Trigger warning: suicide. Meet Teal Swan, the social media guru who some claim may be leading her followers to commit suicide. Teal claims to have "special abilities," validates suicidal feelings & claims to help folks uncover "repressed" memories. One of her first clients did in fact kill herself.

1  2018-06-11 by relevantlife

I have been listening to a new podcast recently called "The Gateway" by Gizmodo. You can find it HERE.

The podcast follows the reporter’s investigation into a “social media guru” named Teal Swan. Here are a few of her quotes and ideas:

"You cannot say suicide is wrong without saying death is wrong."

"I don't make mistakes."

"You need to decide to commit to life or don't."

"Death is like a reset button for a life that's become to miserable... maybe the best option for some people."

"Death feels incredible -- a gift you would give yourself."

Teal has been known, when confronted or questioned, to accuse followers who do not personally feel suicidal that they are suicidal, and claims that she can "see their thoughts."

Teal claims to have special abilities, such as seeing people's "color," and I don't think she's referring to race. Teal has encouraged followers to discontinue the use of anti-depressant drugs so that they can achieve some sort of spiritual awakening.

Teal claims to help folks uncover "repressed memories" of sexual abuse that may have occured during childhood, but some wonder if she is actually planting false memories in already vulnerable people.

Teal is on all the major social media sites, and has a fuckton of followers. I'm not going to link to her pages aside from the youtube video below, but you can easily find them if you want to go down the rabbit hole of her craziness.

You can find one of her youtube videos here WARNING: Batshit crazy.

This woman is dangerous, and she has amassed a HUGE following online and has a commune in Costa Rica.

Again, you can listen to the podcast where I heard all this information HERE.

Please, if you or a friend or family member may be suicidal, reach out for help. REAL help.


An internet guru named Teal swan has amassed a huge online following despite her controversial views and teachings. Teal has a lot to say about suicide, and it's not usually what you would think one would say to someone in an already vulnerable emotional and mental state. In fact, one of her first "clients" did in fact kill herself, and many claim that Teal and her tactics may have played a role in her death. Oh, and Teal has a commune down in Costa Rica. Very Jim Jones-esque, if you ask me.

source on “the first client who killed himself”?

herself* and listen to the podcast if you're interested, it goes into extreme detail about it.

Pretty juicy stuff right here. Thanks for the share

According to this article at least two of her followers have already committed suicide.

a participant on stage tells Teal that her sister killed herself on New Years Eve. Teal awkwardly responds by saying “Just in time for my video,” referring to a video that she had made on suicide at the time.


Jesus Christ

Pewdiepie has was 50 million followers, I'm sure more than two of his have commit suicide. Is pewdiepie a cult ring leader?

Does Pewdiepie help people uncover past sexual abuse, encourage his followers to get off of antidepressants or speak about death as a reset? What are you on about with that apples to oranges comparison?

Well heres the thing.... You don't understand the new age religion. She is speaking on her beliefs in this religion. It's no different than the huge population believing that some invisible dude in the sky is overseeing everything and listening and responding to prayers. So in the new age religion they believe life will continue after you die, and that you will re incarnate as either a new human or as some other creature. So when she talks about ending life here to begin new is not that far fetched from her beliefs. People have thought like this for many many years, so if someone comes along sees her video and goes hey if i kill myself i can come back then they go do it, it's not her fault. Is it a beers company fault if they provide beer and someone chooses to drink themselves to death? No... She is just providing her beliefs just as a beer company provides the beer.

I'm sure the lovely people at COS would love you as a spokesperson..
"We just provide the brainwashing, is it our fault someone decides to throw their life savings away and gets stuck in crippling debt?"

Anyway.. This person, from her Commune in the Jungle, tells vulnerable people (by her own admission she receives about 10 suicidal e mails a day) : "This time, what I’m going to encourage you to do is to consciously imagine committing suicide.”

If you don't see how f&cked up that is, well I guess then there's no helping you.

She is speaking on her beliefs in this religion. It's no different than the huge population believing that some invisible dude in the sky is overseeing everything and listening and responding to prayers.

Beliefs are one thing. But to try and convince people who are not suicidal that they in fact do want to kill themselves and say she can read their thoughts is just plain wrong. That is not religion that is some crazy bullshit and it needs to stop, point blank period.

I’m not sure why you would assume what I do or don’t know about new age from what I posted. You sound like you’re getting defensive of a belief system when I was calling out a fallacious comparison.

Now here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter whether or not I believe in “an invisible dude in the sky” as you put it or if I think the Dalai Lama is on his 14th incarnation, I’m not a psychiatrist and shouldn’t be telling anyone anything about suicide.

Neither should Teal’s delusional ass.

She conjures demons to force people into suicide? Sounds like a fair explanation.

I think she is just a confused lost soul herself, charismatic enough to have a lot of followers but irresponsible enough in what she says to emotionally unstable people for junk like this to happen. I doubt there is a conspiracy here. Just new age babble with no accountability.

She claims to have extrasensory abilities, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience.

This is from her own press kit:

TEAL SWAN was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico with a range of extrasensory abilities, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. She is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her extrasensory gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy. Her worldwide success has earned her the nickname “The Spiritual Catalyst.”

She should invest some of that cult money into hiring a better animator for her intros. Looks like something an 4th grader drew.

This sounds exactly like the movie The Invitation.

Joe Rogan follows this psychopath on twitter, everyone should tweet/email @ him and show him this article/her YT channel. If he exposes her to millions on his podcast it could save countless lives.

Sort of a strange follow for Joe.

Joe's a strange fellow.

Rogan is a jock tier idiot. No clue why so many people hang on his nuts so hard. His standup isn’t even funny.

Agreed he isn't funny but to deny the influence and following his podcast has is just absurd.

Have you seen the episode where he interviews Paul Stamets? Even if you hate Rogan, it was fascinating.

Why? There's nothing in the interview that wasn't in Stamet's documentary?

Honest question, is it a legit following or just for laughs? I subscribe to several subs here on Reddit that are strictly for laughs or just to challenge myself.

Lol no she is not making people commit suicide. I've seen many of her videos as I've dabbled in trying this new age beliefs system. She claims to see colour as in peoples auras, many people believe in auras especially in the new age spirituality religion. I don't believe in all the hooplah but I could make a video talking about having the power to see your colour, does that make it true? No but some people will believe it. So I do think she is a fake, as is every new age spiritual religious person. Well all religion to me is bs so w.e. She just takes the new age stuff and puts it into videos, no powers no nothing. She's not luring people to live in a sanctuary and stuff to work for her and then to drink the wine.

Apart from having teeth like bugs bunny and feet big enough to grant her the ability to walk on water, she is smoking hot.

Dem eyes.

Her whole story is just bizarre, if not completely made up. I'm leaning toward it being bullshit.

Her Wiki- sorry, it's in Spanish

One of the reference sources: Here Terribly written but details of her past. Long story short, she was placed in a cult, tortured for 13 years and then escaped at 19.

Yet we see on this page she was just a small town girl that loved horses and wanted to be a model

I found this write up to be an interesting take on her as well

If you draw from her various bios, including the since deleted ones on modeling sites, you come up with a CV that looks something like this:

From age 6 to 19 she was in a torture cult which her parents somehow never knew despite the fact that she was living with them and a brother in a two room cabin. At age 12 she was spotted in a horse supply store by a modeling scout from a New York agency and began traveling the world as a model. That would make her 16 in these photographs.

She was also an accomplished equestrian, archer, Telemark skier, fly fisher, and speed skater, some of which is documented. At age 6 she started her apprenticeship with a shaman/accupuncturist which lasted roughly 13 years. One assumes that's not her crazy cult leader but the timelines do kind of, more or less, rather, exactly coincide. Meanwhile she was being mentored in quantum field theory, which she started apparently at birth, because it was "throughout" the first 19 years of her life. She graduated high school at 16. After that she was off to Beijing to study Qigong and energy healing. And she still found time to become a Wiccan High Priestess.

I think assisted suicide should be legalized.

The quotes above aren't just reflective of one person. I tend to believe that death is not the ultimate end and that we reincarnate many times as our soul chooses to do. I think there's a lot of people that aren't afraid of death that wouldn't find much offense in those comments.

She's just another new age internet capitalist with a cult like following. So what?

...Did you watch the video you linked? She doesn't seem like she's trying to convince people to kill themselves. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Exactly. What I saw was someone who has been in the same mindstates as the people who may be watching the video at the time. There's no other way of helping someone out without climbing down into the dark and letting them know they aren't alone.

I quite enjoyed her video and got a lot from it, even as someone who is not suicidal. If anything, it does take awareness to know that the video is NOT meant for everyone, and in fact may be unhelpful for healthy minded people.

If you're so worried about "triggers" for people who are feeling down, maybe leave out your assessment of "batshit crazy". We're all pretty fucking sick of hearing it.

She's just one of a number of new age gurus out there. They all seem to preach about manifesting what you want and reincarnation.

I've listened to her videos a lot. She probably said "it may feel like..." "death would be a reset button" etc.

do we really need trigger warnings on this sub? half the posts here are about high ranking officials diddling little kids ffs

i watched that video as someone struggling with suicidal thoughts and i never found it to be encouraging suicide... in fact i found the concept she presents, of making a commitment to life, quite empowering