So when did Ligers become an actual animal?

1  2018-06-02 by Charlie_Heslin

Anyone who has seen Napeloen Dynamite remembers the scene where he is sitting on the steps drawing. Deb asks him what hes drawing and he tells her its his favorite animal: a Liger. She doesnt know what that is so he explains it is a half lion/half tiger animal that is known for its skill in magic..

The whole joke of the scene was that his favorite animal was clearly a mythological creature; Deb didn't recognize the animal, and he seals it with the comment on their magicial abilities.

Yet here we are in 2018 and all of a sudden I find out that Ligers are in fact real?! Not like some genetic engineering chimera made in a lab after the movie, but according to wikipedia Ligers have been known of for centuries. This is fucking with me. I dont have a conspiracy behind this really.. I just wanted to let people know that yes, Ligers are real, and I cant stop thinking about it.

They were not real, but now they are. It was common knowledge back when the movie was popular that Ligers were that made up animal from Napolean Dynamite. That was a pop culture tidbit that people who never even saw the movie knew. If they were real back then why didnt anybody who knew that try and correct everybody who believed them to be made up? I know I sound nuts, but I really feel like Ligers being real came outta no where.


Bruh ligers are like the mules of big cats

They've been around before then. I remember learning a bit about them in middle school (well before the movie coming out)

Anyways here the wiki article on them -

"The history of lion-tiger hybrids dates to at least the early 19th century in India. In 1798, Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772–1844) made a colour plate of the offspring of a lion and a tiger. The portmanteau "liger" was coined by the 1930s.[4]"

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I saw one at an event a long time ago, they're cool to see, but they cant reproduce so i dont think its exactly a species, but idk for sure

How has it existed for as long as wikipedia and sources say if they can't reproduce? I get that with current technology, hell even 90s technology, genetic engineering could easily create some of these chimeras, so I get how they could exist. But in the 1930s they were offically coined Ligers supposedly, and had been studied prior to that for a long time. The technology back then couldn't have allowed scientists to create them in a lab, and if they are unable to reproduce, where the hell did the ones in the wild come from?

You ever seen how they impregnate farm animals?

Idk why but when I read this I immediately pictured techntoke as a shady dude hanging out around a farmers market/festival.

You are walking around looking at all the produce, stopping at all the booths, trying to decide who you want to support, when outta the corner of your eye you see this tall, dirty dishevelled looking man leaning against a barn. He motions for you to come over towards him but you pretend to not see him and continue looking at all the local businesses at this farmers market gathering. You finish shopping with your wife and start to head back to the car, realizing you will have to pass the barn on the way back, but hoping the man is no longer posted up against the side of the barn.

Success! You round the corner and to your delight there is no man leaning on the side of the barn. You think you are in the clear until your wife who was walking behind you is no longer in sight. You panic for a split second before spotting her over by the barn. You rush over to her and overhear the end of their conversation: As she had done at all the other booths, she liked to ask the owners what their specialty was. There wasn't anything overtly wrong with his reply, but nevertheless it sent a chill up both their spines upon hearing a hushed, though inticing voice, whisper

You ever seen how they impregnate farm animals?


If you breed two organisms with either a mismatch in the number of chromosomes or the number of sets of chromosomes, you generally end up with either (most often) nonviable or (occasionally) sterile offspring. The offspring cannot reproduce, but the parents can still create more offspring.

This is how we have mules and seedless watermelon.

In the same way that Napoleon Dynamite suggests they be created: by cross-breeding a tiger and a lion. Mules aren't fertile either, but have still managed to persist for many a century.

Well when a lion and a tiger fall in love...

A young Henry Ford fabricated the first liger in 1878. Sadly, it was torn apart by his pet wolverines. Luckily for you and liger lovers everywhere, the tenacious bastard did not give up. He sewed that bitch back together, installed a crude internal combustion engine he he made up on the spot/designed on the fly, blew that new stuff, petroleum, up its butt, and the rest is history.

Finally someone with an informative response. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I wasn't aware of any of that stuff before now. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Yeah, but don't feel bad. We're all noobs of some sort. I sometimes wish I didn't know what I know, then I remember that I must remain vigilant for the vampire squid, so it's a good thing I remembered that.

I knew that in middle school 30 years ago.

Not in my timeline.©


Giant flying fox, too. That one popped up a couple years ago, and it's freaky as hell.

How does one spend several decades of life, and not hear about some man-sized flying demon dog?! I've even watched various bat documentaries. Never seen or heard of it til a couple years ago.

A pattern I've noticed from some of these "new" creatures is that they seem to be hybrids or mutant variations of other already existing creatures.

If I wanted to get real out there with it and sound like a nutcase, my mind goes to simulation theory stuff or collective conscious thoughts being able to manipulate our reality. Its probably not, but like you said its just so weird to have random animals looking straight outta Pokemon existing nowadays and these arent giant discoveries?! Not even that long ago I feel like these things would be mind blowing but they're like "Nah, these have always existed, nothing to see here."

I kinda gave up trying to make sense of it. Sure, I've got some ideas on it, but they're too bizarre and unexplainable to communicate to others who haven't been through it. Not just creatures either, but lots of other weird changes.

Just imagine the things we havnt found yet. Things that lurk in the night or the oceans.

I swear I heard a howler monkey, or something like it, deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains, miles from people, one night.

The yahoo?

The yahoo?

I think I've heard this used for Bigfoot, but I'm hazy on on any specifics for that particular name. It sounded like this, only just one 'individual', and not continuous, but sporadic, like 5-10 second durations, every 20-30 seconds, for about 4-6 minutes. Got my undivided attention.

Sure. But there's something strange about these creatures that show up in plain sight.

It's like one day, you wake up, and everybody thinks you're crazy because you've never heard of the South African Flying Giraffe. "Duh... Everybody knows about the South African Flying Giraffe. I learned about it in middle school!"

wtf... It's not like I'm some ignorant shut-in who's never studied these kinds of things. I'm fairly well learned, and not prone to jumping to conclusions about "new" things. But some of this "new" stuff is just bizarre, and too conspicuous to have not known about.

Yeah the mega bat thing is crazy. For fucks sake the thing has bigger balls than me.

Finally someone gets it. I was having trouble articulating the point of these strange things happening seemingly right in front of us, and nobody finds it odd. Like a giant fucked up version of Gaslighting in a way haha

I think part of the problem is that people don't watch nature documentaries anymore, they mostly just watch viral YouTube videos so most people never learn about the stranger parts of nature unless it gets picked up by a big website or something.

I grew up in the 80's watching wild kingdom and shit like that, plus I was obsessed with animals and read lots of science books, so I have seen most of these cool animals long before they became Internet memes.

Also most people nowadays end up in echo chambers where they are only exposed to things they are interested in so stuff outside their interests never pop up on their feeds. I don't think many people even realize this is happening.

My buddy just asked me a couple weeks ago what my 3rd favorite animal was and i said liger, completely joking and he says "oh yeah those are cool" napoleon dynamite had me thinking it was a made up animal to make a joke lol

They were always real... that's the joke.

We watched a different scene then.. Cause I always took the joke to be that his favorite animal isn't even a real animal. Emphasized with the remark about their magical abilities.

Sure the joke could have been that it was a real animal, but why add the line about being good at magic? That sorta takes away from the fact that this weird sounding animal is actually real.

Pretty much the best animals

When I was a kid I loved lions and found out about Ligers doing a school research project on lions.

This comment coupled with the username comes off wholesome as fuck.

If you haven't considered it, you should be a Ken M type persona that is of a super innocent young adult who is obsessed with lions, and comments on any posts related to lions in anyway with little wholesome anecdotes of his love for lions.


I remember learning of ligers from maxim magazine long before napolean.

It was common knowledge back when the movie was popular that Ligers were that made up animal from Napolean Dynamite.

That should tell you a lot about "common knowledge"....

Most ligers are kind of retared for lack of a better term. Not mentally but I guess many have genetic problems due to close animal relatives . I can assure u ligers have been around for a while because I looked into it back when Napoleon dynamite came out lol

but I really feel like Ligers being real came outta no where

Reality is much weirder and open-ended and fluid than most people think. Sometimes things do seemingly come out of nowhere, as if you have shifted from one timeline to another. Everyone has known about a particular thing your whole life but you. Or vice versa. It can just be a small little detail, or something big like an old house appearing in a field and everyone says it's always been there, but you know it used to be an open field. And there's no way to prove it, because the house is there and everyone remembers it being there.

What I didnt get from that article (and excuse me its early and my honey didnt make coffee yet this am) is...Did they do it on their own or was it by some fertilization? Because I could kind of see them doing it as cat sex is very rapey to begin with but I just wanted to know of this was an idea born out of desperate measure or if somebody was doing the injecting... Just curious r/conspiracy carry on with your Saturday ladies and gents have a great day!

It was common knowledge back when the movie was popular that Ligers were that made up animal from Napolean Dynamite.

Hence why you shouldn't trust 'common knowledge' and do your own research. Ligers have been known to exist since at least the late 19th century.


If I wanted to get real out there with it and sound like a nutcase, my mind goes to simulation theory stuff or collective conscious thoughts being able to manipulate our reality. Its probably not, but like you said its just so weird to have random animals looking straight outta Pokemon existing nowadays and these arent giant discoveries?! Not even that long ago I feel like these things would be mind blowing but they're like "Nah, these have always existed, nothing to see here."

Just imagine the things we havnt found yet. Things that lurk in the night or the oceans.

I swear I heard a howler monkey, or something like it, deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains, miles from people, one night.

Sure. But there's something strange about these creatures that show up in plain sight.

It's like one day, you wake up, and everybody thinks you're crazy because you've never heard of the South African Flying Giraffe. "Duh... Everybody knows about the South African Flying Giraffe. I learned about it in middle school!"

wtf... It's not like I'm some ignorant shut-in who's never studied these kinds of things. I'm fairly well learned, and not prone to jumping to conclusions about "new" things. But some of this "new" stuff is just bizarre, and too conspicuous to have not known about.

I think part of the problem is that people don't watch nature documentaries anymore, they mostly just watch viral YouTube videos so most people never learn about the stranger parts of nature unless it gets picked up by a big website or something.

I grew up in the 80's watching wild kingdom and shit like that, plus I was obsessed with animals and read lots of science books, so I have seen most of these cool animals long before they became Internet memes.

Also most people nowadays end up in echo chambers where they are only exposed to things they are interested in so stuff outside their interests never pop up on their feeds. I don't think many people even realize this is happening.