1% have more power than the people. But US military is for the country not just a economic arm of the few. So I am willing to bet that the rise of Bernie Sanders was not only halted but it was allowed to be postponed because the World Leaders, felt that US citizens are not for the voting majority yet ready for socialist reforms. And the current presidential term of Trump is an attempt to show how much money can and has corrupted the government and systems within the US. They are literally shitting all over the place, even the idiot voter should catch up to this narrative. (Most obvious one, if it wasnt the FC net neutrality, is the Banks were recently deregulated. You know the same banks that caused the financial collapse of the housing bubble and created it!) The same banks that saw tax money given to them, then used to enrich themselves, with no prosecution!)> So the real test of the american democracy, the american free market capitalist experiment is about to happen once Trump turn is over, and all the socialists, and bernie campaign is allowed to happen (as it was derailed for hillary the last round). If the people cannot make democracy work, corporatists win, and more war, but the rise of Russia and China's military power, and stronger alliance with EU and US defunding of NAto is the setup in case US citizens cannot overcome the brainwashing, the corporatist agenda, cannot make democracy work. Added bonus that once US military diplomacy will end, those military powers can step in and fill the protection void that the lack of global military homogeneity will result. ALternatively US as the military dominant force will remain a UN effort, its assets redirected to UN based global (world gov style) policing of smaller rouge states that will refuse to follow international law. (We already saw a change in some hollywood blockbusters using US military with UN logos instead of US ones. Literally the population is being primed. Its now their choice to make. )

The United States is on the edge of economic ruin despite what the government propaganda is pushing.

If the United States doesn't start a major conflict involving many industries to boost it......it is fucked on the global stage.

Sick, sad & true.

Exactly why America joined in WW2. Not only did they 'charge' the allies and Germany for their 'services', they also 'assisted' Britain with her trade routes.

The nut, spice and fine material trade from the East and Middle-East was taken over by America because Britain was too busy fighting a fucking war, perpetuated by the Americans.

If American hadn't gotten involved, it would be a 3rd world country right now. Well, it pretty much is anyway.

For the record, all the wars in the last hundred years is just a continuation of war of conquest started by the Spanish American war, since 46' the cold war has been raging but it's just a overall phase of the first war of conquest and empire the U.S. began in the 1890's.

I think it will be against Israel tbh- they are slowly gaining the ire of the whole world (especially Arabia). Plus theres Albert pikes prediction:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

You know there is actually a correlation between a high number of young men in a population and war. Ecologically speaking war is a good way of maintaining population control. It’s not really a conspiracy, just our instincts. Even chimps have been known to participate in brutal wars.

Anyone recommend some books with practical, step-by-step advice? I'm very interested in growing my own food in my small garden as I expect food prices to sky rocket. I do not expect to have to live in the wild, but just in case any good books for how suburbanite normies can survive such a thing?

A small garden wont help much. I suggest storing several years worth of meals that you can use and trade until you domesticate a good amount of land and have chickens and livestock and near woods where you can hunt.

I'm going to last a few months max, oh well! So much wasted time... So ill-prepared, mentally and physically.

I need to start wearing socks so I can grab them when I bend over and kiss my ass goodbye.

Coming ?

It never stopped friend

Of course there is a war coming !

this was last week. 3000 troops plus 2500 vehicles, including M1 tanks, landed in the port of Antwerp in Belgium. Their final destination is Poland

Here, 2500 US troops stationed in Darwin, in the north of Australia

If you do some more research, you will see the US army also have lots of troops in south korea, in Japan, in the middle east, and all over Eastern Europe. If you google "US army bases around the world", you will see a pattern : they have surrounded Russia.

Why are the USA sending so many troops and military equipments in all these countries if not to start a major war soon ? Meanwhile the western MSM keep on telling us Putin is the bad guy looking for troubles.

As someone said in the thread, the American economy is in very bad shape. They don't have many options to recover it.

I think you people should buy water purification systems. And books on how to live in the wild.

These are not bad advice. You may also want to consider moving to wherever is likely to be safe. What is knowing how to live in the wild worth when you have bombs dropping from over your head ?

Not until 2024.

The point is not to imagine the end, Padawan. Meditate and raise your vibration before the solar flare comes. Be as much of a godly gadfly as you can, ripple the pond with all your power... and by all means buy water purification systems and read books on how to live.

"My fear-burdened awareness has projected itself into the future today; my faith is placed in violence and mistrusting my own species"


I used to think this.

Now I don't think it will be 'WW3' with guns and bullets, more of a social and cultural renaissance and (although I hate this term) 'awakening' of the mind and getting back to nature. I don't mean we will move into mud huts, I just believe that the days of the Internet are on the downslope. I would go as far as saying that they have been on the downslope for years and that the numbers we see are bots/shill accounts to buff up the reality that most of the people on the world aren't on the internet for any significant amount of time.

I don't necessarily think it will be a rich vs poor war, more of a..."why the fuck am i paying so much of my wage as a stealth-tax for entertainment, when i can just hang out in nature for free"

Exactly why America joined in WW2. Not only did they 'charge' the allies and Germany for their 'services', they also 'assisted' Britain with her trade routes.

The nut, spice and fine material trade from the East and Middle-East was taken over by America because Britain was too busy fighting a fucking war, perpetuated by the Americans.

If American hadn't gotten involved, it would be a 3rd world country right now. Well, it pretty much is anyway.

*conflicts, in the recent years no?

Disgusting also.