The Myth of Dinosaurs, the Reality of Dragons

1  2018-06-01 by NYC_Subway

Copy/Pasta from The Myth of Dinosaurs the Reality of Dragons by Ben Armstrong

Do you realize that dinosaurs are just a theory? A theory that is backed up by very shaky evidence. Most people believe in dinosaurs because they are taught in school about them. Rarely does a school teach the children that dinosaurs are just a theory and are not proven to be fact. What if I were to tell you Dinosaurs are actually a myth? That very statement will cause many of you to laugh. That's because you have been taught that dinosaurs were real and you never have challenged that belief. I know this because if you challenge that belief, you will not conclude that dinosaurs are real. You will conclude that dinosaurs are only a theory.

The long recorded history of Dragons has been swapped out by the theory of dinosaurs. When did this happen? Well it all started in recent history, 1842 to be exact. Before 1842 everyone referred to these fossilized bones as dragon bones. Did you even know that? One man named Sir Richard Owen created the term dinosaur in 1842. Dinosaur simply means terrible lizard. Understand, no one, in all of world history, believed there were dinosaurs before 1842. Everyone believed in the historical evidence of dragons. That's because almost every single cultural around the world has historical evidence of dragons. You can check out this article from BBC. Sir Richard Owen: The man who invented the dinosaur.

Is it interesting that after this term was created, all of a sudden the first dinosaur discovery happens in 1858. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences member, William Foulke excavated the first so-called dinosaur. It was a nearly-complete skeleton, only missing its head. A little fact that indicates that man killed this animal. Only men, when killing an animal, take only the head. The skeleton resembles many early drawings of dragons interestingly enough. But, to make the skeleton look bigger when it was on tour, William Foulke stood it up on its hind legs in a T-Rex position. If this skeleton had been found just 17 years earlier, before 1842, it would have been concluded that they were dragon bones. What a difference just a few years can make. Sir Richard Owen, who created the term dinosaur, was an evolutionist. Many in the science community at this time we're trying to disprove what the Bible taught. They wanted to prove Evolution to be true. They found out that many in the scientific community embraced the same goal. Besides, it was a good way to make money. Think of the billions of dollars the dinosaur industry generates today.

History before 1842 clearly states that dragons existed. One culture still today laughs at Western scientists when they Proclaim these bones are dinosaur bones. That culture is China. Many scientists in China TODAY believe that these fossilized bones are dragon bones. China also has the largest recorded history of dragons. Our scientists want us to believe that the recorded history throughout China is simply fantasy. But did you know the number one place for our scientists to find so-called dinosaur bones is in China. That is because More Dragons lived in China and India than anywhere else. So it makes sense that this would be the #1 place to find Dino bones.

The Chinese believe that dragon bones have a medical healing use, and actually consume dragon bone powders. Our scientists have proclaimed that those bones are prehistorical and cannot be used as medicine. There is an actual conflict going on between our two cultures. Read this article from the Associated Press back in 2007. Chinese Eat Dinosaur Bones As Medicine Many of you are still laughing at this article. That's probably because you don't even know what a fossil is. So what exactly is a fossil? It is bone that is turned into rock. There's actually no possible way to determine the difference between a regular Rock and a fossilized bone. If you were to test a dinosaur bone, it would just be the same as a rock. Fascinating how so many dinosaur bones are found in actual rock bed. How can anyone prove that these scientists didn't just carve out a bone shape from the rocks? Don't you find it fascinating that when these scientists go out looking for dinosaur bones they usually find them. They have to, or else they won't continue to get funding if they keep coming up empty-handed every time. How come nobody accidentally comes across dinosaur bones when digging in their backyard? If you think you found one, they will quickly tell you that it's not. But they stumble on them all the time when they decide to look for them. I challenge you to go out and find some dinosaur bones. You will fail, but they will always succeed. Well, that because they are experts and you are not, don't you know. Did you know that the skeletons in museums are almost always fake. They will even admit to this fact. They will tell you that it's a replica. They will tell you not to worry, the real bones are hidden away where nobody can actually see them. Why can't they just display the bones that they find? It's not because they're too rare, they could just put them behind glass casing. It's because, if they use the real fossilized bones, they will hardly have any skeleton to show you. They make up most of the dinosaurs through artistic design. But don't worry folks, even though you cannot see, feel, touch, or examine any of these bones, just trust them. Isn't that what you've been taught to do? Here's what's really interesting. I can make the case that any dinosaur fossils that they find are simply dragon bones. There are many historical accounts describing different types of dragons. Some have the long necks with the fat body, some are snake like. Some have wings and some do not. European culture documents dragons as fact. Ancient Chinese culture documents dragons as fact. The Bible documents dragons as fact.

So what happened to the dragons? They simply went extinct like many other species have. We even know the reason why they went extinct. Historical records show that dragons like to live in caves. They also show that dragons like to eat sheep. Dragons Were a threat to many farmers and their livestock. You have heard of the term Dragon Hunter haven't you? That's because they were actual dragon Hunters in history. Farmers in a town would have a dragon problem, where a Dragon was attacking their livestock, they would pay someone to slay the Dragon. This depleted the numbers of dragons and they eventually went extinct. Wolves almost went extinct in America for the same reason.

There is historical records that Dragons were real, but only theories about Dinosaurs.


If dragons were real, as you stated, then why would they lie about it? Why would they theorize that those bones are from dinosaurs?

You say the existence of dinosaurs is a myth and a theory. This is not true, because it is seen as a fact. Dragons on the other hand are a myth. You are stating dragons were mentioned in the Bible. I've read the bible a couple of times, but never read anything about a dragon.

why would they lie about it?

excluding the dragon possibility, one reason could be that there is a fundamental truth about the design of this "environment" that they thought they could hide if they constructed a believable enough back story. rewrite history and do it so elaborately you could indoctrinate everybody to the point society essentially becomes an amnesiac being retrained.

So what is the secret they’re trying to hide? And if everyone believed in dragons before 1848, why invent a new creature for people to believe in rather than just call them dragons?

who knows

To discredit the idea of a God who intelligently designed us humans along with everything else. It's a big part of the evolution psyop, people are less likely to believe in a benevolent creator who cares about us when you're indoctrinated with the idea that we won the genetic lottery. Evolution psyop also makes you think less of yourself, regard yourself as part of the animal/beast world, and therefore act on every impulse without further consideration to harm/bad karma.

part of the evolution psyop,

Luckily I was alone when I spat out a little coffee from laughing at that line

show me something that definitely proves dinosaurs were real. If dinosaurs were made up then who's to say all the other stuff wasn't also fabricated.

Ok then. Given you are starting from a position of ignorance of knowledge (which is a good thing) you will no doubt be able to show me that definitely proves God is real

If you do not feel this needs to be proven then your logic is rubbish and you're a hypocrite

Of course god is real you fucking simpleton, who else could have made the dragons?


Oh shit. Checkmate atheist

Tbf get feeling won't reply or won't actually answer what I asked trying to deflect onto something

Well I mean you do have a guy in r/conspiracy trying to say that the man created the myth of dinosaurs because dragons were real and that proves his version of god is real.

So he's kinda lost on many fronts...dude sounds like he might be trolling anyway.

Agreed. But the line between stupidity and trolling is often very unclear on this sub


Haven't you seen that documentary Jurassic Park?

evolution is easily proven as bullshit...if you care to look at the counter arguments.


But you know what is also easily proven as bullshit

900 year old men building boats and putting two of each animal on board.

The red sea parting.

Water turning into wine because of magic.

The universe being tens of thousands of years old.

And dragons.

Amongst other things.

i tend to agree. :D

how are any of those easily proven as bullshit?

there is no official age limit for a human. he could have been collecting dna instead of actual breathing animals.

water will do crazy things in the presence of a strong magnetic field.

alchemy was a thing many people took seriously

as i see it it's a he said/she said between modern scientists (whatever that is) and old common knowledge

A strong magnetic field will turn water into wine?

Are you having a laugh?

part a sea

Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.

If you believe in magic and fairy tales like this, I don't know what to tell you

no offense but there is nothing i can learn from you. in fact you haven't brought anything helpful to the table.

My comments were only pointing out how ludicrous some of the things in the bible that people take seriously and literally.

Nothing more, nothing less.

What are you doing on this forum?

The same thing everyone else does on Reddit.

Mock the community and their mindset on every specific subreddit? I don't think so.

You call it mocking not debating because your position isn't rooted in logic.

"Spatting out coffee from laughing" isn't something you use in a debate, but in a mockfest.

The guy said 'evolution psyop'.

That is really silly so I laughed. Deal with it.

You are on a conspiracy forum where everything what we are told and taught by society is questioned. It's really not a stretch to think that the theory of evolution can also be questioned. There's no need to act faux-surprised or as if you've become hysterical for the sake of mocking.

Laughing at something isn't being hysterical.

And yes I get what you are saying, but when someone calls something a psyop, I picture Charles Darwin with his Santa beard and 19 century clothing, sitting around a big table and whiteboard in the Pentagon hatching this plan to conduct psychological warfare on the world to subvert from the actual truth that 20000 years ago there was this guy called Adam and through magic his rib turned into a woman and then a magical talking snake made then eat and apple that they weren't sposed to.

I also laugh at people who take flat earth seriously, doesn't mean I don't question a lot of things.

Masturbating to his own percieved superior wisdom

macro-evolution is a psyop. trigger less my friend.

Laughing at silly things ≠ being triggered

Haha. Thanks for letting everyone know how you feel.

Haha. You are welcome.

Will you share with me your own concept of God

How about a pool of consciousness is god ?

Evolution psyop Modern-day Christianity also makes you think less of yourself


You're welcome :)

post is 100% correct. well said

You kinda just blew my mind with that last sentence. It's true.

Have you read the Terra Papers?

reading it now. interesting stuff about ancient egyptian language. Thx!

Dragons in the bible = Leviathans.


Leviathan is a sea monster

Leviathan lives in the sea

Sorry but water dragons area thing in mythology as well.

Apology accepted.

They were water vaccinated.

dragons are allergic to water

everyone knows that

And dragons eat gold. Another convoluted fact obscured by the TPTB to paint dragons as man killers who only exist to kill knights attempting to claim the gold.

Similar to what Spielburg did with Jaws paint great white sharks in a negative light.

And dragons eat gold.

Maybe the reason for a coverup? We all know the Fort Knox is empty, is it because they're using the gold to please our fire-breathing reptilian masters who are the real hidden hand behind global banks?

Bingo. You're clearly woke.

I could see dragons being behind fracking. They've clearly eatin all the surface gold and had to enslave us to get that subterranean gold.

No no no no no this is way more connected to Lilith.

My Lord, do people read the Good Word wrong.


If you are interested Revelation 12 and 13 mention ‘the dragon’ several times. It is of course a metaphor and unlikely to have left any fossil evidence.

I always believed it was revelations....

Well if you don’t understand the apocalypse it’s not the end of the world.

The Dragon from Revelation is = Lucifer = Satan

People have been brainwashed into thinking the serpent from Genesis is a small little snake. He wasn't. He was a full blown Dragon. He is currently alive in the deeps that are under and above the earth and firmament.

I’m a Christian and I believe the Bible and the Genesis account, but stuff like dragons under the earth makes us all look daft. I hope you were being sarcastic but I suspect you weren’t.

You are a Christian who believes the world's lies over the Scriptures then. We are on a flat plain under a firmament with waters above it. The moon gives off it's own light (Gen 1:16 God created two (2) lights). Everything the world teaches is complete nonsense designed to discredit the Bible.

I said I believe the Genesis account. I am well aware of what is says and what that means for the Copernican theory. What I take umbrage to is literal giant dragons living under the earth. That is not what the Bible says, and by saying it is, you invite ridicule upon all of us.

Leviathan is Satan (king over the children of pride whom you can make a covenant with). He is very much alive. When I say "under the earth" I mean the deeps that surround everything which is both above and below.

Isa_27:1  In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.

The "Day of the Lord" hasn't happend yet. It's when Jesus Christ comes back blood soaked.

Rev_12:9  And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

That's when he gets kicked out of the 2nd heaven by Michael and his angels and ends up on the earth.

More about Satan/Leviathan/the Dragon and where he is.

Job 41:1  Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?  Job 41:2  Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?  Job 41:3  Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee?  Job 41:4  Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?  Job 41:5  Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?  Job 41:6  Shall the companions make a banquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants?  Job 41:7  Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?  Job 41:8  Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more.  Job 41:9  Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?  Job 41:10  None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?  Job 41:11  Who hath prevented me, that I should repay him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.  Job 41:12  I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion.  Job 41:13  Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle?  Job 41:14  Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.  Job 41:15  His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal.  Job 41:16  One is so near to another, that no air can come between them.  Job 41:17  They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.  Job 41:18  By his neesings a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.  Job 41:19  Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.  Job 41:20  Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.  Job 41:21  His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.  Job 41:22  In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.  Job 41:23  The flakes of his flesh are joined together: they are firm in themselves; they cannot be moved.  Job 41:24  His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.  Job 41:25  When he raiseth up himself, the mighty are afraid: by reason of breakings they purify themselves.  Job 41:26  The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold: the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon.  Job 41:27  He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.  Job 41:28  The arrow cannot make him flee: slingstones are turned with him into stubble.  Job 41:29  Darts are counted as stubble: he laugheth at the shaking of a spear.  Job 41:30  Sharp stones are under him: he spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire.  Job 41:31  He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment.  Job 41:32  He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary.  Job 41:33  Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear.  Job 41:34  He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride. 


Not arguing but I read about a 7 headed dragon in the Bible the book of Revelation

why would they lie about it?

The same reason they lie about evidence of Gaints.

The same reason they lie about "outer space."

The same reason they lie about the shape and motion of the earth.

It's all an attempt to discredit the Bible to make it look like a book of fiction instead of the book of facts from God that it is. This in turn allows Lucifer to drag eternal souls to the lake of fire with him since they deny the blood atonement made for them by Jesus Christ.

He means the idea of them existing before man. We have always existed with the dragons/ large reptiles aka dinosaurs. Its the terminology that has been changed.

It is a fact every single culture , religion, nation, language of people have encounters in the past with dragons.. Not all flew or breathed fire. But like you can type in on Google many looked exactly like the favorite dinos of what we learn about.

What’s the difference between a dragon and a dinosaur? And do you actually believe these paleontologists are out baking in the sun “carving out fake bones”? Why carve out fake bones when you can find dragon bones?

Because dragons are too mythical, bible related creatures. They invite future introspection about the possibilities of the unknown.

Ok that makes sense to a degree. For example, scientists were ignoring evidence of a massive global flood starting them in the face for the same reason.

It doesn’t answer my practical question. What’s the difference, to you, between dragons and dinosaurs besides a name change that made some darwinians feel more comfortable. Do you believe they breathed fire? That’s about the only difference of which I’m aware.

Because dragons are too mythical, bible related creatures

What is biblical about dragons in you opinion. Also is there a specific reason there knowledge is being suppressed outside of trying to keep down biblical beliefs?

Let’s just say that Dragons were part of the “cheat codes” that were Imbued within the Fabric of the Subconscious Mind that God could use in case Man violated the Covenant that God had made with him at the inception of the Human Race.

100% agree, excellent post btw

There is no difference except what is being told to kids about them.. One idea such as Evolution is saying they existed millions upon billions of years ago..

Yet the evidence is clear that all cultures and all nations and languages of people have clearly had experiences with giant reptiles that match exactly what we know has dinosaurs but all the world called them dragons.. its not hard to comprehend it should piss you off that the system lies to you to make you believe a lie about the reality you live in..

Sounds to me like they just re-named dragons to dinosaurs. Language evolves.

Except dragons can fly and breathe fire right?

Because of magic, like other examples of magic from the bible.

Actually it might be plausible that an animal could breathe fire. If the stomach acids emitted methane and the animal had a rough tongue to scrape atop the roof of its mouth to create a spark? What y'all think?

Listen, I'm a big game of thrones fan too but.....

No I have no pick in this argument, I just think it is feasible.

Thinking something is hypotheticaly possible and believing it actually happened are different.

Note no where did I say it happened. Once again, I think it's feasible and therefore you can't discount it off hand without first hand knowledge

No, you are right.

Dragons are definitely a real thing.

Once again. I did not say dragons are real. I stated it's feasible that an animal could have the capability of breathing fire.

I agree

I think its feasible. Hell, if we still give credence to evolution (or even intelligent design,) if brains are possible, fire breathing ancient creature is probably also possible. The thermodynamics and chemical science is there to be used by nature.

So if someone farts on a rough surface, fire will come from their arse... according to what you wrote....What do I think? Mad hatter

Man you guys are single minded children

How would such a creature stop the spark from creating an explosion in his digestive system?

Look up the bombardment beetle. (Spelling) It has the capability to shooting out boiling water at predators. It does this by shooting out two different chemicals from two seperate valances and when they mix they form a chemical reaction causing the liquid to be boiling hot

I read on the internet that dragons produced some sort of an electrical charge, not fire. Makes more sense considering we see that happening in nature with electric eels or knifefish.

I read on the internet that the prophecy foretold that three dragons would rule over all of westerns.

That was until the night king got involved and now one of them breathes ice not fire.

Yeah yeah just saying flying dinosaurs is not that far fetched.

Of course not.

I saw with my own eyes when they burnt the sons of the harpy.

Uh, dinosaurs could fly - pterodactyls and such, anyone? Yes, I know they were birds, but according to data they were reptilian and evolved overtime. What’s to say dragons didn’t exist then? Forget the fire for now, many myths have different types of dragons. Serpents are similar to some. Eels and such exist now, as once did sea dinos (apparently, of course). These mythological lizards aren’t as far-fetched as we think.

The whole point of the original post is that dinosaurs are the myth, not dragons.

Of course there were flying dinosaurs. They just didn't breathe fire and live in caves filled with treasure.

I know, although they could have been like magpies.

I'm glad you have a healthy imagination.

Magpies aren’t a part of our imaginations.

Do you understand what the word mythological means?

Instead of asking short condescending questions that will only lead to some exhausting circle, explain your new point and let me shut it down again.

Simple questions require simple answers.

Read the edit.

I see your edit, but when you start discussing mythological creatures as though they are real, it's hard to take you seriously or think you actually understand what the word means.

You saw it, and like I thought, you’ve gone backwards on the OP’s whole thread. I’ve literally refuted the logic in your points. You’re up there, discussing this as well, and being countered on every point.

What point have you countered?

Dragons are mythological creatures. They are not real.

Now I doubt if you understand the meaning of the words logic or refute.

You do realise constantly repeating “dragons are mythological creatures” has no value at all, right? Instead, I’ve been demonstrating how that whole line of thinking is very flawed.

Unfortunately you have to repeat things ad nauseam because common sense isn't really that common.

The only people stupider than people who believe in dragons are people who believe in the bible.

I don’t actually “believe in dragons”. I just find it interesting to discuss the possibility of their existence. I think that’s where we differ, a lot.

So my only point is that dragons arnt a real, but you are simultaneously 'countering all my points' and agreeing with me?


I don’t agree with you. Once again, let me repeat, I don’t hold a set view on this like you do. I’m simply pointing out flaws in your logic. That’s what basic discussion consists of.

I don’t actually “believe in dragons”..

I hate to break it to you, but you do agree with me.

And I'm still not understanding why you have you have the impression you pointed out flaws in my logic or refuted anything.

I re-read the whole thread, and all you really said was

  • There were flying dinosaurs (I agree)
  • dinosaurs were like magpies

Are you confusing our exchange with someone else you were talking to?

My point about flying dinosaurs may have been worded a bit colloquially. I meant that the makeup of a dragon is simply a flying reptile (perhaps with the typical physical facial features and such that make them look typically like our society’s idea of a “dragon”) and so the possibility of their existence isn’t far-fetched (which is what you’re always saying). I’m not saying that they’re flying dinosaurs at all.

So how exactly did you point out the flaws in my logic or refute anything I said?

This is the last time I’m going to say it: you are adamant that dragons couldn’t possibly have existed, and that the idea is ludicrous. I have shown how none of that is actually far-fetched at all.

Because dragons are like magpies, right?

Lol, stick to your idiocy then

I was just repeating what you said.

If you are calling it idiocy, fair enough.

That’s ALL you’re repeating though. I’ve already explained that I wasn’t being that serious (Jesus dude, talk about childishness), but that we cannot tell of the (once again) non-far-fetched behaviour or events that influenced such tales of dragons.

Except that thinking that mythological creatures are real is ludicrous.

The OP is talking about how before a certain point dinosaurs were called dragons. This was probably due to dinosaur bones being found and people using their imagination to create the mythology about dragons.

But as scientific knowledge advanced, people moved on and the only mention of dragons is in fiction and as a historical reference.

You might as well argue that the earth is flat or that the earth is the centre of the universe, because that's what people used to believe.

All the holes in logic are on your side, and again, you have not refuted a single thing I said or pointed out a single hope in my logic, despite repeatedly claiming this.

And I'm not an 'angry politician' btw, I'm finding this all very amusing.

I don’t think they’re real. I’ve said that many times.

All you’ve really said is that dragons can’t possibly be real. I was simply pointing out that you don’t have any actual tools to decide that, and that an animal like a dragon is not far-fetched at all for many reasons. Look at all the weird and quirky creatures on this planet right now.

I don't personally believe that Godzilla and unicorns are real. All I can say is that I don’t know, but the discovery wouldn’t really impact my life that much, it’s just interesting to study.

They’re really not far-fetched at all when looking at biological design (ignoring the farting rainbows I suppose). Look at all the weird and quirky creatures on this planet right now.

How are dragons far-fetched by biological design?

How are fairies and leprechauns far-fetched by biological design?

Answer the question properly, or leave.

You answer the question properly or leave.

I’m not sure why you can’t answer? I’m being nice here and genuinely want to hear your point of view about biological design. I’m talking only about dragons here.

I'm talking about fairies and leprechauns. Why are you avoiding my questions?

My answer is that I don’t know anything about fairies and leprechauns as I have not studied such myths, unlike those of dragons. Please answer my question now. I did ask first, this thread is about dragons, and you’re being childish instead of engaging in discussion.

So you have studied dragons, but don't believe in them but think not believing in them is an invalid position?

What evidence brought you to such a conclusion in your research?

Nope, just pointing out any flaws I see in perspectives on the matter, naturally.

Which conclusion are we talking about? My position in this discussion is that I do not know, so I have not reached any solid conclusions. However, simple logic still applies.

Again, you haven't pointed out out any flaws in anything or refuted anything.

To come to a conclusion that something existed, you need evidence. You have no evidence, so your conclusion is invalid.

The flaws are views such as “dragons are fantasy creatures in myths, so their existence is implausible”. It’s not about hard complex evidence, other wise it would not be “discussing the possibility” like I just said I was and what this whole Reddit thread is about, it would be a historical argument. It’s about simplistic reasoning instead. I’m just pointing out any flaws because they just happen to be there and therefore close off any other thought towards the subject matter if not simply comprehended as existing, not because I care about “concluding that dragons existed”.

Once again, answer my question for the sake of discussion, not argument. I’m simply curious to delve deeper into the foundations of your viewpoint. You also admitted that there were flying dinosaurs, which would have almost identical makeup to a dragon.

The flaws are views such as “dragons are fantasy creatures in myths, so their existence is impossible”.

You really don't understand the word mythological do you?

Jesus christ

OP is claiming that dragons existed alongside humans, which contradicts the scientists' claims that they died out 65 million years ago.

That things fall down when you drop them is just a theory. That powered lamps emit light is just a theory. Hell, the very idea that anything exists at all is just a theory. And yet no-one in their right minds would object to those facts, because a theory is not what you think it is. A theory is not plausible-sounding but baseless conjecture--that we call a hypothesis--but a well-founded prediction, that has been extensively subjected to empirical testing and found to have held up every time. That's not to say that theories are infallible, of course, but that you did not even bother to familiarise yourself with the most basic aspects of scientific practice before dismissing it all tells me all I need to know about how seriously one should take your opinion.

Im not so sure this is such a stretch. It involves the notion that all dating is relatively very far off. One would simply map the multi million year timeline proposed by scientists into tens of thousands

That kite doesn't fly. Scientists didn't arrive at the current geological timeline by picking the winner of a beauty pageant, but by carefully taking into account the speed of processes like sedimentation, genetic change and land formation. To shorten the timeline in such a drastic fashion as you are proposing would require those processes to occur hundreds of times faster than they actually do.

Sounds like you know about where fossils are found. Has there ever been the odd hiccup where human remains were found in similar layers as dinosaurs? And was it chalked up to shifting tectonic plates moving the earth above them, or something like that?

Has there ever been the odd hiccup where human remains were found in similar layers as dinosaurs?

I'm not aware of any, but I'm not discounting the possibility; palaeontology is just a hobby of mine (my primary fields of physics) and I am thus only familiar with the most well-known sites.

And was it chalked up to shifting tectonic plates moving the earth above them, or something like that?

Let me just ask you this. If the vast majority of dinosaur and human fossils have vast layers of separation between them, but a small minority does not, what is more likely: that a tiny population of dinosaurs somehow lasted tens of millions of years without leaving any fossil trace whatsoever only to pop up again in the recent past, or that some geologic event caused two formerly separate layers to merge into one? This is a very good example of why one must always review evidence within its scientific context instead of separately.

How are you definitions or dragon and dinosaur different?

So they covered up the fact that long ago there were very large lizards walking the earth with the fact that different very large lizards were walking the earth. What a conspiracy.

Well they're clearly had wings and breathed fire. Could you Imagine the ensuing societal collapse that would occur if that info made it out?

ensuing societal collapse

I think you over estimate how scary long dead animals are.

The dollar would surely collapse swiftly followed by everyone currency. Jurassic Park, The land before time, would all have to be re-filmed. Is the truth even worth it? Do you really want your children to grow up in a word where "Dinosaurs" are portrayed like this?

I think this is some high quality shitposting but i cant tell. I commend you regardless

be gone dino shill

Ok ill bite if you are being serious. Where is the evidence for this suppressed discovery of Dragons?

Maybe you're familiar with deep states newest movie to slowly prepare us to integrate dragons into our society when the polar ice caps melt? Maybe you should have a closer look at the title, they're rubbing it in our faces

Sorry I meant evidence for the pre historic dragons.

Historical dragons you say?

I just got memed on

w/e I tried to wake you but go back to youre blissful dragon-less life

I am so damn confused right now.

thats exactly what they want.

Just to clarify what is the absolute best peice of evidence for the existance for these dragons. Is your only evidence subliminal messages?

The highest caliber of shitposting, good sir.

The conspiracy is that man has always walked with dragon /dinosaurs.. The lie is that we evolved from them.

Absolutely nobody with any kind of scientific qualifications would even come close to claiming that mankind has evolved from dinosaurs; mammals had already diverged from reptiles by the time the first dinosaurs were emerging in the Trias. You're either an uninformed demagogue with no idea what he's talking about, or have been listening to one.

No person with common biology sense would think that we came from anything but humans.

Post your argumentation and we will see whether that conclusion holds any merit. I'm a staunch proponent of evolution theory, but I'm open to being convinced.

dogs are hairy dragons.... think about it. :D

If you were to test a dinosaur bone, it would just be the same as a rock. Fascinating how so many dinosaur bones are found in actual rock bed. How can anyone prove that these scientists didn't just carve out a bone shape from the rocks?

X-ray spectroscopy can be used to identify chemical differences between a fossil and the surrounding rock. So if these fossils are just carved by scientists, they must have carved them from two different materials and seamlessly pieced them together. Seems like a lot of work just in case someone points an X-ray fluorimeter at your fake fossil at some point in the future.

This was an interesting post. May also make people question evolution if there are serious issues with dinosaurs.

wow +1

The dragon is still here and in the waters above but it's invisible to the untrained eye.

You're right about dinosaurs being a myth though.

Ross Geller is somewhere, having a panic attack, reading this thread.

Good thing he doesn't exist either.

Uuggh. If this is being sardonic that's fine. If this is to simply be a thought experiment, maybe. But if this is serious then no...just no...

Dinos did exist. Dragon Myth is either a distorted memory of them (if you're a creationist), or an attempt to explain fossils found in ancient times (for the Evolutionist).

I'm not ready to accept this theory yet. I need more evidence.

However, it is undeniable that almost every culture in the world had dragons. Those stories had to have come from somewhere.

What we need to do is divorce from our minds the very modern archetype of dragon.
The flying, fire breathing, Smaug, D&D thing.

Most European stories of dragons described something much smaller. Able to be killed from horseback with a spear aimed downwards.

If it had wings (which most didn't) they were almost vestigial. Batlike wings were a common symbol in art to show that something was evil.

Now, if we speculate a little bit more, what if the fire breathing was a metaphor for how much their bite hurt. What if that bite hurt so much because they were venomous?

Like the Komodo Dragon. Or, the Megalania.

The Leviathan story is interesting because if you read it with an open mind you will come to the conclusion that it was none other than Godzilla, himself. It describes how unkillable it was. There has never been an animal in the history of human kind that we couldn't find a way to kill.

So, it's either out there in the ocean, dreaming, or that story could be the template for modern dragon myths.

I took you seriously until "You've heard the term Dragon Hunter haven't you?"

You've heard the term vampire hunter, haven't you? That's because there were actual Vampire hunters in history. People in town would have a vampire problem, where a vampire was drinking people's blood and converting them to vampirism and they would pay someone to slay the vampire. This depleted the number of Vampires and they essentially went extinct. Intelligence and an ability to asses evidence on it's relative merits almost went extinct for the same reason.

Oh one more thing, a fossil is not just a rock It's internal structure will be very different from that of a rock in most cases, indicating biological structure. And you don't find them in back gardens very much they tend to only appear where certain geological preconditions are met.

You've looked at all the minutiae that would support you preposterous theory and then ignored everything that would disprove it.

OoOoOo a new flat earth thing, thanks CIA! Lets see where this goes.

This is not new.. Actually not even close to new. You just have to wake up out of your social media left wing media bubble.

I'm a truth seeker, not social media left wingist. And my post was in sarcasm. Flat Earth is bullshit, but there are many conspiracies that are in fact truth filled. So I was referencing the fact that Flat Earth is BS, just like this Myth of Dinosaurs thing is BS. Science, and logic > sensationalism.

My bad. But we can all agree that the moon is cheese though right? XD

Makes sense. Charlie Day even came out and gave us facts about dragons too i.e. dragons don't actually hunt people, they ate the gigantic pile of gold they sat on and only killed the knights that came for the gold (aka their food supply).

Sounds legit to me.

Yep and theres only one left alive. Lives in the deep sea.

Funny, you know his name...

Everyone will.

Better get right with the King ;)

If youre talking about YHWH/JOVE/JESUS/ZEUS, no thanks. He's not my King.

Suit yourself friend! Dark days lie ahead. It would be a tragedy to be so well informed and still make the wrong choice.

Im not gonna follow a false idol.

Well that’s certainly a hot take...

Care to explain? Waiting on Tamuz are you? XD

Its simple, I only follow the Most High. He has no name.

So any other "god" you can put a name to and any "god" who demands my worship, is a false god. And the worst mistake you can make, is worship one of those parasites.

Jesus doesn’t want your worship, he wants your belief, fellowship and obedience to the will of the Father.

For someone who believes in the coming of Abaddon, you sure have your biblical doctrine twisted.

He says that the ONLY way to God is through Jesus.

I say, Fuck That.

Well I hope that in time you’ll reconsider.

The Father is a legalist in the purest sense and we must atone for the sins in garden. The wage of sin is death. Argue about it all you like, that will be how it is.

Make no mistake, your servitude to “the most high” and the 1st covenant will not save you.

You are saved but by the blood of the lamb alone. Your father gave you this gift, I suggest you don’t turn your nose up at it.

Go back and read the word. It was prophesied that fateful day in the garden. There is and only ever was, one truth.

Jesus Christ was never crucified, wasnt born on the 25th of December (Saturnalia) and his name wasnt even Jesus.

The Bible version of Jesus is corrupt to the core.

Jesus Christ was never crucified

According to what source?

wasnt born on the 25th of December

Real Christians know this and it’s not even biblical... The Romans merged their pagan rites with Christian beliefs in an effort to stem the growing tide of converts and muddy the waters.

his name wasn’t even Jesus

We also know this. It’s believed his given name was Yeshua Ben-Yosef. Jesus Christ is greek for “The anointed one.” Still an appropriate title if you ask me.

Not sure why you’re so hard up against Jesus. Probably got some mighty powerful demons living in your belly. Prayers for your peace and reconciliation friend. The truth is the light and it will destroy all darkness.

Jesus is Lucifer you dummy. He comes as an angel of light.

You paraphrase scripture but deny the divinity of Christ?

You callously compare the son of man to the fallen, pagan false idols?

You unscrupulously welcome Abaddon the destroyer?

I know Legion when I speak to them... now who is the dummy? ;)

Enjoy your day in the sun. It will be brief. Eternal darkness is a lenient sentence considering.

Sucks for you bro.. Id pick Zeus over Apollyon.. If hes stuck in the bottomless pit now , thats because someone wooped his ass before. So most likely God will put him back there or finalize his stay.

The only thing that is certain in this world. Is that, He is getting out there.

Its not if, its when.

user name creeps me out

So what's the benefit that they lie about dragons?

What’s the benefit that anyone lies? Lying is hiding the truth, and they say the truth can set you free. Once the people see dragons as real, all the other myths and such come into heavy consideration. Of course, dragons wouldn’t be the only creature/myth being hidden.

I’m not saying dragons are real. But the answer is obvious.

Dragons wouldn't have entered myth, and therefore been associated with faerie tales, if we hadn't started calling them dinosaurs. So what was the point of calling them a different name?

Perhaps by creating a creature very similar to the dragon, it cleverly happens to make the idea of a dragon more of a myth (you know what I mean? Can’t really be bothered to explain all the possible complex psychology behind that). Of course, I’m not saying that’s the case, but that’s a plausible reason for why they’d make dinos look real.

To take away peoples attention on God and look to evolution which in its purest form is the theory to act like an animal and express yourself as an animal instead of acting civilized ..For evolution teaches Death brings life but true science disproves that and demands Life came first before death.

Well, I'll say the only way this is possible is if there is a devil orchestrating it, because I can't imagine how they'd get this many people to keep a secret. For myself, if someone asked me to be apart of a conspiracy to disprove God, I'd think twice.

Marco Polo saw and recorded dinosaurs. He obviously knew what dragons were but he described the dinosaurs as "huge lizards" that did not fly. The locals could kill them with swords buried in the ground hidden by brush so when they returned from the lake to their lair they would split themselves open. He said they would get a premium when they sold the meat and other parts leftover from butchering the 30-foot long lizards.

Thanks OP, I needed a good laugh this morning.

THIS is /r/conspiracy. Makes you question everything and go do your own research. This really blew my mind. Thank you for putting it all together.

"This blew my mind". Lol. Doesn't take much, does it?

links to historical records of dragons?

Just one Dragon...

Let me guess, the Earth is flat, it is only ~5000 years old, the moon is just a small internally lit ball in the firmament, and missiles are fake as well?

Come on man.

So dinosaurs are a sure thing but a dinosaur with wings is to far fetched ?

There were dinosaurs with wings.

And so why can’t there be dragons? Why not? Forget dinosaurs being a lie.

Never said there couldn't be dragons, anything is possible, maybe even likely. The idea that dinos didn't exist was the part that I found ridiculous. The existence of one thing does not preclude the existence of another.

What would be the point of making dinos up?

I am very open minded generally, but not so open minded that my brain falls out.

I see what you mean. Perhaps by creating a creature very similar to the dragon, it cleverly happens to make the idea of a dragon more of a myth (you know what I mean? Can’t really be bothered to explain all the possible complex psychology behind that). Of course, I’m not saying that’s the case, but that’s a plausible reason for why they’d make dinos look real.

But whats the point? Why make dragons a myth by inventing dinos? Seems like an awful lot of trouble involving every country on the planet for a very long time.

Seems like people finding fossilized dino bones a long time ago led to the myth of dragons, not the other way around.

Once you see one myth as real, what does that say about all the others? People will gradually question their reality. What oppressor wants that?

Just wake up already. All people of all faiths, backgrounds, nations, cultures and tribes and languages have clearly said there was human interaction with dragons now aka dinosaurs..It is evident and clearly reasonable that as many ancient texts state in many nations that man killed them all for many reasons and like the crocodile and alligator and komodo dragon, all were categorized as dragons until there was a time of when people doubted the ancient scriptures and just took what was known that giant reptiles once roamed earth, but decided to call them something else to fit the evolution theory which is the biggest scam to date in the human history.

"Just wake up already." Wake up to what exactly? A story book that says some dude built a boat and fit 2 of every animal on it? Some other dude can walk on water? A whole bunch of dudes turning to salt?

But the dragon part is definitely for real...

Funny part of all this is that I am most likely more "woke" (I hate that word) than you, but because I don't agree with you that makes me somehow asleep.

The paleontology community is not infallible. There have been high profile hoaxes such as the Piltdown Man that hung around for decades.

Theories and facts are not one or the other. Theories use facts as part of the scientific method. It's insane how many people don't understand this. I always go back to the same analogy.. comparing facts to theories is like comparing cars to car tires. Car tires are meaningless by themselves until put on a car to give them purpose.

I love hearing the people that believe in dinosaurs but won’t give dragons a chance. Like yeah man giant lizards definitely existed.. but a dinosaur with wings? Nope, no way, get that crazy shit out of here! Big brother told me other wise..

Yep, like let’s just forget that pterodactyls existed. They’re the ones who are nutty.

Those are not actually dinosaurs. They were around at the same periods but were from a different branch of reptiles.

Still flying reptiles.

Dinosaurs as we know them were killed/wiped out. This led the way for clever dinosaurs or, lizards/reptiles with considerably greater intelligence than anything before it.

The original civilisation of the Earth, was that of Lizards/Reptiles.

Only men, when killing an animal, take only the head.

Tell that to my cat

Oh boy... Americans..

That’s why I like them haha. They do make you think, whether casually or deeply.

I think the answer is that humans are generally wrong about natural phenomena until we have the tools to identify "what the thing really is," or we calibrate those tools properly, or this, or that.

I think defaulting to this stance because "it's like, just a theory, man, and the Chinese say they're dragons..." is sort of like saying "well, we used to explain space differently, and there's really zero evidence (that I'm willing to look at or make an attempt to understand in the context of the past two hundred years of scientific knowledge generation and accumulation) to discredit the existence of the aether, so..."

p.s. there are "historical records" about a god beating off into his own mouth and spitting the world out after swishing it around a bit - maybe history is something that's as accurate as the people writing it, and it's revised as more and better information comes to light

The myth of dinosaurs is intriguing but the reality of dragons!?

Before I even read the post, I literally said out loud.

"Please God. Let Dragons be real."

You seen Dragonheart, with Sean Connery and Dennis Quaid? Love that movie...

The Welsh Dragon on the Wales flag and the legend of George the Dragonslayer from England was all the evidence I needed. It always seemed odd they would put a dragon on their flag if they weren't real.

Where are the bones of their wings

The Left have changed the name of (D) ragons to (D)inosaurs.

Same as they changed the term (A)ngel to (A)liens.

The OP was so mental that it was brilliant, and I didn't expect anything could top it.

However, blaming the entire thing on "The Left" is a masterstroke.

The left is anti God. So it's not far fetched at all.


Im assumi g you are religious.

Really interesting post! Thank you!


Leviathan is a sea monster

Leviathan lives in the sea

Apology accepted.

Good thing he doesn't exist either.

No no no no no this is way more connected to Lilith.

My Lord, do people read the Good Word wrong.

They were water vaccinated.

Absolutely nobody with any kind of scientific qualifications would even come close to claiming that mankind has evolved from dinosaurs; mammals had already diverged from reptiles by the time the first dinosaurs were emerging in the Trias. You're either an uninformed demagogue with no idea what he's talking about, or have been listening to one.

Read the edit.

So my only point is that dragons arnt a real, but you are simultaneously 'countering all my points' and agreeing with me?


Because dragons are like magpies, right?

Answer the question properly, or leave.