Worldnews mods have become gatekeepers on Israel Posts. They are breaking their own rules and are obvious controlled by Israel. Reddit needs to be aware of the sham that sub has become.

1  2018-06-03 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Over the last 2 months, r/wotldnews has become an Israeli battle ground. If you make an educated post about Israel that paints them bad, they will shadow it and ban you. I've posted the exact same comment in r/politics and r/worldnews. My post in politics got upvoted while worldnews banned me, a Jew, for being antisemitic. I wish there was aomething that could be done but I dont know how. It you see any post abouy Israel it'll have like 30 comments but only 10 to 15 show up. My friends even posted civil critics and were banned. They didn't even talk about jews and banned for antisemitism. Its so frustrating that Israel gets to control that sub. They'll allow shit like kill all muslims and people calling muslims dogs animals slaves bugs pests sand monkeys and so on. As soon as someone calls them out, its blocked. They also allow a post or 2 thats like kill all Jews just so they can scream at that person and it makes it look like Israel gets attacked by NeoNazis all the time while hiding educated posts that are just facts and sourxes articles. Its def an IDF shilling zone and reddit needs to be aware of this when browsing that sub. Its a conspiracy to control the conversation.


I noticed that I wasn’t able to see many of the comments in some of the subs I go to, and I found that reddit defaults to hide comments with more than 4 downvotes. You can change that setting so you can view all comments if you leave it blank.

So, that doesn’t help explain away the bans, but it might explain why you’re only seeing 15 comments when 30 are posted.

I have it set to see regardless of votes. I have 3 different apps and a computer. I'm sure they are shadowing posts about it. I also noticed r/pics did it too. Just sad to see controlled shit even if its favorable or unfavorable to me.

I agree it is sad. And it’s literally the definition of astroturfing - Making it seem like every single person agrees with what you want them to agree with.

But I’ve just kind of come to accept that when it comes to politically charged topics, astroturfing is inevitable on here. And just because it feels like everyone is saying one thing, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true that everyone really feels that way.

Reddit is shit for politics, but it has a lot of cute animal videos :-)

It's funny you mention that because as someone who frequents that sub, I've noticed a ton of anti-Israel sentiment over the last 2 months. Especially after recent incidents with Israel sniping Palastinians there has been at least one article on the front page crtical of Israel at all times. For a supposed "gatekeeper" as you call them, they sure don't seem to be doing much gatekeeping.

The comment section is the battle ground. Just look at posts that are the same source in r/politics vs r/worldnews its obvious. Politics doesn't hide the shit but worldnews does. My girl got banned bc of my account ban. They did an IP ban which is against their rules to do.

Israeli shills are all over Reddit, it's not just world news. They aren't very good at backing up their arguments though.

They can't back up slow genocide and mass killings.


The most common retort, after hours or crippling every arugment thay have with historic fact and reason, is:

"we'll we own it now and they have to kill us for it".

If that's your next and last position, it's also the position telling me that violence is the only way to change your world, since ideas -that are better and true- will not.

When the Israelis speak like this, they are actually saying, "I have always been your enemy, even when you are right, because I will never change my mind"

Thus, logically, there is few options.

Hence, I support the victory of Palestine over Israel, even if it includes their genocide - you can still come here and be Jewish without all the rabbi-laws leveraging one group over another. . .

Oh, wait - No you cant - because criticizing Israel is against campus law or Texan FEMA resource inquiring. They are making it illegal in ways to criticize Israel in THE USA.

There has always been a war - Ask Kennedy.

You're saying you support mass Israeli killings by Jihadist terrorists, but yet you're saying you're angry that some people can't differentiated Jews from Israel. While I agree Israel can be criticized without being anti-Semitic, you aren't making a great case for yourself by advocating for mass killings of Jews.

There has always been a war - Ask Kennedy

True, Robert Kennedy was killed by a Palestinian for simply supporting Israel.

Hey, as long as I get my check from the JIDF, I'm fine.

"Shill" here. r/worldnews mods are hamas. look at removeddit. I don't have a hardon for any genocide but they do.

"Shill" here. r/worldnews mods are hamas. look at removeddit. I don't have a hardon for any genocide but they do.

lol wow, this guy reads Jpost.

First I am hearing of it. What is the deal?

Yeah, pretty much almost everyone will get banned from /News, /Worldnews, and /Politics.

It is blatantly obvious what is going on.

You can get banned for just using a few key words, so I can assume they are CTRL-F looking for anyone criticizing Israel and a few other things.

People just need to remember that criticizing cult members isn't racism.

Jews =/= Judaist, are two different things. The reason why English isn't updated is because England is still technically stuck in the 1600's (and they still use Christianity as a crutch, as the Tory are scum).

German has had two words for both, for over 1000 years, for example.

Abrahamic cults, Hinduism and general wealth inequality are the problems and they aren't fooling everyone.

Time for everyone to hop on the Steemit waiting list.

Am I the only one who notices the really appalling amount of propaganda re: Israel on NPR?

NPR and Fox

Which blows my mind tbh. Fox I think does it cause it's Christian base want Israel's enemies to be overthrown and the rapture to come. These death cultists want the end times to come. That's why they're okay with bombing the middle east to dust.

I hope it comes to. Then the world will be free of thise people. 75% of educated people aren't religous for a reason.

It's been this way for a long time...and it's not bad. It's actually the complication of being open-minded: you want to be good, kind and open-hearted to people who you feel deserve and need this. But in the case of orthodox, Zionistic, tribalist Jews, this tendencey can be used against you. Because they generally have money and power, and yet are stringently exclusionary, not pleuralistic. They don't want to join the world, they want to unite against it. Which at this point in our history is the wrong side of the fence. We need to be moving and working against exclusionism, "tribalism" in all it's mental forms. Toward pleuralism and unification.

And to be fair, I will make the same criticism of "orthodox" Islamic cultures, the Amish sects, southern Baptists in the US....anyone who has an inherent cultural belief that they are better, more special, more entitled to segregate themselves from all us "others".

That sub was created to block out 9/11 posts originally.

yeah- they just hid a number of comments on a thread about the nurse who was murdered. i was on the thread an hour ago, and just refreshed it and the top comments are just gone now.

they must be claiming that posts critical of israel are"bigotted"

Yep. It's annoying. Reddit is free so we are the product


with alternatives to the shilled/compromised default subs linked in the sidebar

"Over the last two months"

Dude, it's been years of this jew-shill nonsense on there.

I have been banned for defending Palestinians as people, after some presumed cock-sucked jew (think of the rabbis herpes-lips) got offended at my humanity preaching.

Getting banned from world news and news were godsends for my mental health.

Easy quality of life boost lmao

There is an internet wide saturation play.

Low effort, low res Hasbara saturation.

There is no argument just the self-obsessed dirge smothering the signal to noise ratio in all directions.

This sort of propaganda (the Israeli state literally pays people to sit on reddit 8 hrs a day) is VERY effective when it comes to the issue of Palestine-Israel in the US, where most are ignorant of what's going on over there (even though it is funded and made possible by US tax dollars.) We're constantly told it is sooo complex. We internalize this non-understanding of the situation, giving up on understanding it before we've even begun, submitting to the bludgeon of complexity. Grasping for some entry point into this impenetrable "complexity", a few reddit comments that have butt-loads of up-votes give the impression of universal consensus and can really be instrumental in the formation of lasting opinions. Furthermore, this effort by Israeli propagandists (look up the JIDF) DIRECTLY contributes to the preservation of the current dehumanizing arrangement in the former-Palestine.

Remember: Israel depends on US aid to perpetuate its rejectionist stance regarding Palestinian rights and sovereignty. If the BDS movement actually gained significant traction, or if US public opinion were to shift, Israel would not be able to sustain its current arrangement and would be forced to seek a diplomatic settlement. As Chomsky wrote in 1983:

Clearly, as long as the United States provides the wherewithal, Israel will use it for its purposes. These purposes are clear enough today, and have been clear to those who chose to understand for many years: to integrate the bulk of the occupied territories within Israel in some fashion while finding a way to reduce the Arab population; to disperse the scattered refugees and crush any manifestation of Palestinian nationalism or Palestinian culture; to gain control over southern Lebanon. Since these goals have long been obvious and have been shared in fundamental respects by the two major political groupings in Israel, there is little basis for condemning Israel when it exploits the position of regional power afforded it by the phenomenal quantities of U.S. aid in exactly the ways that would be anticipated by any person whose head is not buried in the sand. Complaints and accusations are indeed hypocritical as long as material assistance is provided in an unending and ever-expanding flow, along with diplomatic and ideological support, the latter, by shaping the facts of history in a convenient form.

Well said. I like to challenge them with questions like, if you have to control the population that votes, is it really a democracy? If Palestine started ahooting people in Israel that got too close to the border, wouldnt that be acceptabke since its acceptable to shoot people on the other side. It shows their military driven psychological conditioning. Israel is a militarized ethnic purest state the same as Nazi Germany.

I once thought that calling Gaza an "open-air prison" was surely an exaggeration. Now I would consider that a generous description. At least, in prison, the drinking water won't kill you. In prison, you will receive adequate medical treatment. In prison, there is a legal basis for your confinement that is not condemned by the United Nations Human Rights Council and that VAST majority of the world's governments. In prison, you are aware of the duration of your confinement. In prison, you are not subjected to an economic blockade, the purpose of which, according to the UN is to “bring about a situation in which the civilian population would find life so intolerable that they would leave or turn Hamas out of office, as well as to collectively punish the civilian population.”
Also, calling it a "border" is misleading because it suggests that the people of Gaza have autonomy or self-determination, that it constitutes an internationally recognized border between two sovereign states. Gaza is not a state. They have been denied statehood since the Israeli occupation began in 1967. If the people of Gaza were citizens, they would have rights. They have recourse to no state, and any attempt to resist this hopeless, dehumanizing situation is simply classified as "terrorism" and used to justify the innumerable and devastating bombings, military raids, civilian massacres, assassinations, and chemical weapons attacks on civilians (according to Human Rights Watch, Israel has “repeatedly exploded white phosphorous munitions in the air over populated areas…” of Gaza. The number of maimed people, people missing limbs, blinded, etc. from Israeli attacks is truly horrifying. When you hear that 1500 people were "injured" at a protest in Gaza, we need to realize that many of these people will never again live a "normal" (nothing in Gaza is normal) life again, nor will they receive adequate medical treatment (or even wheelchairs... Israel's strategy is utter dehumanization, and this cannot be overstated

There are many tragedies in the world, but the key role played by the United States in this case (Israel receives more of our taxpayer dollars than any other nation and is “the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II”) renders us complicit and demands our attention.

This is why Saudi has pushed on Yemen because they know they won't get in any troubke like Israel. How can we tell Russia not to take Crimea when we help israel take the west bank. How can we tell russia not to hack us when we let Israel do it. How can we tell countries not to interfere in our democracy when Israel does it. How can we tell north korea they can't have nukes when israel has them illegally.

There is nothing new about /r/worldnews being a pro-Israel sub. What is new is the division between the Israeli and American Jews.

I told my aunt in Israel about this and see is making a complaint to the government about Jews attacking Jews. I sent the mod who i know is doing this his IP group and the other accounts associated all coming from beer sheva. Its a government building. Youd think they would cloak their locations and shit but nope. They dont care. I sent it to reddits office but haven't got a response. Reddit is antisemitic attacking me for not being a good Jew. They are promoting hating on Jews by Jews.

I asume Israel just hires additional/more shills to spread their lies, whenever they plan to go on one of their killing sprees.

Youtube is flooded with Israeli shills since last month, so they probably assigned more people to reddit too.

I wonder what Redford view on state agencies being moderators. I'm pissed to see this. I had friends over and brought this up. Since they connected to my Wi-Fi, all were banned. My griend is mad at me right now for it since she works for a local paper that covers Korean issues in thebpacific. The fact a mod did this should have them removed. Now I have to tell people not to use my Wi-Fi if they don't want to be banned.

If you are really Jewish then I commend you for speaking out. Wish more Jewish/Israeli ppl would step up like you.

Yinz are crazy

yes, i agree

check out my controversial comments on this and my last account, u/mindhawk and all of my downvotes are about israel and obviously brigaded, points are seldom argued and if so they are from batshit accounts. 'gaza is flourishing!' 'if israel does it it's not an atrocity'

Conde Naste is zionist so we should expect this.

The USA needs to get rid of the brain parasite that is israeli zionism or it can kiss itself goodbye.

It is cultural Zionism that is corrupt. Political Zionism as it was originally was to have a Jewish state with an Arab state sharing schools and governance. Through education and communal living they were to break the stigma on Jew muslim Christian disagreements. Ha'am Zionism said they need an only Jew area and government then they could expand out and through firce secure a Jewish place in the world. Its sad to see as it makes Israel hated and forced to live like a war tribe of the old days.

no more benefits of the doubts left to give, i will never trust a jewish state or think a jewish state is a good idea.

i am actually, as most americans should be, for separation of church and state, everywhere, for all people

israel right now is really,really, really proving why this is a good idea.


secret revealed, it's reddit, it's not the mods


Yep. It's annoying. Reddit is free so we are the product

"Shill" here. r/worldnews mods are hamas. look at removeddit. I don't have a hardon for any genocide but they do.

lol wow, this guy reads Jpost.

First I am hearing of it. What is the deal?