Liberals and conservatives are two wings of the same bird.

1  2018-06-04 by CelineHagbard

What was your first thought when you read this title?

I saw two images when I first thought of it. The first was that of the Democratic and Republican parties as they currently exist, and how they seem to act as fake adversaries while being paid and controlled by the same (or similar) hidden factions. It's not that the parties are the same, but for important decisions, they serve the same interests.

The second image was of the bird not embodying our political systems, but that we the people ourselves were the bird. A bird can only fly if its wings work together; when they work against each other, the bird will fall out of the sky.

We the people, the actual constituents of each wing of the bird, are mimicking the fake fights between the paid actors in government office and on TV reality shows. (In this sense, Donald Trump is not an aberration of the American political system; he epitomizes it.) We the people are fighting each other and like this we cannot fly, while those orchestrating the melodrama don't care because they have airplanes. They don't need the bird to fly, but each of us do.

Increasingly I'm noticing both in online and real life conversations, people from each wing hoping that their wing will "beat" the other wing. Do they not realize how foolish this is? A bird whose wings are unbalanced, which are not working towards the same goals, cannot fly. One wing "beating" the other only ensures that the bird falls from the sky.


But we really aren't birds.

Simple fact. Once you hand over a right, such as gun rights or rights to be secure in your possessions... You'll never get it back without bloodshed.

The liberals are so willing to give up these rights just to will virtue points that it makes me ill. We can cut taxes all day long and bring them back later. I'm 100% against doing anything with government that we can't easily undo.

But we really aren't birds.

No, but we are a super-organism. What each part of that super-organism does affects every other. When the parts work against each other, the whole fails.

Simple fact. Once you hand over a right, such as gun rights or rights to be secure in your possessions... You'll never get it back without bloodshed.

I agree with you. The right to self-defense is something so necessary to a functioning society. Many liberals agree with this as well as conservatives, and we should not back down.

The liberals are so willing to give up these rights just to will virtue points that it makes me ill.

Some liberals are willing to give up these rights, just like some conservatives are willing to give up freedoms in exchange for "security" from the state.

I'm 100% against doing anything with government that we can't easily undo.

I agree with this as well. The sad fact is that almost all government action is hard to undo, and usually more restrictive of our freedoms as citizens.

The shit goes both ways. There’s a huge portion of conservatives that think we should be ruled by biblical law. We have separation of church and state for a good reason. Not all liberals want our firearms taken away and not all conservatives want biblical law. The more we fight over our stupid party affiliations the more we over look the real problems facing us Americans. Our government is bought and paid for by the wealthy. They keep throwing propaganda from both sides so we are so busy fighting each other, they can do whatever they want.

I think more people would be conservative if the right stopped being involved in people's bedrooms/drugs/religion

Well, who do you pick when Democrats are more willing to surrender gun rights and Republicans are more willing to surrender the right to be secure in your possessions?

US politics is the False Dichotomy/ False Dilemma fallacy

This is a great post.

That being said, it seems impossible to subvert destiny. This has all happened before. This is Babylon. This is Rome. Why should it be any different this time around? The entire game preys upon loyal subjects. The loyal are far more numerous than the skeptics.

Babylon and Rome were chances that were squandered (and there were civilization which fell long before even Babylon).

The skeptics have an advantage this time — though the window grows shorter — we have instantaneous communication around the globe. The truth can no longer be hidden, only distracted away from with stronger and stronger entrainment.

I like your attitude.

we have instantaneous communication around the globe.

I am wary that this platform might disrupt any chance of unity. This is all calculated.

Should the pyramid crumble, I will smile.

I am wary that this platform might disrupt any chance of unity. This is all calculated.

Contingencies are planned for but no one can forecast the chaos too far in advance; they just get close enough to ensure the most probable outcomes favor them.

Should the pyramid crumble, I will smile.

I think it almost assuredly will, but what we do after will determine our destiny. Power structures crumbling has led to great rebirth, but also much suffering. Still, I will smile along with you when it happens.

Divided we fall. Let's stick together no matter what gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference. This good versus evil. We need to face this great evil together.

“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”


“Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains ... an unuprooted small corner of evil.

Since then I have come to understand the truth of all the religions of the world: They struggle with the evil inside a human being (inside every human being). It is impossible to expel evil from the world in its entirety, but it is possible to constrict it within each person.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago

We are fighting for the greater good. Individual good and evil, that's a personal fight and another story. Something that involves balance. We all need good and evil in our hearts to be our true selves.

But if we let this greater evil win, we will all die. That's what I meant regarding the 'good vs evil'.

Ah, in that case I'd say I agree.

Love you.

Divide and conquer...

They disagree on social issues, but agree more than not on economic and foreign policy.

The social policy disagreements alone are enough for most voters to think they have a real choice.

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats are not one in the same. They both have different views on what kind of policies they want to implement into society.

It's not that the parties are the same, but for important decisions, they serve the same interests.

Yes they are one and the same, they just play their part in the charade.

I think you are missing the point of the statement. Of course they are two wings of the same bird, the bird itself is called a plutocracy and of course, both wings are entirely under its control.

I was going for something a bit different in this post, though I don't think I really captured it. Obviously from a partisan political perspective, the right and the left and mere strange attractors or sheep dogs, pick your metaphor, ultimately bringing people into line with the synthetic thread that undergirds both sides of the phony divide.

It might have been one of my r/c_s_t posts that fleshed this out a bit more, but I think the left and right as presented work as dual columns of the state because they do speak to a deeper psychological truth; they just pervert it enough to suit their own ends. Yeah, it was this post. (I've added you as an approved submitter to CST in case you want to participate there, too. If you want).

The right says: "Let me keep the fruits of my labor" — The left says: "Let us provide for the most vulnerable" — The lie is that we must choose.

I believe both of these precepts. I want to keep what I earn and I want my fellow humans to live good lives. The right/left divide makes us believe we must choose, and leaves us with a system where we, the common folk, get neither. We still have 30+% of our labor forcefully taken, and the least among us cannot really make it, not to the standards they should. (And this is without even taking the monetary system into account).

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I don't think the right stand for "let me keep the fruits of my labour". They might like to claim that is what they stand for but what they actually stand for is, "let me keep the fruits of YOUR labour."

I'm not talking about conservative politicians and the people who support them really, but the more fundamental philosophy underlying classical liberalism. In practice, politicians from both sides promise the voters the fruits of others labor, while taking them and largely giving them to their donors and cronies.

But isn't the liberal, classically the middle class who don't contribute either way because they represent those who work for the state in well paid jobs, pandered to by the Capitalist right who need their vote so they allow them the socialist benefits they claim to hate, that they deny to the private sector workers?

Love you.