FYI: FB didn't just randomly post a couple months ago..." We haven't seen you in awhile...take a clear selfie of your face so your friends can see."

1  2018-06-09 by Michigannnnnn

Not only that...but everyone of you that has used the finger print option on your cell to lock and unlock your phone. That finger print is well documented and is associated with you now. They have our finger prints and our face . The government could literally set anyone up for murder. Or worse, a false flag and blame would be pinned on you!


Now we have where you send in a DNA sample to see your family history. NOT SMART. We are literally doing the work for our government. They want everyone accounted for. They want everyones info in a file cabinet attached to your name. We provide them with this info everyday.

You don’t even have to send in your data. Your stupid boomer parents will happily do it, opening you up to this obvious organ harvesting scheme.

See this is why the conspiracy sub has a bad rap. is an organ harvesting scheme? Come on....

I’m glad Reddit added a block user feature.

me too, bye.

Yeah me too. The less idiotic comments I see the better.

He said it was obvious!

Organ harvesting?

Its for reasons like this I never, ever used the finger print thing on my phone. That and you can’t be made to give up a pass code from memory.

I never, ever used the finger print thing on my phone.

smart man. unfortunately you're not the only one of your kind.

What makes you think the phone doesn’t read your fingerprint without you setting it up?

I never said that I think it doesnt. I’ve thought about this. But at least I did not authorize the taking of my prints if that is the case.

Someone's asking the real questions here. ;)

What makes anyone think that your finger print and face data aren't collected and shared without you knowing - whether you use it for security or not?

What makes anyone think that your finger print and face data aren't collected and shared without you knowing

it's not that they don't think that, they don't care.

Several people. Are you kidding meaning?? Most people think this is phone related information that wont go anywhere else other then their phone.

If your phone has a selfie camera they have your selfie whether you took it or not. If your phone has a fingerprint scanner, they have your finger print whether you use that option or not.

Yep! If it even remotely possible for them to do, then they've done it.

People who have way too much trust. I think everyone knows they've collected face data due to passports and drivers licenses. Fingerprint data is still officially uncollectable from phone lock features according to phone companies.

I recommend reading apples TOS and privacy agreements along with speaking to developers about it. Biometric data is encrypted and stored locally on all iPhones.

Do you really believe what you're told is what they do? Why?


Its like.. people shut parts of their brains off sometimes...

the GOV doesnt need FACEBOOK to associate your name, social, address and face... they convinced us all to PROVIDE IT via drivers license...

Right? This shit cracks me up. It's just corporations who are using/selling the info. Government already had it. (Also, anything fb, google, and related sites have collected and analyzed about us is probably easy for the government to access through backdoors. I'm sure they have spies in all these corporations too.)

I was gonna make a joke about them not having any spies where I work... then it hit me.. I am still an Systems Admin for the airforce... they dont need spies there...

Honest questions. Aren't there other considerations? Is federal law enforcement allowed to pull state driver's license info without a warrant? Because they are allowed to pull personal info from Facebook without a warrant if they use a shell company set up as an ad partner right? We don't have fingerprints on our driver's license here. If law enforcement, federal or local, don't like what you are doing on social media they still need a warrant to pull your personal info from the DMV don't they?

Anyway, despite any of the above concerns wasn't there a scandal a couple weeks ago where Facebook had sold personal info to China? User data doesn't just get sold to U.S. loyal corporations.

My work laptop tries to harvest my fingerprint, or use my personal phone, etc. Economic coercion.

Yes they can pull drivers licenses without a warrant. Me and my associates were the target of an organized crime investigation in 2014 and since then I’ve slowly been pouring over the court documents and discovered a lot . They used IMSI catchers on us, without a warrant, pulled DL without a warrant , placed listening devices in our condos with a “sneak and peek” warrant . They came in, 1 months before the raids, found all drugs and money, took pictures of everything , took small 1 gram samples of all drugs, weighed all drugs , then left . Then 1 week later came back and re weighed all drugs to find out how much we were moving , then left . They did this process twice , the first time putting the listening devices in, and also 2 months before all of this they came in and placed hidden motion activated video cameras in the hallways (in the exit signs) without a warrant , because it was considered a common area , and all they needed was permission from property management. The cameras were facing our doors , making sure not to see into the apartment . Whenever we came and went they would be activated . They also would follow us not by waiting outside for us , but by using these cameras plus the results from the IMSI catchers on our throwaway phones to find our new numbers. They then had a warrant from the telecom provider , in their own wire room, not relying on the company . They would simply watch where we went, flood the area with unmarked cars, when they found us , follow us around for bit , take pics, then pull off.

what ended up happening with this?

still going through the courts my friend. it’s a big complicated case with tons of co accused. it’s also a precedent setting case legally speaking , and I can’t reveal what precedent it is without giving away the case . It concerns everyone’s privacy though , so hopefully it will work out .

I saw a man in his late fifties or early sixties get turned away from buying alcohol, without that chunk of plastic. What a stupid world.

I dont think its the gov. Im more afraid of 3rd party black ops who can use your identity. Then kill you and frame you

Since I am not a viable organ donor anymore due to surviving breast cancer, and I am over 60, and I have certain health issues that are not being addressed, I went ahead and did DNA testing. It has been extremely helpful! Another benefit is finding and contacting about a dozen 3rd cousins, and seeing online hundreds more 4th cousins and up.

I do not recommend DNA testing for people under 60 since certain findings can be held against you by insurance companies. DNA is also used to find organ donor matches for wealthy people who are willing to pay for healthy organs. This is what human evolution has come to, imo.

Facial recognition is in used in most stores and traffic lights, and license plates are routinely taped.

There is no such thing as anonymity or privacy anymore.

A problem with this theory is the viability of fingerprints as evidence. To my knowledge fingerprints are not the smoking gun we see on CSI Miami or whatever.

An argument could be made that viable fingerprint technology and database exists out of the public’s eye and I guess the information could be used for things other than criminal investigations.

There is evidence useful in court, and evidebce used to further an investigation. You bet forensics gets used.

Well, considering everyone born in a hospital has their footprints taken directly after birth, any government employee, any military employee, any contractor hired to work on military jobs, healthcare workers, childcare workers and anyone accepting any job that requires a detailed background check, on top of everyone who has ever been arrested for any reason, has been fingerprinted and are in the system.

Based on this, I would say that the Government has more than enough people to frame for murders...I don't think they needed Facebook and fingerprint recognizers on phones for help with that.

This. Came here to say this.


Yup. I was a state employee for eleven years. My fingerprints were on file long before I started using my finger to unlock my phone.

A history of data collection does not justify a current or future survelliance state.

Doesn't the federal government take a sample of our DNA at birth?

Poor circumcised kids

No no, that's the cosmetics companies. They cut up our children so they can pretend their products are "cruelty free", since nobody cares about cruelty against babies.

Circumcision is just the Jews marking their slaves for life. Decreasing sensitivity in the penis makes their chattel more obedient and less prone to empathy.

But don't you want to pay a doctor to cut part of your baby's body off? To avoid a potential awkward conversation with your child years later? /s

Facial recognition is used in some states when taking a drivers license photo now. Just happened to me in Oregon last year. I told them I didn't want my face scanned for the photo and was told that I would not be given a license so I was forced to submit. You won't escape it.

I’ve seen some people suggest that you have the right to travel without a drivers license. I never considered looking it up, but supposedly there’s a recent Supreme Court case on it.

I think you might be talking about sovereign citizens claiming the right to travel that way. I know of no one personally who has done that though. Some states are working on making you have a passport to travel to different states. I believe Washington state is one

No, I’m speaking of actual citizens with a real claim.

But, it’s a complicated legal issue, of which I care little or none.

I'd bet cali and oregon are too. The more they can siphon off their peeps, the better for their pockets.

They had my fingerprints when they arrested me. They had my face from the timeclocks at work.

The only winning move is not to play.

They had my face from the timeclocks at work.

drivers license

Not to mention the recent revelation that law enforcement has been trawling genetic data from ancestry sites like 23&Me to narrow down suspects.

Now any tech savvy institution could have data that includes facial your recognition, fingerprints, general disposition based on your views/likes/web traffic (which can be analyzed to determine detailed information about your personality, politics, sexuality, interests, etc), and even generic makeup (even if you haven’t used ancestry dna services, they can average the genetic makeup of your closest relatives who have.)

The future will be interesting!

It’s funny I work for the government and something as simple as locked IPhone can’t keep you info safe...

The government has always been in bed with tech companies. Publicly funded technology, sold back to us, stocked with as much manipulation and tracking as they can jam in there.

I always wondered why there was that huge story about apple not helping the fbi.... their programs can do almost anything ...

Media stories like to have characters fight.

One sunny day, FBI was out walking and saw his friend. He said, "Apple, help me break into Susie's diary."

There might be some facts mixed in but they aren't going to tell you the truth.

That story I believe was made up to influence new laws so the government could hack in our phones easier. Have the RIGHT to do it. I'm glad Apple stuck to their guns and did not allow it.

I can remember back in elementary school back in the early 80’s the school taking everyone’s fingerprints. They did this without asking our parents and my father was livid and actually went to the school board to complain. We, the kids, were told it was for our safety Incase we were ever to get kidnapped or anything.

Me too. I'm from Australia, it was in the late 90's, I was ~7 years old. The police administrated it and collected the papers. By my memory, parents were not asked or informed (also I've asked them and they don't remember it).

ChildSafe or FindSafe or something.

Had to register my prints to become a nurse, so mine are already on file. It doesn’t really bother me all that much. It’s not like I’m here doing anything illegal that I’d need to be worried.

It’s funny when we fingerprint roll nurses they already have a ncic number because of their prints...I always found it weird

the Gov has our faces already ANYWAYS... you know... IDs, Drivers licenses.... OMG! those fuckers have my Social Security number too!


and those of us who served in the military... they have FAR more than just our faces and names..

Don’t they already record our finger prints when we’re born anyway? Lol Not only that, if you live in a big city with lots of security cameras they’ve had your face anyway

everyone of you that has used the finger print option on your cell to lock and unlock your phone. That finger print is well documented and is associated with you now.

This is true, but touch screen devices have been scanning and recording finger prints for the last ten years anyway.

As an electrical engineer, I can safely tell you that touch screen technology used in phones, tablets, etc.. would not be able to scan your finger prints. They can barely accurately tell where you are pressing.

There is a lot of scary tech out there but I think what fuels the majority of paranoia over tech is a lack of understanding how it works.

Given that the fingerprint sensor doesn't work probably 40% of the time and only works if your finger is almost exactly in the right position tells me they would have a very hard time trying to use it to recreate an entire fingerprint.

My finger print has been documented and associated with me since I was a young child. My parents had it done at the local police station in the case that something happened to me. It's this not common for others?

I did this when I was a kid.

That's not how the finger print scanners on your phone work.

As a foreigner, we have all our fingerprints scanned at customs when we enter the US.

I think it’s funny that people are so worried about new technology getting your image or finger prints. I mean you used to have to finger print checks at the bank if you cashed them, take photos for badges at jobs, everything about you is taken when you are born. Recent facial image, finger print, proven address, etc all taken by the DMV/DOT for your license and registration. Phone books had your name, number, and address.

It’s not facebook and your iPhone.

I’ve seen some people suggest that you have the right to travel without a drivers license. I never considered looking it up, but supposedly there’s a recent Supreme Court case on it.