The Swine Flu 'threat' transitioned nicely into The War With Korea 'threat.' Don't you think? I gotta give credit to the people who manage these fake crises. They do a bang up job.

53  2009-05-27 by [deleted]


and just after this weekend's Bilderberg in Greece. hmmmmm...

oops, they caught a glimpse!

roll the next segue.

I don't think the "North Korea threat" was manufactured. I'm open to a lot but in the case of North Korea I think their "executive branch" is fucking crazy.

To be honest, I think Western governments pull a lot of strings but they are baffled on how to handle North Korea because they never know what to expect.

Its the inmates running the asylum over there.

Oh I agree... see, North Korea IS constantly swinging wildly between 'EXTREME THREAT' and 'BFD' depending on Kim Jung's mood that week.

However, what we get fed via the media has very, very little to do with that. When and if a scare is needed, Kim is one of the cards they can pull to the top of the deck and say "SEE?!? This guy is STILL HERE! You forgot about him because you were freaked out about the Swine Flu and Iran and Israel and the American Idol finale and Jon & Kate + 8 breaking up.. etc... but NOW IS THE TIME TO GET SCARED OF THIS AGAIN.

Then when we're tired of that we'll bounce you to something else.

Just because they are holding up someone as a boogie man to keep people paralyzed with fear doesn't mean that person doesn't have some REAL threat potential... or DID at one time. In fact it works much better if they DO.

Besides, who REALLY knows what the hell is going on in North Korea. With a total media blackout like that it's pretty easy for anybody, anywhere to manufacture reality.

Speaking of a media blackout. The best thing I found to "insider" pics of North Korea comes from this Russian website. There used to be a fairly good English translation but I can't find it anywhere.

I think this is more likely the case.

Precisely what they want you to think. ;)

North Korea is the boogeyman of the week. Any guesses as to what next week's boogeyman is gonna be?

A white girl under the age of 7 will be abducted.

And then some bonehead opportunist Senator will propose some legislation that all children 10 and under should have GPS chips inserted into their bodies. That's inevitably how it always goes down.

Is that before or after that very same senator brutally rapes her?

Well, he rapes her more metaphorically than anything else. Just like he rapes all of us.

Anonymity on the Internet, and "Cyberbullies".

That's a good guess. I doubt North Korea can keep it up and stay boogeyman of the week for 2 weeks running. I'm going to say Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will make a reappearance in the news, being at risk for re-election, and probably out on the campaign trail.

Israel has been out of the news for ooooooo a week?

If the news wasn't reporting on Swine Flu or North Korea's threat, the conspiracy reddit would be filled with accusations that the media is trying to cover up something/that we aren't being informed. Of course they are going to have a new crisis this week. Cable news is about entertainment, and after this, I'm sure there will be a sweet political scandal, or celebrity fight. That's how the media does things. Duh

You're right and that's essentially the point I was making. :) But if I want karma in r/conspiracy then I have to be careful how I craft my headline.

fair enough.

Just of of curiosity, I seem to always see posts by you, and you have 15,000 karma. What's your strategy, and how much time do you spend on reddit? Do you have a real job, how old are you, and where do you live? Sorry, I know this is kinda off topic, but outside of karmanaut I seem to notice you on here the most.

I don't know about the US, swine flu might be disapearin from the headlines there, but then again its not flu season in the northern hemisphere.

Here in Australia the number of confirmed cases doubled today. We are heading into swine flu and the health officials are predicting between 10-30% of Australians will catch swine flu this season. When you have that quantity of people being effected even just a slightly higher mortality rate is worth being worried about.

If 1% of those people die, it will be tens of thousands of people, a national emergency.

Just wait until autumn/winter, swine flu will hit the news again in the US, in a big way.

War on 26 Fronts! WOOOO!!! You know, because Germany did so well on two fronts...

We still have another False Oil Peak Bubble to come and the all-new False Extra Terrestrial Threat to our World lined up. The latter probably scheduled for 2012 for a good laugh on the gullible people. Looks like there's been a decade of build up to that one.

In the meantime may even be some more speed boats in the gulf off of Iran to stir some interest up in starting a new war, or they could resurrect the Osama Bin Laden fiction for a grande finale.

There's nothing mythical about peak oil.

There isn't anything mythical about peak oil, but a False Oil Peak Bubble can still be manufactured by manipulation of the markets.

I'd never heard that term used before but I suppose you're right.

Yep, I still figure that the real peak oil will come eventually as you say, but it shows how it was manipulated a year or two ago.

There were news articles recently about the Peak Oil coming by next year again, so that's why I mentioned it. Just like last time when all the articles in the news were mainly about the Peak Oil is coming and that it is here a year or two ago.

Somebody's been paying attention.

Let me borrow some slack. You have so much. :)

its not just market manipulation, if you can cry wolf enough times the majority of people wont jump when the real thing hits, leaving those who know to get ready.

North Korea, after being essentially told "You'll get whats coming to you" by the rest of the world, then fire another missile.

Its brilliant, its like their a kid playing a game of civilization.

North Korea is a threat but there wont be a war over there. Unless China takes a more central opposing Kim Jong Ill's policies.

I think North Korea should socialize a bit with other countries. Their decades of isolation made their government crazy...

Yeah with so much bad news, maybe I should just lie in my bed in fetal position wondering why this all happen to me.

First FUNNY swine flu iPhone application (Swine Flu Tester) is available in the AppStore:

Two people just died in NY from the jew flu, and there are 71 cases in Hawaii right now. Come October the flu may be serious. Also, Korea just launched some missiles and detonated a friggin nuke. That's pretty serious also.

Come October the flu may be serious.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! NO!

Really??? COME.. OCTOBER??????

I'm locking myself away in my house so I can drink more beer eat more cheeseburgers watch more TV and shut the fuck up.

Be afraid everyone. Be way too afraid to actually stop and think for yourself.

Just suck the teet of mass media information and go to sleep.

Two people just died in NY..

No actually a whole SHITLOAD of people died in NY today.. and ONLY TWO of them were from the swine flu? I like those odds.

Where's my special report on the potential that I might get hit by a bus today?

If they are going to keep their eye on something, I'm OK with it being a contagious potentially deadly virus. New stories have a week or two maximum if it doesn't escalate or nothing else happens. When WHO rates something at possible pandemic levels that is reason to pay attention. I'm not saying it wasn't over hyped, but that's what the news does now, it's infotainment (That word is actually in this spell check. wow.) It may be hyped, but a new mutated virus and an atomic bomb being detonated are things I like to know about.

10-30% of australian will catch swine flu this winter, even the slightest change in fatality rates translates into a massive amount of deaths. All those people, all that time.. the virus evolves, so by the time winter hits in the northern hemisphere it has grown even worse.

By all means, question the television, and mock their hysteria. But don't doubt influenza, it is one of humanities oldest enemies.

10-30% of australian will catch swine flu this winter

Saved so I can come back here this Winter and remind you how wrong you were.

those are the figures put out the by national health officials and confirmed by independent medical organisations.

You're still just missing the entire point in a shockingly spectacular way.

I'm actually starting to feel a little bad, like I'm kicking someone when they're down.

Hey.. look... if you want to spend the whole year freaking the fuck out about the fact that some people will catch the flu later this year, knock yourself out. lmao.

People get the flu and die from it every year. Far more people die from other causes daily that nobody ever gives two shits about, much less having it discussed ad nauseum in the media.

Referring vaguely to 'figures' put out by 'national health officials' and 'independent medical organisations.' It's so clear to me that you are the kind of person who isn't happy until everyone you come into contact with believes 100% what you believe and is equally as scared as you about life in general.

It's like you have a disdain for me because I refuse to be cowed and terrified by 'figures' I read that were put out by 'national health officials' and which were gulp CONFIRMED by 'independent medical organisations.'

I have some scary news for you.

I just read that 100% of Australians will die from a deep space impact later this year. I know it will happen because I saw the figures put out by national defense officials and it was CONFIRMED by independent astronomical organisations. Sorry, Oz. :(

listen, I don't just blindly trust in some unknown future. People I know have started getting it, thats when it moves from abstract fear campaign to real world concern. I am not freaking out about it, I am just taking preventative measures.

You can not distrust every single organisation, and while you can't blindly trust the government, you can watch their actions to ascertain the nature of the situation.

They've set up containment wards in every hospital, they've bought massive quantities of antivirals and they are quarantining every ship and scanning every passenger. These things cost huge amounts of money, and I have never seen them do anything like it in my lifetime, nor have i heard of anything like it in my parents life times. They didn't set up containment wards for SARS, they didn't quarantine everyone for avian influenza.

All of these things tell me they are more worried about it than they are letting on. They aren't screaming panic from the rooftops, but they are preparing our defences. Which leads me to do the same thing.

Just who or what do you trust?

Two people just died in NY from the jew flu

What a vile, hateful comment. Reported.

Report this asshole. Go back to Digg. Loser.

The "Jew flu" is a meme created here on reddit after the Jews and some Arabs started whining about how calling it the "swine flu" offended their sensibilities.

I guess the fact that swine exist and are eaten, treated like pets by some folks doesn't offend them. But naming a disease correctly according to it's origin is offensive.

And speaking of vile and hateful, you and the pin head (who may be one and the same) Herkimer do a damn fine job in that department.

So take your glass house and shove it up your ass.

Did it originate from pigs? I don't think there have been any reports of anyone actually catching it from pigs.

The fact that it's a meme doesn't make it any less obnoxious.

Oh, pardon me.

You've obviously mistake me for someone who gives a shit about your opinion.

So then why not call it the Arab flu?

When you call the swine flu the "Jew flu" you are calling Jews pigs.


You can't stand having anyone pointing out the bigotry and lies of the 9/11 truthers. Well I'm not going anywhere and no amount of bullying from you is going to make me leave.

Actually 9/11 truthers are trying to uncover the truth, that's why it's called that. You are however trying to bury the truth. Anyway enjoy living your fantasy. It's actually really funny and bizarre how you and Herkimer spend all your time coming on here trying to ridicule people that are just trying to find out the truth about 9/11, but you and Herk don't like the truth and you even go so far as to try and equate the truth as being something dirty that should be despised. Who do you think you are fooling? Who do you think you're going to convince that truth is a bad thing? Whenever you say "9/11 truthers" it makes me laugh and I take it as a compliment. Why wouldn't I? Haha, it's obvious you're reaching reaching for straws when you're trying to use truth as an insult.

You have it all wrong, Phazon. I ridicule you because you are a liar. You have been shown credible, verifiable evidence time and again clearly proving your theories incorrect yet you still cling to your debunked beliefs. That kind of lumps you in with Fred Phelps and the other ignorant, hateful deniers of the truth.

Sure you have.

Herkimer and I have actually posted credible, verifiable evidence to support our positions about 9/11. I don't know of any "truthers" who have done this. The "truthers" have no interest in learning anything about 9/11 unless it confirms their preconceived notions.

You are a fool, and a buffoon.

Your political and scientific beliefs are worthy of the eighth-grade mind you possess.

I remember you and Herkimer from Digg. You are both pathetic apologists for the worst government this country has ever had.

Your views are not worth the electrons necessary to create them.

I won't waste my time "bullying" you.

But if you try to pretend you have any real information on a particular subject, or the intellect to make a valid argument, I will point our the truth, which is that you have proven yourself for over two years to be a blind follower of a discredited regime.

Your political and scientific beliefs are worthy of the eighth-grade mind you possess.

Aren't you a believer in that controlled demolition theory?

I remember you and Herkimer from Digg. You are both pathetic apologists for the worst government this country has ever had.


Your views are not worth the electrons necessary to create them.

I won't waste my time "bullying" you.

Do you remember the comment that you deleted, or the comment above that? Or how about your comment from right before you said that you won't waste your time trying to bully me? You are either delusional, a liar, or you have a severely retarded short term memory.

But if you try to pretend you have any real information on a particular subject, or the intellect to make a valid argument, I will point our the truth, which is that you have proven yourself for over two years to be a blind follower of a discredited regime.

OK. Here are a few links full of real information about the subject of 9/11:

Go away, little boy, you're annoying the adults.

But since you're still here, this is why I will not discourse with you or Herk.

A new study out of Yale University confirms what argumentative liberals have long-known: Offering reality-based rebuttals to conservative lies only makes conservatives cling to those lies even harder. In essence, schooling conservatives makes them more stupid. From the Washington Post article on the study, which came out yesterday:

Political scientists Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler provided two groups of volunteers with the Bush administration's prewar claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. One group was given a refutation -- the comprehensive 2004 Duelfer report that concluded that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction before the United States invaded in 2003. Thirty-four percent of conservatives told only about the Bush administration's claims thought Iraq had hidden or destroyed its weapons before the U.S. invasion, but 64 percent of conservatives who heard both claim and refutation thought that Iraq really did have the weapons. The refutation, in other words, made the misinformation worse.

A similar "backfire effect" also influenced conservatives told about Bush administration assertions that tax cuts increase federal revenue. One group was offered a refutation by prominent economists that included current and former Bush administration officials. About 35 percent of conservatives told about the Bush claim believed it; 67 percent of those provided with both assertion and refutation believed that tax cuts increase revenue.

In a paper approaching publication, Nyhan, a PhD student at Duke University, and Reifler, at Georgia State University, suggest that Republicans might be especially prone to the backfire effect because conservatives may have more rigid views than liberals: Upon hearing a refutation, conservatives might "argue back" against the refutation in their minds, thereby strengthening their belief in the misinformation. Nyhan and Reifler did not see the same "backfire effect" when liberals were given misinformation and a refutation about the Bush administration's stance on stem cell research.

If you've ever gotten in an argument with your conservative friends (assuming you haven't offered each other a mutual Carville-Matalin-style political ceasefire to preserve the friendship), you've probably seen this "backfire effect" in action. The more you try to tell people that Sarah Palin is lying when she says she was against the Bridge to Nowhere, the more they believe she was telling the truth. The more you try to explain how similar McCain's policies are to Bush's, the more they maintain he's "the original maverick."

The typical mantra of the left is that we don't need to sink to the Republicans' level because we have the truth on our side. But if the other side is utterly immune to the truth -- and indeed, the truth only makes them dig deeper into their fantasy world in which the economy is fundamentally strong and the War in Iraq is a staggering success -- what's a leftie to do?

I ain't got the answers, ace, except to say this: When arguing with conservatives in front of on-the-fence independents, remember that you're not trying to convince the conservative to actually buy into silly notions like facts and reason. You're highlighting the differences between left and right for the outside observer. If the other guy insists on political views that belong only in Disney World's Fantasyland, other folks will realize what's happening.

But if there is no third party, do yourself a favor and save your breath. As the study demonstrates, you're only making matters worse.

More attempts at cyber bullying and the classic use of the red herring tactic courtesy of a "truth seeker". You have completely avoided addressing the articles that you said that you would address. You, sir, are about as intellectually dishonest and cowardly as they come.

Formal language and posing do not an intelligent response make.

I said nothing about addressing anything. Fuck you jcm. That is all.

You did say that if I "pretended to" have any "real information" about a "particular subject" that you would "point our the truth".

I suppose that I was wrong. I wasn't pretending, I actually was posting real information. I will try to only use pretend arguments when conversing with you in the future. I apologize for the misunderstanding and any hard feelings that were caused by it.

Speaking of studies, have you seen this one?

You should really read the article. You might discover something about yourself, seeker.

That's very interesting. You should submit it to /conspiracy.

Fuck you Herk. That is all.

If it's all you've got then I guess it's all you've got. I'm not surprised. You never were the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

What a retarded uninformed comment. Reported.

Other people saying the same thing elsewhere on reddit doesn't make it any less bigoted.

Do you even know the context? It's in reference to Israel wanting swine flu renamed because of some BS about pigs, so we let them own it. Would Jewish be better?

Arab Muslims also made a big fuss over this, but the anti-Semites found this to be a great opportunity to call Jews pigs. It's glaringly obvious, and frankly it's disgusting.

I don't want to get invovled here, but for the record, Arabs are also Semitic.

Agreed, but at least with American vernacular the term "anti-Semitic" is synonymous with "anti-Jew". Those who are anti-Arab are generally referred to as "Islamophobes". And yes, I know that there are Arab Jews and Christians and Zoroastrians and Scientologists. I'm also well aware that there are quite a few non-Arab Muslims.

Boom! Nuanced discussion in the conspiracy reddit!

arabs and muslims are two different things

its like saying whites and christians are the same thing

um. i know.

its muslims and jews that have the issue, not arabs

muslims are an embarrassment to society, arabs aren't

wow. now you're just being a retard.

Yea, I'm the one being a retard, not the followers of the most disgusting religion of the 21st century.

Wait, I get it now, thanks to your remarkable rhetorical flourish.

I give up, you win.

I'm not calling Jews pigs you thick headed whiner. I'm simply associating them with a plague on humanity. Pigs are affectionate delicious creatures.

That's WORSE than calling Jews pigs you bigot!

Upvote for you. That was awesome and entertaining.

The Korea threat is a "fake crisis" yet the theories that come from the likes of Alex Jones aren't?

I don't remember defending Alex Jones' various theories before.

I apologize for mistaking you for just about every other conspiracy theorist on the Internet. Please tell me whose theories about fake crises that you entertain.

My own.

So you conjure up fantasies and then delude yourself into believing them? Thanks for clearing that up.

Conspiracy theorists such as yourself are a rare breed. Most conspiracy theorists aren't as imaginative as you are and rely on folks like Alex Jones, Dylan Avery, David Icke, and George Noory to tell them what fake crises to worry about.

Have you ever thought about making some spooky Youtube videos so that you could some day become one of the leaders of the conspiracy movement?

So you conjure up fantasies and then delude yourself into believing them? Thanks for clearing that up.

No, I troll r/conspiracy.

Here's your toaster.

P.S. - You should work out your anger issues! Sound like you're a super bitter person. Hope your day gets better sunshine! :)


Oh, so you don't believe in any of this nonsense either? And here I thought that you were an independent-minded conspiracy theorist! Thanks for clearing that up!

Who said anything about that fake CIA shill?

I thought he was a Zionist Shill? Or was that a Vatican Assassin. He had Kevin Trudeau on his show the other day, who promotes "Dianetics" in one of his books - perhaps Alex really is a Scientologist as some people have claimed?

And Jason Bermas is an anagram of Jabers Mason. Hmmmmm!

He's Roman Catholic.

Are you sure? There's a well-known Catholic preacher named Alex Jones. He is African American though. This topic has been discussed ad-nauseum on the Infowars podcast. And by discussed I mean, ridiculed.

Hmmm, I'll have to look more into it.

I apologize for mistaking you for just about every other conspiracy theorist on the Internet. Please tell me whose theories about fake crises that you entertain.

Somebody's been paying attention.

Let me borrow some slack. You have so much. :)

You're still just missing the entire point in a shockingly spectacular way.

I'm actually starting to feel a little bad, like I'm kicking someone when they're down.

Hey.. look... if you want to spend the whole year freaking the fuck out about the fact that some people will catch the flu later this year, knock yourself out. lmao.

People get the flu and die from it every year. Far more people die from other causes daily that nobody ever gives two shits about, much less having it discussed ad nauseum in the media.

Referring vaguely to 'figures' put out by 'national health officials' and 'independent medical organisations.' It's so clear to me that you are the kind of person who isn't happy until everyone you come into contact with believes 100% what you believe and is equally as scared as you about life in general.

It's like you have a disdain for me because I refuse to be cowed and terrified by 'figures' I read that were put out by 'national health officials' and which were gulp CONFIRMED by 'independent medical organisations.'

I have some scary news for you.

I just read that 100% of Australians will die from a deep space impact later this year. I know it will happen because I saw the figures put out by national defense officials and it was CONFIRMED by independent astronomical organisations. Sorry, Oz. :(

fair enough.

Just of of curiosity, I seem to always see posts by you, and you have 15,000 karma. What's your strategy, and how much time do you spend on reddit? Do you have a real job, how old are you, and where do you live? Sorry, I know this is kinda off topic, but outside of karmanaut I seem to notice you on here the most.