I'm tortured everyday with remote influencing technology for like 2 yrs now

1  2018-06-04 by Daryatash

They can create different sensations, emotions, thoughts, sounds, images in someone's body, control heart rate, cause forced speech with different tones, move limbs, induce remote cancer, probably induce spiritual experiences, 'fake memories', virtual reality dreams.

It seems A.I controlled cuz they can use specific conditioning when a target gets near specific people, and cuz I'm tortured 24/7 exactly when I'm doing specific things, like they induce more pain for more important things. Constantly analyzes my brainwaves and has certain triggers programmed to cue when it shows I'm in a certain state.

They can change the settings like for a short while they set it so as strangers or cars would pass me I'd hear a voice in my head, they induced voices of my neighbors as I passed their door/window, close relationship with them so I told them about targeting and asked them about it ofc they didn't say the stupid shit this tech creates and I can't hear them from outside their home anyway, and they would induce pain whenever a stranger looked at me outside.

I'm sick of seeing posts about mk-ultra and 'trauma based mind control' without any mention of electronic mind control. Worst is hearing how 'MK-Ultra was a failed operation' when it's very obvious to me they wanted to understand the mind better with that research to be able to implement electronic mind control on a wide scale. I believe most people are implanted and don't know it.


Where can I find more info on electronic implants like this? Why and how did you receive this?

A good sub to check out is /r/psychotronics I imagine having control over or enslaving humans is why they do what they do.

Make a faraday cage for your room to get some peace: https://www.mdcreekmore.com/build-your-own-faraday-cage-heres-how-two/

Thanks for the suggestion, btw making people focus on short-term solutions and selfishness is one of their aims.

Many people are being tortured worldwide illegally and our answer shouldn't be to 'get a faraday cage', there's also been organized harassment and crime by physical people against my family for over 10 years.

Organized psychopaths control every aspect of society, politics, education, media, healthcare, etc, few targeted individuals getting some peace in their room isn't very relevant atm given our situation. (Sometimes I wish people had a little less peace to understand how bad things really are globally.)

I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you and i think we can all agree with some degree of certainty that experiments and testing only stop once the methods for creating the desired outcomes have been tested and verified.

Why else would they want us all to have tv's and smart phones so damn badly?

amount of pain depends on who the person reacting is

So if Queen Elizabeth upvotes your post, what happens?

It probably doesn't have anything specific set to happen for that situation because it's so unlikely to happen. It's kinda circumstantial, like I get lot of pain for mod replies, from other TIs or when my mom emails me.

Sounds like you need to take a trip to a psych my guy

I don't believe in mental illnesses that occur suddenly and at advanced level of development without psychotropic drugs taken recently or without a severe problem in lifestyle/diet that can affect brain function.

Plus I don't understand why anyone would want to use poisonous pharmaceuticals when there are much healthier natural alternatives, by taking a trip to a psychiatrist you meant to get prescribed drugs correct? Do they do anything else but prescribe drugs and offer time to talk? (I feel better talking to friends/family btw)

Just because you dont believe in it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You described somebody who is slipping into serious issues, and I encourage you to seek help

Just because you dont believe in it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could say the same thing about mental illness, just cuz people believe there's something wrong with someone's brain without any physical evidence doesn't mean it's true, but are mere opinions and speculations.

You described somebody who is slipping into serious issues, and I encourage you to seek help

Learn about technologies that can influence people from a distance, I described a victim of electronic warfare.

You are a victim of your own insanity



You legitimately need help. This will continue to get worse the Longer you go untreated for whatever mental illness you have. Things will eventually come to a head and you will loose those close to you or end up in the ground. You’re using the fantastic to explain away a logical conclusion. This only ends poorly for you unless you face reality and see that you are sick.


Thanks for your well thought out and insightful commentary

Same to you.

Removed. Rule 10.

Why you?

There are lots of targeted individuals worldwide that experience conditioning similar to or worse than me, imo everyone is targeted to a degree, so really the question should be why humankind.

People all around the world have schizophrenia. You are describing TEXTBOOK, CLINICAL SCHIZOPHRENIA

Get. Thee. To. Professional.

People all around the world are targeted by remote influencing technologies, I'm describing TEXTBOOK TARGETED INDIVIDUAL TACTICS.

Stop. Fucking. Lying. TY

Got a legit source for that, seems you are denying yourself any help.

Some notable people that have talked about this are Dr. Barrie Trower, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Matthew Aaron, Dr. Katherine Horton, Dr, Daniel Lebowitz, Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, William Binney, Kirk Wiebe, Karen Stewart, Cheryl Welsh, Melanie Vritschan, Mark Phillips, Carl Clark.

So nobody notable then.

If NSA, CIA whistleblowers that worked on this tech aren't notable enough, then no I guess not.

I don't trust any info from 3 letter agency's. I will leave you with your delusions and pray you seek medical help for your condition.

Ok...what about doctors that don't work for 3 letter agencies, they're probably just delusional too right.

Yes they are.

I looked up Dr. Barrie Trower and watched one of his facebook videos about wifi, microwaves, etc... He mentioned warfare, but didn't get into it. It was enough information that I can suspend disbelief for you and play along.

Few questions:

  • Why you? What circumstances render you as a target? Who are you? Who does Number Two work for?
  • Who are "they" that are targeting you? Agency/Department? Are people assigned directly to you, or is this like a wide net operation?
  • From where are you being targeted? Followed by a van? Blimp? Handed off tower to tower as you travel? Satellite? Guy in the bushes outside your window?
  • How large is your target area? Just your brain? Is the person standing next to you in danger? How wide of a net do they cast just to get you?
  • Sinces it's an utterly fruitless endeavor that causes you pain at every turn, why do you go on the internet to rant about this? I'm sure there are more rewarding ways of hurting yourself.
  • Whether you bumped your head, suffered an aneurysm, of they are shooting microwaves at your brain, your faculties have been compromised and you should seek help. A professional that understands your situation would be your best advocate.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did this hurt?



You're afraid of confirming your beliefs. But not afraid of the debilitating effects schitzophrenia has if left untreated. Interesting.

So you get tested, have it, receive help, and your suffering is ameliorated. Or you get tested, don't have it, and now Know you've been targeted. There is NOTHING to lose. Very common for schizophrenics not to understand this, and very common for them to deflect the truth by dismissing it as lies

You're afraid of confirming your beliefs.

How did you figure that I'm afraid to 'confirm my beliefs?'

Or you get tested, don't have it, and now Know you've been targeted.

I already told another user in this thread that I've spoken to psychiatrists and it's their opinion that I'm not mentally ill.

I don't suggest this to other targets btw unless it's someone they're absolutely sure they can trust.

Because they will tell you you have schitzophrenia. Just so we're clear

No, because they don't care about anything you have to say and will probably force you into a mental institution.


Are you under the impression that schizophrenia isn't real? You do realized that the disease predates any kind of electronic technologies, right?

How could one distinguish the difference between a brain disorder and outside electronic manipulation?

You do realized that the disease predates any kind of electronic technologies, right?

They developed technology and kept it hidden from public.

How could one distinguish the difference between a brain disorder and outside electronic manipulation?

When you know your mental health is totally fine and you're being tortured everyday for doing specific things you just know. I grew up as a normal person with no major traumatic events that would have an effect like this, no hereditary problems so it's just not natural for me to feel pain everyday like this.

Lol how can I prove I'm not mentally ill when the general consensus is that mental illness can develop later in life with no physical indications and the symptoms are the voices/hallucinations that are created by this technology. All I can say is my brain is fine and people should research about the whistleblowers who have come forward on this subject.

If I was sick wouldn't I want to get better, why is it so important to so many targeted individuals to get this information out. I don't care about all these people calling me schizo and I just want people to know these technologies exist. It's strange like 5 people in this thread claiming I'm schizo when I know these technologies are being used on civilians worldwide and doctors told me I'm fine. Doctor opinions>random redditor opinions.

Some whistleblowers/activists on this subject: Dr. Barrie Trower, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Matthew Aaron, Dr. Katherine Horton, Dr, Daniel Lebowitz, Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, William Binney, Kirk Wiebe, Karen Stewart, Cheryl Welsh, Melanie Vritschan, Mark Phillips, Carl Clark.

You are literally describing schizophrenia. Please speak to a doctor about this.

I'm literally describing the effects of electronic mind control technology. Please stop lying.

No you are not. You have described a potentially debilitating illness and I am suggesting you get some help. There are no lies in that sentence my friend.

Ok, continue believing whatever you want. :)

Yeah no. I'm very sorry to say, it's schizophrenia.

So sure it's these devices? CONFIRM IT ISN'T

I don't have schizophrenia, I'm sorry to hear you still don't know about electronic mind control technology because it's probably the most important thing we should be aware of imo.

And yes I'm sure it's devices, they use this kind of harassment because it's easily deniable so I couldn't prove this is happening if I wanted to.

But you can prove you don't have schitzophrenia. Which you haven't.

Remember what I said, about not being able to understand that part?

But you can prove you don't have schitzophrenia. Which you haven't.

Did I ever say I never talked to a psychiatrist? No I did not, I only said I'm not mentally ill. I actually have talked to doctors and their opinion is that I'm fine.

Remember what I said, about not being able to understand that part?

I'm not sure which comment you're referring to sorry.

You told doctors that someone planted a mind control device in your head and they said you were fine? Please go see a psychiatrist before you hurt yourself. If there truly is something in your brain, it would be easy to find.

Sorry your doctor sucks? idk what else to say man, you just need to look into the evidence that already exists.

Maybe get to know a few 'targeted individuals' in your community and hear their stories. I found so many completely sane TIs in Iran, the government is infiltrated ofc and calls us crazy. I experienced and researched enough to know this is truly happening, I'm not typing stories cuz it's fun.



Everything you have mentioned perfectly fits the below criteria. I have a friend with schizophrenia, and you sound just like he did before his diagnosis. He now lives a peaceful happy life and receives the help he needs. I'm just saying, you fit the criteria with that kind of talk. Just go speak to someone.

Individuals with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations (most reported are hearing voices), delusions (often bizarre or persecutory in nature), and disorganized thinking and speech. The last may range from loss of train of thought, to sentences only loosely connected in meaning, to speech that is not understandable known as word salad. Social withdrawal, sloppiness of dress and hygiene, and loss of motivation and judgment are all common in schizophrenia.[21]

Distortions of self-experience such as feeling as if one's thoughts or feelings are not really one's own to believing thoughts are being inserted into one's mind, sometimes termed passivity phenomena, are also common


They don't do any of the things I mentioned anymore and only induce pain on specific times.

Did you not read the brackets? > may experience hallucinations (most reported are hearing voices)

And to quote your own post

They can change the settings like for a short while they set it so as strangers or cars would pass me I'd hear a voice in my head, they induced voices of my neighbors as I passed their door/window

Did you not read my reply? They only induce pain now on specific times.

And to quote your own post

...for a short while they set it so...would pass me....I'd hear...they induced... as I passed

Past tense.

So? Just because its stopped now does that mean it never happened? You really need help my dude. I just had a brief look through your post history to see if you are trolling, and you talk about your co workers and boss spying on you, then in another post you talk about the whole city being in on it. These thought processes are not healthy or normal. They are not induced by remote influencing tech, they are the result of what sound 100% like schizophrenia.

I've never talked about my co-workers or boss or a whole city being in on it so who's trolling now.

Tell me a mental illness where the person feels physical pain whenever their reddit post is upvoted and maybe I will consider.


And we're just gonna assume it's completely normal for a person to for example cook all their life and now they feel pain whenever they cook because some doctors said so. This isn't normal. Brains don't just change like that overnight. It takes severe trauma or prolonged trauma for the brain to develop such problems.

Eh, reading this, you're definitely describing schizophrenia symptoms. Go to a doc :)

Some whistleblowers/activists on this subject: Dr. Barrie Trower, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Matthew Aaron, Dr. Katherine Horton, Dr, Daniel Lebowitz, Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, William Binney, Kirk Wiebe, Karen Stewart, Cheryl Welsh, Melanie Vritschan, Mark Phillips, Carl Clark

nice name btw.

No hes not.

Beginnings of schitzophrenia. 100% serious. Seek help immediately.

I'm also 100% serious that this is effects of electronic mind control technology.

Ever gone camping w no electronics? Does v2k work in the boondocks?

Outside Tehran very far from any large populations yes I felt the painful sensations go away and I've heard other target's symptoms go away in different areas, sadly it's not convenient now to live away from society for long periods and they infiltrate a target's area if they stay long enough.

Removed. Rule 10.

Soon they will pay, you'll see.

Wasn't shilled so much since TMOR reposted me :D

I believe your theory. I believe you're being shilled on this thread aswell. You're not schizo, government is scary. Stay safe fellow

You could build a Faraday cage, then enter it to see if your symptoms immediately subside. If they don't and the enclosure is built PROPERLY, then you aren't being targeted.

Ok thanks maybe I'll try this one day, I'm not trying to prove my targeting atm, there's also been physical organized harassment against me and my family for 10+ years (some targets don't experience electronic harassment.)

Nobody gives a fuck about you sorry.

I believe everyone's targeted.

I'm open minded about the serious claims of Targeted Individuals. I take your statements seriously. Try to keep in mind that people do care about you, and you should take their suggestion to get help. "Don't beleive everything you think" is a great piece of advice for everyone.

My question: What do you think is the reason for the harassment starting?

I'm just going to put this here, I have looked into this and I fear this may be real:


I do believe talking with a psychiatrist is important to rule out other causes and provide a witness to what you experience.

When the going gets wierd like this, science is your friend.

The faraday cage experiment is a good idea although I don't know how easy this will be to find for experiment.

tptb also post fakes that look like this to try to sniff out who is onto them, things like 'biggerthansnowden.com' are honeytraps, that this even exists is a scandal in itself that proves something is going on.

I'm honestly just too lazy to post other links, I know you'll love this one: icaact.org


laziness is going to be an obstacle in your situation...

sounds like you should try to get an interview with jesse beltran

in your situation you have a lot of questions, and you can find answers at least for yourself

so make a list of questions, then put them in order of most important to least important, then start getting answer, let me nkow how it goes.

the steemit blockchain and other blockchains are your friend as you don't want to be censored.


Catherine Austin Fitts sums up how I feel about bitcoin/blockchains right now really well: When you have a government structure that's invisible, doesn't have integrity and is controlling you through physical force, there's no such thing as a 'financial solution' to that. Because if I control the physical world, the hardware, train tracks, cables that go underneath the ocean, the satellites in the sky...I'm in control.

sounds like you should try to get an interview with jesse beltran

in your situation you have a lot of questions, and you can find answers at least for yourself

so make a list of questions, then put them in order of most important to least important, then start getting answer, let me nkow how it goes.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm not looking for interviews or reaching out to other TIs right now I just want to make more redditors aware of this inhumane program, our justice system is corrupted and that's all I need to know.

fwiw for the record, I am a targeted individual, but so far I have no proof or reason to believe it is of the emf->biology variety.

I have been followed and harassed by people trying to bait me into crimes, fake friends, fake girlfriend, fake roommates, fake coworkers.

My car's computer was somehow destroyed twice in a year, the second time on an icy road in traffic, which threatened my life. And it cost around 2600 dollars. I suspect israelis may do this to people they consider supressive.

Other strange internet and phone occurances are so common I could never list them all, although I go through some of it over at steemit, ie analysis of a comprimised system.

But you should read my privacy workshop over at steemit, I hope it is at least informative and that my can-do attitude is contagious.

lmk if things get wierder. also, you can't know it's the united states, i believe the current israeli regime would do this to people it didn't like in a split second.

If you think it is from some electronics then perhaps you should more to a place like this. https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2013/10/08/218976699/enter-the-quiet-zone-where-cell-service-wi-fi-are-banned

And what makes you so special that would warrant a "Targeting"?

One question that hasn't been answered here, and I'm generally curious, as I guess with current technology, most anything is possible.

Why would they target you and your family? Was there a particular event where they decided, "better fuck this guy and his whole families shit up"?

Some people are generally curious here... and I don't think the answer "lots of people are targeted" is any kind of answer or reasoning. Do you know why you're targeted, or do you just feel like you are?

DO NOT see a doctor, anyone here advocating on behalf of pill-pushers, are the ones who need help.

In in the same boat with you. I don't get tortured much with pain, but the voices etc... Are around almost all day saying nonsense phrases. My brain has been mapped, that's how they do the pain/pleasure from saved pain in your past through the brain. I basically no longer can think for the most part because they are ahead of my brain.

They've told me that ... I forgot what I was typing (happens alto when I have any profound thought.)

Its basically witchcraft and Satanism mixed with tech from the devil himself. Being mapped digitally on an atomic level is a scary thing. They change my body around too, including bones. I woke up once and I looked healed of all ailments and then watched myself deteriorate back.

It has something to do with the djinn as well. The people doing this are ahead of time and use the same tech they torture people with to talk to eachother and swarm people with no verbal communication. There is no race involved either. Ive been stalked by black/white/Asian/Jewish/men/women/gays etc... Its worldwide.

Watch A Beautiful Mind now that you know about this stuff. He wasnt a schizo either. Watch some docus and intetbiews with him. He says the Olly thing that will be able to save us now is a miracle.

Just because you dont believe in it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could say the same thing about mental illness, just cuz people believe there's something wrong with someone's brain without any physical evidence doesn't mean it's true, but are mere opinions and speculations.

You described somebody who is slipping into serious issues, and I encourage you to seek help

Learn about technologies that can influence people from a distance, I described a victim of electronic warfare.

I've never talked about my co-workers or boss or a whole city being in on it so who's trolling now.

I'm honestly just too lazy to post other links, I know you'll love this one: icaact.org
