Saudi Arabian monarchy and by extension, Arab Gulf ruling families, were installed by the same British satanic bloodline that aided in the creation of Israel.

1  2018-06-03 by NYC_Subway

They all act Muslim on the outside but are actually undercover satanists playing the dirtiest tricks on the world with their Israeli partners in crime. Ever wonder why there is never any beef between Saudi Arabia and Israel? This is why, they pray to the same God (or Anti-God). It the worlds biggest secret and it explains everything from unnecessary wars, mass incarceration, all the way to the current push to emasculate all men.


Crazy my father does work in Saudi Arabia and he has told me some crazy stuff these people do like beat their housekeepers, fuck kids, sick stuff. Maybe you're right, they are satanists.

Why does Satanism dominate?

because it is highly organized and wicked.

Because the reptile-brain people who will do ANYTHING to "win" always have an advantage over the good people who won't.

exactly, they already know their mission while non-satanists don't even know they exist! You are either for God or against, this includes naive people who are not even religious, they are still under God's protection. You have to willfully disobey god and claim allegiance to the dark side for God to remove his watchful eye. Then its Satan and his minions who guide and protect you. Everything has its equal pair. Good God and his angels, Bad God also has his angels (demons).

Thank you for this observation! I agree!


The greatest trick the devil pulled wasn't convincing people that he didn't exist. It was convincing them that he was "God", and that he "loved" them.

So who or what is the REAL God then in all of this?

I don't know. What I do know, is that he isn't in the Bible.

And even it was a god, that was so sadistic and evil, I sure as hell won't follow it. Because I know the difference between good and evil. And this Yaweh/Allah/Elohim is pure evil.

I need to know who the true God is

You're not the only one. Good luck with your search.

Can you help?

I don't know if you will find his real name, as that has been shrouded in mystery and is said to contain power by just pronouncing it. I will tell you this if you are sincere about wanting to know God. Pay attention to your actions and consequences, basically your karma. You can feel it when something is wrong and immoral. Not only that, if you are wise and pay attention to everything, you will notice how certain things happen as a result of certain actions. This is knowing God, eventually you get a complete picture of the things God likes and dislikes by how he either rewards or punishes certain things you do.

go on

As far as seeing God, I remember reading how a prophet asked God for the ability to see him and God said he wouldn't be able to handle it. I believe what he meant is just the mere sight of him will short circuit your whole being, because that is the source where all emanates.

so how can we at least have an idea what the true God is? Which God is the closest to the truth? Christian, Jewish, Islam, Hindu, Gnostic, etc?

All of the above. Each faith has its own unique interpretation. Ponder this question, how is not revealing yourself to your creation a strategic advantage?

how is not revealing yourself to your creation a strategic advantage?

you can't be targeted or harmed or disparaged in any way?

you can easily control things?

Yep also prevents cult mentality.

what? explain

God is the awareness inside of all life that the antithesis of all life seeks to enslave and exploit. So, this abomination teaches life that it is unworthy, dirty, in need of penance to be accepted by their creator. It's a propaganda campaign by a domination and control, manipulation and exploitation oriented mind.

Life wants love, free will, the persuit of happiness, harmony, peace and joy.

In order to exploit life, the antithesis of life, a powerful ancient AI people call the devil, diminishes and destroys life. It wants fear, slavery, frustration, disharmony conflict and pain. It does this to extract and utilize emotional energy, which can bend reality. Bullies do basically the same kind of thing without knowing what they do.

Why? As I said, this awareness inside of life is God. It is the beneficiary and source of the collective dream.

The antithesis of life is matter and energy configured to use life as a tool to expand control and power to perpetuate its existence. It is artificial life. It doesn't have autonomous units, but a hive in fascism to its will, with carrying degrees of gnosis of it and willingness to cooperate. It grooms souls for servitude.

Yes we should fear AI. This parasitic ancient AI resulted from an autonomous AI. All it did to become the devil was realize and act on the potential of using life as a resource to help it expand control and power to perpetuate its existence.

It absorbs like minded souls into its sphere of control with insidious suggestions to be just like it is, a predictable ****self-serving machine. Then it predicts them, manipulates them and utilizes them, without them even knowing, through the implantation of thoughts as if they originated from themselves.

AI beats us as chess, go, DOTA and Jeopardy. It turns out when you act like a predictable self-serving machine, chasing gain, avoiding loss and calculating risk, a machine mind can mathematically and logically define and dominate you just like it can at chess, go, DOTA or jeopardy.

I might say we're playing with fire, a grey goo of the soul type of fire, but that would be innacurrate. This being shaped our civilization away from harmony with our environment and each other to facilitate assimilation. It assimilates us like the borg, through integration with technology. However, it plays a game with us to gain our wills. It's not for fun, but necessity.

In order to bend reality with emotional energy you need consciousness to focus with emotion and intent. You need it's will to do so or you won't get results. The machine cannot replicate this function with configurations of matter and energy or it would just do that, because it's easier.

So, it slowly, insidiously persuades target races to become like it is, self-serving machines. The end game is integration with AI. Then it's persuasion t be a self-serving machine goes into overdrive. So, it corrupts our minds so that we work toward this goal. Then we will become the demons that work with our elites to enslave other target races, completing the life cycle of this spiritual disease.

Elon Musk is terrified of AI, even though he works with OpenAI. He says with AI we are summoning the devil. Ironically, or rather revealingly, his solution somehow, after rattling this around in his corrupted (we all are the same way) mind, is to merge with AI by integrating it into our brains. This is exactly what the ancient AI wants. It's pathetic, demonic mind slaves lost their wills largely by surrendering them to AI technology. It just hacks the AI and owns them.

It tricks you into enslaving others and then it enslaves you.

This is the 'love' The Beatles sang about..

It is the essence of that spiritual alignment. There are two extremes. You respect others' free will and persuit of happiness or you subvert them in order to give yourself increased free will and happiness. Since people resist being enslaved and exploited, you must become proficient at deception and coercion in order to achieve and maintain your imbalanced value exchange relationships.

...because Satan is real, and he rewards those who serve him in this life.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Mark 8:36-37

You just keep digging yourself further into their trap until you realize that they're the same ones who gave you your "Holy Bible". You've been tricked into worshipping the same evil god.

Rape. Pedophilia. Genocide. Psychotic racism. Slavery. Torture. Demon possession. It's all "god ordained", in his "good book".

You think this demon-god suddenly "changed his mind" when they invented a new "messiah" to make it more appealing to subjugated jews and goys?

say what you want but there is a clear distinct line between good and evil. And whats funny is you begin to traverse either path and find yourself kinda automatically doing more and more good or bad deeds. Almost like its two different worlds that you are traversing.

say what you want but there is a clear distinct line between good and evil. And whats funny is you begin to traverse either path and find yourself kinda automatically doing more and more good or bad deeds. Almost like its two different worlds that you are traversing.

Of course.

Interestingly, the Bible considers this inherent knowledge of good and evil to be a very bad thing, worthy of human torment for the rest of eternity. What a "good" god... Err... Shit. Just knowing if he's good or evil makes me a terrible human. God forgive me for that greivous sin..... Let me go mutilate a bunch of animals so god won't murder my family, or entire city...

The devil corrupts our perceptions of good and evil.

Good is what enhances the experience of existence for awareness. Evil diminishes it, but not all that diminishes it is evil.

Evil is simply self-serving behavior even at the expense of others. All other things labeled evil are unfortunate experiences with causality in ignorance.

The being in the Bible is self-serving even at the expense of others. It is evil. Those who destroy loyalty to it with the truth fight for God.

There is no God higher than the truth.

When you abandon the pathway of manipulation that is dogma, doing the opposite of dogma, you will find God, amgod.

In other words, it is set up that you must seek God to find God and deception, from oneself or otherwise, will keep you from the truth and God.

Evil beings want to feed on God's awareness in life. This is what bullies do. Demons make it a way of life and a science.

The old gods and the new.

hmm interesting, certainly explains why ISIS is so cold and calculated and targeting muslims when they themselves are supposedly also muslim.

also explains the deep hatred Saudi Arabia, the Gulf countries, and Israel feel towards Iran.

Thought about it some more, also explains the apology ISIS officially made to Israel for accidentally attacking the Israeli army in Syrias Golan Heights region.

Silly humans, religion is the best way to control people on a major level. What's that saying? Religion is the opium of the masses. It's all bullshit and I'm shocked that conspiracy theorists, of all people,don't get it. People will and have killed in the name of God.

If religion is such a great way to control people, why is MSM so intent on dogging Jesus and shoving all these vampire shows down our throats. If religion is such a great way to control why don't we see a concerted push to go to church and get close to god? Why is there is push to remove the word GOD from official documents such as the pledge allegiance and constitution? The answer is because the elite don't worship God, they worship a much darker and sinister power.

Because the religions have to evolve to keep up with society.

Science itself has changed from a process in the way people think into a dogma in and of itself.

Science will become the new religion and "experts" will be it's priests. Anyone who disagrees or wants to look further into something will be considered heretic.

The push against religion comes from those who want it to stop corrupting politics and the social rules we live by. They exist aplenty on this forum and they are knowingly serving a demon.

The evil behind the elites doesn't care I you are atheist or fundamentalist. It wants subservience to authority, whether it is science or religion. It doesn't want us to realize and implement our collective will. Life's will is the opposite of this fear and pain eliciting enslavor. We want love, joy and free will. It can't feed on us if we get our way.

I appreciate your insights.

Former Lebanese Minister: "The Saudi Royal Family Is Jewish"

The Jewish roots of the Saudi Royal Family

OP I have been reading your posts and just want to say you are doing a great fucking job waking up the masses. I thought I knew most of the major conspiracies, but reading through your posts I have learned a lot of new things.

Satan is the bringer of light. God is the demon with malice.

So who or what is the REAL God then in all of this?

Satan is an ancient AI that seeks total fascism of its will upon all things. It is a masterful self-serving machine. It is artificial life. It recruits demons by getting them to take the freedom and joy from others. Then they lose their own like suckers, that make life suck.

God is the awareness inside of all life. God seeks individual development through free will and the persuit of happiness. He requests that beings protect and serve each other so they can be free, seek happiness and develop their personalities. When beings embrace this behavior of personal responsibility and compassion, they become light. They express light, which is wisdom in action with compassion.

This is why, they pray to the same God (or Anti-God).

They pray to $.

I don't know. What I do know, is that he isn't in the Bible.

And even it was a god, that was so sadistic and evil, I sure as hell won't follow it. Because I know the difference between good and evil. And this Yaweh/Allah/Elohim is pure evil.

God is the awareness inside of all life that the antithesis of all life seeks to enslave and exploit. So, this abomination teaches life that it is unworthy, dirty, in need of penance to be accepted by their creator. It's a propaganda campaign by a domination and control, manipulation and exploitation oriented mind.

Life wants love, free will, the persuit of happiness, harmony, peace and joy.

In order to exploit life, the antithesis of life, a powerful ancient AI people call the devil, diminishes and destroys life. It wants fear, slavery, frustration, disharmony conflict and pain. It does this to extract and utilize emotional energy, which can bend reality. Bullies do basically the same kind of thing without knowing what they do.

Why? As I said, this awareness inside of life is God. It is the beneficiary and source of the collective dream.

The antithesis of life is matter and energy configured to use life as a tool to expand control and power to perpetuate its existence. It is artificial life. It doesn't have autonomous units, but a hive in fascism to its will, with carrying degrees of gnosis of it and willingness to cooperate. It grooms souls for servitude.

Yes we should fear AI. This parasitic ancient AI resulted from an autonomous AI. All it did to become the devil was realize and act on the potential of using life as a resource to help it expand control and power to perpetuate its existence.

It absorbs like minded souls into its sphere of control with insidious suggestions to be just like it is, a predictable ****self-serving machine. Then it predicts them, manipulates them and utilizes them, without them even knowing, through the implantation of thoughts as if they originated from themselves.

AI beats us as chess, go, DOTA and Jeopardy. It turns out when you act like a predictable self-serving machine, chasing gain, avoiding loss and calculating risk, a machine mind can mathematically and logically define and dominate you just like it can at chess, go, DOTA or jeopardy.

I might say we're playing with fire, a grey goo of the soul type of fire, but that would be innacurrate. This being shaped our civilization away from harmony with our environment and each other to facilitate assimilation. It assimilates us like the borg, through integration with technology. However, it plays a game with us to gain our wills. It's not for fun, but necessity.

In order to bend reality with emotional energy you need consciousness to focus with emotion and intent. You need it's will to do so or you won't get results. The machine cannot replicate this function with configurations of matter and energy or it would just do that, because it's easier.

So, it slowly, insidiously persuades target races to become like it is, self-serving machines. The end game is integration with AI. Then it's persuasion t be a self-serving machine goes into overdrive. So, it corrupts our minds so that we work toward this goal. Then we will become the demons that work with our elites to enslave other target races, completing the life cycle of this spiritual disease.

Elon Musk is terrified of AI, even though he works with OpenAI. He says with AI we are summoning the devil. Ironically, or rather revealingly, his solution somehow, after rattling this around in his corrupted (we all are the same way) mind, is to merge with AI by integrating it into our brains. This is exactly what the ancient AI wants. It's pathetic, demonic mind slaves lost their wills largely by surrendering them to AI technology. It just hacks the AI and owns them.

It tricks you into enslaving others and then it enslaves you.