/r/TIL is brigaded by JDIF to constantly have some articles in the Hot frontpage referring to the Holocaust

1  2018-06-05 by Ls2323

Right now there is f.ex. 3 stories in the first page of the Hot section:




I think their idea is to make sure the Holocaust is constantly on peoples minds and being talked about.

This is something that happened 75 years ago! It's not organic that 3 posts make it to Hot section frontpage at any given time (even 1 post at a given time would be abnormal imo)

Maybe an obvious observation but still worth to keep in mind. TIL is compromised (like to many other subs and reddit in general).


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Strategy. Emotional appeal is very effective nowadays.

We need a good reddit alternative. this site is compromised behind saving.

Yeah, that sub never stops.

There's a common marketing trick to repeat stuff as much as possible. With TiL, they constantly post articles about the Holocaust, Nazis, Hitler, or WW2 in general.


Makes me want to throw up.

Lol, yeah I noticed that one. Also blatant propaganda.

How is that propaganda?

Warm and fussy stories about the people in power? How is it NOT propaganda!?

She have sense of humor? I found that funny

Britbong detected.

Had to google that term. No I am not from Britain, good try


It's just a colonist who fantasizes about monarchy.

Just like bidenbro. That sub makes me cringe.

It's not propaganda because there is no agenda behind it. There's nothing to be achieved, even if this is spread far and wide.

There is tons to be achieved!

Like the avoidance of a revolution f.ex. If most of the population have fond memories of the royals (or others in power) and have learned to idolise them and follow their lives in a tv-show manner etc etc. they will be MUCH less likely to pull out the guillotines when shit hits the fan.

The Royals aren't in power, though.

Oh but they are... they are...

not on the surface of things, but don't be fooled.

Regardless of it being organic from the OP's perspective, the only reason left for the Royal Family is propaganda. You can be the one pushing propaganda or the one reposting it. Either way, it's propaganda.

This article about the queen is literally harmless fun.

It isn't harmless when you're British.

Those parasites suck millions of pounds fom our economy, and then they have the cheek to ask for the heating bills for their palaces to be subsidised.

The royal family are far from harmless.

I am saying what she did according to this article was harmless fun

I am of the opinion that it isn't harmless fun.

I think that it's a little suspicious that they have had two posts hit the front page today, on a two day old account.

The account that posted that TIL post was not two day account

It's begging for the approval of the plebs what?

Honestly, are you surprised? There are no British citizens only subjects of the royal family. They view you the same as the royal family viewed its peasantry in the middle ages.

The furthest up the chain that I've ever spent any time in company with is a Lord, and he was the poshest thing I've ever laid eyes on.

He looks down on me like the Queen looks down on him. It's a long, long way, between me and her.

It's sad how many of our fellow countrymen are fine with having an archaic and undemocratic structure to our society where ultimate power is arbitrarily granted to someone based on absurd outdated notions like divine right to rule and noble blood.

They'll defend it based on the whims of tourists or some vague intangible feeling of "tradition"

There's even another one in the Old School Cool thread about when the Queen met Marilyn Monroe.

OMG attractive celebrity meets the Queen! Don't we all just wish we were rich, powerful and attractive too!

(But we're not so lets just lurk on reddit and sniff the throne a bit before we go toil our worthless lives away at our shit jobs)

Not only TIL it’s a lot of other subs. Nobody gives that deep a fuck about perpetuating holocaust awareness aside from JDIF. If folk were genuinely interested to the extend they’d upvote it en masse, surely you’d see such rabid enthusiasm expressed more frequently in other areas of life?

Exactly. Well put. Nobody I know gives a fuck about what happened/didn't happen 75 years ago. And given the demographic of reddit it is extremely unlikely there should be this much interest.

It's not like history is a common topic on this website no sir

Check out Ops profile - 2 days on reddit. Scored 2 front page posts on the same day.

Do you know how Botnets work?

Could just be really good at shitposting/reposting honestly. A lot of the top 1%ers create alts just to repost and get their fix of karma

Honestly? You're kidding, right?

You're on the conspiracy sub, and you don't in any way think that OP's history is a little bit suspect?


Have you looked at his post profile? It's just a bunch of reposts of varying topics, 3 TIL (which are the easiest to repost), 1 askreddit, and 1 pics. I'm not referring to the topic of this thread (Holocaust posts), but rather just one reposter. So yes, I think it's very likely it's just a reposter looking for karma and not some propaganda bot.

Nah mate, I watched that post climb in the highly irregular fashion I’ve grown accustomed to witnessing in botnet influenced posts. It’s about as organic as Koolaid.

r/conspiracy 644,000 subscribers

r/history 13,000,000 subscribers

Lol I think we all know by know who the majority of reddit “subscribers” are

History shills?

History was a default sub when I registered...

It might've been for me too, but I unsubscribed from 95% of the defaults.

r/ahhh means nothing to me, but it a default too

did you get lost on the way to stormfront or something?

"I don't like being constantly barged by state-funded shills"

"wOw u R a NaZi"

If you think mentions of the Holocaust on Reddit is some Jewish state-funded propaganda campaign then you're probably at least Nazi-adjacent.

If you think

  • Israel doesn't push online propaganda, or

  • Not liking of the behavior of a government is the same as wanting to cleanse entire ethnicities away

You probably don't do much thinking to begin with

I think all states push propaganda. I don't think TIL posts about the Holocaust are Israeli propaganda.

  • Not liking of the behavior of a government is the same as wanting to cleanse entire ethnicities away

I said "Nazi-adjacent" specifically so you wouldn't try this strawman, oh well. Thinking that any mention of the Holocaust is Israeli propaganda doesn't make you an anti-Semite, it just means you're echoing their narratives.

If your idea of Israeli propaganda were articles or comments obscuring or lying about the policies and actions of Israel then I'd agree with you. But "mentioning the Holocaust is propaganda" puts you next to a different camp.

I said "Nazi-adjacent" specifically so you wouldn't try this strawman, oh well

Wha- fuckin... "I didn't say you're a nazi, just that you're on the same level as them, therefore everything is a strawman." This is drivel. F-

"mentioning the Holocaust is propaganda"

Why are you choosing to ignore the context of several threads with massive vote counts, several times a day, often more than once a week, full of any criticism of Israel being met with cries of anti-semitism? You really want to talk about strawmen and then pull this shit?

Are you being deliberately dense or do you really not understand what I mean by "Nazi-adjacent"?

Why are you choosing to ignore the context of several threads with massive vote counts

That's meaningless.

several times a day, often more than once a week

That's an exaggeration.

full of any criticism of Israel being met with cries of anti-semitism?

Why would someone start criticising Israel after hearing a fact about the Holocaust? 🤔

Ironically accusations of anti-Semitism are used to deflect criticism away from Israel, over here one of our politicians was accused of anti-Semitism for spending Passover with a Jewish group... because this Jewish group was critical of Israel.

That's what actual Israeli propaganda looks like, not Reddit posts about the Holocaust.

I know what you mean. You want to say Nazi but don't have the stones to even call an internet stranger a Nazi.

That's meaningless.

Um, not in the slightest?

Why would someone start criticising Israel after hearing a fact about the Holocaust? 🤔

Again, for constantly flooding the internet with the same shit about it over and over again?

Are you a third-rate troll or actually retarded?

I know what you mean. You want to say Nazi

So you don't know what I mean then lmao

Um, not in the slightest?

Posts being upvoted isn't suspicious, it's the point of Reddit.

Again, for constantly flooding the internet with the same shit about it over and over again?

Complaining about Israel on posts about Israel, especially obvious pro-Israel propaganda, is standard.

Complaining about Israel on posts about the Holocaust isn't.

Most people don't believe internet posts about the Holocaust are a result of Israeli propaganda, so if you start crowing on about Israel in posts about the Holocaust you're going to look like you're pushing an agenda.

Are you a third-rate troll or actually retarded?

Sticks and stones.

Now that you mention it, the last time that I had a conversation with someone about the holocaust was while walking through a park near a holocaust memorial. And even then the conversation was brief.

The holocaust was very very sad and stands as an example of just how horrible humans could be to on another. But so do the Great War, the Armenian Genocide, Mao's Great Famine and... sadly this list could go on and on and on.

But they all happened so long ago that it's something we learn in school and never focus on again. We have more to live for than obsessing over the sins of our forefathers. It's more important to stop atrocities currently taking place than fixate on the ones in the past.

The holocaust was very very sad and stands as an example of just how horrible humans could be to on another. But so do the Great War, the Armenian Genocide, Mao's Great Famine and... sadly this list could go on and on and on.

But they all happened so long ago that it's something we learn in school and never focus on again. We have more to live for than obsessing over the sins of our forefathers. It's more important to stop atrocities currently taking place than fixate on the ones in the past.

As someone who is a citizen of one of the main perpetrators and had family members who were proud NSDAP members: No.

Just No. And I don't even know where to start? At the point that the Holocaust ist recent enough that we still feel it? At the point that the Holocaust was so deeply ingrained in people that the wound it caused (not the least: Israel/Palestina) is still bleeding?

Furthermore we won't ever learn from history unless we are able to accept the duration of healing it takes to restore basically teh self-destruction of europe. And if we are willing, and able, we could go into the minutes which made it possible that the holocaust (or other genocides) could happen. Umberto Eco wrote a wonderful piece on proto-fascism (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/) and if you have a moment read trough it and tell me that you don't recognize those very rethorics in todays politics.

Nobody starts with declaring: I want to kill 10% of our citizens. Nobody. But somehow we were able to end up at just that.

Therefore the holocaust is important, therefore it is really important to be reminded. To keep us aware of the dangers which lurk down that path.

As I said events like the holocaust serve of reminders that humans can be cruel. These reminders help us avoid atrocities from taking place in the future. We can look at the actions of Mao or Hitler or Stalin and say "these can act as a warning, if we see people act like these men then we should not let them seize power."

As I said events like the holocaust serve of reminders that humans can be cruel. These reminders help us avoid atrocities from taking place in the future. We can look at the actions of Mao or Hitler or Stalin and say "these can act as a warning, if we see people act like these men then we should not let them seize power.

Again: No. We don't need an reminder that humans can be cruel, we need to know the rethoric which convinces us that cruelty is a good choice. Mao can teach the cruelty of forcing an economic system without regard of human live (and his isn't the only one which could teach this lesson), Stalin can teach us the price of paranoia but the third reich stands alone in the bureaucratic precision of racism.

Nobody gives that deep a fuck about perpetuating holocaust awareness aside from JDIF.

Actually that is just BS. Or rather: propaganda.

That second one is about the Congo and Belgium

Yeah I know but I include it because 'holocaust' is in the title. This one might be a coincidence, but then again probably not if you ask me.

let em have TIL, we are winning

How do you quanitfy winning? They have won everything. There is nothing left. Americans are fucked.

Lol we're definitely winning.

No. We are not. We are even about to lose the first amendment. Stop blowing smoke up people's asses.

The information war, the secrets are out

The internet campaign is apparent but the influence in the corporate media is glaring.

Every time a story about Israel massacring Palestinians, Syrians or whomever they are stealing from comes on the news it is framed as "self defense" or a "reaction to" never just reality.

Then it will be followed EVERY TIME by some obscure "holocaust" story. (You know context for Israel's pathological need to attack those who have what they want).

The missing "Anne Frank diary" pages just happened to get "discovered" and widely reported at the same time Israel was gunning down unarmed Palestinians in cold blood in the latest Zionist massacre.

What a coincidence!

Looks like a giant Hasbara bot circle jerk. Sometimes I think they must have zero interspection.

It's almost like the Holocaust is one of the most important and darkest things that has happened in the history of humanity.

True, in the 20th century it easily ranks in the top 20 of worst democides.

Lol holocaust was 75years ago, nobody cares anymore. What about Stalin, Mao and to a lesser degree Pol Pot?

What about the American genocide on the natives?

What about millions dead in Africa due to colonialism and slavery?

Gengis Khan?

There are a lot of contenders for 'the most important' event..

I said ONE OF the most important you dipshit.

You edited that in... nice try.

But even so, you don't constantly see 2-3 stories about Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. in the first page of TIL Hot section. Explain.

I didn't edit in you retard. There's an edit stamp next to every edited comment.

You're right I stand corrected, apologies.

However please address my second point then.

Um, sweaty, none of them are GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE!

nobody cares about the holocaust anymore


the fuck is going on here

Your sympathy card has expired.


Cool didn't know that about the Torah..

You didn't know that, because it's not true.

This is why this sub is split between good discussion and pure trash. Legitimate conspiracies? Yeah let's just sprinkle them with a dash of casual antisemitism and made-up claims about Judaism.

Hmm interesting..

Not really -- some people are just stupid and will believe anything; others don't realize they've probably read the Torah: it's the first five books of the Bible.

It's 'interesting' in the way that I now see two users making opposite claims and I'm in the middle. :D I asked the other guy for proof, lets see if he provides.

I haven't read the bible (thank GOD! lol) and neither the Tora then.

Nothing wrong with reading the Bible: nothing makes you an atheist faster.

Look at his username. Does he seem like an informed participant?

The 6 million number comes up all the time. It was used tons of times before WW2 and has been used as recently as a month ago. It has religious significance.

Pre WW2 https://imgoat.com/uploads/45147dee72/115046.png

Last Month https://imgoat.com/uploads/45147dee72/115045.jpeg

Guarantee you can find references to literally every number between 1 and 100 in the Bible and the Talmud and the Kabbalah.


Nice finds! I didn't know there were that many stories pre ww2 about that number. Most seem to refer to 6 million in Russia.

So now we have 6 million 'dead' in Germany. 6 million in Russia. 6 million in Israel, present day.


Holy shit.

I find this strange. Don't people want to know if their relative was systematically exterminated or died do to complications of the war?

Prove it..


ahh sorry I don't buy into the whole 'commie' thing and anyway USSR had State Capitalism not actual real communism.


You're not wrong: it definitely wasn't state capitalism, that's closer to what the Chinese deploy now -- though, it should be important to note that no real political system is as pure as the words we use to describe them.

But it wasn't actual communism: true communism can't occur while there are still nationstates. I'd probably call the USSR as we remember it 'authoritarian socialism'.

None of this is disputed on TIL as much as the ethnic make up of the Bolsheviks.

What's the difference between 'authoritarian socialism' and 'national socialism'?

National socialism is a term permanent tainted by the Nazis -- burn it and move on. There's far too much connected to that.

Otherwise, it would imply a nationalistic bent of socialism, where as the Nazis opted to focus quite strongly on the nationalism, to the point of trying to establish themselves as the empire nation of Europe.

I'd be generally suspicious of anyone who advocates any form of nationalism: the flag-waving and overt patriotism tend to be a mask something far more sinister than just enthusiasm for one's country.

'nationalism' isn't 'national socialism', which is the comparison that I am interested in. Did Nazi Germany have its power held strongly at the top? Was the USSR 'nationalistic'? Was the USSR 'genocide-y'?

Did Nazi Germany have its power held strongly at the top?

Yes, which is why I think the accurate term for their style of government is fascism and not actual national socialists. The term national socialism is now tainted: anyone who uses it is either an edgeless shitlord or a Nazi pretender.

Was the USSR 'nationalistic'?

Not nearly to the same degree.

Implementations are never pure: the nature of being a nation implies at least a meager amount of nationalism. However, after the end of colonialism, there is no opposite end of the spectrum with which to compare.

Was the USSR 'genocide-y'?

A little bit, yeah. Pretty much every culture has come across another culture and decided only one of us was walking away. History is pretty ugly.

But once again, not nearly to the same degree as Nazi Germany: they industrialized it, while the rest of us were just doing dickish cultural extinction as warring tribes. They did it as a "civilized" nation, which is particularly fucked up.

Sounds a bit like two sides of the same coin to me. Hopefully some day 'actual communism' will become the 'real' communism instead of all of the pretenders that have graced this planet.

Sounds a bit like two sides of the same coin to me.

It's not, and if you can't tell, that's problematic.

Hopefully some day 'actual communism' will become the 'real' communism instead of all of the pretenders that have graced this planet.

The USSR and China were never communist: they are/were socialist republics. They had/have communist parties.

Pure communism explicitly rejects nationalism -- it requires nationstates to be more or less extinct before it can exist.

At some point The Bolshevik party consisted of a certain group of people, you know the usual suspects.

Hey OP, try your own TIL post.

TIL mainstrean historians, including Jewish historians, don't all agree the Holocaust was ever planned - or even known - by high-ranking Nazi officials.


It's because people are starting to learn the truth in that the numbers were skewed heavily and that Hitler might not have been as bad a person as history wants us to believe especially when propped up against Communist Dictators like Mao and Stallin who are praised by, you guessed it, the Democrats...

It's hilarious the more you look into judaism, the occult and the holohoax. Apparently six is very symbolic for the jews, they use it all the time. The famous "six million" is literally just something they pulled out of their assholes and the whole holocaust nonsense is nothing more than propaganda used to silence people who question the media's narrative on the truth behind the National Socialists, it's also now their scapegoat to hide behind anytime you put jews in the spotlight "b-b-but m-muh ancestors d-d-died during the HOLOCAUST! SIX MILLION INNOCENT JEWS DIED!" Nevermind it's been proven that not only would that be physically impossible to murder that many people at the cited containment camps, but there weren't even any actual gas chambers. This is the age of truth, the time when people speak out and question everything.

Apparently six is very symbolic for the jews

It isn't.

they use it all the time

We don't.

Nevermind it's been proven that not only would that be physically impossible to murder that many people at the cited containment camps

No it hasn't.

but there weren't even any actual gas chambers

It's been quite clearly shown that there were.

This is the age of truth

No, this is the age of misinformation, thanks to people like you.

"I think their idea is to make sure the Holocaust is constantly on peoples minds and being talked about"

Lmao, you'll get a kick out of this https://www.engadget.com/2017/04/22/the-last-goodbye-vr/ Not even VR is safe from their propaganda.

Lol that's rediculous.

And to add to that there's all the Hitler/Nazi docs on hostory and Doscovery channels being re-run all the time constantly for years and years (if not decades by this point).

It's everywhere....

Yep, it seems like every time Israel's war crimes get exposed there seems to be a rush of posts online about the Holocaust, trying to turn attention away. The Holocaust was a real event and its a tragedy unparalleled in human history, but it still doesn't excuse the actions of Israel today and its pitiful how Israel exploits it to get away with horrible acts.

All the top admin are all pushing a liberal feminist and Islamic agenda. Much like the mainstream media. It makes no sense but liberal feminist women love the religion of pieces.

What does this have to do with feminism and Islam?

they're both components of the modern agenda.

how in the fuck is "liberal feminism" and islam in any way similar?

I agree that most terrorists are backed by the U.S. in some way or other, but pushing Wahhabism isn't good for Islam in general. Just look at the backlash Muslim citizens in the West are facing due to terrorist attacks; I don't see how they're benefiting besides being attacked. The U.S.'s support of Saudi Arabia doesn't mean it supports Islam; Saudi Arabia is a bastardization of Islam. Btw, Trump brags about the $1.1 billion Saudi arms deal, so is he a part of the modern agenda too?

We'll never cure the sickness that is modern Western society. It's best to take the advice of much wiser people like Henry David Thoreau and remove ourselves, as much is possible, from participation with this sickness.

Don't pay attention to "all" or "TIL" or "topminds" or "thedonald" any other sub that is full of utter nonsense, bullshit and propaganda. Don't vote, because if voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it. Don't engage with idiots, don't breed with them. Keep your list of friends small, the one's who only talk videogames or sports or pop culture are useless mouth breathers.

Don't spend money on trivial things. Money is the root of it all. Save, bet on yourself, learn skills your great grandfather knew. Grow food, cook, read old books, pirate audiobooks. Exercise your mind, entertain uncomfortable thoughts and talk to people who are interested in challengin their own views.

Smoke a joint once in a while and listen to music that makes you think, question and research.

I'm tired of Holocaust being shoved down mine and my city's throat.

Holocaust class from elemtary school to college.

Holocaust movies playing 24/7 on all movie theaters in the US.

Holocaust books in the front shelf at libraries, bookstores, and airports.

Weekly Holocaust circlejerk thread in the front page of Reddit.

Tune to NPR while commuting. Holocaust story airs before you arrive to work.

Holocaust museum on every major city of the US.

Public schools have a trip to said museums every year.

International Holocaust rememberance day designated for last Sunday of April every year.

Holocaust reference in every Hollywood movie regardless of genre.

Holocaust monument in the middle of my city so that nobody forgets.

I live in the US. I can only imagine how bad it should be in Europe. I cannot possibly have the slightest idea of how much worse Holocaust propaganda is in Germany.

Zionists will always want protection - and if you look at the state of society, Zionists remain in power as a high percentage of almost all executive branches of Government and corporate/banking and other industries.. This story is as old as the Roman empire and the creation of Christianity. For such a small ethnic group there is no other explanation for being such a high level of them in positions of power. One day it will most likely be illegal to question any group of people, especially based on ethnicity and whether they gained their fortunes lawfully or lawlessly. It's kind of ridiculous, in most of Europe if you talk bad about Israel or the plethora of Zionists who remain in seats of political and economic power all over the world you'll be labeled an anti-Semite..

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Jews going to jew.

That's why I disown my percentage of hebrew blood, and call myself an 'AMERICAN'. Period.

That's why all people with high IQ seem to be chess-champion anti-Semites.

Got to love Fischer!

"his birth certificate listed his father as Hans-Gerhardt Fischer, also known as Gerardo Liebscher,[5] a German biophysicist. His mother, Regina Wender Fischer, was a US citizen,[6][7] born in Switzerland; her parents were Polish Jews" -Wikipedia; Bobby Fischer.

"filthy, lying bastard people" -Bobby Fischer.

Personally, I told my family, I disown them and excommunicate them for being Zionist neo-cons.

They figured out who is evil after a couple years, came back to the fold, but cant hate them as IQ seem to uncover these patterns innate, while others must be proven via concise and endless argument.

"Wittgenstein's later philosophy, so a Jew is a person whom others consider to be a Jew. Therefore, a Jew's Jewishness exists only to the extent they are considered Jewish by those around them". Hence, the reason these ethno-national conscripts and Talmudic-taliban call any "jew blooded" person a self-hating jew. They are projecting their own jewness on other who say, "NEVER"!

So is r/history porn. They constant post fake Hollywood picture with the same spam message ... you know six million jews.

Folks, we must shame these low life bastards. But do it smartly.... just piss them off without using words like jew or kike.

Israel is the biggest cancer in the universe headed by a hard core thief.... who is bro of con artist trump

That's terrorism

They just want us to get it right this time I guess

TIL has been a shitshow for a while. Like most defaults, I had to unsub because it's just full of astroturf and bullshit.

Judeah declared war on germany before they were put into camps. It was a standard wartime practice. The US did with the Japanese as well.


That the goal was extermination is a lie. It is war propaganda that is used to this day to help justify the apartheid state of israel.

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The holocaust was very very sad and stands as an example of just how horrible humans could be to on another. But so do the Great War, the Armenian Genocide, Mao's Great Famine and... sadly this list could go on and on and on.

But they all happened so long ago that it's something we learn in school and never focus on again. We have more to live for than obsessing over the sins of our forefathers. It's more important to stop atrocities currently taking place than fixate on the ones in the past.

As someone who is a citizen of one of the main perpetrators and had family members who were proud NSDAP members: No.

Just No. And I don't even know where to start? At the point that the Holocaust ist recent enough that we still feel it? At the point that the Holocaust was so deeply ingrained in people that the wound it caused (not the least: Israel/Palestina) is still bleeding?

Furthermore we won't ever learn from history unless we are able to accept the duration of healing it takes to restore basically teh self-destruction of europe. And if we are willing, and able, we could go into the minutes which made it possible that the holocaust (or other genocides) could happen. Umberto Eco wrote a wonderful piece on proto-fascism (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/) and if you have a moment read trough it and tell me that you don't recognize those very rethorics in todays politics.

Nobody starts with declaring: I want to kill 10% of our citizens. Nobody. But somehow we were able to end up at just that.

Therefore the holocaust is important, therefore it is really important to be reminded. To keep us aware of the dangers which lurk down that path.

As I said events like the holocaust serve of reminders that humans can be cruel. These reminders help us avoid atrocities from taking place in the future. We can look at the actions of Mao or Hitler or Stalin and say "these can act as a warning, if we see people act like these men then we should not let them seize power.

Again: No. We don't need an reminder that humans can be cruel, we need to know the rethoric which convinces us that cruelty is a good choice. Mao can teach the cruelty of forcing an economic system without regard of human live (and his isn't the only one which could teach this lesson), Stalin can teach us the price of paranoia but the third reich stands alone in the bureaucratic precision of racism.

No. We are not. We are even about to lose the first amendment. Stop blowing smoke up people's asses.