Shits getting real in Tucson; shots fired.[mega thread?]

1  2018-06-04 by GeneralApollyon

I can link to the Facebook I don't think because of the rules. Some guy on a quad came out n shot a gun. Locals interviewed shits nuts.


Lol wut

Fuck off you shill. The_donald is not blocking these posts, THe_donald was the first to uncover the videos of the camps. Fucking shill kikes

Removed Rules 1 & 10.

Who's doing the shooting? Good guys or Pedos?

they are saying the veterans are unarmed.

Really? Sawman is unarmed? I know they had guns when they found the place you can see them in the video. Maybe they disarmed to stay at the location for legal reasons...?

Prayers to our brave veterans and voulenteers. Let's hope they get more assistance. Of course this hasn't made the news yet, right?

Of course, nobody is talking about it.

They disarmed completely so the police can't say they were threatening anything. They've fortified a large tower and are setting up in there.

Sawman visited but isn’t the one occupying. Seems like the Louis guy is getting pretty exhausted.

No the guys in the tower has a long rifle at least, I heard them say so in the video


I'll just leave this here


A post from 2011? Are you trying to say something against Jewish people?

Mayor is involved with children and the homeless. Seems relevant.

Not really. I don't understand how you think that is relevant in any way.

Read the link I posted.

Don't even bother with that user, imo. That link is interesting as all fuck. Thanks for posting.

I cannot believe you are commenting on my comment. You are a freaking legend. I get what you are saying about that user and will take your advice.

He is a fucking legend. One of the last bastions of knowledge here. I wish he was a mod.

Ignore this user. Total pedo-defender. It's all he does. Relentless. May be bot.

It is the strangest phenomenon. That account told me yesterday that child trafficking is just propaganda.

Are you a bot?

Are you?

Nope, I'm a man who can think for myself. You still haven't answered even though multiple users, in this very thread, suspected the same thing I asked.

Many of your comments and responses don't quite make sense. And that's not even getting into the topic of things that you are choosing to defend/argue

What are you talking about? There is a large group of users spreading propaganda that haven't been able to provide any proof. I asked for time markers and I what I'm looking for, and the only response I get is "rape trees".

Why don't you prove me wrong then if you're not a bot, and provide some ACTUAL evidence, instead of this fake crap circulating in this sub.

Besides providing some proof, it is best that you turn over evidence to the correct agencies and local authorities. Not just 8chan and 4chan.

You said you don't understand how an article which states that the town's mayor is involved with homeless people and children doesn't relate to this topic. The mental gymnastics you are showing is honestly astounding. That's why I asked if you were a bot. There is no way a person doesn't understand how it's interesting/relevant here, unless you are borderline retarded. And before you get all offended, retarded means you are slow. Which you clearly are if you fail to see any connection here. Understand why I asked now big boy?

No, the article was from 2011 and posted about a Jewish person and from a Jewish news site. It totally appears to be unrelated as it is common for government officials to be involved in social welfare programs. There was no evidence provided to suggest that anything nefarious was going on at the camp. If you have some ACTUAL evidence, then please provide it. Otherwise posting a random article from 2011 is irrelevant.

It has nothing to do with him being Jewish. Why do you keep spouting that? I've seen you repeat that over and over when that's not even the point of the article. It being from 2011 doesn't make it irrelevant either. You seem to be reaching to tell people to not look into issues or to bait them into things. Really telling how you have been acting in these threads. Quite obvious tactics around here

Please, tell me how it is relevant?

And before you bring up some other point that has nothing to do with what we are talking about, just don't waste your time. I also know that is what you are trying to do with me, waste my time. Another obvious tactic that you are using. I'm done with this pointless back and forth

Nice! Glad to not waste any more of my time on you and your inability to provide any actual evidence, or back up your claims.

I'll waste my time once more for you with another question you probably won't answer. When and what did I ever claim here?

That the article from 2011 is somehow relevant to the post in which it was presented in.

I'm not your friend. Friends take time to develop.


The Rothschilds are not Jews.

Correct. Satanic to their fucking core. Sold the good name of Judaism right out from under us. (Jewish man here)

I am glad you see it. It is good versus evil, and good always prevails.

We might lose battles. But we win wars :)

Are you a bot?

This the second thread I've seen you talking out your ass spreading disinfo on the tuscon situation.

What disinfo did I spread?


Haha.. you can't even admit the truth once you get called out. Better double down on your LARP or start a new one.

So far you have: 1. Accused users of being antisemitic despite them never even mentioning ethnicity/religion while providing evidence of the mayor's involvment.

  1. Posted links to police reports claiming nothing happened. These mean nothing. Time and time again police agencies have been complicit and charges have been dropped out of nowhere or investigations were never properly conducted.

  2. Claimed that this is a homeless camp/LARP because it could be.

Am I missing some key piece of evidence to why you believe this is a LARP. Why would a team of vets run around vloging this shit. For attention?

Because they are desert rednecks on meth.

Okay so there we go at least we got to the issue. You just don't believe because you think that, not because you have anything even close to coherent or solid on the issue

Except a literal news report saying the police even investigated using a cadaver dog.

You don't need a body to confirm it was used for child trafficking. Why the fuck would you kill the product you're trafficking. And this is a conspiracy sub, if your only piece of evidence is an official police report then it's not an argument

Doesn't mean the sub should be used to spread propaganda, just because it is a conspiracy sub. They never provided anything of substance and even police couldn't find anything.

If the official police report was enough then there never would be a conspiracy. It's not propaganda

When you have desert rednecks on meth.. I am inclined to believe the official report regarding and investigation. The videos never had proof. I questioned as soon as I realized these people weren't "all there" if you know what I mean.

Let's add ad hominem attacks and character assassination about meth to the list of reasons why your fucking retarded and have no evidence

I know, I can't believe that they were so stupid and didn't have any ACTUAL evidence. Crazy what meth does to the mind.

So I call you out on your ad hominem attack and you double down, nice.

You're taking what I say about these people too personal. I hope they don't end up in any conflicts with law enforcement over their stupidity and seek the drug addiction treatment and psychological help that they need.

If you want you spread an irrelevant article from 2011 on a Jewish website, then yes I will question your motives. I don't believe I used the word antisemetic though. That was all you.

No, I'm not wasting time finding it but you did say antisemetic. Feel free to prove me wrong. It was a bio of the towns mayor who happened to be jewish, providing background on the subject. You didn't even address the info. You just claimed it was antisemetic and then argued with other users. Nothing you have ever brought up in any of these threads has ever addressed any of the points. Just offered potential shit theories to why it might not be such as suspect police reports, it "could" be a homeless camp etc... gtfo unless you have anything else

Because it is completely unrelated. And no I didn't say antisemetic. You can't find it because I didn't say it. Maybe you just have a guilty conscious?

No, you prove me wrong. Find me the thread. I know you said it.

Then you are a liar just making stuff up about me.

No... if you're so concerned about it just find me the thread, I'm not looking through your comments to hunt for some shit I read yesterday.

You make accusations and then tell me to find evidence. I don't care what you think. The truth is in my comment history, and we'll leave it at that.


Holy crap...he spearheaded Operation deep freeze that dealt with the homeless in Tucson

If there's any merit to the theories about what happened there, can imagine a through scrubbing (both evidence and investigators, these via the legal apparatus) and media blackout of this by tomorrow.

The issue of what company owns that place could be raised by the administration to boost the 'mexican menace' campaign, but if this involves higher ups, guess this is more likely to be kept off MSM.

A Rothschild and a Bronfman (nvixm sex cult connection) are on the board of a company with major holdings in CEMEX. Also a significant amount of USAID ran through CEMEX in Haiti and they've donated tons to the Clinton Foundation.


But there's no secret group trafficking kids while planning to run the world. Snopes said it was just a conspiracy


Not to mention the elite know that's the easiest way to discredit anything - actually it's Pizzagate 2.0. Just have someone come in and shoot and all the retarded mouth breathers at home will come to the conclusion they're designed to.

Where is the evidence? Why not take a screenshot like a normal person?

Fake stories to keep the base riled up. There is no real proof of anything here.

But hey remember Jade helm? Guess where we are sending the kids that are getting separated from their parents?

But they're Mexican so oh well.

Yeah, remember Jade Helm? When the government was going to round up everyone and put them into camps? How'd that work out? Is the internet connection at the walmart very good?

Oh, that's right! That shit never happened. Just another LARP for bored fatass keyboard investigators to get their xxxxxxl panties in a bunch over.

I wouldn't be surprised if the government had someone on the inside to go in their and pop off shots to give the authorities a reason to use force and get the VOP out of there.

Also another interesting note is that voat was onto the idea of the mayor trafficking through the area over a year ago, and now this happens.

That's how they do,

I am trying to spread information I have been collecting on the child protective services in arizona that is corrupt, hoping that people involved with VOP may find this helpful background.

"Qanon"..... yeah, I'm out. That name should come with a warehouse full of salt let alone a grain.

I like how you ignored the entire thing because of one paragraph talking about how the issues could be related. I know the users here really don't like wrongthink though.

Where can I send a check to fund this operation?

We should phone into the Tucson police and ask them to cooperate with the patriots there and investigate the camp. Anyone have their number?

Please don't inundate the police office and tie up their phone lines with your pestering nonsense especially if you don't even know what is going on first hand and are merely playing a game of telephone with some supposed internet sleuths. You bothering the police office isn't going to help anyone.

I will be calling

You go to the r/pedogate section of this site to hassle people.

That withstanding, I'm sure the Tucson police can manage phone calls without your gatekeeping.

Anyone remember the little 6-year old girl who disappeared in Tucson, Isabel Celis, in 2012?

I cannot believe you are commenting on my comment. You are a freaking legend. I get what you are saying about that user and will take your advice.

So I call you out on your ad hominem attack and you double down, nice.