Iran's Strength

1  2018-06-09 by TurkeyVillain

Can anyone explain how in the world Iran is able to be holding their own against Saudi, Israel, USA almost on their own? (When Libya, Iraq etc fell so easily)

I mean, are they geniuses or something? Who are the major players behind this ability to resist to any attempts by US etc?




Do you remember the wars in the 80s? When we backed Saddam Hussein against Iran? Iran was isolated then and still held their own. Iran is the strongest power in the region except for Israeli's technological superiority. Don't underestimate them.

You didn't answer the question though

He did though

How? I'm asking what makes them strong

Cos they are hard as nails.

question wasn't answered but ok

Am I missing something? This war has not yet begun.

I agree, Iran has been holding themselves back from lashing out against America’s imperialism all this time. The war has not yet begun.

With $Billions from Obama

or they have a decent military and have a naturally fortified nation that makes invasion extremely difficult. but hey sure let's blame Obama with this one!

Iran’s strength is severely underestimated by the western public, intentionally, through means of propaganda to belittle them. Partly to generate support for certainty in success if we ever did go all out with them. Iran is actually extremely advanced and armed to the teeth.

I'm asking what makes them so strong

You lost me at “technologically more superior”

It’s a hard pill to swallow, I know. Did you even open the link I backed my claim up with???

That first article you linked does not provide proof Iran is technologically superior to the U.S. We got sloppy and they hacked a drone guidance system, possibly with some help from hackers and equipment from or trained by another nation. As soon as they have their own drones, a nuclear arsenal, a space program, satellites etc, etc, then you can start to make a comparison. Right now it's not even close.

The second link does not provide any evidence that their military is more strategic than us. From what I have read they are certainly no dummies when it comes to strategy but to say they are more strategic than us or Israel is just too simplistic.

Regarding your third link...did you really just link a 300+ page .PDF file without a proper .PDF WARNING! Bad form dude.

From the little I know, I'm not military strategist, a big part of why they haven't been invaded is their very defensible location and formidable military as well as their cooperation with Russia. I don't know how much truth there is to it there but supposedly, historically speaking, if we had ever invaded Iran the losses would be great enough that we would then be vulnerable to Russia or China. Pretty sure that's why last time we invaded it was with a coup or internal revolution. It's not very common for nation's to start wars with countries that are their equals, the costs simply outwirgh the benififts. Nation's that invade other countries tend to do so only to countries they think can be taken easily and with a tangible benefit to the cost.

Iran is no push over, they're not stupid or a bunch of incompetent cavemen, the have a formidable military and lots of money and natural resources, but if they were that much better than us they probably would have been running Iraq as well as other places in the middle east including Israel and probably even tried to invade the U.S. The fact they haven't tried the latter but have also managed not to get invaded by Western powers means they arent stupid and do have at least a somewhat realistic outlook and formidable level of sophistication though.

Next time include that .PDF warning!

Well said. I’m not oblivious to our overwhelming superiority in those disciplines. I am definitely oversimplifying a lot, but those are legitimate examples of when they’ve outperformed us. I just think that nation is severely underestimated in general and your stab at the complexity of its existence in this post-modern imperialist world is a good one.

PDF warning edited in, I added a shorter reference as well, sorry about that man. It’s Friday night.

Cool man. Hope you didn't think I was trying to pick you apart simply for oversimplifying the points you were trying to make. Because other than the oversimplifying, your points do have merit and the examples you put forth could certainly use a little more recognition on this side of the globe, especially at a time like this when so many are rattling the sabers and calling for war. Whenever certain sectors start trying to paint an invasion of a place like Iran as potentially necessary and easily winnable it's good to take a step back and say "Whoah there, wait a minute, it's not that easy." Whether you say like u did or like I did, at least we're talking about it in terms of a measured response, not just "Hell yeah Murica gonna kick Iran's ass!" Anyway, have a good weekend.

I agree with your sentiment; about technological prowess I would have rather linked something about Keshe.. It is probable this drone hack was done by Russians - they are (by a very large margin) the world champions in electronic countermeasures.

They’re technologically more superior than us

im really trying, but i can't.

Iran has a tiny military budget even compared to its neighbors nevermind the US so no they're nowhere near as technologically advanced but how is that relevant? All the tech in the world didn't let the US win VIetnam or Afghanistan

Iran is ahead of the US in teaching evolution in schools

They'er also leaders in nano-tech and biotech

Of course they're not as technologically advanced however, so what?

the us govt doesn't need to release its stuff in news.

the claim wasn't "as advanced" it was more

Again, the point is, so what?

How far "advanced" was Vietnam? WTF difference did that make? How long has "advanced" USA been fighting bare-foot semi-literate goatherders in Afghanistan now?

the goal has been not to win but playing politics.

I'm not even saying it's easy but any tech the Iranians have is not their own.

any tech Iranians have it not their own

LOL stupid racist pig.

It would be a Nightmare for any country to take down Iran - Iraq & Libya didn't have defence like Iran.

Middle East's "most powerful military force" about 523,000 active personnel. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps roughly 125,000 military personnel Battle testet Guerrilla Warfare fighters - Iran–Iraq War, Iraq War, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan

"active in dozens of countries" Quds Force - Hezbollah - divided into branches focusing on "intelligence, finance, politics, sabotage, and special operations.

150,000 missiles & S-300 -

Russia & China have Invested 100s Billions in Iran and seen as close allies..

Russia & China have Invested 100s Billions in Iran and seen as close allies..

wait what? Then why does Putin play the game with Iran and Israel?

Didn’t they fight Iraq to a stalemate after years of fighting?

Iraq had the the United states, France, and Saudi Arabia supporting them.

And Rusria at the time. It was literally Iran and Syria VS the world powers

It’s a country of 80 million people, with one of the richest cultures and histories in the world. Iranians are in average highly educated (more so than Americans), and very civilized (unlike the parasiticial barbarians immediately east of the sea, or even most Sunni Arabs ever since WW1).

Btw. that is mostly why they are hated by the enemies of civilization: precisely because they are developped and refined (something even the mullahs couldn’t erase). One’s own depravity and barbarity becomes manifest when put in contrast with an age-old culture.

They are strong because of their level of development, imo. Savages remain so, even when covered in paper wealth - while developped and proud humans also remain so, even when confronted with adversity. You cannot erase/destroy Iran easily, as you cannot erase/destroy France easily (although they’ve been trying hard).

Iran is the world's 18th largest economy and a Highly Developed nation with living standards higher than Turkey, with a real sense of nationhood that extends thousands of years unlike the post-colonial creations such as Israel or Libya or Saudi Arabia

strange or the the europeans didn't divide iran up after the war

They tried

lol how did they try?

Well during Iran's Constitutional Revolution and WWI Iran was divided into Russian and British-occupied zones for example, and Iran's elected Parliament was shelled. in WWII Russia for wanted to keep the Northern parts of Iran.

I dunno. But iram just admitted they dod 9/11.