Why is Google Search self-destructing? Are we approaching the end of the era of universal digital information?

1  2018-05-27 by torkarl

SS: I use google search frequently. Most of it for work and education - not conspiracy. I have noticed a striking and rapid deterioration in the results I am getting over the last month or so.

Example: I use google to search Stackoverflow.com to help me remember how the muck around and program up web servers, etc. The details are intense, and unless you do it every day you forget. So I used to get 3 whole pages about this detailed type of stuff, but now I get complete junk - a few bad hits and then a bunch of totally unrelated business ads, etc.

But it's not just this particular use case - I find all my searches bring back a listing that is just seriously inferior to what I have come to expect, across the board!

This has already been discussed in an earlier post, but I think it warrants more attention. We have seen how the so-called "fake flag shooters" somehow precipitated huge changes to Youtube searches. Now we have more changes that are supposed to be the result of the European Union's GDPR law. And on another front, we have seen how closely manipulated Wikipedia can be. It just feels like something bigger is happening. Your thoughts on this?

Here's the post that blew up 5 days ago here:


Here's a bit about losing google search features (Image Search):




Here's a post that gets to how critical stackoverflow is:



"they don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em"

Part of me wants de la Rocha back and part of me is glad he got away clean

I have noticed this too. Almost impossible to find search results that were easy to access just a few months ago. I guess I'll start using duck duck go and hope they improve their service.

Because Google no longer cares about freedom of information and is participating in censorship.


I agree, it further convinces me that we're on the cusp of radical change. They let us have our fun for a couple of decades, and now they're taking complete control of what people see on the internet platforms they have monopolised, perhaps in preparation for controlling the narratives of the events that lead to this change.

Yes - that is what I thought. Just wish we could see a clearer picture, and especially how to fight against it.

The strange part is, ideologically, virtually none of the actual programmers who made all this work as well as it did for the last couple decades would agree to voluntarily screw over the entire planet with a crippled search capability.

dont forget google remove the phrase "dont be evil" from their site


And a bunch of engineers quit because Google decided to work with the Pentagon killing drones


And they are censoring and putting fake ass snopes at the top of any political research

R.I.P. Google 2018

Monopoly is maximizing its revenue, they are rewarded by making us look at the maximum amount of ads.

on image searches, right-click & view image - for me that seems to open the original page's image file.

when i right-click (chrome), i dont see any [view image] choice. "Open image in new tab" seems to get to original.

But apparently reverse-searches cannot be done now...

try tineye.com for reverse searches.

Google recently lost a lawsuit to some Canadian company that made some claim of features integral to Google Images. Now we can't open directly up to the images.

Especially if Net Neutrality is not re-enforced through law, then, yes...

The age of universal information is going to die, and intentionally so.

just dont use google ...

They don't think people will stop using them. I'm people are so darn stupid these days, they may well be right.

Because google is a company, they want profits. Dont worry, eventually socialism will win, and world gov will make most information free like wikipedia but on a larger scale. Atm google being a private entity needs to make search pay for itself. I hate google atm, i search and most of it doesnt even conform to my search terms!

world gov will make most information free like wikipedia but on a larger scale

You've been swallowing globalist propaganda and ignoring the fact that information doesn't flow while under tyranny.

Tyranny takes many forms.

eventually socialism will win

Meanwhile everybody can look up Social Contract and be directed to Social Media and Contract Law, but miss the bit about Rousseau and the French Revolution. Bad planning, global socialism...

Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

yep, youtube is being self destructed too... age of information has passed we are heading back to the censorship age. (again)

we've always been in censorship age .. they just needed a couple decades to figure out this internet thing

I rather hurts that someone who seems to be working in the industry gets the basic stuff wrong.

a) Images: The ability to view images is still there - you just have to view them in context (e.g. on a getty server)

b) GDPR law: It is really, really funny if a complain about google getting worse due to less information (e.g. from trackers) is answered with duckduckgo which is hampered by not using tracker information at all ;)

The ability to view images

In the 2nd post I linked, that information (Getty) is processed.

DDG is an unknown. I wish someone would make a comparison of current searches to see if DDG does a better job.

In the 2nd post I linked, that information (Getty) is processed.

Which was the whole point why getty went to court to force google to change the display of images. Altough We can be pretty sure that google also processes the searches and views ;)

DDG is an unknown. I wish someone would make a comparison of current searches to see if DDG does a better job.

Google does such an fantastic job partly because it is basically the biggest aggregator of personal data worldwide. DDG, while not being an unknown, simply lacks the amount of information about your last searches.

Any fair comparison between the two has to be run from anonymized machines. There will always be a tradeoff between accuracy (of search) and privacy.

Google does such an fantastic job partly because it is basically the biggest aggregator of personal data

You mean "used to do such a fantastic job". The whole point of my post and several confirmation comments here, is that now it seems to do a piss poor job.

Any fair comparison between the two has to be run from anonymized machines

Possibly, but I proposed a use case where the main search target was stackoverflow to find the same snippet of code 1,000 other coders are also trying to find, and had no problem before a few weeks ago. The issue of what I look at online, or ate this morning, or how old I am, simply does not matter to the efficiency of the search. Only that I am some kind of knowledge worker looking for some information.

You mean "used to do such a fantastic job". The whole point of my post and several confirmation comments here, is that now it seems to do a piss poor job. [...]Possibly, but I proposed a use case where the main search target was stackoverflow to find the same snippet of code 1,000 other coders are also trying to find, and had no problem before a few weeks ago.

Well, I don't have problems finding my code snippets ;)

Only that I am some kind of knowledge worker looking for some information.

Then you know how difficult the problem is..

You seem to want to be superior regardless of the space being explored. That puts you in good company - most skilled coders I have met are like that.

But the problem is we are not talking about the things your superiority applies to. We are collecting a number of warning signals and wondering what they might mean.

If the lights in your house start blinking on and off, at random, you might suspect something is seriously wrong whether you are an electrician or not. And you might immediately allocate two possibilities to explore - is the phenomenon occurring because the wiring in your house is bad, or is the electric supply system being disrupted. To gauge that, you might walk over to your neighbors houses and ask them.

If a good many stated that they were seeing the same phenomenon with their lights, you wouldn't insist that they should check their wiring. The wiring is clearly not what's wrong. The supply is what's wrong.

Can you add any information about that problem space in this case?

But the problem is we are not talking about the things your superiority applies to. We are collecting a number of warning signals and wondering what they might mean. If the lights in your house start blinking on and off, at random, you might suspect something is seriously wrong whether you are an electrician or not.[...] Can you add any information about that problem space in this case?

Using the lights example: I you presume that the electricity company is fixing your voltage and therefore the rooms are now dimmer you will find a lot of biased responses.

And I don't feel superior I'm simply unnerved by what I see as attention distracting "conspiracies", in this example:

We know for quite a while (basically since bot farms were a thing) that it is actually not that difficult to skewer google search results. The last US presidential election was furthermore a showcase of how mighty filter bubbles can be. We know that google censors (DCMA) and we know that google places "their" advertisments first.

You see worse results while searching stackexchange which is probably one of the areas where an advertisment selling search engine will always shine because it is hard to find a reason why google should degrade their search results and yet you jump from a technical problem straight to a political one. Why?

In both threads i presented possibilities why search results could degrade depending on a chaneg of data on the user, and ignoring the very real possibility of it being a technical error of some kind (hard to say as there is no verifyable data except the impression of a few users) i can throw two more into the fray:

a) A deep learning neural network went astray. b) google will push for a code sharing plattfrom soon.

But, unless you can provide me verifyable data I can just guess about what the problem is and I'm unwilling to present a solution before teh problem is even defined - what you did by seeing a conspiracy behind it.

what I see as attention distracting "conspiracies"

I actually thought about that factor when I entered it. But given that some 50% of posts could be considered as distractions, this one seemed worthwhile.

jump from a technical problem straight to a political one

Exactly. That's essentially the mission of the conspiracy sub - to basically over-react to possible major, or at least interesting movements in society which appear to be shrouded and mysterious. Again I thought this qualified. And it's why I pushed for your higher level analysis.

deep learning neural network went astray google ... code sharing platform

Thank you. These are exactly what I was wanting - both very intriguing possibilities. I think you wanted to avoid jumping to conclusions. But I want to create such a list quickly (see above) almost as a type of documentation. If the problem goes away tomorrow, I'd apologize for wasting your time, but then maybe it comes back... Seems like conditions inside this sub vary consistently, and it seems worth our while to think about why that's happening.

checking the supply in the one case (a house) is actually easy and in the other (google's search configuration) near impossible.

Unless of course someone spills something of interest.

I have noticed the exact same thing. Even non conspiracy content results are getting worse. I find my self going to DuckDuckGo more and more and the results are consistently better. And for those who don’t know, they claim not to collect any data about you.

If what I'm seeing continues, I will follow your advise.

But when you have used cloud infrastructure enabled by google a decade ago for just about all work-related functionality, it hurts to pull out.

Remember the war between Microsoft Office functions and Google?

Here's the classic ad pitting the two approaches: [[OMG!!! I cannot find an iconic meme video on Google - I switched to DDG and got it but it has "Video No Longer Available"!!! This is our history - that ad campaign was the funniest tech campaign in 2012. Somebody please find it.]]

Here's what I found: http://bgr.com/2012/02/21/microsoft-launches-no-holds-barred-anti-google-campaign-video/

Censorship, aside, it's trying so hard to be convenient that it goes back to being inconvenient. It's still better to use searching for Reddit than the actual Reddit search function.

DuckDuckGo is all I use these days. Highly recommend this search engine, as they do claim to not store any data from you at all and the search results are great.

OK I read thru the article. There's nothing there that makes a clear statement of any connection to "google self-destructing" so would you please elaborate on your theory here?

Obviously Schmidt has acted as some kind of techno-ambassador and the fact he was dissed by the current admin for the trip just means he's plausibly deniable.

I do the same kind of work as you and I have absolutely, 100% noticed this.

OK - so why doesn't this blow up in the half dozen big reddit subs aimed at programmers and fellow-techies?

You would think that this would immediately generate a fire storm.

Is it the normie vs. conspiratard caste system?

I honestly don’t think people in the west, specifically the United States, are concerned enough about censorship / totalitarianism because they think it won’t happen in the United States. It’s never happened in the United States so they think it’ll always stay that way. More importantly, they don’t know how to read the signs. The metaphorical frog in a pot of water of which the temperature is slowly being turned up until the point of no return is more applicable now than ever. But, honestly, in regards to this discussion... I have no idea. I think people trust these large corporations (including the government, which is also a corporation) way too much. If a company acts cool and hip people don’t care what the company does behind the scenes. This much was evident during Obama’s presidency when everyone loved him because he was highly relatable on talk shows.. yet, they didn’t question anything he did he was “cool”. How have we devolved from the 1960s to where we are now? It’s very sad.

I like your "large-scale" view of us as frogs in boiling water.

But there must be a better explanation for the "small-scale" view. How would google think something this obvious would not hurt their bottom line?

I’m just as confused as you are. I have no idea. Maybe people just haven’t noticed yet? I noticed it within the last week the most.

Stop using Google. You don't need Gmail, Google Search, Google Docs or most of the shit they fucking make anyways. Use alternatives.

  • List of alternative email services
  • Matrix: Discord alternative. Also is capable of bridging other chat applications like IRC. This should act as a replacement for all of your communications applications except email.
  • Operating System: Basically any *NIX distribution that isn't MacOS, Ubuntu, ChromeOS or SteamOS
  • Browser: Firefox or Ungoogled-Chromium. No other viable options.
  • Browser addons: uBlock Origin/AdNauseum (don't use both), Decentraleyes, Cookie Autodelete, HTTPS-Everywhere, NoScript & uMatrix (use NoScript for its advanced passive abilities and uMatrix for its complex blocking abilities).
  • Web search: DuckDuckGo (has a Tor onion service, proxies image searches and YT vids), Startpage/Ixquick (has a feature to access web pages via proxy with disabled JS), SearX.
  • Video hosting: BitChute
  • Maps: OpenStreetMap
  • DNS: OpenNIC, Namecoin, your VPN providers DNS. Just don't use your ISP's, Google's or OpenDNS servers

I know there are lots of alternatives - any healthy economy has multiple competitors waiting to devour a wounded wildebeest.

But this issue is not primarily about privacy. It's about functionality. Something made the great google algorithm to utterly choke.

When I google the phrase "Reddit Conspiracy" on my work computer, the only results I get are sites "debunking" and ridiculing this sub and conspiracy theories in general.

Yes - we all saw that happen about the end of April 2018 - conspiracy theories just got axed left and right - supposedly triggered by the Florida and similar shootings which conspiracy nuts(*) consistently question.

But it's much worse when the entire tech work force is fucked like this...

Maybe it’s because they are switching it over to an AI backend and it has to learn.

I just saw a video where a google guy was demonstrating AI for calling up a business and making a reservation for a hair cut. It was impressive but makes me wonder if they polish up the video and only show the successful example out of the hundreds or thousands on unsuccessful attempts.

This is interesting. Are you suggesting that while improving one aspect of search (voice) they have "accidentally" tanked the formerly efficient text-based search.

If something like that did happen, I suppose the google-hive would hide the problem, acting like nothing happened (no announcement etc) and wait until their engineers could get the two versions synced up properly.

Oh for a google technician to break ranks and visit our humble discussion...

It isn't just you, it's all of us. Ever since SJWs took over Google, advanced search results quality went from okay to poor. Used to be when advanced search was mind blowingly amazing. Hasn't been that way in years.

I would almost say that back in the day I worshiped Map-Reduce because of the obvious superiority of google's methodology and data capabilities. How has it come to this abortion?

Politics and promoting things that would bring in ad revenue has tainted the algorithm. I don't think it's too much more than that.

OK. But what about the very real possibility that these changes will actually destroy their ad revenue as users flee?

If you were a consultant, is this the path you would advise? Disappoint your advanced users and play politics with the rest?

My attitude for stuff like this is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." (Because how particularly annoying it is on the user end to see stuff changed around for no real purpose, or ending up de-featured.)

So yeah, it's not really a good idea.

But you see how company management changes with PC or SJW types calling the shots and such. And the guys to go against the grain on that seem to get fired. Thus policy pushes politics and implements into the code, even though it's not really the best thing to be doing.

Your article is an interesting read - we absorbed that "white programmer" meme when the google employee wrote the famous memo that delighted the alt-right. But how does the (currently inflammatory) issue of male logic-capacity pertain to this issue of loss of functionality in the search engine?

Just that google is a liberal owned corporation and has it's own agenda

This is interesting. Are you suggesting that while improving one aspect of search (voice) they have "accidentally" tanked the formerly efficient text-based search.

If something like that did happen, I suppose the google-hive would hide the problem, acting like nothing happened (no announcement etc) and wait until their engineers could get the two versions synced up properly.

Oh for a google technician to break ranks and visit our humble discussion...

But the problem is we are not talking about the things your superiority applies to. We are collecting a number of warning signals and wondering what they might mean. If the lights in your house start blinking on and off, at random, you might suspect something is seriously wrong whether you are an electrician or not.[...] Can you add any information about that problem space in this case?

Using the lights example: I you presume that the electricity company is fixing your voltage and therefore the rooms are now dimmer you will find a lot of biased responses.

And I don't feel superior I'm simply unnerved by what I see as attention distracting "conspiracies", in this example:

We know for quite a while (basically since bot farms were a thing) that it is actually not that difficult to skewer google search results. The last US presidential election was furthermore a showcase of how mighty filter bubbles can be. We know that google censors (DCMA) and we know that google places "their" advertisments first.

You see worse results while searching stackexchange which is probably one of the areas where an advertisment selling search engine will always shine because it is hard to find a reason why google should degrade their search results and yet you jump from a technical problem straight to a political one. Why?

In both threads i presented possibilities why search results could degrade depending on a chaneg of data on the user, and ignoring the very real possibility of it being a technical error of some kind (hard to say as there is no verifyable data except the impression of a few users) i can throw two more into the fray:

a) A deep learning neural network went astray. b) google will push for a code sharing plattfrom soon.

But, unless you can provide me verifyable data I can just guess about what the problem is and I'm unwilling to present a solution before teh problem is even defined - what you did by seeing a conspiracy behind it.