Kate Spade (suicided)

1  2018-06-06 by xolotl-tlaloc

Apparently Kate Spade (fashion designer) "committed suicide" today, by "hanging herself with a scarf".


  1. no one ACTUALLY hangs themselves. there are many more effective, easier, less painful, more thrilling ways to commit suicide - namely:
  • jump off of a building

  • gun

  • overdose of legal drugs

seriously, who wants to hang and for minutes of painful / stressful strangulation ?

  1. a "scarf" ??? bwaaahahahaha... no.

anytime you hear the words "hang themselves" -- that's going to be code for "someone strangled them, and then hung them up to cover.

DC Madam comes to mind, and the most obvious case. this kate spade incident is also going down in my book as another pretty obvious incident of being "suicided".

why as she killed?

going to have to say it's related to #pizzagate / child trafficking.

as a queen of fashion in New York City, she is obviously aware of efforts to bring under-aged girls and boys into the US from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, etc... under the guise of "models" (only to have them pimped-out to New York's "elite".)

Kate Spade knew too much about the wrong people, and became a liability.

Suicided. (So obviously.)


dang :c

I thought when I heard it......who hangs themselves with a flimsy scarf?

Flimsy? There's a reason silk is a sought after commodity.

Yes, people actually do kill themselves by hanging.

Now, as to your theory on Kate Spade being killed - I don't know.

Yes, people actually do kill themselves by hanging.

i would argue that only 10% (MAX!!!) of the the "suicide by hanging" is actually a self-inflicted "suicide". the rest are murders by strangulation.

Well, I don't know what the percentages are on it.

Suffocation and hanging are at 24% fire arms 50.9% stats are from Lost All Hope , suicide statistics

There's one thing you're forgetting that gets classified as suicide by hanging and that's autoerotic asphyxiation.

That's called Hutchence-Carradine Syndrome.

What evidence do you have of this besides your retardedly uninformed speculating?

Uhh I've seen videos of people hanging themselves. I hung myself (would not recommend). It definitely happens. It's not easy to od on pills and die and not everyone doesn't have access to a gun. Rope is easier to obtain. Stop making yourself look foolish by pulling statistics out your rectum. Post some links or don't post at all

Please do not attempt to hang yourself again! If you ever feel this way again, PM me! I'm always here to chat online.

No worries, I'm fine now. Thanks though, your posts are always positive.

Well, the offer stands! If you ever need to chat for any reason, you can always PM me. I am discrete and a good listener. I also genuinely care! 🙂

I'm sorry but you are being extremely insensitive. I have known 4 people who have taken their own lives. Three of the four hung themselves and they definitely did it themselves. Suicide is a sensitive subject which needs to be discussed, but please be more considerate.

I’ll bet the scarf was beautiful. A nice silk design that matched her handbag.

Her and her husband (Who’s the brother of David Spade) were having marital problems. He was home at the time she “hung herself”.

They made it a point to say it was a "red scarf."

a "red scarf."

amazing -- these are details that are apart of an "ongoing investigation" that should never be leaked to the press -- unless, there is an effort to direct the narrative.

Or it's symbolic and possibly a message to a group or person. I find it very odd. Details of the note have been reported too. Something she left for her daughter. It certainly seems off.

Couldn’t agree more. You don’t hear those details from local non famous suicides. Why did they say “red scarf” instead of “scarf”? Why did she leave a letter only to her daughter? Why did she say to have her daughter as her father? Why did her husband leave his house with a mouse mask on two days later? https://www.google.com/amp/s/pagesix.com/2018/06/07/kate-spades-husband-emerges-in-bizarre-mouse-mask/amp/

That’s pretty odd behavior.


red scarf = scarlet letter

Her husband was home? I haven't read anything about it yet. Been out all day. Guess I should look it up and read about it.

How do you hang yourself with a scarf tied to a door knob?

I've no idea. It doesn't make a lot of sense. I've noticed that the last few update have changed it to "from a door" rather than doorknob.

Robin Williams was reported to have hanged himself from a door too. I really don't want to think about it, but I guess it is possible to do this.

Robin Williams was reported to have hanged himself from a door too.

"officially" ;)

Hanging yourself from something like a doorknob is not only possible but is actually common. You don't need to be suspended above the ground to hang yourself. Basically they position themselves so that their body weight is providing the force needed to cut off the bloodflow in the carotid arteries. they then pass out pretty quickly.

Very easily. A guy hung himself this way at the hospital I worked at

Someone already made a comment and described how it is done. So I understand now.

A guy hung himself this way at the hospital I worked at

officially ;)

No, it was definitely legit.

No, it was definitely legit.

  • said anonymous

Her husband was home?

then her husband is probably compromised, and should be regarded as a prime suspect.

I just looked up an article about it. It said she hanged herself with a scarf attached to a door knob. A door knob? It would have to be a pretty tall/high door knob, wouldn't it?

it doesn't take much.. you only need to put enough weight on it to cut off the blood supply. After that you are unconscious and your brain uses up what little oxygen it has left.

Not a pretty mental picture at all. Ugh!

I hear you. The scarf would have to be a long one, but you’d loop it around the doorknob and throw the other end of it over top of the door, grab a chair stand on opposite side and yeah. That’s how, I guess in my opinion one would use a doorknob.

Ugh! Okay, I get it. Not a good mental picture though, but now I understand how it is done.

But how long of a scarf would that take?

Longer than any scarf I've ever seen.

It would have to be a pretty tall/high door knob, wouldn't it?

No, just a normal doorknob. She could have knelt down then leaned forward until the cord cut off the carotid arteries. She'd be unconscious in under 30 seconds.


Autoerotic accidental death maybe? (like that INXS dude). It's a weird kink, I knew a girl that was into that. Creeped me out.

accidental death

hahaha... riiiight :)


Or wine and xanax sometimes its just that simple when they say things "History of mental issues" thats code for legal drug head.

robin williams hung himself.

"officially" ;)

Dude, fuck off. Robin Williams was a treasure.

and that is why he hung himself. bc his true nature wasnt as wholesome. i know, it sucks.

.... What? Depression is a real thing dude

Oh I know. Depression, true depression tends to have a foundation in issues that the person hides for fear of judgment, persecution, and shame.

I hope none of your loved ones have issues with their mental health because you will clearly be of no help to them

I've helped more than a couple down from the ledge, actually. Helps that I had my own demons, and I understood shame. To be of any help to someone, you must have an understanding of the actual spectrum of human behavior. The worst shrinks are the ones who've never been depressed.

you fuck off... i am suggesting he was murdered.

you are the one claiming he was mental!


Not trying to be a dick but when it’s a person it’s hanged not hung

cool, thanks.

Dude what the fuck is this post. Stop.

The only 2 people I knew that killed them selves, killed them selves by hanging

Pills also result in a large number of unsuccessful attempts.

I have a family member who was murdered and then was hanged in an almost successful attempt to make it look like a suicide. Had neighbors not seen two men force their way in through the front door, the killers would have gotten away with it.

very few people ACTUALLY hangs themselves

The exact opposite of what you claim is true. It;s the second most popular suicide method in the US.


It;s the second most popular suicide method in the US.

What about extremely rich people with access to all kinds of alternate and easier methods of self-murder?

Hanging yourself is easier than pretty much everything else. You can do it at home, it's painless and you don;t need any special tools.

I honestly don't understand the point you are trying to make.

Easier than taking a bunch of pills and falling asleep? That's how rich people do it, that's my point.

Do you have a source for your claim that rich people kill themselves with sleeping pills?

And yes, it's easier and more reliable. You need a lot of sleeping pills and you're not guaranteed to die when you overdose on them.

Are you seriously arguing that this is somehow fishy because you think that rich people would not hang themselves?

Most pill overdoses result in extremely painful stomach and head aches in addition to very uncomfortable physical impairments. I’ve known a handful of people over the years that had unsuccessfully attempted medication suicides.

Hanging is one of the worst ways anymore can commit suicide. It is super easy to screw up. If someone screws it up it is around 20-30 mins or torture before death. If they screw up but live it is years of a sub par life.

And yet, it's the second most popular suicide method.

I’ll have to take your word on that. Seems like there are easier and more practical ways.

I am not familiar with that organization. The statistics are sourced from the CDC. Suffocation and hanging are counted the same. I wouldn’t use it as proof that hanging is the second most common method.

I think your brain is suffocated; I can't imagine being such so stubborn that someone refutes my baseless argument with evidence and I just refuse to accept I'm wrong because I'm "unfamiliar with the organization". Seriously? You just said yourself that the stats are from the CDC. Are you unfamiliar with the CDC?

Lol is your brain suffocated? I read his link. The stats used consider any type of suffocation as “hanging/suffocation”. As in if someone killed themselves via carbon monoxide in a garage it is counted the same as hanging. His own source says this ...

Look, you're saying you're skeptical of this data proving that hanging is the second-most common method of suicide in the U.S. because they group it with other methods of suffocation, correct? OK, well since it's about 8% higher than the third-most common method of suicide, poison, then you're implying at least 9% of the ~24% reported here is not hanging but is from some other form of suffocation, like carbon monoxide, etc, no?

OK, I would love YOUR source to back up that implication. I'll wait.

😂 the stats are convoluted. The basis for his claim doesn’t add up. It puts into question the validity of every stat mentioned. Poison? As in carbon monoxide poisoning? As in chemical suffocation...A completely different method compared to hanging. You scampered in here from TMOR go figure lol

When I ask you for a source and, rather than providing one, you simply restate your (baseless) claims and take a jab at me about something irrelevant to what we're talking about, you effectively kill any argument you might have had. And for the record you have as much proof I'm here from TMOR as you have proof that invalidates the data from the CDC.

I hope you have a great day and I hope your brain eventually receives the oxygen it so desperately needs.

My claim isn’t baseless. Read what he linked. Read what I said. You started off this convo by insulting me. Your own userpage shows you frequent TMOR. TMOR clearly isn’t sending their best anymore 😂

That doesn't help your case; if me saying your brain is suffocated invalidates my argument well then you invalidated yours by saying the exact same thing back to me (great comeback by the way). You also haven't proven I'm here from TMOR. I don't care if I've commented on TMOR before, I could be fucking moderator there and it still wouldn't prove that's how I found this post.

Any other dumb arguments you'd like to instigate and then fail to prove any of your points? You're already up to two, why stop there?


I have seen how people hang themself from doorknobs before, in the wire : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJI5EBxdP6k

Dude. Thats a tv show. Come on. That isnt evidence.

Prime suspect: male models!

Extremely misleading quote "ask daddy." Apparently the text was to her daughter and said "Bea - I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!" which is clearly a reference to her husband. There are a lot of true things in the pedogate world of evidence. Don't intentionally muddy the waters please.

Do you have any family or friends that you share this to? Your post is insanely retarded.

I know someone who hanged themselves.

BTW it is "hanged" and not "hung" as I'm seeing written all in this thread, correct?

Anyway, some people don't want to die violently by blowing their brains out or splattering all over the fucking street. They'll find another way to do it, like pills or hanging. I'd be really surprised if your 1/10 stat is accurate.

What is this about "creepy paintings with kids?" I've seen this referenced a couple times but that's all it says, that "creepy paintings" existed. What paintings? I can't find any other info about these alleged creepy paintings.

Robin Williams was reported to have hanged himself from a door too.

"officially" ;)

No, it was definitely legit.