Why modern music is awful

1  2018-06-06 by calliflower

The truth why modern music is awful

Have you ever felt like all songs which you browse through on the car's radio sound the same ?

Have you ever noticed the amount of comments below modern music videos on youtube and that go along the lines of "what happened to music ?", or comments below music videos from any time until the 90s "i'm only 14 and this is the music I love most".

Well, the attached video shows how today's music is junk. It turns out very most modern pop songs are written by only 2 guys. Music has become a commercial, consumable item, just like any other commercial product. They have to minimize the costs, maximize the profits, and market the product hard so it sells more. It has a limit consumption date, and once expired, you never hear the song again, and they promote the next one.

They did the same with with art, by the way, which has been replaced with "contemporary art".


Thanks. There is definitely a conspiracy to destroy and co opt the cultural impact of music.

The masses are stupid.

Pop music is designed to appeal to the masses.

This isn't brain surgery, folks.

Ooh shilling your content today, again, do you have a quota to meet? Is server time getting pricey?

Music is fake bro.. have you actually seen the guitar hook up to the amp? How do you know the amp isn't a computer?

I can't see the sound come out the speaker? how do you know its not coming from inside my head mate...

They hacked our brains... this isn't brain surgery, folks.

It's not just that the masses are stupid.

The guy in the video explains how we are brainwashed. They will play their musical product over and over again, day and night, on all stations, all over the world. You won't be able to miss. At some point, you may surprise yourself saying : that song is not that bad afterall.

A good example that comes to mind is that song whose chorus says "havana na na...". I've heard this song play all day, 10 times a day, on the radio, on the TV, at the shopping centre, and in all the countries I traveled to when the song was out (in Europe, in south East Asia, in Australia). I remember telling myself : "WTH! Why is this crap everywhere ? This doesn't even sound like music. The singer sounds bored (na, na, na, na...). There is no vibe, no melody, nothing. How can there be sooo many people to like this shit?".

Well, looks like the video explains it all.

I don't seem to hear it anymore now. We may never hear it again. We may never hear from this "artist" again either.

Giving a sincere argument to /u/Step2TheJep is like trying to gather water with a colander.

Always bringing the most basic and frankly closed minded opinions to us, /u/Step2TheJep. Can always rely on you for that

The term artist and musician are used too loosely today , it really disgusts me , I used to consider myself an artist but didn’t want to associate my passions for creating imagery and music with what is considered art in this day , I also realized I would never be famous no matter how good I get because I don’t have a multi million dollar advertising agency to opinion make to the masses and force people to like and buy my shizzle , that and I am unmarketable, I am a short very ugly man by nature and do not fit the criteria of most Chads in the industry

think about how nowadays it's not even about making art, it's about 'creating content'. People don't consume art, they 'consume content'. Content can be inane as someone walking along farting their opinion into their iphone screen. It doesn't necessarily take any kind of talent.

Just think about what that says....a society that 'consumes content' instead of enjoying art.

When I started making music I would make a ton of content upload to social media get plays and attention , I didn’t look at it as an art , I looked at it as a potential revenue source . As time went on and I realized I would never be famous or even known I slowed the process of creating content and moved on to composition and actually giving a fuck if I put out some crap , slowly it evolved from basic bullshit to what I now consider art ( I don’t call myself artist or musician in fact I keep all my music under tight guard and do not post on social media and don’t let anyone hear or even bother telling people about what I do ) #rant

I don’t call myself artist or musician

That moment when someone asks you if you're an artist cringe

I keep all my music under tight guard and do not post on social media and don’t let anyone hear or even bother telling people about what I do

It sounds like you're at the end of the spectrum where the production of the music is an end in of itself. I commend you for that.

It becomes a problem when people have unrealistic expectations of how good their music is. I could have the best album on the planet, but if people don't know it exists, then what? On a personal level I say leave it alone and don't bother friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. Many artists and musicians don't want to consider themselves a business. While the lure of money shouldn't be your inspiration when composing these works, if you want this to be your profession then treat it like that. rant

The act of creating is always the best, funnest part, IMO. Anything that comes after that kinda doesn't matter.

You should still pursue your artistic aspirations. "To die unsung would really bring you down"

These people are fashion models not artists.

Heil Helmet !

Dude, pop radio music has always been awful my entire life, except for a very brief moment between 1991-1992 and again for about 6 months or so in 2013.

I thought everyone knew this?

The acoustic scene in the mid 2000s was really amazing and there was genuine sincerity making the top of the charts. Now, it seems (((they))) (the Jews who run the music industry) actively conspire to keep all that is genuine from the masses and instead promote filth and degeneracy, as always.

the rap and pop genre's don't just sell music...they sell magazines, reality shows, Entertainment tonight, fashion industry, etc....they all intertwine...most others on on the fringe

"science says I'm better than you because I listen to..."

If you think this way then you are already doing it wrong.

I like women.

I like turtles!

We are in a modern rock/alternative/indie/R&B music renaissance much like the one from the 60/70s. Great music is being made very week and you're just not looking in the right places. Pop and the big labels suck and dominate the media but amazing music is being made all over without them.

/r/popheads /r/hiphopheads

I'm 48 and grew up listening to Floyd, Zep, Doors, etc and am here to tell you the real shit is out there, you just have to look.

And quit with the:


I agree although my tastes are rather different

80% of the time I visit r/hiphopheads they have straight mumble rappers at the top. I remember the sub was my go to years ago on up and comers. The sub has gone way down hill. I just visit hasitleaked to check news/reviews on different genres now. Spotify has pointed me to some new artists as well.

lol, I almost added hasitleaked and then thought that was kinda shitty. Love that sub.

Yeah, there are always gems to be found. What OP is talking about and what is the real issue is that we used to have a music industry devoted to mining and sharing said gems, and they had the industrial equipment to do so, but now they are promoting filth to the detriment of all real artists out there. For instance there was a time when NPR tiny desk concerts were a thing of beauty and their indie music awards were a great way of finding niche awesomeness that went unnoticed, but now the platform is used to promote all sorts of (((politically correct))) nonsense, giving a monopoly to minority musicians not because their music is great but because they are not white men, again to the detriment of the real artists out there. Call me a racist, I don't care. It's true.

Mp3 and Apple killed music as musicians make basically nothing producing new music. This lowers the incentive for new musicians to forego jobs to make music work, and the talent pool goes down. This is also why concert tickets now cost 10x as much because this is the only way artist get paid now (it used to be the opposite, tour just to increase album sales). The huge headliners will always be fine, its the middle and up and coming tier that was wiped out.

I havent listened to mainstream music since 2012. My go to music either underground or old mixtapes, Anime OSTs and Instrumentals.

I went down the Zappa hole the other day and read about his legal battle with the PMRC.

Now there's a conspiracy! Look into the Washington wives sometime.

Fuck yeah. Him and jello Biafra made tipper Gore look like a dried up banshee.

I like the author of this video but he hasn't really solved anything with this video:

1) The 'millennial whoop' is not any different than any other previous genres characteristic elements so not a reason modern music sucks.

2) Synthesizers, drum machines & autotune if used creatively create even more sonic options than guitars, drums & bass so not a reason that modern music sucks.

The reason modern music appears to suck is because people who want to make large amounts of money & fame will always choose to emulate the latest fad.

It's the same idea as the fidget spinner becoming a big thing & suddenly you couldn't go into a store without seeing a counterfeit fidget spinner. The market showed itself & people chased the money. Unfortunately a ton of people want money & fame & will try to throw a ton of shit at the wall hoping some sticks.

Referring to number 2 above actually does have to do why modern music sucks ( I partially lied)

Modern musical instruments & recording equipment are now being manufactured at very inexpensive prices & allows many more untalented people with poor musical skills produce music at a very low barrier to entry. Many people don't even pay for the software through pirating.

Most modern recording software comes with pre recorded musical loops that anyone can drop & drag into 'songs'......therefore homogeneity in music with horrible dynamics.

In the old days if you saved or were lucky enough to fall into some musical equipment what were you going to do with it if you never put time in to actually musically educate yourself? Nothing except collect dust. Nobody was getting laid from just owning a guitar out of tune in the corner. So people got to practicing.

Finally Youtube & cheap video equipment:

To chase the money & fame making a video as good as anything professional is in reach of anyone. They can phony up a "I got money & style" video in no time or cost at all. Dumb people will still buy into it.

Finally there is great music out there being made. The problem is sifting through the infinitesmal amounts of new released music to find it. It's a signal to noise ratio.

Tons of noise & not too much signal. It's time expensive for people to sift through it. So they don't much of the time.

In the old days......people had to be more talented to be even be noticed. They had no chance of just throwing it up on youtube every once in awhile.

They had to play for actual people in bars where people got upset if it sucked too much & started throwing things at the performers.

Now Katy Perry & Bieber just play prerecorded sets of music & hide behind security & dancers.

Mainstream music has always sounded the same.

Weird how we had so much good music and films in the 90s and then post-2000 everything turned to complete shit. I’ve actually been meaning to make a post about it.

Same thing happened with cinema at about the same time. It seems there were so many good movies back in the 90s. Today, it's the same shit, with a part 2, part 3, part 4, ..., old movies remastered, and sequels of old blockbusters. So, you have spiderman, spiderman 2, spiderman vs batman, spidergirl (not kidding, it does exist as a comic book, it may soon be a movie). It seems movies are used more to deliver a political message too (promote feminism, shit on the Christian church, portrait muslims as bad people, etc...), whereas it once was about the movie only.

whereas it once was about the movie only.

Blackhawk Down, Top Gun, Red Dawn, Rocky and Rambo. What about the insanely popular 24, glorifying torture-happy Jack Bauer. That's just the military propaganda. Social messaging has always been present in film, but you only notice once the messaging starts to change from zeitgeist you grew up with.

There is more high quality music for every taste being created now than ever before. If you'll recall, the 90's was full of abrasive garbage. Vinyl scratching, nu-metal (limp bizkit and korn), Nickelback, shitty Nirvana wannabes, Godsmack. Fucking Barbie Girl.

Or maybe that's the stuff you're in to...

There is no quality mainstream music nowadays. Just Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber.

But that probably the stuff you’re into...

All of those still sounded different, had more lyrics and had actual bands that composed it without a big record label calling the shots on how they should sound. Yes, EVEN Aqua and Barbie Girl - the people you see in the video are all friends and composed the track in their home studio with a couple of synthesizers. Now it's all the same 2 swedish dudes. I know from experience this is happening and it's called Homogenizing in the pop music industry. Also see The Loudness War. Big record labels now force you to "sound the same as the others" because it's safe and easy money, and you get fired and blacklisted if you disobey. Heard that a million times from UK producers (mainly trance, hoise and pop plus advertising composers).

And they're all so obviously promoting degeneracy in every form and they use blatantly Satanic/Saturnian imagery in their music videos.. It's disgusting.

Modern music doesn't suck but modern chart/pop music does.

The biggest reason is because the handful of companies that own all the radio stations and music channels are also the ones who manufacturer the pop acts. Long gone are the days of searching for the next Beatles, now you just take an attractive karaoke singer who can dance, hire a bunch of writers and other artists to actually make the song and then have your puppet sing it on all the radio stations and music channels you own.

Still, if you delve just below the surface there are still good mainstream artists, I'm a fan of The National for example. Hip-hop doesn't seem fully corrupted yet either, probably owing to its underground roots, good hip-hop artists still manage to hit as big as the manufactured acts. Kendrick, Run the Jewels and Kanye are all incredibly popular without being cookie-cutter manufactured mumble-rappers, for example.

listen to metal! \m/

Music not shit you’re just getting older and lazier. I think at one point in our life we change into that South Park episode where Stan hears shit coming from everthing he hears because he growing up and you never like the same the stuff forever

It is "getting worse" by design, it's a common talking point between producers, I always hear them complain about it since it's so boring to copy the same track over and over. It's called Homogenizing and record labels force producers to make big singles and advertisement music sound the same because it's safer and makes more money. It's an actual studied and confirmed thing now too. Also see: The Loudness War.

It's specifically pop music though, not indie stuff or smaller labels. You get fired as a composer/producer if you don't listen to your boss and you have to decide between imitating "the sound" and make tons of money or go your own way and never get signed by a big label ever again.

This is a cynical view. I love modern music, as it has access to tools to create original works worth listening to. Plus, we got modern tech, so if those darn kids ear garbage is really that punishing to your senses, you can always enjoy any song every published through a multitude of sources, most which come free with your internet connection.

Psychedelic trance and ambient is my way. Capitalism haven’t ruined those styles and will never be able to

It's called Homogenizing in the industry (I've talked to some UK producers) and they all hate it because they are forced to do it. Big record labels and advertising companies demand you make your tracks sound the same because it's safe and easy money, "you either do it or you get fired and blacklisted, and never get signed to another big label ever again" as one put it. It's either or, and the bosses demand you fucking do it because you're not paid to be original but to make them guaranteed money.

Also see: The Loudness War. It's a closely related concept in pop music production.

Heil Helmet !

It is "getting worse" by design, it's a common talking point between producers, I always hear them complain about it since it's so boring to copy the same track over and over. It's called Homogenizing and record labels force producers to make big singles and advertisement music sound the same because it's safer and makes more money. It's an actual studied and confirmed thing now too. Also see: The Loudness War.

It's specifically pop music though, not indie stuff or smaller labels. You get fired as a composer/producer if you don't listen to your boss and you have to decide between imitating "the sound" and make tons of money or go your own way and never get signed by a big label ever again.