I hate white people

1  2018-05-30 by I_Dream_of_Outremer

They own and operate all the structural institutions of racism. Government, media, banks, etc

Let's bring them down


Removed. Rule 1

Cause they created and built everything

Colonizers. All technological progress is racism


i think he's trolling



I’m white, but I don’t hate anyone, probly to compensate for being associated with such rat bastards over the centuries

I’m white and don’t feel the least bit guilty of anything.

It’s not racism when blacks kill more blacks than any other group. That’s being willfully blind.

Exactly, and it's also not racism to say that whites are Nazi's moreso than any other racial group. It's just a fact.

I dont feel like entertaining this post at all but white people also kill more white people than any other race. This is a stupid statistic because people are usually murdered by someone they know. And usually that's someone of the same race.

Good luck with that

Can I please get a heads up when you start the upcoming race war?

Take this dow... you know the drill

At least one goy got it

Me too man. Me too...

I am white and hate white people to black people also and chines and mexicans are ok but thats it and i mean ehhh ok

Someone report this trash.

I'm white and I kinda hate white people too.

However, it's not all white people (OBVIOUSLY), it's a select group of psychopaths that happen to be white that create the majority of the problems. Same thing with jews. It's not 'all jews' that are bad, it's a select group of psychopaths that HAPPEN to be jewish. The psychopaths are everywhere....black psychopaths too: shouts out to all the homicidal African leaders (Idi Amin). Arabic psychopaths (shouts out to Saudi Arabia). Asian psychopaths (shouts out to Anwar Congo). Latin psychopaths (shouts out to Noriega, Escobar, Pinochet, etc.).

The issue isn't race, OP, it's psychopaths. Racism is a convenient way to distract from the one and only true struggle, which is class-struggle. The haves vs. the have-nots. Rich vs. poor is the only real struggle, and the only one that's ever mattered.

Conspiracy: This is an attack by the left to shut down our humble /r/conspiracy. This subreddit will be gone in less than 2 days. It has been a pleasure working with you gentleman (and ladies).

If anybody needs me, I'll be waiting in line to get the mark of the beast implanted into my hand. Cioa.

Wtf is a cioa

Oh yeah moah yeah kill all the white man

I try not to judge people and group them all together. I try to judge each person on their own actions/words.

Race is definitely a thing. Remember the human genome project? Oh, you don't? Twenty years ago, we were promised a multitude of discoveries and advancements. Then nothing. Silence. Total media blackout. What did they discover? Oh, they sure did discover more than a few things! Well, I guess the discoveries may have hurt some people's feelings. We can't have that!

I like you fellow clademember

A year old account spouting this shit. I hope you choke on a bag of dicks.

You stupid shit I'm being retarded on purpose

Dude, how can you tell nowadays on this sub? Good to know you're not an idiot.

Poor little victim.

/r/asablackman, I completely agree with this not at all shitpost.