Don't make the Progressives angry.

1  2018-06-10 by Flytape

Are we done with this horse shit yet?

I had a post removed because I dared to state

I'm having fun. I literally triggered the anti-trump goons to waste time on Justin Trudeau's fake eyebrows.

here is the link where the mod who removed the post admitted why he removed it

As you can see in the link, he referenced my comment

I'm having fun. I literally triggered the anti-trump goons to waste time on Justin Trudeau's fake eyebrows.

As proof that my entire post is trolling when the comment is in response to a Anti-trump obsessed guy calling me a TD troll.

It's just bad lighting. Have fun but don't be all T_D troll about it.

this is the comment I was replying to, where the user made it about TD trolling and didn't get their comment removed, warned or anything. But if I dare respond, they remove my entire post which was currently ranked #1.

A deeper look. Who was the user accusing me of being a TD troll?

Go ahead now and scroll through their history, something you think a mod might do before making a decision to remove the #1 ranked post from their sub. Do you see a pattern? Oh yes they constantly obsess about The_donald and when they comment in /r/conspiracy its almost exclusively about TD...

Don't make the progressives angry guys! they will gang up on you and remove your posts and then frame you as the troll with in reality they have discord chats where they organize this campaign of dominating the /conspiracy subreddit.


Good advice. But the same goes to you Flytape, be objective, have healthy amounts of skepticism towards politicians and don't fall blindly for the right and left divide.

Here is my problem.

I'm aware that US national sovereignty is the only thing keeping US citizens free.

The left right divide looks more like a nationalist/globalist divide to me and only one of those sides guarantees my sovereignty, my rights and my liberty.

Any participation I display in that divide is not blind, its methodical and a product of my own agency.

I'm glad to hear that. Then I suppose I don't have to tell you that just because someone belongs to the right doens't mean they aren't involved in something shaddy.

I'm well aware of neo-con globalists.

Or so you think ;)

The Real Left is fighting to keep American Sovereignty alive too. Bernie didn't run on a platform of open borders, and the Corporate Propaganda Media attacked him for it. Bernie ran on Fair Trade not Free Trade, which again he was attacked for.

The real, grassroots Left is your ally against corruption. We exist and are far more powerful than many realize. While you guys have been busy fighting your battle on the RNC side and in DC w/ Trump, we've been busy in the DNC and at the local level.

Fuck the Corporatists.

The Bernie supporters don't understand what's at stake. Source: I was one.

I am one. I assure you we do my friend.

You still support him after he rolled over for hil dawg? Tomorrow we find out if the Korean War comes to an end or not. I wonder if we would be here if Hilary or Bernie were elected.

And what will your opinion be when it solves nothing?

Might solve some North Korea's energy shortage problems...while at the same time providing new mining deals that could affect numerous manufacturing and production costs in a good way.

North Korea has Germanium, and possibly other rare metals.

All war times acts can come to an end?

That we be adorable if you actually believed it.

You honestly believe Trump is bading his asanine strategy on a plan from 1951?

What's not to believe? Why do you think trump doesn't give a shit about clean energy or any of the the other bullshit that commies wine about? He know that green energy tech was suppressed by that act until recently he know it's gamed. You have to upend the table if you have any chance of winning.

(with 3 seconds of thought) "beautiful clean coal"?

Bernie didn't roll over. In the weeks leading up the the Convention there were many reports of his and his inner circles doubts of HRC's victory. However Bernie, in endorsing her, avoided being able to be "Nader'd" by the Party, though they still try.

Bernie and his inner circle, who all met at Bernie's house (including Keith Ellison, who was chosen to run against Tom Perez for Party Chair, though this was months before he announced) formed a plan themselves. Afterwards Bernie gave a speech promising that Grassroots organizing efforts and a Think Tank would be founded. And then they were.

In the wake of Bernie's campaign many organizations, including Our Revolution, have been formed. OR was first headed by Jeff Weaver, Bernies life long friend and former campaign manager, and is now headed by Nina Turner. It has been instrumental in all major Left grassroots victories since the first special elections of 2017. 45% of OR backed candidates have won Primaries and GE's at all levels from Local to State to Federal against the Party.

Additionally, the Party apparatus has been attacked from the ground floor. The only way we truly take the Dem Party is to storm it from the grassroots. The smallest organizational unit of the Dem Party is the Precinct. Any registered Dem can show up to their Precinct meetings and vote for their Precinct Chair, Precint Chairs vote for County Chairs, who vote for State Chairs, who vote for National Chairs. This is how the People take the Party. And there have been real results. 7 State Parties have been taken from the Corporatists by Progressive grassroots activism, they are: Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts and Missouri. All but the Chair has been taken in Cali, and Cali would have been ours if they hadn't literally stuffed the ballots against Kimberly Ellis.

Another organization, The Sanders Institute, was founded several months back and includes members such as Harry Belafonte, Tulsi Gabbard, and Nina Turner, among others. This is a think tank dedicated to creating pathways for grassroots Progressive policy goals like those advocated by Bernie in his campaign. It is essentially a brain trust for the movement.

In every one of these endeavors, the Party as fought us every step of the way. The movement is real, and is not a friend of the Party, and neither is Bernie.

There has been another faction at play this whole time. The grassroots Left and Bernie shouldn't be discounted. I do not regret my vote for Bernie in the Primary, I don't regret my writing his name in in November, and I won't regret supporting him when he runs in 2020.


Our Revolution and the Party takeover:

CalDems cheating:

Our Revolution:

Sanders Institute:

So, It's official Bernie will run again in 2020?

Weaver said a week ago that Bernie was "considering another run". Up until now no one, including Bernie, had been willing to even mention it. Weaver would only have said it on national TV if he was supposed to. It was code- Bernie is running.

"were sick of hearing about your damn emails"

Strategic move in the Primaries. The emails did the damage they needed to do to ensure HRC lost anyways. You gotta look at this stuff the same way you are looking at Trump, Q, etc;

The game is, and has been, afoot. There are many factions. Yours is not the only one.

Socialism is tyranny.

Well said

Deleting this sub quietly would be nearly impossible for reddit, so they've allowed it to become compromised.

Very good advice, sadly there are still people here who post 3 state-run news sites in a row on a daily basis.

I think everyone should be de-modded and we should just pick names out of a hat.

This is sad.

Yeah :(

Block them. They will get bored.

I acted like a little shit and got called out. Can you believe it? Fucking Obama.

I'm having fun. I literally triggered the anti-trump goons to waste time on Justin Trudeau's fake eyebrows.

To be honest, it just sounds like you're intentionally trolling. Like... shit... Imagine if you actually posted something with merit...

You’re mad because the post that you openly admit to posting for trolling purposes was removed?

Bye flybuddy