I do not post this lightly

1  2018-06-04 by Weareone2

Hi guys. I have thought about making this post for quite some time. I was reluctant and have really gone back and forth. Well. Now after reading about this Tucson Arizona thing. I think it is time.

A bit about me. I came onto this sub about 8 years ago now. I am nowhere near the veteran status as some users on here are. But. I have been here for a while now. I really enjoy this place. Always have. What brought me here was my initial discovery of David Icke. I am bit different than most people. Gullible most of the time, as my friends and family have put it. But. I always liked to think I was just really really open minded.

My wake up was rather quick. I read one article about how the corporate parties were owned by the same people. Ten minutes later I was naked in the corner yelling, "IT IS THE LIZARD PEOPLE!!!" Parents had me committed to a mental health institution. Lost everyone that I considered a friend at the time. Went through some pretty tough lonely times throughout my early twenties. I had thought at the time i had lost it all. I graduated college with barely anything. Nearly lost my room in parents house cause i was talking about inner earth and all sorts of whacked conjecture. Damn near lost my first position loading hardware boxes cause my supervisor could not stand how I scared all the new employees.

It was a rough time. I wasn't quite ready for just how close minded people really were. As the years passed I healed my relationship with my family and they admitted while certainly my beliefs were nuts. They had seen a major mental flip from a depressed mindset to a very optimistic and happy mindset. While they still call me crazy, they certainly are happy that I have found meaning and connection in existence. Not only that but i gained some of my friends back after chasing them away. Lol. They still think I am nuts, but hey they keep telling me I keep it interesting and they certainly enjoy having someone around who doesn't just talk about sports.

But thats just a bit of insight to my personal life. A brief introduction to anyone who is discovering conspiracies. Remember. You might be ready. Most are not. Keep that in mind at all times.

Now. Where is he going with this for those of you who are reading? I do no expect this post to make it anywhere in this sub. As the real users will be the ones commenting on it. You all know who you are. I love you SOBs. Bastions of knowledge and fortitude that keeps the NWO shaking in their boots. They hate informed slaves. As we all know.

This Arizona thing really hit me. Looking at the posts and the comments and everything on it...really struck a chord. You can tell who is legitimately here. You can tell who might not be. But you can also see the redundancy and see the patterns. Im not here to point it out, this post is for the vets who just get it. We all remember what this sub came from.

WE used to talk about raising consciousness with psychedelics. The possibility of Reptilians. Aliens in Egypt. Inner earth. Wild esoteric conspiracy. We all know it. We all love it. Maybe not all believe in it, but we agreed to disagree and kept the comments and everything civil. Thats gone now. Completely. We now have malicious attacks. Useless comments. Finger pointing. You name it. We got it. I think it started with that stupid Benghazi (ill probably have comments on here saying "NO. SHES GUILTY"...guys this is the crap I'm talking about) in order to paint a good vs. evil picture. But. I dunno. This post isn't about that.

When I first came here this was a true conspiracy sub. Respectful. People came here to share very controversial ideas to have entertained and researched. From Holocaust revision to the existence of the Archons. We had a free speech platform. It was great. They knew we did. That is why we are here today. This isn't happening because the conspiracy theorists lost. We won a major battle. Not the war. A major battle. That was getting humanity to 2012 without those god forsaken chips in us. Not this sub personally. But all of our collective efforts and what we have faced and done; kept them off our backs long enough to get to the awakening. Like I said a battle we could very well still be chipped and the NWO can prevail.

I do not post this lightly. Have never once said or thought we were actually making a difference. But. We are. Look at the subs inorganic growth. Look at all the people you talk to on regular basis who are beginning to see it. Humanity is entering a new phase. We will get there. In time. It will not happen overnight and not without struggle. But. For all my vets and new guys reading this, be aware that we did not just roll over. Much fighting and resistance must occur. Hopefully this Arizona thing will begin rallying people to show them their true power. These elites cannot operate without our involuntary consent and that...they are beginning to lose.

Glad to be with you all :). I wouldn't have had it any other way. Oh and if TMOR links to this post to mock me or whatever. Who cares....they look pretty small from where they are nowadays. Keep fighting everybody. The Truth is winning and the lie is becoming what it is. A Lie.


I can relate to this a lot, thanks for the positivity it is winning

Thanks for posting! We truly are in the Great Awakening/Unveiling.

Thanks man. I knew you'd be here. The Great Awakening has begun.

Q is a fraud.

What does Q have to do with what I said?

i'm no the one who made the comment, but it's probably just because the subreddit called "great awakening" is very, very q-related

No. Q is a fraud.

i wasn't disputing that

I see. Well, I've been discussing the Great Awakening/Unveiling on here, long before Q or that sub. We enter it, in 2012. Just to give you an idea.

i hear ya

Q is COINTELPRO version 2018. Identify the nascent social movements. Build credibility within these movements. Create fissures in the movements, purity tests, and factionalization.

They have coopted the name and the concept of Great Awakening for this.

Whoever is behind it is very good at 'cold reading' for large groups. It's actually quite an amazing talent. I wonder if this large narrative is being used to test out this technique for future smaller 'cold readings' or if this is the culmination of research into the technique.

Confirmed: Long Island Medium = Q

Cold reading is used by many, psychics are just most famous for it.

The Cabal more than likely. But i haven't a clue don't really follow Q a all.

Is it that, or is it just a matter of hiring people on the inside to read the group?

Can you try explaining what you're trying to say?

When LE wants to understand what's going inside a secretive group of any kind, large or small, a common tactic is to turn/hire an insider for information.

What does that have to do with cold reading? Are you implying an insider in the white house or 4chan?

Implying? Hardly. I am stating it outright. It is a flat certainty. The hacker world and the NSA have always heavily cross-pollinated.

Ok, get back to me when you learn to read and write.

shrug Your ignorance is showing and you are embarrassing yourself in public.

I'm willing to talk to you, you're just not making sense.

You seemed to understand what I was saying perfectly well.

Are you implying an insider in the white house or 4chan?

I was asking which one of those two, and you've yet to make it clear. Considering those are the two organizations in this, no, I didn't understand perfectly. I also think the idea of a 4chan insider is stupid and I'm incredulous of a white house insider.

Well it's both.

The WH insider is a given. Hell, Trump's campaign was infiltrated by LE since 2016. It would be silly as fuck to think this changed since then.

As for 4chan, well, all the hacking groups are well-penetrated by LE. Carolyn Meinel pointed this out many years ago as well as ESR multiple times. There is a steady cross-pollination as well as informants and snitches. The NSA and CIA both hire regularly from the greyhat/blackhat communities. Plus, let's not forget that the internet itself was a DoD project, and the cornerstones of secure communication like PGP and Tor are straight-up Fed projects. Bitcoin may be as well.

If you don't believe me, that's fine. Just file this conversation away and keep it in the back of your mind. You'll see sufficient confirmation over time.

I'm not doubting there is infiltration by someone in each of these groups. However, we were talking about the identity of Q, and whether they were performing cold readings or have actually infiltrated one of those two groups.

He is.

ScollyD is a shill

Removed. Rule 10.

Ten minutes later I was naked in the corner yelling, "IT IS THE LIZARD PEOPLE!!!"

I'm sorry but I find this hard to believe, unless you're just being a bit extreme.

I have thought about making this post for quite some time. I was reluctant and have really gone back and forth.

You realize you could've posted this anytime you wanted to right? What specific evidence in the Arizona case makes you think there is actual child sex trafficking going on? I'm all for an investigation, but I'm still quite skeptical.

I'm not sure how this post has 9 upvotes.


speak of the devil and he shall appear


Sorry I'm a little late

Never on time, but always on point. I like the cut of your jib, beezlebub.

"I beckon that he may so I can split him ear to ear."

u/Weareone2 - you mean posts kinda like this right?!

No offense. I think you're missing the main point to this whole post, and the thought that Weareone actually put into writing a thoughtful piece to share with people who have similar interests.

It has 10 upvotes because not everyone is beyond critical and so focused on their own agenda that they can't see someone who just truly appreciates the community and wanted to share that.

It's good to be critical, and ask questions, or course. Humanity would be nowhere without it.

Yes. Weareone. Think wisely and critically always.

It's good to be critical, and ask questions, or course.

So then what's the problem? Also I have no agenda here. I'm all for a little morale boost. It's not like I downvoted him. I just don't believe that he was naked on the floor screaming about reptilians

Could be hyperbole.

If "conspiracy theorist" were just laughable fools as the mainstream media would like everyone to believe, then there would be no need for things like Cass Sunstein's "cognitive infiltration" of conspiracy forums, the military cyber brigade sockpuppet accounts and not one but two 2016 presidential candidates discussing gatekeeper Alex Jones.

Discussing state sponsored crimes and conspiracies are definitely a threat to the corruption on which the Western power structure is built. Keep at it.

If you start a thread about the Tuscon trafficking camp on T_D, it gets removed. Plus any mention of it in other threads.

Precisely. I've not seen that before. 7 years of this place. This is a new era.

No surprise. Admins have been looking for any excuse to shut down that sub.

I have a feeling that makes the sub more likely to get a pass by admins.

Have you forgotten who the CEO is?

I don't know about that. Tucson threads come up regularly on T_D, plus I see mentions in other threads.

Try not to let things get too personal for you.

I know that it's always going to be personal, as it affects our daily lives, but it's important to take a step back, collect yourself, focus on your strategy to move forward, and then act on it.

As the days go by this story will pick up momentum, i.m.h.o., and then we can use all these threads as a resource for context.

Try to do what you can to help, but I think that people need to think about how they can actually help. Because it's never good when "there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians" If you know what I mean.

Bravo, OP

Cool name :)

This Arizona thing really hit me.

Is this a good thing for your spirit?

I doubt it.

Why good people would direct their attention (mental energy) onto stories like 'pedo rings' is beyond me.

you are not doing your mind, spirit, or body any favours by constantly reading these kinds of stories.

And NO, talking about pedo rings does not somehow magically 'stop' them.

You can't solve a problem unless you can acknowledge it. Whether it's a personal bad habit, alcoholism, or something large scale like drug and human trafficking. Obsessive intake of information on these topics without other interests or downtime? Yes, that would be bad and negative for one's spirit. But acknowledgement with the intent to stop it and bring these things to light--absolutely necessary.

You can't solve a problem unless you can acknowledge it.

Are you familiar with the concept of the 'non sequitur'?

non sequitur -

  1. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

Are you going to continue to be logically fallacious (begging the question, appeal to the people, appeal to pathos) or contribute meaningfully to the discussion?

So how does talking about 'pedo rings' in any way stop them?

Awareness. Many injustices in society have been righted through just shining the light of public consciousness on them. For specific examples, see slavery in America, women's suffrage, institutionalized racism, the #metoo movement and so much more. By saying that awareness is worthless, you out yourself as a shill, or worse; someone who thinks they are exercising free will when regurgitating the demoralization programming

Well, there's still slavery in America, but you're correct. The only way for people to organize to stop a problem is first to know the problem exists; otherwise what reason have they for organizing?

So you honestly believe that talking pedo rings is going to stop them?

Are you being serious?

Do you believe not talking about them will stop them?

Are you being serious?

Awareness is the first step. Many are still in darkness.

What is your suggested plan of action?

I think you, and the rest of the new age faggots who want me to "not give energy" to the NWO need to SHUT THE MOTHER FUCK UP.

What do you propose we do when the next Hitler starts shoving people into cattle cars? Not think about it? Focus on good thoughts? Try to transcend existence while we're in the fucking gas chamber??? Fuck off.

What do you propose we do when the next Hitler

We can only dream.

Removed Rule 10

I think you, and the rest of the new age annoyances who want me to "not give energy" to the NWO need to rethink your stance

What do you propose we do when the next Hitler starts shoving people into cattle cars? Not think about it? Focus on good thoughts? Try to transcend existence while we're in the gosh darn gas chamber??? please go away

Better? No more rule 10 violations, right?

Yes. That is much better.

To be clear; it was the overall angst in your comment and the homosexual slur that got it removed. I appreciate your rewording your comment.

Differing opinions are fine, just keep it civil.

The entire point of my post. Civility and keeping the demeanor at the level of agree to disagree. We're all adults. All have experiences. This place used to do that.

I actually agree with you on this one. It's not that pedo rings don't exist, and its not that they aren't horrible, because they are, but they're ultimately only symptomatic of a deeper and broader disease in our societies.

We need to acknowledge them and do what we can that all such violence cease, but focusing the dark aspects of our society as it is is like staring at an accident on the side of the road: we tend to manifest what we think. Instead, we should be focusing on the types of communities we want to build.

I agree, but to do that, we have to get rid of the poison in our communities now.

.....I'm sorry you missed my point. You're the type of user my rant is about.

So...you promote ignorance?

Ignorance of what?

Um. Well. You missed my point. But have a great day :)

Thanks for this my friend! Took a break for the last few days, paddled out to an island and camped. It was a well needed break. Came back to the realities of this world today and immediately was bombarded a million times over by the negativity I escaped. My soul has been crushed. I needed this. Thanks for the slight pick me up.

I think if you genuinely and factually talk about the media, people's eyes start opening!

Complete and utter corruption not in our favour.

I agree, a difference has been made. It is taking maximum effort for them to keep up their illusionary realities. But just like the great magicians of the past, everyone now knows how the tricks are done and only those that truly want to be deceived are.

Your story sounds pretty rough though. I hit my point where I re-evaluated everything I knew. Then I fell for some stupid shit like ormus and pyramid power. I probably looked pretty stupid to my friends and family. But later I was pretty pissed that I allowed myself to be deceived and it was just another step in my journey in learning how to vet information.

What did you read that made you believe in lizard people in 10 minutes time?

LOL trying to get a read of that myself, David Icke was ok I think he is trying to be tongue in check with his lizards=certain group of people theories, just silly when you really think about it. Since learning about "alternative" or "conspiracy" theory I think I have become more pragmatic and lizard people isn't practical

I didn't complete exaggeration.

I don't know why people are downvoting you. You were just using hyperbole to express an idea. It's not easy to describe the roller coaster you went on. Chill out folks.

People are quick to point out fallacies to gain a grain of high ground. Ignorance to the obvious exaggerations and derails the point. So frustrating.

Precisely why I posted this. We never had that when I first started.

Haha, well...have you ever watched a Dick Icke video? all you'll ever need to be convinced.

Actually I have seen a few things with that guy. I'm still not convinced.

A mutinous spirit is the source of independence.

There is no reason to submit to any authority! The holy spirit of the cosmic vagina or the countless openings to zero-point energy is everywhere, you are infinitely powerful and you have every right to be suspicious of anyone and anything, including yourself! Constructive paranoia is the natural state of all life, there is certainly a way to group up and not murder each other and be friends/partners whilst doing this.

Damn that resonated with me. Nice man.

Hey, thanks for posting this. I'm not a vet here, but I feel like I am in my own life. I had a teacher once, and we talked about a lot of things. He was great, but could see I was struggling. I'd told him things like, "the school isn't trying to really teach. It's just short-term memorization for tests to impress the government". I hadn't really read anything about it, just kind of picked it up, I guess. I wa 15. One day he told me, "you're depressed because you see things how they are, and don't know how to fix them".

So... I had/have an autoimmune disease. Treatment was rough and didn't really work. Fucked up my body. I listened to doctors, and at 24 went into a steroid psychosis. It was around the Snowden stuff, so of course that was a part of it. My mind went to a different place, and I felt a freedom I've never felt. I thought the government was following me, and that my dad was going to hurt me. I called the police and ran away from home (another note-- the police are shit at mental illness. They could have stopped me and prevented a bunch of shit). I lost my dog, took my sisters wallet. Stole a bunch of shit from Walmart. Stopped in poor neighborhoods and homeless camps and gave out the stuff I stole (body wash, clothes, food, etc), I felt connected to the Universe and that I was doing the right thing.

I sped in the shoulder to get to where I was going. I didn't know where until I saw a couple walking. I asked if they wanted a ride. Took them to their house. Her name was Mary, and he went by Snoop. I gave them some shit, and remember telling them I was channeling Jesus and MLK Jr... And she said, "Yes. Yes you are." We smoked a bit, and talked about corruption and the system and all kinds of stuff...

I left and went to a gas station. I got the feeling that a man in a van had a $100 with a chip in it. I asked him where it was. He indeed paid with a $100. He was confused and didn't speak English very well. I went inside, and calmly explained that we need to get the chip out of the bill. They called the police. The police show up, tell me to lean over my car. The car is covered in pollen, so I ask if I can lean on the wall since I'm allergic to pollen. They threw me on the ground, cuffed my wrists and ankles. I was screaming... One dude came over and asked how I was and if I was okay. The police shooed him off... I was having trouble breathing and asked one of the cops to get my inhaler from the car. "SO, you're giving permission to search the car?" I didn't give permission, so they tossed the car anyway.

They took me to a hospital. The only thing I tested positive for was the weed that I had AFTER the psychosis. I ended up staying in a mental hospital for 3 months. They took me off of the steroids. Had so many legal troubles. My adrenals were shut down so my skin dissolved. The years recovering were hell. I left my body to escape the pain.

It's been about five years. I've always believed things could get better. I've only been coming to this sub for about a year, but I know what's real and what isn't. I believe there are forces of good working just as hard as those that are bad. I can acknowledge that things are fucked, but it doesn't damage my spirit to do so. If anything it's pretty freeing, you know?

Yes i do. Thanks for sharing. Very deep. I was hoping to get people talking deep once more. We have lost that in our sub. Troubling. Really. Glad to know you are better and safe :).

It's have such a need to go deep, like I actually thrist for it. I don't get it from people around me, so I stand at the register and wax philosophical at the register with customers. I've had some great I counters that way. I can sense if they're open to it.

I recently was talking to this Redditor that's huge on MAGA, and was basically condescending af. I got some perspective from an elder customer who was a banker. Do you mind looking at my comments and telling me what you think?

Sure. Working working. Will later.

Thank you :)

Hi! I got deep in your threat. The user I was trying to talk to is aenigme if that makes things easier. I think the problem could be that they seriously lack imagination. I doubted myself and probably didn't communicate everything properly, but I don't think it was worthy of such a dressing down. I did ask them to explain themselves without condescension, but didn't get far with that.

Our world is a lie created to control us. And for "them" it's getting to be a power struggle and they don't like that. Thank you internet. Gone are the days of everyone being docile sheep.

Occult rule~ only share your opinions when they ask. If they are not ready and you reveal your research or thoughts, it might not only push them in the opposite direction, but they may also look at you differently (and take any thing you say from then on with less value). Also, there is the chance they use the information you have given them, improperly (not checking your sources/research and just regurgitating sound bytes without understanding).

Wait. Wait for them to ask or for it to come up organically. Do not throw pearls before swine. I know it's exciting to talk about each new thing you discover, but just wait for it's time. Each person has their own lessons they are learning, if they seek advice during their time - that is the proper time.

Damn straight. Thank you!

Cheers. If anything the flood of questionable users here can be seen as confirmation that some posts are shaking the intended trees. It's also a data point that can be studied and used to further the type of research that visitors of this sub enjoy reading.

great post ...like puttin on an old pair of jeans, it just feels right.

Awesome! Glad to hear it.

Yes! Thank you! I wish there were more of the supernatural conspiracies in this sub, list it used to be. Real life conspiracies can be fun, but people in this sub take it SO SRS BUSINESS that it’s not even fun to debate anyone.

I'm sorry to hear about you being committed to a mental hospital, that had to really suck. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone & that you're not crazy, you just don't fit the societal mold. If you realized that there are possibly millions of people who hold many of the same beliefs as you then you can reconsider yourself sane & other won't label you with "crazy conspiracy theorist" in such a quick manner, especially if you can articulate your thoughts in a clear, concise way with as much hard evidence as possible you may be able to convince others you're not "crazy" & hell you may even trigger cognitive dissonance in some people!

As bad as this sub can be at some times just keep on fighting for finding out the truth, I think as we enter the Age of Aquarius we'll have an awakening on this planet. It may not be pretty at first but hopefully humanity will come out better on the other side! Sending positive vibes your way :D

I know man. I was bad when i was younger. But it has changed. A great deal. Thank you:)

Why does this feel like someone is trying to discredit the very real child trafficking going on in Arizona? Like look at the pedo symbol in this furniture store: https://i.redd.it/qvhm87qvoaky.jpg

And the pedo symbol here: https://truthearth.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/img_5683.jpg?w=497&h=665

The same one too.

But it's cool. This isn't as important as flat earth.

Great post, OP

People have been telling me I'm crazy for 34 years since I awoke to see that I wasn't separate from my experience, that the thinker is the thought, that the observer is the observed. That all is one, but everything is uniquely itself. Every place, person, thing, animal, plant---everything. And with this came a profound love and a creative orientation. That was my great awakening. Crazy, huh?

Yeah man. The great awakening.

Yeah for me the whole Pedogate stuff I've learned over the past 6 months have made whatever depression i've been in for the past few years even more worse. Knowing that these kids are harmed and nobody is doing anything about it on more of a mass scale makes me sleep a little less easier at night, and I dont sleep much anymore as it is. I've thought of taking a break from the conspiracy stuff for a while but thats hard for me to do if im even on reddit at all I'll pop over on this sub because I enjoy being in formed but I think that is what is giving a lot of people depression is that they are to informed but dont know how to go about taking down the powers that be, or think they are more cut off from the world then they really are when really, everybody wants to help children and make sure this stuff doesnt happen to them ever. With that said, I encourage people to check out Justin Payne on youtube who is a guy from Canada who works independently to expose child predators and has reported several hundred people to the police department but with zero traction to do anything about it. I hear yah on the david icke reptilian stuff. I Picked up his "children of the Matrix" book in Barnes N Noble around 11 years ago and its been down the rabbit hole since. I didnt even want to walk into the woods anymore because I thought reptilians from down under would come up and snatch me via their well hidden cracks in the earth that lead to said intricate underground network. We stand out more than in any point in history RIGHT NOW because we have one thing that previous generations never had. Real time communication. As long as we still have that, we can bring about fast, organized change. as soon as that goes away, I'll be a lot more scared of where the world is going. With that said. Just know that another being understands. I just hope we can all wake up more people on a faster pace. I wonder if just red pilling pamphlets on the ground would be a way to start an awareness movement. put some pamphlets around the school.

This is part of the problem. You should definitely be open minded but it sounds like you take most conspiracies as the real story. Be skeptical of all of the information you receive and come to your own conclusion. Don't accept other people's theories as the truth and blame everyone else as being close minded.

I learned years ago to have a healthy skepticism about conspiracies. You can get lost wading through all of them trying to make connections and you'll always be looking for an answer you're never going to find.

Also a good social rule of thumb is not to bring this kind of stuff up unprompted. A lot of people want to live in a bubble and its not on you to burst it.

Even the Reptilians is arguably an allegory.

The allegory to rule all allegories.

The allegory to rule all alligators

As long as you don't look too closely when the lizard skin slips a little on camera, yes. Just an allegory.

Pics / Videos ?

Be skeptical of all of the information you receive

Especially the info from concern trolls.

How inspiring (:

That's why I wrote it. Keep thinking.

Don't feel too bad about about ending up in a mental hospital. Truly brave and open minded people usually do. If You look into this stuff and the occult forces behind it long enough, ever dare to interact with it or make enough waves to get targeted and it will leave a mark on your psyche. Psychosis and mania isn't just a psychiatric condition that needs to be drugged every single time. Not every voice, vision or apparition is a paranoid delusion or hallucination. Often times it can be a very profound and cathartic experience. Brought on by A "dark night of the soul" you have to go through in order to "awaken" and fully integrate your shadow so you can deal with your old self and upgrade to the new. Only the brave or lucky come out stronger and not drugged/mind fucked into a drooling mess. People who think conspiracies and the esoteric/paranormal is a joke or isn't real are dead wrong brain dead zombies. I've seen crazy mind bending shit since I was very young. Stuff that would drive normies and muggles bat shit insane. And I'm an old hat here. This is my sixth account. I've contributed numerous tiny "drops in the bucket" much like yours here. But one day that last drop will fill the vessel to the brim. Then hopefully someone courageous enough will drop a huge rock in that proverbial bucket and it will create the waves that spill out over the rim, into the greater reality to change ours forever and finally shatter the illusion.

Ah your words are inspiring. Thank you.

I would be very interested to hear some accounts of things you’ve seen over the years if you’d like to share? I agree with what you said that not every voice or vision is mental illness. I believe there are real spiritual forces of good and evil that affect us in our dimension in sometimes strange ways. I live in a liberal area of the US and even fellow Christians are hesitant to speak about the validity, frequency and seriousness of these occurrences.

Sure. I have a twin sister. I'll tell you The twin psychic bond is real. It's a thing. It's not 100% psychic bond or anything but I swear that on many occasions I knew she was in danger and full on saved her life. Like pulling her out of the way of a speeding vehicle when she foolishly ran out into the road. When we were little kids she was climbing a tree and fell with her foot stuck so she was dangling upside down. I was far away in the house and had a total spidey sense moment. I knew she was in danger and had to find her. I ran from the basement to her room on the 3rd floor but she wasn't there. I looked out the window and saw her almost a football fields distance away flailing around upside down. I got my mom and we ran to help her. By the time we got their she passed out/feinted. I climbed the tree and got her foot unstuck and my mom caught her as best she could. She woke up not long after and cried for an hour. After that I knew the world was way more mysterious than most people knew and honestly that my sister was kind of dumb/reckless/ I'd always have to look out for her...

Which eventually leads to the ouija board incidents that blew my mind wide open. Back in the 90's alot of girls and some dudes in my hometown went through a witchcraft phase. Most of it was innocent kid shit. Some of them were bad asses who would wear all black with black make up, dye their hair black. It was a fad. They were going around putting hexes and curses on each other. Playing ouija board all the time. Everywhere. At school, at birthday parties... then people thought it was cool to play in the graveyard... My Grandmother (Nana as I call her) still lives close to the graveyard, she's now 97 with pretty much with all her wits about her, she's this super nice wise old lady who used to read tea leaves for people. She was always open to the paranormal and spirituality due to her own life experiences, read the bible and all kinds of books. She still prays for everyone one she knows every night before bed. She's a total gem. Not really superstitious at all. She used to tell me and only a select few people that their was only three things she feared/hated/warned people about: Going to church every sunday/Religions in general (she'd go for weddings and funerals). Aliens/evil spirits/demons. And ouija boards. Those three things she would only speak of rarely and always in whispers and never to anyone but close friends and family. I was staying over at my Nanas one weekend and a whole bunch of neighborhood teens decided to throw a party of sorts in the graveyard. Naturally being a teen and something of a "party goer" I went with my cousin to check it out. I didn't think it was cool or a good idea and really I found it totally stupid and misguided.

I always thought of the graveyard as mine and my families turf cause my Nana and much of my Moms side of the family lives closest to it and we'd always play around and explore it and all around it. We found about 10-15 teens all drinking and playing ouija in the dark with flashlights and lights from peoples vehicles. We found and grabbed my twin sister and told them all they were idiots and should not be fucking around like that in a cemetery and left. Some of them had been my friends, most of them shunned me after that. Called me a chicken and shit. So we made my sister go home and I went to my Nanas to go to bed. I go upstairs climb into bed and all of a sudden I hear my Nana screaming bloody murder "get away from them! Get away from here! AAAAA!" Like blood curdling terrified screaming. I thought somebody was hurting her. I run to her room and find her asleep but thrashing, evidently having a nightmare. I shook her awake. She was in a state of panic. Startled. It took me a few minutes to calm her down. She told me she had the most God awful nightmare she'd ever had, that evil demonic creatures were after her grandchildren and the kids in town. She wouldn't even describe it any more than that to me she was so scared. She asked me where my sister was and I told her I had found her out and about and that I sent her home. She was really relieved when I told her. I didn't tell her about my sis and the others playing ouija in the cemetery till the next day when I kinda put two and two together. My Nana is known for talking in her sleep but no one had ever heard her scream or have such a horrible night terror. If you ask me those idiots opened up a portal to some hell dimension or something cause things started getting fucking weird all over town after that. My Nana started having Nightmares for a quite a long time after that. All the teens in town around my age at the time (13-16 ) started getting heavy into drinking booze and doing drugs. Small towns can be like that but things were excessive and getting out of hand. All sorts of lunacy. Suicides, teenage girls started cutting themselves, teens getting their stomachs pumped after overdosing and/or alcohol poisoning. I don't know if it's all connected to that night but that's not even close to what fully convinced me that some scary shit was really going down in my hometown and likely the world at large.

So i'm sitting at home in the evening and the spidey sense goes off. Twin sister is in trouble. I ask my mom where my sister is and she tells me she's at her friends house but the phone line was busy for hours and she couldn't get through to call there and tell her to come home... So I volunteer to ride my bike there to get her ass home. So my spidey sense is going off hard. Like I knew she was up to no good. I had goosebumps and adrenaline. It was a full moon that night. I'm racing past the Catholic Church and this black cat just starts screaming and hissing as I biked close by it. Could be a coincidence but I think it was a bad omen. So I get to her friends house and I find the front door wide open, Loud heavy metal music pouring out from the house. So instantly I know that the parents weren't home and that a party was being thrown. I walk through the door and I could feel an evil presence. Honest to God, like a dark foggy haze of malice. All the lights are off. No one on the ground floor. I go upstairs to find 3 teens passed out in the living room. I can see candle light coming from the kitchen so I walk in, instantly right when I walked in I see three candles who's flames shoot up three feet high and go back down. At this point I'm like WTF is going on over and over in my mind. I get goosebumps just typing this shit. So I look all around the top floor (it's a huge house) I find my sisters friend (who's house it was) puking in the bathroom. I ask her where my sister is and she tells me "fuck off loser" and continues to vom. So the last place to look is the basement. 5 teens in the common area, three of them passed out on couches and the floor. I ask my one decent friend if he knows where my sister is. He's out of his mind wasted. Eyes beat read he gives me this look like I pissed on his shoe. I'm all WTF. He's usually the nicest guy around. So I turn to the other guy hanging out (me and this guy did not get along, were not close friends)... out of nowhere he just drunkenly tries to tackle me with all his might. I saw it coming and easily side stepped him, he goes flying over a couch, smashes his head through some drywall while knocking over a lamp and breaking it. So I turn the music off and hear my sister snoring really loud in her friends bedroom (knew it was her instantly, she snores like a beast). I open the door and find her passed out drunk, snoring like a demon, one hand on a triangle playing ouija board. i'm freaked the fuck out. I walk closer to her and the triangle spells out "fuck you future_madness get out". WTF. I run out of the room to get my friends attention, they had to see this, I wanted someone else to see so I knew I wasn't going bonkers. Every ones passed out. I run back in and the board again spells fuck you get out future_madness. It starts doing figure of eights, racing from sun to moon, going through all the letters, even does a 666. It starts spelling ZOZO over and over again. Then MAMA over and over again. I start screaming praying to God and Jesus and my sisters eyes open up and they have this sickly green kind of glow, she's still snoring. So I'm all fuck this shit and tap the triangle with my foot and it flies at the wall like I punted it. I picked my sister up in fireman carry and carried her like that the whole way home. At one point she wakes up and asks me what was happening to her, I said "something bad and I'm taking you home." That night is permanently etched in my mind. After that my sister was possessed. Fits of rage. Suicide attempts. Drug and alcohol binges. She's sleep all day and party every night. Finally I had enough and decided to take action, not knowing what else to do I got a bunch of holy water from the church. I go to room where she is passed out, said some prayers, pleaded to God and the ascended masters to help my sister and poured the holy water on her. She shot up like something out of a horror movie. So I quickly hug her (pinning her arms so she can't scratch my eyes out) I tell her to quit partying, and start praying to god, kissed her on the cheek and threw her back on the bed. Then I ran like hell.... After a week or so in bed she did a 180 and I had my sister back.

And honestly thats just for starters. I scratched the surface. From here I'll keep it short and vague and expand on anything u might b curious about.

-Prophetic visionary experiences on magic mushrooms are awesome magical and even useful. Mushrooms need to be respected and even revered. Same with ayahuasca.

-Shadow entities/people are real

-I worked for a German "Chrisitan" Cult, They are creepy assholes . After years of taking their shit I decided to fuck with them for being assholes. The boss their is a known tyrant Nazi/Communist SwampPig. Like a comic book villain. I feel it was my destiny to subvert and covertly undermine and demoralize them by subtly and overtly convincing as many to leave their bullshit cult as possible. it was a process that definitely drove me mad.

-After that I was seriously attacked by shadow entities 3 times. One of them was intelligent and communicated with me telepathically after attacking me and scaring the shit outta me. Never been so scared in my life. I was approached by men in black secret service agents type agents regarding the cult. They wanted to know what I knew about the cult but I didn't tell them anything cause they wouldn't tell me anything they knew.

-8 times since messing with the cult I've heard/interacted with a really strange voice. Its the voice of a kindof sultry professional sounding older lady. It always comes through electronics- Usually the radio either in my apartment or car. It always says "Say Hello" So I say hello. Then it always follows up with "Say Yes". I usually say yes. Not long ago it warned me that the police would be questioning me about a picture I posted on facebook of me holding a gun. It came true. The voice never comes from inside my head. Always electronics. A friend of mine once heard it and it freaked him out so bad he barely talks to me anymore.

-Music is a powerful tool and even magical- For Good and Evil. Peace. Let me know what you think or if you think I'm bat shit crazy town banana pants. 0_o

Lol sorry bro but I feel bad for you. You're so sell deprecating it's disgusting. "I've o ly been here 8 years I know it's not that long time". Get some confidence. Also if a 10 minute video completely changed your worldview to the point where you're talking about lizard people then yes you're gullible and honest by the way you post I'm not suprised. I fear you'll spend you'll entire life fighting this invisible enemy you feel is holding you down while doing nothing of actual value for yourself or society. You'll end up a bitter old man wondering why the worst never happened. Btw this is coming from someone who has been on this sub for an extremely long time. Just chill. Yes this subreddit is fucked who cares obviously post like these still make it through so it's not as if all is lost. You really need to chill and just take a break.

Hahaha. Dude. You missed my point entirely. But hey. Everyone interprets differently. Have a great day :)

I didn't miss your point you're just not that interesting. Also I have nothing to be bitter about I'm not fighting the system

Ah to assume i think myself interesting. Neither am I. Instead I created a prosperous distribution business to show people how the manufacturing industry died in America. While hopefully instilling the skills needed for the new economic landscape. Remember how I said loaded hardware bins? Thanks to this place I actually paid attention to the business model and who we serviced.

Quickly realized distributors and handing companies were excelling while manufacturing and actual creators tanked - should they not automate. But hey. Sounds like you just have it figured out. That sucks.

Cheers man.

Your first few sentences is why you just don't get it. I stopped reading after that. Normal people don't talk like that. Take care

Oh boy you're just a ray of sunshine.

A ray of reality

No you're a complete jackass lol.

I'm on your side brother

I'm not bitter though. I learned to stop caring so much I moved to the mountains and j smoke a lot of weed. I DJ for fun. I'm good

Nice man! I would like to accomplish that one day. You know. Who knows what's really up. I certainly never have. Never will.

Hope the rest of your day brings some good music :).

You need to stop using phrases like I never will or you never will. You need to realize the only person holding you back is yourself then you will grow

You're right.

I dunno. I feel there are definitely levels beyond /r/conspiracy readership in one’s personal awakening. I think it was the conspiracization of the entire political left in 2016 that made me stop and think whether the ‘conspiracy’ narratives behind mainstream news topics weren’t just the same stories with different characters, all serving the same purpose of affixing a beliavable causality to events that don’t automatically indict the individual.

Because, imo, that’s the reality. I’ve found that for whatever wake-up feeling learning about secret elite religions and so forth brings, it’s even more harrowing to realize one’s own personal capability to be ‘that bad’. Actually, i think we’re all guilty of the same kind of wrongs, just limited in effect.

I’ve therefore been focusing on reconciling what i gather from information sources like this one with the notion that these actions don’t actually make them lesser people than me. I want to be able to get inside bill clinton’s head and know what he was thinking when he raped those women, etc., and not come out with some bullshit answer like ‘that’s just what evil people do’. No. That’s what people do, and it doesn’t make them happy. To be able to minimize this and other unsavory behaviors in society, we will have to approach the whole thing with compassion.

I actually don’t think anyone deserves to be put in jail. Nobody was born into this world intent on super-villainy. It’s the last option. The booby prize, and one’s that is only psychologically accessible when you already equate your personal worth with that of others who have committed similar crimes before doing it. It might not be obvious, but people can get downtrodden (and then act out) for reasons that don’t make sense superficially - you need to know their entire personal history to decypher what’s going on.

People need to get to know themsevles. It’s the only way to know others.

I used to rant and rave like the best of them, but after giving that up about 18months ago - I haven’t been following any news except that pertaining to my industry (AI) since then, and i gotta say my entire reality has shifted. I won’t say ‘for the better’ because thee perience ofbeing in my head isn’t more pleasurable; but, i feel like i’m getting better answers to the questions i pose myself.

I think we need to stop talking about the social cliques, ideologies and other social phenomena as being causal to the destructive fuckshit that goes on. Why does this particular individual feel ... safer, more powerful, better respected, more willingly accepted in their social group, financial security, etc.? surely the answerslie there rather than in the doctrines of this ideology orthat one, because it’s not like every member of an ideological group has the same interpretation of it. it’s likely that in terms of the sentiment understood, one persons outlook even under the same system could be wildly different. i would say there are as many versions of christiaanity as there are christians - or any religion.

what does ‘diversity’ mean? inclusivity? equality? it’s all everyone has a different idea, but they all share a similarity - the urge to fight!

but why fight? why so angry? there’s really only one reason - belief in a malevolent god. because if there’s no god, then it’s just inert mathematics all derived from something like -1 + 1 = 0. no injustice there. if there is. god and it is benevolent or neutral, then no injustice either.

once i really came to grips withthe idea that there really isn’t any injustice in the world - and this is pretty easy to work out for oneself, just think of anything that seemed to you to be unjust in your life, and really pick it apart. was there nothing you neglected to do? was there some impulsive moment where a sub-optimal course of action was decided up, perhaps out of impatience? in analyzing my life inthis way, i can’t really fault anyone but myself for the trouble i’ve gotten into. really, everything.

i’ve put together a big list of people i’ve held grudges against for one reason or another and meditated on why that is. my goal is to at least attempt to explain to all these people the error of my judgement and pray for forgiveness. really, looking at everyone in my life this way has made it such that i can’t harbor malicious thoughts about people anymore. whenever i do, i just feel that ‘this is my human limitation at present’ - a bit like how getting hit in the face by anything makes you really want to smash the fuck out of it.

anyway, i liked your post.

Very insightful. Thank you. I was hoping to get deep thoughts on here. We have seemingly lost that here.

Great Post OP


Thank you!

Keep up the good fight, Im like you

great post, sometime i get the impression that the controllers are keeping 10.000 plates spinning all at once, and if one were to fall the who gig would be up. and all we have to do is watch their spinning plates and just nudge a few here and there....

This initial incident, were you 18-26 years old when it happened?

Eh i was like 20. Young and dumb.

This could be the appearance of a mental disorder, the timing is right and the suddenness you describe is a little alarming. Have you talked to anyone about this?

Yeah they labeled me everything. Took counseling. Ya know. The whole 9.

Thanks for your post. I don't come here very often anymore for the very reasons you talked about. This is a conspiracy forum and we should be able to talk civilly about subjects that other people think are way out there, but I noticed also that there are many now who just come here to attack others for their views rather than engage in discussion.

That's exactly what I was talking about :). I'm talking to the organic and true conspiracy users. You're all here and we as a community, not this one in particular, but all of us play a part in bringing the unknown to the known.

You just described yourself as egoist, who sees everyone else that thinks differently 'not there yet'. My understanding of conspiracies is taking everything with grain of salt. Official stories, conspiracies, gossips, you name it.

I think conspiracy theorists and forums have played a major role in outing the elites and banking cartels over the last decades. People are more aware and sceptical , especially about the media.

However nothing has changed , the masses have even more fallen into the false choice of the left / right divide ( Trump / Clinton ) and diversions of the entertainment circus (reality tv etc) and bread market (obesity).

Yes more people turn off and tune out of the programming and get on with their own life and well being , but then seldom care little about the elites abuses upon the rest of the world and planet.

The rich 1% are getting richer (and harder to enter )and the poor are getting poorer , same as it ever was.

The unity that is needed seems more distant than ever.

I came onto this sub about 8 years ago now.

Trophy Case: 1 year club...? Had to ask.

Oh and if TMOR links to this post to mock me...

Fuck TMOR. They are about the most childish sub on reddit. They have nothing original to say, so they attach themselves to this sub because we quite literally blow their infantile minds. They can not wrap their heads around what we discuss. I believe they are frightened of the truth and that is their way of dealing with it...like children.

When I truly realized that the WTC towers were brought down by Controlled Demolition on 9/11 after listening to a presentation by David Ray Griffin, I spiraled into a depressed twilite zone for a couple weeks. My world view and perspective had shattered into a million pieces and it took me a little time to gather my shit back up. I was obsessed with 9/11 afterwards. I ate, drank and slept 9/11...every fucking day for well over ten years. I just had to find out who the demons were that were really behind it all. I've had a couple disturbing PM's over the years and I've been threatened to stop digging into it. So I kinda understand your reaction, even if it seems a bit unstable. Welcome to the club.

HahHa. I used to lurk. Never posted. But I came out of my shell. This account is one of many.

I've always thought it was only a matter of time until conspiracy became cool... and we are getting there. Think of all the pop culture references and figures that being it up. Everyone is at least somewhat familiar with conspiracy now.

Cake day was barely a year ago...

Stop sounding like a dumbass, “8 years but no veteran” oh look at me please comment on how 8 years is actually more than anyone active here

There used to be much more involved people than myself.

here is something to look into:https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@mindhawk/arizona-child-protective-services-appears-completely-corrupt

check out privacy workshop too, but if you aren't feeling balanced, research into this stuff isn't going to be good for you and you have to take care of yourself first, so do that.

I came onto this sub about 8 years ago

1 year old account


i am somewhat of a newbie to this particular sub, this post lets me know i am in the right place. it is darn good to read a post like this, i feel like i very rarely find other people who are operating at this level. if that makes sense lol anyways i wanna jump out the gate right now and say that i have seen this same exact thing happening IN ALL TRUTH FORUMS!!! after waking up to the mandela effect, i joined the subreddit and shortly after it got compromised. To the point where people literally made a private sub so the serious ones could actually discuss in peace. I joined a few flat earth groups on facebook to try and understand what they were talking about, shortly after i realized that many of the flat earthers as well as skeptics were probably not even legitimate accounts. Side note: eventually came to the realization that many of these conspiracies carry a large psyop/deceptive aspect to them. Not saying they are completely fake but the enemy is very much involved in these movements just as much as we are. I think every one of our forums and platforms has been infested. however i dont think it was always like that. The mandela effect sub was actually very awesome for a short period of time, it sounds like that was the same case for you guys here. Also just hearing about the topics you guys use to cover here makes me sad i didnt join sooner. not sure if im preaching to the choir here or if im about to get stoned for saying flat earth/mandela effect but ya you guys are awesome and i am definitely sticking around!

I'm out of the loop, what is the Arizona thing?

You do sound a bit susceptible to be honest.

If I could give you one piece of advice - just because you subscribe to one conspiracy theory doesn't mean you have to believe in them all.

Used too. Not anymore.

You mean lizards descended from Biblical Shem? If not, you're not even a real conspiracy theorist, you're just a psychedelic fraud and should consider taking your pills

Humanity will enter a new period when we make a synthetic biology abacus start calling shots in one direction or the other. Until then it will just be the Semites who walk around our post-automated world deciding who gets penned up while we all work 12-hour days just for their anachronistically-themed entertainment, not Little Godzilla and his Forktongues of The Reptilian Order

I'm not sure what controls us. I just know something does.

Every animal in the fucking kingdom has rules alright; you're only crazy if you pretend to be

"In a world of normal people, they call you crazy (blue) In a world of crazy people, you are normal" (red)

First they laugh at you, (and they all did, maybe sometimes still do) Then they fight you, (or put you in a psych ward of some sorts) Then you win!!!.....

We are all winners, maybe not the war, but the battle for Critical Mass is achieved, and the wheel of fortune turns now into our favour. the more noise something gathers, the more it is important to investigate the issue at hand. because the hint lies theirin.

If nothing is to see here citizen, move along, would you not be inclined to know what the actual F is going on exactly ?

Right.... and there we go gents, on the train. destination : Justice.

From darkness comes the light, And as such from light can darkness arise..

Good to have you here. (normie lol) haha no seriously though road, but amazing you got here safe and well. Going strong mate, all the best of luck to you (and to you all, we are getting closer and closer)

Wasn't easy. Nor fun. But I'm doing it.

Yes. Weareone. Think wisely and critically always.

It's good to be critical, and ask questions, or course.

So then what's the problem? Also I have no agenda here. I'm all for a little morale boost. It's not like I downvoted him. I just don't believe that he was naked on the floor screaming about reptilians

i hear ya

Never on time, but always on point. I like the cut of your jib, beezlebub.

Q is COINTELPRO version 2018. Identify the nascent social movements. Build credibility within these movements. Create fissures in the movements, purity tests, and factionalization.

They have coopted the name and the concept of Great Awakening for this.