Tired of people arguing about "facts" in Tucson so I started documenting the reported evidence

1  2018-06-07 by 4FR33D0M

Hey, folks. I only had time to document evidence from three videos tonight (and sorry for the lousy formatting), but I hope this resource will help people trying to assess whether the camps found in Tucson might be more than just homeless camps. If there are other text summaries, please share. And if you have time to help by summarizing other videos, please do!

Craig Sawyer Video: Info On Tucson Child Trafficking Standoff Craig Sawyer of Vets for Child Rescue, Jun 04, 2018 - He was initially told there were children in the container and Veterans On Patrol (VOP) needed help until LE could get there - this was incorrect. - He visited the site. When he arrived, VOP were at a gas station notifying TPD. TPD took their statements and left. - Septic tank, very well hidden. Looked inside - hot, no ventilation, one small hole to enter, small children could not get out by themselves, if they screaming no one could hear them - People there thought no parent would put their kids in their willingly. Not humane or comfortable. Sleeping above ground in the camp would be more comfortable. - Children's items inside - small set of drawers for clothing, child-sized stuff, children's clothing, a fork that might have DNA on it, a girl's earring, long chain like a dog chain with a padlock, Lucky Charms cereal. Sawyer and volunteers concluded whether it was campers, homeless, or traffickers, there definitely were children kept in the container. - Around the site (in the middle of the woods): Numerous boxes of brunette hair dye. - Group of trees with shielding and curtains with numerous pieces of firehose nailed in a loop fashion, looked like wrist restraints according to Sawyer. Numerous other nylon ropes, straps, and other strapping materials nailed to and tied around trees from about knee high up to about 8 feet up and down the trees. Small logs and sticks were tied across two trees, and another like a handle tied to a tree at a 4-foot height. Sawyer concluded it was a rape tree. - Tug line with rubber handles that you can pull on from the "small grove of rape trees" to what he thinks is a guard position outside, allowing a guard outside to notify someone inside. - "It looked creepy but we're not saying that it's a rape camp. We're just saying that it bears closer scrutiny and investigation." - Other: Sex lube, children's toys, Barbie dolls, little girls' bracelets, rock collections. "Children were kept there pretty extensively no matter what it was used for." - Another veteran said it looks like Al Quada ratlines in Africa, a stop where they refuel with water and food, and lay up for the day and then they move again at night, or vice versa depending on what time of year it is. Except they don't see rape trees in Africa. - Border patrol say that human traffickers sometimes tie people to trees, hang their underwear on the trees, and use the trees to hold people still while they rape them. - The location is right up I-19 from the border. - Initially LE was not inclined to give it any serious scrutiny. There is a wealth of forensic and DNA evidence. Sawyer notified the FBI and asked them to investigate. - Background: Sawyer founded Veterans For Child Rescue in 2017 to raise awareness about child sex slavery, rescue victims, and put child sex traffickers behind bars. Working with other veterans and police departments, he uses his military experience to run covert operations across the country, according to the organization's website.

Local News: Homeless camp or child trafficking den? Jun 01, 2018 Video 1 - Dani Ward, a volunteer with VOP, reports a lot of children's toys and clothing, a child's kitchenette, children's luggage, backpacks. Video shows a Barbie doll. Ward says there are restraints that look like they are for small people. - Reporter says / video shows that there are many straps holding wooden structures in place. - Reporter describes bunker. Reporter describes / video shows piece of wood camouflaging the bunker with "Hello Maddie" written underneath. - Ward says she thinks the bunker is to keep children in captivity. - Reporter says it could be used to get out of the heat and sleep. - Reporter/video shows handmade ladder going up a tree, probably a lookout. - Lewis Arthur, founder of VOP, talking to policeman says there are different car seats, strollers, a comb with blonde hair that looks like it's from a little girl. He says there is evidence they were working on extending the camp or bunker to a second location. - Reporter says TPD was out there "several hours" taking pictures, and they say they will hand info over to detectives. Video 2 - VOP was looking for homeless veterans when they came across this camp. - It has a mirror and a table with shaving cream, flea and tick shampoo, roach and ant killer, and area behind that where people probably slept. - Ward notes that the bunker had an entrance only a child could fit into. Video shows her next to a container of CVS Easy Fiber. - Video shows a baby play pen filled with rubbish.


This is very helpful, thank you. Would love to see a summary of the video where the vop guy talks about finding panties and shows a knife they found, possibly with blood on it.

Someone said there might have been a plane ticket with name found, and plans for a tunnel. Are those on video?

Was the first site bulldozed?

The vop guy says they found other locations. Any more info on that?

follyboyz above links to the knife video, it's short, not much to summarize other than he says they dug it up.

Anyone else know about the ticket, bulldozer, blueprints, or other locations?

I was hoping for documented evidence and not for a youtube video.

Ward says there are restraints that look like they are for small people

That's not even conjecture. That just a wild, baseless claim.

I'm documenting what video the shows as well as what people are reporting that they have seen. You can judge whether or not you think they're credible.

Dude, didn't you read the lucky charms evidence. I don't know how any judge in the land could ignore such obvious evidence of child sex trafficking.

Yeah, dude, let's totally joke about child rape and trafficking.

Why not?

No one thinks those subjects are funny. People will laugh however at crazy nonsense with no real supporting evidence. People will stop ridiculing this story when there's some actual child rape and trafficking evidence presented. Not combs, Not hairdye, Not straps on trees or home made knives - Actual evidence of child rape and trafficking. Do you have any to show?

No one thinks those subjects are funny.

There it is again. Liberals talking like they are spokesmen. How do you know what everyone thinks? You liberals all keep talking like you are in a room full of people. So many comments with 'we' in it, too. It's bizarre. Watch the comments and you will see the trend. I see it on just about every social media site. And the only people that I see saying things like this are liberals. Are you a borg collective?

Anybody else notice this?

The person above you literally joked about it. "No one thinks those subjects are funny..." Well, obviously he did.

Okay. And umm, lol, who is the liberal you're referring to? Making quite a few assumptions about me there champ. Don't recall claiming I was a spokesman for anything.

Borg collective? Bahaha, have you ever visited the_donald? Now there's your hive mind if I've ever seen one. However unlike you, I'm not gonna assume what your political position is. Maybe, just maybe, you've never seen that sub before....

Yes. You're 100% correct. Only liberals could possibly ever use the word "we" in a sentence.

Funny, I can't speak for anyone apparently but you're claiming to know what was in that person's heart when they made a joke.

The way I read it, the joke they were making was about the astounding lack of evidence and ridiculous leaps people are making.

Anyone that thinks literal child rape is funny is a piece of shit. Okay so I'll change it from "everyone" to "most decent people". You're right, I can't speak on behalf of everyone.

Most decent people don't find those subjects, or the fact that they do happen, funny. I certainly don't.

Some people, however, find this whole Tuscon, Hilary, Obama, Cemex crap to be ridiculous and are voicing that opinion, sometimes with jokes.

Making quite a few assumptions about me there champ.

I am genuinely curious. Do you actually think you can intimidate people over an internet connection? People talk like this in an effort to intimidate others. Do you think that works over the internet?

Yes. I 100% believe I can use my broadband connection and punch right through it with my fist. /s

In what way is that phrase intimidating?

You WERE making assumptions about me. And I guess the champ part was just me being a condescending smartarse. Nothing more to it than that. You're funny.

I genuinely apologize though if that somehow scared you!

But no, that was in no way meant to be intimidating. Just part of normal reddit discourse.

Anything else you need explained or deciphered, champ?

Are you 12?

who is the liberal you're referring to? Bahaha, have you ever visited the_donald?

Well, this is pretty obvious, isn't it?

The way I read it, the joke they were making was about the astounding lack of evidence and ridiculous leaps people are making.

Because lucky charms was the only evidence found of the presence of children? Yeah, it might look silly if it were just lucky charms. But it wasn't just lucky charms. And it smacks of a tactic of isolating evidence in order to make it appear as if there is no evidence.

No, not obvious, I've never spoken to you before. I don't know you. Unlike you, I don't just assume everyone I don't agree with is on some other imaginary team.

And for fuck's sake. Everybody that doesn't agree or toe the line here isn't automatically a shill or spy operation. Dude made a joke. Get over it or don't.

I called you a liberal. The bulk of your response shows you to be a liberal.

It's obvious. I don't need to know you.

Are you still going? I don't want an argument with you. Go find someone who does. You're wrong by the way - people don't have to be one or the other. I'm not even American. The term liberal means something completely different where I'm from anyway. Enjoy your day :)


There's no evidence that any of that even happened. How can you be upset about a joke about an imaginary event?

Shit lucky charms?

That's definitely a child sex camp I can't believe it omg lucky charms

As Sawyer stated, whether this was a place for campers, homeless, or traffickers, there is a lot of evidence that children were kept at this camp. With other items like sex lube, it warrants serious investigation.

No there isn't. And why the fuck do i care what this random dude thinks?

Maybe he's a pedo hiding actual children on the other side of town and this is all bullshit.

Why do we care what you think or say? Lol. Go make a post about how this isn't a rape camp, present your evidence, thoughts, etc.

I'll just contribute to this post thanks

BigBlackMan_ -3 points 3 hours ago

Strange that this comment is down voted. Are we not supposed to 'disagree' in the comments section with aspects of a submission? Are we supposed to divide up at the submission level and split the sub at the top level into partisan camps? Don't most of us here agree that TPTB use divide and conquer methods to keep the plebs at bay? What changed?

Where would people go who maybe don't subscribe to views at the far edges?

So I say again, who are the down voters? Explain yourselves.

No dude, you must believe whatever the hive wants you to believe lest ye be downvoted!

Notice how the downvotes swing, the answer lies there.

That's not how evidence works.

Nobody needs to prove that this isn't a rape camp.

Those who claim that it is need to provide evidence for their claim.

Evidence doesn't come through on a conspiracy in a week, otherwise there would not be conspiracies.

I understand you do not believe it, and have enough information to prove it fake in your eyes. Some individuals are still wanting to put in the time to at least double check, or are hesitant to call it a fake until they are completely sure (I'm in that camp, I'm iffy about it, but I need a whole lot more info to disregard it)

But the evidence supposedly exists! and is in the possession of the group that took it all from the scene! Yet has not been shown by that group, only talked about in videos showing the guy! So it wasn’t documented at the scene!? or after they removed it from the scene!? and the site was supposedly bulldozed? but no one thought to record that either?

I understand you said you were in the undecided camp, but the claims made is that the evidence exists, and is in possession of the “good guys”, but is being concealed

I didn't say that did I? I stated that I have no seen enough information one way or another to either confirm or debunk this in it's entirety. I'm willing to search leads, check info. Honestly, OP's posts helps me corroborate where certain information is ACTUALLY coming from, down to the video. It's nice to have timestamps too, but we are working with a lot of video that 70% of users wouldn't care to delve all the way into due to time constraints, general apathy, or they are positioned in your camp if what appears to be frustration (at others who do not see this as a ruse).

I don't think OP is saying that either, especially since his comments state that he is just compiling the purported 'evidence' and statements provided. I don't think he is directly saying it is evidence being concealed, but that is what is put forward by VOP and thus that is partial information we have on this entire fiasco.

I've actually asked for more evidence on the three black SUV's and bulldozers as well.

There's a big difference between compiling info, and purposely stating it as fact, and it didn't appear that OP did that in my opinion. However, opinions are horseshoes and hand grenades.

I just took issue with you saying evidence doesn’t come through in a week, since it isn’t more digging that people in the skeptical camp are necessarily asking of the guys there, but honestly just to turn the damn camera around and show the supposed blueprints they found, show the bulldozed site, or footage of it being done, because those types of claims are waaay bigger than the things that have been shown on video, so it sucks to be dragged through the rumor mill when there are people calling themselves the good guys who are right there choosing to show non-damning evidence in brief flashes of video but show nothing of their larger claims. it’s one thing to be patient for more digging, but entirely to the frustration that comes with not being shown that which has supposedly been found

I agree with you. It's frustrating but I don't dive for an answer within the first few days. I try, I sift through the information, but personally it takes me a bit to come around to things on my own.

I just dislike people who feel like it's always cut and dry, because conspiracy is nothing but an offensive rumor mill until it isn't.

My claims were more personal I suppose, your opinion of the matter is similar to mine, I just don't get as 'triggered' for lack of a better word at users who are huffing rumors like a laquerhead.

However still, based on all information provided. I cannot comment one way or another in if it is true or not, it certainly looks interesting to peep into though.

but what's this guy and his pals motive here?

Right here https://vets4childrescue.org/

OUR MISSION Veterans For Child Rescue is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist law enforcement and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) to eliminate Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.

Our strategy involves educating the public, raising awareness through the Contraland Film, training law enforcement, and empowering our children.

Right. Because Lucky Charms is the ONLY evidence provided....

Oh I missed the mirror and shaving cream and fly killer. My bad, this is obviously a child rape camp please help

And again, choose a couple of examples as if that is all that was found to make it appear as if there isn't any evidence.

I've noticed this tactic as well. People focus on a single thing as if it is isolated from all other evidence and then mock it as if it debunks anything.

It's just like voting fraud. Every time some voting fraud is exposed, the defenders come along and say 'this isolated event isn't proof that voter fraud happens!' Perhaps, but the thousands of 'isolated events' do...

Good luck. You are going to need it.

Thanks for the recap. If anyone wants to see the knife they found its here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/k8IgGjwGMd3I/

This shows another spot they found that looks to be a coyote camp? A bunch of stuff there: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qvaLGHC2brY/

You can play it at 2x speed.

Thank you too. For the first video with the knife, do you know if that's the full version? It's so short and seems cut off.

This guy posts so many damn videos...like I know I saw one where he showed a coyote camp and a backpack full of fresh supplies, but I can't find it. His dumbass talks too much. I was lucky to find the knife clip. It's like searching in a sea of cement. He talks sooooooooooo much.

Agreed, I wish he would just catalogue the evidence and information to make it easier to go through. It make discussion of this go a lot smoother around this sub as well if he would.

I found the coyote camp video! https://www.bitchute.com/video/5fvOXHnCtaPA/

Thank you!

In this video, Lewis Arthur of VOP says that their truck blew a tire on I-19 so they searched the area while waiting for help, and they found a spot with lots of empty backpacks (a guy counts 9 but there are lots more). He says there are no homeless people and it is not a homeless camp. Lots of trash. Arthur says it's a "great turnaround spot" where someone would drop off dope or people. He also notes they're an hour from the city where the homeless get food and services. He notes they could drop off dope and/or people. When the backpacks are empty, the dope has been picked up or people have changed clothes to "fit in." He says they have another video that shows a homeless camp for comparison to this coyote camp. He goes to where he thinks a guard would post up away from the camp, then an area they used as a restroom. They keep an eye out for areas that have been dug up previously. He says that they've had help to update the skills they've learned tracking down homeless camps to find and identify coyote camps. There are old and new backpacks. He shows a lot and lots of shoes. He shows an "old kitchen" with a lot of cans. "No women's or children's clothing." "We're looking for children, we'll let [others] get the coyotes." 30-40 shoes, plus more in bags, heavy movement of coyotes. When they get picked up, they get real shoes. He finds and opens a fresh bag, says the scout probably got scared off. Samsung phone charger, purple comb, small socks "might be for a female," shirt, extra shoes, graham crackers, Nestle Nutri Rindes, deodorant. He walks past female pink Nikes, says there are female coyotes. There's a camo vest on the ground. He says the original camp was bulldozed and he has no evidence a cadaver dog went through that site.

Fuck yeah workin those crypto links.

Is that the supposedly "bloody" knife?

I cannot see any blood on it.

Yes, the video quality is very poor. It does appear grimy to my eye, but it's impossible to say what the substance on it might be.

And yet, plenty of people here claim it's blood.

Interesting, isn;t it?

I'm just reporting what the people on the scene are saying they see. It's up to you to decide whether it's credible. It's a knife, so it's definitely possible that is blood, but confirmation of whether it is (could be animal blood?) would certainly be nice. Maybe detectives will have tests run?

Bout as interesting as the people who say it isn't I suppose.

People are definitely fired up over this one it seems.

This doesn't settle any arguments. It's all completely one sided and yet again not definitive proof of anything. You've just started yet another new thread for everyone to argue in. Genius.

Nowhere did I say this is definitive proof. This is solely to document the evidence. Your evidence is welcome, too.

We will probably never know the full truth of everything that happened at the camp, but we should be able to agree that it warrants in-depth investigation by law enforcement.

You are not in the wrong for documenting such reported evidence, despite the many active defenders who will seek to attack you on this subreddit. You have made it clear that are compiling info to be assessed, rather than saying "here, this is clear evidence of 'x'".

Many successful criminal prosecutions rely largely or entirely on circumstantial evidence, and civil charges are frequently based on circumstantial or indirect evidence. Much of the evidence against convicted American bomber Timothy McVeigh was circumstantial, for example. Speaking about McVeigh's trial, University of Michigan law professor Robert Precht said, "Circumstantial evidence can be, and often is much more powerful than direct evidence." The 2004 murder trial of Scott Peterson was another high-profile conviction based heavily on circumstantial evidence.

Indeed, the common metaphor for the strongest possible evidence in any case—the "smoking gun"—is an example of proof based on circumstantial evidence. Similarly, fingerprint evidence, videotapes, sound recordings, photographs, and many other examples of physical evidence that support the drawing of an inference, i.e., circumstantial evidence, are considered very strong possible evidence.

In practice, circumstantial evidence can have an advantage over direct evidence in that it can come from multiple sources that check and reinforce each other. Eyewitness testimony can be inaccurate at times, and many persons have been convicted on the basis of perjured or otherwise mistaken testimony. Thus, strong circumstantial evidence can provide a more reliable basis for a verdict. Circumstantial evidence normally requires a witness, such as the police officer who found the evidence, or an expert who examined it, to lay the foundation for its admission.This witness, sometimes known as the sponsor or the authenticating witness, is giving direct (eye-witness) testimony, and could present credibility problems in the same way that any eye witness does.

Appreciate this response. I cannot tell you how many times I've tried to explain that circumstantial evidence is EVIDENCE. You've explained (or pasted) it so well here, thank you.

What is wrong with posting the information that is purported by one narrative, shouldn't that be acceptable content in examination of a conspiracy theory? If anything, if it is incorrect, it should be easier to disprove thanks to his efforts.

He actually placed it all in a readable post, with sources to the content.

What kind of material do you want on the sub? And why shit talk him?

I took issue with OP's title. Take a look at the thread, does it look like posting this has solved all the arguments to you?

Maybe instead of reported use asserted? Would that have helped?

Did I say this solved all the arguments? My purpose here was to start gathering the circumstantial evidence and eyewitness testimony about what they found. You are free to draw your own conclusions.

It's really not a massive deal to me dude, it was a comment I made 7 hours ago when I was also a bit frustrated with this topic and the lack of critical thinking going into it. And I kinda knew the same arguments would be had in this thread as all the other threads.

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend. You did a good job for everyone here putting it all together, regardless of how I feel about the quality of the "evidence". I can certainly appreciate that instead of being a dick about it.

And yes, I've drawn my own conclusions about this matter, don't worry about that. I'm always free to do that.

For argument's sake, the stuff those people collect is actual evidence of a crime.

They have completely and utterly ruined a crime scene and made any evidence useless and inadmissible.

Well done, idiots.

Well someone (the City of Tucson?) apparently came and bulldozed the site, so I guess it's good that they went in there and documented it, as well as bringing some back to another site. But yeah, not how things should be handled on either side.

Well someone (the City of Tucson?) apparently came and bulldozed the site

Is there any evidence for that at least?

The VOP guy says it near the end of this coyote camp video that /u/follyboyz posted. Haven't seen a video of it post-bulldozing though.


So, again we have to rely on some unverified claims.

That's the red line that runs through the whole narrative.

Drone footage of bulldozed camp, pics and video on VOP FB.

Link and timestamp please

Video recorded 11 hours ago, difficult on mobile. Will link once I get to a comp. Sorry.


2nd 3rd and 4th post down for proof of bulldozing.

All I can see is someone filing a laptop screen that shows a video with some trees.

Not very convincing I'm afraid.


why the fuck the origianal owners of the images needed to record the screen of a computer instead of posting the original video, what a fuck this means?

If they are full of shit just send a dog ffs. It's that simple, shut them up and send a dog. Why has this simple and easy request not been met? If they were bank robbers holding hostages they'd listen to demands so why not just send a damn dog?

Waste resources to placate some screaming weirdos? Why exactly? If they sent a dog and didn't find anything, they'd just continue screaming COVERUP.

Well I guess we will never know because apparently it's such a massive undertaking to provide a dog. Not that the police have them on hand 24/7. And not that the police are already wasting resources by failing to provide a dog. Maybe the police should stop wasting time and just bring a dog instead of prolonging this like they have done.

Have you asked them?

If not, why not?

If yes, what was the response?

Just for entertainment purposes stop here and check out this guy's comment history. Just do it I'll promise you'll laugh.

Your comment history is indeed entertaining. Signed up a year ago and no posts until 2 days ago.

So, did you ask the police to send a dog? Yes or no?

Yeah why not.

Can I just ask, you believe we have been visited by little green men who live in our solar system yet you find organised pedophilia the stuff of fantasy? Can we just set that straight because it doesn't add up to me. All you ever do is harrass other users and ask for "proof". Are you aware which sub you are in? Are you lost? That's not how this sub works or has ever worked. You are supposed to come here with an open mind something which you lack, or is this actually your job? In which case, do you not feel you could contribute something a bit more positive other then "child abuse doesn't exist but aliens do"

You lack reading comprehension. I never stated that I believe we have been visited by aliens and I never stated that I do not believe in organzied pedophilia.

You people are tiresome. Just because I don't believe in this pizzagate bullshit doesn't mean there are no pedophiles in high places.

That's why nobody takes you seriously.

Hhahahahaaaaaa my god that's funny. My reading comprehension? Ok well let's take a stroll down memory lane shall we? "Have you called the police about the dog?" Despite our entire conversation being about the fact a dog has been requested numerous times and have yet to see one, so please tell me, why would I make a call if we have already established that one, a dog has been requested and two, the police ain't listening. People do take me seriously, the thing about this sub is the more downvotes a post recieve the more attention is paid to it. If you stopped Livin your life by upvotes then our be aware of this but clearly those imaginary points mean the world to you. How revealing.

So, have you called the police yet? Why do you not answer the question?

I just did but I'll slow it down for you so you can understand, plain English clearly wasn't enough for you but that's ok I'll lower myself just this once. The police (the men with guns and handcuffs) have already been asked for a dog (small thing with paws) asking again would get you the same results. Like if you have no dogs in your right hand and no dogs in your left what would that mean? No dogs. So now I have answered twice and dumbed it down you might understand. You are not even discussing you are just asking infantile questions that don't require an answer, if you were discussing guess what? I'd be discussing to, it's called opening a dialogue and if you try it you might be surprised. It is difficult to take you seriously when you argue like a child. Hope whatever personal problems that are clearly eating you soon go away.

Well I guess we will never know because apparently it's such a massive undertaking to ask for a dog.

Is that it? You've taken to just repeating what I have said? Kek.

You are complain that no dog is being sent yet you are not willing to do anything to make it happen.


Be the change you want to see.

Yes because the police listen to random people from around the globe way more then they listen to its own hero's who served their country who have been asking to a dog for days. Do you realise how stupid this makes you look? It's something a child would resort to when they have no argument.

Who has been asking for a dog for days exactly and is there any evidence for this?

What's the name of this "hero", who did he ask, when did he ask and what was the response?

Do you have any actual details about the claims you are making here?

Ahhhh so now we get to the root of the problem. You haven't even watched the videos. Thank you for negating everything you have said. If you were not preoccupied with asking stupid questions you might have spotted that. Who am I kidding? No you wouldn't. If you did you'd have all of those details and even if you did all I'd have to do is go back and watch it.

So we have established you know nothing on this subject, the subject being child abuse, you haven't even watched the videos which means you are commenting on something you don't have the intellectual rights to and you are a between the ages of 11 and 14. So that being established I can walk away from this conversation with my head held high knowing you failed at what is clearly your job. Have a nice day.

Why don't you just answer the question?

Why is it so hard for you to provide some facts to all those claims you are making?

Because the guy's name is in the post. If you ask a stupid question then expect a stupid answer. Why is it so hard for you to actually gain knowledge on a subject before commenting? Also its clearly pissing you off so bonus.

I'm not pissed of at all. You're some one being angry here.

I'm not going to ask you anymore to provide evidence for your claims because you obviously don't have it and are just trying to derail the conversation.

Just read the posts. That guy shouldn't be expected to catch you up and show you evidence that is easily obtainable in recent posts.

Yeah I'm here to derail. You got me. Anyone who reads this will know exactly what you were trying to achieve and will probably delight in seeing you fail.

Laughing was indeed initiated

Way to answer the question! What a deflection.

If your seriously this concerned - you'll make that call about the dog.

Why would I call about the dog? The police already know they want a dog what good would me calling do? They are well aware of the demands. Such an infantile argument.

Dog vs bulldozer... I wonder which is more cost efficient.

I’ve already seen it mentioned in a bunch of threads that they already sent out a cadaver dog a few days ago

so do you #believeallwomen????

Dont worry man. The shills on here are deep. Remeber police, deans of colleges, high school football coaches, secretaries, wives, and husbands all participate in this kind of shit.

They are trying to act like it dosent exist. They will try as hard as they can in their spare time to keep this shit under wraps.

What you have to do is try as hard to make the best argument against what they are saying. You are doing great and this is a great post. I cant stand these vain jerkoffs on the you tube video, but o can stand reading it.

Thank you for your post.

Thank you for the kind words. It means a lot. I am glad this helped you and hope it helps spread truth. 5.2k views and counting.

How do you see that information?

What do you mean unverified claim? What exactly do you want? Do you want a cop to tell you things? Do you want cnn to tell you? Do you want the mayor to tell you? What will make it verified for you?

Take a look here and remeber a rothschild runs the town. If anything like a child sex camp can exist, be covered up by the police, and then bulldozed within a week it would exist there.

Op admits that he literally has no evidence for the bulldozing claim.

That makes the claim unverified.

Clear now?

No, we are not CLEAR.


There are fires in a rothschild back yard.

I expect a rosthchild to appear on tv and clearly explain it with evidence.

These are generational child fuckers.

Explain it, now. Right now while it is happening.

The article doesn't mention Rothschilds. What are you talking about?

I am talking about the lledged bulldozing. Got any evidence that it happened?

I agree this lol i find that odd as well. He's literally picking shit up and holding it. That part I don't understand. "Okay lets test for fingerprints, oh shit, those are my finger prints!" Lock em up!

Reeks of psyop tbqh...

partially or wholly

Infowars has been a limited hangout since the get-go. They let AJ into Bohemian Grove and let him hang around outside Bilderburg to build his brand. Dude is a gatekeeper whose job is to ensure those of us who like to snoop don't get into the wrong stuff.

Some of the people on his show are legit. But they won't be covering the topics that really matter in any depth.

Idk Ron Johnson corroborated the grove thing.. I mean he's a creepy fuck but it does seem like at least some of what Alex did in the beginning was done earnestly.

But yeah even his early broadcasts had a weird authoritarian tinge to them despite being a libertarian. I think he was claiming Soros was genetically modifying weed to keep people placated like at least 5 years ago.

And now it's like he's jumped the shark completely. Interestingly enough around election time all the liberals jumped the shark also and turned into rabid sjw Marxists, like Abby Martin and her Brother who voted for Ron Paul originally.. It's like the whole election event was some kind of karmic magnifier.. the same way Walpurgis Nacht was karmically magnified in Puella Magi Madoka Magica..

Also the dude has a fucking Chiropractor, who claims to be a doctor, selling his supplements and making ridiculous claims about them. Rogan sells supplements to but he funds actual studies, or at least tries to, and doesn't make AS batshit claims about what he is selling.. maybe a little bro science but on infowars you hear the staff saying shit like "I took one [vitamin] in the morning and I just felt so positive and on my game all day.. better than coffee." Lol

I do enjoy Ronson's stuff.

He's a creepy fuckstick that believes pornhub's founder deserves to be locked in a cage for sharing 1's and 0's and that porn stars are entitled to getting paid for posting their videos, without any kind of innovation.

Meanwhile it's EASIER than ever to get paid to fuck on camera just not exactly how it was done in the 80s.

He's an AUTHORITARIAN.. he's sycophantic towards the fucking people in the grove.. he wants to be one of them soooooo bad.

No, that's not what he wants. He discussed how the streaming porn algorithms have ironed out a lot of chances for girls, and even listed the ages 24-27 as that grey period where no one would hire them unless they fit in the 'Big Ass' category. He interviewed porn directors who are making less money for posting triple the content.

If you're trying to say he is all these things from his Porn podcast, then I really feel like you've missed the boat on it.

Dude holy fucking shit.. But then girls that are good with twitter and kik and livestream VR are making 10x the amount without even having to meet sleasy producers.

Fuck half the camgirls also play videogames on twitch..

Dude if the market and ecosystem changes it's not fucking FREEDOM's fault that people lose their DINOSAUR obsolete jobs. No one is fucking entitled to getting paid for fucking or fucking doing anything for that matter. You are only entitled to what someone is VOLUNTARILY willing to give you... DOES NOT INCLUDE government created monopolies like Netflix which relies on throwing people into cages and/or extorting torrenters!

RN you are arguing that the car put stable owners out of business. RN youre arguing that libraries are hurting the profits of authors. DUMB.

And I have watched 4 multi hour interviews with Ron Johnson and I KNOW he's an authoritarian sycophantic CREEP.

Well, this doesn't seem like a stable conversation, I like his books though. The one on Public Shaming was a decent dive into our social media shaming culture, tracking back to the more egregious ones.

Those dinosaurs still film all the porn you watch for 1/3rd of what they used to make, all due to one algorithm. If that isn't an interesting topic to you, then so be it.

Yeah, you shouting at me about dinosaurs isn't gonna convince me Ronson's a creep just because you've got a bad vibe from watching videos.

Well, this doesn't seem like a stable conversation

Oh come ON! Cut it with the fucking pretentious bullshit!!

Information property rights are totally false and not a natural right at all and you are at NO material loss if someone copies something you "create." All that information already exists as white noise anyways.. There is a fucking algo that created every work of literature ever made to but you just have to "find" patterns. So it doesn't even have to be thought as copying but rather finding the same subtractive path to the specific pattern of zeros.


Those dinosaurs still film all the porn you watch for 1/3rd of what they used to make, all due to one algorithm.

I ONLY jack it to amateur shit dude.. If it's produced i literally cannot get hard. LOL. Or I watch the same vids I watched when i was 13 for a little nostalgia action.. NEVER have i even sat through more than a preview's worth of high fidelity ANCIENT produced fake ass porno.

And one time when i was drunk i paid a cam girl liek 120 bucks... so there's that.

But yeah dude it's true people are ashamed about what they watch. But you know what?!?!?!? If BITCOIN and cryptocurrency were less suppressed then maybe people would have to worry about using their credit cards on a porn site or having their adult purchases make it onto a fucking list.

And DUDEEEE fucking girls don't even have to take off their clothes. They can literally just pose cute CLOTHED selfies on IG and get paid through patreon or gofundme.

It's LITERALLY never been easier to make money independently especially if you are an attractive woman!! It's fucking piss easy and authoritarian neoliberal laws like the fucking recent sex law thing and information property laws in general MAKE IT HARDER to make money at home in your underwear using the computer and the internet. Look how the free software foundation and open source have managed to get PAID AND produce a far superior product to windows and apple, IE LINUX!!

just because you've got a bad vibe from watching videos.

The guy wants to fucking use the government to prevent you from making content.

The one on Public Shaming was a decent dive into our social media shaming culture, tracking back to the more egregious ones.

And he BLAMES blames blames everyone ELSE for the stupid choices of an individual and advocates for MORE AUTHORITARIANISM!!! NO one likes to be bullied but as long as there are no HATE SPEECH laws or things that they can use to fuck you over like SWATTING then what's the fucking big deal?!?!? The ONLY reason it's so scary right now is because of the authoritarianism which can be easily directed at an individual... the thing RONNY boy is ironically advocating for!!! The peopel that are over emtional.. well they shouldnt fucking touch the internet then!

It's not pretension

You watched four hours of YouTube videos, I've read four of his books.

Also, I don't care what you jerk off too. I don't think it has relevance to the conversation. People's careers changing within such a short time frame is an issue that's worth listening to. It's not advocating, it's pointing out.

I can tell by your indignant rage here, you have not read the source material you're vehemently bitching about. There is no advocation for anything, Ronson is just a journalist who enjoys weird stories.

Bro in the interviews he clearly blames the founder of pornhub and calls it STEALING.. which necessarily means that he's supporting the use of violence to stop it.

And at least you will remember this shit because I actually come from 4chan where not everyone is a boring basic BITCH...

once your snowflake ego melts you have a greater chance of considering an alternate veiwpoint than if i had been queefy and boring

The interviews, you said this twice. Which interviews? The actual podcast or an interview over it? Send me a fucking link you bag of tools.

He interviews a porn director, who states he knows the guy who invented the algorithm. The porn director doesn't really shit talk him, but says that it's greatly impeded his business because it made porn very cookie cutter, they had to follow very specific standards. This isn't amateur porn, this is the big ones that he is bitching about. They pirate his content and put it on the free sites and the algorithm just spreads them out of range to take down. Should he just shut up about his experience because you jerk to amateur stuff? Did you hear the interview with the kid with extreme autism who cannot interact with females due to his streaming porn addiction? Or maybe the sad fucks who pay hundreds of dollars to get these niche girls to act out fetishes (which I'm assuming is what you're talking about earlier too). Did you hear about the Stamps guy? I really want to figure out if you went through the podcast or not?

Read a fucking book, I'm not the snowflake that's calling a random journalist some kinda 1984-esque madman while spewing hate filled diatribes on the fucking internet.

Oh you're from 4chan, you must be big boy.

i think it's the latest podcast he did with rogan where he calls it stealing and complains that "the gov didn't bail them out" and "doesnt do anything for them." Implying statist violence is going to solve everything LOL.

I watched his other podcast with rogan.. more creepy queefy bullshit, and I think something on vice??? I forget tbqh but i think the latest one he did with rogan is the one where he starts advocating for violence.

And the dude is just a total creep. You know he supports putting people in cages for not following his authoritarian ideas of laws.

a porn director

A sleazebag who made money by middle manning vids of girls??? Shouldn't we be happy that the ARTIST, ie the girl, is able to get money directly?!??! That's like being butthurt that record companies don't get their fair share of live performance ticket sales or some shit dude. LAME.

They pirate his content

They copy a specific pattern of ones and zeros. OH WOW.. such stealing. Maybe he shouldn't use such an ANCIENT profit model??!? He could fucking make a patreon or kickstarter if he wanted to.. Plenty of other porn directors do it. BUT GUESS WHAT??!?!?! The fucking market is super fucking saturated!?!??! IF the star isn't connecting with fans then IP laws wont help either! Only a totalitarian artificial monopoly could support that ancient bullshit.

Did you hear the interview with the kid with extreme autism who cannot interact with females due to his streaming porn addiction?

Awww boooooooo hooooo.. Next are you going to say that I shouldn't be able to buy oxys because some retard felt phsyically addicted to it?!??!?!?!?!?

What about sugar?!??! Should we have government mandated nutritionists that make sure we don't abuse sugary food?!?!??! That kills wayyyyyyyy more people than drugs or porn LOL.

What about fast cars?!?!? Should i not be able to buy a fast car because some idiot wraps his around a telephone pole?!??!

I really want to figure out if you went through the podcast or not?

Dunno or I forgot.. Rogan's.. Dude I am NOT going to subject myself to his creepy weird voice anymore.

Or maybe the sad fucks who pay hundreds of dollars to get these niche girls to act out fetishes

You defend a sleazy porn director to the point where you want the government to throw people in jail for copying his shit??? Yet you hate on some chick that farts on cakes to make old dudes batch?!??!? Dude hypocrite!!!

1984-esque madman

Yeah bro you got nothing to hide right??? Assange really deserves to be extradited right?? WE need to forget about presumption of innocence when it comes to accusations right cause false accusations never happen right??? Fucking this is CLASSIC stasi playbook shit where they try to get everyone suspicious of eachother and also afraid that their private life would get exposed. CLASSIC STASI SHIT

hate filled diatribes


Read a fucking book

You think I'm some kind of fucking DINOSAUR?!?!? I fucking multi task bruh.. if it aint fucking on audio and I can't do something else at the same time it's probably not worth knowing about anyway. I live my life in the fast lane bruh.

you must be big boy.

Not a self flagellating little sadistic cuck.. yeah that pisses you off doesnt it?? Seeing someone else free??? You'd love to see me in a cage or one of your little gulags right?? HAHAHAHHA THEYRE NEVER GOING TO GET ME AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!! HASHAHAHAHAHAHA Not everyone has to fucking sit in a cubicle or some sleazy burger joint just to fucking live. Some of us actually have more hope than to pray some asshole marxist gets into office and gives you welfare!! Maybe if you bought bitcoin you wouldn't have to twist your ego into thinking non violent "crimes" are legitimate as a way to fucking COPE!!!

Jesus christ dude why dont you move to a wahhabists country if you like rules and dogma so much??!?!?! If you love being cucked dude there are plenty of places in the world where you can go do that! Why do you have to ruin eveyone else's lives though when we are perfectly consensual about the risks in the world around us?!??! I'd rather have agency than security any day of the week because im not a cuck and I've seen what it looks like when someone actually has their freedom taken away.

But yeah dude why don't you advocate for government mandated bubble wrap suits and kneedpads so you can't skin your knees AND bonus points because when you're sucking off the big daddy government your knees wont be so sore??

Listen to the actual podcast: The Butterfly Effect. Then come back to me. He doesn't advocate arrests you whiny baby, he literally interviews the guy who created the algorithm on the first episode and on the last, where he shows him all the information he has dug up.

I don't give a shit what you interpret from Rogan, and I'm really getting sick of this strawman you've built off my interest in Ronson's books. You hear one fucking sentence and think I'm some leftist goon trying to end your good time. You seriously make the people of this sub look like fools, because they are just going to compare us to you. I'm not giving any more of my time to a vapid ideologue who spews insults as if they are fact lol.

Have a good day dawg.

bahahaha u mad?

IF he doesnt want to throw people in cages then why the fuck did he call it "STEALING" and why are you bringing up the kid addicted to porn as a rebuttal to me advocating for technological evolution of media?!?!?!?!?? Complaining implies action unless you got a different solution??? But the traditional solution that we are all accustomed with is throwing people into cages!

Why do you get so fucking butthurt about someone taking your implications literally?!?!?!? I was just fucking shitposting holy shit.. You seem about as queefy as Ronny boy.

Seriously it's like someone complaining about napster then back peddling when someone asks them "should file sharers go to jail?" And complaining doesn't get you anywhere. There are more robust solutions to these problems than relying on FRAGILE government... I've worked in government.. They can't accomplish jack shit! New profit models and people taking more personal responsibility is infinitely better.

Also for someone that defends a queef like johnson you sure jumped at the opportunity to SHAME someone for drug use LOL.. As if I would fucking actually touch that shit.. It was fucking hypothetical to illustrate how shitty authoritarianism is... unfortunately I don't have a fast car either. And I LOVE how viciously you went for that.. I guarantee you would be one of the village people that cheers around the witches who are burnt at the stake!

Yeah if you haven't noticed this sub has gone to shit. It's full of marxists and authoritarians that ironically like to complain about the very thing they advocate for.. but they are still under the spell that the proper "side" of authoritarianism will suit them... LOL And it's full of squares like you that can't even take a joke and demand fake ass political correctness or use big words just because you think it's cool to sound pretentious. Fukken lighten up holy fuck. Trust me I literally don't give a shit.

Lemme guess, your voice sounds like Ron's?? That's why you're so butthurt huh?? Cause you don't like how i made fun of the way he talks??

Bro, I know you're shit posting. It's not like you're actually saying anything relevant or based in fact. You're just screeching and refusing to read books (because you're busy...that's a good laugh too while you literally spew bullshit to a random stranger).

Just because I don't want to cater to your bullshit doesn't make me whiny, just because I don't want to read you butcher the English language doesn't mean that I'm butthurt.

I actually don't believe you're from 4chan, usually they are atleast witty.

Like I said earlier, I don't want to deal with a vapid ideologue.

Hey remember when i said something to the effect of "why don't we all have government mandated knee pads so we don't skin our knees and as a bonus your knees wont be sore when you're sucking government dick?"

That kinda made the whole thing worth tbqh.. come on.. You have to admit that was pretty good?? You have to throw a bunch of shit at the wall sometimes and see what sticks. I'm literally going to use that again.

I mean, I guess.

It's just you had to go through an entire novel to get to that one fucking joke lol

Removed. Rule 5. First warning.

bahhhhhhh god i've wasted like 20 minutes of my time on this holy shit

here is a printed interview where he agrees with VOX calling it "stealing"


If you agree with someone calling file SHARING, Stealing, then that literally implies there should be some kind of PUNISHMENT for it.


on these sites like PornHub, which are stealing porn and giving it away for free, have wildly depressed the money available for productions and the fees the performers are able to get, right?

Jon Ronson:

Yes. So a lot of people are making a lot less money and are working much, much longer hours to make that money. That’s happening a lot. Whereas the people in charge of PornHub are making so much money they don’t know what to do with it.

And literally if he wasn't a tard he would fucking say in the same statement that the old way might be harder but the new ways have made being an independent cam chick WAYYYY easier. And in a fucking super saturated market nonetheless.. turns out a lot of people are willing to fuck on camera. The dude is a luddite, violent, authoritarian QUEEF.

You fucking are so daft that it hurts my head.

I also know you're purposely being this fucking dumb because you're aiming to rile me up.

If you're not going to look into farther than the second page of a Google search then you can just stop because I don't have interest in your lazy research (that you're not even going to read unless it's in audio).

Do you even know the name of the man who invented the algorithm? Or what he has to say about it?

Quit using insults and explain your point. He literally says your end part in the last 4 episodes of the god damn podcast.... He literally says what you're saying but you're so determined to be as ass that you're unwilling to look into because you don't like his voice. That's the most unbelievable portion of this entire conversation.

He even goes into the niche market, which is why I asked if you knew about the Stamps guy.

I'm not going to listen to your unsubstantiated bullshit if you're unwilling to listen to a counterpoint. It's a simple as that dude.

You're the one compltely ignoring IMPLICATIONS.. As in what should happen to people "STEALING" ones and zeros.

The guy's name was like fabio or fabrizio or some shit. Look dude, I found a print version of what I was saying and I am like 99 percent that i heard him say the same shit on a podcast. I know he glossed over, I think he called it "bespoke porn (weird way to refer to it)" but it doesn't change the fact that he was IMPLYING that there should be legal protection for the ancient obsolete dinosaur method. And he's a giant queef with a creepy whispy pretentious affected way of talking.

goes into the niche market

yep still made the implication though

unsubstantiated bullshit

dude be mad implicating.. you cant deny that

It's not an issue of piracy either

Yeah well piracy is a word made up to be specifically critical like "capitalism," so yeah it's not really real. It's just copying and sharing which is perfectly within someone's natural rights. But that doesn't change the fact this dude IMPLIED that there should be some kind of legal action against it. He never argues the TRUE counter point which is that even if there was no benefit from the technology, even if it really just did take money away from honest porn producers, it's within people's right to copy and share information.

If you don't think information property laws could get out of hand then you are foolish and we have to be ever vigilante about our rights. JUST TODAY there was some horrible news that came which says the EU is going to start going after people who post MEMES because they use copyrighted images originally, fucking BONKERS and they are probably just doing it so they can go after my beloved 4chan. Already they started blocking websites, or threatening to prosecute against websites with cookies if they dont follow their convoluted regulations.

Check this shiz out: https://news.sky.com/story/memes-will-be-banned-under-new-eu-copyright-law-warn-campaigners-11398577

I bet there is a really good chance that the only way people will be able to access 4chan from the EU soon is with a VPN and they will risk being prosecuted against.

It might not go through ofc but it's creepy as hell.. China does that with their internet and it's OBVIOUS this is the result of people giving up their freedoms for bullshit carots on a stick like "NET NEUTRALITY." Laughable people think it would EVER be good to let govs regulate the internet..

You need more for an implication than one audio podcast and a Vox article.

Knowledge of his body of work would be preferable.

Dude isn't 'mad implicating' but how would you even know with your cursory knowledge?

You're reaching further than a Stretch Armstrong now, grasping for whatever rhetoric you can spit up. You just screech that I'm against piracy, I mentioned that I'm not but you assumed I meant that I don't believe information property can't be abused. I seriously cannot follow your spastic brain and adding capital words doesn't really nail it in.

I want to ask what you think of these amateurs becoming part of the same algorithm and losing profits but I don't wanna awaken that woke ass brain of yours dawg.

Listen to the fucking podcast and come back with something relevant, or don't expect me to reply back to this. I'm not going to argue the merits of a man that you've only cursory info of. It's as simple as that.

And BRO... if he had ANY brains at all he would do some commentary about the emerging opportunities instead of crying about how the big daddy government doesn't care enough about obsolete fields of work and how people need to be thrown in cages for copying 1's and 0's.

Paying for licenses is ANTIQUATED.. it produces an inferior product also and it doesn't lend itself as well to decentralization.. Look how fucking bad ass LINUX is.. i bet you used cucked out windows or mac though huh??

NExt industry to BENEFIT from this is going to be GAMING! Just you wait.. NO more fucking loot box steam bullshit. Cryptocurrency will dominate!

Two rants in one, you didn't even let me reply.

Breathe you whiteknuckled rager, breathe

Don't forget this video of the supposed homeless person that is taking credit for building the camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDg31A3EV14&feature=youtu.be

What in the ever living fuck did I just watch?!

People that wear their own nickname on their shirt would never just do things for promotion and attention.

This whole thread is comedy gold. There's not a single shred of evidence for any of these outlandish claims.

What I find funny is if these gets came forward and said children are being raped overseas people would buy it straight away and say "these are vets, hero's, patriots, they wouldn't lie!" But the second they do it at home cognitive dissonance strolls in to say hi.

I, too, like to make outlandish claims without any evidence.

Well...imo...if they wanted to make a difference and aren’t in it for the attention they could have easily just staked the place out, actually caught something going down, THEN blast on the internet...how they’ve handled the entire thing was fucked up from the get go...zero will come from this but donations to there group...btw, I’m all for an “A Team” of vets hunting down pedo traffickers...I’d rather my taxes go to something like that than Nazi Israel.

Exactly. They can handle hideousness, just refuse to see it around them.. if children are being harmed, there must be a dark person behind it.

These people are morally bankrupt.

Yeah, I'm totally morally bankrupt because I don't trust fucking whackos who make internet videos.

Also, am 11B OIF Vet. Go fuck yourself.

"Just because theyre vets doesn't mean anything!"

but I'm a vet so fuck you

though I've always hated yt links as well. Try an article with well sourced information

Proving hands down, that you should be armed and entrusted with people's safety. Right back at you, you, vile murderous, whore for the system.


Not a fuck given. 4 yrs and only 5k. If I were truly worried about online popularity, I would fluff you like everyone else.

"these are vets, hero's, patriots, they wouldn't lie!"

I'd say the people who don't believe the vets here aren't the same people who hero-worship vets and usually take their word as gospel.

What I find funny is if these vets came forward and said children are being raped overseas people would buy it straight away without evidence and say "these are vets, hero's, patriots, they wouldn't lie!"

Tribal elders and other men do sexually abuse children in Afghanistan, and other countries. It's called Bachi Bazi (which I think means "dancing bpys" or something) and it's really sick. I knew that some local nationals we had interactions with were doing it, and it was always downplayed or ignored by higher-ups who would acknowledge it, but write it off as a "cultural thing."

A special forces soldier was disciplined for shoving an Afghan national who he knew was abusing kids and his wife.

I don't have physical evidence, but it's not hard to find info about how that goes on and gets ignored for the most part. PBS did a whole documentary on it.

That being said, I'm a bit skeptical of this Tucson situation. All of the things mentioned in this list could have another explanation, and it's kind of a logical leap to see a few straps on trees, then to immediately label them "rape trees." There are also a lot of rumors added to this, like the one about how someone found bloody clothes and a knife; if that's the case, we all have smart phones, and if it were true those pictures would imply that there are victims of some type of violence, why withold evidence? Scepticism is not always cognitive dissonance, I don't think that every rumor should be accepted as truth.

Healthy skepticism is a good thing, and I'd also like to see more of the evidence as better photos, videos, and testimony. That's why I started documenting what evidence (circumstantial and eyewitness) we have so far. My conclusion is that a much more in-depth investigation is warranted and find it unimaginable to see all this and think "nothing to see here, move along."

Good point.

Circumstantial evidence is evidence. Eyewitness testimony is evidence. Please see /u/loOo_oOol great comment about evidence. Of course evidence is not proof, and you are free to draw your own conclusions. I tend to think more investigation is needed, declaring the camp as a homeless camp was premature, and the camp should not have been bulldozed before DNA evidence was gathered.

fuck yeah i agree. i would say im more fucking liberal and its funny to see all these people dismissing it because the tpd and authorities have made their statements. why the ACTUAL FUCK would there be leather wrist restraints tied to a fucking tree like that? as an arizona native born and raised, there are weird fucking things that people get away with in the deserts out here. im not dwelling deep into the rothchilds illuminati bullshit of this, but what the fuck is going on here and why was there such a nonchalant approach by the authorities? im with you man, fuck this i work for the government i get paid by them but im not going to blindly believe what they're telling me. look who tf is our president right now.

An buried and hidden water tank with childrens toys in it, with an entrance too small for an adult - lockable only from the outside, combs with thin blond hair, black hair dye, condoms, straps low trees, knife with blood on it, is hardly „not a single shred of evidence“. You are trying too hard.

The had fucking Grape Trees!!! 😱

Now all I'm thinking about is the Grapist from WKUK lol

Trying to follow stories like this is a lesson in the thin line between building a theory using evidence and having a preset theory you try to prove with debatable evidence, emotional appeal, sheer possibility. And the tactic of calling anyone who's skeptical about what's presented as pedo defenders...of which not one has said this place definitely couldn't have been a trafficking site, but are simply unconvinced by the evidence and are weary of self-promoters who make emotional videos.

Why is this not being covered by MSM

Good question. For some reason the authorities have declared this to be a homeless camp definitively, despite evidence to the contrary, and without doing in-depth investigation they have bulldozed the site (something they reportedly do not do to homeless camps.)

what video 2?

The KVOA page has two videos on it.

they are not allowing me to archive the post in the https://web.archive.org

Has anyone actually been there?

Despite the back and forth claims. 1 things stands out to me. Why bulldoze the place so quickly? Why do the vets not have documented evidence?

  • Reporter describes bunker. Reporter describes / video shows piece of wood camouflaging the bunker with "Hello Maddie" written underneath.


Let me get this straight, you are "documenting"... "reported" ... "evidence". Hmm. Show me the things people are claiming they saw, don't tell me what people are claiming they saw. Then I will give a fuck.

Some of the videos show the evidence (circumstantial evidence in this case), and you can see it there for yourself. I did my best to describe succinctly what these few videos depict. If I had more time, I'd add more video details.

Other times there is eyewitness testimony, which of course is subjective and may be inaccurate, as well as the eyewitnesses' own conclusions about what they witnessed. You can decide for yourself whether you find their testimony credible or not, and you can decide whether you agree with their conclusions. My intent here was merely to capture some of the information in an easy to read and reference format.

There were no claims in any of these pieces about elites AFAIK. It is a fact that coyotes help people cross the border into the US, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not. It is a fact human traffickers move people (mostly women, some children) across the border to be sold in the US. Whether you think this camp was a human trafficker waypoint in cartel territory is your call. Personally I think it's certainly possible and hope to see more evidence come out.

I'm just saying, if you have some timestamps of the bombshells I'd be into this; when I watched the first video dropped it looked like a couple of fools bumbling about and letting their imaginations get the better of them.

I agree with you. If you’re going to traffic people, would you do it out in the open or in the comfort of an enclosed place with some sort of security?

This guy posts so many damn videos...like I know I saw one where he showed a coyote camp and a backpack full of fresh supplies, but I can't find it. His dumbass talks too much. I was lucky to find the knife clip. It's like searching in a sea of cement. He talks sooooooooooo much.

I found the coyote camp video! https://www.bitchute.com/video/5fvOXHnCtaPA/

I'll just contribute to this post thanks

That's not how evidence works.

Nobody needs to prove that this isn't a rape camp.

Those who claim that it is need to provide evidence for their claim.

Well I guess we will never know because apparently it's such a massive undertaking to provide a dog. Not that the police have them on hand 24/7. And not that the police are already wasting resources by failing to provide a dog. Maybe the police should stop wasting time and just bring a dog instead of prolonging this like they have done.

Are you still going? I don't want an argument with you. Go find someone who does. You're wrong by the way - people don't have to be one or the other. I'm not even American. The term liberal means something completely different where I'm from anyway. Enjoy your day :)

Dog vs bulldozer... I wonder which is more cost efficient.