The Literal Cult of Q.

1  2018-05-30 by WarSanchez

  There has been a very visible and sizeable push to pigeon hole skeptics into literal cults.

The most obvious modern example of these is the LARP/PSYOP known as "Q Anon". If you are out of the loop on who/what Q is, I suggest finding a primer elsewhere, I'm just here to talj about the "Qult" surrounding him.

These following bullet points are common characteristics shared between all cults: (I found these on:

Any edits/comments I have made will be in [brackets] since they used (parenthesis) in some.

-The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

‪ -Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. [Downvotes/Bans]

‪ -Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s). [The "study sessions" the members have where they have to look at long infographics with lots of data and study each group, person, and event or else you aren't "a real follower".]

‪ -The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry�or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth). [I've seen many a thread where users ask how to think or see events. There's even a hierarchy on who is more right/can be trusted with interpretations]

‪ -The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity). [the Qult claims they are saving the world from a pedo mafia that somehow ends up being everyone but them]

‪ -The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society. [The high usage of the term normie on their subs should be very telling]

‪ -The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations). [Trump is GOD EMPEROR! He is accountable to no one but God and Q is in the same boat]

‪ -The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities). [I give them credit for this one as they don't seem to be doing any of these things yet]

‪ -The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt iin order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion. ["Real" believers never question Q. The higher ups run alts to shame others into a deep devotion or accuse them of not really believing.]

‪ -Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group. [I've seen too many posts about members losing relationships with their familily/friends because they try to get them to join the cult.]

-The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. ["Redpilling" is really trying to lure gullible folks into joining them]

‪ -The group is preoccupied with making money. [Live streams, Amazon merch, pushong certain cryptos, there are many ways these folks are raising money for the cause.]

‪ -Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities. [They are on a Mormom-esque level of having to recruiters go out and preach their gospel]

‪ -Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members. [This is why they use codespeak like normie and woke to be able to distinguish themselves from others and discouraging interactions with those they claim aren't worthy]

‪ -The most loyal members (the "true believers") feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group. [Some of their harcore base spends so much time posting and propaganda posting all damn day]

Please be aware that "Q" hits all of these points and targets those cults target. The elderly, gullible, easily persuaded, emotionally unstable, submissive.



You didn't even read it and downvoted it less than a minute in. LMAO

Can't have anyone questioning Q can you?

What you’ve just wrote is utter garbage with no facts to back anything up. Looking to ride the Qtrain for cheap karma

The points above are from two people who have PHds. Click the fucking link and inform yourself.

LMAO. No research, just years and years of religious/cult studies.

Thanks for the laugh, but I trust pros more than you.

You didn't even read it and downvoted it less than a minute in. LMAO

I mean ain't that pretty much the norm around here nowadays?

Can't have anyone questioning Q can you?

Oh they can, I don't mind. Wasted energy if you ask me tho


Informing people that they are in a cult is not wasted energy.

Have a nice day and move along.

Coming from someone who's pushed muh russians all year long that is quite funny :)

Have a great day too ;)

Coming from someone who's pushed muh russians all year long that is quite funny :)

Awww... Gonna lie now too? If someone broke the law they should pay for it, be it him, his son, his son-in-law, his campaign people, whoever.

Don't worry, charges are already being put on people. Keep pushing Q and Pizzagate tho.

Bruh, I love Mueller, you guys still don't realize he's not on your side, but keep doing your mind reading thing you seem to be good at

I'd love to see your awesome evidence that Trump and Mueller are secretly working together. And hopes and dreams arent a source. Neither is Q.

So you support Mueller's investigation and his findings?

Yep, have said so for a while

It's just that people seem to think that Manafort in trouble = Trump in trouble

If they'd read the indictments...

Allow me to ask a seemingly off topic question if you don't mind.

What was Al Capone convicted of in 1931?

No idea

Do a quick google search, and then give the answer to my question.

Not interested sorry

And everyone who reads this thread knows why.


He actually think trump is going to be indicted on tax fraud lmao

That's just funny hahahaha

"muh russia" talking point used.

Yeah believing that Trump might have some ties to russia after people his cabinet with close ties to russia go down on criminal charges is definitely way crazier than believing an anonymous guy on 4chan that assures you Mueller is secretly working with Trump to take down the deep state and Hillary has already been secretly arrested and has an ankle moniter on.

believing an anonymous guy on 4chan that assures you Mueller is secretly working with Trump to take down the deep state¨

He hasn't claimed that, a lot of people believe Mueller to be deep state, I'm really minority opinion here

Oh yes he did. Q is Dan fiction. Up until his recent absence hes been promising gigantic updates every few days for close a year now. Since then, Hillary, Obama, Huma, MCain, Comey, all chillen. The hilarious irony is the only people to have gone down since Q started this whole charade are Trump people.

Keep telling yourself that :P

Who is Eric Schneiderman?

Oh I'm not the one ignoring reality. I'm staring right at it. You're the one who was to make up a whole elaborate story to pretend something else is really going on. Let me know when your fairy tale comes true.

Just watch the news the next weeks okay bb?

Q has been literally saying those words for over 6 months. Why dont you just get back to me when your fairy tale comes true.

June 11-12

I'll screen shot this and hit you up. Make sure you have an excuse ready to go when nothing happens. See ya in a couple weeks.

Not an excuse, but where it came from (not Q)-

@EyeTheSpy on Twitter go look

And yeah hit me up round then

Wasn’t Q

Oh so you're just taking just anybody's predictions as gold at this point.

Just telling you what I heard. feel free to look it up yourself. Take it however you want, sounds like you’re taking it like an asshole, But whatever. Let me know.

I heard Q was a larp who's duped thousands of people. Just something I heard.

If so, greatest LARP ever

It is probably the best larp ever. Thousands of gullible trump supporters thinking some white hoise insider has a master plan to take down all the politicians they dont like. It's hilarious to watch. I'm sad Q stopped posting.

Yep you have no clue what you’re talking about.

Oh I do. Been following Q for many months now. Every drop. Every broken promise of big news. Every failed MOAB. Every time he told us to watch the news and nothing interesting happens. It's a fairy tale. One day you'll figure it out.

Have no idea what you’re talking about, do you have specific examples for “every broken promise”? I can think of several proofs made off the top of my head, but please go first tell me the failures.

I'll go back through the "drops" right now and point out all the promises of MOABs if you like. I'd love to debunk your proofs though so hit me with those.

Pence tweet prediction

Korea freed prediction

Hawaii missile “false alarm” prediction

Gmail draft comms prediction between Strzok and Page

Armenia prediction

Also off the top of my head, at work so no link feel free to look them up-

Tippy Top Shape False Flag warning before Parkland Q posting +++ shortly before trump tweets +++ Saying Flynn is clean before mueller pushed back sentencing Pointing out ray.chandlers IG pedo shopping account Shall I go on? I’ve made my point. You’re either a clueless child, or an extremely inept clown who wouldn’t last a week of OSUT.

Q is a hyper Christian and that verse is a popular one. Its barely even a coincidence that Pence would reference the same verse months later.

There was no deal made with North Korea. Trump hasn't met with Kim yet. Even though Q pretends they already hashed out a deal.

Q talks about military planes and shit like that all the time. Also no a coincidence.

Gmail comms can mean anything. Oh somebody sent an email and that's proof Q knew about it? Uhh cool.

Protests started in Armenia in March. Q just mentioned the country. He didnt predict anything. All he does is throw out references to current events and if anything happens, you think he predicted it. If nothing happens, you forget he ever said it.

That's how this stuff works. Q has referenced hundreds of people places and things over the course of 1300 comments. So if anything happens, you can basically tie it back to say "hey Q talked about this 2 months ago! He knew all allong."

Mueller pushed back sentencing on Flynn because he wants to get more out of him. If Mueller was rescinding the indictment then he would. He wouldn't just give him more time.

Look dad, one day will you figure out you've been had. One day Trump will leave office and the evil cabal will still be there. At some point Mueller will wrap up his investigation and you'll see they were not working together. I'll bet you 50,000 dollars that neither Obama or Hillary will be in jail by the time Trump leaves office. Wanna take me up on that?

The tippy top thing wasnt anything either. 2 months before Trump said tippy top (a phrase hes used many times in the past) an anon asked him to get Trump to say it. 2 months later Q is like "yo sid you catch the speech today." That's not even a coincidence. I could predict what Trump is going to say with a time table of two months. He uses the same phrases over and over.

Alright have fun at the cocksucker factory shill

Love it.

what about hillary

lol look at me what abouting hillary

but seriously why isnt she in jail? does the right wing need a super majority and a supreme court nominee or something

Loosen the tinfoil hat

If mueller had anything on trump it would’ve leaked by now.

I dont have the hat on. I'm not the one making up an elaborate story built on hopes and dreams alone. I could easily also say if the Trump and Meuller classic cop movie combo had anything on the deep state, it would have leaked by now.

Uh it has.


How does the spygate bullshit make you think they are working together?

You said something would leak by now. How do we know about Spygate? How do we know about Strzok Page texts? It leaked that DJT wasn’t under investigation...

Because Trump whines on twitter about being investigated That's not a leak.



Wasted energy if you ask me tho

Of course, because it's a cult.

Have you been to their subreddit in the last week? It seems that something has happened to Q. No more drops.

One of their leadership accidentally signed a post with the Q tripcode during a livestream. Since then, it's been radio silent.

Thank u I didn’t know that

There's a sizeable chunck you can skip in there at the begining.

God this guy is fucking insufferable to listen to. Is the TL;DR that the QAnon larper accidentally posted on the qanon account on a livestream or something?

Yes, Q's Queef's are running damage control as we speak.

Nice. I always thought he was a LARP, but I found his Socratic gimmick kind of cool because it got people involved in research.

At first maybe, then it got very strange. The reciting of Q's post's by it's number to use as an argument based on "user" interpretation being the biggie.

Yeah I didn't pay that much attention to it. Just looking into it between that last post I made and now... yeah shit got weird.


I don’t understand why people aren’t talking about this. It would seem to me that the cat’s out of the bag and Q is finished.

Where does it happen I don't want to hear this guy any longer then I need to lol

Q livestreams now ??? Why'd nobody tell me!

Mate you can't be serious right now hahahaha, nobody knows who is Q, he certainly is not streaming while he's posting rofl

one of their leadership

Learn to read. Pamphlet Anon was caught using the tripcode. Explain that. If he can post as Q on a livestream what does that mean.

Gonna attack me and not the evidence all day, cool. Reveal your real self then. 😉

There was a revealed password by Q team

Here's it: NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

You can now post as Q's old trip code, congratz

You are the one making claims on things you do not understand

So a fagAnon was posting as a fake Q, what about it? That's not a leader what are you on about lol

Pamphlet Anon was the HEAD mod over at CBTS_Stream what are you talking about "random" Anon.

Learn your own LARP before saying such lies please. He runs the Patriot SoabBox LiveStream where everyone gets their marching orders from.

Quit coming at me ill informed, it really really reveals how un-researched you are. You are antagonizing this post just for the sake of antagonizing this post.

Pamphlet Anon was the HEAD mod over at CBTS_Stream

CBTS_Stream has always been a honeypot for fags and the place was overran by shills and bad actors while the place was left unmodded leading to a bunch of cucks doxxing people, remember that?

Learn your own LARP before saying such lies please. He runs the Patriot SoabBox LiveStream where everyone gets their marching orders from.


How hard is it a concept

Quit coming at me ill informed, it really really reveals how un-researched you are.

Quite the contrary friend, and that is apparent to anyone familiar with Q even remotely

Where did this password come from? Where was it leaked?

Christ dude.... you’re just embarrassing yourself

what do you mean

/u/RayRoid basically posted the answer

That particular trip code was revealed on purpose. It was supposed to be seen. I’m not going to even go into the other claims you make, because hardly any of them apply to what Q is doing. Just because people are working together as a group to a common goal doesn’t make them a cult. Is a football team a cult? They adhere to most of the same examples you gave above.

>That particular trip code was revealed on purpose. It was supposed to be seen.

Jesus Christ dude, you're brain could probably win Gold in the next summer olympics. It certainly has gotten the necessary gymnastics training.

It’s true though, dude.

why was it supposed to be seen

4D God-Emperor tripcode chess!

wtf lol

It's sad that you were downvoted for heavily for this post.

It's the same thing when you talk about the Cult of Scientology.

Notice the guy in here trying to slide the conversation and attacking me not the post or evidence of someone posting as Q with the "sacred tripcode".

Dude I just gave you the password to the old trip code, they exposed it themselves how dense can you be


Go post as Q, go test it out man

I think there are shills of different sides who are trying to protect this Q psyop mixed in with true believers who are just Troll supporters trying to salve their cognitive dissonance with all of the bad news that surrounds his administration.

Well, the shills here want to prop up the legitimacy of the Q psyop, so naturally they're going to downvote anything critical of it.

Keep hammering away at this subject and exposing it.

Well OP is full of shit. There’s no profiting except from fame seeking greedy kids who are called out all the time. Nobody forces anyone to contribute “hours” for the “qult”, this post deserves 100% downvotes because OP is looking to downplay and delegitimize the actual information collected by qresearch. What the fucks OP’s problem? Why would you make blatant lies?

I'll restate what I said in another comment.

I think there are shills of different sides who are trying to protect this Q psyop mixed in with true believers who are just Troll supporters trying to salve their cognitive dissonance with all of the bad news that surrounds his administration.

Everyone should keep in mind the Israel shills that work for Black Cube. I think it's possible that t_d is under their control as well.


Of all the things they’re preoccupied with that ain’t one

required to live and/or socialize with others


I’ll again say that I believe there is a mix of shills and cult followers who go out of the way to the defend the Q psyop

Even more shills attacking it while talking out their ass not knowing what they’re talking about

You are free to think so.

We know that Trump's campaign/administration has hired Israel shills before. They could be behind t_d sub and this new Q operation.


Nailed it


Was calling it a Qult your idea? It's a clever one.

Qlever. So qlever I qan barely comprehend it.

I always get a good chuckle browsing r/greatawakening. The mental gymnastics and skewed narratives the Q followers push are truly awe-inspiring. Don't even get me started on how funny it is hen they're so selective with what news stories they do cover and how many are blasted as "fake news" a.k.a any story that bad mouths Emperor Trump.

Yeah, I actually unsubscribed from /r/greatawakening today after some of those dummies got all giddy about Papua New Guinea's plans to ban Facebook for a month.

It's okay to ban/censor a website as long as you think they're bad... And the blind acceptance of any bullshit posted there. It's like one giant chain letter/FWD from your crazy great-aunt.

lol facebook isn't "just" a website. And they ARE bad, there's no discussion there I'd think. You can argue that social media aren't necessarily bad but fb as a company is just a scam to control and occupy the masses while getting rich selling your data.

I'm not arguing that Facebook isn't complete shit but there's a huge difference between choosing not to participate in it and a country banning it for a month under the guise of closing fake accounts.

If you don't wanna use it, fine. But to sit there and say Papua New Guinea's government is good for banning it for a month (i.e. you couldn't even access it if you wanted to) is ludicrous.

How do you fell when Iran bans any social media during protest? Different scenarios, but same concept. If you support censorship on any left you're not better than the Antifa fucks who are running rampant today.

Truest truth.

the issue isnt whether or not fb is bad or not

its govt censorship that they are cheerleading, while free speech is such a huge right wing issue these days

Trump as an infallible, 4D chess master is very silly, but then again Trump as a Nazi, economy destroying Russian agent is equally as ridiculous.

IIRC, the later came first and was pushed by major media corporations.

Fox news/Breitbart/Conservative radio/etc all push the later, and Fox News is the most watched out of them all

Yea, i was kinda sad when cbts_stream got banned but luckily they all moved to greatawakening

No. People are fucking idiots. You are a fucking idiot. Cult of q lol.

Removed. Rule 10

The groupis preoccupied with making money

Alright stopped reading there. You know nothing.

This post could be about literally any interest group. Star Wars fan clubs would exhibit all these behaviors. Go to a comic book convention, you could find the same thing.

Post something positive about Trump on /r/politics, all the behaviors above would come out. Post something negative on /r/t_d and that same thing would happen.
Hell, even on this subreddit, people make political posts constantly and facts are downvoted. Is this sub a cult?
College students would fall under your interpretation of these categories.
Black lives matter, the Tea Party, Freedom Caucus, every campaign worker globally....

When you WAY over generalize, you can paint something as anything you want.

"I saw a post where some guy said, therefore my conclusion about the entire group is X". I mean, that's what you posted.

Yep. Q fans are probably equally devoted to anime sex dolls, same as you'll find Q haters posting with equal vitriol about Jordan Peterson and whatever the demon of the week is.

Uh, I wouldn't know anything or even the first thing about being a cultist.

Those people are crazy.

Yes that’s BS. I’ve watched from the sidelines since day one and what I’ve found of concern is r/conspiracy writing it off

The cult of Q has literally destroyed Roseanne's career. I mean really, who goes around accusing people they've never met of being in the Muslim Brotherhood?

who goes around accusing people they've never met of being in the Muslim Brotherhood?

lol it looks like roseanne has like 6 alts on this sub

Most of those would apply to the anti-Q cult as well lol. I get a good laugh from watching both sides.

No kidding, soon much effort to refute. It's like astroturf8ng, look at the effort and time put in to discredits posts every day while the Q folks pretty much keep to themselves, haven't seen any evangelizing about it, but definitely an effort to refute here and other visible subs.

Here's a hint: It's baby-boomers with a lot of gold who have watched the price stagnate over the past five years and obviously Muslims are to blame.

That's why you shouldn't take investment advice from AM radio hosts.

This Q,(Yes, upper case), Q is the equivalent of the number eight.

Number eight represents new beginning, anti-christ. In numerology, 8 is the number of building, and in some theories, also the number of destruction.

Very fitting, simbology and anagrams are what rule our reality.

This Qteam (do you see it yet?) and Trump "cleansing" is very real, those who didn't got aboard of the change are getting swiped and there is more involved here than it seems, it has to do with very important people going to Antarctica around the last American elections, the thing is that it is not (as always) towards the betterment and empowerment of humanity, but to further enslave us, it is the old boogeyman trick to "unite" fronts, those in that sub are nothing more than religious fanatics, and most likely not real people or at least not people with a familiy a job and a life.

While we are distracted with Trump, the BRICS are doing their moves, very slowly and carefully, pay attention.

What about the cult of authority or the cult of government.

We need to address the issue at its core instead of the branches that stem from it.

Who bought this sub?

Lol, the shill run conspiracy sub, attacking another conspiracy sub. Compensating got something?

I've been watching Q since they started posting. I don't think there's any kind of cult associated with them. I don't know for sure if they're a LARP, but I can't explain some of the things they post as mere coincidence. Still studying.

I worry when q followers talk about how they've lost family and friends over their belief. That's not normal behavior.

are you talking about ANTIFA

Q, the post is about Q. Stay on topic. Follow the white rabbit. #adrenochrome


REDDIT is New American Censorship at its Worst.

It's funny, there are a lot of fellow Christians that follow Q. Even though he has not posted Jesus name 1 time. Search his post. He he has posted that daily prayers are said to JFK, not God, daily. Called trump and the military our savior. Please check these facts. The there is a guy on YouTube with the SebAsTiAN C, whose capital letters spell SATAN C, makes these satanic trump Q videos, scary shit. His first video was made at the Oct 28, 2017 right when Q started posting. He purposely made a fake name for the video so it wouldn't be picked up on, then changed it July of this year cause YouTube let's you change the title, but the time can not be changed. So it was changed to 29 trumped trouble in Washington Q CLEARANCE INITIATED. it's freaking creepy portraying trump like Jesus stepping on the serpent, with a satanic voice and a picture of trump saying "DO YOU BELIEVE IN ME NOW'. Check it out

You know you just described feminists and SJWs too... right?

You people are shills or just plain ignorant with no real brain power all Q does is ask questions you look for the answers u may not like the answers you find but the TRUTH is just that the truth your leftwing philosophy is terrible to human kind censorship and violence is used by the left instead of honest debate I been following Q since Oct 2017 and everything he has posted has been proven to be the truth it doesn't take a Einstein to see that the MSM is lying to you on a daily basis and not reporting the truth they are selling a narrative that just because it's what you WANT to hear DOES not make it the truth. When they start arresting your SO CALLED HEROES you will be left with a choice awaken yo REALITY or take to the streets and riot and whine cry like you all have been doing since the election that was rigged by MSM DNC Obama administration everyday more and more comes out THERE HAS BEEN NO EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING BEWTEEN RUSSIA AND TRUMP after 19 months of there was something one of the sniveling subhuman Democrats would have leaked it like they leak everything if it steers the narrative their way. The only purpose of Q is to prepare the people to understand what is about to happen believe it or not it will happen and what the evil people that have sold out the country want is for you leftist to take to the streets and start a civil war to keep their corruption from being exposed and most of you will blindly follow without even asking the simplest of questions WHY? you wont win and you cant stop it we are go9ng thru a soft military coup to save our democracy from EVIL and corruption your movement has been hijacked by EVIL PEOPLE using YOU to do their bidding without YOU knowing their plan Open a account and see the 50k indictments that Huber has across the country they are not about Trump and collusion they are about Human trafficking pure evil with your heroes at the top running the show CLintobs Obama Clinton foundation even the Bush's new world new order all the same SOLD OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER which is China Russia . Who in their right mind would give URANIUM to what the Democrats call OUR BIGGEST ENEMY Russia to make missile out of it to point at us ??? Who would China for years to steal our technology ?? Another great example Trump is not doing anything look at his policies for 19 months all he has DONE is UNDO what Obama did and the economy is booming so ask yourself WHY did Obama and democrats/Republicans do what they did for 8 years the only logical answer is their either stupid or they did it on purpose to destroy USA our home both sides left and right the future home of our children enslaved by communism and socialism gutted from the inside out without firing a shot. No one can in all honesty say that the Clinton foundation was nothing but a bribing mailbox and if u people are so blinded by the media programming to think for yourselfs you are going to be in for HUGE AWAKENING

Holy CopyPasta!

Where the fuck are lot of you flooding in to a 3 month old post from?

The great awakening was removed from reddit a few days ago. The salt has spilled over.

Its laughable the amount of projection that I have seen over the course of the past few months in relation to the Q movement. Its like people are really scared of what these people have to say about their research. Why werent they scared of birthers or truthers? Or JFK lone gunman disputers?

Coming from someone who's pushed muh russians all year long that is quite funny :)

Awww... Gonna lie now too? If someone broke the law they should pay for it, be it him, his son, his son-in-law, his campaign people, whoever.

Don't worry, charges are already being put on people. Keep pushing Q and Pizzagate tho.

"muh russia" talking point used.

Yeah believing that Trump might have some ties to russia after people his cabinet with close ties to russia go down on criminal charges is definitely way crazier than believing an anonymous guy on 4chan that assures you Mueller is secretly working with Trump to take down the deep state and Hillary has already been secretly arrested and has an ankle moniter on.

How does the spygate bullshit make you think they are working together?

Not interested sorry

I'm not arguing that Facebook isn't complete shit but there's a huge difference between choosing not to participate in it and a country banning it for a month under the guise of closing fake accounts.

If you don't wanna use it, fine. But to sit there and say Papua New Guinea's government is good for banning it for a month (i.e. you couldn't even access it if you wanted to) is ludicrous.

How do you fell when Iran bans any social media during protest? Different scenarios, but same concept. If you support censorship on any left you're not better than the Antifa fucks who are running rampant today.

the issue isnt whether or not fb is bad or not

its govt censorship that they are cheerleading, while free speech is such a huge right wing issue these days