Are we becoming satanic

1  2018-06-05 by SSRISareScams

By being on this forum. I don’t know how many of you are religious


Naw just a bunch of cause and effect going on.

Its not coincidental. Nothing is coincidental

No we are becoming satanic by worshipping the almight dollar above all else, even our morals. By not being "our brothers keeper", all of em and by feeding our materialistic egos... This forum is aye-ok.

g the almight dollar above all else, even our morals. By not being "our brothers keeper", all of em and by feeding our materialistic egos... This forum is aye-ok. But im not religous, so what do i know?

I dont think we're worshipping the dollar or stuff/consumerism, where worshipping Change

If you cant see that you do shit you dont want to do for it and people kill each other over pieces of paper that in reality have zero value (they are just printing this shit somewhere/money out of thin air), I would say thats the definition of "spellbound".

we're worshipping Change

what Change? because all i've been seeing/reading over the past 100 years is the same Machine churning along until the World implodes on itself.

That change is the world imploding on itself now.

A lot of people here are not religious, but we read about religion.

Have you read the Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins? At least read the first 16 pages or so.

sounds like the curse of Caine

Yes, it is.

Not really religious, but yes. As it says in Revelations the world has been deceived and conquered by poisoners and merchants.

The Bible also says a bunch of other bullshit that’s totally wrong, so it’s not like it has a great track record


Like the earth is flat and immovable but plot twist, it's actually right about that.

i wish i could give you gold!

Cures for diseases is a good start

it says in Revelations the world has been deceived and conquered by poisoners and merchants (bankers).


Satanism/Luciferianism is the only reasonable religion in Christianity. Because there is a conspiracy the evil Jewish God is just that, evil.

He made the world intending on Jews being the supreme race with all others as slaves.

Which doesn't make sense when humanity supposedly started from two people. So randomly some children magically become Jewish?

Doesn't make any sense. Not to mention how evil everyday Christians are. Luciferianism has to be the real religion covered up by centuries of murderous religious cultists.

The abrahamic god does have a hierarchy with jews at the top, but if you worship satan youre at the bottom, so that makes no sense

Yeah, but if you go through the Bible, the Jews have blown it again and again and gotten punished by God. "With great power comes great responsibility."

I'm pretty sure there's Civil War going on inside the Jewish faith just like there's a Civil War going on everywhere. Go, good Jews, go!

I think the new world religion will be the Satan chapter in christianity.

But Satan is a good guy as he promotes freedoms.

Wtf. You have it all wrong

Were becoming Mariyln manson

No, we are not becoming satanic as a collective. If anything the world has been luciferian for 13,000 years and now we are entering a period where we humans on Earth (who are basically livestock to the elite) are awakening to the inverted paradigm that exists all around us. It's getting better, not the other way around. We are entering a much-needed paradigm shift.

One thing that religious people are going to have to brace themselves for is the fact that the men in control of religions (and other types of seats of power on this globe) are sometimes aficionados of child abuse, human trafficking, organ trafficking, and even human ritual sacrifice. It's going to be super icky and chaotic when all that darkness comes to light. It will take everything in a devout Christian's power to extend unconditional love and forgiveness to the darkest, most vile people and creatures and entities who have kept humanity subjugated for so long.

Yeahhhhhhh......not sure I'm gonna be able to manage that.

Otherwise, you're right. Things are getting better, not worse. Fuckin' Trump is actually part of it. Who'd'a thunk it?

I agree, we are entering an Order shift.

By defying a Prior Order.

Our job is to rescue the father (prior order) from the belly of the beast.


By defying a Prior Order.

Looks like the beast is winning

I fully agree..

Although I am weary that this 'New' order might be incalculated. I know it is up for debate that the letter from Albert Pike is or is not a forgery, but consider his words on the 'final social cataclysm':

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

What's the quote from?

From an alleged letter from Albert Pike, 33rd degree Freemason, the authority of World Freemasonry, to Guiseppe Mazzini, a member of the Scottish Rite Freemasony, ranked 'Great Master.'

the world has been luciferian for 13,000 years

Where do you people pluck these bullshit figures from?

13,000 years?

The oldest book any of us have read with our own eyes in 200 years old, tops.

And yet somehow the lemmings believe fairytales about eons.

The oldest book any of us have read with our own eyes is 200 years old, tops.


You sound angry, and it appears that said anger emanates from some wounded part of your aura. Remember that you are always free to ask for clarification before going from Zero to Sassy.

I gleaned the figure from esoteric writings and certain channelings people purport to have received from higher dimensional or extraterrestrial entities. The 13k figure I mentioned is from the fall of Atlantis to about now. Approximately.

You are free to provide insight, or your own opinion, or any facts that you've happened upon that resonate with you.

Why does it matter and how do you connect not being religious to satanism? It's literally an oxymoron to someone not religious.

Satanism is a catchall term for embracing degenerate practices that harm human morals and society.

You dont need to be religious to embrace satanic principles

Or reject them!

embracing degenerate practices

Such as masturbation?

Yes, and Adultery, and Drug Abuse, and vandalization of public property, and harming others because you either enjoy it or it benefits you in some way

Were you raised in a Catholic household?

Im saying did the skepticism life and endless pursuit of knowledge bring many people to Satan-like minds.

Not sure what the purpose of your post is, but I am not affiliated with any religion, nor am I an atheist if you are polling.

Do you even know what you are afraid of?

Our history is a lie why are its religions so infallible?

Organized religion is long infiltrated and corrupted.

I dont know i just think we have become Satanists like Marilyn manson

Satanists like Marilyn manson

Oh boy.

I'm not sure what kind of "satanist" you are becoming but I hope it pays well.

I think you need to look in the mirror. You are Marilyn Manson.

Fluoride isn't helping

Thats why you should always be cordial and polite, because everyone is doing the best with what they've got. Until you've walked a mile in their shoes... Or so they say

nor is Gluten, Air pollution, Soap

1980s, Yuppies, Madonna Material Girl, Gordon Gecko....that decade put selfishness and materialism on 11.


Yeah and now we are seeing the actual effects of it

Satanic is choosing or desiring to be out of line with the demands of existence. The commandment "do as thou wilt" is a tough one to reconcile in a world where what we wish or want is often wretched, or terrible, in its doing. I occasionally want to hit someone, really hit 'em, but it's not the laws that stop me it's the moral imperative that says to me "that's not the way to go, no real change gets accomplished by inciting violence, don't do such things just because they are the easier option."If you have a reason to resort to violence, okay, but "as thou wilt" is a very open statement, giving people open options. And as to doing as you want to, I think there's a lot more of that than there used to be. The freedom of expression of our darker moments that is enabled today is really shown, on all sides and in every life. Perhaps we are (or have been) more satanic in recent days, but I think we are only peaking on a (sine) wave. Sooner or later, we'll be left with a better (though sadder) view. 'S a process, ya know?

nce. The commandment "do as thou wilt" is a tough one to reconcile in a world where what we wish or want is often wretched, or terrible, in its doing. I occasionally want to hit someone, really hit 'em, but it's not the laws that stop me it's the moral imperative that says to me "that's not the way to go, no real change gets accomplished by inciting violence, don't do such things just because they are the easier option."If you have a reason to resort to violence, ok

The first thing you said is on point.

I wouldn't say we are becoming more, no, or at least not especially more on this forum. I would say that someone, somewhere is trying to make it "cool". Take a look around mainstream media, movies, they all have it. Everything on the scale from (1) desensitizing us to pentagrams/evil symbols in the background to (4) making tv shows about a disciple of Crowley, to (7) Spirit Dinners or cooking being attended by the A list of A list people, not just movie stars. I don't wish to speculate what would be 8, 9, and (10) on that scale.

I would say we're becoming more like Marilyn manson

If anything we are revealing the satanists

By becoming Marilyn manson

No, we are not becoming Satanic.

Yes, there is a decline of traditional values.