AMA I am Robert David Steele, former spy recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize and seriously pissed off

1  2018-06-06 by RobertDavidSteele

Let's see if this works. I was invited to do this but evidently the arrangements were not perfect.


Why are you pissed off?

Because the Deep State and the Zionists are controlling both the mainstream media and the social media. Here is the long link for what happened to Cynthia McKinney and me when we launched #UNRIG:

...and im out.

Good luck in your world.


Didn't you say in another comment that Zionism is dead? Is this a contradiction or can you explain?

AMA's usually aren't for grilling and snarky interviews. Maybe don't treat AMAs here the same way you treat normal threads. Nobody's interested in your personal cotcha-moments or trying to get a guest to feel backed into a corner.

Ha! That's a good one. How do you expect us to take you seriously when you rail against Zionists but support Trump who just moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem in 100% support of Zionist goals? Do you think we're too dumb to recognize your duplicitous logic?

Honestly, anyone who thinks we can trust a "former" intelligence operative is a disgrace to this subreddit. Let's see, what other whoppers are you trying to sell us...?

Trump is fighting against "the deep state."

"Intelligence is about providing decision support that enables those receiving the decision support to address all threats, all policies, all costs all the time." Give me a break. That might be what "intelligence" does as a clover leaf, but intelligence operatives are involved in spreading lies and keeping regular people from discovering the truth. As former CIA (i.e., intelligence) head William Casey said ""We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." Your job is and was disinfo. Don't you realize that you are completely transparent?

Speaking of disinfo, here is more that you are spreading: children have been kidnapped to be slaves on a Mars colony.

And finally, that the CIA is really bad at its job. Well, if you define it's job as "the craft of intelligence gathering" then you might be right. But that is not its main job. The main job is disinfo and misdirection: layering us in a fog of lies and ensconcing us in an artificial media matrix of make believe BS. And at that it is very, very good. But slowly slowly we're waking up. And we're on to you.

twitter is somewhat controlled by NSA (good) because EyeTheSpy is able to stay on and Jack was given a warning.

lol, ETS is a shill

We'll see. The spy addressed that. I've yet to see how this guy could do harm. In 4 days...6/11. it all comes out. So read the spy, it's free.

if something happens on 6/11 that wouldn't prove he's legit, everyone that's slightly familiar with Q knows that this date might be a big one


I'm going to include a proof....Tell me how you knew the JA code was color codes, he did..Boom...

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Help me solve the puzz Patriot . Come together, like Q says

I'm going to include a proof....Tell me how you knew the JA code was color codes, he did..Boom...

Ooh what does Q say about the 11th of June? Im curious, just lazy ;)

for those who do not know Cynthia McKinney this is an obligatory watch, she is beast in her questioning. she drops the name dyncorp, talks about trafficking, and lost money back in 2006!!!!

Oh yeah Dyncorp has some serious corruption and human trafficking issues! The truth will come out :D

Cynthia is basically a hero amoung the Conspiracy world. She plays no bullshit.

It was before the new ‘hand picked T_D mods’ took over but you are right it was here.

Great link! She is definitely a beast

Don’t even watch the news anymore lol. And it used to be one of the highlights of my night (I’m an information whore 🤣) anywho, you can tell it is a joke now

I feel for ya. I used to love to unwind and flip through the News stations. Then I started to see what was happening, or perhaps what was there all along? I thought I was smarter than my friends and family because I shifted my news to outside sources like the BBC, etc. I then realized, it's showing the same things with the same perspective and that perspective is wrong. "Fuck me" I thought, "I can't trust any of them".

Same here. Watching all the news stations was my thing, I love knowing what’s going on where. I miss the days of just being able to watch and not have to sift through such nonsense.

I’ve lost almost all respect for the BBC.

You want to lose it all? Look at the statue in front of the BBC headquarters.

can you link us?

Googled the exact words. It's a naked little boy in front of an old man pulling the kid up from his arms and apparently anti-child sex trafficking organizations "urge" them to remove it and it's super controversial.

Nude boy with flute in front of bearded man with greek robes.

Thank you!

Sorry, but I would have except I was on mobile.


BBC urged to remove sculpture of naked boy from outside Broadcasting House because creator raped his daughters:

Cynthia McKinney and me

Does know that you are still using her name and riding her coattail?

The Jews

I like you.

Why aren't you angry at the source of *all* the problems? The "god" that's so cowardice it has to attack children and families and hide like a little pussy?

Personally I'd say that's where anyone that really gives a shit should have the balls to start addressing the problem.


Some of us know already but why you decided to come to a site with some of the most closed minded meatheads is beyond me.

Why are you pissed off?

Why aren't you?

relevant user name

What do you think about McCabe asking for immunity in exchange for his testimony? It's seems that if we look at the investigation into the server as a whole picture...the suspects got immunity deals and now the investigators are asking for immunity deals.

On balance I am a huge believer in making deals to get at the whole truth. I do not trust the current DoJ and FBI to make a real deal and demand the whole truth. Smells of a free pass.

Thank you for taking the time to do this by the way.

Agree with getting at whole truth. Definitely smells like a free pass..CNN article did a nice job of setting that possibility up for the public consumption without actually saying as much.

I expect Comey to be next in line for the "free pass handouts" if what I think is happening is actually happening.

Look at all the immunities given with the HRC investigation and nothing came of any of that nonsense. This will be exactly the same, showboating.

First time I've ever seen a showboat loaded with sandbags...

Merely a safety precaution.

That's exactly what this new round of immunity deals smells like. Supposedly they were handing all of HRC's aides immunity to get to the top, yet once they got there they threw their hands up and said "no intent" and there was nobody left below her to prosecute. How convenient.

Spill the beans on George Webb and Jason Goodman...

I will not litigate my federal lawsuit against Jason Goodman, his long-time partner over hundreds of videos Tish Negron, and their primary source defaming me and Cynthia McKinney and #UNRIG, Susan Lutzke, in social media. The lawsuit is at an advanced stage, I have confidence that the judge and jury will watch all the videos and make a decision on the basis of the wealth of evidence that will be placed before them.

This seems to be working, could someone smarter than me announce it in whatever way it needs to be announced since the original is locked down? I will check in here a couple of times each day and answer all serious questions, gladly.

They will sticky it to the top of the board.

Flaired this as Actual AMA in your post title. Let's swe if we can't try and right this ship.

What is your opinion of the sudden change of heart by North Korea? Where they under control of the Deep State/Shadow Gov. all of these years? What's really been going on over there?

Seems like USAF dropped a tungsten rod or two on their Nuclear facility.

Oh wow, I wasn't aware of those things. Very well could be what caused the collapse.

Could this be related to the 'Space Force' Trump was talking about?

Actual rods from god experiments have taken place on the moon with impactor probes.

I remember reading about these in the 1988 near future novel David's Sling

Yay "rods from god"... Knew we had that stuff around. Who knows what Boeing's X-37b has been doing for the airforce the last few years...

This is an extremely important question. The Deep State and the Shadow Government have been using North Korea for a variety of purposes including making money. Colin Powell in his memoirs reports that he negotiated a complete peace agreement with North Korea, only to have Dick Cheney say that he did not want peace with North Korea, Cheney added a number of onereous demands, and derailed peace with North Korea. I am the one that broke the story on the unification, denuclearization, and demilitarization after my 18 February briefing by the Japanese princess who is the royal family liason to NK. Everyone thought I was a lunatic until Q came out four days after my 4 March publication and confirmed it and now of course we have reality. I have known all along the summit would take place as scheduled, Trump has just been mind-fucking the media and the Deep State.

Thank you for the response. I am absolutely fascinated by the entire NK story line. Where they just making money off of the aid given to them or something far more nefarious?

PS: What is your take on Q?

Are you legitimizing Q?

Q has been legitimized for months. There is enough evidence to prove Q is legitimate in a court of law, you just have to look at it.

Sure, but it is interesting to learn what RDS thinks about it all.

Yeah, and I can look at a human heart but that doesn't qualify me to perform open heart surgery. The guy has a lot more inside information than your average Qultist and I wanted to hear what he had to say.

meeting already happened, enjoy the show ...everybody look up eyethespy on twitter

Don't. Just go to Qanon. Pub

Go to both. And look at twitter...eyethespyzone...See you on 6/11

ah, this violin promoting his shill boy, top kek

We'll see. Every day more proofs. You sound like 3 weeks ago talking about Q

he has been exposed by Bill Smith, if it needed any exposing, his vocabulary alone should be enough

and the fact that you (and a couple of others) spam his stuff everywhere is also a good indicator

he's a shill, a LARP, there are zero proofs of his legitimacy, all he spouts he has read on reddit and chans, he offers literally nothing new

Red pill me on your Mars comment. Please support it with evidence.

"This may strike your listeners as way out, but we actually believe that there is a colony on Mars. It is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20 year ride so that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony."

How can he have evidence for made up nonsense?

Those are clearly just markers on the images before they're patched together. Every single one is on a transition between two different frames.

On an island off the coast of Canada, i think...NASA are a bunch of cheap-skate frauds and hacks.

You should go to - Cosmic Disclosure ... and get ready for Ultimate mind blow

Goode and Wilcock are frauds

Maybe, but the things they talk about is very real.

Then why do they never prove any of it?

Where are the Martian camps? Why do you think you're so very special to report on such an event? Were you brainwashed into making Martian claims or do you believe it was real?

You are too fucking stupid to merit an answer.

I doubt very much that he believes it, but It keeps gullible people interested

What am I looking at or supposed to be seeing? Looks like a bunch of rocks and sand.

Find someone who has better eyesight to describe it for you.

What you are looking at here is literally a bunch of rocks and sand.

controls whole planet

accidentally takes pics of own secret base

Hi Bobby, do u q?

I dont think he larp!

What do you think of Musk's plan for a new internet? Do you trust him?

I do not trust Musk, I speculate that he is laundering money for the Deep State, I consider him and his space inititiatives to be an anti-thetical to the public interest as everything being done by #GoogleGestapo (Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia).

SpaceX = CemeX & MineX

Have you ever read any works by Ayn Rand?

Elon Musk reminds me a lot of Hank Rearden.

He doesn't give a shit about politics, he just wants to get his vision done.

Hi! Can you ELI5 (explain like I'm 5) what open source intelligence is and how it would function? And your thoughts on how can such a major change to these awful intelligence agencies be implemented?

My most famous sound bite in the 1990's was "don't send a spy where a schoolboy can go." I just read Jim Clapper's book, and he still does not get it, he says in black and white that intelligence is about stealing secrets. NO IT IS NOT. Intelligence is about providing decision support that enables those receiving the decision support to address all threats, all policies, all costs all the time.

Open Source Intelligence harvests the distributed collective intelligence of everybody, and because it is not secret, it can be shared broadly with repetitive returns on investment at each sharing.

Here is one link to a crappy RAND report on OSINT and then the links to doing it right:

he says in black and white that intelligence is about stealing secrets. NO IT IS NOT.

Not least because stolen, or intercepted intelligence, often turns out to be deliberate disinformation, from an enemy one step ahead of you. This disinfo can seriously harm the party which receives it.

In Word War 2 we had several examples:Operation Mincemeat, Operation Bodyguard, Operation Fortitude which completely deceived the Nazis and secured their defeat by the Allies in Western Europe.

Germany did nazi that coming.

From your writings you view the deep state and Zionists as the enemy. Who then, are the good guys, if there are any, and what exactly are they doing to combat the evil?

How do I go about landing one of those cushy deep state controlled jobs? I wouldn't mind being as rich as Zuckerberg.

The Chabad Supremacist cult, the Vatican especially the Jesuits, and the Rothschilds are the enemy. The upper ranks of the Freemasons, Knights of Malta, and Opus Dei along with Mossad sayonim, Central banks, Wall Street, and the City of London are the enemy. The elite pedophiles that permeate those ranks are the enemy.

We are the good guys.

Offer Soros a blow job. Ask Zuckerberg for tips.

So anyone with measurable power? Us the people individually with little power? How do we (the powerless) collectively demonstrate our plight against the powerful. Seems a bit pessimistic.

By trusting the men God is using to take down the deep state. You will know who they are. Support them with your heart, America will soon come back to God.

So anyone with measurable power?

No. Robert gave very specific people, and his response was surprisingly accurate for someone who is "ex-CIA". Secret societies, the City of London, New York bankers, and the pedophile blackmail networks they use. Check out the Mystery Babylon series to understand the secret societies, and Carroll Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope" to understand New York and the City of London.

Thank you for your reply.

Too bad I don't do blowies. Lol

There are educational videos you could watch.

I've seen said educational videos. I just don't think it's my thing.

You’re probably 20 years too old for Soros anyway.

Something tells me you are serious about Soros and Zuckerberg. No amount of wealth is worth that to a normal human being.

We are the good guys.

A serious response?

I’m not sure about Soros/Zuck, but the gist of this is accurate as I had received a similar offer.

Sometimes I regard not taking this as a mistake.

Now this is well-known in Silicon Valley, and people are lined up for the low-level lackeys trying to work their way up. Pisses off the women to no end that they can’t fuck their way to the top. They are slag. Everybody wants straight boys from religious families. It’s not about pleasure; it’s about control.

Would you mind elaborating on this a little more? Were you approached by the low level lackeys for sex or were they trying to 'recruit' you for the higher-ups?

Palo Alto invitation came from one of their starry-eyed boys to ‘party with X’, clear indication it would lead to startup funding, but no indication I had to do anything for the kid. I’d have gone if another guy that had already gone warned me not to. The one in Cambridge was one of the actual Uber-rich guys himself. Invitation was to a distant compound in paradise location, salary, etc, but there was no promise of startup wealth for that one, just a different kind of success, fame etc.

Oh wow. That's crazy. So basically like someone walking up to you and offering you a winning lottery ticket for your soul. I'm glad that you made the decision you did and are here with us today. You made the right call. That parable/verse/whatever in the bible about the camel fitting through the eye of the needle being easier than a rich man getting into heaven makes so much more sense to me now than it did two years ago.

I can see how it’s easy to say “you made the right decision” from the outside. I don’t always feel that way... learned about the ones that took it later, there was a major Hollywood movie made about them (no further details, sorry).

Yikes! I'm not a movie buff at all so I have no clue as to which one you may be referencing but whatever it may be sounds bad. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

This roast just got DARK

What do you think about the state of Israel in the current moment? What do you think Netanyhu and The Zionist's goals are in the region? Are they mainly trying to subjugate all arabs and Palestinians? Or is the bigger goal to destabilize Iran? Do you think the affairs in the Middle East are, at all, being controlled by regional interest, or do you think the Deep State is manipulating the entire region?

I have always been careful to distingush between Zionists and the Chabad Supremcist Cabal that considers all of us including "lesser" Reform and Progressive Jews to be sub-human; the state of Israel which is an invented state occupying the Palestinian homeland; and Judaism as a religion, no more or less authentic than Catholicism.

I believe that Zionism is OVER. I have itemized the 13 strikes of Zionism in the USA (starting with the USS Liberty), NATO has announced it will not defend Israel against Iran (which will not attack Israel, it is just a public spanking for Netanyahu) and Trump has made it clear that Israel will be denuclearized as part of a broader Middle East peace agreement. See my various articles here:

Thank you for distinguishing between Zionist and Chabad Supremacist. But my broader question was to what extent you believe the issues in the Middle East are from genuine regional conflicts in the area, or manipulation by the Deep State to control the region(also what do you define as the Deep State? Any countries, groups, or individuals in particular)

Tell me an Allen Dulles story, any weird stuff you’d maybe hear through the grapevine in the old days while still employed as spy?

Truthfully most of knowledge about CIA comes from after I left CIA and started reading heavily....this is one reason I am bullet-proof when I criticize CIA in open speaking and writing -- I have no secrets to give up (other than the biggest secret of all, CIA sucks at actually "doing" the craft of intelligence, they would rather do rendition and torture and assassinate 98% innocents with drones.

The bottom line is that Allen Dulles not only worked for Wall Street, but he committed two great crimes: he led and organized the assassination of John F. Kennedy; and he introduce the Nazis into CIA and NASA, which includes among many evils mind-control against individuals and groups.

Here are my two best links relevant to your question:

What do you think about Jackie having family ties to Allen Dulles and a job in the CIA before she ever met JFK?

From my research into numerous facts and observation of the assassination films and stills, I believe she may have been an accomplice to his murder. I think there is even the possibility she may have pulled the trigger while sitting next to him in the limo.

You've said you believe the UK will break further apart in the next decade. Which indicators are you expecting to see towards that final result?

All of the preconditions for revolution exist in the UK and the US, with populism and secession on the rise. The vote would have gone Scotland's way had the British not cheated -- the called every person receiving a pension or payment from the UK and said that if Scotland left, their payments would stop. Similarly Canada did equally nefarious things to sway the Quebec vote. Catelan will separate. Alaska -- if Sarah Palin had a brain -- would have separately long ago and created the Republic of the North with Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and the NW Territories.

Nonsense. The Scots are British and "Scotland's way" was to stay in the union, as voted for by Scots. Yours sincerely, a Scot.


1 How certain are you that the pee tape exists? how do you come to this certainty? if it were released is there any way it would be believed without someone saying it was some kind of edit job?

2 In your opinion were the tasks you were hired to do as part of opposition research legitimate and typical political research or did you cross some line that has never been crossed before?

3 How can the united states continue to exist as a soveigrn country if dual nationals and people with known loyalties to other countries are allowed to inhabit its highest offices and freely bribe? How can citizens ever reclaim a government

4 Has the system just been showing us a smiling face while we developed the technology of perfect control and once that technology exists, that we will see totalitarianism like we could never imagine?

5 who are journalists that you trust and that are widely trusted in 'spy circles'(or whatever) to be truly state independent?

6 in this world, how can an individual ever have an independent repuation if in order to have any chance at an audience they have to join a major institution?

7 reddit is conde naste, do you believe these are zionists and that reddit is manipulated such that people who are not pro-zion are muted/silo'd or in other ways censored or manipulated?

8 does there exist spy tech that can harass or otherwise inject thoughts remotely into peoples brains?

Thank you, your answers will help me determine what i think of you, but frankly i believe you over trump and i believe trump would watch prostitutes pee on obama's bed, but i don't trust the clintons or the cia or the what's a guy like me to do?

thanks in advance, sincerely, mindhawk

I think you might be confusing Robert Steele for Christopher Steele.

lol fml

i still want answers!!!

it seemed like a strange AMA but i was like f i have some questions for this dude.

well not my brightest hour, how come there are so many people with the same name geez

With the likelyhood of a dollar/currency reset in the coming future, should people trade in their burried box of fiat dollars in physical gold and silver?

Are the current price points for the metals much lower than they will be after a reset?

Will silver have larger 'gains' relatively compared to gold?

Thank you for all you do.

I will not make predictions or recommendations on the personal financial front.

I have written about the coming global reset and believe it will happen in next ten days.

Below is a review of a book that would warrant hanging every Wall Street Banker after first cutting off their balls and feeding them their balls as mincemeat:

scrolling through ten days...rereads...still says next ten days.

Seriously... I did not need that... in the next ten days. FML

Remind me! 11 days

Username about to become decidedly not relevant?


I was looking for a change anyways.

What does "global reset" entail?

The next ten days?
Seriously? A little pessimistic surely? What signs are there that something huge is going to happen within a week and a half?

What signs are there that something huge won’t happen? 10 days is well...might as well be tomorrow.

I would like a better understanding of what “global reset” means also.

While I find this AMA interesting, we often hear about something coming in a week or two, with "signs" such as countries doing military exercises and it all just turns out to be fluff. If some crazy crap does happen in 10 days, I will literally... I don't know... Wash my mouth out with soap and film it.

What if that’s it. What if you filming yourself washing your mouth out with soap starts a catastrophic chain reaction? Live stream it!!

Edit: oh no now I’m part of the world ending sequence


Time to break out our "the end is nigh" boards and take to the streets. The apocalypse is come, and I'm going to need a bar of soap.

OH. MY.GAWD. What have I done?!

Though not a confirmation, it's interesting that the US has been 'testing' out emergency text services over the last month or two. Also very interesting is Sweden mobilising it's national guard for the first time in 40 years to prepare for something.

You cannot say 10 days and not answer why.

I would have thought more people would be interested in that comment.
It should have been the main statement which requires an answer.


he clarified elsewhere that it is a global economic reset concerning the monetary system

RemindMe! 12 days

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This is why you need to be included in the Trump administration. We want to see the balls of these people cut off and fed to them.

John McAfee first!

it will happen in next ten days.

Uh, thats really soon. What are some indicators we could look at about this?

Load of BS, if it were the next ten days stocks would already have started to dip from those who have inside knowledge

RemindMe! 10 days

What do you predict will come out of this global reset? Why the next 10 days?

!RemindMe 10 Days

Ten days! Really? Holy shit

RemindMe! 10 days

Remind me! 11 days

RemindMe! 11 days

RemindMe! 10 days

Hello Mr. Steele. Thank you for doing this AMA.

On June 29, 2017, on the INFOWARS show with Alex Jones, you stated:

ROBERT DAVID STEELE: This may strike your listeners as way out but we actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20 year ride. So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony. There’s all kinds of --

Do you still believe this statement? Why do you believe this statement? What are your sources? Why should we believe this statement? What is your response to the users here that believe you are a disinformation agent (please no dismissive answer like "Bite me")? What are your thoughts on the rumors/speculation that Alex Jones is a COINTELPRO agent?

Thank you so much for your time Robert!

This was a two hour show on pedophilia. It clearly scared the crap out of a specific murderous pedophile who control media trolls and is being blackmailed by James Alefantis who knows where the kill rooms are (or so I am told). A hit job was commissioned. Retired NASA PhDs have briefed me on the early days where children were sent on 20 year and out missions so they would grow up while enroute; on the base on Mars (two separate topics); there is no connection to pedophilia on the space front but there is a NASA connection to mind control, you will find my review of Cathy O'Brien's book here:

I predict that The Daily Beast, which published the original hit job on me, will be put out of business by several federal lawsuits that are being prepared against it as I write this. Remember Gawker? Same same.

Wait a minute... Kids being sent to Mars, to grow up en route, to settle a colony there.

Please tell me you have any proof whatsoever for a claim like this.

Lol we do have our face up there

We have a rock with some holes in it.

Kind of like this story lol.

Anti-semitism, anti-vax, Deep State claims, and now child slaves on Mars. This guy is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

HAHAHA you're on the wrong sub, plasticdangler. This place is ALL cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs by your standards. As am I. Why don't you go back to your normie pink people and sit around scoffing at everything that isn't on The View.

I'm aware of what sub I'm in. Its interesting for someone to bring up one conspiracy in depth. This guy laid out a royal flush of seemingly satirical conspiracies. Blood-drinking pedos on Mars. You buying this?

Removed. Rule 10

We’ve been lied to about so much, I don’t know why people freak out about the mars and space stuff. It’s not a stretch that if they are withholding many free energy and health or technological breakthroughs from us that they would lie about space exploration as well. If there’s a giant pedo network they are lying about mars is an easy fib in comparison. Not saying to immediately believe it but don’t knee-jerk react with saying it’s false either.

I don't know anyone who's "freaking out about the mars stuff". The rest of your post doesn't hold any water. You cannot say that because a is true, b must also be true and to suggest otherwise is just jumping the shark. Ppl in this sub, perhaps more than any other, need to retain objectivity.

This dude has offered zero corroboration on some massive claims.

You do know that to be able to properly weigh incoming information, you shouldn't immediately decide on its veracity, right? Put stuff on the "maybe" shelf.. Nothing is absolutely true or false.

I do. I think things "could be true" and then leave it to the evidence to convince me further that it is in fact objectively true. In this instance there is no evidence or even any further information, so, I'm not convinced and will remain skeptical until I see corroboration or at least an indication of how this guy was led to this conclusion.

Um.... no, sorry. Mars isn't even an option right now from Cosmic Ray exposure. Any manned space ship we send out there right now would be the world's most expensive and advanced coffin.

Drone post.

Excuse me?

In other words he was either always disinfo or has been bribed or blackmailed to say some ridiculous shit to discredit his previous claims.

Most likely all his responses are like nailing jello to the wall.

Or it's all bullshit to drive traffic where it's directed?

Because the feds forced gawker to upload Hulk's fuck tape? Wut?

Are you talking about David Brock?

There appears to be a base at the foot of Mt. Sharp on Mars.

what are the sources on these pics? It seems like they're all some combination of the following: so low quality nothing can be clearly identified; seemingly pictures of nothing interesting, maybe some vague shapes; of questionable legitimacy, straight up fake or pictures of some place that for sure doesn't look like Mars. I've seen some interesting pics of Mars that definitely make me wonder but these seem pretty shady

Most are from curiosity, a few from spirit and opportunity.

The 'wildlife' on mars look straight outta super metroid. Also, tell me martian anthropology (or w/e) isnt the spitting image of tatooine.

I love these pics. I'd say the majority are just weird rocks, but there's definitely more than a few eye openers there!

Yeah I mean the one showing the base at the foot of the mountain... if you are in control of the entire planet why send the Rover on its little trips so close to the base?

There do seem to be a shit-ton of very strange rock formations though. As a whole album it certainly paints a picture.

So wait - you actually not only said that but believe it as well ???

Such a Mish mash of non answers.

As a conspiracy theorist for a while, someone told me about Project Pegasus for the first time over 10 years ago.

While i retain a healthy skepticism of such claims of Teleportation or Time Travel, it still gathers my curiosity. Any insight on Project Pegasus or do you believe it is a fake or disinfo project?

Who is being black mailed by Alefantis?

Which retired PhDs, and when? Are there any people in a position to have learned this through direct observation that have spoken about it publicly, or to you?

I'll say what Robert can't: every once in awhile he gets a call from someone who tells him "you have to go on Alex Jones and say the US government sent kids to a sex slave colony on Mars" when he's getting too close to the truth. And he does it, because he doesn't want to end up like Bill Cooper.

Yep, I wish that Bill Cooper was still around. He never would have guessed that Trump would be President. LOL. Or, maybe he did.

Where do the Jesuits and the Vatican fit into the agenda?

Pedophilic partners with Chabad Supremacists and Rothchilds, they are all Satanic, the elite among them thrive on drinking adrenalized children's blood. I accepted a commission as the Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse precisely because it is the fastest way to take down the Deep State and Donald Trump understands this. I sponsored the book by Joachim Hagopian, a West Point graduate, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and The Deep State link below, free online:

So, President Trump is not a Freemason. I have been researching this for a while, and I cannot link him to any of those Satanic groups. I feel much better now. Trump reminds me of Shem.

Trump is buds with Epstein

Of course not. Obama is the last deep state president. Q is all the proof you need this awakening is the real deal and not controlled opoosition.

I hope you are correct. It appears to be that way, but we cannot afford to make any mistakes.

Trust the plan, all is good. The deep state are riddled with a bunch of hillbillies and stupid people. They only got their power through their ancestors and pleasing Moloch. God is with us.

Never trust the plan.

/r/conspiracy in two comments - Nice job boys.

I think that the deep state is full of a bunch of fucking cowards. They are Canaanites. You are totally correct about Moloch. Good always prevails over evil.

What if Q is just controlled opposition?


Oh boy. Here you go /r/thegreatawakening

So, President Trump is not a Freemason. I have been researching this for a while, and I cannot link him to any of those Satanic groups.

Newt Gingrich is a Freemason. And he confirmed Trump is not. Trump acts like a Freemason, giving masonic signs to confuse them.

Thank you for that. This is extremely important.

I heard sources say Trump is part of a very interesting group called plus ultra. Google it and you’ll find some cool stuff

I will look. Thanks!

So, Jared Kushner is involved with Chabad... Should this concern us much?

man you are fucking whack what the fuck are you talking about

you obviously have talents but you put them towards so much bullshit

That makes a lot of sense. Years ago i heard about a black market for human adrenal glands or whatever because it is such a powerful high...

Can you speak in any privacy concerns regarding the recent anti-sex trafficking bill? Not to hip in the verbiage, but I've been told some legistlation may infringe in our liberties and be used to prosecute for non-related crimes.

There is no privacy in America. I am proud to know and be a friend to Bill Binney and we have often discussed the manner in which Mike Hayden took NSA down the rabbit hole (to the point that I would court-martial Hayden and give him a dishonorable discharge without a pension -- he also supported rendition & torture and drone assassination at CIA). Protonmail, Tutamail, not of that is secure. We need an alternative autonomous Internet. I am in discussion with the founders of BitChute, which relies on BitTorrent, about builidng out a new social media ecology around them, to include protected text messages and emails that validate status, anonymity with accountability and more. Watch Amazon closely, they have become the hub for the police state.

Can you comment on the further implications of the recent bill?

Just so you know, Kim Dotcom is working on a new social media platform. He wanted help from Snowden and Assange. Maybe you can contact him?

Mr. Steele,

Thank you for your time. In your opinion, what is the relationship between the American deep state and the zionists?

In a nutshell, the Chabad Supremacist cult is one third of the highest level of the Deep State. The Zionists are the secret police and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the "trusted flagger" is the primary censor in America. The Zionists took the lead on pedophilia entrapment and blackmail of Members of Congress, judges, celebrities, and other influentials (Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell) but I believe FBI, CIA, and NSA are all blackmailing Members of Congress at some level. See my articles and videos with Deep State and/or Zionist in the title at the two links below:

thank you for your response and your research. Best of luck.

Can you please tell us what was going on at Epstein's island? Did he build underneath it?

Didn't they just collapse those tunnels? I thought I read that somewhere.

I read that, too. I am just wondering what Mr. Steele thinks about it. I was hoping he has some inside information.

I hope he does too. I think that whole island is a trap.

Thank you for all of your insights, dear sir. Regarding the concress blackmailing, George Webb has followed the leads and stories around Imran Awan and stated how he and his family have set up a full spy ring using rigged cars sold to congress members and international diplomats. The family sells luxury refurbished cars , stealthly equiped with surveillance equipment, by which in return, information compromising intel can be sold of to agencies for further handling. Have you had the time to listen to some of GW's work in the last 2 years? Thank you so much!

Greetings Mr. Steele! Do you feel you deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? Do you view this prize as prestigious or political? Any comments on former winners (Obama) and whether or not they should have received the commendation?

I do not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize but it was nice to be recommended. My ideas, IF IMPLEMENTED, will deserve that level of recognition (holistic analytics, true cost economics, Open Source Everything Engineering - OSEE) capable of lifting the five billion poor at 10% of the cost of the failed western paradigm.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been politicized and criminalized for over a quarter century -- Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama are two known war criminals receiving the prize. The will of Alfred Nobel states that the prize should go to the INDIVIDUAL who has done the most in the PAST YEAR to DEMILITARIZE the world. Xi (who started the Korea ball rolling), Trump, Kim, and Moon deserve the prize if they succeed, as I believe they will, in unifying, denuclearizing, and demilitarizing the Koreas.

Thank you for such a blunt and truthful answer. I appreciate that you don't feel you deserve the prize. I think this should be the attitude of all prize recipients. Mr. Nobel knew what he was doing and probably looks upon the farcity that the event has become with disdain.

Do u believe in God?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

See u/FreedomIntensifies explanation here.

How fucked are we with privatized intelligence agencies associated with people with (former) top level clearences?

What were your employers as a spy most afraid of?

Is free and open communication possible?

Very but we can slam them down once we have an honest Congress, see #UNRIG and the election reform act that I am still championing; also Trump has to offer the Members a presidential pardon in return for giving up their blackmailers.



Thank you for your time.

Do you think a pardon would be enough when the blackmail is likely video/pictures of them fucking 5 year olds in Thailand?

So why hasnt he?

What is the most sickening fact you know

That there are people giving birth to children to sell them; that fetuses are a delicacy for the elite, ideally dropped on the ritual floor out of the womb; and that our troops in Afghanistan may have pioneered the new pedophilia video sensation, war dogs sodomizing toddlers.

our troops in Afghanistan may have pioneered the new pedophilia video sensation, war dogs sodomizing toddlers.

Can you please elaborate on this? I deployed to Afhganistan twice.

Please tell me you made that up.

He's not.

I think a part of me just went cold.

Welcome to Pizzagate! It is real. This is why we are not letting things go. We cannot tolerate this behavior. At all.

It doesn't matter how much we research. It never gets less painful.

I agree. It really changed me as a person. I used to listen to music a lot and do other creative things. Now, it is not the same...

Most things in life you become numb to after repeated exposure. Not this though. Never this.

Pizzagate is real and we aren't going away.

You are right. Researchers have lost their jobs, marriages, families, friends, homes, etc. However, none of that stuff matters if we are immersed in a Marxist-Satanist world.

What are good points to start my research on Pizzagate?

That is difficult to answer. Have you seen Conspiracy of Silence on youtube?

Me too. hard part is forgiving them. Fuck these people.

Christ. I knew about all of that from my pizzagate research, except for the last part. This is why I believe there should be no deals. They are evil, and they deserve no quarter.

The Holocaust is a lie and Germany is still paying for it

Who will win this war? Good vs evil and why?

Good started winning in 2012. A cosmic 1,000 years of peace and prosperity for all is upon us. What all of you have to do is remember that this is a fight between the 99% and the 1%, not between white and black or left and right or any other divide and conquer meme.

Hello! I am 47. :)

Gosh that italian family at the next table sure is quiet

Who are you? You don't need to be ominous about it, you know that I know I'm protected.

I want to believe this to be true so much, but have lost faith in humanity.

Humanity (and God) and Cosmic "sense" have not lost sense in you. Each of us is like a nail in the shoe of the horse. What we are doing to ourselves -- and to animals and plants that are going extinct - is reprehensible, like a child soiling its pants. Time for all of us to grow up as a collective and stop letting the school bullies eat our lunch.

Mr. Steele, thanks for your time. We appreciate it.

What do you think of President Trump? Is he a legit outsider trying to bring down the deep state? Or is he just another pawn in their game?

Also, about Q; I feel Q is a psyop, to what end, I don’t know. Do you believe it is a “white hat” psyop meant to organize and rally, or just another distraction to keep all of us preoccupied?

I have my opinions on both, but would like to hear your answers first.

He is legitimate. See my Trump Revolution Series, both in Amazon Kindle and free online, here is the link to both modes:

Q can be annoying -- I have no time for riddles -- but has been useful in getting everyone to think critically. Q may have been hijacked for a time.

What do you think of Trump's support of Israel?

Good question. I hope he answers it. I have been wondering why moving the embassy to Jerusalem is significant.

Agreed. I want to know why he acts like Israel's puppet when it comes to things like this

Yeah, especially since the Rothschilds created Israel...

You think Trump is a puppet of Rothschilds?

No... But I suspect there is some maneuvering going on behind the scenes. I also suspect that Jacob Rothschild was killed last November, but who knows.

Can you explain how Trump is connected to Rothschild then and why Trump is so supportive of Israel?

I am hoping that RDS will explain it. OK?

I’m asking because you brought up the Rothschild when I was asking about Trump’s support of Israel.

I think that Trump is against the Rothschilds, but I do not see how moving the embassy to Jerusalem hurts the Rothschilds. I believe that the Rothschilds are not Jewish. There is something deeper going on, and I hope that RDS can provide some insight. He gave me some links to read in my other comments here.

Moving the embassy is not the only way he’s been supportive of Israel, and I agree that there is something deeper going on.

I'm not going to watch a video. Try explaining it in your own words

Trump Is enemy of the Rothschilds. Look at the headlines, and listen to their other puppets. These people H A T E Trump.

Then explain why Trump is so supportive of Israel and why Israel is so supportive of Trump

Good question. I don't think anyone can explain that yet besides Trump and Isreal. Obama's actions really gets the old noggin' joggin'.

Q claims dealing with Israel is the last step of the plan. It makes sense that if they would need to make major concessions which are enticing enough to string them along until everything is in place.

Sounds like mental gymnastics to pacify Trump supporters who are against Israel.

My comment is purely hypothetical and independent of my personal suspicions regarding Q. Given the hypothesis that Israel is some kind of "final boss", it makes sense that they would require severe placation to be lured into a cleansing trap.

Yes, thank you! I've never understood how people think Trump was supposed to sweep in and clean the entire swamp as if he is omnipotent. He is not a God, and he has to work within the constraints of a system which was designed to inhibit any type of draining whatsoever. I have faith in his rebellion, though, even if he does have to play ball for a while.

There are many actions that Trump can do right now that clean the swamp within the constraints of the system. But he hasn't, and is empowering swamp creatures within his administration.

No it does not make sense. Because there are many actions that Trump can do now to weaken Isreal's state. But he won't, because him and Pence are puppets of Israel.

Robert is also saying denuclearization of Israel is the first step to pacifying the middle east

Thank you for those links

If Trump's fighting zionists then why the cuts to the 1% at the cost of the rest of us?

Does Freemasonry play a large part in the world's power structure? Their headquarters is in the City of London, and I read they are connected to the Jesuits. I am also aware of the Curse of Canaan. Is this what we are fighting against?

As a follow-up question, what exactly is Israel? It was created by the Rothschilds, but I believe the Rothschilds are not Jewish. Did the Rothschilds create the Land of Canaan?

Yes. I emphasize that all institutions including the Freemasons are 90% good people trapped in a bad system.

For your second question, read these two reviews:

Thank you. Most Freemasons I talk to have no idea...

I will look!

Don't people who do AMA's usually post a picture of themselves with a sign that has their user name on it?

Forgive me, but that picture does not show anyone holding a sign with their username or a date of the AMA...

If you are who you say you are, you should have no issues snapping a selfie right now with those guidelines...

He has verified with the mods as well.

He has verified with the mods as well.

Again, the link the user provided is not proof of identity.

If he did provide the mods with such proof, perhaps yall would like to share it with the rest of us. I really don't think that is too much to ask for...

All due respect the mods are questionable here (don't ban me, basing this off multiple posts and comments seen here before)

I would love to see this as well

I honestly can't tell if the mods are just being embarrassed that they stickied an AMA that has no proof of identity, or if they are actively trying to fool people into believing something that isn't true...

Take a look at this

What do you think about the potential child trafficking connection in Tucson, Arizona? And about the law enforcement there and Mayor Rothschild?


I have to stop for an hour to do an interview with befree. I will return in one hour and will answer every question waiting for me, before I go to sleep. I will then check in a couple of times each day for the next few days.

Thanks for the update and all of your responses so far.

We really appreciate your time, and we appreciate all you have done to wake people up. The cat is out of the bag now, and it is not going back in.

Oh look, you checked the real Steele’s schedule so you could make this AMA look authentic.

Anyone who has read two sentences of text from interviews with Steele should have some serious questions about who this user is. Like why did Steele’s vocabulary and syntax suddenly drop ten grades for reddit?

How did you come to make the assessment that Las Vegas was a "false flag event" and briefly, in what sense do you consider it a false flag?

What is going on in Antartica and why are many powers interested in the region?

Underrated question right here!

I hope he answers this one.

Agreed, more insight on Antartica would be greatly appreciated.

Would love a good answer for this

Ancient technology from civilizations we were taught didn't even exist lay there, if exposed to the public it will cause big questions about our existence

that's actually what I suspect based on what I've learned as well.

Hey man, any chance you could point me somewhere to start reading about this?

There was a Conspiracy Round Table about Antarctica.

Probably a good place to start.

Yeah read "the mountains of madness" by lovecraft. Remember it's fiction tho.

That book takes place in Antarctica? I should have started it sooner.

Follow John Kerry.

I don't know. I read about it, it will be interesting when full disclosure occurs about Antarctica, extraterrestial, etcetera. I expect riots in the streets around the world when the public learns that free energy has been withheld to prop up the 1%, and also learns all of the deeply evil things that are being done to humanity including vaccines and GMO.

No you don't you are just spreading fear and moving traffic to your blog.

What do you think the chances of the truth about free energy coming out are? More specifically, is there even a medium which would be trusted by enough people to tell the truth that isn't completely controlled by the power structure?

There is "almost free" energy that is easily verified from information in the public domain. Thorium nuclear power is clean, safe, cheap, abundant, and does not pose significant risks of nuclear proliferation. Which makes it a threat to the petrodollar regime that holds it back.

Trump, in one of his speeches, talked about amazing advances to come. He knows, and he's planning to get it all out there and available for the people.

hijacking the top comment to ask what you did at the CIA. the only bio I could find on you says you were

"...employed in the CIA's travel department. Steele organized transport for officers and was tasked with finding the cheapest transport in order to save the Agency money."

there's also no record of you anywhere for being formally recommended for a Nobel Peace Prize.

In 2017 an associate of Steele's, Stephen E.Arnold, claimed he had recommended Steele to receive a Nobel Prize although the Nobel Committee said they had never heard of Steele and said nominations are not accepted from individuals. The Committee also said they were changing the rules for nominees for a Nobel prize on the strength of the fraudulent claim that Steel had been nominated and were registering the method of processing potential nominees in every country in order that those who falsely claimed they had been nominated could be pursued on fraud charges.

Id like to hear your side of these things.

Vaccines and gmos are the least of it. Gang stalking/mind reading and brain mapping into atomic digital form is much more frightening.

The gang stalking thing is huge. People really believe it dosent happen and it is impossible to do.

It sounds crazy though. Have you ever been on /r/gangstalking? It reads like a schizophrenic's diary

Its not I can assure you of that. John Nash wasnt a schizo either.

A lot of schitzos in there 100%, but you never know...

Isn't this comment just conspiracy theorist ear-tickling? When is any believable disclosure likely to happen? There's supposed disclosure about aliens right now and nobody cares, right?

You have 1st hand knowledge of this? (free energy)

Just two questions (purely out of interest, not trying to swing either side here, to those that want to downvote):

What makes you think free energy is possible?

What makes you think vaccines are evil?

vaccines and GMO

Redpill me on how these are bad pls

I personally am not waiting for disclosure. I have my FE design based on tesla physics and expect it to be ready this year. I'm just one guy.


Good question! Need more info on this for sure.

A shelter for a end of the world event that is on the horizon. Only the top minds in the fields of science, engineering, politics, etc will be given access.

Why have a shelter in Antarctica? It's probably the furthest location from the epicenter of such an event, and having it in a remote location such as Antarctica would prevent any rioters or surviving scavengers from causing problems.

Natural resources.

good afternoon mr. steele. Hope all is well and with my best Robert David Steele "OHMMMMMMMM....what do you think the odds are that we will see ANY (even if its just one) of the treasonous bastards currently subverting the office of the POTUS or the sovereignty of the republic and it's people? Thanks and God Bless

prosecuted < i think you dropped this

I anticipate a few people going to jail in a very big way, others, like Hillary and Bill Clinton having heart attacks. I believe Trump held off on the JFK files because Bush Senior is going to die soon and Trump decided not to make an issue of Bush Seniors being an active participant in the assassination of JFK as a CIA non official cover officer taking orders from Allen Dulles outside the chain of command. Most of the sealed indictments will not be acted upon, they are a very clever way of checkmating 90% of the 1%. The last 1% are now eating shit and contemplating suicide. IMHO.

Bush being in the dal tex building with Charles Nicoletti and Johnny roseli of the mafia ?

Bush was the Chuck Schumer of yesteryear. "They have six ways from Sunday for getting back at you."

Oh, I almost forgot this. How is Jacob Rothschild doing? Well, I hope.

Nibiru 2022?

Mr. Steele,

What's "Plan B" for the Deep State if the people keep turning against them and Trump continues his run? Does the Fed tie into this? I feel like a global monetary change is coming. Is the USA holding a secret key? We don't seem to have any gold.

I have no direct knowledge but my general impression from multiple sources is that the Rothchilds and the Vatican have cut a deal, the Chabad Supremacist Cult is holding out, when they see Benjamin Netanyahu hung publicly they will get the message. My sense is that Benjamin Fulford has it right: Netanyahu is bunkered in like Hitler was, but there is no escape route for him like we provided for Hitler and the Nazis. Not only has Netayahu told the nine million American Jews they can piss off, but Haaretz, one of the most responsible journals in Israel, has headlined an article, "Is it time for all Jews to boycott Israel?" Zionism is OVER. AIPAC, ADL, BN are in denial right now.

I am really enjoying your perspective and opinions here Mr. Steele.

What, in your opinion, was the catalyst for these positive changes? Ive been reading your posts and I get the distinct impression you are optimistic that the good guys are winning, that positive change is coming and hope is to be had. What caused the change?


They lost the seat of power of the eagle.

i dont know what that means.

Zionism is over

Unless you meant "the gig is up and they have to weasel their way into some other bullshit" then you are a propaganda spouting asshole. Thanks for letting us know they are this nervous. jews can all fuck off, and you with them.

> but Haaretz, one of the most responsible journals in Israel

lol, do you honestly believe your own horse shit? Or do you just intend to benefit from more international jewery? You can hang with the other traitors and jews.

What's BN? Bnai Brith?

Benjamin Netanyahu I believe.

Benjamin Fulford? You're not Steele and this entire thread is complete bullshit


American-Israeli 'Public Affairs Committee' but might as well be 'Political Action Committee.'

Hello! 47 talking here, how soon in your opinion is the Global Hyper Awareness chain reaction? And what of the Singularity and scientific advancements in dealing with torrid energy and cymatics?

He mentioned 10 days from now in an earlier comment. Dont know if that answers your question.

I am referring to the Global Currency Reset that includes nationalizing the Federal Reserve (even if not openly), a gold-backed US dollar, the return of $15 trillion to $25 trillion from the banks to the US Treasury, and the deliberate spending of over $1 trillion in creating jobs and new constructions across the USA starting the 4th of July, through 1,500 or 15,000 designated agents of the President (I screwed up when I was briefed and cannot remember which number is correct. Think about three people in every Congressional District having one billion dollars each to spend -- $250 million in 2018, similar amount in 2019, $500 million in 2020 -- and you begin to get the idea of how powerful our President is as a disruptor.

5G and geoengineering are satanic evil and we are fucked if we don't start closing all this stuff down. Alexa and your TV are broadcasting your most private moments into cyberspace. Singularily is fucking stupid. The CIA built the Artificial Intelligence Staff around me in the 1980's and I worry about artificial stupidity not artificial intelligence. Here are a couple of writings and video:

What's your evidence that the singularity is stupid? The convergance is getting nearer.

Why are you pissed off? Can you elaborate on the situation? I always appreciate your coverage

I don’t see any verification on this AMA and judging by some of the responses about sending kids to Mars and supporting the Q psyop, I have a hard time believing that this is RDS.

Her verified himself with the mods, and has been doing AMA'ings several other times

With all due respect, I don't see any proof of identity on that post either....

Maybe i missed it. If so, please point it out...

He really does believe there are children sent to Mars. In his own words from his own mouth on more than one occasion. Guy seems utterly self-absorbed and whack, imho.

Maybe he's dropping bits and pieces of truth, but this reads like a confirmation bias version of some conspiracy fan-fiction.

I'm willing to entertain some pretty outlandish ideas, but a colony of kids on mars? Yeah, not happening. Kids on Mars and the Moon is fake, straight from his mouth...

I'm not willing to settle for half truths. That is what got us to this cross road!

Here he's calling for Bankers balls to be severed and the Gallows and yet amnesty or some such for the Political Crooks and the Power Players? WTH? Guy is on whack waves or something, imho.

Is the US government using the terrorist blacklist as leverage against those who oppose them in the Middle-East? Do the your average CIA agents care whether people put on these lists are terrorists or not?

There is no "one" US Government, there are at least seven "slices" in any given agency or cabinet department and generally they all work for special intersts, not the public.

CIA officers are not called agents. In my world agents commit treason, officers (case officers or operations officers) are the government employees that get other people to commit treason.

CIA is full of good people trapped in a bad system. The entire US secret intelligence community information technology system is absolute crap in 80 stovepipes that do not share, and they are about to make a YUGE mistake, along with DoD, in giving Amazon a chance to own everything they are willing to share. Amazon will make Google and NSA look like retarded ugly girls plastered to the wall once Amazon gets going -- Jeff Bezos is the new Dr. Strangelove.

You say this as if we didn’t already see evidence from Manning that Saudis support marginalization of the Palestinians to ensure hegemony and use them as foot soldiers. Seems like Israel is the one being used to me.

Mr. Steele, where do our relations with Russia really stand and is Putin in or out of the Global band wagon?

I am honored to be friends with Andrey Kortunov, the Director General of the Russian International Affafirs Council, and strongly recommend their website for insights into how Russia (below the Putin level) is thinking about the USA and everything else. See their web site here:

You might find my blogs on their website, often repeated from the American Herald Tribune and other sources interesting -- note particularly my last three publications there:

Russia and Turkey comprise an axis for Byzantine Europe. The Othodox Church kept its integrity while the Vatican became a slut -- a Satanic sodomizing slut at the highest levels, with 10% if not more of the priests as active pedophile at the lower levels.

Putin is a Russian nationalist just like Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese nationalist. Everything you are being told by the Deep State and the fake news media including especially the Crap News Network, New York Crimes, Washington Compost, and the think tanks -- if there is anything lower than a slut I would use that word for them -- is wrong.

Putin appears to have the same close trusting relationship -- a peer relationship -- with Trump that Kennedy and Khruschev had when they agreed that the worst enemy of peace for each of them was their own military flag officers.

Xi is the senior of the three leaders, Trump second, Putin third, but Trump knows, in my humble opinion, that the intiative is with them and his power stems from being the closer, the guy who says yes. That's what happened with the Koreas and that is what will happen with the Middle East.

I like Putin. I think John Brennan and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are traitors and criminals richly deserving of indictment, conviction, and hanging. Putin, like Trump and me and all others, has his warts, but on balance he is one of the more important people on the planet in terms of achieving a post Western economy that elevates everyone.

Modi in India is the fourth wheel but Modi is still owned by the Zionists, there are some signs he is beginning to "get" that the age of Zionism is over and he may join Xi, Putin, Trump -- and the presidentis of Indonesia and Iran -- as the executive council for world peace and prosperity.

Thank you so much that informative reply and links. Rock on.

Modi in India is the fourth wheel but Modi is still owned by the Zionists, there are some signs he is beginning to "get" that the age of Zionism is over and he may join Xi, Putin, Trump

nigga, wtf. are you telling me trump isn't part of the deep state?

i don't fucking buy that. trump's daughter married jared kushner who's close friends with that of netanyahu. family relationship to close friends of the zionist deep state. and they brought on fucking robert mueller to do the 'russian investigation', the same guy who threw the 9/11 investigation ...

no way these connections are just coincidental ... seriously are you part of the fucking conspiracy spreading lies!?

Are you insinuating that you don't believe trump is owned by zionists?

Lot of people around here don’t want to hear it with those democrats mentioned but you’re all going to find out how truthful this mans measure of the situation is.

Lot of people around here don’t want to hear it with those democrats mentioned

because david brock's losers who operate at r/politics come here

I have no idea what happened to your answer. I can't see it.

What’s the strangest/most perplexing thing you know that you’re shocked nobody has ever asked you about, if anything?

In your responses here, I’ve seen you actively criticizing Epstein and Soros, and discussing how they’re involved with a lot of the negative things going on. How do you reconcile this with your current praising of Trump despite his history with both Soros and Epstein, including his praise of Epstein as a great guy and acknowledgement of him liking young girls?

A very good question.

Trump is a tool toward election reform, a truth channel, veterans into Congress, and more. Even if he fails, he opened the door for me, for Cynthia McKinney, for Independents. If the Libertarian national party "leaders" were not such myopic corrupt assholes, we would be seeing 25 Libertarians going into the House and 5 Libertarians going into the Senate, in 2018.

Trump is... a truth channel...

I’ve seen all I need to see. Hahaha. Thank you for being absolutely ridiculous.

Nuances. How can you possibly compare the Rothschilds, Vatican, Chabad Supremacist cult, Central Banks, Wall Street, City of London, the Mossad, the US secret intelligence community, and a failed billionaire who finally married well and is a disruptor? See my Trump Revolution Series, both Kindle and free online, at this URL:

For the enemies survey, see every article with Deep State or Zionist in the title, here:

How do you reconcile this with your current praising of Trump despite his history with both Soros and Epstein, including his praise of Epstein as a great guy and acknowledgement of him liking young girls?

Your conclusion is that Trump must have supported Epstein because he made that joke. Would you say that George Carlin supported the cabal because he made jokes about them in order to bring the truth to light in a palatable way? Have you considered that Trump making jokes about a pedophile in public might be more about exposing rather than supporting him?

Hi Mr. Steele. I don't really have any particular question. I'd just like to point out, again, that the oil hub in Nebraska with your name on it is closely connected to the Deep State and to your education at OU. I hope you have considered this.

There are many Robert Steeles. I am the only Robert David STEELE Vivas who is a former spy, top Amazon reviewer, recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize, who also created the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. I did graduate from OU's superb MPA program taught in Panama and Pentagon, with a 4.0 Pi Alpha Alpha I might add, and Senator Boren, now president of OU, former Chair of the SSCI, gave me a Foreword to my first book in part because I helped with the National Security Act of 1992 that Senator Warner shot down and in part because I was a graduate of OU.

Can we get some proof you're who you say you are?

I live in New Zealand and I feel like a have a front row seat to (hopefully) see the down fall of the deep state. Do you think many elites will look to hide in isolated countries like mine?

No place to hide. No place to hide. No place to hide.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this event Mr. Steele.

I've been following with an open mind and some justified skepticism, but I'm interested to hear your take on Q as you referenced him/her in another comment. Would you kindly give a synopsis of his most important revelations that wound up coming to fruition, and maybe a brief overview of why you believe they're working towards uprooting corruption?

To many, his word is Gospel, countered by a concerted effort to denounce him. Part of me can't help but hold onto the notion that both camps are parts of a fabricated scenario to distract people, but the other part of me would feel foolish resting on this notion without at least examining further.

Q is a weak signal that is most interesting, when it is actually Q (who may be five people taking turns). Very candidly I pay almost no attention to Q because my own sources are as good or better BUT I do enjoy Jordan Sather's unpacking of Q and will watch him do that when I have down time, which is not very often. I broke the Korea unification story, not Q, enough said.

Somebody exposed the 5 Q's already. We have seen their faces.

Why are you promoting Q if you pay no attention to them?

Jordan Sather's is a reliable source. LOL

American psychologists were paid tens of millions of dollars to design the US torture program. How do you think they and the people who paid them off should be punished after the deep state falls. That actually goes for all the people involved in the deep state, including private contractors and other former intelligence workers involved in psy ops, limited hangouts and provocateurs against their countrymen. How viciously do you think such people should be dealt with following the collapse of the totalitarians?

Correct: two assholes with no ethics distorted what they had done in develping survival training for special forces, and CIA overweight piss ant managers were too stupid to realize they were being had. My definitive published commentary is here:

Palantir -- I know it well from my time in Afghanistan -- is in my view a scam -- special forces marketing, pimply geeks that don't know shit about the real world, and mercenary pump and dump finance mavens behind it all. The real threat to America is Amazon, which is becoming a police state hub for correlating all official and all social files including emails. Nothing is private anymore.

Thiel is on my neutral list. I'd like to see if he could be part of the solution. What he did with PayPal is extraordinary, and PayPal could be about to bury Amazon retail and also become a clearinghouse for using cyber currency to buy anything even if the seller does not cyber PayPal will.

How is Palantir a scam? I feel like that is misinformation. Some of the services collect information and generates a report based upon collated public record. This is a helpful for any institution doing due diligence on clients prior to on-boarding. The idea is to mitigate criminals or unsavory characters becoming clients. Perhaps you can explain further how it is a scam. Leaving it at that is just misleading.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Start here:

and see also:

I have used Palantir for practical purposes I don't need to read your half baked blog to prove otherwise.

Are Alex Jones and Bill Hicks one in the same sir?

I do not know. What I do know is that Alex appears to have lost his balls and is going to be intimidated by the Sandy Hook lawsuit that he should win. Sandy Hook was a false flag. Alex appears to be letting his sales income drive his ethics, never a good thing.

Well Mr. Steele I thank you for the swift reply and serious answer to my admittedly kind of silly question. Thank you for doing this AMA.


It's worse than that. With very little research you can easily show that Alex Jones is a zionist servant.

This guy is breaking the rules

He is literally an anti semite

Opinions on pizza gate?

David Seaman is a national here and The Daily Beast is a piece of shit that should follow Gawker into bankruptcy. In the hit piece on Seaman they talk about a non-existent global trafficking child sex trade network. As I am the Chief Counsel for a Commission documenting that non-existent threat, and I am also the sponsor of the free book online, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan Sodomy and The Deep State, it is my personal view that everyone who can should sue The Daily Beats (and Media Matters) in federal court, to the point the both go bankrupt.

Your mom gay lol


Who's Q? I keep reading about it on here, eli5?

why are CEO's around the world stepping down? I imagine they have to sign strict contracts and being involved in an sealed indictment might breach that contract? Or is more direct pressure being applied?

Because they are thieves and pedophiles (many of them murderous pedophiles) and they know that if they get out of the way there is a better than even chance we will not send them to Fort Leavenworth to be sodomized by really angry M-13 gang bangers. The same is happening in Congress and the media. Most of these "MeToo" disgraces are actually closer to pedophilia than to adult hetersexual abuse. IMHO.

What connections do we share spiritually with the universe? All of these elite cabalists perform rituals and honor the devil, does this have some sort of effect?

And if yes, what is the inverse of that for those of us who are good and want to see change?

Not a question I have any particular aptitude for. Evil has been triumphant for too long. In 2012 the balance shifted and now good is triumphant.

UNRIG. I learned some time ago that all the divide and conquer issues are just that -- climate change, guns, gays, all of it is a divide and conquer game. the ONLY way to reinstate America the Beautiful is to demand an Election Reform Act in time for 2018 and 2020. Learn more at and see my simple plan for Trump to make good at

I learned some time ago that all the divide and conquer issues are just that -- climate change, guns, gays, all of it is a divide and conquer game.

Why does Trump play into this? Is he trying to destabilize the US?

Your thoughts on Jim Lee and all his research?

Environmental degradation -- most of it man-made -- is threat #3. The US Government ignores eight of the ten high level threats to humanity and is the primary source of threat in other two (war and terrorism). See these links for more information:

Any legitimacy to the idea of shapeshifting reptillians or is it just a great metaphor for those at the top that would chose to sell out humanity for self gain?

Good questions for my attorney.

OMG!! 😂😂😂😂

Hi Mr Steele, Would you know what really happened to Otto Warmbier? And how would the truth factor on American"s sentiments with what's POTUS is doing?

No idea on the first. See my various articles on what I think is happening, but see these two in particular on POTUS and the truth:

Can you provide proof (actual hardcore evidence, not any circumstantial proof) you’re a former agent?

I am not a former agent. I am a former officer. Start with my first two books each with a foreword from a former chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, each cleared for publication by the CIA's Publications Review Board. If that does not do it for you, write to CIA and ask them, I could really not give a shit if you can't figure this out based on everything I have ever written and said.

I’m new to this sub so, treat me like I’m 6, but what exactly is going on? All I see are discordant news articles that don’t make any sense and watch governments spin their wheels but things still happen? I’m completely in the dark and you seem like a guy to ask. Also, who’s Q? Like Star Trek?

I cannot help you.

I’ll keep looking then, thanks anyways

Hello Robert, First time listener long time caller here. Can you confirm or deny if Q really is Alice and if Alice is Q than can you verify the Operator and the Observer are one in the same?

No direct knowledge. I believe Q is/was real, more than one person, some signs of presidential validation, but I cannot help in detail.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

what would it take to stop the Islamisation of Europe? There has been a long history of a certain ethnocentric group letting in Muslim invaders through the back door, is this what is happening now? And if so why?

Hang Merkel and Marcon, expose the multi-million dollar bribes paid to the European leaders for destroying their own countries by deliberately allowing millions of unemployed Muslims in. Here is the peace deal (eight items) I have put forward, it includes the repatriation of all unemployed Muslims back to their homelands:

Funny how the people currently destroying Europe don't have children, isn't it?

What is the next big event that the elite have planned for us? What is going to happen to the common man during the "global reset"? What one piece of knowledge do you have that you wished you could get out to everyone in the United States or the World?


My guess would be a pandemic followed by a vaccine that shrinks your dick and makes you talk falsetto.

Well shit, I'd hope you'd be serious. The people on this sub are searching for some real answers from someone that has knowledge that we're not privy to. There's people on here that have families and are seriously worried about what's around the corner. We are worried that perhaps we should be spending more than we are prepping for something, with hopes of saving the people we love.

Well at the very least since YOU brought it up and that it will be happening in the next 10 days I'll ask again

What is going to happen to the common man during the "global reset"?

He did not appreciate your question, for some reason. I have no idea why. Us little people have a lot to worry about. I am not convinced that The Satanic Cabal will go down so easily, so I have made preparations. I really hope they do go down easily, but they have been working on their plan for thousands of years.

Me too man, it's just hard to gauge how much to spend. Times are tight living as a 1 percenter.

I have no idea why he didn't appreciate the question(s). He brought up the "global reset" and seems to have spooked a few other than me in the ten days given to it happening. One thing I've learned from being sucked into alot of people saying they know this or that (especially Q and a few others) and give dates, when they miss they lose ALL credibility. I'm not saying he'll be wrong but I hope if he is, people gauge how credible he is. One thing that gets me about this whole AMA is the amount of pushing of his books. It's a constant in almost every response. The way of the world and those making money I guess, playing off our emotions to turn a buck.

Maybe he thought you are being a smart ass. LOL. There is another post in which he says he thinks it will not be so bad. Either way, I stocked up on items just to be safe.

I really wasn't trying to be a smart ass. I didn't mean to come across that way, just kinda angered by his shit tier answer. LOL, anyway good idea man, I'm stocking what I can, when I can. If it really gets bad I know of a few Mormon homes around the area ;) JK.

He responded to my comment. LOL.

I have read your posts before. I know you are good.

Thanks man! I've always appreciated reading your comments over the last few years.

He finally responded to me too. I guess I can't take a joke. LOL. I love a good joke man.

For instance, How many flies does it take to screw in a light bulb?



Shees. Take four liberals. Three to turn the ladder.

Haha! I had to look that up. LOL. Too funny!

I did not mean to cause you guys concern. Am working hard to try to answer every question. By all means come back if you have a follow up.

I appreciate the follow up man. No worries! Thanks again for stopping by and we hope you continue to come around!

One thing I've learned from being sucked into alot of people saying they know this or that (especially Q and a few others) and give dates, when they miss they lose ALL credibility.

This is foolish. No one can tell the future like you're imagining. At best, someone with inside information regarding plans can share the information, at which point the plans may continue or they may be stopped, perhaps to discredit the one making the prediction.

This is precisely why Robert talks so much about open source intelligence. It's not about "stealing secrets," it's about getting a good idea of what is going on from reliable sources that can inform your decision making.

Stop looking for a prophet, and start looking for someone who leads you to the open source material that explains what is actually going on in the world, so that you can verify it for yourself and stop being dependent on others. A few hundred hours of research and you can become a high level insider without needing any inside information.

What is foolish is giving specific dates then. You know as well as I that there have been given very specific dates of when something supposed to happen by Q as well as those before him. For instance, June the 23rd was one if I'm not mistaken.

What is foolish is giving specific dates then.

Of course. But go back and read what you just wrote, namely that you completely discount someone if they make a single prediction that turns out to be incorrect.

You know as well as I that there have been given very specific dates of when something supposed to happen by Q as well as those before him. For instance, June the 23rd was one if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, Q was silly to make predictions like this if he wasn't completely in control of the outcome. That doesn't warrant your conclusion that Q is fake or a complete psy op based on that one piece of information.

Are you familiar with High Level Insider anon?

I understand and respect what you're saying. I am indeed familiar with High Level Insider, White House Anon, Victory of The Light, and many more of those guys. This is probably the new guy that posted tonight: FBI SA. A few, I truly believe are who they say they are. Unfortunately most are not and they ruin the credibility of the few that are. It sucks man and I'm sure that most of the false ones are psyops to counter the real guys, probably played out by the alphabet agencies. I've gotten caught up in a couple, especially Victory of the Light and was crushed when he was exposed as a fraud. It's hard to invest your time and hopes in something and have it crumble with a couple tweets or messages. I guess I'm bitter my friend. I know how that giving dates give people hope. You have a concrete thing to hold on to, to hope for change on that time.

I just hope for real change for those of us not in the upper echelon. I wished it would come from the majority of us living like shit, struggling everyday. I'd say it will come from disaster and when there's few of us left, when money means nothing.

Armed with both knowledge and sources, I am completely certain High Level Insider is legitimate.

Thanks for that FBI SA link, that’s new to me. And they are absolutely correct, this came from the top, not the FBI themselves. They were just carrying out the plan, IMO. I’ve said this from day one, this was a plan hatched by the at the top. I wish with all of my might this all comes out!

I think the reason for the links to books and articles is there are already written, it takes time to respond to many of these questions. So if he has already written the answers, he can point you to the proper place and move to the next question. I believe most, of not all of his stuff is downloadable for free. That’s my take on it anyways.

This is what MegaAnon said back in October, when asked about FED:

"Like the FBI and CIA, they won't go away, they will just be drastically gutted and their functions/authority will be reeled back in. They've abused their power, just like the Fed and once gutted, restructured and repurposed back to the restored andoriginally intended roots of their functions/purposes of serving the people, you won't even recognize them as the same. There are already plans in progress and there have been for decades on the Fed. This isn't the first time to the rodeo for many of the people Trump has brought on and worked with on this. The dollar nor the economy will collapse when the Feds last strings are pulled. This is another reason I don't do dates or timeframes... no one successfully pulls the rug or plug out from any of these things without advanced planning and strategic rollout. This is why things you should want and expect to be done well, can and should take a while and be done with precision to ensure success, not catastrophic failure."

This is what MegaAnon said back in October, when asked about FED:

"Like the FBI and CIA, they won't go away, they will just be drastically gutted and their functions/authority will be reeled back in. They've abused their power, just like the Fed and once gutted, restructured and repurposed back to the restored andoriginally intended roots of their functions/purposes of serving the people, you won't even recognize them as the same. There are already plans in progress and there have been for decades on the Fed. This isn't the first time to the rodeo for many of the people Trump has brought on and worked with on this. The dollar nor the economy will collapse when the Feds last strings are pulled. This is another reason I don't do dates or timeframes... no one successfully pulls the rug or plug out from any of these things without advanced planning and strategic rollout. This is why things you should want and expect to be done well, can and should take a while and be done with precision to ensure success, not catastrophic failure."

He was poking fun because you misunderstood what he was saying I think. The global economic reset thing he was referring to was about the banking system, possibly to do with trillions of stolen funds from the recession and the fed

Thank you so much for this! I hope this is true. We'll see in a few weeks!

Haha! Will do! I grew up playing sports, and I know what happens when the team puts its guard down. That is my thinking here. Humanity has too much to lose, so we can't screw this up. Of course, I am telling you something you already know...

I should keep up with your website more. It seems like you have the answers to my questions already there. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

Honored to do a reddit ama. and yes, the website is where I try to serve the public with a number of other truth-tellers.

Pandemic is serious. Vaccine is serious. Sorry you don't see the vast humor in the rest of it.

As the hero says in "The Postman" after the apocalypse, "stuff's getting better." We hit bottom with Obama and Clinton and the traitors in CIA, NSA, FBI, and DoJ.

Well from the "vast humor" in the rest of it I thought the whole was not serious. So I guess you're thinking a Pandemic is around the corner. Thanks for the response.

I think he was serious.

Seems like he was being serious about the Pandemic. I just thought he was not being serious because of the joke about the dick shrinkage. I enjoy a good joke but with the seriousness of the question I just didn't get it. Regardless, a pandemic has been predicted for years of being just around the corner and that is the type of thing that is going to be hard for all of us. Prepping for that is different than prepping for alot of situations. When it happens, God help us all.

I think he's talking about a pandemic that will render men effeminate and sterile. He'll answer you I bet.

Three different things.

A pandemic to create mass panic and deepen public acceptance of a police state with curfews

A vaccine that sterlizes many and leads to death for selected others.

The rest was humor, sorry, I won't try to be funny anymore.

Nah man, no worries. I guess I'm a little too serious about this stuff. Worrying times. Anyway, I'm sure I speak for the whole sub in that we appreciate you answering questions here and hope to see your continued participation. I'll take some time and check out your website and many references on here. Personally I thank you. If you're ever in Appalachia I owe you a good bowl around a glorious campfire.

No, please be funny! We can all use a laugh.

DON'T STOP BEING FUNNY! Without humor all is definitely lost!

You know I never even thought about it like that. He answered but said that part of the answer was in jest. I could see it happening though. I keep seeing reports of sterility of men already plummeting. "Children of Men" may become a reality.

The common man is going to find out that we the 99% have more power than they the 1% once we all figure out that every single issue is being used to keep us from figuring that out.

I really hope this turns out to be true. I hope you're right in your ten day prediction, the quicker the better my friend. We're weary of what's been going on and are eager for change. Thanks again for responding and clarification!

They do like to shrink ducks though. In pretty sure he was using sarcasm to comment on demasculization.

Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂

Lmfao that is actually a pretty hilarious comment.

Open Data
Open Decision-Support
Open Governance
Open Health
Open Infrastructures
Open Manufacturing
Open Provisioning
Open Software
Open Space

Can you go into deep detail about "Open Space"? Why for the most part are civilians right now not permitted to travel in space or know about secret programs such as the TR6 or Deep Paper?

Read the book, The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust.

Best ever interview by Nafeez Ahmen for The Guardian, is here:

My memorandum for Trump on what I want to build:

the big picture:

Ya, I wanted to hear your own words but this is obviously about you trying to sell a book.

You are a fucking moron. Everything I own including all my books EXCEPT this one book in English, is free online and I do not begrudge the publisher, who doubled the value of the book by cutting it in half and taking one syllable off each word. And you obviously don't actually read, or you would have looked at the three links I provided, all free online.

Are there any open sources you would recommend that can teach people how to be better at discernment when it comes to evaluating information?

The short answer is that most sources are 80% crap and 20% interesting. I will be reviewing the book by James Clapper, recently retired director of national intellgence, and will be very explicit about all of the lies in that book -- and this from the "director of national intelligence." I just trashed Mike Hayden's book, that is a man who could reasonably be recalled to active duty and court-martialed toward a dishonorable discharge and loss of pension. I have spent 40 years being marginalized on this topic and am in no mood to try to help you in two minutes. Take a look at this piece of shit report from RAND and the countervailing links below it:

Is there anyone, or any organization, in the mainstream media that you respect or trust?

Really excellent question. Tucker Carlson comes close but his staff is shit. They just don't know what they don't know, they are afraid of shadows, and they are holding Tucker back.

Do you think Tucker has ever been really close to opening the truth before he berates his guest and doesn't let them get a clean answer in?

Thanks for the response! Tuck rules!

According to Tucker, most of his staff are liberals, his office is in New York City. Also, do you think journalism students are being taught by liberals or conservatives?

One last question, what will you do when shit hits the fan? You don't have to go into specifics. Just...what do you think you'll do in terms of transportation, food and water when things get really bad? Cause I have a feeling people are fucking nuts and will cause a 'reckoning' that will lead to great hardship for many.

I don't think the shit is going to hit the fan. All of the Deep State plans to derail Trump, including the #RESIST movement and the intent of George Soros to subsidize riots in the streets, have failed. The economy is getting better -- the unemployment rate is still three times higher than the government lets on, but a whole lot of money is about to go into the US economy and the Democrats and Republics have no idea how Trump is going to hand them their ass in November.

Although there are exit strategies I have considered, this is my country and I want to stick it out. If Trump collapses I will field a coalition cabinet and a balanced budget in 2020 or 2023 but I would rather see Trump go on to two, even three terms (we need a Constitutional Convention to reverse a bunch of stuff including federal reserve, income tax, term limits, and Senators need to go back to being appointed by their states) while I support him with a truth channel that connects him with 200 milliion voters -- a TWO WAY truth channel.

But what about the claims that Trump is funded by Soros and Rothschild? Perhaps Trump is not a dumb puppet like some believe. But it's hard to see him as a maverick when there is evidence supporting he was saved by Rothschild through Soros:;v=-ocHa5fuL-8

I love my country too and I most certainly respect your input. I just question where Trump's loyalty really is.

On balance I think Trump is a wild card who has stumbled into both power and a cadre of white hat loyalists that are allowing him to use that power. The 20,000 sealed indictments was brilliant: it basically told the 90% of the 1% that if they did not play ball they would get a Ranger bayonet up their ass and be sent to Fort Leavenworth. From where I sit, for all of his flaws Trump is proving to be exactly what we needed: a national enema.

I will wait to see. I remember a video about this young man saying a bunch of people from the cabal will be arrested thanks to Trump. But I didn't see anything come from it. Who knows what he's really thinking as you said, he's a wild card. I just hope the Rothschild's influence on him is just on the surface because he does owe them a lot and even tried to marry into the family through Ivanka.

In regards this truth Channel, do you know of Greg Vezina in Canada? He’s putting in good work and has a great idea for a Democractic Information platform.

Greg Vezina, currently running in the Ontario elections under the None Of The Above Party... lame name, but some powerful policies. Mainly direct democracy.

first, thank you for your time here.

Constitutional Convention

What do you figure the odds are that happens? I wouldn't be surprised at all if the makeup of Congress after mid-terms is 75% R nor if R's pick up another 2 or 3 governor seats.

Check him out. I think this is his book page:

Amazon really sucks. Must better to use my publication links at but thank you for pointing to it.

Np. Those books look really cool. I think everyone should check it out.

They are all free if that's what you want, here is the direct path to free books:

The Kindles are more like white papers, and also free online if you search for the title at Phi Beta Iota.

Thanks for the extra links and your website!

What do you think about Trump, a huge part of his team and the guy running the federal reserve all being jesuit trained?

Baloney. I am a lapsed Colombian Catholic Jesuit altar boy. Going to a school marginally associated with the Jesuits is much less likely to fuck you up than being implanted with a chip or put into a mind-control program.

Here is what I think of Trump: he is a street fighter who has had his ups and down. He's made deals every which way including Russian Jewish mafia and the Rothschilds, and he knows the Satanic evil of NYC and Jeffrey Epstein and George Soros and Goldman Sachs up close and personal. I do not believe he is anyone's puppet but rather a willful spoiled emperor who is used to getting his way. For me his value lies in his being a disruptor. I believe people seriously misunderestimate him. He is both a genius who can listen, AND a street theater artist who knows how to tie everyone in knots while he does stuff in background. Bottom line: there was the Deep State Before Trump and now there is the Deep State After Trump. The fat lady will sing soon, and American the Beautiful will rise again.

Then you are naive. Trump accused Saudi Arabia of being involved in terrorism but the US keeps using billions of dollars arming them like It's nothing...

Refreshing view.


lol i appreciate the george bush reference

How does it feel to be apart of an org that is responsible for endless war and countless deaths

Hey Robert Steele! Do you believe the NSA has backdoors into most PC's/servers by now? How widespread is their power?

Absolutely. Not only does the new Intel chip have an NSA backdoor, it has a Zionist backdoor (sometimes the same, sometime different). NSA has over 100,000 fiber interception points and the bottom line is that no software and no hardware is safe. There is no privacy, protonmail and tutu and all that are wide open. I wrote the first warning letter to the White House in 1994, at the link below, and instead of protecting US communications and computing NSA --- WITH THE ACTIVE COMPLICITY OF THE CEOS OF ATT, IBM, DELL, HP, ETC -- created infantile backdoors for their convenience that in my view spawned the Russian and Chinese hacking industries.

see also:;q=israel+project+taipot&amp;oq=israel+project+taipot&amp;gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39k1l2.60979.61992.0.62359.

Gosh. That means the headlines I've read that said "Arrested for Chil~ probably happened to innocents. That can work both ways. May we ALL find peace soon.

Thanks for all you do, Mr. Steele. Two things: First is that the NSA backdoor, and their collecting so much data means that they can not use all of it. You often make the point that NSA, and others can only process 1% of what they collect. It's sheer incompetence, and theft. Second, regarding your comments about a colony on Mars, when I first heard it I wondered if it were possible or if you were just some conspiracy nut, which I know you're not, and then I came across all of the amazing information that Steven Greer, M.D. has amassed. Are you familiar with his Disclosure Project, and do you have any thoughts about his work? Thanks, again, and I have contributed to your efforts in the past, and will do so again. I wish I had more to contribute, but I do what I can.

Hope I'm not too late...can you speak on the current state of Julian Assange? Any insights?

I exchanged emails with Julian's number two the other day. Julian is not well, he is being isolated from the Internet and visitors, and Ecuador is thinking about throwing him out the door. If I had the President's ear I would be making the case of demanding Julian's freedom and putting him on the executive committee for the Trump Channel.

Q seemed to imply that JA was extracted by US forces and brought to the US back in December...

Trust Q

Thanks for answering my questions, and thanks for all those links that will keep me busy for quite some time. keep up the good fight.

What are your thoughts on the 9/11 attacks and was there any secret technology used?

Do you know of / suspect anything deep-state-related behind all the mass shootings in our recent history?

Would the world be better in your opinion without religion?

Thank you for your time, I've read through the responses here and checked out some of your background. I'm not quite sure what to think, to be honest, but it's all still interesting nonetheless.


02 yes, false flags, mind control, fake news all go together -- along with Hollywood and television seeking to foster a culture that diminishes faith, family, community, and love of country.

Name a conspiracy you know is completely false that people still believe?

That we live in a democracy.

You're preaching to the choir in this sub. I was thinking something a bit deeper.

Give me some choices, it was a very good and provocative question.

  1. Moon landing

  2. Vegas shooting. This one bothers me most, being that we still have so little details.

  3. Aliens

I believe we landed on the moon and our astronauts saw stuff on the dark side of the moon that is being withheld from us.

I have published on the Vegas shooting, here:

I believe there is intelligent life beyond our own and that too is being withheld from us.

Thanks! This has been very interesting so far. Looking forward to diving into your work.

  1. Made to be staged on purpose, we already reverse-engineered zero-gravity aircraft.

  2. Ritual. Government was in on it as usual as for any mass shooting.

  3. They exist. Humans have never been alone. What makes us different is that Jesus Christ redeemed humanity.

Name a conspiracy you know is completely false that people still believe?

What do you think about the school shootings?

See this three minute video of me speaking to Rolling Thunder in front of the Liincoln Memorial


Thanks for sharing those links. If I may, what false flag (or, if you can't say, what KIND of false flag) were you involved with staging? As a related follow-up, what are some tell-tale signs that alert you that an event has been staged by the deep state? Thanks again!

What’s your sense of the UK in maintaining and furthering a military and security role in the world?

They look really really great on parade. They have some extraordinary units (SAS, Marines) and some of the greatest sailors on the planet. Other than that they are a paper tiger as we are, we just spend more. The Commonwealth is going to break up -- Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Australia, are all going to separate and end the role that the Queen and her financial cabal play in continuing to loot those countries. India, Indonesia, and Iran, as well as China and Russia and the USA if Trump pulls it all off, will define the future.

Thank you. Why will Russia define the future? Do they have an economy or resources or media or manpower that can affect more parts of the world than the US and Europe? I just see Russia itself as being a country that can’t even field a decent aircraft carrier.

Trump is a Russian Orthodox Christian. He hates Communism. He played a major role in wiping out Isis. He hates the Cabal and has stated that the world is controlled by satanic pedophiles.

But the question was concerning Russia itself. But it’s interesting to note your propensity for pravda PR

Source on him being Russian orthodox?

Hey just wanted to say you are awesome, keep doing what you are doing!

Donations welcome. I have been technically unemployed since 1 January 2008, generally scrounging around $20K a year in 1099 transfers from the non-profit,, every donation is tax deductible and gets an email exchange with me, donations over $100 get a skype consultation if desired. It's truly sad that I am not Donald Trump's intelligence officer, but I am told he has been told I am a raving lunatic, that Cynthia McKinney is a communist sympathizer that support Islamic terrorism, everything they can do to keep me and Bill Binney from actually helping the President deal with all the liars around him.

And if donations are not for you, then subscribe free to and do what you can to share any of the four posts a day that you think merit sharing. It is a reference site with no archives -- over 25,000 active posts from over 800 open source contributors.

Thanks I will, you should definitely get with Bill Ottman founder of on your open source project they founded Open Source Ecology around 2011 and it's right up your alley. You should be on Minds too as it's an open source social network that is privacy and blockchain orientated.

Am aware of them. A big part of the solution lies in a mesh network that harnesses unused distributed computing power and is not dependent on clouds or centralized servers. We need a whole new Internet that is bottom up not top down. I do like in principle, it's just a stovepipe, not meta ecology as best I can tell.

I think you are confusing two different projects, is Ottmans long term project to get open source first world technologies that can be built in a modular fashion that are easy to maintain to the 3rd world, minds is just a social network.

Thank you.


do you know anything about MI5 and cults in Northern Ireland who summon demons ?

I do not. I do believe that there are cults everywhere, and that the secret intelligence services are totally fine embedding with and using cults and criminals to do their dirty work.

you should look into it..

How do you feel about the purported AZ child sex trafficking camps? Is there something there that could involve CEMEX and up or is it something fantastical and untrue? Looking forward to your response. Keep fighting the good fight. We’ve got your back.

Thanks for the response!

Other than not using the internet etc, what is the best way to protect you digital information? Also- what is your general opinion on president obama (more specifically his scandals [fast and furious & the Iran deal specifically])

Impossible to protect digital information today. We need a whole new autonomous post-GoogleGestapo Internet, perhaps based on BitTorrent, I am in discussion with the founder of BitChute about fleshing his offering out to includes substitutes for Twitter, email, and test messaging as well as file sharing.

From your previous posts it sounds like the back door is more in the hardware (and fiber optic lines) than it is in software. But obviously I get ur point- google is marketing our personal info as opposed to the govt simply collecting it.

do you think ufo disclosure will ever happen or has it already happened without public knowledge

Lots of soft disclosure going on. I have no direct knowledge but cannot conceive of a Cosmos where we are the most intelligent life. I have a TV on my desk and sometimes watch the History Channel and the series on aliens, all the evidence is compelling that the "chariots of the Gods" were spacecraft and Earth has been in direct contact with perhaps 26 different species overtime. One book that made an impression on me:

See also:

The Trump (Jared Kushner) and Israel relationship is bothersome to me. Please tell me there is way more going on behind the scenes and Israel will get what’s coming to them.

Kushner may have come to realize that he is nothing without Trump, and he may be backing away from his Zionist "daddy" according to MI-6 sources and actually "playing" Netanyahu at Trump's direction.

I believe that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, both Mossad officers or affiliates responsible for pedophilia entrapment, profiled both Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump and ran a series of approved controllable Jewish men past each of them.

There is no evidence that Kushner is a controlled asset of the Mossad, but if I were Trump I would have turned Kushner inside out, to include an examination of all his emails and calls that are in storage at NSA, and ensured that Kushner knew he was loyal to Trump or he is a dead man.

Recent events, including the declaration that NATO will not defend Israel from Iran, the declaration that after the denuclearization of Koreas will come the denuclearization of the Middle East which means an end to US taxpayer funding of the Zionist program, and my own declaration that Zionism has 13 strikes in the USA and is OVER, all bode well for the future of the Trump Presidency, the Kushner family, and the dealth of apartheid Israel. I believe Palestine will be restored in my lifetime.

Freaking awesome response, thank you so much! I’ve always felt Kushner was asset. I pray you are correct on all fronts with this. The world will be a much better place once these things have been accomplished!

You asked a really good question. I was wondering the same thing about Kushner.


Uh, isn’t it common for some form of proof to be provided in an AMA? Until shown evidence, the assumption is you’re a troll account.

Will we ever see the health industry heal instead of profit ? Are the rumoured medbeds and hidden healing technology real ?

Great question. The system is rigged, as our president has said, and that means not just the political system but the energy, education, health, housing, and other systems. The reason the health industry can continue to be rigged (along with agriculture and water, both of which are very unhealthy is because our Congress is corrupt to the bone with most Members being bribed and/or blackmailed. If Congress had integrity, it would make evidence based decisions. Evidence based decisions are rooted in holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineeering (OSEE). If we had evidence based decisions, not only would we have open source health at 10% the cost of what we have now, but we would be eliminating all the products, processes, and behaviors that produce toxins, including GMO. I think that healing technologies have been repressed, alternative medicine activists have been murdered with impunity, and millions of people have died and been made ill for lack of integrity in Congress and the health industry (cancer for example, need not exist -- we keep it in existence to keep the cancer industry funded).

Thank you, God bless , Godspeed .

I FUCKING KNEW IT. There was no way cancer wasn’t already cured behind the curtain, it reeks of planned epidemic, and is such a huge cash cow. Fucking disgusting.

Mr. Steele, what do you have to say to all the people that see you as a fear mongering liar? Someone that talks out their ass about rediculous things and then ties them to distrusted establishments in order to conceal their validity?

Quick question kind sir, is Julian Assange alive still?

“Ask me anything” except about what I said about Mars.

Can you tell us anything about extraterrestrials? Will their presences here on Earth ever be revealed?

Hello Mr. Steele, my question today is about technology. Do you know if there are robots in existence that are indistinguishable from human beings? Or how about cloning, does that have any truth/application to today's society?

No. And I talked to a guy once that has a ballon girfriend, I asked him how it felt, he said, "like making love to a balloon." Robots are computers and are good at repetitive simple actions. They don't lubricate, they don't do nuances, they cannot handle the unexpected. And if you really want a robot, go find a prostitute.

That's not what I was getting at. Maybe I should've used a different word in place of robot. What I was getting at is, if they anybody has the power to replace human beings seamlessly, that changes the game here. That actually basically ends the game. "Control" would be a thing of the past. If making omnipotence elementary doesn't scare you, then nothing will. Thank you for the response though, I do appreciate it.

Greetings Mr. Steele!

Regarding the most recent sex/child trafficking camp that was found in Arizona, do you think it’s a pysop or the connections that Cemex has with many of the organizations and individuals you listed as valid and true?

Also, what other companies could you list that are involved in trafficking and is being used as fronts?

Thank you in advance if you answer these two questions.

Every organization dealing with children has been taken over by pedophiles. They are attracted to such organizations; such organizations do not do proper vetting of employees, especially after they are hired; over time the pedophiles "own" the organization and use it to access and exploit children. This is true of the Boy Scouts, the churches, the United Nations assistance organizations, child services in every state, OxFam, etcetera.

Thank you for your response.

This is truly disheartening and sickens me as I recently became a father. These people need to be outed and hunted.

cough cough the Walt Disney Corporation. How people refuse to believe this is mind-melting. If you are a fisherman you don't go fishing in the desert. You go fishing in a pond. And the more fish in a pond the more fishermen you will find.

Great question.

Robert, awesome to see you still active.

The Open Source Everything Manifesto, while a fackin’ ramble, convinced me that the digital democracy revolution was live.

Check out VoteFlux, I think you’ll like what we’re doing. I’ve emailed you before but you replied all mopey about the world so I just wandered off.

My question is simply this: Digital Democracy, or Death?

Neither. The answer to every question is NEVER either or it is ALWAYS some of each.

I would cut digital back to 20% and eliminate all electronic devices in homes outside of safe areas. The Amish are on to something. 5G is going to fuck us up big time.

Digital DIRECT democracy -- imagine if Trump knew how to use Twitter polling the way John McAfee does, and could get 47 million answers to any of his polls? Now imagine if I could give him a truth channel connected to 200 million CERTIFIED eligible voters and he could poll all of them on every issue and have a presidential dashboard that lets him see America's voting mind by issue, locations, demographic? Game over for the two-party tyranny.

This is a GREAT idea: direct digital democracy. Have you heard of Clearpoll, a blockchain based polling method of recording public opinion? Imagine if we could use such a platform to vote, and that part of our Civic Duty would be to regulary (monthly, weekly?) ranked choice vote on how we as a nation want to make important decisions ...

Thank you for sharing your insights and continuing this discussion 😇

Well fuck. I was going to ask about 5g, but now I don’t have to.

Hello. What do you think of the big labor unions in the US? Thank you.

They sold out.

Holy shit, a lot of correlation with David Wilcock and Corey Goode here. Nice to have multiple sources.

Thats what worries me

What is your take on Q?

See answer below.

Who are the journalists you trust to get the story right in the current climate of political chaos?

Seymour Hersh. Nafees Ahmed. Matt Taibbi. Others like Chris Hedges are superb but have blinders in some areas, e.g. Trump. Most journalists, even if they wanted to do a story right, are controlled by producers, advertisers, etcetera. Tucker Carlson is an example.

is President Trump part of the “swamp.” or is he legitimately trying to end the whole govt conspiracy

I don't know him personally but my indirect estimate, which includes the 30 item Kindle series on the Trump Revolution also free online, suggests to me that he is a wild card, a disruptor, who has discovered that by combining direct agreements with Xi and Putin and a few white hats in the government, he can make magic. Even if they thought they owned him (the way the oligarchs thought they owned Putin) now that he is president and has survived, everyone is on the run. My money is on Trump and even if he fails, he opened the door for me and Cynthia McKinney and Independents. It's a damn shame the Libertarian Party is run by suchg corrupt shits at the national level, or they would be creating a massive swing vote in Congress in November.

hell yea! I wish Ron Paul would get support

WasTrump recruited to run for President by unknown players (upper echelon military is what I have heard) to help turn this country around or did he just do it of his own volition?

Don't know. He did not expect to win. His wife was in tears when he won. He ran to improve his brand. Now that he is president he is winging it, following his instincts, against all odds. Everyone is against him including the GOP. In the end I think he wins ugly, for the right reasons.

I think that’s what makes it work, no agenda per say, just doing what needs to be done.

Yes, Trump is not a politician or an attorney. He is the perfect candidate.

this is a joke, right?

.... right???

What I couldn’t believe was my evolution from finding him amusing and a joke, to realizing his brand was actually carrying primary elections, to backing him if Rand lost, to realizing he’s the only person who could have done what he did.

I thought it was a joke, too. Then I started hearing members of the Republican establishment say they would vote for Hillary if Trump was the Republican nominee. These are people who publicly despise Bill Clinton. I then realized that they all belong to the same secret societies, but Trump does not.


Trump is still horrible. Saudi arms deal while they commit war crimes in Yemen. US citizens following his lead and becoming violent towards liberals. Fucks a porn star while married to the first lady. This man is totally backwards.

What proof do you have that Trump isn't an illuminati puppet playing the part to continue to spread division in the country snd make conservatives and conspiracy theorists look bad? I firmly believed due to his flip-flopping between democrat and republican that he was always meant as a puppet candidate to help give a win to Hillary. I couldnt trust him, and tbh I still don't due to the many times hes gone back on his word.

I'm not surprised he didn't answer this one. This guy might have an interesting history but he's full of shit if he thinks Trump is actually on our side as Americans. I can't believe how people like this ignore the insane ranting and obvious treasonous behavior of Trump and his administration. It's an absolute joke and somehow they're still lined up behind the president eating up all of his ridiculous bullshit.

He’s not playing any part because he’s throwing too many wrenches in too many gears. Too much money is being lost by too many people who are desperately trying to end him. It makes 0 sense on its face that he’s Illuminati tool.

What proof do you have that Trump isn't an illuminati puppet playing the part to continue to spread division in the country snd make conservatives and conspiracy theorists look bad?

he did't sign TPP and didnt sign the Paris agreement (while the rest of the world did) that was my "HOLY FUCK" moment to realize he's legit and he's going against the globalists.

Unfortunately, he has proverbial Guns to his head by those who hold more power in various areas of control: Zionists, CEOs from Big Pharma, Big AG, M.I.C., Israel, Saudi's grip over Petro Dollar, China owning US debt, etc and so forth.

I firmly believed due to his flip-flopping between democrat and republican that he was always meant as a puppet candidate to help give a win to Hillary.

If you go an look for it, wikileaks Hillary emails show that the guy running her campaign wanted trump to be the GOP candidate because they figured he would be a joke and she would have the easiest chance of winning, and since they control most media, they told all of them to push trump more than the others, and it all backfired in the end, he really wasn't supposed to win, but was supposed to be a joke, a meme

Also his flip flopping is common among men as they get older. Many men who start off as democrats, as they get older, have families/children, start growing their 401k, etc naturally become more conservative and end up leaving the democrat ideology (plantation). If you look at Trump, he went to military school where they burn into you love of country/constitutional/patriotism, however he was always NY based which is a Democratic city, so it makes sense he would change from Dem to GOP. It actually happens alot. There are many conservatives who are ex democrats, but very few democrats who are ex conservatives

I couldnt trust him, and tbh I still don't due to the many times hes gone back on his word.

They all do, all politicians and presidents. But he is also keeping his word in many examples as well

>What proof do you have that Trump isn't an illuminati puppet

Paris agreement

  1. Is Pizzagate real? Do you have any information that we don’t already know about PG?

  2. What about V2S technology and targeted individuals? Is that real? Was, perhaps Nikolas Cruz one of these targeted individuals?

  3. What do you REALLY think happened in Vegas?

  4. Why won’t they release all the files on the JFK assassination? Was Oswald a spy?

  5. Do you think Sirhan Sirhan was a victim of mind control?

01 Yes. Pizzagate opened the American mind to stuff I and others have been trying to communicate for years.

02 Mind Control is real. Try

03 See the post:

04 To protect George Bush Senior who participate, and CIA as an institution which failed America by letting Allen Dulles, fired by JFK, use CIA assets to assassinate the President. Oswald was a patsy who tested negative for gun residue. There were multiple shooters.

05 Yes.

Thanks for the response!

Regarding this part of the Vegas article “Eight key witnesses dead, some by remote hijacking of cars “ who were these witnesses? Concert goers or??

Was the 4chan user who went by “John” legitimate?

What do you think about the increased militarization of our police force in this country?

Esteban Santiago was one too.

In the media, the word "satanic" is often used in publications regarding deep state goings-on, esp. related to pedophilia, but all sorts of other stuff too - murderous rampages, secret bloody banquets lead by famous artists, etc. etc.

The historical use and connotations of the word "satanic" seem to allude to some common body of knowledge that only the elite deep staters are aware of and are/have been following all this time - some kind of document or repository wherein lie the tables of ritual, available only to the 1%.

However, whenever I research the trail indicated by the word "satanic" it always ends in fable, whereas the events it is used to describe can be either/or.

Mr. Steele, when you use the word "satanic," do you mean it literally or figuratively? If you mean it literally, do you know of ANY common foundational documents for the satanic/ pedophile / deep state evil goings-on?

Do such documents/repositories/sources even exist? Or do we make up this crazy stuff ourselves? ...Like one day someone wakes up and believes they have to kill children and drink their blood in order to get super rich? In which case I wish references to Satan would go away because they always come off super hokey.

ALSO! Regarding open source - about a year ago I read an article that questioned how and why the Enlightenment ideals of "freedom" and the "free man" have seemed to disintegrate, the article suggested that Enlightenment thinkers - Locke, Hobbes, etc. etc. had a sort of naive conception of "freedom" and didn't really imagine that once "free," "man" would choose, of all things, to pursue greed.

So in regards to the ideals of the open source information network, is there any way to prevent the freedom to create, disseminate, and manipulate information from a similar fortune? I'm a trained librarian/archivist, so am very pro-open information etc., but at the same time I work two jobs and will soon need another one to pay rent, my apartment is five blocks from skid row where people live in boxes, then when I go online I see all these rich people on yachts popping champagne over their cyber empires built upon millions of hours of unpaid/very low paid labor. Do you understand? I don't know...maybe we don't really understand what or how freedom means yet. Thanks for reading.

ALL: please ask ONE question at a time. Too hard for me to process multiples.

01 Satanic means both a Luciferian "religion" and a commitment to do evil with impunity, to include the sodomizing, torture, and murder of children in rituals.

02 The past 50 years has seen a concerted effort by the 1%, many of them Satanic, to dumb down, drug up, and devalue the 99%. "Anything goes" for the liberals, including pedophilia and bestiality. This is a blatant attempt to move us back to being animals and inattentive to our powers as homo sapiens.

03 Pedophilia is the gateway drug for the 1%. It is used to entrap and then control incoming talent (e.g. new Members of Congress, judges). It is also the Achilles heel of the 1%. Trump and I and others are all pursing pedophilia indictments and exposures that will change the public perception of the 1%. We are exploding the public mind. Nothing will be the same once the public understands that 8 milliion kids a year go missing, and they have an average life expectancy of two years once ingested into the global child sex trafficking network thatThe Daily Beast claims does not exist.

Thanks Robert. We don’t have time to be in “denial” anymore about the luciferian agenda of the elite. I’ll be glad when it’s exposed to the public so it can’t be dismissed anymore as “hokey” by those who decide to be willfully ignorant to the horrors going on.

No no!! I don't dismiss the idea of an agenda as hokey! Just the word "satanic" comes off as hokey to me, like it connotes a pre-Enlightenment world..the word sort of invalidates whatever is described as such because it both does and doesn't really mean anything outside of metaphor. Thinking the use of less loaded rhetoric to describe an already hidden agenda might help expose such agenda? I don't know..we are all mysterious stars.

& thanks for your answer RS..

But Robert, on free food. People do have to take their time to grow food. So if you think we should eat for free, then do you think we should work free also? I do t see how that would work.

Also, you speak as if you work hand-in-hand alongside Trump? But Q team isn't part of that? I'm still confused.

Robert, thanks for doing the AMA. I have a few questions for you:

  1. You have stated that associated of Vice President Mike Pence are involved in pedophilia. Specifically, who were you referring to? Is there any evidence in the public domain to support this claim?

  2. You often call out the US intelligence agencies for their extensive corruption, but don't always discuss the deeper causes. This would include secret societies such as the Freemasons and Mormons, the control by Wall Street and City of London bankers, and the British Royal Family. Do you sincerely believe the corruption will simply go away if we go to an open source model? Or is this one of the areas that an "ex-CIA" person is not free to discuss?

  3. What are your thoughts on thorium power to break the stranglehold of the Anglo-American petrodollar regime and create incredible economic growth due to the abundant clean, cheap energy?

  4. What is your opinion on Cicada?

  5. Are you familiar with High Level Insider? If so, what are your thoughts?

ALL: please, one question per box. Among other things, it will enable upvoting by the question, not the block.

01 I have three direct sources, one of them Chinese, to the effect that Vice President Mike Pence is an alleged murderous pedophile. Mike Flynn was fired in part because he had Mike Pence's best friend on a list of confirmed high level pedophiles provided by the Dutch government and did not tell Pence. Pence has other issues including alleged fraud as Goverenor, and a known private email service specifically prohibited by law, while Governor, just like Hillary Clinton. I do not believe Pence will be the VP in 2020, I predict a woman and ideally a woman of color. Cynthia McKinney would be ideal but Trump might make a mistake and go for Niki "the sqeeze Haley" -- she is a moron and will not serve Trump well. McKinney is a goddess and would make it so easy in combination with an election reform act and a truth channel for Trump to unite and govern the country.

02 I don't want to repeat my life's work here. See the articles and interviews at, the blog at, and the issue site

03 Free energy has been with us, and repressed, for a long time. I have nothing against thorium, my preferred power is solar and wind. Use them to desalinate and decontaminate water and everything changes. Use open source everything engineering (OSEE) and the cost of a plant doing 5MGD drops from $25M to $2.5M.

04 None

05 No

06 Corsi is a very smart very connected man. He is probably referring to the hijacking of Q, to fake Q's.

On the subject of solar, are you familiar with the advantages to space-based solar power, such as increased energy production since there is no cloud cover, and getting rid of all the intermittency problems of terrestrial solar?

Are you also familiar with proposals that would make space-based solar economically feasible, such as an orbital ring space elevator, launch loop, etc.? These are the types of technologies that, when implemented, could easily get us over 20% GDP growth from almost free energy, asteroid mining, and the new industries that would be created from cheap power and raw materials.

Trump has been bailed out by the Rothschilds when he went bankrupt. Now he has Rothschild agent Wilbur Ross as his Secretary of Commerce. Any thoughts on this?

Trump has been bailed out multiple times. That does not mean that he feels he owes anyone anything. As best I can tell Trump is a street fighter and is doing what he needs to do to survive in a rigged system he is trying to clean up. I think of him as Andrew Jackson without the hair.

Without the hair? Really? Have you seen Donald Trump?

Wow, what a deflection. Good show.

Does the rest of the world know that America’s citizens don’t hold the same political views as our leaders? I’ve always been curious about how they must view us because of the front the U.S.s leaders put on.. but a lot of things we don’t agree with, nor do we want any part of it. I hope they know that.

VERY IMPORTANT observation. No the rest of the world does not know this because our mass media, and the mass media in other countries, plays the Deep State narrative.. I am a veteran and I hate war. Wars are based on lies and we go to war for the profit of the 1%. I will bet that if Donald Trump polled all veterans tomorrow they would urge him to close all our military bases overseas, end all of our elective wars and special operations deployments, and cut our military budget in half (it is 50% waste and we cannot win wars with what we have).

Then why do you think Trump tries to push for war so much and wants to balloon the military budget even higher?

What war is Trump pushing for?

Mr. Steele-- First, your time is appreciated. Could you please address the "once CIA, always CIA" and notion you are a disinformation agent? It might clear the air for those curious of your motives. Thank you.

This is such a tired question. The problem with the morons that spout this is that they don't read. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not read eight books and hundreds of articles, chapters, briefings, and presidential and congressional testimony that all say the same thing: the US secret world is corrupt, toxic, incompetent, and 70% of it should be eradicated. The idiots that suggest that I am a disinformation agent of some sort are either stupid or working for the Zionists troll farms.

Mr. steele. Awesome ama thank you for providing your time.

As the screen name implies I have a taste for psychedelics... Where do subjects like psychedelics and burning man fit into the elite agenda. Mushrooms and consciousness?

Is jan irvine right about it all being a giant psyop MAPS and all the organizations just being puppets of the cia?

Jan has called them "suggestigens" because they only open the mind up to being programmed. Is this true?

You all can feel free to call me Robert.

Psychedelics are not my area of interest or expertise but I do believe from Carlos Castaneda and others that there is a very specific role to be played in opening minds....and of course there are the dangers of weaponized mind control.

Oh also forgot to add this to my other question.

What are your opinions on joe rogan? Another deep state puppet to satisfy the curious public?

No opinion. Don't pay attention to anyone by that name.

If you’ve watched joe rogan recently you can tell he’s a puppet, he’s a great way for people who don’t trust the MSM to fall back into the fake news trap, by making it feel more “genuine” and “real” when they’re just saying the same fake shit, just like Philip Defranco. I think both started off genuine but once the elites saw both of their influence, they were corrupted. Same with H3H3 and others

Wikilikeaks showed that basically all the global warming data was manipulated to appear worse than it really is. What is your opinion on that?

I like WikiLeaks very much and would like to see Julian Assange rescued and integrated into a management team for a World Brain. I gave him my Marine Corps CODEWORD box (red box for top secret sensitive compartmented informatino) as a gift. The banks, corporations, government, universities, churches, they all lie about everything. We are desperately in need of a truth channel and an Open Source Agency that is absolutely committed to my personal motto, "the truth at any cost lowers all other costs." CIA dishonors its motto every day. Lying, not truth-telling, is what we get from the US secret intelligence world and the US Government cabinet agencies.

Thanks for the reply. But then, what would be the take on Global Warming?


Alex Jones is part of the whole mind reading thing. I once sent an email to someone about bioterrorism and the next day he had a story but it was spun in a different manner. I got an agenda he was pushing instead of the truth.

what is the best way for us humans to be able to prepare and be safe in the upcoming " new world order" so to speak. especially if we are 1,000&#37; not protected under any form of digital privacy.

thank you so much for your dedication to sharing the truth!

If I had to do my life over, I would buy the entire set of Boy Scout Merit Badge Handbooks, and work with each of my sons so that they earned each of the merit badges but without all the bullshit that does with scouting (including pedophile predators). Self-sufficiency matters. Community matters. Knowing your neighbor matters. And not relying on digital assets controls by others matters.

thank you so so much for your reply!! Im going to look into that as soon as possible. I have a great book collection, and am just saving to purchase as many books as possible, since information is already being so controlled and limited. I am also good on preparation in terms of knowing how to grow my own food, and gardening as well. I just know an Orwellian society is coming sooner than anyone else expects, so I am doing my best to be prepared.

thank you again for your quick response, and dedication to the truth!

I've really enjoyed the old Foxfire book series for this reason. My mother took us tent camping, and backpacking, quite a bit in my youth. Dad took us stream fishing. I've noticed that I seem to thrive on being poor...makes me creative, since I can't throw money at my problems.

So boring and obvious, yet this is by far the most important answer in this entire thread. Kudos, Mr. Steele. Is there anything we can do to help you in wrecking the gestapo social media?

As someone who loves this country and is intrigued by your line of work, how would you suggest a 28 year old get started on that path?

I have a degree in communications, so likely not usable. Work in the cybersecurity field.

28 is the age limit for joining the military. The fastest track is a guaranteed intelligence contract with the Army, Air Force or Navy (Marines don't really do intelligence at scale), and then transfer to NSA. You might try a direct approach to NSA as well as DHS which is busy building its own NSA.

Thank you for your time & the info!

Bullshit man, 36 is the age limit for joining the Army-- former medic with the 101st here

My father-in-law joined after both of his kids (my wife being the younger) graduated high school, and then did 24 years and 4 tours and retired as a full bird.

Never doubt what you can do for your country.

Home of 5th Special Forces. De Oppresso Liber 🇺🇸

Pretty sure that 39 is the límit for the Air Force, and the oldest it goes.

You are correct ma'am

42 is the oldest someone can be. Each branch has their own caps, but there are always waivers available.

When you were in the CIA, did you ever hear any rumors or see any evidence of CIA involvement in JFK's murder?

What do you think that the CIA is up to now or in the nearish future? What is the organization's near term goals?

No. I was too busy doing three back to back tours overseas recruiting traitors, and then three tours in Washington in counterintelligence, information technology, and space operations. Everything I learned about CIA that I am free to talk about I learned from non-fiction books. Here is the link to my 300 reivews of intelligence related books:

300 is a lot of books to read for me....

Can you give me your "best of best" list?

That's literally what reviews are for...

This is fake right?

Robert, I feel it is safe to assume a very large percentage of the first world population relies on established media for their news on 'what's going on' in the world. With that in mind, how exactly would these 1% be exposed if the primary means of informing people of their evil deeds is controlled by them? I doubt we will see a CNN special on media-CIA collusion or them naming names on how elites have been engaging in child-related atrocities.

TIME Magazine is for sale right now and people I know are considering buying it. They are also considering creating a new TV channel and hiring Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity away from Fox because Fox generally sucks and is not helping the President. An alternative media truth channel fleshed out from BitChute offering free emails that validate your voter status and congressional district will take off like wildwire. If the President leaves Twitter and sends Trumpets instead, it is game over.

Afterthought: I am very concerned by the degree to which younger people are relying on YouTube, and older people on teleivsion. The art of critical thinking and conversation has been lost. We have to rebuild family, community, and society.

I see it every day in my children. I got mad enough at my youngest son (age 8) that he was banned from the computer indefinitely, specifically youtube. It's been 6 months now and no one is in any hurry to get him back to where he was.

It's tough for me, a guy who makes his living on what he taught himself about computers, to restrict that from my son, but he's not writing and basic and playing the 'Oregon Trail' (you have died of dysentery), he's just freebasing propaganda in at a very fine grade.

Need to get some old PCs you know before GUI lol

This is a good point. If you aren't reading it you aren't fully understanding it. Damn, how haven't I heard of you before? (that's a joke, we both know why) Keep doing what you are doing. You've earned my attention.

One last question, do you have an insight into the legitimacy of the secret space program or deep underground military bases?

I have no direct knowledge. I believe both exist. The time has come to terminate all government programs not explicitly approved by the taxpayer, and to also temrinate the federal income tax. The Automated Payment Transaction Tax, collected by states, would be allocated to the federal government, which is supposed to be an administrative service of common concern, not an imperial power, based on a balanced budget approved by the states.

Mr. Steele, what is the truth about WW2 and the Nazis? Was Hitler hired and put into his position of power, or did he naturally and organically make his way into it, ect. I know this is a broad and general question, I was having trouble narrowing it down, but wanted to try and get some form Information from your vast knowledge.

Okay, closing down for the night. I will check in each day between now and Sunday, and answer any questions that are posted. Am very pleased by the absence of trolls, the moderators must be doing something right, thank you for that. Goodnight, all.

the moderators must be doing something right, thank you for that. Goodnight, all.

No, thank you for a fantastic AMA so far. The way I see it; you are giving up your time to do this. You have a wealth of knowledge on quite a wide range of very interesting topics and you are willing to spread that wealth of knowledge.

The least we can do as mods is try to catch as many trolls and shills as we can. I know personally I’m approaching this thread with zero tolerance and while I will allow people to respectfully debate you, or question you, I will not allow them to troll you or attack you.

I do not want to speak for the other mods, but I am sure they feel this way as well. Thank you again for providing such an entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable AMA.

I don't have a question. I just want to say thank you for your passion , your hard work, and thank you for doing the right thing. You are a true patriot and inspiration to us all.

You guys are doing an amazing job with this AMA. Thank you so much for all you guys do!

I honestly can't believe how good of an AMA this is and its posted in /r/conspiracy I would have never thought that possible 3 months ago. You guys are doing an amazing job.

Hey Robert David Steele, good disinformation is truth plus nonsense. 😘

No such thing as ex CIA...

Lmao this isnt a former spy or Robert David Steele

Mr. Steele, could you comment on what you know as to the validity of the recently publicized "Gimbal," "Tic Tac," and "Go Fast" videos by To The Stars Academy claiming to show military pilots tracking and conversing about what seems to be unidentified aerial phenomena/aircraft? Or more pointedly, is this a part of a real coming disclosure or just another smokescreen? You say in another answer something about disclosure about Antarctica, extraterrestrials, etc. What is the true current state of mankind's relation to any other intelligent beings?

I have no direct knowledge other than noting that many countries are declassifying their UFO files. It is the height of arrogance and irresponsibility for any government to think that it must keep secret from the people facts of life. Secrecy, as I testified to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan's commission on secrecy, is generally code for covering up evil, theft, and waste.

Thanks for your response and your service to our country.

Honestly, I believe the UFO is a big hoax so a fake alien attack can be done as a False Flag. I believe the UFO files us a dually a couple errands story for something much more synical. Like the children sent to guess is there really is children missing but they didn't go to Mars. They probably are somewhere doing sick experiments on them. :(

Fwiw I agree with you about UFOs being a hoax/ not real. Have to draw the line somewhere.

Seriously. I would go as far as to say that "aliens" are actually demonic beings. But aside from them being demonic (and I only say that because there are people who claim they've seen UFO'S and aliens and I won't say they are lying), I do not believe they exist.

You are not the real Robert Steele! The real conspiracy is why this shithole let an imposter on the sub!

Mr. Steele, I want to respect what you have to say. I just looked at one of your videos that you posted here. You seem sincere. It concerns me that you ate discrediting Q because any one with thinking skills can very obviously see that Trump and Q affirm in another constantly. A few times can be coincidence, but not as long as I e been watching...So this is my concern: If Q is being disregarded as insignificant (therefore discrediting him), eventually, Trump may be discredited next. WWG1WGA

I have never discredited Q I have simply said I don't have time for riddles and my sources are more than enough to keep me busy. There appear to be multiple Qs and the Q concept appears to have been hijacked one or more times. Frankly I don't care.

I'm sincerely confused. You say you were a spy. Surely you know Q's drops are for a two-fold purpose: 1) To help rally the Patriots to instill hope that a change is indeed taking place/to utilize the autists skills for research and to get that research out to the public. 2)To throw propaganda out to the Deep State and watch them make mistakes.

I'm sure my understanding is over simplified.

It would seem you would understand that some things would have to be in some sort of code. Certainly you had to do that during ops you ran? Right? Why would you poopoo on Q, who is obviously working hand-in-hand with the Trump Team, by saying you don't like the "riddles" they speak in? I'm not sure I understand what you really have an issue with. Because I don't see how it could possibly be the riddles they speak in since you've had to utilize that form of communication to some degree most certainly.

What's the worst instance of wrongdoing done by the CIA during the course of its history in your opinion?

Dear Mr Steele,

Since the world seems to be waking up to how bad the opioid crisis truly is, do you believe more natural medial remedies like medical marijuana and Psilocybin will ever replace opioids?

Sincerely Americans.

Yes. Legailizing marijuana (and hemp) are the one thing Trump could do overnight to open minds in his favor among the Sandernistas and others, and to throw a monkey wrench into the evil of the "health" and agricultural industries.

But he'll NEVER do that. It's beyond frustrating.

Whether you answer or not, please have my sincere thanks for doing this AMA, I am astounded by many people you have answered. This is amazing so far, i hope this is being archived/saved and not 'lost'.

1) I've never witnessed the vitriol and emotional hate by the left in my life, ever. Do you foresee a extended civil war within the US?

2) That future population survey (sorry I don't remember the name of it, will edit back after I try and find it here on reddit, it was gov. sponsored I think/) that came out that showed a huge decrease in population in the US/UK projected in the coming years, is this an example of the cabals giving advance notice, per the 'rules'?

Thank you very much, and I hope you stay safe.

The left has lost. 50 years of trying to legitimize bestiality and pedophilia and the destruction of the family and the departure from man woman toward California having no fewer than 20 trans-gender variations, has been evil. This summer I expect veterans, a truth channel, and more to rise. Trump may or may not be "the final answer" but he has set the stage for the rest of us to triumph and restore family, community, values, and more.

Sperm counts are down and vaccinations are sterlizing women without their knowledge. The entire food industry is poisoning us.

Can you even show a single example of the left trying to legalize pedophilia or beastiality. Otherwise I enjoy what your saying but that one line seems to come from no where. Also I do my best to read from both sides and I haven't found anyone who supports either on either side.

Wait, are you insinuating that transgender people are 'evil'? Pardon but my grasp on english is not perfect and some of what you just said is a bit confusing.

I'm rather confused by what all falls under the umbrella that you're describing as evil. Do you consider the legislative support for human equality in regards to homosexual/bisexual individuals, and especially for same-sex couples to be evil as well?

You're like super dead if you're for real.

Know anything about Seth Rich? Thoughts on Julian Assange; his current whereabouts and situation? Anything is helpful. It seems that we've all hit a dead end on both subjects.

I believe Seth Rich was the inside source for Assange and that he is alive and very happy in Palestine. Julian is not well and has been cut off from the Internet and visitors. I would like very much to see Trump decide that he has to talk to Assange and bring Assange to freedom and health in the USA.

I can't believe no one else is digging more into this (but there's a lot to read and digest for sure), how and why is SR in Palestine? Or what makes you think that?

Robert David Steele is a shill and a plant to discredit conspiracy theorists and the alt right. If you care to look up his history, he's wrong about pretty much everything.

How much longer do you think it will be before we see justice?

Justice is not an on or off thing. It evolves. Here is a good book:

I will have to give it a read! Thank you for your reply

Another question for you, Mr. Steele.

We can trace the Rothschild families name back to the 1600s and earlier, and many other long lasting families now. But my question is this, what role do they play? We know the Rothschild controls the worlds money, but what about the black nobility? What role do these ancient families hold?

Not an area where I have a lot to offer. What astonishes me is how inexpensively the Rothschilds have been able to bribe governments that control militaries. The fact that the Rothschilds are alive today and own anything is a testament to the venality and low cost slutiness of every high ranking police officer in the UK and everywhere else (e.g. Austria) where the Rothschilds have been getting away with mass murder via banking for over a century. Same same the Jesuits and the Chabad Supremacist Cult.

Thank you so much for doing this. You mentioned 10 days to a global currency reset. Can you please explain what implications this might have on day to day lives in America and the UK? Many thanks


FWIW - at least one of those links tripped reddit's site-wide spam filter and needed to be manually approved.

I got you tho.

Mad props from me for that.

Excellent, thank you.

Thank you for your time and consideration Mr, Steele. How can we invest with supporting evil companies? Can you name a few safe places/companies to support which you believe are doing good work in the world. Thank you.

I am huge on local self-sufficiency. I would like to see the end of absentee landlords and the rise of counties that are self-governing and do not rely on federal or state funds and all the conditions that come with them. From where I sit the best investment is helping elect someone to Congress who is not a Democrat or a Republican, but an Independent, and who will refer all legislation to their constituency and vote according to a Congressional District poll, not according to what they are being bribed or blackmailed to vote.

May this come to pass. Local frequent secure voting by ALL citizens on ALL legislation. Amen.

You brought up Q, expand on Q.

Controversial question. Do you believe bill gates has an agenda behind his vaccinations for all movement?

Yes. Bill Gates and Larry Page are engineers without ethics. They think it is way cool to do evil shit to masses of people who "don't count" Vaccines are absolutely out of control, the Center for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration are both criminal networks that should be deeply investigated -- the problem is that the FBI is its own criminal network, stacked with Freemasons and pedophiles, and we don't have anyone in this country trained, equipped, and organized to clean house.

What's your opinion about MH17. Was russia responsible for the crash or was it a setup?

I absolutely do not believe any accusations against Russia. The Zionists are all over this. A replica was photographed in Tel Aviv.

Thanks for this Mr. Steele. I have a huge respect for your work. When is pedogate going to break to the masses? What % of the powers that be are involved? What event will wake up all these dumb motherfuckers I have to interact with on a daily basis? Thank you, sir.

Feel free to call me Robert.

PizzaGate was huge. If, for example, someone credible could hold a hearing with witnesses that takes down both Mike Pence and Tom Hanks (see the allegations against Tom Hanks at below link), that would do it.

Interesting voat post. I must have missed that one. She does mention the Canaanites. I am not very religious, but it seems that religion drives behavior. The Freemasons believe that Nimrod was the first Mason. Nimrod was killed by Shem, and cut up into pieces as a warning to stop their evil behavior. They have ignored the warning.

I am still researching the relationship between Satan, Lucifer, and Nimrod, from the point of view of the Cabal. Someone mentioned the Pindar of the Draco, who is allegedly the right hand man of Satan and controls all on Earth. It is supposed to be a Rothschild, but it probably is not the same Rothschild that was in place last October.

You mentioned the "Elders", but I am not sure who you mean. Black Nobility, maybe?

Sad that nothing shocks or surprises me any more. No new household names brought up in connection with sexual abuse even elicits a raised eyebrow any more. What a depressing reflection of the World in which we're now living. All according to plan. A traumatized populace is a malleable populace, easy to control and easily pitted against one another.

We have to remember that we are all brothers and sisters. We have to stop letting them turn us against us. We have to stop the squabbling and hate... people who are different from us are not our enemy. United we stand, divided we fall.

Do you have insight into the scope of psychotronic and directed energy weapon deployments globally? How much is satellite versus terrestrial based? Which bands of the electromagnetic spectrum are generally used? My advice has been to shelter in place if affected, but are there any safe havens geographically, that don't involve heavily shielded rooms?

I'm making a survival guide about the above, roast me?

I don't have a sufficiency of knowledge but am very concerned. Winn Schwartau was the first to sound the alarm on electromagnetic weapons, and CIA/NASA mind control and electronic assassination appears to have advanced considerably since LSD days.

An Open Source Agency such as I have proposed to President Trump, who is being told to avoid me like the plague precisely because I am the anti-thesis to the liars and traitors surrounding him, would deeply investigate all such threats, a special presidential task force would deeply inspect every CIA and NASA and DoD underground bunker, and we would clean house. It will take at least six years, but in year one we can scope the problem and cut off the money.

It also merits comment that with Bill Binney's Thin Thread capabilities, I can shut down offshore off the books funding for CIA, NSA, NASA, the crime cartels (the banks are vastly worse than the street gangs). Crime exists because the government profits from the existence of crime.

What are your thoughts on Hillary Clinton’s email investigation? (More so the way the investigation was done, the outcome, the aftermath, tarmac meeting..etc.)

I also am curious but skeptical for upcoming IG report regarding those matters!

Trump's Presidential appointment team was owned by the GOP from day one and while Trump has expressed satisfaction with the GOP front man running that operations I feel Trump has been schlonged by the GOP. He failed to wipe out all the Obama appointees in Justice and the FBI on day one. Big fucking mistake. We now know that Obama not only covered up for Clinton, but personally led an interagency witchhunt and spygate against the Trump campaign.

IGs do the best they can, but generally they are toothless. Here is my certified letter to Comey on Clinton:

Mr. Steele, on top of my followup question on another redditor's comment, I had a question about the entertainment/media industry.

What is Disney company's overall plan at this time and in the next few years? They have been very blatant with their agendas in the latest Star Wars films and their potential buyout of FOX is possibly breaking anti-trust laws. Are they planning to push forth an all-out up-front satanic agenda with these tools?

I think of Walt Disney as king of the pedophiles, and of Shirley Temple as the first princess of the pedophile world. Disney is deeply evil at multiple levels, and Fox is largely worthless. TIME Magazine, which publishes CIA Covert Action Staff bullshit including the fake Russian election hacking narrative, is for sale.

I think we are on the verge of a meltdown of old industries (including AT&T which appears to have lost its mind and has no clue how to integrated content with communications) and an entire new network, a distributed mesh network that minimizes centralized control, is going to emerge. Amazon, not Google, is the final dance. Amazon has become police state central, cross-correlating everything including face photos, there is zero privacy in America, no place to hide, if you are digital in any way.

So you're suggesting Amazon will buy out Disney eventually?? If that's what youre saying, that is incredibly huge!

Prove to us you are Steele

I am adopted and my records are sealed. I tried to get them opened many times. Someone at the state level took pity on me and told me that..."my case would never be opened up for me. That there are things in my adoption file that many people in power positions do not want out into the public. He told me to go home and stop trying."

A private detective contacted me, hired by my real brother. My brother that was adopted into the Rockefeller family. What is your thoughts on the Rockerfellers and do you have any thoughts about what could be so scary in my adoption file?

Hello, Robert. I just posted the following on the sub /greatawakening. Couldn't help myself. Hope you don't mind?

I have the impression that the organization you cite is a scam focused on raising funds, and not actually doing the good works it suggests. It has no real authority (nor does the International Tribunal for Natural Justice with which I am associated). Pope Francis may be a change agent, like Donald Trump. He may also be a Satinist. I still cannot get over the Reptilian audience hall in Vatican City, see photos at the below post:

I have no direct knowledge but have the impression that the Rothchilds and the Vatican/Jesuits have accepted an exit strategy from the Elders and the new tri-umverate of Xi-Trump-Putin, the Chabad Supremacist Cult appears to be the hold-out, I look forward to seeing them smashed and Israel restored as Palestine with a Jewish Autonomous Zone between Tel Aviv and the sea, and a new Jewish Autonomous Zone in Manchuria, see the Chinese offer here:

Thank you for clarifying this. I guess I'm still (after numerous shocks) as naive as I ever was. I'm posting an apology on the other sub, as well. FYI, this "Committee to support..." has the photo gallery of you, McKinney, Binney, et al, right in the body of their message calling for "support."

Hi Robert, what really happened at montauk? Was the philadelphia project real?

No knowledge, sorry.

No problem thanks for replying anyways, wish you all the best!

Do you think the Clinton Crime Ring will officially be exposed? and will they face real justice?

They have been exposed. They -- and the Bushes, Cheney, Soros, Gates and others -- need to be publicly held accountable but as for real justice, am not sure. Am huge on truth & reconciliation -- it is more important to educate the many than to hang the few -- on balance Hillary Clinton served us well by being so visibly venal, followed by Dick Cheney.

I am sorry if this has been asked before but...

Is 'Remote Viewing' legit? And, did the CIA actually have a remote viewing program?

Has not been asked before. I have no direct knowledge but I believe that remote viewing is possible, that there are far more dimensions than the four that most people think about, that there is a K band that allows you to throw a rock through a window without breaking the window, and so on. We are in our infancy of understanding in part because all of our institutions have been focused on secrecy for the few and the dumbing down of the many.

Hey david, have you heard anything about the irish/Egyptian connection?

Have noticed the Irish seem to be one of those groups that shares genetic traits with the basque and native americans while be ostracized by the zionists/royal families?

Also would love to hear your opinions in the "windsor" family. My city(phx) seems to be illuminati central and went to school with someone of that last name who was placed in film industry and EDM scene (flashing lights and drugs....) believes in the power of crystals yet Denys chemtrails. The convo we had about earth being over populated and her saying "so many need to die" is what made me stop seeing her. Paranoid? Right decision?

Robert not David, please.

No knowledge on Irish Egypt

The Earth is not over-populated; wealth and knowledge are too concentrated and all governments lack integrity and do not represent the public. There is a need for a rise in the 99% demanding local autonomy and refusing top down imperialism. This book review captures my views:

My apologies Robert. Early in the am for me when I typed up the question (3am)

Do you think there is a good chance there Will be a financial collapse this year? It seems to be a repeated theme and never happens. But once again there is a lot of commentary saying the signs are that it could happen. What are your thoughts?

Martin Armstrong has never been wrong until Donald Trump came along. There was supposed to be a financial collapse after the presidential election in the new year, and Martin is predicting another one for January 2020

My general sense is that 2008 was a massive robbery in which the US Government collaborated with the banks to bail them out of a massive criminal conspiracy to defraud the public with subprime mortgages and other measures (e.g. futures bets on oil that required wars to drive prices up, currency and interest rate manipulation).

Then China and Russia decided enough was enough and created an alternative economic system including an alternative to SWIFT which is how banks transfer fake money without question.

Rumor has it that Trump has succeeded at forcing the banks to return $15 trillion or more that was stolen from the USA, and that a trillion will be spent in the USA over the next couple of years, on new jobs and new construction. A gold backed dollar, the virtual if not full nationalization of the Federal Reserve, and an end to borrowing from banks (which is unconstitutional) are all on the table.

On balance, I believe Trump has been good for America but he cannot drain the swamp without a truth channel and an election reform act and the mobilization of 22 million veterans and the restoration of the GOP as a temple for conservative family values.

See also:

Based on your response about the Vatican, pedophile priests, etc. I have a feeling you are a man who believes in God.

Do you think that we are in end times? What leads you to believe this? I'm a little bit fearful and excited to see what is going to happen in my lifetime.

I believe that the Zionists and the Zio-Cons across America, including the Christian Zionists that have been fooled into believing absolute crap, want an end of times that jusifies the eradication of millions of Arabs, Palestinians, blacks, and others.

I do not think we are going to see an end times. Something cosmic started in 2012, and the triumverate of Xi, Trump, and Putin appears to be more than equal to the task of putting down the cabal.

The Zionists (not to be confused with Jews or even Israrel) are shitting bricks because they now see that Trump has been playing them -- after the denuclearization of the Koreas comes the denuclearization of the Middle East starting with Israel.

This is a very exciting time to be alive. My ideas for lifting the five billion poor at 10% of the cost of the failed Western paradgim draw on Marcin Jakubowski and others, see the summary article below. It is very frustrating to me to know that Trump is being lied to with the specific intent of keeping him from understanding that he can be the greatest president ever at 10% of the cost in 20% of the time it would take on his present course (but if he did get back the $15 trillion that is YUGE).

What do you know of the mandela effect and why is it being suppressed. (No it’s not memory lapses it’s real). When was it first noticed and are there any ideas as to why it happens ?

Thank you, any other info you need just let me know.


On your website, you have the heading (in bold)

Saudis Did Not Do 9/11 (and the Last Bin Laden Was a Fake)

Yet, at the end of the very first article under this heading, in your closing paragraphs you write:

Whether or not the legendary 28 redacted pages are made public, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Pakistan’s ISI and rogue (?) Saudis were directly involved in planning and financing 9/11.

Can you elaborate or explain how you can claim that the Saudi's did not do 9/11 yet at the same time state that the Saudis were directly involved in planning and financing 9/11?

Thank you

Gladly. Good to find someone that has actually looked at the site.

The Zionists began planning 9/11 as a major strike in NYC, in the late 1980's. Christopher Bollyn, whom they hate with a passion, is one of the top authors on this John Brennan as Chief of Station for CIA in Saudi Arabia in the late 1990's evidently played a key role in personally approving the visas for the patsies (they were not actual hijackers), many of whom were not Saudi but all of whom were issued Saudi passports. The Saudis were not the masterminds, they were just the logistics pass-through and perhaps financed early days of the cover story (rag heads with box cutters doing badly in flight training while getting mad drunk at topless bars).

13 countries warned us in advance of the plot; Dick Cheney swore them all to secrecy and announced a national counter-terrorism exercise for the day of 9/11 MONTHS IN ADVANCE so he could control the day. He then arranged with Rumsfeld and probably some Air Force penecostalists and Christian Zionists to do drones made up to look like aircraft, and a missile (for the Pentagon). FEMA was set up on the piers of NYC the night before 9/11. The dogs were removed from the buildings two week prior and not allowed back in....

It goes on and on. The Zionists funded the deepening of the NYC channel so the crime scene could be destroyed and exported as quickly as possible, massive numbers of dump trucks with GPS devices appear to have been arranged beforehand to that end....and so on.

I find it fascinating that Arnon Milchan, who was one of two Zionists present in Dallas to observe the assassination on behalf of Zionist Israel, a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK (flash forward to the USS Liberty and you will now understand the Zionists have no program treating all of us as disposable whores or "shiksas" that do not count), did TWO MOVIES with airplanes crashing into towers, a marvelous preparation for perhaps being the theatrical director for 9/11. He lives in NYC now, I expect him to leave the USA soon.

The 9/11 Commission, which interviewed me, was totally controlled by Dick Cheney for the Zionists, similar to how LBJ put Allen Dulles, the leader of the assassination of JFK, on the Warren Commission to ensure the narrative continued.

Here are some links you can explore:

Top-Level Overviews
9/11 An Inside Job?
9/11 and Gold War Against Russia + Insider Trading
9/11 and Zionist Israel (Absolving All Jews)
Saudis Did Not Do 9/11 (and the Last Bin Laden Was a Fake)
9/11 Truth Movement / 9/11 as Wake-Up Call for Public?
9/11 Repression of Truth Movement — Denial, Fear, Lies &amp; Murder
Aftermath of 9/11 – Endless War &amp; True Cost
Aftermath of 9/11 – False Flags as Routine

It is worth noting that the immediate destruction of the scene is a characteristic of false flag operations since then -- Sandy Hook, Orlando, etcetera.

The famous, previously redacted (now released) 28 pages contain actual names of Saudi government employees with money trails leading back to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

A few of the leaked Wikileaks Guantanamo Bay prisoner files tie known terrorist in custody there to 9/11 and to the Saudi's.

U.S. Senators have stated on record that the Saudi's were responsible.

The FBI has 80,000 pages of investigative reports into the Saudi's pertaining to 9/11.

The previous King of Saudi Arabia is tied to 9/11.

Prince Bandar is tied to 9/11 (and Bush)

etc, etc, etc.

The Saudi connection to 9/11 goes on and on, with an epic fuck load of more verifiable evidence to their orchestration of 9/11 than anything having to do with Israel.

How do you think that Israel could possible fabricate and set all of this evidence up? It just isn't possible.

I'm not saying that Israel wasn't involved but it appears that Saudi Arabia is actually who orchestrated the entire plot.

The Saudis are amateurs in terrorism, and false flags compared to the Israelis. Israel is one of the world's largest state sponsors of Islamic terrorism, and is an enemy of the U.S. which has engaged both in terrorism, and espionage against the U.S., including killing the Marines in Lebanon when Reagan was president.

Oh boy, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that, let's just leave it there.

Thanks for being here. What happened to the hijacked planes? Did they even exist? Whats the truth about about flight 93?

Going to do my day job. Will check back in around 2 pm eastern to answer all questions that appear between now and then, and hang for an hour. Will visit twice daily between now and Sunday evening.

I just noticed I have missed five or more questions. I don't have the time to go through the whole stack but I welcome any question I have not answered being repeated (new) for my two pm eastern return.

Thank you for taking the time to do this and sharing this information. Speaking frankly some of this stuff I've never heard before and it's striking, while other aspects fall right in line.

I'm trying to carefully construct this question as, in my view, it's very important.

What role and how large a role do E.T.'s(specific factions/races sited hopefully) play in all of this corruption and evil? To Satanism and pedophilia, influence on politics and power, information and whatever else.

I've heard many mixed stories about this, I.E. President Eisenhower cutting a deal with E.T.'s for various reasons, mixed but common stories that some of these entities are not what they say they are, I.E. Phil Schneider's story and it's similarity, although inverted, to John Todd's story(these two people have nothing else in common) - that people on planet earth are taking orders from these E.T.'s and some people believe they are pretending to be 'aliens', or, as mentioned, the inversion that some believe they are pretending to be 'demons'.

I ask because the confusion is real and obviously deliberate and dare I say diabolical. Without discernment none of us stand a chance. And taking our fascism, warfare and slavery into space with the possibility of advanced races, possibly already here as well, seems like a terrible idea to me if they(E.T.'s) are not involved.

Thanks ahead of time.

Check out Steven Greer, M.D. and his Disclosure Project. He, and his team have amassed an amazing amount of first-hand testimony from highly credible national, and international human sources, and from various government, and international official documents.

I have.

I've done 2 good CE-5's.

Greer doesn't talk about Satanism or pedophilia directly, although some of his eye-witnesses on record kind of elude to some weird shit. I'm trying to understand the correlations and connections.

You asked a great question and RDS's reply seems sincere. This is a great ama. As a long time researcher of this stuff, I cannot believe ET's or aliens are real, in terms of contact with earth/govt. Other than the DMT/psychedelic experience (inner space), for me, anyone claiming to know for sure that they are real and that they are making deals with people in govt of all things, is BSing. RDS has said he doesn't know which is a great answer. I don't know either but I'm very skeptical of anyone who says they do know because it really lacks any good evidence. Blood-drinking pedophiles running the worlds institutions through blackmail and death is an almost unimaginable thing to be true as it is but looks as though it is (p gate). That coupled with Zionism/ JQ is a heavy enough load to deal with in terms of saving humanity from real, existing danger. ET's and aliens muddy the waters imo. Thats just my assessment/opinion. Only sharing because of how much love and respect I have for everyone in this thread.

E.T.'s existence is no less or more believable than people drinking children's blood adrenalized for power or some other spiritual or physical benefit.

Additionally, that this pedophila ring is world-wide, virtually every government is involved at some level and it goes as high as all the alphabet agencies.

Meanwhile we live in a galaxy that's over 100,000 light years wide, we can barely comprehend the nearby systems like Sirius and Procyon with the billions of other star systems, not stars or planets, but billions of SYSTEMS - and the concept that humanity is not the apex of life and all the implications included muddy's the water? Not to mention, that these E.T.'s, drug trade and more are all somehow correlated? By the way, I only mentioned our galaxy, I didn't until now mention all the billions of other galaxies.

All of this is hard to believe for some people strictly based on a normalcy bias and the issue of people not liking their world views stepped on. It has nothing to do with the validity of the topic, it has everything to do whether you personally like it or not, a belief instead of an idea or possibility. I didn't state my beliefs anywhere, other than that it's an extremely important topic, if not the MOST important topic.

Not to mention, extraterrestrials are all over the websites he posted, which is what prompted me to ask the question to begin with.

I honestly do not know. All of my knowledge is indirect, from others.

Here is the best book I have reviewed overall:

Here are all the books I have reviewed that have anything to do with extraterrestial:

Here are 37 blog entries tagged extraterrestial:

Truth is on the way.

Thanks for the reply.

What's your opinion on moving the embassy to Jerusalem?

Keeping Netanyahu distracted until we can put a cattle prod up his ass. Here is the best statement on Jerusalem by a Jew with a big mind and deep ethics:

One-state solution, basically?

From the article in your link:

"Trump’s move on Jerusalem achieved what years of Israel’s settlements failed to do—shatter the illusion of a two-state outcome, and allow the Palestinian national movement to turn into a struggle for rights, which is to say a struggle to end Israel’s de facto apartheid regime, a course I have advocated for over a decade, and now increasingly embraced by younger Palestinians. What is particularly significant is that this younger generation is opting for a struggle for equal rights in a single state not because they despair of achieving a state of their own, but because it is their preferred solution. It is the right choice, for their struggle for a state of their own is one Palestinians cannot win, while a struggle to maintain an apartheid regime is one Israel cannot win."

So Robert, Flat earth... Where did this mess start? Has to be a psy op right? Any leads on to where and why this "world view" has resurged

Also whats up with the whole push for veganism in the media lately? Anything to do with agenda 21? Have noticed majority if hollywood and netflix is pushing it as the next "health trend" which is always a red flag for me. Have my own anecdotes with the diet.

Also any opinions or ideas on whats up with the medicinal marijuana thing? Will it ever be federally legalized or even moved to schedule 2? A big issue among the medical patients seems to be, being stripped of their 2 amendment rights. Was this a trap like alex jones claims by big soros?

01 No idea. Too stupid for words.

02 As long as the media fails to cover all threats, all policies, all true costs, all the time, it is shit and every story is a red herring.

03 Marijuana, hemp must be legalized immediately. Jefferson Sessions is totally wrong on this one. Yes, it will happen, at a minimum federal restrictions will be removed and it will be left to the states, which will benefit as Colorado has, with a new cash industry.

03 We need to double down on gun rights, there is a massive movement to declare veterans mentally unfit to bear arms, sadly the NRA has its head up its ass and I seriously doubt Ollie North has the brains or the balls to take on the anti-gun movement with the truth, which is to say, calling out all the false flag operations for what they are: anti-gun threatrics with incidental pasty deaths. I ran a false flag for the CIA. Calling out the false flags and holding he FBI and FEMA and DHS accountable for lying to us about the false flags is an essential step.

04 Sea level does appear to be rising 3 mm a year, I did a briefing for India in which I calculate what it would take in the way of water desalination plans to keep it level -- just for fun.

Also, while legit, that sea level shift is 100 years out along with shifts in the polar magnetic field etc. Bottom line is that governments are operating on 2% of the relevant information and lie a lot.

I see zero evidence that you've been "recommended "for a Nobel Prize.

Also, how do you justify condemning Clinton for the atrocities she's committed and defend Putin and Trump when they've been involved in similar acts?

Also, in the CIA database there isn't record of your service.

Can you clarify?

How can we save america from the cancer spreading though it? Personally, I think we start with firebombing California, but I doubt the fire would make much of a difference considering its almost always on fire..

Do you know anything about the Elisa Lam suicide in 2013? Also why on your website you link your books to Amazon if Amazon is as bad as you say?


Amazon is the only option right now for sharing information with all those who rely on Amazon. As soon as we organize a combination of OpenID, PayPal crypto, and individual sellers being able to do one click selling without your having to provide them with payment or shipping information, we can bury Amazon.

I removed all of my reviews from Amazon after two perfectly good reviews were refused because they were inconsistent with Amazon's version of reality. Amazon is banning individual books, individual reviewers, and individual reviews, and is therefore dishonest and in violation of Title 7 discrimination laws, among others.

Consider this link:

I guess this is faith based, how do we know if this is the real guy? I doubt he can confirm it, even if he is.

Thanks for all you do, Mr. Steele. I have contributed to your efforts in the past, and will do so again. I wish I could give more, but I will do what I can. Two things: First is that the NSA backdoor, and their collecting so much data means that they can not use all of it. You often make the point that NSA, and others can only process 1% of what they collect. It's sheer incompetence, and theft. Second, regarding your comments about a colony on Mars, when I first heard it I wondered if it were possible or if you were just some conspiracy nut, which I know you're not, and then I came across all of the amazing information that Steven Greer, M.D. has amassed. Are you familiar with his Disclosure Project, and do you have any thoughts about his work?


Hey Robert, thanks for doing this. Big fan of your work.

I saw you mention/answer several questions related to pizzagate.

I'm curious more about Alefantis and his role in all of it.

October before last when a lot of this was still breaking, several things troubled me about this guy; his connections with the Obama white house, HRC and the like. Also him and his associates public Instagram posts, (extremely disturbing) and other happenings around comet ping pong.

My impression is that along with Epstein, they have close connections in the deep state intelligence community and have been key players in the Mossad/CIA joint Operation: Brownstone, (which as I understand it, sets up and captures prominent geopolitical figures in compromising situations for blackmail purposes later on; for example, some or the creepy ritual stuff going on Epstein's private island). Is any of that true or am I way off base? There are other rumors that Alefantis father is an old agency guy and that coupled with the dirt he has on others is essentially makes him untouchable. How does a 30-something pizza shop owner beat out members of congress and other localpower brokers to get of the top 50 most powerful people in DC?

I have similar impressions. Not going to comment further on him or the person I am told he is blackmailing. All this stuff will come out eventually but it is better if it comes out through the due process of law rather than a social media mob scene that can hurt innocents in passing.

The msm response was so over the top and the fact that he was so rabidly litigious while the media covered for him was insane. I've never seen anything like it. That they felt removing the comments from this perverts instagram posts tells you everything you need to know. I gotta say that this is the best AMA I have ever seen on reddit. Thank you, Robert.

Where is the information I'm supposed to review?

Howdy Robert,

You mentioned that geo-engineering is real. In 2016, Dementia/Alzheimer's became the leading cause of death in the U.K. There was also a study where they did autopsies on autistic children and found aluminum in their brains. WTF are they spraying us with and how do "THEY" avoid the consequences of their action? What can we do to expose/stop them?

All credible. What is missing is an Open Source Agency that does deep dives and never lies to the public. The integration of holistic analytics (all threats all policies all the time) and true cost economics, combined with the compare and contrast of Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) against the prevailing Western model that is 50% waste and 90% profit for the banks, makes peace and prosperity for all possible.

"Free energy" probably falls in line with the technology that powers UFO spacecraft. Certain governments have that technology.

How can we as citizens be part of the dismantling of zionism in America. Will Trump end the federal reserve and end operation talpiot?

Back around 6 pm eastern.

What is the connection between the spirit and keeping us enslaved?


Thank you for doing this AMA I hope I didn't show up too late for you to answer. I was wondering why you chose your career in intelligence gathering and how you gained the opportunity to speak so much about it even though it's such a secretive field. Also, what are some skills a college student could work on that would be desirable to the angencies you worked for?

When I was completing my MA in International Relations I was offered a job at Lloyd's Bank International but was swayed by a Marine Corps recruiting officer and was glad to be accepted as Marine Corps infantry officer. When my Battalion Landing Team lost its CWO-4 S-1/Adjutant he told the Colonel I was the only Marine that could actually read and write at a staff level, and I instantly got Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented clearances and got to read all the top secret stuff for a year (most of it was worthless).

Then I saw an ad in Stars & Stripes from CIA, I applied, and after a two year process, was one of about 65 accepted (out of 25,000 applicants) to the clandestine training course.

Bottom line is that intelligence done right is about thinking and providing decision support in the public interest. No one in the US secret intelligence community today is doing it right. Bill Binney and I are lone voices for sanity.

If you are seriously interested in intelligence, focus on holistic analytics, true cost economics, the intersections between political science, sociology and psychology, economics, and history.

Join the military as an officer, Army, Navy, Air Force in that order (Marine Corps intelligence is bush league, Coast Guard has enormous potential), and then stay in the reserve while applying to CIA.

If you are an introvert, go analyst. If you are an extrovert, go operational.

Last question from's kind of weird..but I would really love a reply..

Regarding those NASA PHds and children on space flight..

Did they ever mention the name "Rose"? Or use the word "Rose" to signify anything to do with it?

Possibly a person in a "group leader" position...

No knowledge.

Thank you very much for replying.

What is agent P(blue, reflective coated liquid. possibly oily or viscous in nature) and why is it being injected into children in psychiatric facilities in North Texas? Also, know of any CIA blacksites or psych hospitals that are child trafficking and kidnapping facilities where men, women and children are forcibly branded or sold off into human trafficking rings? Specifically in the Dallas area?

also is it true that the implants are not activated yet because they are waiting for a specific time when they can activate the satellites/whatever-the-fuck they're using? Also, was 9/11 caused by the QRS-11 gyroscopic microchip being attacked by Direct Energy weapons(both are findable on google patents)

No knowledge. Scroll down to 'immediate jeopardy'. I highly recommend reading the article. Glen oaks...hickory trails.. Sundance [Hollywood film festival]. For the love of God Steele connect the dots, I can't say much more, pm me if need be


Do you know anything about the inner workings of developing countries in Western Africa that have so-called democracies? I have heard that countries such as China and others move in to take all of their natural resources still, just under the guise of corporations instead of colonialism. What is the larger plan here for the Elite?

I am a healthcare professional who has done some NGO work in one of these countries, and I can see that nothing gets done through the Ministry of Health without bribes and kickbacks. It’s frustrating when I am genuinely trying to help their local hospitals, yet most equipment is broken and cannot get fixed for years and years. It seems like a lost cause. Am I close? Or what are the real reasons for all of this? Greed, I’m sure. It’s always greed.

This is too hard for me. The world needs a planning agency and an open source agency. The UN is shit - total corruption.

Probably the WHO as well. Thank you for responding.

Is there an agenda by the elite to create a nuclear war? It's quite evident the population control (and probably reduction) is part of the plan. I've seen videos of very sophisticated, expensive underground bunkers built for the rich and powerful in case of a nuclear attack.

So do you think there's an actual plan to orchestrate a nuclear conflict or are these bunkers just built for a worst case scenario situation?

I believe that the fear of nuclear war as opposed to an actual desire for a nuclear war, is used to create vast amounts of wealth for the 1%.

Population control has definitely been part of the Satanist agenda but they completely underestimated human resilience and adaptability. A lot of the crap they put into vaccines has not worked because the human body has rejected it.

Bunkers and shit -- like sailboats and jets -- are a way of spending money and indulging one's worst fears.

Earth is a closed system. You are in or out. There are no escapes.

You seem to be in great support of Donald Trump. Why so? This man enables the human rights violations in Yemen by signing arms deals with Saudi Arabia. He promotes violence agaisnt the weak, generally unarmed liberal population of the United States. Fucked a porn star after his wife gave birth to their son. He also does nothing as Russia attacks the legitimacy of our American democracy. The list goes on... It's not going to be a "ugly win" for him like you say, it's going to be the complete destruction of America if let's say the puppet master Putin tells him to stand idle while he nukes the US. How is that a good thing?

Do you have a extra red pill, I'm gonna need one to support Donald Trump.

01 I completely agree that we need to fuck Saudi Arabia back into the stone age. What they are doing in Yemen and Somalia was enabled by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama after the Saudis paid tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation (she also sold Libya to the French and US uranium to Russia).

02 You are full of shit when you say Trump declares violence against the weak generally unarmed liberal population of the USA.

03 You are absolutely right about Trump's wandering dick. Not only did he cheat on his wife when she was pregnant but he has been nailing Amarosa, his "black wench" in the White House bed, until Kelly stepped in and sent her packing.

04 Stop believing the bullship about Russia. Neither Russia nor China are our enemies, we are our own worst enemy. I have totally refuted the bullshit about the Russians hacking our election, see the two links below:

Now what you are missing is the routing of the Deep State, the winning of the trade war (Obama, Clinton, and Bush all took bribes to betray the USA), the unificaiton of the Koreas, the eventually denuclearization of Israel and ideally its return to Palestine, and so much more. Trump appears to have recovere $15 trillion or more from the banks and may be about to pump $1 trillion into the economy from the bottom up.

Trump has warts. He is a disrupter. Praise God.

Thank you for your response, I'm very grateful that we have no safe spaces from the discussion at hand here in r/conspiracy,

I have several rebuttals to your facts presented, but I'll just let your comments about Saudi Arabia speak to your Trump bias.

What's your take on the IG report? Will it have an impact? Will it cover anything substantial?

IG report is an earnest serious effort. IGs have ZERO influence. This requires mass public outrage and grabbinig the balls (or vaginas) of every Member of Congress and telling them in simple English that they are fucking toast in the next election if they don't get serious about eradicating treason in the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Department of Justice.

Have you read any Baudrillard? Do you think we have broken out of our proverbial simulation created by culture?

Who really runs the world and what is their ultimate plan?

Read the rest of this AMA and stop asking questions that have already been answered.

Is Top MInds of Reddit run by pedophiles?

No knowledge.

Mostly trannies and radical gays, imo. I'm sure that the pedophiles are quite over-represented though seeing how any pg8 thread gets attacked.

Mr. Steele, what led you from being effectively part of a deep state machine (CIA) to where you are today? Would you say there’s a movement within CIA/FBI/DIA of people who now believe what you believe? If so what does it take to get them to come out of the woodwork and whistleblow?

90% of the people in CIA and all other institutions including the Freemasons and Vatican are good people trapped in bad systems.

YES there are good people in CIA and other agencies that are furious at the loss of integrity by the leadership and its subservience to the Deep State.

What is missing is President focusing on connecting to the 99%. He is isolated and distant today. He needs to rally the 99% with a truth channel, the election reform act, and a counterintelligence push across the US Goivernment.

I'm friends with a human rights attorney (who is a bleeding heart liberal) and he is insisting that there are human rights violations going down regarding immigration etc. That people who are trying to escape torture etc can no longer seek asylum in the US, and that children are being separated from their families.

Is that just the price of doing business?


Myself, Having formerly grown up within an LDS community, (and seeing a fair share of shadowy behavior in Virginia and Alexandria firsthand during the 2008 election where Romney first showed up on scene.) My Question is directed for your opinion on 'Mormonism' and it's connection to undesirable actions and agendas. Zionist? Luciferian? Compromised? Actually good intentions?

Thank you for your time.

In London we listened to a very credible very important Mormon witness, here is the video:

Bottom line: the Mormons are just as bad as the Satanic Catholics when it comes to abusing and torturing and murdering children.

Thank you, and i am honored to have received a reply!

I can support your assessment that the witness is 100% credible. ... and for that, you now have my trust on the subject. Do you have any recommendations or resources you would recommend for someone attempting to remove themselves from such an environment?

the 38" mark gives context to the inspiration of the LDS author of Enders Game and series. fascinating.

Was this comment just deleted? If so, I will stop this AMA instantly.

Lets start with the fact that the USA supports dictators and is running a global drone assassination program that is a global crime against humanity.

Then let's move to the bribes accepted by European and US leaders including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, to allow unlimited immigration by millions of unemployed immigrants abused by their home leaders.

Now move to the reailty that we could have a prosperous world at peace if our leaders were not such asshole cheats.

I cannot say this often enough: we can have heaven on earth if we the 99% come together. God Bless all of you and God Bless America.

I tell people this all the time! We could end a lot of these problems on the planet probably within a month or two if we just squashed the powers that be and were actually allowed to live as free human beings. But God for bid anybody lose their job over something as serious as a revolution! It bugs me and I seriously talk to people about this and they say well what about my job or food and people are just so damn worried about their stomachs/bills and a roof over their head that they’re too scared to fight for anything. Makes living in this world completely Unbearable sometimes.

What do you think about the increased militarization of our police force in this country?

I am absolutely opposed. If I had the authority all SWAT times would be removed to the National Guard and deployable only by direct order of the Governor; all Zionist trainers would be expelled from the USA; and any cop who refers to a citizen as a "cockroach" would be immediately fired. Community-oriented policing and intelligence based preventive policing are the way to go. The problem is that on the one hand militarizing the police is a way to spend lots of money and the military-police-industrial complex and the banks want that -- and on the other hand, we do not have honest government making evidence based decisions, so we are screwing all of the people all of the time and that is a recipe for revolution.

Thank you for your response!

I was wondering because my father was a victim of police brutality and he was a vet who selflessly fought for his country only to be beaten and killed in the street. I think the whole system needs to be reformed,

Is there any hope for stopping the NWO plan for a globalist technocratic prison planet? What is keeping those people from remaining in power and furthering their goal?

We in the aggregate with help from God and the angels have stopped it. We are at the beginning of a 1,000 year period of peace and prosperity, with perhaps another 10-20 years of very hard work ahead of us -- less if Trump pivots from neutralizing the the 1% to nurturing the 99%. My big ideas for Trump are at the link below:

Can you talk a bit about the relationship between Chabad Lubavitsch and the jewish elements in high finance (Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Morgan, etc) ? And what is the relationship between both of these and the Jesuits ?

I don't know enough to go into this in depth but from secondary sources I am satisfied that you have named three of the five major puppet masters, the other two are the descendants of Ceasar, and the Aga Khan.

Thanks for taking time to answer our questions. Ive seen some pretty shady shit while I was in the Army (Military Police then CID)

So what we were told was Iranian quds force was training insirgents on how to male efp's - explosively formed penetrators. I had 2 friends killed by one and another nearly killed me (blew up on the engine block bc the rhinos actually worked)

I always thought it was weird we would just sot back and let Iran train tgese people that then kill us.

So my question is...was it really mossad? In line with that was the baghdad sniper (juba) really mossad as well? That dude smoked an lt in one of our sister companies and smacked my squad leader in the side plates


Thanks for your reply and for being honest about what you do or dont know vs suspecting something. I dont know what you know about camp cropper but I first began suspecting Zionists were the root cause of things when I was in iraq and bringing a detainee to cropper who was literally taken from us at the gate (usually we brought them all the way to a receiving section). The guy was planting an efp at like 3am and we came across him, shot him in the leg, and he said something in a language neither our terp nor our Arabic major west point graduate LT understood. When they asked what he said he started speaking Arabic like a baghdad native (the LT said).

The weirdest part was him being shuffled away before actually being received though. I was a MP. We dealt with detainees all the time and usually picked them up from the stryker brigades during their huge sweeps during the surge in our area of baghdad.

When we got back to our toc our commander during the debrief basically dismissed it and told us to mind our own business

Your comment was helpful thank you

Mr. Steele, thank you for your service and your dedication. Your videos on YouTube are crystal clear, lucid logic tonic, rejuvenating my brainwashed brain. Thank you.

My question is this: why are you seriously pissed off? Do you think the IG report will get Hillary , Obama , the FBI, or just Hillary and the FBI, or nobody really? Do you think Trump and crew would string this out for eight years? Do you think Trump will go for three terms? When he tested that idea during one of his rallies, he said, approximately, the words "president for life, wouldn't that be great?" The crowd went apeshitfucking wild.

I hope you can answer my questions but if you can't, thanks anyway for the fine wisdom.

I answered the question early on, generally speaking I am furious because we can and should create heaven on Earth with peace and prosperity for everyone, but the 1% have since time began been able to dominate the 99% with lies and force.

Trump is walking a tightrope. He has to do many things he probably does not like, including tolerating Pence as VP and the Clintons walking free, because that's what it takes to keep part of the Deep State in check. He is doing other stuff -- such as working with Xi to unite, denuclearize, and demilitarize the Koreas (and later the Middle East to including ending the Zionist nuclear program we have paid for against our will) -- that is going to change America for the better.

Look for major financial good news before the end of this month, as early as the 15th.


Now I'm all excited for the 15th. Good news you say? Well alright. Debt jubilee maybe??

A global Satanic pedophile cult and yet Donald Trump isn't a part of it? This is so fucking stupid.

You said you’d be answering questions the rest of the week so I was just wondering if you have time what your opinion is on psychedics like psilocybin and DMT? What’s the deep states opinion on it? Are there any secret studies on its effects? If so, is there anything about them they are hiding from us, and why?

No knowledge.

what's your opinion on the flat-earth psy-op? is intel promoting this to discredit conspiracy theorists?

Where's the safest place to be?

You know what they say about a former agency spook? There is no such thing as a former CIA spook. Pack it up boys, what we have here is a classic limited hangout. If this guy was really blabbing classified shit he would have been dead before we ever knew his name.

How can Trump be a good guy or even positive for the USA, if he is so Israeli first? Sending them more money and toys.

The JFK assassination, it wasn’t just Lee Harvey Oswald, can you eli5?

Hi Robert (i read we may call you just Robert),

thanks so much for this AMA. I hope you still see this. Honestly never expected to see you around here. Already looked through almost all the answers you gave and i am kind of impressed. I hope it's okay to put my questions in one comment as they're connected to each other and revolve around one topic.

You said you gained some of your knowledge through non-fiction books. How do you determine the credibility of the information provided in there?

What can you tell us about Tom Delonge's efforts in UFO disclosure? Is he genuine? Is he being used? Does he let himself be used for the "greater good" of us all?

I read some of his books over the past year, incuding "Sekret Machines Book 1" and "Cathedrals Of Glass - A Planet Of Blood And Ice" and working my way through "Gods, Man and War". Have you read any of those? If so, what do you think about them?

Cathedrals of Glass describes in another form what you told us about children being sent to mars. Have you heard of other planets that have or had colonies/prisons?

If you read that book, you might know why i ask you this. Can you give us something to chew on in regards of the true nature of consciousness?

Thanks again, looking forward to hearing from you. If i have any more questions i'll put them in another comment.

01 I often read books in threes, so for example, on Africa, I picked out three books, read them and then triage among them. I also read the endnotes carefully.

02 No knowledge. General observation: two thirds of those talking about stuff the Deep State wants concealed are deliberately off the wall to cast doubt on the other third.

03 Gods, Man, and War sounds interesting. War is an act of man. Best book on this point is by Marine Corps General Smedley Butler:

See Also:

04 I do believe consciousness in tangible, one reason they have not been able to transfer Dick Cheney into a new body. They can grow body parts but they don't seem to have the ability to move the spirit.

05 Google Translate does have its flaws but its a gift to be able to do anything at all like for free.

I am Christine, a nurse working in a catholic hospital, trying hard to restore a cooperative collaborative community in our town.

Thank you for your passionate and insighful analysis of our challenging world climate...I am glad your overall tone is optimistic! I am greatly encouraged by your open source plans.

My question is what is the best way for us, the 99%, to get Full Disclosure (Free Energy, Secret Space Program, Release of Healing Technologies)? Is there a way we, the People, can work together to get the immediate release of this information?

UNRIG. I used to focus on intelligence and governance reform and finally realized that until the 99% get back into self-governance to include absolute obedience from their Member on all votes after first showing the legislation to the public and getting a district vote on the legislation, we will not have an honest government.

An Open Source Agency such as I have proposed for decades would serve as a public intelligence agency offering holistic analytics on all threats, policies, and costs, ensuring that true cost ecnonomics are not concealed as they are now, and the public could vote with their buying power -- such an agency would put Monsanto, Nestle, and Pepsi out of business overnight.

This is an excellent plan, and I will continue to envision such a positive future coming to be. Thank you for your continued efforts. We will continue working on creating a more interconnected sharing community on every block of every street of every town. May we ALL continue to fight the good fight because WWG1WGA...thank you again for sharing your insight.

according to the report at above link, 800,000 people in USA alone disappear per year.

I've seen this number somewhere a few years back.

I hate to restrict my children's freedom unnecessarily. Are they safe walking home from school on their own? Is it ok to not keep an eye on them 100% of the time when I am in a grocery super store? Is it ok if I can not see my small child half the time at this stupid new playground near our house?

How do I survive as a parent reading reports such as the one at the link above without becoming absolutely insanely paranoid to keep my children in my sight at all times. Not just in my sight, but within reach too! How paranoid a parent should I try not to be, or just smart and informed and aware and vigilant? would you say. what does this mean you a parent how to keep my children as safe as possible?

As I understand it children are most vulnerable to kidnapping from toddler to about 12. I wish we had decent statistics. The kidnapping will be one of two kinds: a single predator who needs a fix, or an arranged kidnapping. I am told there are actually catalogs where wealthy pedophiles can order up specific children who are then kidnapped by team team or about four -- driver, guard, and a couple, the woman distracts and blocks the mother if present, the man snatches the child.

I did not realize how vulernable my boys were until after they were in high school. The cuter the child the more risk.

I don't want to overstate this. There are also certain dates that are very high risk -- those associated with paganism and satanic rituals, --and locations -- Virginia has five times the missing children of any other state on Halloween, evidently due to the elite demand in DC area.

Again, my knowledge is second hand. We simply do not know because the government and other organizations have been in full concealment mode going back to J Edgar Hoover himself being a pedophile.

I want to say that I am finding the questions very intelligent, and have the impression that behind the scenes the moderators are doing a great job of blocking trolls. I do not tell lies and I serve the public interest, always. We are winning and that is God's blessing after decades of Satanic forces being in charge of our country. We had to want it. The Internet (and pedogate) helped wake us up. Back later today and then at least once Saturday and one final time Sunday afternoon.

There's so much inconsistency on world views of so-called satanic forces. Can you provide some clarity to those of us who do not believe there is such long term rhyme and reason to the secret societies that have been in cahoots for generations? What's the most powerful magic you believe exists?

and have the impression that behind the scenes the moderators are doing a great job of blocking trolls.


We really appreciate your time here Mr. Steele...your participation in this AMA has exceeded expectations!

Also, this thread has been viewed 40,000 times, so well done!!

You've answered a lot of questions about Trump and Russia, but what about China? in case you're not aware it was recently revealed that China was meddling in Australia's politics going so far as to having an Australian politician on it's payroll so my question isn't about Australian pollitics or the relationship between China and Australia but just about China.

It's clear they're playing thier own game, at least from an outside perspective it looks that way, and it also seems like they're not getting along so well with America, so my question is what game are they playing? do you know of any end game they're hoping to get to? and who are they really allied with?

Thank you.

Robert David Steele

Peeling the onion of truth

Open to find the source

To the core of what is real

And sate the wisdom tooth.

What are your thoughts on the moon? Is the moon an ancient space-ship? Do you think there was an ancient world order, including the builders of the Sphinx and maybe the pyramids? Is the "third eye" real and how do we humans heal our third eye?

Is there any vetting done by reddit admins to prove the identity and authenticity of this person alleging to be “Robert David Steel”?

It seems that it’s another loner who’s into conspiracy theories trolling everyone by confirming it denying certain ones.

IMO this is another larp or troll

where is the heart of the underground human trafficking ring and what can we do to stop it?

Wait, you guys are doing an AMA without proof that OP is who he claims he is?

Was Hugo Chavez radioactively poisoned to have cancer?

What are your thoughts on Elon Musk?

Already answered

Hi Robert,

You mentioned 2012, cosmic change and god several times. This leads me to the following:

What are your thoughts on “The event” - it is mentioned in many ancient texts, that we will experience a new era after some kind of solar flash/flare, and the cosmic change in 2012 lines up with the 75.000 year cycle. We hit the bottom of the Iron Age (Age of despair and darkness) in 2012, and are now on our way towards the golden age again.


And let’s be real, the “angels” we see mentioned in ancient texts are extraterrestrials.

What can well meaning "citizens" do to aid the good fight?

Thank you for the AMA Mr. Steele, I have concerns about my financial assets. Currently just holding my life savings in fiat and was waiting for the cryptocurrency market to consolidate. What are your thoughts on crypto and with the global economic reset what will happen to my fiat? Any recommendations what to do?

Hello Robert,

Thanks for your time and patience. My question: When do you believe the masses will wake up? I personally think when the truth of 9/11 comes out, people will be forced to look inwards at what they have been led to believe. Do you agree?

Thanks Again.

"When do you believe the masses will wake up?"

i'm not sure the MASSES ever will. this has been a debated topic since well before recorded history. religion in many ways was effective in that it gave (at the time) useful survival life wisdom to the masses without the need for them to be fully informed. the root of representative governance rly. without force injecting dogma through a neural mind rape, there is no way to have a total 'awakening'. that does not mean that a small percent (i'm optomistic in saying, maybe 4-5%) will be effective keen sighted shepherds for the rest of the flock... but most people would need YEARS of re-education and mental/ physiological adaptation to begin to digest what is needed. it is enough that small group lead without forcing an idea. i am fundamentally apposed to forced indoctrination and re-education methods. a few well informed individuals will be enough without breaking peoples minds. 80% will just go along with a narative at any rate, no matter what it is. the real game is 5% vs 3% vs 4% vs 7%. most people are not that devoted to the zeolots ideaology, no matter what it it. for the lay human: having food, shelter, some friends, and a plan for tomorrow is enough to keep them satisfied. idk man, but i actually think mass 'awakening' is biologically unfeasable without a severly tramatic global narative shifting event that nobody wants to see actualized. // just thought. cheers!

Hello again,

INTJ. (having only just learned about this organization through your responses last night.) is the INTJ meyers briggs personality in some way related to or inspiration to the groups name choice? Do you identify with the INTJ 'personality type'

Thank you again.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 190660

Where is the verification that this is actually Robert David Steele?

while the thought has crossed my mind, i have yet to see anything i would place out of character or that does not support that it is him. IF it is not, then the person posting is intimately familiar with his work, passions, and insights... and extremely well versed in imitating him and his thought process on a supernaturally creepy level. my best guess, 92.7% sure we have the real Bob.

It's really simple and pretty standard to do verification. Anybody can do some research and pick up mannerisms. I would assume the majority of people here are intimately familiar with his work, at least to the point to where anybody could verify.

shit_fuck_man: i 100% agree that it is a curiosity that normal protocol for for verification hasn't been met for this conspiracy version AMA. not enough for me to be worried, but enough to make a mental note on my shelf/ back-burner that what you say is true and to keep it in consideration.

Can we get a good Verification photo of our jolly and inspired OP to lay this concern to rest?

thax Bob! :D

Mr. Steele do you have any speculation on the suicide of Anthony Bourdain?

Hi Robert,

My question is what's your opinion about Gina Haspel

For all the news regarding sonic attacks against Americans, how successful are we in conducting those kind of attacks on American adversaries?


what is the destiny of colombia in the NWO?

i highly recomend reading ''nuestra guerra ajena-german castro caicedo''

isnt conspirative secret material,but is important imformation about how private conglomerates and foreing governments are messing with our national politics to develop their goals


What are the PrA/Pharaohs doing. What's the endgame.

Is there such as thing as a former spy? And how are spies recruited? And what are the means of communication?

Who is the 1%. Are all world leaders a part of this? All politicians?

...obviously that last answer is no, but how can we tell these people apart? Some live in the shadows.


Robert Steele has informed me that his account was suspended for three days, effectively a digital assassination of the AMA. He wants everybody to know that he is absent because he was suspended, not because he has chosen to ignore his commitment to all of you to stick with the AMA through Sunday. He did not receive a private email upon his suspension by parties unknown, and has no idea why he was suspended other than a speculative assumption that #GoogleGestapo has its hooks into Reddit, which is now compromised.

I personally think he -- and we -- are being stalked by parties too willing to abuse their capability to suspend accounts in violation of Title 7 (anti-discrimination). There were two points in his answers that could have "justified" a malicious suspension (a non-malicious alternative would have been to delete the answer and caution our guest -- our abused guest. The first was his obviously metaphorical reference to "hanging" Clinton which could be construed as inciting violence -- rather far fetched since our guest is the foremost proponent for non-violent truth and reconciliation whose sound bite is "better to educate the many than hang the few." The second was his reference to Mike Pence and Tom Hanks as alleged pedophiles, something he would be in a position to evaluate given his role as the Chief Counsel of a Commission studying human trafficking and child sex abuse.

Please join me in thanking our guest, one of the very few we have had who has sought to answer every question; who has provided substantive information and links, and was clearly willing to devote himself to our questions for multiple days.

I will not litigate my federal lawsuit against Jason Goodman, his long-time partner over hundreds of videos Tish Negron, and their primary source defaming me and Cynthia McKinney and #UNRIG, Susan Lutzke, in social media. The lawsuit is at an advanced stage, I have confidence that the judge and jury will watch all the videos and make a decision on the basis of the wealth of evidence that will be placed before them.

Can you comment on the further implications of the recent bill?

This was a two hour show on pedophilia. It clearly scared the crap out of a specific murderous pedophile who control media trolls and is being blackmailed by James Alefantis who knows where the kill rooms are (or so I am told). A hit job was commissioned. Retired NASA PhDs have briefed me on the early days where children were sent on 20 year and out missions so they would grow up while enroute; on the base on Mars (two separate topics); there is no connection to pedophilia on the space front but there is a NASA connection to mind control, you will find my review of Cathy O'Brien's book here:

I predict that The Daily Beast, which published the original hit job on me, will be put out of business by several federal lawsuits that are being prepared against it as I write this. Remember Gawker? Same same.

Forgive me, but that picture does not show anyone holding a sign with their username or a date of the AMA...

If you are who you say you are, you should have no issues snapping a selfie right now with those guidelines...

I think a part of me just went cold.

Agreed. I want to know why he acts like Israel's puppet when it comes to things like this

he has been exposed by Bill Smith, if it needed any exposing, his vocabulary alone should be enough

and the fact that you (and a couple of others) spam his stuff everywhere is also a good indicator

he's a shill, a LARP, there are zero proofs of his legitimacy, all he spouts he has read on reddit and chans, he offers literally nothing new

Just so you know, Kim Dotcom is working on a new social media platform. He wanted help from Snowden and Assange. Maybe you can contact him?

Great question. The system is rigged, as our president has said, and that means not just the political system but the energy, education, health, housing, and other systems. The reason the health industry can continue to be rigged (along with agriculture and water, both of which are very unhealthy is because our Congress is corrupt to the bone with most Members being bribed and/or blackmailed. If Congress had integrity, it would make evidence based decisions. Evidence based decisions are rooted in holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineeering (OSEE). If we had evidence based decisions, not only would we have open source health at 10% the cost of what we have now, but we would be eliminating all the products, processes, and behaviors that produce toxins, including GMO. I think that healing technologies have been repressed, alternative medicine activists have been murdered with impunity, and millions of people have died and been made ill for lack of integrity in Congress and the health industry (cancer for example, need not exist -- we keep it in existence to keep the cancer industry funded).

Me too man, it's just hard to gauge how much to spend. Times are tight living as a 1 percenter.

I have no idea why he didn't appreciate the question(s). He brought up the "global reset" and seems to have spooked a few other than me in the ten days given to it happening. One thing I've learned from being sucked into alot of people saying they know this or that (especially Q and a few others) and give dates, when they miss they lose ALL credibility. I'm not saying he'll be wrong but I hope if he is, people gauge how credible he is. One thing that gets me about this whole AMA is the amount of pushing of his books. It's a constant in almost every response. The way of the world and those making money I guess, playing off our emotions to turn a buck.

I agree. It really changed me as a person. I used to listen to music a lot and do other creative things. Now, it is not the same...

On balance I think Trump is a wild card who has stumbled into both power and a cadre of white hat loyalists that are allowing him to use that power. The 20,000 sealed indictments was brilliant: it basically told the 90% of the 1% that if they did not play ball they would get a Ranger bayonet up their ass and be sent to Fort Leavenworth. From where I sit, for all of his flaws Trump is proving to be exactly what we needed: a national enema.

They sold out.

Seymour Hersh. Nafees Ahmed. Matt Taibbi. Others like Chris Hedges are superb but have blinders in some areas, e.g. Trump. Most journalists, even if they wanted to do a story right, are controlled by producers, advertisers, etcetera. Tucker Carlson is an example.

I'll say what Robert can't: every once in awhile he gets a call from someone who tells him "you have to go on Alex Jones and say the US government sent kids to a sex slave colony on Mars" when he's getting too close to the truth. And he does it, because he doesn't want to end up like Bill Cooper.

There is "almost free" energy that is easily verified from information in the public domain. Thorium nuclear power is clean, safe, cheap, abundant, and does not pose significant risks of nuclear proliferation. Which makes it a threat to the petrodollar regime that holds it back.

Yep, I wish that Bill Cooper was still around. He never would have guessed that Trump would be President. LOL. Or, maybe he did.

Oh yeah Dyncorp has some serious corruption and human trafficking issues! The truth will come out :D

what are the sources on these pics? It seems like they're all some combination of the following: so low quality nothing can be clearly identified; seemingly pictures of nothing interesting, maybe some vague shapes; of questionable legitimacy, straight up fake or pictures of some place that for sure doesn't look like Mars. I've seen some interesting pics of Mars that definitely make me wonder but these seem pretty shady

The 'wildlife' on mars look straight outta super metroid. Also, tell me martian anthropology (or w/e) isnt the spitting image of tatooine.

The left has lost. 50 years of trying to legitimize bestiality and pedophilia and the destruction of the family and the departure from man woman toward California having no fewer than 20 trans-gender variations, has been evil. This summer I expect veterans, a truth channel, and more to rise. Trump may or may not be "the final answer" but he has set the stage for the rest of us to triumph and restore family, community, values, and more.

Sperm counts are down and vaccinations are sterlizing women without their knowledge. The entire food industry is poisoning us.

Germany did nazi that coming.

Alex Jones is part of the whole mind reading thing. I once sent an email to someone about bioterrorism and the next day he had a story but it was spun in a different manner. I got an agenda he was pushing instead of the truth.

I love these pics. I'd say the majority are just weird rocks, but there's definitely more than a few eye openers there!

I have similar impressions. Not going to comment further on him or the person I am told he is blackmailing. All this stuff will come out eventually but it is better if it comes out through the due process of law rather than a social media mob scene that can hurt innocents in passing.

01 I completely agree that we need to fuck Saudi Arabia back into the stone age. What they are doing in Yemen and Somalia was enabled by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama after the Saudis paid tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation (she also sold Libya to the French and US uranium to Russia).

02 You are full of shit when you say Trump declares violence against the weak generally unarmed liberal population of the USA.

03 You are absolutely right about Trump's wandering dick. Not only did he cheat on his wife when she was pregnant but he has been nailing Amarosa, his "black wench" in the White House bed, until Kelly stepped in and sent her packing.

04 Stop believing the bullship about Russia. Neither Russia nor China are our enemies, we are our own worst enemy. I have totally refuted the bullshit about the Russians hacking our election, see the two links below:

Now what you are missing is the routing of the Deep State, the winning of the trade war (Obama, Clinton, and Bush all took bribes to betray the USA), the unificaiton of the Koreas, the eventually denuclearization of Israel and ideally its return to Palestine, and so much more. Trump appears to have recovere $15 trillion or more from the banks and may be about to pump $1 trillion into the economy from the bottom up.

Trump has warts. He is a disrupter. Praise God.

In London we listened to a very credible very important Mormon witness, here is the video:

Bottom line: the Mormons are just as bad as the Satanic Catholics when it comes to abusing and torturing and murdering children.

Yeah I mean the one showing the base at the foot of the mountain... if you are in control of the entire planet why send the Rover on its little trips so close to the base?

There do seem to be a shit-ton of very strange rock formations though. As a whole album it certainly paints a picture.

Most things in life you become numb to after repeated exposure. Not this though. Never this.

Who's Q? I keep reading about it on here, eli5?

Cynthia is basically a hero amoung the Conspiracy world. She plays no bullshit.

It was before the new ‘hand picked T_D mods’ took over but you are right it was here.

Great link! She is definitely a beast

OH. MY.GAWD. What have I done?!

Thanks for your reply and for being honest about what you do or dont know vs suspecting something. I dont know what you know about camp cropper but I first began suspecting Zionists were the root cause of things when I was in iraq and bringing a detainee to cropper who was literally taken from us at the gate (usually we brought them all the way to a receiving section). The guy was planting an efp at like 3am and we came across him, shot him in the leg, and he said something in a language neither our terp nor our Arabic major west point graduate LT understood. When they asked what he said he started speaking Arabic like a baghdad native (the LT said).

The weirdest part was him being shuffled away before actually being received though. I was a MP. We dealt with detainees all the time and usually picked them up from the stryker brigades during their huge sweeps during the surge in our area of baghdad.

When we got back to our toc our commander during the debrief basically dismissed it and told us to mind our own business

Your comment was helpful thank you

Thank you for your response!

I was wondering because my father was a victim of police brutality and he was a vet who selflessly fought for his country only to be beaten and killed in the street. I think the whole system needs to be reformed,

You are correct ma'am

42 is the oldest someone can be. Each branch has their own caps, but there are always waivers available.

Trump, in one of his speeches, talked about amazing advances to come. He knows, and he's planning to get it all out there and available for the people.