Have you guys noticed that almost everything that is negative about Donald Trump, almost always makes it to the front page of Reddit. Anything positive, never makes it to the front page.

1  2018-06-09 by Michigannnnnn

When Trump was given props for arranging the SK and NK talks, I barely saw anything regarding it on MSM and it did NOT make front page on Reddit. In fact...had to watch it on a 3rd party website b/c our media didn't cover it. Hmmmm....? Speaks for itself. Media is shit. They have an AGENDA!


It's almost like Reddit is one of the most Liberal websites on the Internet


Reddit was actually always equal parts Ron Paul libertarian and Bernie Sanders type lefties. Check out r/politics from early 2016 and you'll see a completely different place

Reddit was never anything like it is today. It's now basically party line establishment Democrats and neoliberals. Reddit is even pro John Mccain now.

People will try simple statements like the one way above to kinda generalize Reddit as liberal, but I've been here for 5 years and this place was a Libertarian dream. People debating fairly civilly, information being shared openly, game info, politics still was kinda iffy, but there was a freeing feeling this site had.

Now it's a ideological nuclear battleground and I don't see the path back.

It's been targeted and demolished.

And it's exactly like the admins punish people who break the brigading/harassment rules... Unless they are progressive activists.

The progressive activists get a free pass on everything.

Reddit used to be grassroots and progressive. Now it’s completely astroturfed and neoliberal. The focus on Trump is to distract from other issues

Reddit used to be grassroots and progressive.

Nah, it's been gamed since the start, In 2008 it was Obama supporters versus Clinton's and then the Ron Paulites.

I remember the Ron Paul invasion as I was one of them and I relished the constant reinforced positive responses from similar Posts daily.

Those movements seemed much more grassroots

Another "almost like" comment

These are becoming more and more common lately in a creepy, pattern way

It's almost like it's a common phrase that people use when they're being snarky....

I'm totally down with media not portraying a bigot in a super favorable light for once. But maybe that's just me....

please provide some real examples of his bigotry in action.

The time before he got elected where he pretended to have a learning disability? The whole 'grab her by the pussy' fiasco?

when did he pretend to have a learning disability exactly and how is that bigotry? and wow, he said something millions of other men say and joke about, as do women. what a monster to say something that there is zero evidence actually happened!

seriously, ive said far worse things than that that i have not done and would never do. and ive heard far, far worse from women talking about men.

and how about this. from a mainstream magazine. posting an article about mens dicks. men who train for their whole life to compete in the olympics and cosmo writes an article about oogling their dicks. where was the outcry? but trump makes a stupid comment about grabbing chicks by the crotch (which again, no proof ever actually even happened) and all the sudden he is the worst person ever? come on. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/g5982/best-biggest-olympic-bulges/

Wait you've heard women say far worse? Like what?

lol I’ve had women come up and actually grab me by the dick. Many times. I used to run concerts and it’s how they’d try to get backstage.

I don’t know if you’re trying to act like women can’t be sexually aggressive or something, but if so that’s a pretty weak argument

have you never hung around a group of drunk women? talking about the things they would do to some hot guy across the bar or something?

i spent a good chunk of my teen years on a competitive dance team that was like 5 of us guys and 200 girls. they are just as filthy minded as guys, often worse, and you know what, who cares? a group of friends sitting around saying awful stuff that never happens is not that big of an issue. and thats what the grab the puss thing was. it was 2 guys who thought they were having a private conversation talking about dumb shit that damn near every guy talks about at some point.

or are you going to tell me youve never been with friends and said something along the lines of "oh, id fuck her so hard her mom will feel it!". or him or whatever youre into. because how is that any more appropriate? its just as rapey is it not?

so how about we just stop with this self righteous indignation bullshit and focus the hate on people like bill cosby who was actually out drugging and raping women? or all the scumbags in hollywood taking advantage of everybody. crazy idea i know, but maybe instead of getting all up in arms about something that has zero evidence of actually happening and was just a stupid supposed to be private conversation between 2 people go. because who fucking cares what 2 dudes said to each other on a bus 10 years ago or whatever. it has zero impact on fucking anything. everybody has made some stupid remark that could be taken badly by somebody. but most people dont have to worry about cameras and mics being everywhere.

at least im not too big of a hypocritical asshat to admit ive said dumb and awful shit before. because apparently nobody else has. they are all living comfy lives in their glass homes with no rocks to throw. not a single one. all a bunch of ned flanders or some shit.

Dude I understand people are filthy creatures. I'm one of them. It was still a pretty bad tape for someone running for president. I cant imagine how many heads would explode if Obama was on tape saying some shit like that. I dont think most guys or girls really talk like that. Ik a total degenerate but I dont think you should just be grabbing people when you're famous and can get away with it.

again, who did he grab? where is the evidence he was going around doing that? i dont recall all of that evidence that he actually did it.

thats a pretty big part of it, no? of course nobody should be going around just grabbing people. but is simply talking about it really that big of a deal?

or are we going to pretend he is the first person to become president to have said or done something like that? cough cough bill clinton.... he was caught with his cigar in an intern. presidents are people too, for better or worse. i dont think being so outraged over somebody just saying something stupid with no evidence of it happening is worth the time.

It's fine if you dont care, but I wouldn't pretend you care about bill Clinton either then.

i care because clinton did it literally in the oval office. there is a difference between a private life incident and what you do at work, especially when your work involves representing the most powerful & greatest nation on earth.

just like i dont care what bill is doing now i dont care what trump did before, that is between him and his wife. bill is free to have freakin orgies at his house if he wants. film it. sell it. i dont care, what he does in his private life is his business and banging interns is not in itself illegal. but when you move that orgy to the white house, when youre in office, we have a problem now. thats not just his personal life.

get it?

Great, so you’re a bigot too. That’s all you’re saying lol

if you consider saying something that had zero effect on anybodys life, sure. why not.

we all know words speak far louder than actions afterall.

Why are you implying a handicapped guy, Kovaleski, has a learning disability?

That's fucking bigoted as hell man. Not everyone who has a condition that effects their motor skills and causes them to hold their hands in an atypical posture is learning disabled or mentally handicapped.

And why are you trying to control women's body's? If they want to behave like gold diggers and prostrate themselves in front of billionaires/famous people then that is their choice.

I'll be honest I didn't actually look up who he was mocking, so that one's on me. But on the other point, I have no problem with the women involved in the situation. I have a problem with someone in charge of a country talking like he can just do whatever he wants to women with or without their consent. In any case, Americans can enjoy their president, I have enough on my plate with the asshole we have here.

The difference between Trump's bullshit is that he just blurts it out instead of insinuating things with political rhetoric. Doesn't make it better, but nor does it make it worse. The fact is he is no worse than any slimebag US politician, and may, in fact, be better if only because he defies expectation. The jury is still out for me on Trump, but he's hardly my focus when so much other shit is hitting the fan that was flung way before he showed up.

Stay out of American politics because you don't know what you are talking about.

I don't really think you're a bigot. I think you're just uninformed and wrong.

I'll be honest I didn't actually look up who he was mocking

Case in point, the media can spin anything they want any way they want it. The truth about the handicapped guy getting mocked is as follows. They notice that Trump makes this gesture (the retarded hands thing) whenever he is mocking his critics or people who say dumb things so the find a person with said condition to criticize him publicly and they sit back and wait for Trump to bite.

They do this kind of shit all the time to public figures they want to character assassinate.

I have no problem with the women involved in the situation. I have a problem with someone in charge of a country talking like he can just do whatever he wants to women with or without their consent.

All I had to do was summon fake outrage about women's choice and you're back on your heels signaling how virtuous you are. This is called identity politics and gives no consideration to the individuals (good diggers, groupies, alimony chasers) who make a choice to do exactly what Trump described. Everyone knows they exist, and they exist on all levels. The only thing wrong that Trump did was get caught on tape talking shit to other guys who were goading him on about it. We've all bragged about stupid shit and sometimes it's about loose women or sexual conquests. Sex is absolutely not a taboo topic, shouldn't be and it's ridiculous.

Alot of the people complaining about Trump grabbing the pussy of girls who literally want him to do it are the same people who can't see a problem with a transexual person keep their status a secret and "conquering" heterosexual partners.

The layers upon layers of hypocritical outrage on everything Trump related is getting old as fuck. It's obviously being force fed into the narrative.

My favorite example is the George Zimmerman Ultra experiment.

All I had to do was summon fake outrage about women's choice and you're back on your heels signaling how virtuous you are.

Yes, this. This is exactly the kind of bullshit that made me wake up and see how problematic feminism is (not trying to derail topic, so people, please do not reply to me regarding feminism - I'm sticking to Trump discussion; however I would love someone to do a post on 3rd wave feminism as psy-ops). When I was involved in that cult-like mentality, it was so easy for me to believe politicians who pander to "women's rights", and it was so cheering to me to think there were politicians out there who really did GAF about women (I am a woman, btw); as a result, I didn't bother looking into the hypocrisy of all the candidates and only focused on how "terrible" Trump was for his language use. It wasn't until after the election that I had a miraculous epiphany that Trump is no worse than anybody else in office proclaiming a "virtuous" ideology. (Again, not yet sure where I stand on him now. I don't hate him, and I disagree with a lot of his policies primarily related to wildlife, but I do agree with other policies, and I refuse to hate him more than any other politician when they have pretty much all been nothing but greasy liars.)

I want to listen to someone who was formerly impressed by third-wave feminism, but has since been woke to Trump! That person must be thinking clearly!

I love how I get downvoted just because I admit to being neutral about Trump. Liberals claim to be the "open-minded" group but they are so self-righteous that they willfully disregard their own hypocrisy. I know this because I was one - I was the flag-waving feminist voting blue no matter who. It took the election of 2016 to make me see that people were disproportionately hating the man. Yes, he is obnoxious and vulgar and "not presidential," but I have yet to encounter anyone who either can or is willing to articulate to me exactly why Trump deserves more vitriol than any other person in significant power. I don't care that they hate him, but I care that it's not equal hatred of politicians all-around. I always get the same "Well so-and-so is the lesser of two evils" (ie Hillary's campaign) - but are they really??? If you want to hate Trump, that's your business, but at least be honest enough to admit that the reasons you're hating him are paltry compared to the wide array of reasons available to hate other people in power, including the people you stoop to vote in because you're too lazy to do the research on the candidates beyond checking compromised and extremely biased "news" sources like NYTimes or the like. Eugh.

As of my writing this you haven’t been downvoted. I have two upvotes and you have one upvote.

You honestly didn’t make many points to rebut. Really, aside from the lie about downvotes, you just asked for evidence that Trump was worse than other politicians.

I guess I would refer you to his twitter account.

It's not a "lie", Reddit uses some kind of algorithm to make a user see their points per comment or post fluctuate while only showing a user their overall karma number as accurate. What shows up as -1 for me can show up as +1 to you.

Anyway, I don't care if you hate/dislike him, that's your business. As for me, I was just sharing my own experience.

Someone who moves between third-wave feminism and Donald Trump, and fails to stop somewhere in the middle. Well that person ought to think for themselves a little more. Life isn’t a set of extreme beliefs you need to cling to.

You're either intentionally misinterpreting everything I say to push some false narrative on me about who I am (none of which you've gotten correct, by the way), as I have explicitly made clear that I am neutral (as regards Trump), maybe you're just delusional enough to believe in your own self-righteousness. Either way, you're just projecting. You couldn't even own up to being called out when I corrected you about accusing me of lying. Balls up, grow up, and come back when you're ready to be an adult about politics instead of a hypocrite who is accusing me of clinging to extreme beliefs when clearly you're the one clutching your pearls.

I tried to give you a pass and let you gracefully exit the conversation in my previous comment, but you had to throw in one last fabricated dig.


as I have explicitly made clear that I am neutral (as regards Trump)


You couldn't even own up to being called out when I corrected you about accusing me of lying.


Once you engage with someone using buzzwords like 'bigot' you're wasting your time.

Cannon fodder.

saying there were "good people on both sides" but one side was adorning swastikas

Not everyone on the "get rid of the statue" side was antifa and not everyone on the "keep the statue" side was a Nazi.

I can't make it any more clear.

Yeah people think it's always Nazi. It was a coalition of various white supremist groups. Everyone always blanket groups them as Nazi.

Do you think there were any normal Americans there who weren't white supremacist related but simply didn't want a historical statue removed?


Maybe, but it was a rally planned by white supremists. So they are at least willing to protest with white supremists.

So liberals who are willing to protest at Antifa events are communists?

Uh oh, someone doesn't like it when they are held to the same standards.

Who are you referring to here?

People downvoting the just for porn gags guy.

Mmkay, because you claimed that when the actual commenter here answered him long before you could see porn gag guy's vote totals.

Doesn't change people being salty about truth, apparently.

"So liberals who are willing to protest at Antifa events are communists?" isn't a truth unless he's asserting it, and it's not a particularly relevant truth unless it somehow refutes the alt-right argument. As is, to any downvoters it probably looks like a lame gotcha question trying to discourage the alt-right bit rather than make any serious point about anti-fascists.

Let's change white supremists with Antifa and they with liberals. My statement is now

Maybe, but it was a rally planned by Antifa. So they(the liberals attending) are at least willing to protest with Antifa.

When you actually replace the words I totally agree with it, those liberals are willong to protest with Antifa. However, I disagree that they must be conmunists.

Those liberals had no idea antifa was going to be there.

So does everyone have to go home and abandon their cause if some unscrupulous group shows up on scene?

That seems like an easy life hack for anyone to suppress free speech, just send in some racists or "ANTIFA" thugs and the whole thing gets shut down. You're basically begging to take power away from the people's right to protest.

You might be right on Antifa. The counter protest was not organized by them and the counter protest permit was assigned not affiliated witn antifa.

Meanwhile the Unite the Right permit and organization was handled by white supremists.

So I agree in this case since Antifa wasn't the originating point of the counter protest the others were not joining Antifa's protest since they didn't own it.

There were all kinds of groups who "rallied" to save the statue because of activists on the left who made it an issue by trying to get the statue removed. Just because one racist group joined in the protest doesn't mean everyone who organized the protest was a racist.

You're bending reality to fit your narrative.

racist group joined in the protest

They didn't join the protest. The Unite the Right protest permit and organization was all done by white supremists, advertized on white supremist websites like the daily stormer, and was a coalition of white supremists. Let's not be naive in thinking the non white supremists joining them did not know what the protest was now.

Unite the right certainly sounds like a regular political event so it's pretty likely that a lot of people didn't know it had racist organization.

Everyone can see this for themselves.

It wasn't unite the white it was unite the right

One is obviously racist and the other one seems harmless.

Do you really think someone goong there isn't going to look up basic information? The organizer Nathan Damigo said it was intended to unify the white nationalist movement in America. The members wore Swastikas, had anti muslim and antisemitic banners. A simple search online would have told anyone it's purpose is for white supremists to unite. A simple look around would show you who you are protesting with.

What I'm saying is that a lot of people were there because they didn't want a historical statue being taken down. You're obsessed with making them all into Nazis and white supremacists.

The statue was a confederate statue. A representation of the Confederacy and what they stood for. For instance, The Articles of Secesson, which had 8 points. 7 about slavery, and 1 indirectly about slavery. The people were defending a historic statue that is a representation of slavery to black people. So yes, they were sympathetic to white supremists, but I don't go that far and label them white supremists.

one side was not all wearing swastikas, but nice try. actually, no, it wasnt a nice try, it was as pathetic the millionth time as the first time. please dont try again. its just sad at this point.

at least pick one of his ridiculous twitter rants to harp on him. he has done plenty of things worth criticizing but you still want to pick bullshit? those rallies were not some robe wearing klan meeting where they were stringing up black people. there was in fact people from all sorts of walks of life, and there for different reasons. i dont have jack shit to do with the alt right or the klan or any other group really, but i think removing statues is stupid and solves nothing. trying to erase history does what exactly? guess im a nazi now, huh? oh well.

Was it not a white pride rally? I mean correct me if im wrong

No, it wasnt. It was a protest of the removal of a statue.

Just because Klansmen oppose the removal of a statue, doesnt make everyone who opposes it a Nazi skinhead white supremacist.

But if skinheads share your viewpoint though maybe its time to reevaluate your own values.

Imagine being this freaking simplistic.

Communist and socialists throughout history have murdered, starved, and enslaved billions of people.

If they share your viewpoint, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your own values.

Louis Farakhan calls for the extermination of jews and influential democrats adore him.

If they share your viewpoint, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your own values.

BLM torched entire cities and terrorized innocent people driving in cars.

If they share your viewpoint, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your own values.

Occupy Wallstreet destroyed buildings

If they share your viewpoint, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your own values.

You know maybe some people just didn't want the statues taken down...

holy deflection, Batman.

I don't think you understand what that word means.

these idiots have their heads so far up their asses its pointless to try to reason with them anymore. you cant get logic through that much shit.

they are beyond help. they live their lives on hypocrisy and double standards, simply applying their personal feelings to things as they go along from one fake outrage to another. it would be funny if it werent so sad. and scary.


because that is basically how these idiots operate. if a = b and b = c then literally anything = literally anything! because reasons, thats why!

Caps lock.


Maybe the skinhead wants to keep the statue for nationalistic reasons, doesn't mean that it's impossible to want to keep the statue for another reason.

you know who else likes to remove statues from history?

isis, isil, taliban, etc. they do a whole lot of removing statues that they dont like the message of. like, a whole lot of that. with bombs usually.

so if your viewpoints are shared by literal terrorist, maybe its time you reevaluate your values. just ask /u/supergoose1108

because that is how the real world works, right? if you do something somebody else might do, you are automatically lumped in with them and literally everything they believe in. no questions asked.

so you would proudly march alongside a banner with a swastika but defend the fact that you weren't holding the banner... ? well. to answer your question, yes, that would make you a nazi, or at the very least a sympathizer.

no, i would not. but would also not be so quick to judge people who may have showed up simply to protest the removal of a statue and ended up next to people with extreme views who also decided to show up.

or is the left now going to apply that logic of lumping everybody into the same group and admit that all muslims must be terrorist because some terrorist stand next to other muslims? and all blm supporters are cop killers because cop killers showed up to their marches.

so which is it, do we lump everybody into one group or do we not? you cant just pick and choose on a whim. that would be awfully hypocritical, wouldnt it? or did you go to those marches and chat up every single person there to see what they were there for? im sure you did that, you seem like you have some solid logic here. though since im a nazi why listen to me?

He took out a full page ad about the central park five requesting that they be executed. When they were exonerated through DNA evidence, he still insisted that they are guilty and he is right.

why is that "bigoted?" can you articulate exactly why this is "bigoted?"

if you just read only the post you made describing this event, without mentioning the race of the individuals involved, does that sound like a "bigoted" act? i don't want to put words in your mouth, but are you trying to insinuate that the people involved simply being black somehow turns this into a "bigoted" act?

would it still be bigoted if the people involved were white? or any other race?

He wouldn’t have written it had they been white.

Please prove that statement.

Look where you’re at. Nobody has to prove anything here.

seriously, this place is such an unfunny joke as far as politics goes. its damn near getting to the point where 90% of reddit post belong in /r/tumblrinaction

its just people applying their own fucked up prejudices or whatever to everybody elses thoughts and actions while being completely dishonest hypocrites about damn near everything.

like how can you possibly say "he wouldnt have written it had they been white" and feel like that is some sort of actual answer to a question? wtf is wrong with you if you think that is how reality works? there is no proof for that statement, and how could there be unless the exact same thing happened with white people and his opinions were different.

this place is just full of tumblrinas. they just dont know that they are, because there are so many of them that protect each other from having to own up to their stupidity.

So if it's not bigotry what is it? Stubbornness? Refusal to believe dna evidence exonorated them? Did he just not like them and wanted them in jail regardless of whether they were guilty? What justifiable reason do you think he had?

This all happened back when I was a teenager, but Trump was pretty well known for being a racist. This Central Park Five thing came several years after Trump was sued for not letting black people rent his properties.

Again, after those guys were proven not guilty by DNA evidence, Trump still (even as recently as 2016) claims that they are guilty.

Either Trump is too stupid to understand what DNA is, he's unwilling to ever admit he's been wrong, or he's a racist. Or possibly some combination of those three.

Anyway, the guy's got a pretty established pattern of talking shit about minorities. He rareley does this stuff with white people. Although I do remember he dated a pretty hot black chick for a while.


please show me in that article where he said they were guilty because of their skin color.

he said they were guilty because: "They admitted they were guilty" and "The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty. The fact that that case was settled with so much evidence against them is outrageous". maybe im the idiot here, but which of those statements involves race in any way at all? ill be waiting on the edge of my seat for your answer on that one for sure. because you dipshits always have an answer to why YOU think something is racist.

so if he did speak to the case in regards to race you sure picked the absolute fucking worst article to prove your "point". at least find something remotely relevant to your argument if you are going to try and tell me why i am so wrong.

or since this is reddit, enjoy your upvote glory because fuck trump LOLOLOL!!

Yes we can see it.
The WORLD can see it.

But shhhh! The more they do it the more votes they will lose.

Depends where you are. The Donald always shows up i browse by all. The Donald is always mind numbingly pro trump, r/politics is mind numbingly anti trump.

Operation Mockingbird remains in full effect

r/politics made foreign politics on topic in order to keep themselves on the front page. I'm not sure how they expect to turn that into votes.

Reddit doesnt like Trump obviously. But what good stuff would you like to talk about? He doesnt really help the situation by constantly shitposting on twitter. Trump being ridiculous is in the news basically every day.

But it shouldn't be the news. He's getting prison reform, he passed Right To Try and today he announced support for a bipartisan deal fighting the war on drugs to get the Feds out of policing marijuana.

If Trump shitposting on Twitter is the "news" for you, then you have a lot of growing up to do and a lot more real news to start reading.

These are all great things! And I agree they should be talked about, but keep in mind that only one of those things is actually tangible and passed. The others also happened in a week where some major foreign policy talk is going down. I think a looming trade war is going to overshadow him saying he would "probably" support something.

he passed Right To Try and today he announced support for a bipartisan deal fighting the war on drugs to get the Feds out of policing marijuana.

I'm sure I saw both of these issues on the front page... Hell, the top threads have 40K and 58K upvotes respectively.

I also saw an article about Trump being given credit for the NK/SK talks by the Korean Foreign Minister.

This is a pointless and baseless whinge thread IMHO.

Anything on Reddit can be edited or manipulated Don’t go by upvotes. Bots can drive that number to 100k if you wish. Reddit has become mainstream media like it or not.

That's cool. But hes also on Twitter talking about pardoning himself. I have to grow up because thats alarming to me?

Nah, but his tweets and what he does is often different. He does this thing where he says hyperbolic shit, people freak out and then he just forgets it and goes about with his day.

Do I need to grow up because I do not find it alarming?

It used to be pretty important what the president says. Now we are apparently supposed to just shrug it off and say hes just trolling bro. I've got money invested in the stock market and every time this dude says some crazy shit, the market bounces around.

Markets doing great under Trump. It's a wild ride, but it has done very well.

I’m still mystified that he’s still a tweeting maniac, when it obviously winds up hurting him. You’d think people in his circle would’ve realized this and told him to knock it off. Just do your job and don’t give them something to talk about.

It's his distraction tool, imho.

The Reddits Hive Mind

Not a coincidence. There has been a concerted effort to ensure left leaning posts make it to the front page. I really hate to get too political here, but I honestly think the "bad" democrats have teamed up with Chinese communists to ensure certain ideologies are heavily promoted on this website. Forget the name of the known Chinese group that is paid to post pro Chinese commentary online.

People who hate America will always team up with others that hate America, even when that is the only common goal they share.

Many on the extreme left understand that communism and socialism will never be possible in America unless they destroy America first.

The naivete is that they believe that they can control the monsters after they reach their goal.

Welcome to 2+ years ago?

They haven't shut down r/The_Donald

That's the canary in the Reddit coal mine, so to speak.

They've definitely fucked with how upvotes count to keep the_donald off the front page.

The narrarive is that trump is the worst thing in the universe. His presidency is suppose to teach america and its people to participate in democracy and not assume someone else will do it. Cant trust media or politicians as corruption runs wild. To solve this, real change is wanted and needed, but if a considerable population size still wants to revolt. A 50/50 split on shithole choices last round brought to you by elextoral college, means there is considerable discourse in the public. Everyone wants change, but promises are never met for the people, corporate donos sure. Everyone erged people to come out and vote, like that matters. The lesson was not only to vote, but participate in politics, actively participate. Not just consume lying media and swallow it up as truth. Lessons are being taught the hard way, through self education. If the public cannot overcome the programming they will continue to be punished(its simple law of the reality)

100% of the /r/politics subreddit is liberal. i've posted a "friendly" reminder about something HRC did and immediately got slammed.

If i had to estimate I would say reddit is 60% anti trump 20% pro trump and 20% neutral which is probably why that happens. I suspect if you had polled Clinton supports and Trump supporters on using reddit it would be 3:1 atleast.

ShareBlue does do a pretty good job of painting that illusion, I I'll admit. But I think most of us would be shocked at the amount of anti-Trump astroturfing. I'm not saying it doesn't come from all directions, but I suspect ShareBlue is winning the volume game by massive margins.

You think the MSM is not covering the meeting between Trump and Kim Jun Un? It’s more likely that the NK meeting was purposely scheduled to conflict with the G7 meeting in Canada (which Trump will be leaving early in order to “prepare” for his meeting in Singapore with NK). If anything, Trump “smartly” is trying to take negative press away from the G7 meeting and pushing the coverage over to his NK summit (where all he needs to do in order to get good press is agree to more meetings and a “commitment” to end the war in Korea).

The MSM has absolutely been covering the NK summit. You could argue that the MSM is poisoning the well, by focusing on Rudi Giuliani’s insane comments in Israel. But you can’t say that the MSM is hiding or minimizing the meeting.

Trump is a WWF villain playing a character. He's in cahoots with the media and Clinton and the rest of them.

Like they say, All the world is a stage.

The media loves him because everything bad he does is good for their ratings.

I've often thought this with how often his Tweets nearly send the media into code red.

Well yeah this garbage site is an echo chamber for leftists

There's anything positive?

You'd think /r/conspiracy would be happy to see mainstream criticisms of the of the largest establishment government party in the world.

We do, but when the entire world is sponsoring the hate and it's spawned nearly 20 different subs dedicated for conservative bashing, some of us users are going to take a step back and ask "What are they selling now" and "How did they manage to create a movement that you cannot disagree with without being the enemy?"

It's an interesting issue.

So, if Ron Paul had magically won in 2008, /r/conspiracy would be all about bashing his views on the Federal Reserve, right? If the President comes out some day and tells us who really did 9/11, then fuck him, he's a Republican, yeaaaah MSM, get that establishment whackadoo. Isn't that right fellow conspiracy enthusiasts?

You come to a conspiracy forum to complain that the President of the United Ststes is getting bad press. Give me a break. Maybe if he wasn't such an appalling human being, and thought through any of his statements, more people would tolerate him. I have no sympathy for such a cruel and callous parody of a leader.

I'll never vote for DJT and have some serious policy disagreements with where he's leading us. However, just out of a basic sense of fairness, I find myself defending the guy. The 24/7 anti-Trump hysteria has made alot of people on the left just flat-out stupid about the bigger picture.

Environmentalists, or anyone on the left, really, complaining about tariffs on Chinese solar panels is a good example. The reason those panels were cheap to begin with is China's craptacular wage, safety & enviro regs along with not accounting for the true cost of hydrocarbons in shipping. The demand for solar panels isn't going away, but now there's some space for US companies to get in. Anyone who is pro-union should realize these tariffs are flocking up NAFTA and 20+ years of multi-national/corporate/state trade practices that haven't done blue collar manufacturing workers any favors. Much of the regs for TPP are already on the books thru separate trade agreements. DJT is flocking all that up. Kicking the TPP sandcastle over isn't something anyone on the ACTUAL left should be complaining about. All those protesters who trashed downtown Seattle b/c WTO should be giving DJT a thumb's up on at least one aspect of trade policy.

This isn't to say tariffs are good things, but the MSM isn't remotely giving balanced reporting on the pro's and cons.

Or it's almost like Trump has not really done anything positive and all the negative shit is far worse.

He said he would come side repealing the blanket federal ban on weed. That was on the front page today. People love it.

Trump has done very little that could be considered positive.. He's not a negotiator, he doesn't make comprises, he's a loose cannon and is stirring up a lot of hate within America. You should wonder why the kkk and neo nazis like him and feel enabled by him

Uh, yes? This site is totally bought out by corporate and government instrests.