Anthony Bourdain, Avicii, Kate Spade. Something’s not right about these “suicides.”

1  2018-06-08 by onelifetolive1

Somethings not right. Anthony Bourdain was someone who was so full of life. He literally was in the middle of shooting an episode in France which anyone who reads his book would know he loved. He wouldn’t commit suicide there when he was also with his best friend Eric Ripert. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but he recently clashed with Weinstein.... this is too coincidental. Devastating but something is incredibly odd


Dude was very supportive of his partner Asia Argento. She recently came out about Weinstein, at Cannes, to an audience that did not expect that.

Tony knew too much, for sure. He's hobnobbed with very, very important people.

How so because we don’t even know the cause of his death yet, only that he was found unresponsive which would suggest drugs. He has a history of drug use although he had stopped taking drugs a long time ago. Also it could be accidental overdose. Avicii also had a history or drug and alcohol abuse, something that seems to go hand and hand with his industry. As for Kate Spade I know very little about her but her husband did say she has always been fighting her demons although her suicide was a complete shock.

In reality is there every anything right about suicide?

Harvey Weinstein is a bit of a stretch as many, many, many people have spoken out against him from A listers to small fries.

This could simply be lifestyle choices per individual.

Someone just wrote a commented that they deleted/was deleted but Anthony bourdains girlfriend is Asia Argento. She was a main accuser/charger against wein. These people were openly accused of rape, harassment, wire tapping, threats for coming out with this info.

hmm, that's interesting. appears to be a reference to making a prison shank by sharpening a toothbrush handle. from Murder Was The Case, snoop dogg song.

Here’s the speech Anthony’s girlfriend have accusing Weinstein of rape. This happens. A few weeks ago

And one of her bffs is Rose McGowan, who is (was) openly friends with Bourdain. They both were stalked and intimidated by Weinstein goons and were extremely outspoken about it all. Bourdain was a huge pillar of support to these ladies and others against Weinstein. This doesn’t sit right at all.

How so because we don’t even know the cause of his death yet

They've announced suicide by hanging

At the time of typing that I wasn’t aware it was a hanging. I believe he was murdered.

There have been a few celebrities that have decided to hang themselves instead of any other method of death, which is interesting. Chris Cornell recently and before that David Carradine. I’m probably missing a few. But when I heard the news, I wondered what episode Anthony was working on.

David Carradine died from a sex game gone wrong, am I wrong in thinking this?

strangulation while supposedly engaged in a sexual act while alone. I was ruled an accident, if i remember correctly. But his nephew, actor Robert Carradine, believes otherwise:

Could you be less sensitive to this news? For fucks sake what’s wrong with you?

How was I sensitive?

You aren’t. That’s what I’m saying.

I'm sorry, I mistyped. How was i being insensitive?

You weren't, at all. OP is just pushing for a circlejerk echo in this thread.

Exactly this.

Yeah with a red exercise band. How can you die from that? Its like hanging yourself with a bungee cord.

I'm not sure I'm following you. You're saying it's impossible or hard to hang yourself with a bungee cord?

One of those exercise bands. I was just making a comparison. Hanging yourself from a doorknob with a bungee cord etc...

You can hang yourself with a. Rubber band. It doesn't take much pressure at all to asphyxiated yourself intentionally.

Chester Bennington...r.i.p., as well.

These posts are fucking bullshit. Someone dies and then every asshole comes on and tries to connect it to child sex trafficking or anything else to fit their agenda.

Sometimes people just kill themselves. It’s sad and terrible and posts like these just make it so much worse.

Fuck off. Fuckkkkk. Offf.

Beyond everything else Anthony Bourdain is NOT the type to kill him self. Something is not right. Fuck off with your bullshit

A former junkie is not the type of person to kill themselves?

He would never do this to his little daughter. Even people who are casual fans know this. Never.

Ignore the shills man. They're in full panic mode.

What do you think they're panicking about?

They're little matrix is beginning to fail catastrophically.

He's in the demographic where suicide is really common

they do, they abuse substances and relapse, they also have fair-weather 'friends' that abuse them and steal from them and that sometimes murder them.

WEW! gawd damn! Almost like this is r/conspiracy or something

A former junkie is not the type of person to kill themselves?

I can't say I'm one bit surprised. The guy seemed miserable.

Was Robin Williams or Kate Spade or Chester Bennefield the type to commit suicide?

Robin Williams seemed like a mentally unstable person and likely drug addict. I'm not surprised. I don't know enough about the other two though.

Whatever guy, it sounds to me like you’re someone who has lived a fortunate enough life to not know anyone who has committed suicide. If you did then you’d know how incredibly ignorant you sound right now.

walks into a conspiracy thread


Theme of the week on this sub

That guy is a whack job. And that’s coming from the conspiracy thread

Removed: Rule 10

Sometimes people just kill themselves.

just because bad day with nothing on TV.

thankyou for coming here to edoocate us illitermorons.

just because

Not saying this is the case, but sometimes when a person commits suicide there are copycat suicides that happen right after (especially when the original person is famous).

Check the name of the sub. This is where you ask the “what if?” Questions

and look at their username. makes no fucking sense

Your on the wrong sub buddy.

Just wait until someone constructs a connection to Hillary.

Only a matter of time.


Q said this would be a glorious week (posted in the shape of a gun): "Boom. Boom. Boom."

Bourdain hated Trump. Bourdain was outspoken about it. See? Anyone can do it to fit their agenda. NATO used snipers in Maidan to frame Putin. Why wouldn't they use "suicides" to get rid of Trump's enemies and frame Weinstein or Clinton or Soros?

Why wouldn't they use "suicides" to get rid of Trump's enemies and frame Weinstein or Clinton or Soros?

Because no one suspects Trump of having a good enough reason to want to kill Bourdain. Also it seems unlikely that Trump could have coaxed all those celebrities into testifying that Weinstein was a menacing rapist.

no one suspects Trump

Speak for yourself. Meanwhile, I don't have to even suspect "Trump" -- he empowers "allies" like Erik Prince who use Trump as a vehicle for their own agenda.

Fuck off with this bullshit. Free beacon is idiotic feeble minded bullshit

The tweets are real. His connection to Weinstein is real.

This is r/conspiracy. Fuck off with your bullshit.

FYI conspiracy does not mean pro alt right bullshit. Let’s keep a little respect on the name

Pro alt right bullshit? The tweets are REAL. How stupid are you? So what if free beacon were one of the only ones to report it?

Removed. Rule 10

Here you go...

Notice any female poker names on that list? Since you don't read I'll just tell you. Kate Spade.

Conspiracies everywhere if you know where to look.

FTFY Conspiracies everywhere if you believe you see them everywhere you look.

Removed: Rule 10

I’m thinking this too. Kate Spade got me. She hanged herself by the doorknob, which seems so difficult and so specific but Robin Williams did the same exact thing? Doesn’t seem right to me. Then this, another hanging. I understand that the suicide rate has gone up and that obviously it would account for some celeb deaths but this is just weird to say the least. I’m not one for conspiracy but this doesn’t sit well with me.

These suicides don't seem right at all. It's getting weird.

Same with Chester bennington, Chris cornell, David carridine. All the exact same..

Wasn't Carradine jerking off at the time?

His brother says it was a murder.


Erotic asphyxiation, they found him with a rope around his neck hanging off a door. Just like all these other 'suicides'. Exactly the same

You say exactly the same but were Chester and Chris jerking off?

how would Carradine be masturbating? It looks like his hands are tied over his head?

That's true. I'm not really up to speed on autoerotic asphyxiation.

Maybe he used his feet...

Comment gold

Comment gold

Fine, Gold

With Carradine there was a prostitute involved.

So the prostitute took off when he lost consciousness? I never heard there was a prostitute but wouldn't she be in jail for not helping?

That's if she/he was found. He was in Bangkok, for goodness sake. I'm sure a city famous for sex, prostitution, and all types of illicit and illegal things keeps meticulous records of every single person turning tricks.

The Hotels do. Most good hotels there take a photocopy of the ID of every overnight female guest. Saves a lot of aggravation in a "city famous for sex, prostitution, and all types of illicit and illegal things"

where I'm from we call that a handjob?

I feel like very rich people dont need to resort to doing their Erotic asphyxiation in such a dangerous way. IMO, they could either pay someone to help them out with their proclivities, or they could purchase some sort of contraption that still provides Erotic asphyxiation, just under a much safer condition. In my mind, I cant rule it completely out however just because the rich tend to be thrill seekers who take massive action on the things they like to get where they are now, so if they were into the danger associated with preforming Erotic asphyxiation in such a blatently dangerous way, I could see them doing it for the thrill. The thrill of being on the nedge of losing a wonderful life (from outside perspectives)

If they want a living on the edge kind of thrill, they could just go skydiving, or climb a mountain in the Himalayas, or take and Uber to Compton and walk around a random neighborhood at 3 AM.

Other commenters in the thread are saying its fake and the details dont match. And their comments hold as much water as the OP's in that thread

If those photos are real...there should be NO BLOOD when hanged, and your hands would need to be free for masterbation, AND he had a noticeable (recent-looking) scar all the way down from his neck to his groin (doesn't look like an autopsy "V" dissection). WTF?

I'm not saying that any particular case mentioned here is a result of auto erotic asphyxiation, AEA deathed are a lot more common than most people realize. When I was an EMT 20 years ago we were often asked by family members of the deceased to collude with LEOs on reporting accidental AEA deaths as suicides. It was less embarrassing for the family during an already traumatic time.

Most of the time the family member who found the victim had already taken pains to clean up any porn, lube and tissue, toys bodily fluids, etc, but it was pretty obvious. Sometimes we'd get there and the victim still had their dick in their hand. Either way, we'd pow-wow with the deputy to make sure our reports were straight. Honestly, it wasn't professional or rely ethical, but this is a small community and tried to protect reputations.

I'd much rather hear that a loved one died trying to get their freak on than died because they were depressed.

I’ve... I’ve never thought about it like before but I agree.

AEA. The silent killer.

I would have to imagine there is some gurgling involved.

You're a fucking liar dude but you have a creative imagination. I'll grant you that.


So nodody kills themselves anymore, it's all a global conspiracy ?

Turn off the news and go for a nice walk for yourself.

Keep swallowing what they feed you, as long as it lets you sleep at night, eh? Don't question anything or think deep, you might hurt yourself.

Google early onset schizophrenia symptoms.

Here are the facts. Some people kill themselves. Some people have their suicides staged. And sometimes the investigators are either inept or corrupt. Do you dispute any of this?

And his hands tied.....kinda hard to jerk it like that

His hands were bound to the closet pole... Kinda hard to jerk off with your hands tied above your head.

Yes we discovered this 2 comments below.

The conspiracy is that he was offed by the Thai mafia

Yeah Cornell "hung himself" and there was blood all over the floor in pictures of the (crime?) Scene. You don't start gushing blood when you run out of oxygen

His tox screen also showed the level of drugs in his system would make it impossible to preform on stage the night of "hanging himself"

It's well reported that he was pretty out of it during his last show.

Have you seen some of the video? He was railing against the NWO and 1% THAT final night...

What video is this

Awesome thank you

Sound quality was bad, at least for me. I couldn't make out most of what he was saying. All I heard was "they can do whatever they want" and something about burning houses down.

I couldn't find the video. It took me a few to find the clip. Google is bullshit.

I couldn't find the video. It took me a few to find the clip. Google is bullshit.

Poor quality:( I could barely understand what he was saying. All I really heard was something about them doing whatever they want and burning a house down.

True. I saw it on a video that is now non existent, and I recall him saying that billionaires are ruining all of our lives, the 1% doesn't give a shit, etc etc. It could be easily explained as a suicidal rant, but why is the video gone? I searched high and low.

Interesting. I believe it. There are a lot of famous people who are actually still in touch with reality and care about humanity.

Depending on his tolerance. What you would need to function or not be able to function would be relative to what you've built your tolerance up to. Unless it was enough benzodiazines to kill an elephant I wouldnt think much of it. I'd imagine whatever was in his system was something he had a high tolerance to

The Cornell case is pretty much clear that it was a hit by Geffen, after he threatened to expose his childporn past.

Also look at Cornell's wife. This is beyond crazy.

With Bourdain though I don't see any motive.

Chester and chris were working together on a project to help abused kids, weird eh must be a coincidence.

or they were both abused

probably discussed it at the wrong pizza shop

Michael hutchens from INXS was an early closet hang. Probably same MO. I think if you try to leave the industry or say anything to damage its reputation they just break in and choke you out instead of dealing with it. Probably all hit jobs.

I like your definition of “probably” :p. To me that seems highly highly improbable, but to each his own

Why do you browse a conspiracy forum? Just to make comments about not believing what people say?

That probably happened to him.

He was in a custody battle with Paula Yates and her husband, Bob Geldof. It was a very unpleasant situation. But I wouldn't put it past Geldof to have him killed, or to simply push his buttons knowing he'd been depressed since an earlier head injury that destroyed his olfactory senses. Hutchence had said that after he lost his sense of smell, he couldn't experience anything he cared about. He couldn't smell food, he couldn't smell women. He became depressed after that.

There's far more evidence though that he took his own life than him being murdered.

What if ita not a secret society speaking out against the machine but may be a celebrity cereal killer lol

I think they should bring Cap'n Crunch in for questioning.

maybe even call Jah Rule to figure out what the fuck is really going on. If anybody can solve this, its him and the Cap'n

Tony the Tiger fled the country in 09.

I think he's in malaysia

Yet I don't have a hard time believing their suicides. Robin Williams had lifelong depression struggles then was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Chris and Chester struggled always with depression and drugs. Not too much of a stretch to believe Carradine was into kink, but I don't know what else he might have been involved with.

Anthony has brought a LOT of attention to how US policies have had devastating effects on other countries. He worked to help people. People listened to him. To me, this made him a target. If he stepped too boldly on the wrong toes, a hit could have been taken out on him.

This is very strange. I get wanting some privacy from the media but this isn’t very appropriate.

Her suicide note

“Bea – I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!”

Two days later Daddy is wearing a mask that could be said to symbolically be a rat.

Very strange indeed.

The Rescuers is a 1977 American animated adventure comedy-drama produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution. The 23rd Disney animated feature film, the film is about the Rescue Aid Society, an international mouse organization headquartered in New York City and shadowing the United Nations, dedicated to helping abduction victims around the world at large. Two of these mice, jittery janitor Bernard (Bob Newhart) and his co-agent, the elegant Miss Bianca (Eva Gabor), set out to rescue Penny (Michelle Stacy), an orphan girl being held prisoner in the Devil's Bayou by treasure huntress Madame Medusa (Geraldine Page). The film is based on a series of books by Margery Sharp, most notably The Rescuers) and Miss Bianca.

Yup, it's ripe with symbolism. The movie also famously had a picture of a naked women cut into the background of its original release and was accused of subliminal messaging.

Not just a naked woman; A naked woman taking part in some kind of ritual

The implications...

Look at this in the context of the move and her "suicide."

both the california transparency in supply chains act and the uk modern slavery act require companies doing business in california and in the uk, respectively, and exceeding specified volume thresholds, to disclose their efforts to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not occurring in their businesses or supply chains. this statement relates to our fiscal year ended december 31, 2016 and includes the activities of kate spade & company and its consolidated subsidiaries


Plic = Romanian for envelope (in which a suicide note might be left) or woman's clutch bag.

Cations = positively charged ions, such as Ba+ (Barium -- pronounced "Bury 'em") or Li+ (Lithium, often used to treat mood disorders)

It gets weirder.

Apparel kate spade was acting against human trafficking.

I'd wear an Amazon box with two eye hole cutouts and FUCK YOU written all over it.

His wife just hanged herself. He's probably not in the healthiest mental state.

Kate Spade’s husband Andy Spade – the brother of actor David Spade – emerged from his home on Thursday afternoon wearing a bizarre mask of a mouse cartoon character.

I had no idea there was a connection to David Spade.

Lab rat.

Children are innocent

A teenager's fucked up in the head

Adults are even more fucked up

And elderlys are like children

Will there be another race

To come along and take over for us?

Maybe Martians could do

Better than we've done

We'll make great pets

My friend says, we're like the dinosaurs

Only we are doing ourselves in

Much faster than they ever did

We'll make great pets

-- Jane's Addiction, "Pets"

Have you ever read this?

I have had similar stalking experiences and sexual experiences as him. He says its Martian reptiles doing the stalking etc... Makes me wonder if the band knew about what is happening.

*Porno for Pyros, not Janes Addiction.

Well, JA did a cover version...

Uh, this song is by Porno for Pyros.

JA did a cover version...

The doorknob is the easiest place to hang yourself from in a house

All the doorknobs in my house would immediately snap off if I tried to hang myself from them....

Not everyone lives in mud huts

Nor weighs 400 pounds

Getting pressure on the jugular doesn’t require “hanging” or disproportionate amounts of weight.

you tie the rope around the door knob and throw the rope over the otherside/top of the door and hang from the opposite side of the doorknob that it is tied to.

I’m not even going to entertain the how to.

Half these post are phishing, to get ppl to tell other people how to kill themselves.

Mine too. And the screw is some proprietary bullshit and they don't produce them anymore. So half the doorknobs of my house are barely hanging there from wear and tear and I refuse to buy new ones cause I would have to change all of them.

I’ve seeen a couple videos of guys hanging them selves from door knobs on watchpeopledie. One of them was even an accident, it’s probably a lot easier than you think.

The one that was an accident evens seems like he can easily put his feet on the ground, but once he’s too far into it his arms and legs sort of contort and looks like he loses all control of his body.

Ok I will take your word for it.

Wait an accident? “La de Da, just Doug my laundry and oops, whoa whoa, doorknob, x_x”

Then you have a shitty house

If you’re “not one for conspiracy” then why be in this sub? You are the 3rd comment like this in this thread.

Calm down. Lol. I’m not one of o believe in conspiracy theories very often but I sometimes come to this sub looking for something I don’t feel is being portrayed in the media correctly. Like this for instance. I woke up and saw the news, got to thinking, then looked here to see if I could start a conversation.

I’m perfectly calm. Lol.

Sometimes you just like to go down the rabbit hole because "reality" is too saddening. The rabbit hole puts meaning to things even if it might be more fucked up.

Not one for conspiracies??? Ur on this sub how is that possible

What would be the M.O. behind murdering random celebs and making it look like suicide though? Maybe to glamourize it as a means of population control? At the same time they romanticize it in the media ie that netflix series.

It could be that the govt realized overpopulation is coming due to all the advances in technology and medicine, so they want to nudge undesirables into offing themselves.. "see, even successful people with great lives do it, so why not you?"

As dark as this is I can still fathom it.

Its about money and merchandise. Remove the artist and you can take their share too. Most of them are married into the machine as well. Their wives are Mason (no free) stalkers basically. They listen to the Devil and get rewarded for it. The kids too. Anyone seen see the vid of Cornell's Hollywood funeral? Hisnwife is in the front row joking and laughing. They basically become cryptos once they marry in and have kids.

Let's face it though. If the goal was population control, I think the government would be way more creative.

Man made diseases and countless war for over a century?

I’d say pushing the idea of suicide amongst the masses is pretty creative

They would have curbed population growth decades ago if that was their goal. Order in chaos..the more slaves they have the more power they get. They have ways to get rid of mass amounts of people (food and water additives, cancer-causing tech, war, organized crime etc), but if they wanted a certain number of earth residents they would have made the calculations and adjustments ages ago.

Population control isn’t really working at all, is it? Tons of more people on the planet every day.

It's an interesting theory. Also, I think a lot of rich celeb suicides may be due to them knowing too much and refusing to play ball with TPTB

dude look

when you get involved with this occult shit, which both of these people were, they all have the one eye stuff, numerous signs of it, they sell their souls to someone/something.

this is what it looks like when those people come for your soul at the time of their choosing

do you see?

you should be scared, they have this much power

we are civilians, they are assassins, and it's very difficult to defend yourself against an assassin as a civilian.

i suspect but cannot prove that at some point one of a few things happen in these cases, 1. you know too much and are getting mouthy, but really you can probably also just know too much 2. you have something of great value that they want 3. you are a pawn in some other war

These are people that potentially made the occult fashions for the secret parties, and to get where they were they had to make certain obligations that made their lives a. secondary to some other organization and b. forfeit under certain conditions

i hope this helps

She hanged herself by the doorknob, which seems so difficult and so specific

Reminds me of D'Angelo Barksdale

Right? This is what I thought too.

She hanged herself by the doorknob...

It would take a lot of will power to continually resist the temptation to stand up.

I think it has to do with the knot. Some knots, if well done, will not be easy to get out of if you tight them enough.

Just reading this.

It explains how hanging from a door knob can result in a quick death

Kinda disgusting there's such a detailed how to guide out there

In some ways yes, maybe you wouldn't want people of unsound mind seeing those instructions. On the other hand, it's arguable that it's a human right to have the knowledge of how to end your own life with a small amount of dignity if that's what someone really wants.

Why is it disgusting? If someone is going to do it, they’re going to do it; isn’t it best to provide them with knowledge so they don’t fuck it up? I clicked on the link, and it doesn’t look like they’re encouraging suicide at all. In fact, I saw in multiple places suggesting pretty much every assistance method possible and encouraging people to use those first.

People are going to do what they want. I think researching the methods is probably the most responsible (if you can consider studying suicide methods “responsible”) way to go about it.

"Test the rope. The unconscious body will thrash about as it dies."

This shit got to me.

Even if the driver wants to go off the cliff the vehicle senses the danger and tries to prevent it. Like a horse rather than a car.

This changes how I think about mind and body...

anima and animus.


Yeah this is one I don't understand. Just, how? And even Chris Cornell...he apparently hanged himself on like a towel hook on the bathroom that could hold 130+lbs? And Anthony Bourdain hanged himself in a hotel room...just, how? Hanged from what? What would be strong enough to hang himself by? Maybe a balcony railing, but they haven't disclosed that info.

You could kill yourself with a rubber band around your neck. A shoe lace tied around your throat. You don't need to physically hang, just put pressure on the arteries or the wind pipe.

Does anyone remember when Mick Jagger's fashion designer girlfriend L'Wren Scott hung herself with a black silk scarf (at least according to media reports) in 2014?

McQueen the designer also I believe. Yeah I remember when L’Wren passed.

just remember how d'angelo barksdale "killed" himself. pretty hard for one person to hang another from the rafters.

Always good to see a wire fan in the wild


"Hey McNulty!"



fuck im on season 1

It's well known that people who are exceptionally skilled at making others laugh can be hiding brutal depressing of their own - like Robin Williams. Anthony was likely putting on a similar front - depression isn't like being bored or unhappy, it's a total numbness to life regardless of where you're filming or what you're doing

There's a video on LiveLeak that shows a streamer tying himself and hanging himself from his doorknob and you see the ems rush in there and try to save him so it's not too hard.. short string arouns your neck and door knob and then sit down with your weight

How does one hang themselves from a doorknob?

Not saying it did or didn't happen, just not grasping the mechanics of it

I browse the watchpeopledie subreddit from time to time and there's a video of a young man who hanged himself from his doorknob and livestreamed it. It does not take a lot of pressure to cut off circulation to the brain and your torso is easily heavy enough to to the job even if your lower body is touching the floor. All it takes is determination and a couple minutes, sadly. He succeeded in taking his own life.

Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Robin Williams...all hanged.

Hanging yourself from the doorknob wouldn’t be difficult, just tie a rope to the back side handle and wrap it over the top. What’s the difficult part here? Not discounting this theory but I don’t know if that point supports it.

Exactly, it's not difficult at all and it's more common than people think it appears. People perhaps query it because they're unaware that the 'suspension' method, such as using a door knob, is death by asphyxiation or via a cutting off of the blood supply to the brain as opposed to the more well known 'drop' method where death is caused via a snapping of the spinal cord.

I think it peculiar that a woman at the top of her game with kiddos at home would kill herself. In addition, I find it to be an odd coincidence that Kate Spade worked with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti. Maybe they are connected? I could have sworn that someone who work with Hillary in Haiti and worked for Amber Alert was caught smuggling children from Haiti. Something is odd!

Women in general don't tend to kill themselves by hanging.

I agree. I’m looking into Kate and other recent celeb deaths to see who was involved in the MeToo, TimesUp, and the child trafficking epidemic.

The alleged child trafficking epidemic.

The thing that bothers me is just e everyone just accepts suicide. It doesn't seem at all suspicious. Yeah fucking right

everyone just accepts suicide.


Small Airplane and helicopter crashes in Long Island -just saying

Used to be the case, now depression and suicide are the way to stay out of the spotlight.

We never used to have a society that accepted, "oh, it's just another celebrity suicide".

It was Martha's vineyard.

Hahahah shittt they did have connections.

Not true. My sister killed herself 25 years ago. I WILL NEVER ‘just accept(s) suicide.’ You live with it every day of your life. You can allow it to break you or learn from it.

Think the poster meant we just accept suicide as an explanation when there could be motives behind their deaths.

Oh I know exactly what they meant. I was disagreeing with them.👌🏽 Lived through it not only with my sis - but many people over the years. I’m from Seattle and we have a high rate of suicide here. I accept they are dead. Key word ‘explanation’. You will never truly know why the cause/motivation was. Not with any conviction. You can speculate all you like - the person that could deny or confirm that is dead.

Watch Turner classic movies right now on optimum channel 68 it features a film that takes place where Anthony died. It’s about the assassination of someone who knew too much. The Channel is owned by an elitist billionaire. The movie is called HOTEL RESERVE (1944)

Wow great comment. The universe (God) speaks to us in odd ways, you just have to look for the signs.

Exactly how I think. You have to look for signs because many things are right in front you. We just choose to ignore them.

You guys realize you're talking about signs from the universe corroborating your theory, because some movie is on tv someplace, right?

Fuck off retard.

Removed. Rule 10

They also love rubbing our faces in it

God damn. Underrated comment


Look at the channel and the current date.

God damn. Someone somewhere knows someone.

Turner Classic Movies is owned by Time Warner, which is a publicly traded company. It's not owned by any one individual.

Owned by tw but run by others. The owns a lot but has separate managers for everything.

If the billionaire being referenced is Ted Turner, he's not even part of TW anymore. Hasn't been on board in a decade. And Coleman Breland, the president of TCM, testified in Justice Department trial this spring about AT&T buying TW; Breland testified as a top TW executive. TCM is definitely a property of TW in more than just name.

Existence is meaningless. I don't blame anyone for skipping to the last page of this bullshit if they aren't enjoying it. That being said, it would be weird for someone who is knee deep in something they find meaningful to kill themselves. I do not doubt there is a very long list of 'suicided' people in the political/power worlds.

Existence isn't meaningless, it's a vacation

Suicide happens, though. Or all are suicides conspiracies? Then why this one in particular?

Read the thread

It has been an assassination tactic for awhile. Wormwood movie is an interesting example of the earlier, more crude method.

Bourdain has been highly critical of Isreal but in a classy way, plus growing his influence. I wouldn't be surprised is Mossad had no problem taking him down as a favor to HW.

He was filming in Lebanon when Israel invaded in 2006. Bourdain did a decent job of using his show as a food critic to shine a light on Zionist aggression and occupation.

I was dumbfounded hearing that he had died. Like you mentioned, he was in the middle of filming in France for Parts Unknown and he was extremely happy (from what it looked like) with Asia Argento.

Recently, however, Argento was one of the leading causes to bring back up Weinstein’s sexual accusations, which is why he had to turn himself in.

Could that be correlated? I wouldn’t be fucking surprised.

he was extremely happy (from what it looked like)

"From what it looked like when the cameras were running but I have no idea what's going on in his life"

Guess we’ll hear what Argento has to say about all of this

Why didn't they kill Argento? And why isn't anybody mentioning how Q promised (posted in the shape of a gun: "Boom. Boom. Boom") this would be a "glorious week"?

Probably 100 times more suspicious if she died.

But she's not the type to get silenced by threats; she's already proved that. If she thinks her boyfriend was murdered, that would only make her more vocal plus give her a bigger spotlight. Or is that the plan, for Q's "glorious week" of assassinations?

She's obviously in shock right now...

That never stopped them before

Perhaps AB was her minder, and knocked off by the good guys? Rumors about his dalliances into minors while in Asia continue to swirl....there is a reason he was allowed to have a show.

Or could just be some sex play gone wrong.

Sorry, but I know who the "good guys" aren't. It sure ain't Q. This is Black Hat vs. Black Hat vs. Black Hat, and there aren't just 2 "sides." Meanwhile, rumors swirl.

Strong intimidation, kill a depressed celebrity and get away with it.

Also she was seen with another guy this monday, while they were filming his new episodes

If she refuses to testify, we can all connect the dots at that point.

I saw a post and a picture of her with another guy, saying she’d been seen with a new guy just before this. Maybe she left him and it just fucked him up in the exactly worst way.

Agreed, and no it's not disrespectful to offer this speculation.

The number of comments in this thread telling other people to fuck off is too damn high.

Oh, fuck off! 😉

No, I'm going to fuck right off first before you can fuck off!

Off gets all the fucking, I'm kinda jealous.

I feel better now that Jack Nicholson flipped me off, saved for future times like these

75% of people here arent acctually into conspiracies oddly enough.

That's a preposterous theory. /s

The other 25% are the CIA/FBI/RussiaBots

Don't forget Mossad

Kick fuck off. xD

You wonder why they are even here, its not like I go into any subs I disagree with and shit all over people lol. Paid trolls? Paid CIA peons to find information? or just really really bored people. The world will never know

Lobbyists paying them to contradict. Makes it easier if you silence those that notice what you've been up to.

Yet still lower than the number of people in this that that need to fuck off.


Lets just turn that negative into a positive, fuck on people.... fuck on!

Why is no one mentioning the singer of frightened rabbit?

Or the hundreds of civilians (non celebrities I mean) who have committed suicide?

Why focus on celebs? You're being distracted. What difference does one less celebrity make? Look after yourself and your friends and family, that's all that's important.

Upvoted, would upvote again.

Man, Scott was such a rough one for me.

It seems unusual to want to kill yourself when you are at the zenith of your career.

Suicide is rarely rational, except maybe at dignitas.

It may not be rational but it's much more common when people experience major setback's in their life's trajectory. Bourdain's career was still thriving and his girlfriend just succeeded in in sending her rapist, Harvey Weinstein, into the pokey. All reasons to be happy and joyous.

Because this one was a civilian spy you dick (seriously tho)

not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but...

Dude I think you're fine, here.

Youd think so

Yea, tons of trolls and people just tearing apart anyone questioning things. And most times, its as if a highschooler is fighting back, using no logic and just all emotions to argue. So pathetic.

Who the heck are you replying to?

Indeed when did it become accepted to just quote MSM articles and Police statements as a way of shutting down discussion on fucking /r/conspiracy

Since CTR, et al took over

That's always been standard operating procedure for the trolls. It's not about convincing the CT's, it's about turning back coincidence theorists that came here by chance

Well one thing that is not a conspiracy? There are paid outfits of internet trolls who will do anything to protect the status quo, controlling conversations on forums all across the internet. Reddit would be the highest priority of targets.

Try to convince the average person of this and they just poo poo you. Yet it can be proven time and time again. But then they just say "Well it doesn't affect me." and put their blindfold back on.

The biggest? I doubt it, personally. Did Russian based accounts create propaganda? Absolutely.

The examples the NYT article Inquisitr cites still seem pretty tame compared to what was going on with CTR/JIDF/Chinas 50 Cent Party (

Regardless of measuring who's the biggest scumbag for manipulating publican opinion.... we can all agree it's wrong and as I stated before we deserve the right to accurate information.

Lol, a couple million dollars in Facebook ads and trolls is nothing compared to the US intelligence agencies influence online, or the UKs troll armies or the JIDF. BTW, if the t_d shills were so big and powerful they wouldn't be at the bottom of every thread in almost every sub. Trump's polling at 40%, you'd expect there to be MORE support for him online.

The totally "organic and unanimous" hate for him online is way more of a red flag than his support. Imo of course. Also, before it becomes a thing, not American so not a republican (or russian for that matter).

Keep in mind that of those 40%, a majority of them are 45 or older, while Reddit skews much younger. I wouldn’t expect him to have anywhere near 40% approval on Reddit, simply because the demographics don’t line up. Reddit also has users from all over the world, and the majority of them don’t have a favorable view of Trump. So, when you take that 40% approval, then you subtract the older supporters, and you add in the non-American users on the other side, it’s clear that a large majority of Reddit users aren’t going to support him.

I don’t know how much US, the UK, or anyone else spends on online trolling, but I wonder why you think it’s so much more than the Russians are spending. As for CTR, I believe they had a budget of $1m, which is much less than this one Russian troll farm. We also have no idea how many of these Russian troll farms their are, or which other countries are employing these same tactics. We’ve only indicted one so far, but that doesn’t mean that’s all there are.

CTR budget.

About 10 million in 2016 according to this:

Don't forget David Brock and Shareblue, 40 million in 2017.

UK in 2015:


will be about 1,500-strong

The brigade will be responsible for what is described as non-lethal warfare. Both the Israeli and US army already engage heavily in psychological operations.

the force will attempt to control the narrative.

The Israel Defence Forces have pioneered state military engagement with social media, with dedicated teams operating since Operation Cast Lead, its war in Gaza in 2008-9. The IDF is active on 30 platforms – including Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram – in six languages. 



2014 -

Since 2011-

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 190634

I notice you didn’t answer any of my questions or respond to my comment at all, other than to show that the us spent $2.8m on an astroturfing campaign outside of the US, and the total budget for CTR went up to $10m outside of the United States.

The fact that you’re totally ignoring Russia is extremely telling.

I notice you didn’t answer any of my questions or respond to my comment at all,

You didn't really ask any questions, you said you didn't know much about american, british and israeli efforts online, so I linked some. You did wonder why I thought the Russian efforts would be so much less than that of others.

That wasn't the message of my post, I don't care who does it more. I just wanted to point out there's more than 1 country spreading propaganda online.

other than to show that the us spent $2.8m on an astroturfing campaign outside of the US,

They didn't spent 2.8mil in total, they spent that much to get the software to have 50 accounts per online operator.

The US government signed a $2.8 million contract with the Ntrepid web-security company to develop a specialized software, allowing agents of the government to post propaganda on "foreign-language websites".[2]

and the total budget for CTR went up to $10m outside of the United States.

No, it was 10mil in 2016 and went way down after the election, with shareblue doing most of the dirty work these days. Also, I don't think that was for influencing people outside of the US.

The fact that you’re totally ignoring Russia is extremely telling.

Russia's online meddling has been worldwide frontpage news for over a year now, so I didn't include it. Thanks for the accusation of bias though.

The problem then becomes: who will be the arbiter of what is accurate information? The government? Facebook? Google?

Propaganda is legal and well funded. All that's left is trusting Daddy Government to be responsible with that power. And al the other foreign governments and companies and cults and NGOs, let's all hope that they too are responsbile with their propaganda.

WPP for example, 200,000 employees in 100 countries.

division and tension

Well one thing that is not a conspiracy?

Please stop conflating "conspiracy" with "false". Thank you.


It seems to be getting upvoted and not met with much disagreement

And that means what exactly?

Yea, tons of trolls and people just tearing apart anyone questioning things.

Well, questioning things is fine, but claiming that thing are so and so based on gut feelings and highly circumstantial evidence isn’t.

True, agreed.

I've seen people making huge logical leaps and I'm skeptical by default but I've definitely also seen it happen where people who are simply proposing a theory or asking questions have been pounced on by obnoxious "realists" even when the topic doesn't seem to warrant any such emotion.

Granted, the internet is filled with people just looking for a fight because they had a bad day/week/life but sometimes there will be long sub-threads of multiple concurring parties who are adamantly in opposition of somebody entertaining the possibility of an idea that isn't the official explanation. If it's all just people with enough free time and alt-accounts to poke their thumb in somebody else's eye, they sure like to do it here.

And yet, if the occasional conspiracy theorist or Wikileaks fan were to promote some conspiracy theory that was at least partially truthful or info that was potentially damaging to any one of the millions of public and private organizations out there with ample resources to "look out for their own interests", it certainly would be beneficial for them to categorically discredit the bearers of such topics as lunatics with some strategic false flag trolling and sarcastic counterpoints.

How do we go about finding the truth? Who can we look to? Things are so muddled nowadays it is hard to find the truth about anything.

As problematic as the concept is, we need a way to hold the reputation of information sources accountable. Elon Musk has the right idea. Sure, the idea of 'grading' journalists raises more concerns and questions, as it should, but the unchecked freedom of bullshit model of information sharing isn't working either.

I forgot to ask the most important question. Once we do know the truth what can we (the minority informed person) do about any of the fucked up shit that happens in the world?

It depends on what the truth is, who it involves, and how it's happening. Laws have been effectively passed to curb unethical/evil behavior. A hardened cynic might scoff at that but the system has worked in the past. If the system itself is the obstacle, there are many things that can be done ranging from raising awareness with disciplined critical thinking and communication skills and methods that pass the knee-jerk skepticism test, to concerted legal action or other circumstantially justified methods.

I understand what you're saying and completely agree but in the sense of the bigger picture where average people have to work jobs that basically enslave them to the system that is upheld by many of these 'conspiracies' it is very difficult to do any of those things. I put conspiracies in parenthesis because much of what people consider conspiracy is just plain fact.

Is your goal for people to find the truth or is it for people to be engaged in finding truths? If you can recognize that it's difficult for others to find truth because of a "muddled" environment, I think the most useful thing you can do is accept that this handicap applies to you as well and to approach any "truth" with humility.

I'm just an "average American" and as I was messaging a person further down in the comments I sorta realized that it just doesn't really matter anyway.

This is how it is for those few of us out there in the world questioning everything.

Yea, tons of trolls and people just tearing apart anyone questioning things.

A good conspiracy theory can withstand questions from skeptical people. I pride myself on trying to be skeptical in all things and to seek out more information than just whatever my echo chamber is telling me.

At heart conspiracy theorists, ideally, are smart people who will ponder and test a theory. I don't drink the MSM kool-aid but I don't dismiss it out of hand. Same with a lot of the theories here, even the ones I want to believe.

But then again I'm the only liberal I know who goes to The_Donald a lot to try to see what the other side of the various Trump stories is, for example.

Some people don't think the same way.

"No, you're wrong."

Pigeons crapping on a chessboard

Well, there is conspiracy theorist and then there is batshit insane. Aka, flat earthers or chemtrail psychonauts.

Remember when we all thought there was a lot of bullshit in the official 9/11 story? Now it's almost taboo.. Here.. in CONSPIRACY..

Lol like of all the places to say that? Irony at it's finest.


Tinfoil hats engage!!

The clue is Russian journalist Maxim Borodin. I won't go into it any further. The curious ones can look up my research.

With suicide rates increasing across the board, you have to wonder if any modern introductions to everyday human existence have had any sort of contributing factor...

But they're watching!

Look at the brigading on this post. It appaears that the hasbara suspects it wasn't a suicide.

Should read: Anthony Bourdain murdered by Weinstein-Clinton gang.

He's a Pederast.. get ready for many many more to PURGE themselves.

3:10 in the video....

“Is ketchup on a hot dog ever acceptable?”


It's called depression. The state of your life is irrelevant when you have that kind of chemical imbalance in your brain.

It's really not a chemical imbalance, more an attitude to your environment


It's also a literal chemical imbalance of neurotransmitters in your brain, commonly suspected as a low amount of serotonin and possibly dopamine. Are you done pretending to be a doctor?

Are you done pretending to talk about depression when you clearly have no experience with it? It's not just the chemicals in your brain suddenly lacking. It's solely triggered by environmental factors. A lack or serotonin and dopamine is what happens when you become depressed and sad

All I said is there is also a chemical component, something you dismissed in your first comment...I don't know why you waited a comment to arrogantly half-agree with me

I don't think you're right. I'd be willing to say that there is absolutely an element of chemical imbalance in the brain. Isn't that what psychiatry is based upon? Using drugs to help correct those kinds of imbalance.

True, i try to explain this to ppl and they dont seem to understand it. Chemical imbalance Is a smaller portion of the cases of depression then they want you to believe its mostly environmental, life style, life situation, health etc

Source? Incredibly ignorant statement.

People already know about Weinstein. So it's not that.

TDS and a penchant for being anti white and visiting lots of pedo friendly countries could mean something he was trying to escape from.


Anti-white? You really are a fuckwad

Bourdain was a heavy drug user among other things, I’m willing to believe the story that he killed himself.

Watch Turner classic movies on optimum channel 68 it features a film that takes place where Anthony died. It’s about the assassination of someone who knew too much. The Channel is owned by an elitist billionaire. The movie is called HOTEL RESERVE (1944)

He was a heavy drug user in his 20s. His struggle and overcoming it to be such a success and inspiration is half the reason he’s so well loved and famous.

being a heroin addict is something that never goes away

Of course, but he was clean from heroin long ago. He did like to get fucked up with booze but apparently only when he was on the road

drug and alcohol abuse messes with your brain, and he may have been clean from heroin but he was using methadone after that and drinking hard recently


Also, have you seen the logo for Landsfall Games? The company that produced Totally Accirate Battlegrounds that has been all over /r/gaming lately. CLEARY THIS IS CONNECTED. THEY ARE CONDITIONING OUR KIDS TO BE SEX SLAVES ON STEAM.



I mean Tucson seems legit


The logo is totally linked to pedophiles. It’s obvious if you look at the fbi’s list of pedo symbols. I seen it, and find it disturbing that much of this is going on yet sheeple turn away, disbelieving us vigilantes that fight for a good cause.


Woah buddy turn of cruise control, this is a 55 zone.

Depression isn't rational.

Neither are you, drone.

The mind is a crazy thing.

Just because people look happy when the cameras are rolling, doesn’t mean they aren’t deeply depressed and troubled on the inside. Just because people are rich and famous and successful doesn’t mean they want to continue living. Sometimes people kill themselves, it’s called depression and is a sad reality of life.

This is a great response. Depression is the silent killer and it doesn't get nearly enough attention in our society. Really mental health in general. I think a lot of things like suicides and shootings are manifestations of both depression and mental health issues. This post proves how foreign depression looks to the average person. OP can only explain it by expressing the feeling that "something is off."

I have been treated for depression by the VA, never once did they test my neurotransmitters to see if they were low. They just give out pills without addressing th cause.

It is not possible to measure neurotransmitter or receptor levels in a living brain

But yet they will constantly prescribe pill to mess with levels they have never measured. Keto diet, eliminating nutritional deficiencies, anti-inflammatory supplements could have merit. It certainly changed my life more than years of Wellbutrin and clonazepam ever did.

Sure - physical health, proper diet and exercise, can have robustly beneficial effect on mental health , but it isn't entirely fair to demean our current health system based on this particular limitation (CNS neurotransmitter levels)

I am just expressing my personal experience. As I said, don't follow the medical advice of reddit assholes without checking with your Doctor. This is what really made me drop them, that some of them can contribute to dementia. Dementia is on the rise so sharply some would say that is a conspiracy theory on its own. Leading cause of death in the UK now.

anti-inflammatory is huge

a lot of people walking around actually have a ton of enflmation in their bodies which puts stress on the body

the inflmmation usually stems from toxic ingredients and heavy metals and other toxins present in our life style and food. Just has all around culminating effect

I think injecting young kids with aluminum if a stupid thing to do, I won't be taking any vaccines with that shit or mercury in it. But it really doesn't matter if chemtrails are real and they really are spraying us with nano-particle aluminum. If your kids don't have autism they will have early onset Alzheimer's to look forward to.

god bless corporate america

I love their headline... this is not "new."

Doctors who are relegated to being called "alternative" doctors have been talking about the disease of inflammation and what it's doing to us for 20 years.

But the official medical industrial heart surgery brain drug complex can't have that be known as the truth because it would cut off their billions in profits made at the expense of our health.

I think a lot of things like suicides and shootings are manifestations of both depression and mental health issues.

Depression is a mental health issue...

Clinical depression if we want to be specific. Non-clinical depression is still a mental health issue, but it's not necessarily a brain disorder. Just like it was fashionable for some time to say you were "totally OCD" because you just had to keep everything clean or because you decided that some numbers made you feel awkward.. lots of people say they are depressed when they are just sad/down. Depression is fairly permanent. It can be mitigated, but it you stop mitigation it returns.

What options exist for people who refuse clinical treatment? They can self-medicate, but that comes with a huge expense. I think they should just legalize all drugs and let people choose whatever they like.

IMO, if they are allowed on camera and allowed to become famous, they had to do, at least, some very disgusting things and, at worst, the most criminal things imaginable.

Everything on TV is there to program you. These actors are part of the programming. They are doing what they have been ordered to do. I think some of them get overwhelmed by the evil they are participating in and surrounded by so they take the only way out they know: suicide.

Good riddance you piece of trash.

Fuck off. That was unnecessary.

Was it? Did you know him personally? Do you know what he was really like? How do you know he wasnt a horrible person? A drug addict? Do you feel offended because you developed some kind of weird relationship with this on screen personality? Did he become meaningful to your in your pathetic life? Do you not have any real friends?

It's on you to prove he's "trash", it was your unwarranted claim.

How do you know the opposite?

I dont, do you?

So...then...maybe you should stop calling someone you don't know "trash", and assuming he did reprehensible things to get to where he was. Just a thought.

I think his actions justify my assessment.

What actions would those be? Please enlighten us.

he killed himself like a selfish person.

So everyone who kills themselves has done everything you accused him of in your previous posts?

That's a hard line to take, and must be a hard life to live.

It’s selfish to expect a person to live in absolute misery and hopelessness for the sake of others. I understand he had a child so it makes it even more complicated. Depression is an awful illness for those with it and their loved ones, but imagine how much pain a person needs to be in to choose to end their own life. It’s selfish to force him to live in constant pain just to please others (pain isn’t only physical, but can be emotional too). Have some respect. Clearly your trolling so I don’t think this comment will mean anything to you, but hopefully it gives someone another perspective.

I appreciate the perspective. Having lost a family member to suicide makes this a touchy subject. Easy to get angry.

I understand. It’s not fair, but neither is depression. Please don’t insinuate it’s always a selfish decision. Shits complicated. Life’s complicated. I’m sorry you had to go through that. You certainly deserved better, but your mom was sick. Not saying it’s ok, but it’s a fucked up illness. I hope you’re doing ok.

Found the piece of trash.

How can you assume to know so much of someone you know nothing of (me) because I asked a question? Says a lot about you beloved. I bet you didn’t even think about it as a possibility. It was just a thought that crossed my mind sir. Don’t hit me.

Wow that’s a serious generalization. Serious question. Do you believe EVERY celebrity, tv personality, etc is “IN” on this mass programming or that they are just compliant but guilty nonetheless? If so, how far does it go? Local TV? Radio personalities? Sports figures? Genuinely interested in your opinion.

Enough of them are that its impossible to know who isnt and the probability of anyone one of them being in on it is greater than them not being in on it.

Wow, you're severely delusional. You should go take your meds.

Are you seriously unable to create a better insult than that? Weak. Pathetic. Reused.

I wasn't primarily looking to insult, I really think you could use some medicine right about now.

your secondary intention to insult was weak. your primary intention is unjustified.

I dont like people on TV. TV is trash. The people on TV are trash. Im sorry if I have offended important people in your life, maybe you should try to make friends with real human beings instead of giving a shit about what people you will never know are doing? Just some advice.

Thanks, I'll pass on advice from the guy that inexplicably hates all individuals involved in TV-production, some dude that thinks it's appropriate to express that random hatred against a person that just committed suicide. (You're a terrible person)

Suicide is a selfish decision. When my mom killed herself it left my siblings and I in a terrible situation. Im very familiar with suicide and the damage it causes. People that do it are selfish fucking piles of shit.

Ah, well that perspective I can understand. I disagree, but I understand it. Sorry about your mom.

Dont be sorry, she was a cunt and Im glad she is dead.

You need some serious mental help. Please find some.

Your concern for people you do not know anything about is kinda weird. Im talking about me, not bordain. I might be a terrible person. I might just be part of a program that is here to create an experience for you. You would never know.

The fact that you find being concerned about others weird is even more confusing. Please see a mental health professional. There is help for you out there.

are you a beautiful woman?

haha, I am not

Damn, nothing good ever happens to me!

I honestly felt the same way until I started seeing a therapist.

If you hear the same insult a lot, you should probably put some stock into it.

Removed. Rule 10

Do you have any sources? Or are you just being an ignorant a-hole?

I work in the Entertainment business around actors, writers, producers and directors every day. Most of them are regular people that are trying to make money by creating entertainment for their audience. There isn’t any subversive or evil intent in their work. You have your head far up Alex Jones’ ass. Wake up!

On top of that, depression isn't just feeling down, it's a powerful chemical attack on your mind and body that you can't just get over. You require medical help, care and attention.

Yeah or a run. By medical help I hope you don’t mean medication

This guy has solved depression, singlehandedly on reddit, just run put your depression pussy!! Thanks man

Take a fucking lap, Nancy!

Some people can counteract depression with behavior changes. Others have depression as a result of some other illness that requires medication. Other just need antidepressants.

What's best for some isn't best for others, proper medication can be as life changing as a lifestyle change.

Whatever works

As someone who's life was turned around with anti-depressants, there's nothing wrong with medication to help with an illness.

You require medical help, care and attention.

And in our (USA) society, too many people say or think, "Dude. Just get over it. Be happy, brighten up. You have so much to live for."

But it's not that simple. If it were, these people would make that choice. I'm sure this is the norm in many other countries too.

I don't know what a real answer might look like, but we should be searching for one. Too many people are afflicted with serious depression and there seem to be few tools to help them.

You know, I have been on medication for that before (wrongly diagnosed back when they handed that shit out even more freely in the 90’s) only to years later finally talk about it with a doctor when antidepressants were mentioned as a possibility for another thing and finally have someone listen and realize that the side effects I had complained about with SSRI’s were a contraindication for them.

Feeling “on-edge” and jittery, racing heart, compulsive fidgeting and restless leg syndrome are all symptoms of Serotonin poisoning!! As in, my serotonin levels were fine and the SSRI’s made them too high. That is a huge problem with the method of prescription that is simply “if you exhibited x/10 of these symptoms of depression, take the pills and see if it helps.”

Been there too. Serotonin syndrome sucks. Docs finally did a GMAP and realized that SSRIs were the last thing I should have been taking. Issue was a genetic dietary issue and a sleep thing. Docs are too quick in prescribing meds without studying the problem before hand.

What was your dietary intolerance if you don't mind me asking?

Gluten. I almost don’t even want to cop to it since it is such a trend, lol.

Folks should look into leading a diet based on blood-type. The “one-size-fits-all” paradigm the government espouses is not what humanity needs. Good on you for taking necessary measures and cutting out gluten!

Thanks. It is embarrassing the few times I buy gluten free bread items. Not because I am on a diet but because that has become so associated with idiotic hipster diet fads, lol. But the difference is marked. Generally I try to simply avoid it entirely by eating meat and fresh greens.

the only upside to that is the quality. I was diagnosed with celiacs at about a decade ago and the gluten free options were pretty limited. the fad diets have made that selection massive now, and the quality is so much better. specifically bread, it used to be so hard to find good gluten free bread. it was all so thick and dense and tasted horrible.

It gets the wrap for being a fad, but intolerance is so widespread and growing. Makes one wonder if the non-celiac intolerance symptoms for many people could be originating from glyphosate in a majority of mass produced wheat (and other grains). It seems to be the source of my intolerance.

This is what I mean by the connotations of gluten free lately.

“Sorry I’m late. I was rounding up all the gluten in the world and launching it into space so it can’t not hurt us anymore.”


I hear you. The looks I get for saying I'm lactose intolerant, and explaining I learned this after eating a vegan diet for 6 months and then giving up on it. Can't drink milk. God forbid you stop consuming something after you realize every time you consume it you feel ill... And woe unto anyone defending their personal choices.

I get this a lot with beef...

I literally cannot eat hamburgers anymore but I will enjoy a small piece of steak sometimes..

Anyway, I'll usually turn down offers of beef/hamburger and I usually get death stares its like damn guys I don't force you to eat a salad why you acting like I HAVE to eat beef? Fucking annoying. Even family does it.

You can probably thank Monsan-- I mean, uh... Bayer for that.

It is pointless to single out one company for what the entire industry does. Every pharma company pumps their pills to doctors.

Fair enough; good point. Good news is that my celiac-suffering friend can take a pill that 'mutes' the intolerance. How convenient!

Lol. I wonder what the side effects will be in the class action lawsuit in a decade?

Also, I realized you were talking about Monsanto and celiac disease rather than SSRI’s. My bad.

I think rather than a pill to allow a person to still eat (mostly) unhealthy foods, it is far better to just take them out of your diet. The health benefit is there whether you have the issue with gluten or not!

It's not a trend. The idea that it's a trend instead of a massive global health issue to me is a conspiracy probably by groups like Monsanto.

It's a massive epidemic, people in the 20-30s have their digestive system completely fucked from eating poison for decades and we just take more poison in form of pills (ask celiac people) to counter the symptoms of our poisoning.

Stopping gluten changed my life so I make sure no one ever think it's a fad again. No one says beast cancer is a fad.

Let me correct that to say that gluten free (food item) is the trend. And just like artificial sweeteners, I am skeptical of gluten free bread being any healthier. That is why I chose to simply cut out carbs almost entirely along with gluten (nothing to lose but favorite foods and plenty of health benefits to gain beyond mere relief of gluten symptoms).

I compare it to “vegetarian hot dogs”, why eat fake meat that is engineered at some processing place when you could simply eat fresh produce!?

Oh I'm not saying gluten is bad. We used to eat that without problem but somehow now many people react to it very badly. Some studies start to point fingers at pesticides and other gut-bleaching stuff as culprit. We'll see.

Gluten free just means it's made with other ingredients than wheat. Seriously if you don't have the symptoms there's no reason for you to eat gluten free stuff. Gluten isn't the problem. The intolerance is a symptom of something else going fucky.

why eat fake meat that is engineered at some processing place

Well, assuming one likes vegetarian hot dogs, why not eat them? What do you have against engineering and food processing? Meatless products like the one you mentioned are made out of plants, and "processing" a plant doesn't magically transform it from good and nutritious to bad and unhealthy. Do you think chopping up broccoli makes the broccoli unhealthy? Chopping it is processing it.

Just curious, are you also anti-GMO?

My thought is based on many of the “vegetarians” I have known who I don’t think ever let a fresh vegetable touch their plate unless it was a condiment on a hamburger, and, oddly, most of those who ate veggie burgers/dogs took theirs with “meat” and cheese only.

As far as the processing, given my general cynicism towards processed foods in general, I err on the side of assuming the more processing is done to the food the more unhealthy it becomes. This obviously would not apply to making one yourself. Any unhealthy processed food can be made healthily at home. How much trust do you place in a food manufacturer not to add chemicals, sugar, salt and preservatives to something just because it is vegetarian!?

I don’t really have strong opinions about GMO’s from a health perspective but am very anti GMO from a agricultural perspective. We have already seen that GMO’s act as invasive species (something hat Monsanto no doubt was always aware of when they decided to sue farmers whose fields their crops infested, making GMO’s the perfect weapon for pushing out any competition from smaller farmers). We will have to find out how GMO’s do in the long run against pests, because it functions as an invasive species there is a significant risk of these crops becoming a monoculture which is extremely unwise (read about bananas).

Some people think its a gluten problem but they are actually having a reaction to the glyphosate that is sprayed on the wheat(or oats, or sugar cane, etc...). I have seen some people post about how organic wheat doesn't both them. They spray glyphosate on so much shit these days its almost impossible to avoid it.

Yup, I don’t bother with “gluten free” bread and bullshit. Cheaper and healthier just to replace carbs with greens. I know it isn’t (my understanding) of full keto, but I have changed my diet to primarily meat and veggies, lots of salads for fast lunches. I feel healthier (even if partially a placebo) and don’t have that overfull, bloated feeling that bread and greasy food gives. People who buy gluten free bread strike me as the same version of absurd as “vegetarians” who buy fake meat products rather than just enjoy the staggering variety of flavors actual vegetables provide.

I was prescribed ssri's and am off them now, thanks to them I have to deal with suicidal thoughts which I had never experienced before, people need to stop worshiping these drug selling doctors who really don't have a fucking clue what they are doing to people.

I think the feds should go after big pharma

at this point it is doing more harm than good...

Some medicines do help but my god, doctors treat the USA like a assembly line for prescription medication its a joke. I think they get kick backs too sometimes

I never in several different times trying different SSRI’s had any suicidal thoughts, I don’t really think I even noticed any mental changes at all really, maybe more easily distracted or excited. My reactions were exclusively physical. Nervous energy, unable to sit still, restless legs, tapping fingers compulsively.

I did sort of feel “on edge” and i suppose that counts as mental, but it was the kind of on edge one feels when they drink way too much coffee or energy drinks and went along with that same feeling in my body, it was never a mental thing independent of physical.

Hmm this is interesting, as I started taking Zoloft for anxiety and while it seems like it leveled me out a bit, I still definitely feel on edge, and a bounce my leg all day at work (although I think I may have done this forever).

I should probably get my levels tested, as I got Zoloft after I turned down a Xanax prescription prescribed without ever talking to a psychiatrist and speaking to this doctor for 15 min.

It is important to note that I am not saying at all that SSRI’s are bullshit every time, I know people for whom they were a revelation. They just are overprescribed and too many doctors seem oblivious to problems from too much serotonin. Maybe, if they are helping you, talk to your doc about reducing the dose?

Btw, I am only sharing my experience and things I learned from talking to my GP and researching online, I am not in any way a healthcare expert. Don’t take my word as anything more than an anecdote with suggestions to talk to your doctor about (or to seek a second opinion if your doctor doesn’t take your concerns seriously).

Haha no worries man, it’s just something to keep in mind cuz like you said, doctors prescribe these without really doing too much due diligence. I probably should talk to them about lowering the dose too, as i think it’s like 50mg. Not extreme but a bit high.

Cool. I see too many medical advice threads that may or may not have good advice, or at least advice that helped the OP, but they post them as if they are some medical authority who has all the answers and often are outright hostile toward medical professionals. Hopefully most people take them with a grain of salt, or at least follow the advice but continue to have a medical doctor also, that could be dangerous for people who may take it as absolute fact (which is how they present it).

Sure, plenty of doctors prescribe by rote and are influenced by pharma reps, this just means a person must also learn about things and be actively involved with their doctor, if that is met with a negative reaction from the doctor, they should find a different one. Despite the problems of overprescribing, the simple things are super important that can only be done by a medical professional such as blood tests and other lab work. More people just need to learn how to “take control” and ask for specific ones if they have reason to believe it would shed light on health issues, and expect the doctor, if they don’t want to do a test, to explain why they don’t think it is needed or relevant.

Yep. They saved my life.

drained, lethargic, foggy and irritable

This is exactly how I've been feeling for months if not years but the doctors can't find something seriously wrong with me on the surface. How can I check for these things? I'm always tired, especially after eating. Dairy? Gluten? I haven't had trouble with them in the past...

You can see a dietician or you can look up elimination diets and do it yourself, you just eliminate completely one type at a time for two weeks, dairy, red meat, gluten, etc.

Guess that's a good enough idea.

I mention looking it up and trying yourself because none of these treatments are harmful and they are basically all beneficial whether they solve your issue or not. I don’t know what your healthcare situation is, I was lucky that my employer’s insurance covers specialists like dieticians. There really wasn’t much that I couldn’t have done myself if pointed in the right direction.

However, none of the DIY treatments like diet and yoga replace having actual blood work done to make sure the issue isn’t an actual medical issue!!

I know you said that you checked out healthy, but I want to emphasize this to anyone else who reads this. See a doctor if you havent, have a blood panel done that includes liver enzymes and hormone levels (and all the other things). Diet and yoga can do a lot but they cannot fix genetic problems or serious organ damage!!

Well they tested a handful of things, but I hardly believe that they looked into how each of my organs were functioning. They tend to test things with which they have specific reason to believe something might be wrong.

I think that most blood panels test it. After you get lab work done, they should send you a copy of the results either with the bill or on its own. You doctor’s office can also provide you with the results if you request it. Even if you don’t know what the results mean (my doctor’s office usually has a scale for this like good, bad, average after the result, you can also google them) the paperwork will list everything that was tested and (in the USA) you are fully entitled to a copy (I think they must provide one but it would be easy to toss out unintentionally).

It should looks like:

Red blood cell count xxxxxxx ng/ml Cholesterol (several types) xxxxxxxx ng/ml Liver enzyme xxxxxxx ng/ml Sodium xxxxxxx ng/ml

And so on, each thing tested should be listed and have the result. And you can always ask for specific tests, be sure to explain why you want that test and such with your doctor and listen if they say that they dont think it is needed and consider what they say. If you insist, especially on something simple like a blood test, generally they will order it even if they think it isn’t necessary (not particularly expensive and no risk to you by doing it).

Yeah, I didn't see the liver one. Maybe I should ask for a full catch-all panel. Cheers.

I hear you - I encountered years of un-diagnosable mild neurological problems Finally discovered that the cheap poly mattress I had been sleeping on was the source due to super sensitivity to flame retardant chemicals. BTW, these are bad for almost everyone and are in most low-mid, even expensive mattresses due to CA law (Which changed finally in 2014, but so recently).

Does this include memory foam?

I don’t think that is my issue, but who knows what kind of chemicals they are leaching into us even if we don’t have symptoms.

Think it depends on the brand and type of foam compound. TB117 is the CA Law from the 70s that required flame retardant treatments so most manufacturers just complied for all products. The infuriating and major hurdle is that there is no law or regulation forcing makers to reveal what the poly has been treated with. If it was manufactured in Asia you can be sure it was also treated with a healthy dose of industrial anti fungicides. In short, it's the VOC off gassing inside rooms which poses the threat. It accumulates over time (years) and does not dissipate. Never open one from the vac-seal indoors. RIP AB btw, terrible loss, will be missed.

Jesus, yes. The number of people who say things about depression like “just eat healthy and lift some weights” or “take up marathining and eat less gluten” as though those are cures for it, appears to be unlimited.

Thankyou for this comment.


"I should’ve died in my 20s. I became successful in my 40s. I became a dad in my 50s. I feel like I’ve stolen a car — a really nice car — and I keep looking in the rearview mirror for flashing lights."


Wow, that hurt reading.

Imposter syndrome is real. :/


Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) is a psychological pattern in which people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, often internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud"

I'd like to think everyone is a fraud. Everyone is pretending to fit in our society. Everyone asks themselves "Am I doing it right?" when the thruth is we all are just bullshitting our way through life.

Fake it till ya make it

Fake it so you make it

we all are just bullshitting our way through life.


So true, but so hard to keep it present and not just focus on onself.

Ugh, get over yourself. If you feel like you aren't deserving of what you have then act in a way in which you are. You are your toughest critic, nobody cares about your efforts like you do. Either accept that people just want mediocrity (because most people aren't even good at what they do) or step up to do an amazing job.

alot easier said than done when it comes to mental health.

I know someone with imposter syndrome. It is almost (or maybe it is?) a form of paranoia. I don't think it is something that someone can just snap out of. That's like telling someone that hears voices to just tell them to go away.

Just because you're satisfied being mediocre and not trying to reach doesn't mean the rest of us are. That leads to a bit of uncertainty. Pushing forward is hard, and scary. If you're 100% confident that you're doing everything right then you're either an idiot or woefully underachieving.

Too real.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that a lot of my problems stem from an inability to see myself in any future. It’s kind of like being blind. It really feels like a disability. It’s very hard to justify effort when you can’t see yourself in terms of tomorrow.

Hang in there, buddy. It'll get better.

People say this but it's so empty. There is absolutely no way to know that it will get better and I was right to think things would only get worse over the past 5 years. When does it get better? 10 years? 20? People need to stop saying that phrase imo because it's complete bullshit that gives nothing but baseless false hope.

It took five years for me. So, yeah. Five years.

Stupid quips like that usually do more damage than any help. It's just so banal and stupid that it infuriates the depression.

try getting out of your own head and do some volunteer work.

I work 40 hours and take 2 STEM university classes over the summer, no time.

Research social defeat. People who are losers and mean nothing can trigger deep sense of isolation and withdrawal - physiologically - because of how we evolved. One such response is the loss of the *ability* to perceive future happiness.

You really have to have faith, like you have to connect to a future logically without the emotional anticipation. It's tough.

However, a key thing is to realize *it's not you*. Your brain is telling you you're the problem, but that's just a pre-programmed reaction due to evolution (again, triggered by assholes who don't matter). When you realize "oh shit, I'm not actually the problem here", it give a little room to see the future.

Good luck.

People who are losers and mean nothing

Huh? Either you bothed that sentence with missing words or you're a total asshole.

Wow that's a really interesting way to put it. Damn.

Keep your head up bro those shots matter to the people on the sidelines whether you know them or not.

Thanks. I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got a kid who is absolutely everything to me so I’m here until they pull me out of the game.

Writer's block freezes many. Maybe you need to start thinking about a world where you would be supremely comfortable living in, no matter how fanciful it may seem. Better yet, work on thought experiments of how to deal with the problems you foresee; although it may not fix it should you actually get in said situation, you'll at least be going at it with some confidence and inspire someone else there with you, or it might help you see something you wouldn't have otherwise.

There's nothing wrong with staying in now, arguably it's always now, now is always extra time when compared to the abyss of no time (i.e. nonexistence, absence of reality), and the future is just another now which will be congruent.

tl;dr well, you might be blind, but what else were you planning on doing?

I hear you, my dude. I have found - at least for me - something that helps combat this feeling of existential inertia is to be taken outside of myself --- to focus on volunteering, finding a cause that I believe in and just doing my little part to help here and there. It gives me a sense of purpose and accomplishment and a reason to plod on. Another thing that helps me - depending on how bad the depression is going - is working on a creative hobby (though I know depression can just sap all motivation), mainly because a creative hobby offers an end product you can see and say "I made that!" Could be anything from cooking to crocheting to coloring. Another helping means -- going outside. Breathing in the air, soaking up some vitamin D, and just being among some plant life feels good - bonus points if it's by a nice quiet stream. Finally, not sure of your living arrangements, but I really miss having a dog. I can't have one at the moment because of my arrangements, but when I did have one, a furry cuddle and play time would always comfort me, and it helped knowing that I had a friend who loved me unconditionally. If you're not a dog person, maybe a cat, or some other domesticated animal, is worth considering for companionship (unless you're just not an animal person).

Point is, it's okay if some days you don't have the energy to do anything but survive. You can handle this, I believe in you.

It's how the system was specifically designed. You either join the zombies and work a 9-5 or become a recluse who is broke and lonely.


And on the other end of the spectrum you have chumps like me who are depressive and anxious... I'm mostly anxious because I think too much about my future.. I'd pay good money to be blind.. to be unable to see myself in any future. Better as a surprise anyway.

I do not care what anyone tells you. You are important. You matter. Everything you do effects others. Even the most simple things you do can have a huge impact on the world regardless if you can see it. So give everything 100 percent because you never know how big of a positive or negative impact you have someone. All your shots matter. You just have to accept it.

I can't relate to anything more.

Thanks for making me cry.

Any time. That is what I am here for. :)

And also, paraphrasing here, "I should have died along time ago. I quit smoking to be around longer for my kids. So I can spend more time with them." Made that statement a little over a year ago

Yeah. I'm sorry but I just don't see this man killing himself. Most of the things he said like this about wanting to live came directly from him without being asked so its not like he was trying to cover up for his depression. When people are depressed and thinking about killing themselves they usually don't say those types of things unless being asked. At least in my experience


This seems to be true. But let's be the devil's advocate

Once you’ve gained material wealth and success, the things that are said to make a person happy, and you find you’re still depressed, that could actual be a catalyst to deciding to kill yourself.

But he's had that for a while now, and said in an interview he wouldn't kill himself because of his 11 year old daughter. Plus he said if he was going to kill himself it'd be with heroin.

human psychology isnt suited for a life where things are good and easy

it has been built over millions of years to survive. to strive for the things that will keep you going

happiness is a carrot dangling in front of you that nobody will ever catch. Do what is meaningful and good for your community. That is the kind of thing our brain is built to reward.

This is the real conspiracy.

I find it's incredibly important to physically see the fruits of your labors. That's why it's so satisfying building something, working with your hands, planting a flowerbed, etc etc.

I used to work in Digital Marketing and Business, eventually quit because I became disgusted with myself. The fruit of that labor? Was what? Making some guy who was selling a product that much richer? It almost drove me off the edge

i find this to be so true, and i constantly think about how satisfying it would be to engineer and construct a building

it makes so much intuitive sense yet we act like getting a 4% increase on our pay for doing 'useless' bullshit is the most important thing. our incentives are misaligned with humanity

I highly recommend woodworking. I get more satisfaction out of small projects than I reasonably have a right to be, but hey, works for me.

If you love Digital marketing consider working or volunteering for a non-profit.

human psychology isnt suited for a life where things are good and easy

totally not true: life is easy

cant click that but if you want to sum up the point im down to talk about it. im endlessly fascinated by this topic

you can't click a youtube link?


i can't sum up his points. he tells his own story and i can't replicate that using written words. so i dunno what to tell you bud.

no worries

Why can't you click it? Do you not have fingers? If not, how are you typing these messages?

i have fingers

Suicide rates support your theory. It is weird isn't it? People have no real threats mostly but they are "unhappy". I know plenty people who have "good" lifes but are miserable....

Sebastien Junger's Tribe - great book, powerful, easy, brief read. cant recommend it enough. its like someone telling you a truth youve always known but had forgotten


"There’s no use arguing that modern society isn’t a kind of paradise. The vast majority of us don’t, personally, have to grow or kill our own food, build our own dwellings or defend ourselves from wild animals and enemies. In one day we can travel a thousand miles by pushing our foot down on a gas pedal or around the world by booking a seat on an airplane. When we are in pain we have narcotics that dull it out of existence, and when we are depressed we have pills that change the chemistry of our brains. We understand an enormous amount about the universe, from subatomic particles to our own bodies to galaxy clusters, and we use that knowledge to make life even better and easier for ourselves. The poorest people in modern society enjoy a level of physical comfort that was unimaginable a thousand years ago, and the wealthiest people literally live the way gods were imagined to have.

And yet."


We have a strong instinct to belong to small groups defined by clear purpose and understanding--"tribes." This tribal connection has been largely lost in modern society, but regaining it may be the key to our psychological survival.

Decades before the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin lamented that English settlers were constantly fleeing over to the Indians-but Indians almost never did the same. Tribal society has been exerting an almost gravitational pull on Westerners for hundreds of years, and the reason lies deep in our evolutionary past as a communal species. The most recent example of that attraction is combat veterans who come home to find themselves missing the incredibly intimate bonds of platoon life. The loss of closeness that comes at the end of deployment may explain the high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder suffered by military veterans today.

Combining history, psychology, and anthropology, TRIBE explores what we can learn from tribal societies about loyalty, belonging, and the eternal human quest for meaning. It explains the irony that-for many veterans as well as civilians-war feels better than peace, adversity can turn out to be a blessing, and disasters are sometimes remembered more fondly than weddings or tropical vacations. TRIBE explains why we are stronger when we come together, and how that can be achieved even in today's divided world.

Had the discussions with some friends recently

I wondered if the "Italian way of life" is "superior" to that of other Western countries. The stronger focus on family, with people living together longer et cetera and a more "relaxed" approach to things.

There is some irony when countries like Germany ( where I am from ) belittle the more southern countries for their lifestyle and missing wealth while they appear to be on average happier. And well what is life about if not happiness?

But maybe it is the sun, who knows...

Understudied thematic, we invest billions into pills and stuff instead of learning how to live properly.

i think its clear that by some measures countries like the united states are doing much better than others, they do tend to miss some fundamentally human things, and mental health stats reflect it

at a certain point, access to more resources doesnt lead to more happiness. we need enough of the necessities (food, shelter,water), after that we need the things that make us actually want to be alive

i think its clear that by some measures countries like the united states are doing much better than others, they do tend to miss some fundamentally human things, and mental health stats reflect it

I always thought it is funny that some people have decided which "measurements" are good and which not. For example there is a strong focus on GDP, what does the poor person care about GDP. It is meaningless if there is a big wealth gap, yet people focus on it like it is the definitive way to judge the success of a country.

Things like "happiness" median disposable income et cetera would be far more relevant.

But maybe money in itself is far less relevant than we think. Like you said. Maybe sitting in a big group eating dinner for 90 minutes helps more than money in the back. But who knows. Hard to quantify such things.

disposable income, leisure time, some sort of measure of social bonds

american cities dont even have squares like european cities do

we drive on freeways and get inside isolation cubicles as fast as we can, live in big buildings with thousands of people yet are hopelessly alone

yet people crave the privacy of their own cars and apartments! its weird, its complex, it cant be quantified. i just know its far from ideal

i honestly hope automation will be a force for good. requiring people to do less tedious bullshit and allowing more leisure time and community activity might do wonders. ORRRR those that own the means of production will take the profits and ignore the massive unemployment and build a dystopian society

i honestly hope automation will be a force for good.

In theory, this would lead to solving the scarcity problem and freeing up time of people to do what they want but if the last 100 years have shown us anything then that this will not happen. The 40 hour week was introduced as a step forward long ago and still, 40 hours is the norm.

From a mathematical standpoint, there is no logical explanation why people should work 40 hours to solve needs that were solved by 40 hour weeks with far less efficiency. It is an illusion.

As dumb as it sounds Star Trek had a nice "utopic" vision of this but unlikely that it turns out that way. There are still people dying because they have no money. And we have a lot of stuff..... So don't expect to much from the future.

The 40 hour week was introduced as a step forward long ago and still, 40 hours is the norm.

From a mathematical standpoint, there is no logical explanation why people should work 40 hours to solve needs that were solved by 40 hour weeks with far less efficiency. It is an illusion.

this is so true and i hadnt even considered it. but the obvious answer is that OF COURSE companies will milk all they reasonably can from us for as little compensation as they can provide. i think its time for the 4 day work week, and we should reevaluate in maybe 20 years.

The problem is the "money". In theory, such approaches would require redistribution of "wealth". But, whoever is in charge, has done a good job riling people up against this so we are likely stuck with the system. When robots will produce most of the stuff you still will see people scraping by. I assume the status quo in power distribution is considered beneficial by those who make the "decisions" so I don't expect this to change anytime soon.

Think about the utter obscenity that people die because they can't pay for shit while we churn out stuff 100 times more efficient than 100 years ago. Makes no sense whatsoever.

I always assumed that different socio-economic classes are good for power status quo because you can make the work against each other. Lower class thinks the middle class is the problem and vice versa.

But who knows maybe a "problem free" world will result in even more problematic for people. After all, like you said earlier on, there is some benefit to the daily struggle.

empathy is a key attribute that separates us from other life.

not saying other creators don't experience empathy because obviously they do, but empathy isnt something every form of life experiences

humans and other social animals are especially adept at it. its what makes us strong actually, because social bonds lead to teamwork which leads to greater achievements

Not to down play your point, but hive minds can arguably be considered better at making a strong species. Ants for example, i dont think they have empathy, but they are very successful

i wouldnt argue with you. not familiar with their system, but it is still a demonstration of the evolutionary benefit to being part of a group

american cities feel like a bunch of random ants all doing random shit with barely any connection. we live lose to hundreds of people who we wouldnt recognize and would never say hi to

think of all the hopelessly lonely people living in apartment buildings, surrounded by people mere feet away. this is WEIRD. we arent made for this world

Too true. Welp on that note I’m off to have a face to face with the pavement.

no. do what matters. find a tribe, a sports team, a community. build houses for people. nurture and build a strong family.

It was a tasteless joke but thank you, that’s what I try to do. Wish my family wasn’t half comprised of mentally ill people tho.

i guess we're all learning to not take the jokes too lightly, never know who is really hurting

Too true, and to be honest I can’t remember of a day in recent times where I haven’t considered it but you’ve gotta keep your sense of humor in tact or it’s just that much worse!

I disagree. The reverse is probably true. We are made for a life of not working. There is no rat race in nature, but now we're all in our hamster wheels with no end to it.

People would have been happier in hunter-gatherer societies. They eat when they need to eat, and just hang out the rest of the time without stress or societal pressure.

Agriculture really fucked us up.

you said you disagreed then agreed with me. im not advocating for a rat race. im advocating for doing meaningful shit. if you are pushing to meet your quota for selling pharmaceuticals you are doing it wrong.

if you are going to haiti to build houses you are doing it right. the problem is that society has incentivized the wrong behaviors.

Imagine if they paid 6 figures to build houses for your neighbors, and paid a 3 digit tax write off for poisoning your neighbors.

fuck, if they paid them equally guess what job listing would remain vacant and which one would be at capacity?

I agree with your conclusion, but not the premise.

human psychology isnt suited for a life where things are good and easy

it has been built over millions of years to survive. to strive for the things that will keep you going

I disagree with this. The reason for high suicide is the rat race that has taken us away from our evolutionary purpose of hanging out in small communities and freely fucking everyone without worry.

Even if you're enlightened and fortunate enough to be able to step out of the rat race, you're still part of society and its norms and expectations. You can't easily live as a free lovin' vagabond, even if you can afford to buy that life for yourself. It still comes with strings, and connections to other people who are stuck in the rat race.

We have created a society that doesn't allow us to be happy. You can try to find meaning within the rat race and if you're lucky you can survive without selling your soul to the devil, but you can never escape it or its effects.

you dont agree that its built for survival? survival depends on constantly doing the right things

you are rewarded for maintaining your shelter, providing your food, helping those in your tribe

happiness assumes you will reach a state where this is no longer neccessary and you can just relax endlessly. but if youve ever been on vacation for too long youll realize your brain stops rewarding you for this. you want to get back to something more meaningful.

thats what i meant. hunter gatherers are working for survival but have more leisure time than we do. they arent working for retirement. theyre working for dinner, and maybe this season

I think survival is far easier than what we're doing now. Look at bonobos or gorillas. They survive with minimal effort.

The idea of "constantly doing the right things" only makes sense in a post-agriculture world when there's a value in surplus. Time becomes a resource in a way it isn't for many mammals.

its not about being easier. nobody would say surival is easier! the ease and comfort is why we're sad. do you think depression is a problem amongst tribal peoples living in jungles hunting for their dinner and staving off predators?

seriously, the 'tribe' book is for you. you already know this stuff. the fact that living today is easy IS the burden on our psyches.

This is what I'm disagreeing with. You think the need for survival has built in us this constant need to do. I say it's the opposite. Survival is easy, and resulted in a preference to do little more than leisure activities. Most people aren't experiencing ease and comfort, and even people who can afford to live a life of leisure are still stuck in the trappings that come with having the wealth to afford it.

Living today is not easy. We did not evolve to think about anything more than eating fruit and fucking in a garden all day.

our brains are wired not just from the last 1000 years of civilization, but from our years as homo erectus, habilus, some sort of chimp/bonobo hybrid, and further beyond. we were soft, easy prey for many predators. our psychology is built to keep us alive. we did this by trooping up

there is no doubt that humans are safer than ever before. this tale can be told by the population growth and mortality rate. we are not built for this safety. humans treat social anxiety the same as we treat survival anxiety

even though some people have it worse than others, nearly nobody is being preyed upon by tigers or bears, or dying from snake bites, or even dying from starvation. that is what i mean by easy

i am not discounting modern day difficulties, i guess i am defining 'easy' differently.

systems of society fucked us up

also withholding advanced technology and near free energy AND free energy devices fucked us up. Ego and greed fucked us up

when we have ET craft stored and warehoused in military bunkers hidden from the public so oil executives can enjoy their life style, thats when you know things got real fucked.

I want to subscribe to your newsletter.

I want to get off Mr. Bones wild ride

Hunter-gatherer societies were constantly working. Far more work than we do today. In fact, we do less work in modern times than ever before in human history, and the amount of work we'll need to do will be far lower in the future due to automation.

You want to live in a time where the average lifespan is like 20-30 years?

That's not how lifespans work.

well said!

Suicide is a rich persons problem.... The poor commit suicide at much much less rates.

Something to be said about Jorden Peterson saying "happyness is a struggle and finding your purpose, having it easy won't make you happy"

Probably why the suicide rate in the trans community is so high, in addition to the constant harassment they endure. You finally go through with an expensive and troublesome surgery, you fill up with hormones, you change your name. You're now the right gender, but it's still not enough because you can never capture the experience of growing up with your correct gender. You can make yourself a woman, but you can't experience your first father-daughter dance, your first period, etc. For many, they'll never be able to have what they want and when they exhaust their options and realize they still don't feel woman or man enough, they give up.

Jim carrey touched on that, in the movie about the making of "the room",

he said, after he made it with dumb and dumber and basically had everything he was working for, he was still unhappy,

and it was a big crashing moment where he went into a depression and was contemplating suicide

Right, he's an ex-heroin addict who was on methadone for years. You don't really get back to normal after that. I wouldn't be surprised if he was still hitting pills here and there.

And he’d just lost his gf to another guy so that could have something to do with it.

You're considerate and sincere.

Keep living in that illusion. It’s no ducking coincidence that all these rich and famous people suddenly decide to kill themselves. Justice is coming for them.. All you normies will have a mental breakdown in the next couple of weeks.

Also, depression isn't necessarily about what is happening in your life currently. Everything could be going swimmingly and it still doesn't change the way you feel inside. If you have clinical depression, it's all about how your brain perceives the world.

True, but you can't ignore the actual coincidences.

Nice try illuminati

Can we let his body go cold first, jesus guys, come on.

Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist

Said in /r/conspiracy....

The only conspiracy here is that these celebrities crafted an outward appearance of happiness and put-togetherness, all while suffering unbearable inner turmoil. This goes to show that material wealth and fame don't automatically make someone happy.

That's a cliche not a conspiracy.

It’s obviously Kira!

Bourdains suicide doesn’t really surprise me that much. Last year I watched every show he was in and even a few documentaries on him. He had a substance abuse problem all his life. He admitted he was suicidal when he was in his 20s and shooting up heroin. He knocked the heroin but picked up drinking, and he DRANK hard. There were even a few episodes that aired and he wasn’t in them bc he was either too drunk or too hungover. His substance abuse got the best of him -took the joy out of life when you’re too focused on getting your joy from liquor or drugs. I’m not surprised. Rip.

This seems like the most likely scenario - you kick what no doubt is the ultimate high and spend your life trying to fill that void. And realize many books, shows, and trips later that you can't

A real shame, he had a lot of talent- the episode he did on Iran was a real eye opener for me. RIP he was too good for this world.

Kind of shocked nobody has mentioned this yet but it seems like a pretty clear cut case of erotic asphyxiation. Guy did a lot bjj, might have realized getting choked out is a wild experience and took it too far.

Without a doubt there's something strange going on. Too many famous people dying from ods or suicides. They all spoke out about stuff too.

Agree, 5 years ago how many suicides had we heard about? Now it seems like it's a daily occurrence almost.

Confirmation bias is a strong drug. Worth keeping in mind. Your memory can deceive you. Checking actual (written) sources is much better.

It’s not very skeptic to claim things “without a doubt” based on how you feel about it.

I know some things for a fact. I guess youre right on this one though. Even though it seems pretty blatant and in your face.

Also, see Ines Zorreguieta, sister of queen Maxima. Suicide. News broke yesterday.

Serious question, does anyone genuinely care these people have died? Is there death really that important? Hundreds of thousands of people die everyday. BFD.

This is being used to manipulate you. This person was insignificant to anyone on this thread. Stop pretending you care or that he mattered at all you bunch of karma whoring attention seeking people.

I much would’ve preferred it being Anderson Pooper. One can dream. Didn’t Bourdaine make a comment saying if given the chance he’d poison Trump?

Don't forget Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington.

I believe they were all suicided, not sure why, but my guess is they were going to blow the whistle on some fucked up shit like pedophilia.

i thought avicii was weird but stranger things have happened. But anthony bordain??? thats so out of left field man it doesnt add up

avicii was not a surprise tbh

Yeah when he spends a lifetime working with his mental health and battling abuse I'm sure it does add up but since you want to make a conspiracy out of his mental health issues go ahead and ignore that.

He spoke out publicly for his disdain of Hillary Clinton's response to the Harvey Weinstein allegations a few months ago.

there it is. case closed. add it to the official body count list on infowars.

Ok do you have anything to add?

TMZ is now saying the photog that snapped these pics has stopped selling them to media outlets.

Skimmed through that article. Was he poisoned and positioned to look like a suicide ? Sounds like someone had it out for him because of whatever he said. Sick people trynna cover up a big problem and they're taking anybody out that's trynna expose them.

People commit suicide all the time. Usually when people don't expect them to.

Apparently his social media has also been scrubbed of some strange videos he posted recently..

What was in the videos

Amazing your first reaction is "what was in the videos" instead of any proof of claim in what was being said. You read a sentence and automatically believe it. Such skeptical minds around here!

This comment reads like a trump tweet lmao

Wow it does. Why did that guy have to attack in such a manner??

This is no place for open discussions!

It's frustrating what's happened here. People used to not talk like that in this sub..things were geared more towards working together and trying to overcome oppression.

Now I can't tell who's a troll, shill, bot, astroturfing, diverting discourse intentionally, and a good user.

Yeah I thought the claim was interesting, that's why I said it. But I never saw them myself and I don't want to be misleading.

I'm curious about the alleged videos too. Seemed like a legitimate question. Stop being a jackwagon.

Why can't he wonder what was on these supposed videos? Maybe if he said something like "that's it! These videos are 100% the reason why he killed himself!!" Then I could see you making this type of comment.

Shareblue much?

Removed. Rule 10.

This is second hand information. It's not verified whatsoever.

Bashing Harvey Weinstein

Any more info on that?


I'm convinced! Close it down, boys.

It's a rick roll, don't click.

We have ceddit for removed shot on reddit, is there not an equivalent for twitter, FB?

If there isn't, there should be.

I don't know man, he always did seem like a depressed alcoholic to me.

He’s always had a history of drug abuse right? Doesn’t seem like s conspiracy, just a shitty event

You are a conspiracy guy. Be proud of it.

I find it hard to believe the guy killed himself. He has been brutally honest on episodes he has done in the past about his addiction and inner demons.

The fact that he has openly talked about his issues....dont make sense he would keep this mental problem to himself and not seek help and kill himself.

Even with help people still kill themselves.

I understand what you’re saying, but I too am very open with those around me about my mental health struggles and I have a great and understanding support system in my life yet I STILL think about killing myself every single day. And not in a casual way - I imagine how I will kill myself, I imagine exactly what it will feel like, I go through the steps in my head that would take me from this moment to being willfully dead. I wonder about what kind of hallucinations I’ll experience as my brain shuts down and if it will be a happy experience. It’s not something based on logic or “making sense.” It’s an insidious feeling that lurks in the mind of every depressive personality

Unfortunately being outwardly happy/stable/successful isn’t an indicator of good mental health. Avicii was I’ll Kate Spade has always struggled with MH and said she was prioritising the brand which is distinctly unhealthy Anthony has had a hectic life for decades, yes he was clean, but that never really leaves you. I have a great job, friends, family, girlfriend and yet I also struggle with my mental health.

I get the desire to question, but unfortunately there is a reason that the thing that is most likely to kill you before you hit 40 is yourself or a car.

Dude very looked happy to me.

We did not know him. We cant say if suicide was in his character or not. We also cant say if he was likley to die from an overdose or not. We also cant say if he was likley to be killed by the deep state or not. We dont know the guy.

My money is on auto erotic asphyxiation gone bad

I find Crazy Days and Nights very interesting and accurate and here is a blind about Avicii's death that really makes me think about the situation.

I don't think every suicide is cover up, but I do think we need to take in consideration that celebrities live in a very different world with a very different set of rules, and not everything we're told/see may be the truth.

not everything we're told/see may be the truth.

And even if it is the truth, we might interpret it in a totally different/wrong way since their world is so different than ours.

Your summary surmises that money and fame = happiness.. It has been proven in many cases that it can quite often have the opposite effect

He had like 4 posts on his Instagram about Harvey Weinstein. All of a sudden they're gone and a few days later he kills himself?

Any more info on the removed posts?

It was basically him celebrating Weinstein finally being locked up. Included a prison food menu on one post

The posts are still up on Twitter though

also this guy seems like somebody who would go out in the world like it was his backyard, hard to believe he would do this

His Twitter is still full of Weinstein posts. However, he has been very vocal in the #metoo movement and have been thinking along the same lines as y'all...

That's quite natural, as he was the boyfriend of Asia Argento, who was one of the actresses who got the ball rolling on this prick. There's no danger from Weinstein anymore, sorry.

Oh thank you for saying must be true

That's what I'm finding so odd about all this. And the media really jumped to suicide alot faster than they do typically?

Hangings generally lead to that assumption.

Is there any archive of them?

They're still on his twitter

If anyone wants context as to why he was making the posts: his girlfriend Asia Argento revealed recently that she was raped by Weinstein, and he was an ardent supporter of her publicizing it.

This is true. And then she went on to date him (Weinstein). This is very confusing to me. Obvs Weinstein is a creep, but why would you ever willingly f*ck your rapist, let alone date him?

He was suicided on Barbara Bush’s 93rd birthday. To someone “in the know” that should be all you need to know. Thelemites are a particular type of satanist (Crowleyism) and B.B. was the daughter of The Beast himself (Aleister Crowley). I assumed “they” would plot a mass murder today, but sacrificing a “star” is one of their calling cards, so I’m inclined to believe they tied up some loose ends by sacrificing him on a such sacred day as this to blue-blooded Thelemites.

Seriously? Can you remember what they said?

I only remember 2 . One was a prison menu and the other was Harvey getting taken in

Depression is a complex thing. Also,even though it looks fun on camera traveling all around the world, I'm sure it becomes stressful and tiring after awhile. Never sleeping in your own bed or being away from your family. He also actively spoke about his depression and substance abuse. I remember reading somewhere that one of his favorite things was coming home and actually putting his clothes in his own washer and dryer and the peace it gave him to just sit there and watch his clothes dry. So my guess is him battling depression and trying to stay clean mixed with the high demand of his show and traveling constantly might have lead him to a breaking point. Still was very shocking and disturbing news. He will be greatly missed.

> Anthony Bourdain was someone who was so full of life.

You should really read more of his writing and interviews. He was constantly in search of life because something was missing. He was not a "happy" person, he was a sad person who directed his drug-fueld thrill seeking behaviors into something more constructive.

anthony is a jew that promoted race mixing, im glad hes dead

Removed. Rule 1

Removed. Rule 4

About Bourdain, I have two theories. 1. Autoerotic asphyxiation accident 2. Bourdain has been talking a lot of shit about Putin.

61 year old men aren't into auto-erotic asphyxiation...that's a young man's game...

Lol. Actually now I’m pretty convinced this has something to do with his girlfriend Asia Akira got caught in the arms of another man.. a much younger French journalist.

Carradine was 72

Bourdain was a heavy drinker with a lifetime of substance abuse issues... You could say he was “full of life” in reference to the great passion he had in doing what he did, but the writing was right there on the wall as far as him being a troubled man.

Watch for more famous people to end themselves. This is 100% pure speculation but I'm betting nine of them are clean or they knew something very important maybe to important

When more things are discovered, such as a human trafficking site in Tucson being up in flames, then more celebrities will commit suicide to distract the populace.

Bourdain was a druggie with lots of personal problems. Not surprised he did this.

He openly talked about suffering from depression... not everything is damn conspiracy.

Remember yesterday when users were asking: what will they do to distract us from Tuscon?

What’s Tucson

‘Hey, let’s kill two birds: there are fires raging in Tucson burning a sex trafficking site, so let’s murder Bourdain since he was outspoken against our brother, Harvey Weinstein; it’ll distract everyone from Tucson’.

-Bill Clinton on the lotlita express. June 8, 2018 7:35am



Crossposted from another subreddit but...


i’m convinced, kissinger killed him

For the sake of realism, if that was the case he probably had him killed.

kissinger is 95 years old. he probably needs help pissing, let alone staying up to date on twitter

Oh come on. Anthony Bordain was 'their' wet dream. I loved the guy, he was great, but to think 'they' would want him dead is ridiculous. He was all about embracing other cultures, travelling, spending time eating instead of being productive.. these are all part of the globalist agenda, and while he most likely had no idea how much he was helping, he sure as hell did!

There was nothing to 'silence' or kill - he was doing a great job of convincing people they should spend their pocket money traveling, mingling with other cultures and eating. Thats what (((they))) want.

Excuse me what exactly is wrong with travelling and mingling with other cultures?

Also: you know that couple you see on facebook whose exhilarating life and boundless happiness you envy? Guess what...

HERE'S WHAT GOING ON; People are killing themselves or "dying" because they are privy to a world-ending event that is coming soon, likely the Extra-terrestrial invasion that's been built up and hinted at. They don't want to face what is about to happen, because it will be worse than what we depict in movies of alien invasions. It won't be a war, it will be an outright annihilation of all life on earth. There's a reason these things are kept from us, because the truth is too terrifying to handle. These are the large Reptilians that are coming, and possible a few other hostile races.

I'm really going to have to insist on some kind of evidence for this.

THE TRUTH IS OUT a little secret library on a shelf next to the flat Earth proof.

I believe Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were killed for this.

I definitely have the same thought process. Apparently he said something along the lines of if he were to cook a meal for Trump and Kim Jong Whatever he would poison them and now he's dead from an apparent suicide... WTF.

Honestly, it'd be more like his character everyone knows to poison some amazing dish as his last meal.

Man I just took the most epic trip to see the solar eclipse last year and life was looking up. While the moon was about to hit C2, I had an intrusive thought, "now would be a great time to do it." Fuck me.

The struggle is real. It eats at my psyche every day. All it would take is the wrong string of bad news and dealing with shitty people, and I don't know what I would be capable of.... Even all the therapy, pills, and good in one's life couldn't stop a determined-to-end-it-all type when the shit hits the fan.

But I vowed to myself, if I was literally standing at the end of the rope or looking down the barrel, I'm throwing all the shit in my life away and running. Perhaps that's easier said than done when in the moment. The mere thoughts have a way of causing self destruction, leading to pain and suffering. Running would only cause guilt, pain, and suffering. Or would it? I don't know. But where would I go? What am I doing to myself?

It's fucking madness and mayhem in the space between my ears. But you'd never know. You'd see me zoned out or something and ask if I'm okay, but you would never know the philosophical debate I just had with the asshole in my head. I would simply reply to you, "I'm okay," while internally I'm saying, "Why would I tell you the shit that just went down in my head? It's dumb." But it's not. It's real. It's silly when all is kind of manageable, but when you hit that wall at the dead end, you really dwell on the 'dead' and the 'end' and that doing it feels right.

When these high profile suicides occur, I can't help but think how fucked I am and that even if I get my ducks in a row, that asshole in my head will never be satisfied until I force myself to shut him up... permanently. You can run, you can hide, and you can change your life til you achieve all the greatest feats of wonder you ever imagined. But that asshole is still there. He doubts you and knows your deepest darkest secrets, regrets, and fears. He reminds you and shows you the black hole you can crawl into to escape. What lure will he use to get me to jump in? I don't know for sure, but there no harder mental chore than clinging onto the edge of that hole and pulling yourself out of it while the asshole in your head wants you to let go. And you gotta do this everyday... every. single. day.

I love my life and am proud of my accomplishments and have great people in it and things to look forward to. But sometimes the call of the void is tempting and sometimes I do rash and destructive things to justify the need to do it later. "What the fuck, asshole," is something I think all the time. That fucker makes this thing called life a huge challenge. In the end, either he wins or I live my life with him and I win. Either way life is filled torment until it's over.

It's like there is a hole in your soul and no matter what you do to fill it up, it always feels empty. I drink myself to death almost every night, then I can snap out of it for a few days, and then right back to the bottle. It fills the hole up just enough for me to enjoy the life around me, but I'm drunk, peering through a window from the back of my head, not one bit happy, but content because the alcohol makes everything feel better. Then I pass out, and wake up and that hole is empty again, I'm heavily hung over, I'm angry at myself, and I want to fill that hole with something joyful, but nothing fits but the alcohol. I sit outside in the morning smoking a cigarette as my head pounds, my body aches, and I drink to stop it, and the hole fills up. I sit and I think about how I could possibly be happy with what I have, I have what many strive for, great kids doing wonderful in school, a beautiful wife, a house, my own business, but that doesn't fill the hole. I sit there in the morning under my crab apple tree listening to the birds, drinking my alcohol, smoking the cigarette, think how easy it could be to take the pistol off my hip and turn it to my heart and end it, just so that my wife and kids, and my mother have a face to look at when I lie dead in my coffin. When I think about that scenario it makes me not do it because it would be unfair to them because I did it to myself. But if I drink myself to death, that would just be an unfortunate side effect of addiction and would be better accepted, I would be considered troubled and an addict, not a selfish suicide. The hole will never be filled, and no matter how much money or love I have, it's always empty, and I fucking hate it.

Nothing ever feels right when a bright, creative, good-looking, successful, artistic, and thoughtful person commits suicide in a seemingly spontaneous way (right in the middle of an episode shoot, leaving his corpse for his crew or friends to find). But it happens. People kill themselves, and sometimes they don't tell us why.

As soon as I saw Jake Tapper's "let me shove this narrative down your throat" narrative before anyone had a real chance to investigate, I knew a major coverup is taking place.

? He's a reporter. Literally doing his job. The "narrative" may not be true, but I fail to see how this tweet is evidence of a force-fed cover-up narrative.

  • Did he report? Sure.
  • Did he wait for a conclusive investigation at 4:26am EST? Heck no.

While I see your point of him doing his job, I also know that CNN's job is and has always been to disseminate the propaganda coming from the alphabet agencies and the State Department. So unless he was told what to propagate at 4:26am, I find very hard to believe that he had a reason to inject the narrative that Tony took his own life.

Fair. Suicide is a conclusion from primary evidence. If the deceased was found hanging, or with bullet wounds, etc. we would typically need an autopsy or further investigation to make that claim. He could have at least put a qualifier on his assertion I agree.

Just to play devil's advocate, I'd consider two things: (1) they worked for the same network and presumably knew each other well. The sudden discovery by Tapper might have clouded his judgment. (2) from studying journalism in an academic setting, and being a living breathing human, I have a strong distaste and distrust for the MSM business complex. Not even sinister conspiratory reasons, just a lot of people sucking at their jobs. As media business booms, and the field expands, the quality of the individuals declines on the whole. Same with our police force. Hire more police, you're gonna get more shitty police.

A person like JT has all the incentive in the world to break story first, ask questions later. Jump to conclusions first, clarify later. It's quite possible he was jumping to steer a narrative with corrupt motive, or equally possible IMO that he is a sloppy imprecise "journalist." But I'm sure that possibility won't be received well here. And again I'm not denying the actual existence of an alternative set of facts, just that this tweet to me isn't compelling evidence of one.

That's ok, I understand your point of view. But notice how quickly we accept the so called mainstream narrative as facts, while less than 12hrs later we are already assuming everything else as an "alternative" truth. That's job well done for the ones in charge.

As you know the mainstream media as a whole is a trillion dollar industry, and it's extremely important for the ones financing/profiteering to anchor the desired narrative early with the shock factor of the tragic event, for the highest possible impact on the population. We often see this with war reporting and false flag events where you are served with videos of children gasping for air accompanied with text stating that Assad, Saddam, or Gaddafi gassed his own people, etc...

Tapper could've easily added a word allegedly, seemingly, or "it appears", but he didn't. I'm just too conscious and aware of these techniques, especially coming from CIA assets like Tapper, Cooper, etc.

No disagreement there. I just like to be cynical and challenge every viewpoint for myself, even the viewpoints that are widely accepted here.

There is nothing suspicious about Bourdain's tragic suicide, once you realize his girlfriend was pictured canoodling with another guy in Italy just days ago. He adored her("she's my shelter from the strom"), so I can only imagine those images broke his heart.

His girlfriend also accused Weinstein of rape then directly accused Clinton of knowing all about what he does!! So, would a breakup cause someone to kill them self? Yeah. Maybe. Would pissing off the Clinton's get you 'suicided' ? Abso-fuckin'-lutely!

Ok so let me get this straight. A few celebrities commit suicide this week and you see so hidden dark agenda, but the fact that on average *22 veterans * a day commit suicide and you don't bat an eye?

You can't see the difference..?

I can. They are celebs that some folks here will automatically try to link to deeper conspiracy...and the others are just the faceless people that have given of themselves so that people like us can sit behind a keyboard and find the thinnest of threads to connect celebraties who (just like us) suffer each day with life.

I'm just disgusted at the fact that people will speculate about links to this conspiracy or that and not give two shots about the soldiers that provide them the freedom to do so.

So we should never ask questions then?

As one of those soldiers you have no need to lecture me on their sacrifice.

And questions yes..but wild no evidence or even intelligent thought to them makes them just as bad as asking a guy who just fell and broke his neck if he's ok

just as bad as asking a guy who just fell and broke his neck if he's ok

That doesn't even make sense. We don't know the circumstances of this alleged suicide. Nothing wrong with asking questions. I think you are just pointing your outrage in the wrong direction.

He was a genocidal anti-white Jew. I’d like to care, but clips like this make it impossible.

That's what I am saying. Fuck this scumbag.

Found the neo Nazis!

Anthony Bourdain's dead? Fuck! That's tragic...

Inés Zorreguieta, sister to Queen Maxima of Sweden died by suicide this week as well. Kinda odd.

Queen of the Netherlands

I had no clue these people existed and they have no clue I exist. But after you figure out why they choose to end their life rather than choose to serve others, let me know.

Mate, Avicci ddint suicide he overdosed

He cut his wrist with a broken bottle and bled out

Havent seen his corpse so I cant know if thats true, but I still think drugs played a major role

So you claim he overdosed without knowing....

You claim he slit his wrist without knowing

No, I know. It's widely known actually.

Look it up

I've been away from this sub for a while but the Bourdain "suicide" just doesnt feel right and I had to see some other opinions about it. I find it very odd that a man that basically lives on vacation is so mentally depressed that he offs himself. Not to mention that his wife just made a huge rah-rah speech to rally the people against the Hollywood rapist elite. Then I read about Kate Spade's husband and his connection to Pizza Gate, and I come here and find alot of comments about depression and chemicals. Either alot of people are taking the story for face value or this sub is filled with more people trying to push the narrative as apposed to those who are actually looking for answers.

Kate Spade's husband and his connection to Pizza Gate

Where can I read more?

It's the ones that have young kids that I seriously question.

I find it very odd that a man that basically lives on vacation is so mentally depressed that he offs himself

Maybe you dont understand depression then.

Probably had some dirt on Hillary.


You need to look into depression. Just because someone is high functioning doesn’t mean they’re not dead or dying inside.

Hey comedians laugh all the time, how could any of them be sad?

Agreed. This sentiment shows a fundamental lack of understanding.

I'd be hard pressed to find ANYONE who ISN'T depressed. Very few are gleeful or joyful these days. And no one within my immediate circle of family or friends are hanging themselves.

But when someone's girlfriend has direct ties with a rapist (Weinstein) who then goes after the Clintons for being the rapists' friend and not exposing him sooner well, 'suicide' by hanging can often follow!

This is probably too soon and I do apologize if it's time-sensitive but I don't understand how 'they' immediately conclude a hanging is suicide without thoroughly looking into other possibilities!!! Because 'hanging' is also a method to cover up a murder too!

I'm not saying that that's the case here but Anthony's girl friend accused Harvery Weinstein of rape AND.....Anthony himself accused Hilary of knowing all about Weinstein's illicit affairs.

Coincidence? Perhaps. Does it deserve further consideration? Absolutely!!

And why are you so quick to conclude there was zero investigation at the scene? Do you work in a police department? Forensics? What exactly should they be doing?

Because he hung himself Friday morning and it was concluded Friday afternoon that he committed suicide. How can ANY 'thorough' investigation be done and concluded within hours??

I repeat: What exactly do you think they should be doing?

So you think it's not to soon to conclude it was suicide? What would make it such an easy case that didn't require a thorough forensic investigation?

Yes, just continue making horribly ignorant statements rather than answer my question I've said twice now. Yawn.

what do I think they should be doing? something more. what makes them so certain so soon? it's suspicious.

So because you think something you have no understanding of should take longer than it did, it's suspicious? Good grief. Maybe you will find enlightenment by actually reading up on how a death can be classified as a homicide?

because you think something you have no understanding of should take longer than it did

why is it personal to you? objectively, it takes longer. look at the recent case of murdered billionaire Barry Sherman.. police said suicide, until the family hired their own investigators proving it was murder.. guess it takes $$ to get to the objective truth these days.

you seem to have a lot of faith in authority for a conspiracy sub.

why is it personal to you?

What are you talking about?

objectively, it takes longer.

This provides literally zero more progress from what the other poster is saying. "Objectively it takes longer". What on earth does that mean?

look at the recent case of murdered billionaire Barry Sherman.. police said suicide, until the family hired their own investigators proving it was murder.. guess it takes $$ to get to the objective truth these days.

A single high profile case like this sets a precedent for you that all deaths reported by the police are either incompetent or a conspiracy? I don't know what you're getting at here.

you seem to have a lot of faith in authority for a conspiracy sub.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. And on this note, are you implying you don't have faith in the police department in any country? (I'm assuming this what you mean by 'authority') Unless there is evidence to the contrary, I have faith in the police department in these types of matters.

keep the faith, faither.

I apologize. I didn't realized you were literally asking me a question. So, what do I think they should be doing? It's a little too late. But what they SHOULD'VE done is report Anthony's death with 'details will follow'. I know they can do that for autopsy often take a long time.....and this should be no different than finding a dead body and reporting ONLY that. But instead they not only say it was an 'apparent' suicide by hanging.... they include a 1-800 suicide hotline number at the end of most of their articles to further implying they concluded his death within hours.

They were TOO quick to report this and it almost looks like damage control reporting.

The media is bought and paid for by politicians with the Clinton's influencing many networks and newspapers the math.

In the year 2018, what looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck usually ends up being the proverbial elephant standing right in the middle of the room!

My 'hunch' is.....there's a lot more to this. Just like there is (probably) more to Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington's 'hangings' too. Hanging oneself is the most popular 'go to' method of suicide. Shooting followed by over dosing at the top two. Hanging is a horrible way to die. It's like jumping out a 100 story building. Very few do that. However....many murders are done that way to make it LOOK like volunteer jumping.

I apologize. I didn't realized you were literally asking me a question.


So, what do I think they should be doing? It's a little too late.

Okay. As if there was any possibility your comments would be taken into consideration by the Strasbourg police department. obviously we are speculating here, so there's no need to make this sassy remark.

But what they SHOULD'VE done is report Anthony's death with 'details to follow'. I know they can do that for autopsies often take a very long time.....and this should have been treated and reported as the unfortunate death of a famous person, period.

What report are you talking about? What exactly are your referencing where the Strasbourg police department has said "The case is 100% closed, this is a suicide and Bourdain's crew can fuck right off back to America and take the body with you"?

But instead not only did they report it was an 'apparent' suicide by hanging.... they included a 1-800 suicide hotline number at the end of most of their articles (and Tweets) to further imply (and condition the reader) that he took his own life.....within HOURS!!!

Who is they?

The news reports are not implying... everything I've read is directly stating it is a suicide, including CNN ... the network that is running the show he was shooting!

They were TOO quick to report this and it almost looks like damage control reporting.

This is nonsense. All deaths are reported as soon as possible, ESPECIALLY high profile ones. You're being paranoid for the sake of it at this point.

The media is bought and paid for by politicians with the Clinton's influencing many networks and newspapers the math.

Good grief.

In the year 2018, what looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck usually ends up being the proverbial elephant standing right in the middle of the room!

There is nothing suggesting this was a homicide as you so desire it to be. You're off your rocker.

My 'hunch' is.....there's a lot more to this. Just like there is (probably) more to Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington's 'hangings' too.

It is horribly disrespectful to randomly grab at high-profile deaths like this randomly to support your narrative. Have some dignity.

Hanging oneself is not the most popular 'go to' method of suicide. Shooting (gun) followed by over dosing are at the top two means of suicide. Hanging is a horrible way to die. It's like choosing to jump out of a 100 story building. Very few do that. However....many murders are done that way to make it LOOK like volunteer jumping. But I digress....... ;)

So your logic is that any suicide that is not a gunshot OR drug overdose is a covered up homicide. Right. That makes sense.

What sassy remark??????? I was apologizing. Seeing we're not on the same wave length I didn't bother reading your comment and don't intend on continuing any further banter. Take care.

No. I quoted your remark: "it's a little too late".

If you can't accept that someone else may have a different opinion than you and can't when be bothered to read what they say, leave this website for your own good.

I can sort of imagine Spade and Bourdain being in some sort of weird new world order / satanic / pedophile / cult / Illuminati conspiracy thing.

But Avicii? Come on. That's like saying Lil' Pump is involved.

this is too coincidental.

Not necessarily. The world s full of events, so many coincidences are bond to happen. This can easily be one. Or not. But arguments like

[he] was so full of life

About someone you don’t know at all, don’t really prove anything. Not all problems are visible on the surface.

This is clear as day.

Anthony's girlfriend was the first Weinstein accuser.


Well that's not better but seems more likely

thanks for sharing

It was pretty well known within the industry that Bourdain was depressed. It was also well known in general that Avicci nearly drank himself to death a few times, which is why he needed multiple liver surgeries.

Should have seen this earlier. I just posted on here essentially wondering the same thing. He had a history with drugs, yes. That doesn’t mean he’s more likely to commit suicide. The fact that he was just beyond the middle-aged white male demographic makes him more likely to commit suicide than a drug history. There’s nothing that will ever seem right about these kinds of things, but my gut feeling says it’s a little more than that.

they all had past history with suicide, drugs, depression

Dude, Weinstein is already done, I doubt he's done worst shit than what's come out already. What's the point in having someone whacked now. Also, I see a lot of people commenting on Weinstein's potential prison sentence as karma would catch up to him. Let's not forget what's the most important thing to have in prison: money, and Harvey has tons of it, it'll be a walk in the park for him.

He might have been whacking it...

I know he was trying to quit smoking, I'm wondering if he was on Chantix or similar and suffered from a side effect.

It is hardto say. I suspect it was similar to Hunter S Thompson. Someone who lived a good life and was getting old and decided to go out on their own terms.

I heard that Hunter S Thompson could have a connection the Larry King, and the franklin cover up. I think i remember hearing that he could have possibly shot a snuff film for Larry King. Read into this however you want.. just repeating some info i heard on a podcast a while ago.

Hunter was writing a piece about 9/11 when he 'died'

This sub has become a complete shit hole. Fuck this place.

As if TD and Cringe Anarchy had a retarded kid with Incels as the surrogate mother. just so retarded.

Yeah man, I was saying this back in 2016 when it was everyday a celebrity was dying. I don't buy for a second that Bourdain committed suicide. I believe it's a slow (but in the grand scheme of things pretty quick) erasure of our culture in the Anglophone world, the removal of our more salient and sane voices, our cool people. One I thought was interesting that they didn't quite get was Sinead O'Connor who posted that video sobbing, saying she didn't understand why but she felt a compulsion to commit suicide. Somehow she decided to take to social media instead of doing it. Either "they" are somehow getting people to do it by fucking with their minds, or they're just being killed, or both.

I feel like all of the cool people have been zapped. It’s insane. All we have now are perfectly poised middle of the road boring celebrities that aren’t truly for or of the people. Just props.

Yeah, you can't be contrary or different anymore, you can't be cool, a tough guy, a bad guy, wild and crazy, or reckless. Everything has been nerf and everyone has been neutered.

This. It's not like, as many other comments have said, that this is just "another celebrity suicide". There are threads and common characteristics that these most prominent people share. Many of them were particularly talented and, the most suspect quality, virtue with an edge. Bourdain, Prince, Heath Ledger, Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and many others in the last 10 years. Where is the statistically equivalent horrible celebs doing the same?

As an artist myself, I have noticed a tendency from outsiders to "frame depression" on me and other artists. It feels like you have to nod your head and say yes in a ritualistic manner, similar to the endless cancer/ALS/alzheimers/other malady charitable events. Every day another disease gets its own "awareness week", all the while some of the most unhealthy people are the very nurses who work in the hospitals and doctor's offices, trusting the establishment medical science, that cuts your ear to save your nose, cuts your lip to save your ear, and on and on and on.

In regard to cancer treatments with identifiable tumors (sorry to get off topic, but this needs to be said): a microwave beam emitter is not much different than the one you find in a microwave oven. If you turned it on and pointed it in one direction, you could pass your hand through it without too much of a problem. Change the wavelength or frequency and you can create an electromagnetic beam that will pass through nearly anything. Think x-rays, right? In common medical practice, they have to hit a sufficiently dense object to bounce back, and the receiver creates an image of the negative, and you can see bones. And we all know that the beams coming from our cell phones have no trouble passing through our bodies, building materials, etc.

Anyways, so get yourself a lab that has electromagnetic emitters (or build your own), where you can dial the wavelength or frequency up or down (harder to do than it sounds, but quite doable). Take two of them and tie the dials together, so when you make a change, they both get altered. Arrange them around a large 90 degree protracting curve, so that they can slide along the curve and still point at the tip of the wedge. Set a glass of water at the tip. Turn on one of the emitters and "change the dial" so that you create a wave that passes through the water. Perform tests to ensure. When satisfied, turn on the other wave emitter, set it to the same wavelength and frequency, and point it at the glass of water. Test different angles with both emitters pointing at the water. When you find the right angle, at the right wavelength, frequency, and amplitude, the water will heat up. You will have utilized "constructive interference" to create an isolated "heat spot". Once you have found the right recipe, it is simple to scale the system up or down, narrow the beams or widen them. This could be used to destroy tumors with little to no damage to surrounding tissue, providing seriously useful treatment. It could also be used to seriously injure, fuck with, or kill someone, with very little, if any, damage seen from the outside.

Now, this is a pretty simple concept, and if you set a couple scientists working on it for a few years, if that, especially these days, you could create a working model and manufacture it without too much trouble.

Now, the burning question after all of this: where is this treatment? The device can certainly exist, and we have invented a thousand more complex things. All you need is a rudimentary understanding of electromagnetic waves (or possibly other wave-types: sonic, for example), the concept of constructive interference, the scientist's labor, material, and a lab for experimenting. "Zapped" is a good word. Keep in mind that in order for the vast majority of us to actually utilize something like this, we would have to build it ourselves.

Alright: Cui bono, then?

What else is happening in the world, today, that somebody might want to distract from?

i agree omg

I dont believe he killed himself. I think he knew too much, maybe let his mouth run too much re: Weinstein. If you've read his books you know what he can be like. I guarantee Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, and others have knowledge or are tied in some way to human trafficking and they were killed off to keep them quiet. I don't believe what the media is telling us for a second.

Kate Spade hadn't been involved with her namesake brand for almost 2 decades when she killed herself. What's your point?

So you're admitting that you've gone full retard?

My uncle shot himself in the 80s but now that you mention it, it probably had something to do with a child sex trafficking ring.

Get a goddamn grip, loser.

Wow do they love people like you who won't even entertain the thought that someone may want to make a murder look like a suicide. Yep, that never happens, right?

Not nearly as often as you inbreds seem to think, no.

He was a goddamn travel show host. Not an ex spy. WITH A HISTORY OF DRUG ABUSE.

Most of them had their demons, and I don't see anybody saying anything other than some of these suicides feel off. Some people are interested in the truth, that involves asking questions. Others are complacent sheep who accept the narratives without question. You've made your choice, and you obviously think pretty highly of it.

Sheep? Are you 14?

You're on fire today with the witty retorts.

I will take that as a yes. Now go listen to your mom and scrub up before you eat dinner. I hope you don't burn your wittle mouth on a tendy. Gotta let those cool down first, champ!

Name calling once again......

Removed. Rule 5. Only warning.

I love how all your comments on everything are just calling people names. Get a fucking life


We get are a piece of shit.


See now youre getting it

The biggest straw man ive ever seen.

Rule #10

"He wouldn’t commit suicide..."

Says who? Says you?

My father's business partner hanged himself. Just did it after my dad went home one day. He was a big jovial guy with a great family and a ton of respect in his field. He loved beer. He loved his work.

And he hanged himself one day after work. No note. Nobody saw it coming. He just did it. And nobody will ever know why.

ANYONE can kill themselves.

Another way of saying it is that depression took them

No note. Nobody saw it coming. He just did it. And nobody will ever know why.

You keep telling yourself that. Don't cross your Dad, though, just in case.

My cousin killed himself last month and left no note or no indication that he was going to do it. It's true it can happen to anyone.. people who sit here and make up wild conspiracy theories have probably never actually lost someone to suicide

Maybe he was just bored with life

I have the opposite issue. All signs point to suicide and my family wouldnt be surprised if it happened. Thing is since Im very self aware about it and nonchalantly talk to people about my mental health issues I actually have no interest in suicide. Its like GoT to me.

Anti-depressants have a suicide risk

Antidepressant medication and suicide risk

Antidepressants can make depression worse rather than better for some people, leading to an increased risk of suicide, hostility, and even homicidal behavior. While this is particularly true of children and young adults, anyone taking antidepressants should be closely watched. Monitoring is especially important if this is the person’s first time on depression medication or if the dose has recently been changed.

Signs that medication is making things worse include anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, hostility, restlessness, and extreme agitation—particularly if the symptoms appear suddenly or rapidly deteriorate. If you spot the warning signs in yourself or a loved one, contact a doctor or therapist immediately.

If you are concerned that a friend or family member is contemplating suicide, see Suicide Prevention. The suicide risk is greatest during the first two months of antidepressant treatment.

How do you know and measure that he was so “full of life?” What do you base this on?

nah dude, its men not receiving solid mental health support. male suicide rates are ridiculous atm

He had a long struggle with drugs and alcohol that he talked about pretty openly on his previous show, not sure about Parts Unknown.

Honesty I think he was choking himself while jacking off and had an accident. They just don’t wanna day. Don’t forget Chester Bennington also.

He has an 11 year old daughter, either he is a complete pussy of a man who could not wait until his daughter was an adult or he was murdered.

I don’t think you understand mental health

Explain it then

I think that reply confirms my point. Irregardless, no matter the circumstance calling someone a pussy for taking their life is not right.

He was probably murdered is my point

i’m sorry, did you know him personally? NO. you do not know what he was feeling like and you have no right to say “he wouldn’t kill himself”. mental health is a serious problem. maybe he just couldn’t take it anymore. to judge how he seemed on the surface to the public and think that’s all he was like is narrow minded

Lol this comment is typical of how idiotic suicide comments are getting. It is neither having a conversation about suicide NOR celebrating the person. The irony is lost on how narrow minded you’re being. You can’t even say anything about suicide anymore without people like you getting upset.

your only back up for his suicide being suspicious is that from seeing him on tv, you personally saw him as “full of life”. this is sub par at best. go fuck yourself

Is it confirmed AB committed suicide? I haven't see this in any reporting.

Well, he was 61 years old so age could've been a factor.

China is harming US diplomats in China and Cuba with sonic attacks.

They also killed off cultural icon Bruce Lee's bloodline so an attack on Bourdain might make sense.

Honestly though, Bourdain was well aged, kinda young still at 61 but tragic nonetheless.

i think it is at least more fodder for the media/public to keep them from realizing 1 the bilderburg group is currently meeting to decid the next year ouf our lives. 2 a us senator was denied access to a former walmart, now detention center, keeping children in cages, ploice were called he was removed, there are photos

You're being purposefully obtuse, here. Anyone who has read or seen Bourdain's works knows that he carried emotional baggage. He discussed this several times over the years, including several episodes about his battle with addiction. And that's just what he was willing to talk about publicly! There is always way more going on in the background that the public doesn't get to see.

If there was a conspiracy here, it'd be as much of a stretch as saying that the sticker companies committed 9/11 so that they could make billions on #NeverForget bumper stickers. Cui bono?

This. Mental health issues are really real

Most of the "something is fishy" comments read like children that have no perspective and get info from YouTube videos

He clearly feels very strongly. People like that seem more prone to suicide.

You sound stupid.

Text on a screen doesn't normally make a sound. I can see how you got confused, though. That's just the text-to-speech program your social worker set up on your computer, because you can't read.

Bourdain struggled with depression and talked about suicide in more than a few interviews. I'm super sad about this, but not particularly surprised.

As an older guy, I've experienced a few suicides in my circle. Some of them were from depressed people, but some were from people who seemed completely cheerful until they were gone.

Often people are just really good at putting up a good front. This is particularly the case with performers...

As my mother told me after the worst one - "Remember that suicide is often an impulse crime and doesn't represent someone's well-thought-out ideas about the world."

Yes and everyone is extremely confident in spewing some kind of rhetoric because we all got fucked up from Robbin Williams killing him self. It made the general masses so much more aware of the hidden sides of depression that people even the world hold dear can hide.

But Bourdain wasn’t a performer. He wasn’t a funny man, an audience man or the like. And if you know Bourdain from his writing and pre cnn tv, you just might think that this is just not the way he would have killed himself. It just seems too easy. It just seems too painless and void of emotion.

Something isn’t right here.

My dad committed suicide and every single person who saw him that day said he was his normal happy self. No one knew what was truly going on. Sometimes the happiest are the saddest

I’d like to think the guy wouldn’t kill himself being that he has a 11 year old daughter who depends on him. At least be like Robin Williams and wait until their adults who aren’t dependent on you

Any casual fan who reads his books would know that he would never, ever do that. A bunch of bullshit in this thread about how he’s a “celebrity” and somehow that makes him an unknowable deity or something ridiculous. If you read his books, watch his show, and literally hear the words coming out of his mouth, you would know that this is an amazingly upstanding guy. People are using his drug addiction to discredit him entirely.

Thank you.

Do you think Anti-depressants are the culprit?

Things I see going on that seem connected but you should do your own research and not even care what my assumptions are:

Child trafficking networks seem to be unravelling, or at least we're scraping the top of what's hopefully a small iceberg.

Celebrities are offing themselves or being killed

Avicii had a video that was about human trafficking iirc, it was posted here a while ago

This was the first I heard about Bourdain calling out Weinstein but it's also possible he was in some way involved in trafficking or had the power to do something and didn't.

Guilt can tear you up, especially when videos of blood splattered restraints and child remains are hitting the internet.

Wouldn't anyone choose suicide after being around Asia Argento?

I thought the same thing. Don’t know shit about Kate Spade but from what I understand it doesn’t make any sense for Bourdain. He seemed to love life!

Not that the source has any weight but they CDAN just posted one.

Ines Zorriegueta, the Dutch Queen's little sister has commited suicide too yesterday.

Maybe they were pizza delivery customers

Anthony Bourdain was a very responsible person with a strong work ethic, if he was in the middle of shooting something, out of a sense of duty to his employer and especially his coworkers, he would have first finished his job first and then committed suicide, not during while on location, effectively screwing over those he worked with for years.

I agree that it feels odd. My first thought was "what's the connection with Kate spade?" Is Weinstein the connection?

Maybe Harvey is threatening to give up someone bigger than him in a plea deal and that person is offing people to intimidate witnesses? If Anthony was dating one of the first accusers than what better way to send a message then suiciding her boyfriend? Especially when that boyfriend is a bigger celebrity? Was Kate close to any accusers?

Surprised no one is blaming the zionists yet...

well we have slashed mental health budget so ...

That doesn’t relate to these celebrities though. They have plenty of money for mental healthcare.

Isn't research in their. Finding new ways to combat mental health.

You never know what's going on in someone's mind. :(

avicii and kate spade had a long history of depression, bourdain was a drug addict at one point and probably fell into the same. when you have all the money, possessions that you want, a family and you're still not happy. you realize happiness probably isnt coming

Autoerotic asphyxiation?

OP you should also consider L'wren Scott and add her to the mix. Exact same suicide as Kate Spade.

BOTH: *volunteered with Haiti *knew/affiliated with the Clintons *hung by a scarf on a doorknob

I’m guessing auto erotic asphyxiation. He seemed like he’d be into that kinda shit.

Hahaha, how someone appears on TV is not who they are.

Bourdain was obviously a deeply troubled man.

Just shows you you really don't know anyone.

You don’t know theese people mate. You only think that they are all right, full of life.

He's been very open about his depression and the fact that he's contemplated suicide. Add in possible break up with his girlfriend, there are rumors and pictures from Rome.

This isn't that surprising.

"Tony once wrote about a deep loneliness felt by all career travelers. A strange sensation that the more of the world we see, the less we’re able to truly come home. It cut me to my soul when I read it, because it’s brutally true. Here’s to you, Tony. I’ll see you at the bar." - Josh Gates


nothing uttered before this word is ever true...

Don’t forget about Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell

You clearly have never been depressed

I don't think you understand suicidality. At all.

Bourdain also pissed off Russia, who is known for carrying out assassinations.

Boris Nemtsov anyone?

Metal health awareness, here we go....... Fad and trends start here in the media, to tell what the people should do. 🔼

Even so, all the meds won’t solve it.

Therapy is helpful for metal health. Talks and conversation to better understand our inner demons.

Suicides is never the answer.

The truth is people were lured by leftist ideology to abandon their patriotism and faith in family. They are now miserable.

The left doesn’t want people to be grateful. The left needs people to be miserable to win their votes.

Lmao I hate to tell you that Republican states are poorer and a majority of food stampers are white. Take this elsewhere

Those facts are true but irrelevant.

You really are a fucking idiot. (Not a leftist here)

Removed. Rule 10

I'm really hoping his suicide was actually auto-erotic asphyxiation.

The real conspiracies are always in the comments

I'm not sure why people aren't putting two and two together but these deaths, sans Kate Spade (who left a note) are clearly cases of auto erotic asphixiation. Same cause of death for Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, and Chester Bennington. This is something plaguing Hollywood and I can't believe no one is taking notice.

That's the take I got on it, & that's not something that a friend/publicist is going to throw out there with the news of their death.

Robin Williams did a movie before his death about auto erotic asphixiation. I'm convinced it's what killed him, otherwise where's the note? Chris Cornell killed himself specialized pullies and rock climbing ropes, that's a lot of trouble to go to when you are on the verge of killing yourself.

It's AEA gear.

This is an epidemic and it's so disgraceful that no one will come forward with this information publicly.

All these men, bored in their hotel rooms, what else is there to do? I know there will be more deaths like this, it's really unsafe.

I was literally coming here to post that something is fucky. These people are most definitely being murdered, but why?

Avicii was killed and its not related to the other ones:

Wasn't her husband scene walking around with a rats mask on a day later?

Wasn't he a heavy heroine user at some point? That shit can really fuck up your brain chemistry.

A lot of people have been dying by hanging. Remember that pharma couple that died by hanging and that was declared a homicide? Yet when others die of hanging it's a suicide?

Actually the pharma couple was first ruled a suicide but then a homicide.

Canadian homicide detectives on Sunday took the lead in investigating the mysterious deaths of pharmaceuticals billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife, Honey, a day after relatives complained about the handling of the case.

Just odd that these suicides often end in hanging.

"I long ago agreed to suck the scabby cock of the great television Satan, so really I ain't hardly no virgin when it comes to LA or Hollywood or just being a big nasty media whore." - AB

"People who commit suicide HAVE to look sad all the time" is such a common misconception about suicide and mental health in general. Often, those who have been battling with mental illness for their whole lives are the best at hiding it. You develop a different persona in public.

I don't think there is a conspiracy around these deaths. Or his.

It truly is tragic; depression is so permeating that it does not matter the positives that are going on im someones life, it catches you offguard, grabs hold, and drowns you while you fight for a breath of fresh air.

I have had a personal theory that he was an asset of the company. It's based on pure speculation as follows

The cover is at least as good as a journalist and maybe better since journalist seems to be a well known cover.


The Libya episode looks like propaganda to me.

Fuzzier stuff

In one of his shows he mentions his time in /first trip to Vietnam and it seemed he was young when he was there but I don't think he's a vet.

Heroine & the company's role in the drug trade.

Around the same time that Joe Rogan started singing his praises the tone of JRE seemed to change. I think someone got Joe, I think Anthony befriended and influenced him. He's exactly the right way to approach Joe, imo.

I know this is all guess work but it feels like a workable pattern. Maybe he got got by someone sending a message to the company, or maybe he pissed off his bosses or was a loose end. Maybe he relapsed and thought he couldn't kick it again. Maybe it's just depression. Depression is a sneaky mother fucker, especially in people not inclined to ask for help.

I really liked Anthony's demeanor and work, regardless of my silly theory, I am very sad he's gone.

if you take away someone's popularity, suicides happen regularly. the ones you mention aren't outliers. it's less reported for fear of suicide contagion.

Is suicide contagion a term? I've never heard it before.

it's just a fancy word. basically studies show that when suicide gets reported/talked about, there's a spike in suicides that follow.

hmm... never heard that. it's freaking sad.

Also called "the werther effect."

anyone notice one of his last episodes if not the last was in Armenia. Which is the place that "Q" and other conspiracy youtubers have claimed that the deep state has a major presence in Armenia. I got a bad feeling when I saw the Armenia episode, it was also his first time going to Armenia.

I think the "something's not right" part of this is our blindness to depression in famous people and mental health in general. I think that many feel that celebrities are immune to mental health problems because of their fame and wealth.


Add Chris Cornell to the list.

Chester Bennington and Robin Williams as well. All by hanging.

I heard that at least in the case of Avicii he was struggling with major depression.

Kate Spade clearly something is wrong there. It may have been suicide it may have been murder the rat mask in public on her husband is clear as day a message

Also the Dutch Queen's sister just committed suicide yesterday by hanging as well, at the age of 33:

Death by this kind of hanging is quick and relies on cutting off the carotid artery. Same principle as a choke hold. Passed out in 20 seconds. Dead three minutes or so later.

With a bath robe belt?

Yeah. You would create a loop over the door knob or something equivalent and then just slump down.

It's how Robin Williams killed himself as well.

Just slump down and somehow your body's natural desire not to asphyxiate is overcome by your desire to stay slumped? I don't buy it

Do you know what a choke hold is? Google it if need be. Same principle. You get dizzy and then pass out and die soon after. Makes it real easy if the person is on drugs or booze.

It's also how people accidentally kill themselves while yanking it.

With a bath robe belt?

What difference does it make?

The assistant eventually managed to open the door and found Williams clothed, in a seated position and "with a belt secured around his neck, with the other end of the belt wedged between the clothes closet door and the door frame," Boyd said. "His right shoulder area was touching the door, with his body perpendicular to the door and slightly suspended."

Because those are weak materials. It honestly seems more like a murder that was covered up

I would say test it yourself but given that you could pass out in as few as 5 seconds, probably better not.

I have thought the same thing given the timing of it. But there is evidence suggesting that his girlfriend left him and he was suicidal by own admission in the past when his first wife left him.

Could be fishy, but not for the reasons you think. My bathrobe belt could easily be used to hang myself in this fashion. I guarantee it would work, especially if I was already wasted.

On a side note, Bourdain's girlfriend account of Weinstein sexual assault beggars belief. According to she said, “He asks me to give a massage. I was, like, ‘Look man, I am no f—–g fool,’ ” " Reluctantly, Argento said that she agreed to give the producer a massage. After, she said he allegedly pulled her skirt up, and forced her legs apart before performing oral sex on her while she asked him, repeatedly, to stop. Argento said she was “terrified” of Weinstein, adding, “It wouldn’t stop. It was a nightmare.” Did Weinstein threaten her with violence? How did Weisntein force her legs apart? Why didn't she just leave? I wouldn't be surprised if Weinstein did indeed rape other women but Argento's account kind of raises a lot of questions. Now that everyone knows Weinstein was a creep everyone wants a piece of the pot.

Cool victim blaming, you absolute piece of shit.

Victim blaming? I'm just pointing out holes in her story. Fantastic talking points though, you dilucidate the truth very well.

"Why didn't she leave?" is not pointing out the holes in a story. It's blaming her for what happened instead of the person who did the sexual assaulting.

It is a legitimate question. If someone starts doing oral sex on me and I don't want it I close my legs and leave. So I wonder why she didn't do that. Did he threaten her? Was he using force to hold her in place and force his face within her legs?

This. This, right here.

If someone already has the thought impulse happening through their mindset, it wouldn't be hard for the person pulling the puppet strings to push their victim to a point of no return.

Black Ops shit with conspiracies about Mk Ultra, coupled with the fact Bourdain has had run ins with almost all upper echelon elite social circles makes me think there is more to his death than meets the eye.

how dare you think you know people because of how successful they are. Depression and suicide are not odd at all. Thinking that there is a mass conspiracy because some famous people died, now that is odd.

For those of you saying, "I'm not surprised", you really aren't contributing.

I'm not a huge fan, but I've watched his show and am aware of his troubles with depression, addiction, etc.

I'm more a fan of his outspoken nature and logic, he was a wordsmith.

I however, am always surprised, when they have young children.

My suspicion brought me here, and subsequently to his connections with Harvey Weinstein, someone who very likely has resorted to murder and has the resources to do so.

I'm appalled that they are not investigating this and are ruling it a suicide before ever doing so.

What’s not right is that at least two of the three were battling alcoholism

Depression can affect anyone.

Wasn't Bourdain pretty open about his demons? Depression, alcoholism and such? Just because someone is successful, doesn't mean they don't struggle internally.

He was qouted not long ago saying yes would never commit suicide due to having an 11 year old daughter that makes life worth living.

I don't necessarily believe any of these were murder, I haven't seen evidence of that yet, but all the people who explain these away with platitudes like "suicide isn't rational" and "you often don't see it coming" make it very easy to get away with murder.

Of course they would make an assassination look like a suicide, why wouldn't they when so many people accept it without question?

First of all. I lurk ,never post or comment. But this ,this is too much. If anyone hasn't already put the pieces together then here.

So many celebrities that have anything to do with (exposing / encountering ) sexual abuse ,child pedophiles etc. They all die the same way. Suicide by hanging.

Chester Bennington. Robin Williams , Anthony Bourdain . There's so many more. I just don't feel like digging today. The hanging suicide is always the way they go. Just remember ,the way bush sentenced sadam to death was by hanging. Wich hasn't been done ,and should've been a shock to anyone.

Now here’s a post that fits the subreddit

Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington too

How many successful ex-heroin junkies have killed themselves after "30?" years of sobriety?


Anthony Bourdain was an ignorant prick who was addicted to all types of drugs and bragged about how low he stooped. Only Netanyahu could replace such an aware-of-being-maleficent balloon of pomposity.

You talk about Weinstein like the only reason you're dropping his name, as well as Bourdain's, is in allegory to the line of Shem which Abraham and now Bin Salman are a part of. What a stupid post. Don't even act like Weinstein going to prison is a bad thing, or like his nepotism hasn't engulfed film like a tsunami, if a tsunami could be a rapist. Bourdain's absolute intentionality behind everything he does mocks the powerless who cannot make choices. He shows up in Brazil for example and says "It looks like everyone is either fucking or on the way to fuck" in the second sentence that comes out of his mouth to a Brazilian WHILE being recorded & before drinking.

He was an intentional slob, and a pig.

You know who's a real man who will be missed? Gordon Ramsay. He traveled around the world and did his own series.

Article from 2017, Anthony Bourdain quote:

"If I'm in any way responsible or seen as supportive of 'bro cuisine' I mean, it makes me just want to hang myself in the shower thinking about it," he said.

Wa wa wee wa.

The insanity is always rich in threads concerning the death of someone considered a 'celebrity'. This thread is no different.

Seen in this thread is disbelief because he looked happy. He was in France. He was considered successful and rich.

Rumors of being offed for reasons such as population control, Weinstein links, #metoo, Israel and as a 'red herring'.

Erotic asphyxiation's apparently not a possibility because he can afford to go 'sky diving' for thrills...ffs! To the rumor that this coincides with a movie being shown on TV and it's TPTB showing their hand!

Truth is, the public at large have no idea who the fuck the Spade woman was. As for Bourdain, there will be a little article in worldwide papers with most people either saying, 'who the fuck is he? Or...'oh, yeah I've seen t.v ad's for that dude on the cooking channel'. I'm sorry for his families loss and any people who are fans of his work but his sort of a nobody in the grand scheme of things.

A few 'celebs' deaths have been reported as suicide recently and suddenly things are 'odd'? HARDLY! Considering the statistics from the WHO, I'd consider the 'celebrities' and 'rich' to be WELL BELOW AVERAGE in the suicide stats.

Suicide is the unspoken fucking epidemic. Never fool yourself into believing you know exactly what's going on behind the scenes of someones mask. Also never forget, 'humans are irrational and highly illogical' beings at times. Every 40 seconds, someone, somewhere, decides they want off from this world.

Organized crime organizations kill potential witnesses. Nothing new. And yes that's what's happening.

"Suicide watch" -Q

Happy New Year! from Bourdain's girlfriend's instagram. Fuck me running.

Fuck you, dude. Just because someone LOOKS "full of life" doesn't mean there isn't an internal struggle happening. Shit like that minimizes the problem. You don't have to be dressed all in black and mopey all the time to experience suicidal ideation. And, it's not like suicidal thoughts pay attention to a schedule. "Oh, no...we can't bother him on that day, it's his son's birthday. We'll pop up a few days later." Fuck that.

Read this to give you a better perspective of how someone that is depressed can show next to no signs of their struggles, and seemingly take action at random.

I believe that Bourdain was in some way involved with child trafficking and prostitution. Let's set aside, for the most part his time spent in places where that is a known practice in Southeast Asia. He has plausible deniability there at least, as an international food critic.

What got to me was seeing this image a couple years back:

from (Photo of Bourdain at Voodoo Doughnut)

Suspicious symbols in use at both Comet Ping Pong and Voodoo Donut:

There's lots of dirt on Voodoo for those that honestly want to look.

Avicii made a video shining a light on child trafficking in a realistic way. Then he's dead.

Chris Cornell, and what looks like John Podesta's son Chester Bennington, were looking too deep. Gone. Probably occult related at least in Chester's death.

Kate Spade? It's unhealthy to know the Clintons.

Anthony Bourdain was someone who was so full of life. He literally was in the middle of shooting an episode in France which anyone who reads his book would know he loved. He wouldn’t commit suicide there when he was also with his best friend Eric Ripert.

I hate to say it, but this is what people say about almost any suicide. You never see it coming. The people who end up doing this are internalizing an immense amount of pain. They don't wear it on the outside, and that's why they're driven to taking their own life.

It does derail the news cycle...

More of that weird occult shit. Bourdain's girlfriend's instagram is pretty bizarre. Happy new year!

I mean even this one... they snapped the picture perfectly (intentionally) where she has a fucking halo over her head. Come on.

A friend of mine walked into traffic the other day

No real explanation just did it

I don’t understand suicide

We could take some bitter sweet comfort to believe this was some crazy high-level hit. It'd be more rational. But more than likely Tony took his own life and that's the shit thing.

Does anyone think that his suicide has anything to do with Asia Argento and her being in the forefront of the Harvey Weinstein scandal? I mean no disrespect to Anthony. And I don't know details of the actual suicide, but something seems fucky.

Speaking from personal experience, suicide isn't always a sudden thing. Sure, there are the people that just one day suddenly decide to do it, with no explanation; but it's not typically how it happens. People who are suffering from depression, or anxiety, and contemplating it; start thinking about it long before they try. In fact, many times, they'll try two or three times before either getting the help they need, or actually succeeding. You never really know what may be that one thing which finally pushes someone over the edge.

In my case, it was a phone call with a friend. We got into an argument, and after it ended I decided I was done. Done with everything. I ended up spending close to a month in a mental hospital for it, and I am now in treatment for the anxiety that caused it.

We really don't know what Bourdain was going through, or at least, what his last thoughts were. What was the breaking point? Was it a simple case of ‘L’appel du vide’ that got him, or something more? We may never really know.

‘L’appel du vide’ translates to "call of the void". The call of the void is the thought to jump off the ledge you are standing on; wondering what would happen if you drove your car into another car or person; it is the thought of "I could kill someone so easily right now" when holding a knife, hammer, or what have you. In the case of someone suffering from depression, this can very easily lead to a suicide attempt, or success.

It doesn't feel right. Kate Spade the same. One thing that convinced me is the obvious forced narrative on social media.

Kate's sister came out as depressed with alcoholic issues and her husband had to come out to say otherwise. odd. then he walked around with a mouse mask on from that point on. weird.

Didn't he say something about Henry Kissinger being in Cambodia?

Illuminati population control

Have you ever been depressed? Look up at the suicide rates and see it's a common thing, just because someone is a celebrity doesn't mean depression effect them, Life is tough sometimes when your rich or poor.

Anyone with hard drugs in their past is a more likely candidate for suicide. Not only do depressed or mentally burdened people more often seek out drugs, but drugs can bring out or exacerbate depression in those same individuals. There is a predication. Not all of those whom have used hard drugs obviously but there is a known tendency.

Fuck Bourdain. I wish he could kill himself 1,000 more times while I watch.

It’s a shame you outlived both Bourdain and Spade, when these two have every right to live longer than you. One day when you’re gone, I hope no one will miss you. Not even your own family. :)

Removed. Rule 4

This doesnt seem organic to me in the slightest.

Anthony Bourdain ‏Verified account @Bourdain Replying to @jeffhulme @talleststone 02 MAY 18

..and I am in no way an HRC fan. I’ve been on the receiving end of her operatives’ wrath. And it ain’t fun,

My only question about a few of these celebrity suicides is how are they able to determine so quickly that they are indeed suicides? Doesn't an investigation take at least some time to conduct before officially saying the cause of death is suicide?

The "love" of his life Asia Argento was caught in photos with another much younger guy flouncing around Rome. He made a big deal about how brave she was with Weinstein & found out she is a tramp. He probably really loved her & felt like a dope besides being depressed.

Yet, the 25% increase in suicide of the average person is nothing to be suspicious about. Why aren't internationally famous individuals allowed to commit suicide without you all yelling murder?

Oh yea because you personally knew him right? Do you hit yourself in the head with a hammer for fun or what?

You’re a fucking idiot. Depression is an unforgiving monster. You don’t have to seem depressed to be depressed. These people were in the public eye and hid their struggles until they couldn’t hide them anymore. You’re disgusting.

It's incredible how suicidal, depressed people can put up fake smile as their mask in the public, can't they?

A 61 year old dude with risky behavior, a bathrobe belt, alone in a hotel room, in France while filming a show... hmm I wonder what happened. Fappcident.

Suicides are on the rise in the USA. Natives and whites are in the lead.

Hmmm. I didn’t know that! Do you know what tends to be the preferred method? I’m guessing overdose.

It's very common for people with depression to be at their worst in these situations. They are doing their favorite thing in the world and still feel miserable, so why keep living if the best thing in the world still leaves you empty? He was a man that struggled for decades, it came as a shock but it's not at all surprising that he died this way

The books Weinstein were carrying right before taken into custody are the key, I think:

  • Rodgers/Hammerstein - apparently initiators of "casting couch" (read: sexual exploitation)
  • Kazan - post-McCarthyism witch-hunt, labelled Arthur Miller, etc "Communists" (now our modern-day witch-hunt - #MeToo - instigated by literal witches, Argento included)
  • Black book - definition: " a book containing a list of secret contacts, or of the names of people liable to be punished"

All are Jewish - Bourdain's mother was too. However, I do not think this is a Jewish conspiracy, rather a Hollywood / Establishment conspiracy, of which Jews are a part.

I don't have all the answers, but my take:

Or someone else's take:

Bourdain isn't dead, he staged his death on June 8, which is 9 years 6 months after David Carradine's suicide. 96 in numerology means 733. Its satanic freemasonry. On May 22 Bourdain tweeted to someone that they might die of auto erotic asphyxiation in a nod to Carradine. Then on June 3rd Bourdain posted some tweets including one of a song "House of the Rising Sun" and June 3rd was the anniversary of Carradine's death. The first known recording of this song was on 9/6/33 which means 7-33-33. So they staged his death probably because he is retiring. His gf, his wife, his crew, all part of the hoax. All the world's a stage. It took me a few days to pull the hoax apart. CNN, the king of hoaxes and fake news, broke the news.

Someone just wrote a commented that they deleted/was deleted but Anthony bourdains girlfriend is Asia Argento. She was a main accuser/charger against wein. These people were openly accused of rape, harassment, wire tapping, threats for coming out with this info.

David Carradine died from a sex game gone wrong, am I wrong in thinking this?

Could you be less sensitive to this news? For fucks sake what’s wrong with you?

Ignore the shills man. They're in full panic mode.

These suicides don't seem right at all. It's getting weird.

Same with Chester bennington, Chris cornell, David carridine. All the exact same..

He's in the demographic where suicide is really common

Wasn't Carradine jerking off at the time?

How so because we don’t even know the cause of his death yet

They've announced suicide by hanging

Yeah Cornell "hung himself" and there was blood all over the floor in pictures of the (crime?) Scene. You don't start gushing blood when you run out of oxygen

The doorknob is the easiest place to hang yourself from in a house

hmm, that's interesting. appears to be a reference to making a prison shank by sharpening a toothbrush handle. from Murder Was The Case, snoop dogg song.

Chester and chris were working together on a project to help abused kids, weird eh must be a coincidence.

Probably 100 times more suspicious if she died.

If you’re “not one for conspiracy” then why be in this sub? You are the 3rd comment like this in this thread.

Not one for conspiracies??? Ur on this sub how is that possible

Calm down. Lol. I’m not one of o believe in conspiracy theories very often but I sometimes come to this sub looking for something I don’t feel is being portrayed in the media correctly. Like this for instance. I woke up and saw the news, got to thinking, then looked here to see if I could start a conversation.

What would be the M.O. behind murdering random celebs and making it look like suicide though? Maybe to glamourize it as a means of population control? At the same time they romanticize it in the media ie that netflix series.

It could be that the govt realized overpopulation is coming due to all the advances in technology and medicine, so they want to nudge undesirables into offing themselves.. "see, even successful people with great lives do it, so why not you?"

She hanged herself by the doorknob, which seems so difficult and so specific

Reminds me of D'Angelo Barksdale

She hanged herself by the doorknob...

It would take a lot of will power to continually resist the temptation to stand up.

Michael hutchens from INXS was an early closet hang. Probably same MO. I think if you try to leave the industry or say anything to damage its reputation they just break in and choke you out instead of dealing with it. Probably all hit jobs.

Yeah with a red exercise band. How can you die from that? Its like hanging yourself with a bungee cord.

Yes we discovered this 2 comments below.

Perhaps AB was her minder, and knocked off by the good guys? Rumors about his dalliances into minors while in Asia continue to swirl....there is a reason he was allowed to have a show.

Or could just be some sex play gone wrong.

Chester Bennington...r.i.p., as well.

Are you seriously unable to create a better insult than that? Weak. Pathetic. Reused.

I'm not sure I'm following you. You're saying it's impossible or hard to hang yourself with a bungee cord?

Does anyone remember when Mick Jagger's fashion designer girlfriend L'Wren Scott hung herself with a black silk scarf (at least according to media reports) in 2014?

just remember how d'angelo barksdale "killed" himself. pretty hard for one person to hang another from the rafters.

It's well known that people who are exceptionally skilled at making others laugh can be hiding brutal depressing of their own - like Robin Williams. Anthony was likely putting on a similar front - depression isn't like being bored or unhappy, it's a total numbness to life regardless of where you're filming or what you're doing

no one suspects Trump

Speak for yourself. Meanwhile, I don't have to even suspect "Trump" -- he empowers "allies" like Erik Prince who use Trump as a vehicle for their own agenda.

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Strong intimidation, kill a depressed celebrity and get away with it.

THE TRUTH IS OUT a little secret library on a shelf next to the flat Earth proof.

What if ita not a secret society speaking out against the machine but may be a celebrity cereal killer lol

Havent seen his corpse so I cant know if thats true, but I still think drugs played a major role

There's a video on LiveLeak that shows a streamer tying himself and hanging himself from his doorknob and you see the ems rush in there and try to save him so it's not too hard.. short string arouns your neck and door knob and then sit down with your weight

Yet I don't have a hard time believing their suicides. Robin Williams had lifelong depression struggles then was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Chris and Chester struggled always with depression and drugs. Not too much of a stretch to believe Carradine was into kink, but I don't know what else he might have been involved with.

Anthony has brought a LOT of attention to how US policies have had devastating effects on other countries. He worked to help people. People listened to him. To me, this made him a target. If he stepped too boldly on the wrong toes, a hit could have been taken out on him.

But he's had that for a while now, and said in an interview he wouldn't kill himself because of his 11 year old daughter. Plus he said if he was going to kill himself it'd be with heroin.

not everything we're told/see may be the truth.

And even if it is the truth, we might interpret it in a totally different/wrong way since their world is so different than ours.

human psychology isnt suited for a life where things are good and easy

it has been built over millions of years to survive. to strive for the things that will keep you going

happiness is a carrot dangling in front of you that nobody will ever catch. Do what is meaningful and good for your community. That is the kind of thing our brain is built to reward.

How does one hang themselves from a doorknob?

Not saying it did or didn't happen, just not grasping the mechanics of it

Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Robin Williams...all hanged.

Sometimes you just like to go down the rabbit hole because "reality" is too saddening. The rabbit hole puts meaning to things even if it might be more fucked up.

Hanging yourself from the doorknob wouldn’t be difficult, just tie a rope to the back side handle and wrap it over the top. What’s the difficult part here? Not discounting this theory but I don’t know if that point supports it.

Suicide is a rich persons problem.... The poor commit suicide at much much less rates.

Something to be said about Jorden Peterson saying "happyness is a struggle and finding your purpose, having it easy won't make you happy"

Probably why the suicide rate in the trans community is so high, in addition to the constant harassment they endure. You finally go through with an expensive and troublesome surgery, you fill up with hormones, you change your name. You're now the right gender, but it's still not enough because you can never capture the experience of growing up with your correct gender. You can make yourself a woman, but you can't experience your first father-daughter dance, your first period, etc. For many, they'll never be able to have what they want and when they exhaust their options and realize they still don't feel woman or man enough, they give up.

I think it peculiar that a woman at the top of her game with kiddos at home would kill herself. In addition, I find it to be an odd coincidence that Kate Spade worked with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti. Maybe they are connected? I could have sworn that someone who work with Hillary in Haiti and worked for Amber Alert was caught smuggling children from Haiti. Something is odd!

Sheep? Are you 14?

Jim carrey touched on that, in the movie about the making of "the room",

he said, after he made it with dumb and dumber and basically had everything he was working for, he was still unhappy,

and it was a big crashing moment where he went into a depression and was contemplating suicide

because you think something you have no understanding of should take longer than it did

why is it personal to you? objectively, it takes longer. look at the recent case of murdered billionaire Barry Sherman.. police said suicide, until the family hired their own investigators proving it was murder.. guess it takes $$ to get to the objective truth these days.

you seem to have a lot of faith in authority for a conspiracy sub.

Cool. I see too many medical advice threads that may or may not have good advice, or at least advice that helped the OP, but they post them as if they are some medical authority who has all the answers and often are outright hostile toward medical professionals. Hopefully most people take them with a grain of salt, or at least follow the advice but continue to have a medical doctor also, that could be dangerous for people who may take it as absolute fact (which is how they present it).

Sure, plenty of doctors prescribe by rote and are influenced by pharma reps, this just means a person must also learn about things and be actively involved with their doctor, if that is met with a negative reaction from the doctor, they should find a different one. Despite the problems of overprescribing, the simple things are super important that can only be done by a medical professional such as blood tests and other lab work. More people just need to learn how to “take control” and ask for specific ones if they have reason to believe it would shed light on health issues, and expect the doctor, if they don’t want to do a test, to explain why they don’t think it is needed or relevant.

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Awesome thank you

Sound quality was bad, at least for me. I couldn't make out most of what he was saying. All I heard was "they can do whatever they want" and something about burning houses down.