Witness Reveals He Saw James Alefantis At A NXIVM Mixer in 2007.

1  2018-05-30 by Thetanster


SS: There is a conspiracy theory that there are those in the ruling class who abuse the vulnerable for satanic rituals. This post contains a video with a witness who saw quite a few public figures at a NXIVM mixer. It looks like they were part of the cult’s recruitment efforts.


Where's the video?

Not surprising to hear about, we know these people run in similar social circles. I've also seen reports of a connection between Alefantis and the Bronfman family who funded NXIVM. Apparently Bronfman funding was also instrumental in the establishment of a place owned by Alefantis called Transformer gallery. The same family funding NXIVM funded an art gallery for Alefantis. It's all one big club.

How do you know Alefantis and Raniere "run in the same circles"?

Dude, posts on voat aren't "reports" - it's some guy who has had a it of a Google of the names together and then made up a wee story to go with it.

The article clearly shows that the same foundation money went to NXIVM and Alefantis' gallery...

It's hardly clear.

Transformer’s 2014/2015 Exhibition Series and programs are supported by: The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, The CrossCurrents Foundation, The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities/ NEA, The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, The National Endowment for the Arts’ Access to Artistic Excellence Award, and The Visionary Friends of Transformer – individual donors, members of our Annual Auction Host Committee, and Corporate Sponsors

So the 2014/15 exhibition series was supported by 6 organisations including the Cafritz foundation.

How much support did they provide? Was it just financial?

The Rainiere connection is

Out of her six figure annual stipend from her father’s trust, Miss Cafritz paid for all of Mr. Raniere’s personal living expenses for many years. In their domicile, she regarded herself not only Mr. Raniere’s slave, but also a slave to her sister wife and live-in harem member, Mariana Fernandez who was 20 years her junior. Miss Fernandez is rumored to be pregnant with Mr. Raniere’s child.

So a wealthy (now deceased) daughter of the Cafritz family used her own money to support Raniere, it wasn't an official payment by the charity.

This isn't much of a connection, this is 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Living expenses from her father's trust

Its the same goddamm money dude, you are so close to seeing the forest through the trees. You're literally looking for a technicality when it clearly shows that there's a paper trail between NXIVM and DC occultists. Yes, they're occultists, they make it abundantly clear over and over again. Not to mention that this same trust got Charles Manson a new car.

Also, they weren't a mid-level donor, they are one of the main sponsors of the gallery.

Which DC occultists are they connected to?

How does a private payment by someone with the same surname + a donation in the year 2014/15 by an art charity imply they are working in concert?

To me this is an art charity doing art stuff and the daughter of someone related to the charity spending her money as she liked. The connection in payments is literally just the surname.

Clear enough. There's a link between the two. That's all one needs.

What's the link?

If You donate money to somebody, in essence You are supporting them. That is a link.

His daughter gave the cult money from her stipend because her parents were rich. Its not connected to the charity donations.

it's just a painting and some red circles

Oh, so you're just lying. Maybe if a guy in a panda mask has a painting in his gallery of a man in a panda mask abusing an amputated child, perhaps it's worth looking into. Especially if he's holding a ping pong racket in his portrait.

I'm not lying. It's just a painting and a guy in a mask. I bet there are lots of people who like both pandas and paintings, I think you have found one.

It certainly doesn't say anything of the occult. I don't recall the necronomicon mentioning Panda bear masks.

Especially if he's holding a ping pong racquet? Whats the significance of ping pong? I know the Chinese dominate at it.

Pretty clearly a paddle ball toy, not a ping pong racket.

Dude somethings up with You. It's one thing to try to point out if someone is incorrect or wrong about something but You are toying with semantic details and in a rather crude manner, the article says they were a supporter does the amount of support really make a difference.

Why not split hairs with everything? Harvey Weinstein is accused of raping women, Your argument in this case would be 'Yeah he was raping Women, but how hard was he really raping them?'

You sound like a fake ass shill out to discredit something You have already admitted is true. Check Your comment again genius.

It's says a bunch of organisations donated money. Why is this one in particular sinister?

Harvey Weinstein has specific allegations of rape.

In my opinion all the donators are suspect, perhaps instead of negating peoples comments, look into some of these groups, You may find some interesting things. Don't take any one article as word either, do a little extra research if the truth is something You would like to uncover.... Water seeks its own level these People don't just know each other and donate to one another by chance.

Do you know what “reports” means?

Yes but I feel using it to refer to an anonymous post on a message board is misleading.

Speculation based on avaliable reports perhaps?

So no. -“To give a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.”

Thanks doctor!

Good one.

If someone writes down events that can be substantiated it can be considered a report, or at least a statement. Why are You so quick to shoot Afrobean down, seems odd.

Getting closer, almost there. Some smoking gun will pop-up eventually, give it time

the doc where alefantis is heading up cafritz/bronfman org did it for me, no more doubt.

search for 'mindhawk pizzagate challenge', that's me.

the wikipedia article that mentions none of the actual evidence is perhaps the most easily accessible proof.

if all the evidence is weak, why not mention all of it in the wikipedia article?

to mention none of it is admission of guilt, no other option

yup, I remember, it just keeps getting closer and closer to being proven true

Make copies, you never know.

This sounds too good to be true, probably because it is:

- Huma, Weiner, Mack, Rainiere, Daniels AND Alefantis all in one spot? Doubt it.

- Remembering shirt colors after 10 years? Doubt it.

- Is this guy an actor? Is he acting during that interview?

- What is his motivation, why come out with the information now?

- Why bring through a vitrually unknown channel? Why not take it to a more resonable outlet?

This stinks to me. It stinks of Tom Delonge/Podesta/Alefantis disinfo.

or maybe its nice and

concise laid out just like

fine wine and spliced lines

Why do you always type like this in every comment?

because i have every right to think how i wish

why are you asking me for the things i do

when you have not explained the ways you tune

I have no clue what you are even saying.

thats ok!

have a nice

day (:

You are the most artsy troll ever. Upvote!

not even trolling

i just like challenging beliefs and being open to truth

as we all should. why live in fear and anxiety all the time and shut down your mind to open discussion and new ideas, i never understood why thats a common theme

i agree, this is not convincing.

a picture would be interesting to look at but random college party x years ago from random guy? bs alarm going off.

now i want to know all the details of the guy who made the video, the people running pizzagate are superdeceptive so those of us onto them need to have super integrity.

It doesn't matter if You are convinced, it's happened, take it or leave it. I can make a video of myself talking about that night but what does that Prove it's just going to be My account, but on video...

try again, this is incoherent

what angle are you coming from? do you have anything to do with 'thetanster'?

im confused why we have to this site

btw thetan is a big woo woo scientology word, is that anything related the people run the site?

The Tanster has nothing to do with Scientology.

I am not a Scientologist I would never affiliate with a cult. I don't think The Tanster is a play off of Thetan but I am not the one to ask. I am having trouble deciphering what You are trying to say, You may have left some words out of Your questions maybe.

I am not a part of any deception, I am not dischordian, I don't belong to any secret societies and I am on no ones payroll. Also I don't see how My statement of events would benefit potential Pizzagate debunkers or Pedorings in general, in fact I am making connection as to how Politicians fit into all of this... NXIVM is their 'Party Machine' and if anything I would like to see all these assholes in handcuffs. My apology that it is not convincing or that I wasn't snapping pictures of randoms I met at a party. All I can really offer is an AMA and a guarantee I can pass any Lie Detector Test administered to Me about this topic, I stand by My statement , not sure what else I can really do to corroborate it.

I appreciate this and this response lends a lot more credibility to what you are saying.

I'm always interested in next steps, next questions to infer from a given point.

In this case, if I take your account as true, or want to confirm it to a higher degree of certainty, what kindof questions could I ask?

-do you remember the name of anyone else at the party?

-can you contact anyone else who might have been at the party?

-could you provide the address of this event?

i'm curious about ranier, any further details about what he was like would interest me.

btw, have you seen the series The Girlfriend Experience? Season 2 now seems to be written based on this stuff and pgate in general, very odd to me but really good art i think. Top of the lake season 1 and of course True Detective season 1 also come to mind.

I wonder how much fiction is actually real and creators of it are avoiding blackballing by saying it is fiction. Think 'House of 1000 Corpses' 'the hills have eyes'

Rosemarys Baby,Texas Chainsaw Massacre and American Psycho

yeah that's what im saying, even with something like the wire, in some societies it would be illegal to write about the dysfunction of the system, but here it's like if you really study it's all out there in the open, just maybe in fictional form or at the bottom of a pile of disinformation.

I always wonder this. I honestly believe that they hide things in plain sight to desensitize us for when they surface in reality.

I talked to My ex-girlfriend and She does not remember the Party, understandable We used to hit it pretty hard and I am asking her about a random party from 11 years ago. She is coming to Seattle to visit Me in 6 days maybe a bit of reminiscing can jog her memory, also I will try to get her friends number and try to cold call her. Essentially I am working on it.


The address is tough I know it is off of Skiff St right behind the Hamden Plaza but don't remember an exact number.

I don't know or remember anyone else from the party, just random yale girls.

This video has the stench of an operation mockingbird cia or even nsa astroturfing campaign written all over it, someone must of recently brought pizzagate out from under the ashes and toes are getting stepped on because someones trying to pull out all the stops now.

never been accused of being CIA. First time for everything I guess.

and I am not CIA or a paid actor or an agent of dischord.. I am a private citizen, not a made up entity. You can find details about My life on the internet, for instance I got jumped by a bunch of kids when I was 15, here is a link to that (at least You know I was a little kid at one point) http://articles.courant.com/1995-01-18/news/9501180486_1_charged-hockey-team-police

I'm assuming your the author of the video? some of what you say seems a bit off like why blow the whistle now when the appropiate time to of come out was when pizzagate was heavily getting covered, not throwing pot shots or anything but it's actually concerning that this is happening out of the blue and thats usually associated with operation mockingbird drivel but hopefully im wrong and you're a legit whistleblower providing invaluable info regarding alafantis and his cronies.

Yes. The memory of the party was ultimately triggered by watching the first two episodes of 'Smallville' which occurred around the 15th /16th of May (2018). It was an 'Oh Shit' moment that hit Me, the memory of the party took about a day to recall most of the details. The Bronfmans, Salzman and James Alefantis came back to Me after I had written My statement on Github but all the better because; 1. I could use that as a 'bonus round' of info for anyone who cared to approach Me with interest about this Party (the Truther/Citizen Journalist Community stayed completely away except for TheTanster), 2. Honestly with that line up of names how the Hell would anyone believe Me... I am surprised No One has asked Me if Bill and Hillary Clinton were there too (they weren't).. but seriously I realize how fantastic this all is and that it sounds like I am a fan fiction writer 'jumping the shark,' but what can I really do. I know I am telling You all the truth, I know I'd be skeptical if someone came to Me with this same statement, therein exists My dilemma.. This is why I am adamant on taking a lie detector test as I know that I will pass it. I will even pay for half of the test I just need a couple of witnesses that will verify the legitimacy of the test and results. How stupid would it be for Me to want to take a Lie Detector Test if there were a chance I would fail it. A larp is a larp but that would be quite ridiculous.

I have yet to make a video on the subject of the NXIVM mixer although I feel I should just to give a bit of visual presence maybe We can get some Interrogation Professionals Eyes on it maybe they can vouch for Me being honest and truthful about what happened that night.

honestly not agreeing or disagreeing with this dudes claims but can comment on the remembering shirt colors 10+ years ago. My sister is insane about this. can always remember the specifics of what people were wearing long long after the event. even confirmed a few with some obscure picture discoveries. Always made fun of her for it. But its possible.

I have a fantastic memory, it has always been a strongpoint for Me. I remember things from when I was 2 years old. I make little shorts and music videos in My spare time so I recall little details like clothing and styles because it is a great way to remember, for Me. Also I feel the clothing, the manner in which people visually represent themselves is a great indicator of someones character. I used to be very fashion minded so this is why my descriptions of these People are the way they are.

My question Delenecion is at what point did you start to put this infromation together, and why didnt you come out earlier. This sure sounds like an odd group of people. If you had seen Abedine w alefantis during pizzgates high point this would have allowed us to make an important connection at the time.Not to mention allowed us to get a head start on stormy daniels connection. Perhaps even gotten the link between reniere and this group brought out sooner

I have answered this, I will try and reiterate, that stupid show 'Smallville' sparked My memory. Have You ever remembered something You had nearly forgotten about? Say an old friend brings up a random birthday or a song reminds You of something You hadn't thought about in a while, My NXIVM experience was like that. This recollection occurred on May 15th 2018. Seeing pictures of Alefantis and Stormy I had an inkling of a thought that I know these people from somewhere but it was My investigation into 'Smallville' that sent this memory into urgent recall. Sorry I missed Your deadline.

K fair enough man. It’s all good. Good luck getting your story out there. Maybe try contacting your friend to learn more about this group, or what this meeting may have been for

Ok. Confirmed as true.

I have no problem if anyone wants to AMA or accompany Me for a lie detector test. I am not a Ward of the State and I have nothing to gain from trying to tell You what happened that night. Honestly during the interview I thought We were just doing a dry run, didn't realize Tanster was recording until she mentioned so at the end of the interview, I would have at least made my bed...


I realize You see this and think it is a big joke, I am potentially putting My life in danger by People in High Places that may want Me silenced. If You get a kick out of My situation it says a whole lot about You as a person. I'm a Human Being dude, have a little respect or don't. 'Show Parent' cute name, I assume by that dumb name You have kids. Picture for a moment if Your child were in this situation. Would You just respond 'LOL' or would You maybe have some compassion. I'm going to assume You would pick the more inane option but honestly who am I to just.

I was referring to your line about making your bed if you knew Tanster was recording. I thought that was pretty funny.

I swear I am a neat person, not messy but I work overnights and I had just woke up and washed my face when The Tanster called.

My apologies I have been getting major flack from People and after a bit maybe I get a little too touchy. Some people are downright mean while others are rather inane. I am glad You enjoyed any part of this I don't mean to be such an asshole. Once again, My apologies.

No problem at all. There are definitely a lot of, um, aggressive people on here, as well as the rest of the internet. I'm finding your story coherent and logical even if a bit extraordinary.

Definitely extraordinary, but it wouldn't be My life if there was not some amount of Fantastic. My good friends would Joke I could write a biography but bookstore would choose to file it under fiction.

That’s how I was approaching him but he seems pretty credible to me. It also seems logical that NXIVM would want to recruit wealthy, educated girls with connections to the elite. The whole region is a liberal stronghold so it makes sense Democrats would be involved. Making political connections for protection is also a normal play for criminal enterprises. I would think Stormy is the wild card but she had already banged Trump at that point so she was moving in political circles. Plus Trump was half a Democrat back in the day. He supported Bill and Hillary at one point.

Ben is taking questions. My hypothesis is IF he can’t keep his story straight then it’s True. So far he has been able to.

Ben is taking questions. He welcomes anyone to trip him up. I’ve been talking to him about this event for maybe a week or two and he has not contradicted himself. He has taken countless questions already at thetanster.com

have him see if he can pull up info

for the pacific northwest regarding


Seattle is Probably the largest human trafficking hub in the country. 100's of Shipping containers are moved through here each day, no telling what is in them because none of them are inspected.

thank you

im convinced theres a huge ring operating in the

PNW. authorties are aware

I'm sure there are several. I suspect the Billionaire Canadian Couple found hanged in their Mansion may be some indicator of who the players are. Barry and Honey Sherman had 'friends' and they donated money as Philanthropists as well. That would be a good avenue to start with. Who they donated money to, who were the 'artists' they would fund, what circles of People did they keep. If any of this stuff were still online it would make for a Great Investigation, don't think the RCNP are doing any digging You must assume they were on the payroll, like B.C. Police that kept the Pickton Ranch away from any real scrutiny.

Just because I was at a NXIVM recruitment party doesn't really give Me extra access to information on Predators, I am using the same internet as You guys, at least as far as I know I am using the same internet. I am also not a Human Trafficking Researcher just a Guy who went to a really weird party.

hpw did the party go

let me

know (;

Overall it was weird, but being one of the Party People in the Greater New Haven area (which includes Hamden), I have been to some pretty bizarre functions that why I wasn't immediately too weirded out when politicians started to arrive. I had bartender buddies that would tell Me about Quinnipiac College Events (thrown by the College itself) that had some scandalous behavior from People in certain areas of Government, stuff You would never hear about because apparently in Connecticut People are good at keeping their Mouths Shut. i.e. Bridgeport Mayor John M. Fabrizi, Waterbury Mayor Joseph Santopietro, Waterbury Mayor Philip A. Giordano (particularly F-'d Up case), Gov. John Rowland, Bridgeport Mayor Joseph P. Ganim.... the list goes on and on. There is an organized crime syndicate running Connecticut Politics which is absolutely undeniable. This implicates all sort of People who were involved in letting these criminals operate for as long as they did and covering up as much as they could.

But Yeah the Party was a little weird, in regards to the attendees I get a slight chill up My spine thinking about it and probably should have washed My hands after shaking hands with these People.

are you the original video maker?

if so, noice research

either way, let me know

Hes either unknowingly being used in a disinformation campaign mk ultra style, to distort the truth. Telling the truth, or a damn good actor the latter's being more probable. All should be considered.

That’s how I was approaching him but he seems pretty credible to me. It also seems logical that NXIVM would want to recruit wealthy, educated girls with connections to the elite. The whole region is a liberal stronghold so it makes sense Democrats would be involved. Making political connections for protection is also a normal play for criminal enterprises. I would think Stormy is the wild card but she had already banged Trump at that point so she was moving in political circles. Plus Trump was half a Democrat back in the day.

Lol. Sure.

So elon musk referenced a member of this group in defense of his tweet (which he deleted later) and in just supposed to believe there all pedos?

It does sound too good to be true, assume it is and imagine the difficulty You would be met with trying to tell this account of events to People, what would be the purpose of Me telling people about this if it were bullshit. If anything I probably look dumb enough going around telling People that I was at this event and interacting with these People. Looking 'dumb' is not My concern in all of this, My statement is a tiny peak into the inner workings of NXIVM and it seems to Me like an important thing to share with People. I am fine with anyone that wants to doubt or discredit Me, I have nothing to hide.

Wait are you the guy from the video? If so, I'd love to ask some questions.


Well #1, why come forward with this claim if you have nothing to corroborate the story with? Especially if true, seems like you'd be risking a lot (including your own safety) by speaking out, and not having evidence to support your claim will mean most people won't believe you anyway. (Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere)

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate people sharing info like this if it's true, but it can also hurt the overall mission if you're shown to be lying about anything.

Also, how'd you get invited to the event exactly? And how did you learn it was an NXIVM event?

The thought of exposing people to My experience seems important to Me and of interest to others, I think keeping quiet because no one would likely believe Me would be the most pointless option. Let's say for example, all alone You saw a UFO/flying saucer pass by the nights sky. Would You keep Your mouth shut about that just because no one else would corroborate or possibly believe what You saw? Of Course You would tell People what You saw even at the risk of sounding crazy because what happened was extraordinary in hindsight (How could I keep this Event to myself). Yes, I am risking My safety but I am not going to let Myself be scared into silence, it is not My nature, I know I am speaking the truth, I have done all I can to remember the order of events, the details I can recall and who all was in attendance. I am certainly not lying and have no intention of misleading anybody, all I can give You is My word which in todays terms means nothing to People which is understandable. The idea of 'lying' is not a factor to Me I have no reason to lie, nothing to gain but I am using My real name so essentially lying would put My reputation at risk which once again is non-factor as I am absolutely confident in what I am telling You and everyone else. I am not bothered if nobody believes it, My concern is outing the People surrounding this event... whether or not anyone believes Me is neither here nor there because I am saying what I saw You can take it or leave it. People who know Me, know I am an honest person, unfortunately You don't have this same privilege (but what can I do?).

My friend was invited to the party, she invited My girlfriend who invited Me. I got to stay because We convinced the Host that I was their ride. The Host at the party explained that it was a NXIVM Women's Empowerment Movement Social/Mixer. Aside from that Keith Raniere, and Eric Schneiderman explained a bit of what was going on in this 'movement' I wish I had asked more questions but once again none of these People seemed significant at the time it was just a weird party.

He is the guy from the video.

Very interesting interview. This would have been a few months after Stormy Daniels allegedly had her fun with Donald Trump and there she is at a cult recruitment party with some New York Democrats. All those people have the air of sleaze about them, so it does seem possible they would associate with a sex cult. Anyone else of note there, I wonder?

That's their (the politicians) 'Party Machine' it provides upper class rich white girl slave service to hypnotize and traffick children they babysit for. These Yale girls are daughters of CEO's, Exec's, Grand Daughters of Judges. It is great access for a Cult out for Money, Power and Influence.

Stormy is full of crap saying she has no affiliations with NXIVM, but the NYDOJ should already know this as they seized (hopefully) all of NXIVM's files. If the NYDOJ has all the files I should be on a list of People that attended the Party that night. It will be in Huma's handwriting.

Ben said the Bronfman sisters, NXIVM cofounder Nancy Salzman and James Alefantis of pizzagate infamy were there. Thank you for your kind words. I plan to continue this story on thetanster.com I’ve been banned from this subreddit three times already - so check there if I disappear again.

The article clearly shows that the same foundation money went to NXIVM and Alefantis' gallery...

Do you know what “reports” means?

Good one.

because i have every right to think how i wish

why are you asking me for the things i do

when you have not explained the ways you tune

It doesn't matter if You are convinced, it's happened, take it or leave it. I can make a video of myself talking about that night but what does that Prove it's just going to be My account, but on video...

If someone writes down events that can be substantiated it can be considered a report, or at least a statement. Why are You so quick to shoot Afrobean down, seems odd.

I am not a part of any deception, I am not dischordian, I don't belong to any secret societies and I am on no ones payroll. Also I don't see how My statement of events would benefit potential Pizzagate debunkers or Pedorings in general, in fact I am making connection as to how Politicians fit into all of this... NXIVM is their 'Party Machine' and if anything I would like to see all these assholes in handcuffs. My apology that it is not convincing or that I wasn't snapping pictures of randoms I met at a party. All I can really offer is an AMA and a guarantee I can pass any Lie Detector Test administered to Me about this topic, I stand by My statement , not sure what else I can really do to corroborate it.