The blatant subversion and brigading of /r/conspiracy.

1  2018-06-11 by McPick2000

At this point, it has become obvious to many /r/conspiracy members that this sub is being brigaded and has been since before the election. It is also apparent the reddit administration is complicit in this, since they can see precisely how it is happening and who is doing it. Additionally, the subversion of other major subs (/r/politics, /r/worldnews, etc) makes it clear that the admins are dedicated to pushing an agenda.

The agenda that is being pushed is very clear. Any post regarding the corruption associated with globalism/neo-liberalism or the their agendas (disarmament, immigration, censorship, etc) is immediately brigaded. Occasionally, the moderators will invent an excuse to delete these posts using Rule 12 or 13 as their rationalization. I suspect that this is being allowed because the outright deletion of a large sub like /r/conspiracy (much like T_D) would result in very negative publicity that would make even non-/r/conspiracy redditors question the site's objectivity. We all know how that went for Digg.

The case of /u/polkadotgirl is very instructive. As you may know, she was a longtime /r/conspiracy user who started her own sub; /r/conspiracyundone. Despite this being a relatively small sub, by reddit's standards, /u/polkadotgirl received sufficient threats and harrassment that she left reddit altogether.

By all accounts, her chief antagonists were members of /r/topmindsofreddit, which is a non-organic sub with the primary purpose of discrediting subs that allow opposition to globalist propaganda. Despite much speculation, it isn't clear who is behind /r/topmindsofreddit (ShareBlue, CTR, SPLC, ADL, hasbara, or some combination thereof.) What is clear is that they are not grassroots, are obviously organized and funded, and they are in bed with reddit's administration.

For certain, TMOR is just a symptom of the greater malady. Their mods have been linked to other pro-globalist subs indicating that this subversion is sitewide and is most definitely non-organic.

I believe that it would be very informative for current and former /r/conspiracy moderators to create a forum on another medium, such as Voat, and disclose precisely how this sub has been subverted and why.


Sort by controversial and new. Block shills. It's much better

Yes, but that is beside the point and doesn't address the deletion of posts for bullshit reasons.

Or vote manipulation, forum sliding and other shenanigans

What they want is for us to stop discussing things

If you let them run amok because you block them, you lose

Agreed. Ignoring the shilling make it seems to new users as if their bullshit talking points are more representative in the community than they actually are.

Love the fact that all of these posts calling out the shills have the controversial 'red cross' indicator

what right wing threads are getting deleted here?

I think they are starting to catch on to this as well, and have taken steps to eliminate being able to use the Controversial sorting to find opposing viewpoints.

Particularly on the main subs, I feel like now when you sort by Controversial, you just get "extreme" views from the left, like "Trump should be killed" or whatever, that gets more downvotes than people pointing out that the headline and story are completely false.

Rather than make things controversial, they just keep them balanced at +1 vote, in order to make them look inconsequential.

Block shills. It's much better

I agree and I wish everyone would do this. I think we would be better off just ignoring them and the real users can discuss things amongst ourselves. I have well over 100 shills blocked.

That's the best way to create a nice little echo chamber for yourself. Block anyone who disagrees with you and then tell yourself that you did it because they're a bunch of shills.

You’re being downvoted because there is a big difference between “people who disagree with you” and shills. Shills are the ones who aren’t interested in having thoughtful discussion and am exchanging of ideas. They are the ones just here to namecall and derail any conversations on topics in which they’d rather no one discuss.

It’s very easy to discern between the two.

i agree with your point but the OP and many that agree with OP are saying that having 'MSM' opinions makes you a shill

now lets define 'MSM opinions'

That's definitely fair to say. I'd say a big "MSM opinion" that causes a lot of strife in this sub is the Trump-Russia conspiracy. Which I think we should all just reserve judgement until the investigation is complete, because anything said before that is just rampant speculation, which the MSM has been having a field day with for almost 2 years now.

but surely youre not saying we should not talk about what we can see? i agree that we cannot make final judgements, but we can see which way things are leaning, and interpret events based upon the evidence that is public

what i dont agree with is 'dont talk about it theres no proof' because that seems to only benefit those who may be involved in wrong doing. 'avert your gaze and let me get away with it'

what i dont agree with is 'dont talk about it theres no proof' because that seems to only benefit those who may be involved in wrong doing. 'avert your gaze and let me get away with it'

True, I don't agree with that either. Just look at things like pgate and Tucson. You have countless people claiming that since there isn't any hard evidence, that it's fake an therefore shouldn't be talked about.

However, the one thing I will say, is that this sub in particular, almost NEVER agrees with or tows the same line as the MSM. So when you have people here every day posting Washington Post articles about something Trump-Russia related, everyone should be suspicious.

I look at it like this; if at any point you find yourself agreeing with the MSM, you need to pause, take a step back, and reflect on your opinions for a moment. They are not here to serve us, they are here to serve their corporate overlords.

This sub was one of the only places aware of and actively discussing a "deep state", aka shadowy people pulling the strings above Washington DC, loooong before Trump ran for President. We didn't trust the MSM for shit, and recognized the corruption of our politicians and celebrities in the media. Now, all of a sudden, when a candidate that got into the White House by promising to "drain the swamp" or corruption from our system, is tirelessly attacked and discredited by the very same people we've always known are bad, we're suppose to take their word for it that Trump is the evil one? That I don't buy for a second. The fact that so many people fail to see through that, combined with the radical changes that have taken place here on reddit in the last 2 years, makes me and many other, highly skeptical when we see MSM narratives being pushed here.

So when you have people here every day posting Washington Post articles about something Trump-Russia related, everyone should be suspicious.

this is a strange standard to me, because the washington post also is reporting that the golden state warriors won the nba championship, something I saw happen with my own eyes. its fine to be suspicious, but looking at the evidence presented and seeing if it jives is what everyone should be doing at every moment anyways

if at any point you find yourself agreeing with the MSM, you need to pause, take a step back, and reflect on your opinions for a moment. They are not here to serve us, they are here to serve their corporate overlords.

yes they are. the multiple outlets also are competing and ostensibly have different motivations and angles. so when they all agree on something there just might be something to it. even fox news has to cover the same evidence coming out that cnn is seeing. they might interpret it and spin it differently, but we can all see the evidence

You don't sound very much like a conspiracy theorist...

That sounds like the no true scotsman fallacy..

Not sure what that is.

That being said, anyone who looks at the Washington Post as a credible, and thinks that just because multiple outlets report the same thing makes it true, clearly hasn't done much of a dive into the deeper layers of conspiracy theories. Probably doesn't know about things like the Council on Foreign Relations. Probably isn't aware of the incredibly small group of corporations that run almost ALL media.

That's what I mean by, doesn't sound very much like a conspiracy theorist.

If the extent of the conspiracies you believe in are 9/11, UFOs, and Trump-Russia hackin... I mean, "collusion", then you've still got a looooong way down the rabbit hole to go.

do you apply the same skepticism of the washington post to 'alternative' news sites?

I apply a completely equal level of skepticism to alternative news sites that I do MSM news sites. The foolish thing to do is to suggest that one is more legitimate than the other, and that less skepticism needs to be applied because a source is "established".

The goal should be to take in info from everywhere, and evaluate each equally based on the biases of said news organization. It's the people that think they can trust certain sources that are more easily susceptible to propaganda and such.

yet you attack the wapo as if it is universally wrong and nothing can be trusted from it. do you treat zerohedge the same way?

You’re missing my point. The people I am referring to that post WaPo articles, typically are the least skeptical, critically thinking users here. They think that something is fact because WaPo said it, and they are a “reputable and respected news source”, which absolves them of having to do their own critical thinking. Same goes for NYT, Politico, etc.

sorry can you list the approved and disapproved conspiracy theories?

i missed the sticky where the required beliefs were listed

i do believe in some conspiracies. i hope they are on the 'approved' list

Please read my other replies in this chain, they explain what I mean a little more.

This sub was one of the only places aware of and actively discussing a "deep state", aka shadowy people pulling the strings above Washington DC, loooong before Trump ran for President. We didn't trust the MSM for shit, and recognized the corruption of our politicians and celebrities in the media. Now, all of a sudden, when a candidate that got into the White House by promising to "drain the swamp" or corruption from our system, is tirelessly attacked and discredited by the very same people we've always known are bad, we're suppose to take their word for it that Trump is the evil one?

That's just a perspective of the situation though. Just like, for me it seems odd that in a place that knows about the corrupt controlling forces behind things (bankers, the fed, illuminati, etc) suddenly believes that the president is somehow not corrupt or being controlled by corruption.

You're buying the words from someone in one of the most powerful positions in the country. Doesn't seem like something that used to happen here. Definitely not something that would've happened before.

It could be just as likely that this is the well-run political campaign that gave you things to buy into - which is what happens all the time in politics.

See how these differing views could be discussed and possibilities talked about rather than just blaming and censoring?

You're buying the words from someone in one of the most powerful positions in the country. Doesn't seem like something that used to happen here. Definitely not something that would've happened before.

First of all, this sub generally has long been a fan of JFK. Completely understood what he was trying to do, and recognized that he faced the consequences for doing so.

Second, remind me again the % chance of Trump winning was, according to CNN MSNBC CBS ABC etc.? I believe at one point they had it at 99% for Hillary. The fact that he won, despite the media blitz against him, and threw all of DC into an absolute PANIC, and caused the media to go into overdrive against him, doesn't even come close to comparing with when a candidate like Obama gets into office (which if you remember, was nothing but the media pushing that whole "Hope and Change" bull shit narrative).

I love how often I get this excuse, that now I'm suddenly pro-establishment, because I give the President that nobody thought would win the benefit of the doubt, and give him a chance (unlike EVERYONE in the MSM).

Are you seriously trying to say that Trump is now leader of the Deep State??? Because that is completely baseless, except the fact that he now has power that no one thought he'd ever get. The Deep State are the ones STILL GOING AFTER HIM AND TRYING TO IMPEACH HIM AS HARD AS THEY CAN! I mean seriously? If he's a plant, why work so hard to get him out?

I'm not a republican. I'm not even necessarily pro-Trump. I'm simply anti-MSM.

First of all, my entire point was that this is not cut and dry one sided. There are multiple perspectives of it that can be viewed. If you weren't so eager to try and fight back against what I said, maybe you'd see that.

Are you seriously trying to say that Trump is now leader of the Deep State???

Nope, didn't say that at all. I'm saying he's part of the establishment, and that it's surprising that conspiracy theorists are for an establishment candidate.


That's what you think, sure. I think the "deep state" is the boogeyman he's exploiting to make it seem like he's the outsider under attack. It works for him because he knows his audience will eat it up.

Again. 2 different perspectives. I'm not arguing for being right. I'm arguing that there's different ways to look at things.

it's surprising that conspiracy theorists are for an establishment candidate.

An establishment candidate?????? Seriously?! Is that supposed to be a joke?

I think the "deep state" is the boogeyman he's exploiting to make it seem like he's the outsider under attack. It works for him because he knows his audience will eat it up.

So you think the politicians that were there before him are the good guys, and he's the bad guy just playing to peoples emotions? News flash, the ONLY reason why his message resonated with so many people is because everyone was well aware of the cesspool that is Washington DC. I'm assuming that you supported a lot of those establishment politicians like Hillary or Obama or Schumer or Pelosi (or Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell or John McCain if you're on the right), but THAT'S who half of this country were voting to stop.

I totally understand both perspectives. What I am arguing here, is that, typically speaking, the true conspiracy theorist angle, consistent with the general belief system of most conspiracy theorists, is that the die-hard anti-Trump people in DC and the media are the ones being controlled by the Deep State. This is a bi-partisan issue.

The people who bought into the anti-Trump agenda from the MSM are not bad people. They're not even "dumb" or "unintelligent" (as the left would say about Trump supporters). They are simply misinformed by the media that they once were able to trust. There's a reason why conspiracy theorists all gravitated towards Trump. And there's a reason why conspiracy theorists calling bull shit on the MSM Russia narrative. (Hint: the answer isn't "Russian propaganda on Facebook)

You seem to be confused about my perspective, which is probably why your attacks about what you think I'm saying are so off point.

So you think the politicians that were there before him are the good guys, and he's the bad guy just playing to peoples emotions?

Nope, precisely the opposite. Politicians are politicians. They say what they think you want to hear.

News flash, the ONLY reason why his message resonated with so many people is because everyone was well aware of the cesspool that is Washington DC.

News flash, people say what you want to hear to get elected. Swamp doesn't look drained to me.

I'm assuming that you supported a lot of those establishment politicians like Hillary or Obama or Schumer or Pelosi (or Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell or John McCain if you're on the right), but THAT'S who half of this country were voting to stop.

Swing and a miss again. I'm very against several of those. Why are you trying to assume who I'm for to use it as an attack against me?

I totally understand both perspectives.

It sounds like you really do not.

the true conspiracy theorist angle, consistent with the general belief system of most conspiracy theorists, is that the die-hard anti-Trump people in DC and the media are the ones being controlled by the Deep State. This is a bi-partisan issue.

No true Scotsman again. Your beliefs don't apply to everyone, and everyone doesn't have to conform to your beliefs to qualify. You may know a bunch of people who are into conspiracies and believe that, but that doesn't make it true, or any more likely than another conspiracy or belief.

The people who bought into the anti-Trump agenda from the MSM are not bad people.

Neither are the people who bought Trump's word or believed they were doing good with meme warfare. They simply wanted something from him that he was supposed to be, but isn't.

There's a reason why conspiracy theorists all gravitated towards Trump.

True, because they marketed it towards people that would buy it.

And there's a reason why conspiracy theorists calling bull shit on the MSM Russia narrative. (Hint: the answer isn't "Russian propaganda on Facebook)

Because it goes against Trump's narrative. In case you haven't heard, there's still an ongoing investigation that isn't about propaganda on Facebook.

You're buying into propaganda from your preferred source in your preferred echo chamber as they tell you things you want to hear combined with things you already believe.

At the very least, realize that just because you believe something, that doesn't mean it's true.

But the Washington Post and NYT and "MSM" journalists everywhere are some of the big powerhouses of investigative journalism that have unearthed some of the most significant conspiracies that we've confirmed so far. Atrocities in foreign countries, war crimes, government cover-ups, bribery. They have obtained through their dogged reporting and sourcing and later published for us (the public) all sorts of documents that have shined a light on conspiracies.

Not to get corny here, but The Post (the movie) was another reminder of the ethical courage journalism demonstrates over and over in the USA. I, for one, am grateful for them (and their large budgets to send reporters and photographers around the world to document the truth for us).

the shills are out in force today! the downvotes prove your truth!

Here is a comment I just made that seems appropriate:

You are assuming that I "block anyone who disagrees" with me when I say that I block shills. That's a bad assumption and you should feel bad.

I get what you are saying, and it is true that there are some people here who wrongly assert someone as being a shill, when as you say, its just a perspective that goes against their own. However, there is a real issue with shills here, and once you have become exposed to the kind of techniques they employ (you can find many examples of such pre-written "Guides" on reddit), and the patterns in their line of argument, so long as you are not someone charged with dogma, you are able to distinguish shill, from troll, from honesty.

Good reading:

Every internet user should familiarize themselves with this because it's the best way to prevent yourself from being fooled when reading a thread or a comment somewhere. If you understand that the comments and posts aren't always from organic users, you're less likely to fall victim to the misdirections, distractions, and the various ways they censor information. If you know that someone could easily pay for a comment to be at the top of a thread, you might decide to fact check that comment instead of just trusting it because it has a lot of upvotes. If you know about all of the different governments and corporations that manipulate social media, you'll have an idea of which topics deserve more skepticism and fact-checking.

Or a good way to filter noise.

I don't block shills. I DO block shills who don't try to post a rebuttal; but instead just try to derail the thread by making a stupid unrelated remark and baiting 30 people to respond to them to clutter up successful threads.

That's what I do too. If someone is making reasonable points in a respectful way, even if I suspect they are a shill I will have a conversation with them. But far too often its obvious derailing, nitpicking, mocking, etc.

The problem with blocking shills is that you don't get to debunk their lame arguments. Keep in mind Reddit is a public forum, with a hundred visitors for every one of us who contributes.

I argue wittingly with shills all the time. Obviously not to try to change their minds, but to make sure that opposing viewpoints are at least visible (theoretically) for casual users.

i agree with this. i dont block anyone. any viewpoint can be argued with logic. if someone is arguing from a dishonest platform it will be exposed. if they dont believe it themselves it will show

But they rely on fooling the many people who don't understand the capability of forum sliding, bot upvotes etc. and who fail to think critically about what they are reading - the people who are conditioned to see the post with 49 upvotes in an hour as the "true perspective, the one I should filter into my brain as the correct way to think about this 'x' topic" and to reject the downvoted opinion as "the opposite to what I should believe".

fwiw i did not think polkadotgirl was legit

but everything else you are saying here i believe is correct

i have now tried steemit, voat and saidit and they are all problematic for their own separate reasons

as i have said for decades, this problem of creating an internet forum is actually very difficult

i believe a blockchain with public moderators and truly transparent administration ie admin/owners can't game votes because the logs are even public, is the way forward

and i have always thought it would have to be a non-profit organization, no corporate model can do this

She is wasn’t legit. I have my own thoughts on that sub. Beyond that I do agree with the rest of the post

Why not? I thought she was.

Lots of people are targeted on here daily. That dude axio pelote and putin loves cats get a ton of downvotes instantly. The way it was played up, and then the new sub (conspiracy undone) came to be. I know for a fact that sub is compromised and in general I question all conspiracy spin offs (the one that Phoenix guy made). I just wonder why someone who claimed to be such a victim was so helpless in moderating her own sub. To me it’s TMOR all day every day. But again that’s just me. If you see if differently I don’t think there is any harm in that either

Lots of people are targeted on here daily.

Sure am glad you would never do such a thing to people you don't like! I mean, can you even imagine what it would be like to be the type of person to downvote ideas he doesn't like and to tell others to do the same?

The never of some people!

Why do you say she wasn't legit? I didn't always agree with her but I never thought she had any ulterior motives.

She wasn’t legit.

In what regard? She put up some solid effortposts in my opinion.

as i have said for decades, this problem of creating an internet forum is actually very difficult

and i have always thought it would have to be a non-profit organization, no corporate model can do this

reddit is definitely victims of its own success. Since we are in the Golden Age of Propaganda, any successful site will be targeted. This is precisely why Aaron Swartz had to go. Even if you kept money out of it, via non-profit status, they would still attack it.

but the right people could defend it, still

in 50 years, after 50 years of this, there won't be people who were there at the beginning to really understand what is being defended.

in 50 years, after 50 years of this, there won't be people who were there at the beginning to really understand what is being defended.

Amen. They definitely know how to boil frogs.

at some point we have to teach the high school students that everyone who came close to truth was killed by the powers that rule us.

and what are they supposed to think about that as a fundamental pillar of the system that rules them?

I would settle for them just teaching high school students again.

RIP Aaron Swartz. He "had to go" also because he probably found some sick shit on those servers (pedophilia, trafficking, blood-rituals).

It's really weird that you're getting down voted so heavily

You present rational, common sense scenarios and paths forward here


It's really weird that you're getting down voted so heavily

You present rational, common sense scenarios and paths forward here


welcome to my life

it is coming to my attention that if i wasn't actually in danger of becoming popular, my ideas would not garner nearly this much attention

like ali g says about video games, if you encounter the bad guys, that means you are going in the right direction

but it's not a game, and i feel sometimes like a mouse dangling by the tail over a pit of snakes. i kindof thought i would be rich and have a lot of good connections by the time i ran into problems like this.

check out privacy workshop over at steemit when you get a chance lmk what you think

thanks for the kind words, this kindof makes my day btw fwiw

FWIW, I agree about polkadotgirl. She seemed histrionic and really played up being a victim.

I've had months where I contribute quite a bit to this sub and have some rather unpopular opinions and I've never been attacked more than the normal trollish behavior.

I'm not sure what her deal is/was, but it definitely seemed suspicious.

They are becoming extremely aggressive and emboldened with this behavior, but honestly I think it'll be their downfall.

It's become so obvious that they no longer can hide behind plausible helps our cause immensely because there's a reason we don't have to resort to this behavior...we're on the right side of history.

This manipulation also does a brilliant job of showing us which topics have been deemed unpalatable or unacceptable by TPTB.

Yes the brigading is being permitted at the "top" levels of reddit. Spread the word, and fight back.

I expect that you could author a very interesting book.

Fortunately, there are folks who are watching who are far more informed than I, but yes I have a great deal of experience with and a lot to say on this subject!

That sounds like one of those speeches in disaster movies...
The heroic last stand in "Independance Day" for example...

I envision you standing on cracked marble steps leading to the ruins of a former glorious subreddit. Ragged and battered, but not beaten. Talking to a cheering crowd with tattered clothes and improvised weapons... a slight paranoid tick in our eyes, since there are traitors lurking behind the smiles...

lol now there's an image!

I doubt that by itself will be enough. We also have to struggle to get the information we talk about here out. If we don't fight back against the echo chamber effect, the status quo won't change.

Over the election when td nade it to r all every day it was able to inform people of the democrat lies

After you guys allowed Reddit to ban it the democrat wave took over

it kinda sounds like the point of this thread is to enforce an echochamber.

as if there are not different, valid sides to these political discussions

Nice try.

wait what

what was i trying to do and what is wrong with acknowledging that there is no one 'right' side to complex issues?

go ahead and use your words

You mean t_d isn't a bastion of truth and reason?

no its an enforced echochamber that sheep willingly walk into

it is cool to see genuine trump supporters dismayed when they are banned for questioning something trump does. you get to see them wake up and go 'yeah i guess it IS stupid to blindly support a leader and never question his decisions. in fact thats exactly what a dictator would want from his subjects'

This manipulation also does a brilliant job of showing us which topics have been deemed unpalatable or unacceptable by TPTB.

Amen to that!

Many thanks for all of the work you do for this sub. I'm sure it's a relatively thankless job (one which you volunteer for no less!), so I figured I'd offer some kind words. Keep up the great work!

Showing who?

A handful of people?

U do realize thats its VERY effective on the majority of people right?

Even if u want to feel special: u cant change policy with a handful

I don't know if it is very effective. They have a select bubble that it continues to work in, but their overagressive tactics are pushing people out of that bubble to the left and the right. The corporate controlled neoliberal/neocon center is shrinking.


That’s the part I don’t understand..after such a short time period after a topic has been posted the MSM-oriented viewpoints have dozens or even hundreds of upvotes compared to the more ‘conspiratorial’ comments. How can this be? It’s happening in more and more threads over a wider range of topics. It feels so incredibly artificial and I agree that it has gotten worse since the election.

It feels so incredibly artificial and I agree that it has gotten worse since the election.

You're not imagining things. I guarantee its artificial, I've been coming to this sub for a long time and it shows all the hallmarks of heavy shilling operations.

Reddit shareholders should be concerned. The value of this site to users is fuck all if it's all contrived as we see.

Over the election when td nade it to r all every day it was able to inform people of the democrat lies

After you guys allowed Reddit to ban it the democrat wave took over

After you guys allowed Reddit to ban it

Pretty sure I was in no position to allow any such thing, but I agree with you otherwise.

Weekends are the best time for real discussion. It would appear that many of the shills and disinfo agents are, oddly enough, running on a 40-hour work week.

Trump won the election. The people are on the right side of history. And, the groups and companies that do this are really only marginalizing themselves.

I'll remember the politicians, fed/state employees, shills and anyone else I can within ability for future voting, or opportunity because it is not ok to let it slide.

This manipulation also does a brilliant job of showing us which topics have been deemed unpalatable or unacceptable by TPTB.

Remember that a lot of this is just for the purpose of stirring the pot and creating conflict. I wouldn't rely on assuming that since they shill against a certain topic, that topic is actually taboo and not just a point of tension to be cultivated. I also think it's a mistake to assume that this is one group with one agenda, and not multiple groups vieing for power.

As to your last point? Potentially.

Could also be one group playing both sides to keep everyone divided. If the "sides" are far enough apart then there will never be any middle ground or consensus.

Everyday, there's somebody on this subreddit claiming that they got brigaded because their alt-right conspiracy theory got downvoted.

Mods such as yourself act as though /r/conspiracy should be exclusively right wing. If the content deviates from the right-wing propaganda that is regularly submitted here, then you start to see accusations about brigading and CTR shills.

Even /r/conspiracy_conclave, a private invite-only subreddit that was created for the "betterment of /r/conspiracy", is filled with mostly alt-right users.

Well thats because the alt left and mainstream left both support the corruption and wall st policies that conspiracy theorists and americans are against

wow you really think the left is all about wall st

i thought the right wing was all about industry at the expense of environment, profit over workers rights, etc

wow you really think the right is all about wall st. but you seem to be saying the republicans/right wing are not

the left wing was all about industry at the expense of environment. profit over workers rights.

ALL the democrat "grassroots" protests are funded by giant wall st corporations

You can see this in there support of globalism

Wich is a giant race to the bottom wich pits countries against each other bidding for companies to bring jobs back by bidding against each other on who will treat the workers worst

Under glabalism we would have worldwide poverty. But the rich would live better than ever

Democrats want this

so youre just blindly partisan

you completely ignored the 2nd sentence in my post to basically say 'no, dems'

why is the EPA under this administration now deadset on deregulating the energy industry at the expense of the environment, and tell me how this is good for those that have to live in those environments


youre just blindly partisan

you completely ignored the fact that the main republican president is against these things.

why is the EPA under obama administration getting sued for environmennal crimes? Tell me how this is good for those that have to live in those environments

Frankly i domt care if trump deregulates energy

Its not "at the expense of the environment" any more than any other policy

In fact it HELPS the environment

Being energy independent means the uda wont get its stuff from china

And china pollutes 100 times MORE than the usa. Because we have standards

If we replaced china it would slow chinas pollution

Jesus christ

Frankly i domt care if trump *deregulates energy *

And china pollutes 100 times MORE than the usa.Because we have standards

also considering the context of this thread, your manner of discourse is funny.

We could deregulate a whole lot and still come nowhere near chinas trash mountains and bejing smog

Ur being willfully ignorant because youre partisan

when the only difference between us and china is those regulations, why do you think removing those regulations would make us cleaner than china? why wouldnt we just become china?

why is the epa pushing coal? lobbying right? why not push green energy? it couldnt be that the coal industry is heavily invested in NOT becoming obsolete could it? it must be because coal is good and clean? Come on. think for yourself. dont take talking points as gospel

What specific regulations?

Do you even know what regulations? Or how many?

Do you even know what youre talking about?

Or are u just citing a Huffington Post article saying "hes deregulating all the things! Reeeee"

Im sure big oil is grateful for your service

Scott Pruitt, the embattled director of the Environmental Protection Agency, is at war with what he calls the “regulatory state,” but to aging Republican environmentalists, Pruitt is a “disgrace” who wants to unravel President Richard Nixon’s proudest domestic achievement. The latest example of this is Pruitt’s April 2 announcement that he plans to revise the fuel-efficiency regulations for cars and light trucks put in place by President Barack Obama’s administration.

that one is directly relevant to your question

the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency has stricken “climate change” and associated verbiage from its strategic plan, on the heels of one of the most expensive years of natural disasters in modern U.S. history.

The plan, published on March 15, says that one of the agency’s major strategic goals is to “ready the nation for catastrophic disasters.” As NPR noted, it does discuss the potential for rising disaster costs:

Disaster costs are expected to continue to increase due to rising natural hazard risk, decaying critical infrastructure, and economic pressures that limit investments in risk resilience. As good stewards of taxpayer dollars, FEMA must ensure that our programs are fiscally sound. Additionally, we will consider new pathways to long-term disaster risk reduction, including increased investments in pre-disaster mitigation.


the budget cuts investments in early-stage research by axing ARPA-E, the Department of Energy's $305-million advanced research program. The budget also calls for nearly a 40-percent cut to the department's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, even after accounting for the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA), which recently increased FY2019 spending levels.

At the same time, the budget calls for increases in spending on fossil fuels. Including the BBA, the Department of Energy's budget calls for an extra $281 million on fossil-fuel R&D, $200 million of which would be spent on “clean coal.” (Can coal ever be clean?)

china thanks pruitt for that, surely coal is the energy source of the future!

in its 2019 budget, the Trump administration is seeking to slash Department of Energy funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives by 72 percent.

Congress would likely oppose such steep cuts in any future budget negotiations, but the move further signals the Trump administration's avowed support of fossil-fuel industries.

News of the proposed cuts comes the day after President Trump praised “beautiful clean coal” in his State of the Union address, and several days after Trump announced steep tariffs on imported solar panels. (Find out more about the myth of “clean coal.”)

In a speech delivered in Hazard, Kentucky, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt declared that he will sign a proposal on Tuesday that would eliminate the Clean Power Plan (CPP), claiming that “the war on coal is over.”

Rolling back fuel-efficiency and emissions targets would make zero sense economically for anyone but oil companies,” says David Richardson, the executive director of business development at Impax Asset Management. “In fact, it would set back American car companies and those working for them because the global automotive market is moving the opposite direction, away from gas guzzlers and toward cleaner, more efficient cars and associated technology.”

Occupy Wallstreet was about *checks notes helping Wallstreet make money

Im not even gonna entertain that

U know im talking about these wild anti trump protests (some of eich were organized by russia

Trust me your mental gymnastics are entertaining enough.

It's a new account that only defends the right and attacks the left. These arnt the people to have a honest discussion with.

Trust me YOUR mental gymnastics are entertaining enough.

dont you have a wall st funded george soros anti trump protest to go to?

Mhm it's called "Kill the Bankers" and it is ironically enough funded by bankers, big strong brain on you friendo

What a crock of shit. If you are serious, you are very stupid. If you aren't, fuck off troll

Well thats because the alt left and mainstream left both support the corruption and wall st policies that conspiracy theorists and americans are against

And right-wingers don't... Jesus Christ, do you even know you're in a cult?

Everyday, there's somebody on this subreddit claiming that they got brigaded because their alt-right conspiracy theory got downvoted.

The conspiracies the right wingers talk about, have always just been conspiracies, like anything Soros based for example, and they picked up because they are keen to it being legit, and now anything posted here is seen as "right wing conspiracy" is bullshit.

I've been on this sub for 8 years w dif accounts and Soros conspiracies, stuff about the Clintons, Obama birtheR stuff, globalism, gov corruption, etc was always posted here and big time upvoted.

Now, the OP is 100% correct, there are neo-liberal brigades here that downvote everything they don't like to oblivion

The conspiracies the right wingers talk about, have always just been conspiracies

Like Pizzagate?

Like QAnon? The fictional Trump-loving character that is railing against The Deep State?

Like how the term "The Deep State" became exponentially more popular on here after Trump became president and Republicans gained control of the three arms of the US govt. and conservatives needed to be able to pin the blame on another powerful force?

Like Pizzagate? The theory that just so happened to try and paint DNC members are pedophiles?

Before that it was PedoGate for a long time. The E-mails, Obama Hotdogs, Podesta Pool Party and Artwork did the rest, so that one's not going away any time soon

Like QAnon? The fictional Trump-loving character that is railing against The Deep State?

That one's new. However, we were always against globalism and Soros in this sub since its inception. It just so happens that so is Q and T_D

Like how the term "The Deep State" became exponentially more popular on here after Trump became president and Republicans gained control of the three arms of the US govt? Why? Because the alt right needed to be able to pin the blame on another powerful force.

Trump not signing TPP & Paris Agreement (while the governments of the rest of the world rallied against him for it) proved that to a certain degree, Trump has been against some aspects of Globalism, something that this sub has been against prior to Trump.

So as you can see, we have been against these things, that T_D'ers rallied around, for a long ass time, for many going back to the 80's/90's with folks like Art Bell and William Cooper's Behold a Pale Horse.

Now NeoLibs and r/politics invaders in tandem downvote all the things we have always been against, but they take to be "right wing"

Really fucking sucks TBQH and has ruined this sub

The Wayback Machine is accessible by all and it paints a completely different picture than the one that you are trying to pain. I've visited this subreddit on many occasions in the past eight years and I don't ever remember it leaning as right-wing as it does now.

It's not that the above topics are talked about, circulated, and accepted by only right-wingers, it's more like the alt-right adopted those beliefs after they were already in existence.

Most conspiracy theorists are already skeptical of MSM and establishment rhetoric - you have to be of skeptical mind to call yourself a true conspiracy theorist, but that doesn't make them right wing. Only until recently did it become fashionable to question the MSM, Trump has given every Alex Jones listener a platform to stand on now and they basically believe the opposite of whatever the status quo says to believe.

Does this make sense? It's not that this sub leaned right or leans more right than before, it's that the alt-right now believes many of the same conspiracies. The idea of rampant pedophilia amongst ruling global elites is much older than Trump followers.

As a nearly 9 year sub, my perception matches yours. I miss the days of posts about a possible spaceship buried in Antarctica, or hollow earth conspiracies. Now it feels like it’s all alt-right fantasy bullshit.

7 years. Yup.

Yes, I remember reading all the cool crap here, finding links to some really spooky and unexplainable stuff. It was a nice escape from bills, kids and the daily grind. If I want politcsl crap I'll go to those subs. Can we get back to the creepy shit cus I really don't want to revert back to visiting godlike productions..those fuckers are total crazy.

Yes. This is so true. The usual discussion has become very aggressive and tone-deaf.

Thank you for saying this...I, too, am from the old days of r/Conspiracy, when it was a hodgepodge of Art Bell, Hoagland, Chuck Harder type material. There were many Bill Cooper and Alex Jones types, but honestly, this place was really nutty and kooky and it was better for it. Now, it's just another arm of the alt-right movement. When does any wacky alien conspiracies make the front page? When was the last time you saw an interesting post about fringey stuff?? Almost never now. Shame

There was the Avril Lavigne guy a while back. Everyone was just excited to see something different, though his "evidence" was pretty absurd

Yeah, that was great, but such a brief respite to the shit-deluge.

Art Bell... that's a name i've not heard in a long time.

Coast to Coast, represent! I miss classic Art bell. So much wackiness I first heard about on there. No matter how wackadoodle, no matter how implausible or outlandish, art gave it a voice! He's like a post-modern Chaucer!

The Wayback Machine is accessible by all and it paints a completely different picture than the one that you are trying to paint.

lmfao, yeah okay. I was here everyday watching it all go down. Feel free to use that site to prove me wrong, and I will do the same to show otherwise

I've visited this subreddit on many occasions in the past eight years and I don't ever remember it leaning as right-wing as it does now.

I never said the sub currently doesn't lean right-wing. What I said was that the right-wing adopted r/conspiracy because of Alex Jones, because Trump is a conspiracy theorist, and because they were witnessing conspiracies before their very eyes: Wikileaks, 33k emails, Seth Rich, Clinton Death list, Soros funding Hillary, etc

It was a natural and organic process and personally I didnt mind because it brought in more people into the conspiracy realm and made us look less like tin foil nutters, and more as having predicted a lot of the stuff they were witnessing.

Im guessing from all your pro abortion posts you're an r/politics hard core neolib

> account 2yrs old

some of use a throwaway for a year, then start fresh, I'm on my 8th account and will get rid of this one once I hit a year as well.

even though its just my opinion, I think anyone who holds on to an account longer than a year, and uses account age as a point in a debate, is not the smartest, but thats just me

Why do you have this account for more than 2 years, if you burn accounts every year?

This account isn't 2 years old. Not sure where u got that from

I'm from Ireland actually and I don't post in /r/politics.

pro abortion neoliberal?

I'm pro choice. But I wouldn't label myself as neoliberal because the term means different things to different people and people from different countries can't even agree on what is left wing or right wing. What is your definition of a neoliberal?

neolib to me is pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-free speech, SJW, Safe Space, Special Snowflake, operates on feelings instead of logic, is pro Antifa, anti-white, pro-muslim immigration and so on

You have an exceptionally warped perception of modern liberalism.

Or you do. It's relative so it depends

...but that's not what neolib means. Why use words if you are going to make up your own definitions?

That's what it means here, nu-liberal, progressives, etc.

Where's here?

Here is everywhere for everyone.

I was fishing a small stream this past weekend that has some monster catfish, a guy comes up on the other side and say, "how do I get to the other side," to which I replied, "you are on the other side."

Margaret Thatcher was neoliberal. As was much of the Reagan administration.

Words have meanings. Terms have definitions. It is clear you have no idea what the word "neoliberal" actually means. Fun fact, you can be both neoliberal (which is a collection of economic theories) and neoconservative (foreign policy) at the same time.

I'd recommend doing a little more reading, just so you can sound a little better informed. Use the words the right way and I may disagree with you but still respect your opinion. As it is, though, you are showing your opinion doesn't seem to be any deeper than some scary buzzwords.

Margaret Thatcher was neoliberal.

I think you're confused

Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, LG, OM, DStJ, PC, FRS, FRIC was a British stateswoman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990.

As was much of the Reagan administration.

Reagan solidified conservative Republican strength with tax cuts, a greatly increased military budget, continued deregulation, a policy of rollback of Communism (rather than just containing it), and appeals to family values and conservative morality. The 1980s and beyond became known as the "Reagan Era."

Words have meanings. Terms have definitions. It is clear you have no idea what the word "neoliberal" actually means.

LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, says the guy calling thatcher and regain neoliberals. Also black is white, up is down, left is right

I'd recommend doing a little more reading, just so you can sound a little better informed. Use the words the right way and I may disagree with you but still respect your opinion. As it is, though, you are showing your opinion doesn't seem to be any deeper than some scary buzzwords.

Blah blah blah, says pointless stuff with no sources, and thinks upside down is rightside up.

I'm good on this waste of time. Try somewhere else or next time post sources.

If you're going to be lazy and quote wikipedia, let's see what it says on their entry on neoliberalism, shall we?

Other scholars note that neoliberalism is associated with the economic policies introduced by Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom and Ronald Reagan in the United States.[6] Scholars now tended to associate it with the theories of Mont Pelerin Society economists Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and James M. Buchanan, along with politicians and policy-makers such as Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan.[5][24]

During her tenure as Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher oversaw a number of neoliberal reforms including tax reduction, reforming exchange rates, deregulation and privatization.[71]


I have a Master's in poli-sci. That doesn't make me any kind of genius, but I think I know what basic terms mean.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 191713

I have a Master's in poli-sci.

oh wow that must mean you got into depth for a useless degree based on memorizing what others said about some things, but have nothing original yourself to ad.

Call if NuLiberalism then if it makes you feel any better and no longer triggers your timbers

I showed you wrong so you resort to make calling. And not even witty name calling, either.

Disappointed. Not surprised, but disappointed.

I showed you were wrong so you resort to make calling. And not even witty name calling, either.

You never proved ,e wrong, quite the opposite. But if you are one of those NuLibs/Progressives, then it would make sense that you believe only in your own mind that you won.

Congrats on your forum post make believe victory.

Ummmmm Pizzagate 100% preceded "pedogate" as far as terms go and it wasn't until it was painfully obvious that the entire thing (pizzagate) was a fabricated smear campaign against prominent and semi-prominent lefties who were automatically guilty by having any sort of relationship with Hillary Clinton, whether it be chief of staff or political donor, that it was rebranded Pedogate. Pedogate was the better sounding name (despite the whole -gate thing being so, so so out of date) , but of course that means that we've had to keep up the charade of actually caring about elites and pedophilia rings (which do 100% exist) so long as we can pin 95% of the ones we discuss on lefties (Damn that Epstein and his close friendship to 45! Welp ol' Slick Willy flew on it too doncha know, so no problemo there). It's a lot easier to be outraged than to actually help out any victims or organizations dedicated to assisting victims, especially when you get that super awesome feeling of certainty that it's only the other team.

Ummmmm Pizzagate 100% preceded "pedogate"

pedos in the illumanti, NWO, Upper Echolon of Gov/CEOs has been talked about on this sub for well over a decade, as well as David Icke, Art Bell, etc. Its an old conspiracy that is merely being proven true

Here are 2 posts from r/conspiracy from 2012:

and it wasn't until it was painfully obvious that the entire thing (pizzagate) was a fabricated smear campaign against prominent and semi-prominent lefties who were automatically guilty by having any sort of relationship with Hillary Clinton,

You dont have proof that its a smear capaign, however there isn't a smoking gun that 100% ties that they are. There are hints: Anthony Weiner sexting minors (in prison now for it), Podesta Art work, shady ass instagram posts showing children tied with duck tape and referred to as objects, the hot tube and hotdog emails and so on

but of course that means that we've had to keep up the charade of actually caring about elites and pedophilia rings (which do 100% exist) so long as we can pin 95% of the ones we discuss on lefties (Damn that Epstein and his close friendship to 45!

there are necons and dems who get caught up in this shit and everyone guilty should be called out. As I already said, in this case, there are too many disgusting things coming from the left that I have mentioned before.

It's a lot easier to be outraged than to actually help out any victims or organizations dedicated to assisting victims, especially when you get that super awesome feeling of certainty that it's only the other team.

I'm a libertarian and don't have a team, but I do 100% support trump in not signing the TPP and Paris Agreement, that took the biggest balls of steal I've ever seen to tell the globalists to fuck off in that manner, and the Tariff renegotiations have been "a thing" since Rand Paul ran for Pres and Bernie called it too:

Why are you referring to neo-liberals like the Clintons as the left? I've never heard someone claim an actual left winger, not faux left neoliberals, as being apart of the global child sex trafficking ring.

So all of a sudden one group of people should stop discussing theories that might involve political party X, because another group of people that support political party X says its not true. That isn't how shit works. If there is weight to a conspiracy theory, right or left, this side or that, then it will gain traction and an active discussion/investigation.

Things gain the most traction when many of the people who live outside the right/left democrat/republican dichotomy actively contribute, rather than entering into a bullshit theory in a liberal or conservative echo-chamber.

There are many people who followed Pizzagate who would associate with the left and who also implicated Trump and other members of the right with Epstein. To label everyone who was looking into pizzagate as "alt-right" / right-wing, is a warped, dogma-laden perspective of reality.

Been here around 8 years as well. Absolute correct

You must have selective memory. Look at the Wayback Machine. This subreddit was far less politicized back then.

Let's not forget that /r/the_donald were officially welcomed here by the moderators back when their subreddit was made private.

Let's not forget that /r/the_donald were officially welcomed here by the moderators back when their subreddit was made private.

trump went on alex jones, admitted 9/11 being a conspiracy, and in general has tacked about a variety conspiracies which attracted alot of conspiracy theorists to T_D and T_D'ers to r/conspiracy.

All of that was actually organic and I witnessed it all because I was regularly going to both T_D and the Clinton sub, and r/politics to watch the debates/discussions. I saw before my own eyes r/politics mods get replaced and that sub go to shit (share blue, correct the record, media matters, david brock cronies)

And on T_D I organically witnessed crossposts posted there from r/conspiracy and conspiracies in general really organically picked up steam there.

So the T_D + Conspiracy link happened organically

And on T_D I organically witnessed crossposts posted there from r/conspiracy and conspiracies in general really organically picked up steam there.

I saw it more as Trump supporters using /r/conspiracy as a platform to campaign for their candidate.

This place has always been against the neo liberal globalism agenda. Aligning with the Trump candidate vs Hillary and the media was no surprise.

Don't pretend otherwise. You're lying.

If that was the case, this subreddit would have turned against him as soon as he lined his cabinet with globalists.

I think a lot of people realize he's a pawn in the game. A face for the crowd. He's likely not even aware of it.

That doesn't mean you turn around and join the mainstream media talking points with the progressive neoliberal agenda. Which is what this post is actually about.

Let's not forget that /r/the_donald were officially welcomed here by the moderators back when their subreddit was made private.

It was literally just a post telling them to follow our rules while they were here. That's a reasonable way to deal with a sudden influx of users from a different community with different standards. At least you didn't call it an "invitation" as we have heard claimed a thousand times before.

If a similar welcome had been extended to the /r/politics crowd you'd spit your coffee out.

No I wouldn't because it was a completely harmless gesture. If /r/politics went private one day and we suddenly had a shitload of people coming over here, I would actually appreciate a post from the mods explaining the differences in our community and asking them to respect our rules. That's all that happened with the other one. Dishonest assholes are making a big deal over nothing. What were the mods supposed to do? We didn't ask them to come here, they were just showing up in massive numbers and it was a problem. So the mods collectively decided to tell them to cut the shit with a post explaining what they weren't allowed to do.

What you are doing in this thread is reprehensible and underhanded. You and everyone who has downvoted knows that I am speaking the truth, but the narrative is more important.

Ok, so you say the subreddit is more politicized.

Why do you think that is?

Also, what do you propose in response to this? For instance, do we ban all theories that might implicate the Democrat party, the Republican party, or any political party in the world?

Do you think there is more validity to Republican-Russian collusion/'hacking the election' than DNC corruption? Or do consider both parties to be equally corrupt? Or do you consider both theories as nonsense? Or do you favour one theory, and is that in line with your political allegiance?

..what? You claim the right/alt-right has always been here (meaning a bias for the sub) and then when people try to inject new ideas, or fight old ones, they are wrong for not letting this place be it's own steaming pile of shit? Do I have that right?

..what? You claim the right/alt-right has always been here

no. The conspiracies that the alt-right adopted, have always been here

and then when people try to inject new ideas, or fight old ones, they are wrong for not letting this place be it's own steaming pile of shit?

Nope, never said that either

Do I have that right?

Not at all, 0%

Oh, so it was the left here that were coming up with the conspiracies that the right eventually co-opted? See how labels are fucking stupid?

Oh, so it was the left here that were coming up with the conspiracies that the right eventually co-opted?

no, most of us here arent any party.

See how labels are fucking stupid?

not really. If I am "independent" then its a label that's true. If T_D co-opted this subs majority Indie conspiracy theories, and noe leftists are here from r/politics downvoting everything that goes against their brainwashed narrative, then labels are suitable

not sure why you're getting downvoted aside from possible comment brigading. you make valid points and are contributing to the discussion.

the ones down voting are the ones the OP is talking about, the subversion thats happening here. We are witnessing live and direct

Or people are just down voting and it isn’t part of a vast karma conspiracy.


What's an alt-right user look like to you? I'm in the conclave and wouldn't agree to espousing any one particular ideology over another.

I said:

mostly alt-right users

The leaked screenshots speak for themselves.

Jesus Christ. What's wrong with these people?

Wow, thank you for that. This is exactly why I was against the conclave.

I thought that was a good faith effort on Sabremesh's part to have a discussion that could lead to some positive changes. He even made a point to say he isn't fond of Trump. I'm not refuting what you're saying, I just don't understand how the comments in those screenshots constitute mostly alt-right viewpoints.

Despite saying that he is not a Trump supporter, he floats the idea that anyone who portrays Trump in a negative light should be labelled as an unwelcome person.

While I understand what you're getting when you read past what is being said, what he's actually doing is asking if people who push mainstream narratives or just denounce conspiracies should be deemed as unwelcome people. He isn't making a claim, and is posing it as a question in an effort to have a meaningful discussion.

How about the screenshots farther down where they start listing users who need to be banned? Do you agree that stuff like that should be taking place in a private subreddit where only the conspiracy "elite" are allowed to hang out? I notice that the screenshots don't show a single person speaking out against it, so either everyone agrees or is too scared of being added to the list to say anything.

I've only ever browsed on mobile and don't have the luxury of programs like RES, but it doesn't at all surprise me that people have their little lists of people they find suspicious for one reason or another. I have a few posts in my history in which I tracked users who posted to the same site/blog that were spreading disinfo.

I understand people don't necessarily make a list like that for that specific reason, but I do agree that bans are a tool that can be implemented to attempt to slow down users who are only around to disrupt an otherwise reasonable exchange of ideas.

I don't agree with naming names in a hidden space; I prefer to call people out directly. Got nothing to hide really, and occasionally get a little riled up while defending the free exchange of thought. I've actually made some decent "friends" here by starting out disagreeing with people.

While I don't agree with naming names in a hidden space, I do (in a way, kinda sorta) understand the idea behind the general need for a place to have discussion, not without certain people, but rather with people who have a proven track record of replying to posts and comments with a degree of thoughtfulness. Where you may see some elite "in-group," I truly feel it's something more akin to a group of people with a provable history of cooperative discussion.

It was my understanding that it would be a place to talk policies and procedures such as the newer rule 13, and that the end results of any talks would become policy, ergo, public. I think a lot of people ignored those lists of proposed bans because that's ultimately not what the goal of the discussion was. Sabremesh was asking at the conceptual level if banning deliberately disruptive users was something people were comfortable implementing.

Thanks for the detailed answer! I've always thought you were a great contributer to this sub, and I've had you RES tagged as such for a long time now. If that's actually how this secret conclave worked, I wouldn't be quite as opposed to it. I still think it's a terrible idea in a conspiracy subreddit, but I could at least understand the logic behind it. Instead what we have are some good users and some awful ones all meeting secretly to discuss what is acceptable for everyone else.

I don't see it in this batch of screenshots, but the ones that were posted after the mod elections showed that a well known troll user was nominated to be a mod. The same user had a comment in the screenshot bragging about how many times they had been banned already, and how they liked to break the rules in the most creative way possible. Why are they a part of this conclave and why were they nominated by one mod and another user? Or how about the ex-mod who tried to stage a coup and remove all of the other mods? Seems weird to include them as well.

The reason I seem so butthurt about all of this is because as you may have noticed, I was included in that persona non grata list. I know I'm not the most upstanding member here, but I feel like I'm constantly choosing my words carefully so as not to be banned. Even the reason given in that screenshot is absurd. I asked too many questions? And it wasn't long after that list was made that a mod banned me for "vote manipulation, brigading, and using alt accounts." I asked for any proof of this and offered to give whatever proof they wanted to show I wasn't doing these things, and the mod just called me a dick and unbanned me. I don't know why I'm ranting at you with all of this, but as an insider maybe you have some perspective I'm missing here. Or maybe I'm offering a perspective of the conclave that you haven't seen yet.

Ayy, thanks! I saw your name on the list originally and was surprised. I don't have RES but I recognize regulars. I don't really agree, and it didn't even sound like the user who put your name there was really set on it either. Granted, it's not me and I don't know what interactions you two had or didn't have, so I may not be privy to everything you are.

I'm not sure which user you're talking about who was up for the mod spot and bragged about avoiding bans, mostly out of ignorance though. I honestly don't go on that page much at all, so you may in fact know more about the conclave than I. What I do know is that from what I saw, there was a good amount of healthy disagreement as to how the sub should be run, and I often understood the merit to both sides. Unfortunately my day job mostly involves discussing minutia, so on my off time I prefer not to debate policies and procedures. Generally I'm of the "don't censor until they earn a ban" and to earn a ban, I think people should be given warnings and a chance to defend their stance as well.

As for the ex mod coup, I wish I knew the whole story there! I imagine they had their reasons and would love to find out exactly how that went down. As we know from studying conspiracies, it's seldom just a "lone gunman."

I get the ranting, no need for explanations. I was a moron and did a bit (read, a lot) of doxxing in the wake of the Vegas shooting. Got temp banned and it was a huge bummer to not be able to "move freely about the cabin." I'd imagine being branded a conspiracy pariah would have similar if not greater consequences. Sorry dude, but I do think people live and learn and that it's likely not a huge deal.

the majority doesn’t need protections, the minority group does

OH MY GOD MY SIDES. This comment has me dying laughing. I bet you that dude hates BLM. Ironic af.

Thanks for posting this. Fucking scumbags.

I'm in the conclave

Sorry, I'm out of the loop, what is the conclave?

For an objective look independent of anyone for or against it, I'd recommend looking at the leaked screenshots posted in this chain. I wouldn't want my opinion or someone else's to sway you.

Everyday, there's somebody on this subreddit claiming that they got brigaded because their alt-right conspiracy theory got downvoted.

Topics which counter the MSM narrative are massively down-voted, not 'alt-right' conspiracy theories. Point out the lack of evidence about Russia collusion (MSM narrative), get massively down-voted. Point out that the intelligence ran a domestic operation to undermine a political campaign, (anti-MSM claim) get massively down-voted, post an alternative journalist covering the Syrian conflict giving a different line than the State Department (MSM narrative) get massively down-voted. These are not right wing conspiracy theories, but now, right wing will more likely believe them.

The picture this paints, is that there is support from PR companies working for the MSM doing damage control in conjunction with military and private think thanks pushing a particular line. Real people, that are interested in a topics and want to have a discussion, share their thoughts, provide evidence and counter evidence, and consider the arguments. Meaning they engage in deliberative activity. Propagandists don't.

Topics which counter the MSM narrative are massively down-voted, not 'alt-right' conspiracy theories.

Funny how anything that portrays Trump or Republicans in a negative light is referred to as "the MSM narrative". That strategy has become very popular amongst conservatives lately.

Funny how anything that portrays Trump or Republicans in a negative light is referred to as "the MSM narrative".

See, this is kind of what I mean. This is a talking point. It is not a real, or meaningful sentence. I gave three examples. Lets start with the last first. Denying the MSM narrative on Syria has nothing to do with Trump. If anything, Trump seems to believe the shit fed on the news. So we see right away that your talking point is simply a false proposition.

The claims about Russia collusion, while used to prepare a platform to attack him in 2020 can be seen in a Trump neutral light. Even if the 'special investigation' finds that Trump and his campaign did not collude with the Russian government, the main claims made in the DNI report would still stand. Russia hacked the DNC, they gave this to Wikileaks, etc, etc,. The real target here is creation of an antagonistic relationship with Russia. This is in line with Nato and Ukraine affiliated think thanks.

The second point is about the unelected foreign and domestic bureaucrats interfering in an election process to influence an outcome of a 'democratic' election. The democratic party left should be outraged about this, and be happy that the 'right' is coming around to recognizing this as a problem, seeing how historically it was social movements on the left that were undermined by intelligence and law enforcement. This is a moment for a bipartisan led investigation and reform into the survaillance state. Instead, this abuse is denied in a knee-jerk way.

Trump or Republican

They aren't one and the same dumbass, establishment Republicans hate Trump as much as the establishment democrats, because he shows that they can be replaced. Just look at the way John McCain and Paul Ryan have been behaving.

I don't brigade, I come directly into this sub and downvote stupid shit all the time.

There must be dozens of us!

Yeah, I've seen this. Any opposing viewpoint is a shill, part of the conspiracy, yadda-yadda, we get it. OP's point itself could be seen as a conspiracy to discredit r/conspiracy so less people with leftist ideologies leave and only the right are left. Fuck both of them, and stop bringing parties into the discussion. How do people, especially here, not see through this shit?

Mods such as yourself act as though /r/conspiracy should be exclusively right wing.

Massive citation needed on this tired and easily disprovable talking point.

What about a corroborative viewpoint?

When I questioned Clinton's administration, I was called a right wing conspiracy theorist.

When I questioned Bush Jr.'s administration, I was called a left wing conspiracy theorist.

When I questioned Obama's administration, I was called a right wing conspiracy theorist.

I'm a political atheist, and these many efforts to get me to "convert" to one side or the other (or to at least portray it that way) are laughably insulting at this point.

What happens when you question Trump's administration?


I've got insightful questioning for you, directed at the current admin and our citizens of this great nation. It's the same level of political insight as the political discourse held nationwide, here we go:

Did you know... that Trump... is le cheeto lol ???

What the fuck do you want anybody to say? The same AWFUL foreign policy that everybody oddly forgot during Obama's 8 years that continued from Bush's admin and all prior is continuing now. The oligarchy wins.

The same AWFUL foreign policy that everybody oddly forgot during Obama's 8 years that continued from Bush's admin and all prior is continuing now. The oligarchy wins.

It was criticized on this subreddit throughout.

It was criticized, albeit with weird justifications, on this entire site throughout.

I have no idea what point you're trying to make, here.

"le cheeto" has nothing to do with what I'm saying, it's just your point of deflection away from reality. Do you want me to debate "le cheeto", or do you want to avoid reality?

That seems clear to me.

If you have a point to make, I'm happy to indulge you. But you've gone off on a weird tangent that has no substance, and so I can do nothing but disagree.

Do you want me to dig up flytape's past comments? Or should I mention the fact that a private subreddit of mostly alt right Redditors nominated the latest batch of moderators for /r/conspiracy and you promoted them?

You literally sticky your own posts to control the narrative. That is a massive abuse of mod power and it's very clear the view you are trying to push in this sub.

You sticky right wing partisan bullshit constantly.

Everyday, there's somebody on this subreddit claiming

the victim card boo hoo

Everyday, there's somebody on this subreddit claiming that they got brigaded because their alt-right conspiracy theory got downvoted.

everything is alt right when you're paid to say it is.

Removed. Rule 10.

Why is all of reddit up but the conspiracy homepage is down? Odd.

Hear, hear!

I was wondering, are there screenshots of the harassing messages?

I didn't see any in the links

They have become so aggressive because they're getting desperate. You can see this in MSM articles. It's absurdly obvious.

They have become so aggressive because they're getting desperate.

Desperate about what?

It's a desperate attempt to conceal truth/critical thinking, and the further implementations to pull wool over your eyes. They know their jig is up.

They know their jig is up.

Who? And what jig?

Yes, we're fighting back against abuse by people like /u/recoveringgrace that threaten people with doxxing that don't agree with their radical right wing opinions.

Whoa. When did they get banned?

Anyone that recognized that account knew they weren't good and had an obvious right wing agenda to push, yet they got mod here. Actually it's probably exactly why they got a mod spot here.

A few weeks ago I think. Someone had proof of ban evasion and threats of doxxing.

I don't mind people having different opinions, but don't threaten other users. That's just insane.

Damn. Being downvoted for talking about a mod of this sub that was banned for doxxing people. How fucking sad is that.

We need to go back to internet anonymity

This is the only way to fix the problem

the chans went down that road.
while i admire them for not being facebook, i don't think their atmosphere of constant chaos will condense in a working social network.
it's a niche. an important one, but not suitable for the masses.

I was talking more generally. Turn the whole fricking internet back to anonymity.

You might enjoy Brin's book 'Earth' which includes some exploration of the ideas around anonymity and privacy when it is difficult to enforce rules about that.

I recently went to 4chan for the first time.

The complete lack of bullshit or ego, just straight discussion cloaked by slurs and insults is insanely effective at coming to a conclusion.

This can also be manipulated

With a lot more effort.

All comments are anonymous or pseudonymous, you have no names, no users....
Hence no reputation, no credibility.

No single comment has more weight than another. trips or quads excluded

It's a beautiful thing. No karma bull shit. No accounts or reputations. Just pure freedom. Sure it's had and has some nastiness, but you will not find a purer form of expression on the net.

I appreciate it for exactly that reason.

Yeah instead of that you have 30 shills telling you how dumb you are the millisecond you post anything genuinely controversial

And this is precisely why they want to destroy internet anonymity. Hell, at this point I wouldn't put it past reddit to sell our identifying info.

Exactly. Get as much information about people as possible so you can serve them directed ads and sell that information to marketing companies.

If we are lucky. I could think of some other organizations that would be very interested in our identities in order to shut us up.

They don't need targeted data to do that. News stories are already designed to hit the widest audience, because the majority rules it is extremely effective.

Personalised data means more ads focused at you, meaning you have less chance of 'resisting' the sub conscious methods that are used.

marketing companies

Pffffffft, child's play. Try medical history, voting preferences, etc.

Exactly. The list goes on and on.

Hell, at this point I wouldn't put it past reddit to sell our identifying info.

Considering trump's FCC sold off your internet privacy last year (and you cheered)....why would they not?

Maybe, but that's borderline impossible. Globalist agenda is going the exact opposite way. No privacy, no anonymity. No anything.

I don't see how this would help. /pol/ on 4chan seems like ground zero for psyop/shill/bot bullshit. That forum honestly seems like a testing grounds for quiet but severe psychological warfare.

Because the internet would return to the days of "don't believe anything you read on the internet" which would collapse a lot of the privacy invading aspects of the government.

Ads would be less useful

Nothing would be fully trusted and that means nobody would take it that seriously.

I remember when the internet was full of "ur a homo" jokes. It might not have been mature, but it was light-hearted fun. Much better than what we have now


Anonymity is the gamechanger there. Without karma or identity shills can't use the topminds angle of shaming someone into line. And any 4chan user is used to the abuse.

The incredibly strong and cohesive board culture is another beast. With 4chan especially /pol/ you're either in or you're out and you're expected to be up to speed.

So they try to sabotage by sliding threads with nonsense or racebaiting or porn. You can tell how frustrated they are; 0 effort goes into that place; just copy and paste responses because shills are so easy to spot.

Ever since it was bought by China, that's precisely what it is.

Ever since it was bought by China


Moot sold 4chan to the creator of the original 2chan board that 4chan was based on, several years ago. Oddly enough, that's around when the flood of ultra-right wing lunacy started really picking up steam and spilling over into the rest of the internet.

Hm very interesting.

Quiet and effective.

4chan is the only remaining safe haven. When 4chan falls, that era of web will be over.

do not fear, i will always be here.

Oh you sweet summer child, how I long again for the times where such naive thoughts felt so whole.

There's always the darkwab

Whatever, people are ALWAYS building alternatives.

There may be some truth to that, but I don't agree entirely.

I've been an avid user of reddit and 4chan for about 7-8 years now (I've had several accounts).

I can say that I see a trend on both websites, but I hardly ever go to /pol/ or /b/ anymore because it's overwhelming. There are so many shills, that shills are shilling themselves.

I guess it's to confuse us so much that we don't know up from down, so we throw in the towel and give up.

It gets so unnerving and irritating. There are obvious subs that are always going to have the same rhetoric, so I choose to stay away from those. r/worldnews and r/politics is completely overrun with complete intolerance of any view that seems conservative. It seems the only post that get upvoted the most has to do with Trump. I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with him, what I am saying, is that it's some type of obvious agenda. It seems like it can be any subject about Trump, and it's to the front page.

The same could be said for youtube and facebook.

I wish I had answers, but I don't.

Personally, I just try to keep an open mind and realize that the majority of any information we receive is second hand. So I take things with a grain of salt. I do my research, then I try to form an opinion.

I guess it's to confuse us so much that we don't know up from down

Maybe some have that goal, but I suspect it's mostly just because there are so many people trying to play the game that it becomes a big mess.

Something similar happens with casual conspiracy research. Someone does some research and finds some facts, then infers some possibilities from those facts and publishes those inferences. Other people pick them up and treat them as facts, mix them with other facts and inferences and make some more inferences, without weighting any of it (Bayesian style maybe), and the result is a model that reflects the creativity of the community more than reality.

r/politics is completely overrun with complete intolerance of any view that seems conservative.

I've noticed flurries of downvotes on any comment that's against the DNC, democratic platform, or Hillary. They don't even have to be 'conservative' talking points, such as pointing out that both 2016 candidates are oligarchs.

Yeah, I can see that a bit, but not as much as anything considered conservative. I'm a middle of the road type of guy, so I'm liberal on some issues, conservative on others, and everytime I voice an opinion I get downvoted pretty bad. I figured it was best to move on.

Why don't people browse using tor then?

Too complicated and it has been smeared with 'it's full of drugs and child porn!/you will be on a watch list for viewing the darkweb'

People use google, facebook, twitter all for convenience.

Look at the internet as a supermarket. Imagine if the best food and produce was locked away in a supermarket that you had to buy special gear/have special knowledge to enter. How many people would just go "fuck it, i'll stick to Walmart"?

Reddit has to be viewed as a voting system, and I can't understand why anyone thinks anonymity is compatible with any system that uses votes to boost/bury content.
You have to remember that being anonymous works much better for those in power over the common user, when they potentially have access to surveillance apparatuses to unmask users anyway, and have the financial means to employ those that cloak themselves in the shadows of the perceived anonymity.

I disagree

That's a worthless opinion without a suporting argument. What makes anyone think they can merely state their disagreement while not describing alternatives? That stance reeks of the anti-intellectual cancer that's infecting this country and platform.

I had just woken up.

I disagree because all the problems on the internet are down to people taking this shit way too seriously. Why do they take it seriously? Because they have placed their real lives onto something that is not real. This is virtual reality. When people start to lose their shit because they read words on a screen, you know that that person is in dire straights mentally.

However, if the internet returned to the days of anonymity and homo/cocksucker jokes and where Nazis were of the grammar variety, people would see the internet for what it is; a place for people to come and chat shit, take the piss and have a laugh. It is not serious.

That way, those in power can't do shit because their words fall into the abyss that is the millionth gay joke of the day. Eventually the average joe moves onto the next fad and the internet returns to the hands of the hobbyist.

Pretty much the same thing would happen with the console world if wasn't all paid subscriptions and online currency.

Because they have placed their real lives onto something that is not real. This is virtual reality.

Do you actually believe that? That's severely out of touch if you treat everything online as make believe. The internet and the websites it hosts are as real as print newspapers, and the very platform in which we're commenting, influences real people's opinions on real news articles, and real information, from the real world.
This isn't /r/SubredditSimulator.

You're view of the real world is incredibly narrow. Print newspapers only reach a small portion of the newspapers. Believe it or not, the internet only reaches a small portion of the population.

If you believe in a very narrow world view and make the internet both saviour and boogeyman, then you miss the entire real world.

There's more to life than looking at a screen all day and you, sitting there in front of your screen, just like me, are a very small portion of reality.

If you believe that the internet is all there is, then get help, before you harm others.

You sound like a mormon teenager. Saying "get help" is extra rich coming from someone saying reddit is "virtual reality" and then projecting like whoa. You shouldn't attempt to engage in intellectual debate in the future, you might hurt yourself again.

Takes one to know one.

The projection you perceive is due to your personal reality of the world.

Remember that.

Unfortunately because they steal (fed) and print (treasury) all the money they need, they had endless resources to hire souless idiots for $11 an hour sans benefits.

souless idiots for $11 an hour sans benefits.

Absolutely. These shills are so pathetic, I hope they hate their lives. They deserve their poverty and unhappiness for what they do.

It's a hard way to make a living, but as you point out... they are poor and unhappy. Unhappy poor people do stupid things which are not in their best interests. Look how many voted for Donald Trump.

Hahaha it seems I struck a nerve!

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I hate them both, honestly.

I hate you

That's probably a good thing


Nice, a two-fer 👌

The TMOR basement dwellers gotta get that karma tho

This sub really blows my mind sometimes

Reminds me of Trump supporters..

Rural, poor, easily manipulated........

now I'm even more concerned

How is it that this sub "blows your mind" sometimes when you ignorantly comment something such as that?

Take your downvote and move on with your biased life.

Because I'm not grasping at straws

These "users" blow my mind

Not sure if you're referring to me, but it's undeniable and data-backed that trump supports tend to be both rural and poor. The easily manipulated speaks for itself

Basement dwellers or organized and well funded disinformation officers.

Pick one.

I see this "our enemy is simultaneously all powerful and pathetically weak" mindset a lot on r/conspiracy unfortunately

The worst is when people think a subreddit (be it r/conspiracy or a r/greatawakening type sub) is on the verge of exposing the crimes of the elite rulers of the world.

They believe that there is a clandestine organisation composed of the elite that essentially rules the world and yet they are not only threatened by a subreddit and not only are they unable to get this subreddit shut down, they can't even manage to fully downvote all the posts on that subreddit.

So they believe their enemy is powerful enough to practically rule the world but paradoxically weak enough to be defeated by a subreddit.

How come totemessenger has been getting past Automod so much recently? I thought it was on the automod blacklist?

Sometimes it gets manually approved. When I do so I will oet you know with one of these 👌


They like munny.

Great post, it's become so blatantly obvious that any opposition to international corporate takeover, never ending wars and politicians that serve only the rich is not going to be allowed on Reddit. Like you said, they can't delete our sub. But they can destroy it from the inside with never ending raids from angry hyper partisan brainlets that ruin conversation.


Everything OP describes is true. That being said posts like this are extremely intellectually dishonest and only serve to create further division because they imply subversion and brigading only occur from one side. The reality is both sides and everything in between are guilty of subversion and brigading. These tactics extend WELL beyond politics as well. Corporations, entertainers, artists, science, medicine, musicians etc all use Reddit to further their agenda.

Bottom Line

Reddit is a major front in the war for your mind and everyone all on sides are competing to capture the flag.

Stay Vigilant


That being said posts like this are extremely intellectually dishonest and only serve to create further division because they imply subversion and brigading only occur from one side.

Don't put words in my mouth. I am intimately familiar with "Censorship is ok, so long as my team is doing it" mentality, which is how you get the echo chamber subs. However, it is abundantly clear which side is targeting this sub and why.

Reddit is a major front in the war for your mind and everyone all on sides are competing to capture the flag.

You mean the internet and it is the last remaining front. They control the all of the MSM, so the internet is all that remains.

I am intimately familiar with "Censorship is ok, so long as my team is doing it"

and then

However, it is abundantly clear which side is targeting this sub and why.

you dont see the irony here

you really think the leftwing bogeyman is after you and the right wing saviors are fighting for the people

you really think the leftwing bogeyman is after you....

No, he knows better, he is just here to spread fear and his divisive agenda.

maybe. i wonder if he could find one thing to criticize about the right wing (besides maybe theyre too soft on sjw lefties or something)

I can easily criticize the left and the right because i havent sworn my allegiance to either tribe.

you dont see the irony here

you really think the leftwing bogeyman is after you and the right wing saviors are fighting for the people

You're considerate for giving them the benefit of the doubt. I just assume that people that say this kind of stuff know exactly what they're doing. Just another tactic to control the narrative and blame one side.

i like to think people can see the flaws in their reasoning and come around

left and right exist because they are both right. you need both in balance for a strong and healthy democracy. going too far in one direction will have negative consequences

i think people need to realize and see the allure of tribal thinking, and realize that falling into the trap of seeing the world in a way that paints you and your tribe in the best light isnt the most accurate

This sub has become an echo chamber for T_D folks. Remember when /r/conspiracy didn't regurgitate talking points from the elite/president?

It's pretty absurd that reading through this thread would give me almost the exact opposite opinion than I actually have of /r/conspiracy. Reality is meaningless here these days.

it is abundantly clear which side is targeting this sub and why.

Bit ironic of a statement considering its always posts like these that actually manage to get near the top of the board

If you cant see that both sides target this sub then i believe that is your conformation bias showing.

T_D, JIDF, Cambridge all have a major influence here as well. Please don't kid yourself. Who has a larger presence is a day by day thing and depends on how important the narrative or distraction needs to be.

I go in with the assumption everyone is a shill but understand that even shills could have valid points and can make arguments based on sound logic, and reason.

Its always best to DYOR and most importantly challenge your believes and bias. For example. If I believe something and someone brings something to the table to strengthen my believe I try to always assume it is a lie and then verify their claims independently. If i assume its true I may not investigate further and if I do I end up only finding what I want to find.

I read ya on the corporations, science, and medicine influence, but entertainers, artists, and musicians? I about guarantee you it's not the artists, but the companies that stand to gain from particular artists that get the astroturf boost. What creeps to the top is the especially middle-of-the-road, vanilla, unoriginal music; the nostalgic, tried-and-true, go-to "hits" from the late 20th century (many of which carry psychologically-effective undertones: "tried-and-true"); and some subtly half-assed youtube one-hitters. Every once and a while you get something real and deserving to hit the front page, but it's quite rare.

when i say entertainers i mean the people behind them using influence

Right on. Thanks for clarifying. I particularly had to respond to that because, for every entertainer or musician propped up for spurious reasons, you don't get to see the 10 others who are censored by the same forces.

I get the feeling a lot of these people are UK and EU, I think the UK was heavily involved with our elections and social manipulation way more than Russia. Most of the harrassment I've seen has been british, nasty persisstent and their occasionsl colloquialisms give them away, and utterly arrogant in tone.

If the UK was involved you would t have Trump in power trust me. Just because Cambridge analytica were involved. These companies spring up all over from Sweden to Canada and are nothing to do with the sovereign nation. The complex spreads far and wide now. We are as much in it as you are. And it’s a shame because the UK has generally been a decent place mostly able to stand up to corporate pressures. But no more.

I'll keep that in mind. Am fully willing to change my thinking with new information and polite discourse. Thank you, and best of luck over there.

You might have something there, the Brits invented modern propaganda and have always been good at it. And /r/unitedkingdom is a very abusive and cliquey sub.

Yeah, definitley have first hand experience of that ckiquey 'better than thou' thing they have going on. Arrogant sumvitches and behave likev14yo know-it-alls, at least the ones I've encounteres ij packs here. I now have a completely different outlook on them after experiencing them here. Use to think ptetty highly, now notsomuch.

Also, the US people have realize a lot of the hate and propaganda they are hearing are not from the US, but is from the huge number of non-US here, nog too say that many US don't, just that here its an echo chamber on steroids. I hope the US/UK relationship improves, but except for rare insrances, they are mostly what I've described.

Didn't realize they invebted it, bit have read they were extremely effective at it in the Dan Carlin podcasts.

The whole bullshit "dossier" came from Chris Steele, a veteran of the British intelligence service. The globalists in the U.K. were definitely trying to fuck with our elections.

Yeah, that dossier along with their deep state woeking with our deep state seems cabal-like, even including retired guys that are still connected pulling spy stuff just sounds treasonous.. Two years ago I had no 8dea about what deep statewas.

If it's not onvious, most, if not all social media platforms are now doing this.

Correct. Since the MSM is controlled entirely now, it was just a matter of time before they went after the internet.

And you guys left them. Always remember. That when the Democrats first tried to take over the internet you sat by and let them

That will be how history remembers you

When Facebook first started censoring conservative news articles and conservative people. You sat there and let them

When Reddit band Mega subs from the front page.

When Google and YouTube started censorship

And it's not just you. But I'm specifically talking to you

You and anybody else who said I believe I will be remembered like the people who did nothing to stop the nazis are

I think it’s important to realize the financial motivations.

Progressives buy shit they see advertised. FOMO defines their nature. Conservatives are the opposite.

Destroy advertising and progressivism will die with it.

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

Infowars. Fox news. Look at the fucking ads there. Conservatives and liberals are both vulnerable to and affected by advertising, ya dingus.

Also, this. The blaze is a conservative outlet fyi so this should be an article you can trust. From the horse's mouth, this advertiser says fox news viewers are easier to sell stupid bullshit. Just like Alex Jones who sells his bullshit nutritional supplements to guess who, conservatives!

I could make points about progressives buying stupid shit from ads too but you already know about that. Just saying I'm not trying to play sides here, just pointing out how completely fucking stupid it is to act like one side here is any better than the other. Progressives and conservatives are not monolithic groups. There are bad actors on both sides, and intelligent good people on both sides. Blanket statements like the one you made do nothing to help the discussion.

With that said I completely agree that ads are a toxic scourge on our Earth, and I'd like to see them relegated to very specific places (cable TV which is ad-funded, internet sites that are ad funded, for example are ok, but any paid service should not have ads & fuck billboards).

You will get a point across better if you use less hostile words. Your overall aggressive tone undermines your point. Unless that is your goal.

Stupidity should be met with aggression

That is a non productive outlook that will never achieve improvement.

Someone has to stop the spread of bad ideas. Thank goodness you and Tori lahren are here.

What?? I did not disagree with what you said. I said you are pushing away potential people that need to be swung in your direction- by being rude to someone who was just talking about what they believe.

Yeah some masochist's like this kind of speak, but overall, that tonality will curtail the people not on your side.

And that's what we're here for. To spread the word of manipulation.

Lying is not productive either. Which is precisely what he was responding to.

No argument here. I wasn't talking about that. Saying "him first" and pointing is not a good fall back plan.

As it should be

I’m tired of people pretending ignorance is a political position

Ignorance of what? How am I wrong?

For one that article is correct. But youre trying to act like one uneducated liberals statement is fact

In facthe advertises on fox because his product is was popular with conservatives and unemployed liberals woulndt buy it

Now of course hes been boycott so fck him

I remember jon stewart had to apologise when politifact called him out for that

In reality democrats are uninformed. And Republicans are jnformed. According to pew research

All ad-driven media ends up targeting morons. No disagreement. But if you use a half/half political split like D/R, the D side is much much more valuable to advertisers. This is easy to read off the advertising rates per viewer.

Do you really think that any of these companies care about political ideologies more than revenue?

Can you link me to these advertising rates per viewer information? Because right now it sounds like you're claiming that the Democratic side of the political spectrum is "much, much more valuable" because it's simply a larger group. Which, surely, you can't mean since if Democrats were the majority, much of the so-called "subverting and brigading" would simply be the majority having their views heard.

Not quite. D and R are roughly the same in number. To get advertising revenue you have to crunch annual reports and Nielsen ratings. I did this a lot in 2010 when Fox started to dominate the ratings and I wondered why the bigger networks were all going the other way. Fox had 10x the numbers of MSNBC and they were advertising for barrick gold and survival seeds while MSNBC was getting Unilever and PepsiCo. Turns out that MSNBC was pulling much higher ad revenues, and CNN was turning left despite losing ratings, so the industry must have figured this out. Even on Fox, Shep is their bid to compete for the high-spending gay male market.

I don’t work in marketing analytics anymore, so I probably won’t be crunching the numbers for you. Maybe.

Empirically, We never had good enough data to be certain, but you can roughly order the value like this: - gay men - married women - single women - single men - married men

This is straight from consumer spending reports. You can find them all over. You won’t find much on political divisions because that’s hard to get directly, although Facebook in 2010 was a goldmine for learning latent factors that correlate with spending. Everybody knew this, and adjusted their market appeal to maximize profits.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

What am I wrong about?

U know why u see ads for stupid sht on cnn? Cuz its viewers are idiots

There's ads for stupid shit everywhere

You have no idea how any of this works.

How does it work?

People are not monoliths. That's a fox / cnn mentality.

You sound like a neurotic crazy millennial in the year 2070 reminiscing about the era of "Nazi bigots" and "It wasnt real socialism".

And you guys left them. Always remember. That when the Democrats first tried to take over the internet you sat by and let them

Where are the Democrats trying to take over the internet?

ShareBlue or Correct the Record?

And the right has absolutely no internet operations like SB or CR, got it.

I'm not saying that at all.

every upper echelon of the bureaucracy has some sort of affiliation with a group who is trying to keep certain truths off the internet and out of the knowledge of the public.

Right, Left, Dem, Rep.. they're all using similar strategies to maintain control of the information available on the internet.

Interesting how you only called out one side...

i was answering gary's question. he only asked about democrats. i gave him two examples.

Were are all the right wing 100 user subs being astroturfed to r/ all?

Were is the influx of right wing trolls in every post?

The blatant censorship on Twitter and Facebook is one example. The propaganda bullshit pushed by Netflix is another.

"Free market! Except the markets that influence people with different opinions, beliefs and agendas than mine!"

If you can't recognize Operation Mockingbird unfolding before your eyes, you're either blind or part of the problem

The blatant censorship on Twitter and Facebook is one example. The propaganda bullshit pushed by Netflix is another.

Plenty of people that work for Twitter and Facebook and Netflix are conservative. Plenty of influential people in Hollywood are very conservative.

One should always worry when their arguments revolve around victim narratives.

One should always worry when their arguments revolve around victim narratives.

Then you may have some serious worrying to do.

Plenty of people that work for Twitter and Facebook and Netflix are conservative. Plenty of influential people in Hollywood are very conservative.

That's a blatant lie, unless you're a Communist that thinks anyone right of Marx is conservative.

There are zionests in hollywood just like they are in the current Whitehouse. You are lying to yourself.

Speak for yourself douche. I didn't let shit happen

What have you done to stop it.

Sure, I post/comment against everything mentioned there in what was said, but I haven’t really done much.

What even can be done.

Media matters/share blue/CTR are huge and have farms of morons that sold out the internet for a paycheck.

Oh yeah, you're the guy who did all that stuff to stop all those things. Aren't you?

Nice to meet you if so

Please go take your meds...

Except he's not wrong.


Check into a hospital. Meds wont be enough for u

Removed. Rule 4. Only warning.


A lot of people are starting to realize this, which is a good thing. The best way to reduce the effectiveness of propaganda is to expose it. The propaganda will still be there, but at least some people will think twice before taking a comment seriously just because it's highly upvoted with gold. Make sure the claims are correct. Verify the citations. Make sure you have the right context. Check out the buried comments as well.

For years, people went on social media and assumed they were only having conversations with average people. They were swayed more easily by these posts because it gave the appearance of coming from their "peers" instead of government or corporate spokespeople. Manipulating the internet is like weaponized peer pressure.

For those who haven't seen it yet, be sure to check out the Astroturfing Information Megathread: a collection of news articles on fake grass roots operations (paid shills) on social media, many of which haven't gotten enough attention.

Just be aware that all sides are in on this.

So you are saying we should be afraid?

Nice try. The thread was compiled with the intention of finding all information about astroturfing. Incidentally, both sides have engaged in this practice. The facts are the facts, so as long as you keep your bias out of it, there is plenty of stuff to read.

The facts are the facts

What are the facts?

You're pretending to ask as if you didn't see me cite a thread full of them earlier. Go away.

And now, as of today, with net neutrality rules ending, it's bound to get worse.

"now" they say... Lmao.

Except for Gab, right?

I'm not sure what that is, but I doubt they are more ethical than FB.

Gab is a hell hole for anyone who believes in civility and decency. Any platforms that won't bend over for corporate conquest are instead beset with a different type of disruption - the mouth-foaming hate freak. It's so beyond counterproductive. I just want the old, unpolarized internet back.

Yeah I was kinda being sarcastic

Fair enough lol. It whooshed me because it's a different type of brigading.

The mouth foaming hate freak and the brigading TMOR user may just be the same people. Admins not on board with your agenda? Flip the coin. Anything to keep people from meeting in the middle.

I'm not sure which is worse, the blatant, ubiquitous brigading, or the aggressive gaslighting of people who point it out.


I think the worst part is the obvious complicity of reddit admins. A couple years ago I was linked to TMOR through /r/conspiracy and downvoted a couple posts. At the time I was unaware that this was against reddit rules. I was immediately shadowbanned without warning or explanation, I didn't even realize until a mod here informed me.

And yet I've seen good, regular users here mention TMOR and suddenly get downvoted into the -100s, blatantly obvious brigading, and nothing is ever done about it.

Fuck these sellout reddit admins.

I think the worst part is the obvious complicity of reddit admins.

Yes, this.

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aggressive gaslighting of people who point it out

'People who disagree with me are gaslighting me'.

Grow up.

Case in point. Always some nitwit ready with a negative shaming comment for discussing concerns about a petty authoritarian atmosphere.

Perhaps those of us who doubt the 'paid shills are out to get us' meme are actually trying to assist you to transcend the fear paradigm.

Don't assume you know what other people are talking about when you obviously don't. It makes you look ignorant.

What I consider to be evidence of brigading emphatically is not people "disagreeing with me". People disagree with me all the time, big whoop. If I couldn't take people disagreeing with me, I'd stay off the fucking internet.

Evidence of brigading is when voting trends take noticeably abrupt turns (i.e., comments that were being upvoted are rapidly downvoted and vice versa), often at the same time as the post is linked from one or more other subreddits or off-site. Sometimes, mods will sticky a post that seems to be receiving this kind of outside attention, and this increased visibility to subreddit regulars causes a second reversal of the upvote/downvote tendencies of comments.

This happens all the time on reddit, across all different ideological lines. For example, I used to spend a lot of time on feminist subreddits, and it would be really fucking obvious when something there had been posted on some MRA sub, bringing in mass downvotes for relatively standard feminist comments and upvotes for MRA garbage. Insert any two competing viewpoints and you can find examples of the same. Do you really think /r/conspiracy is immune, or are you just into invalidating the lived experiences of other people before you even bother to ask about the details? Asshole.

Do you usually call people named when they disagree with you?

Oh that wasn't for disagreeing with me. Please feel free to disagree with me all you like.

But if you don't want to be called an asshole, don't be an asshole. Putting words in someone else's mouth and assuming you know what they're referring to without bothering to ask makes you an asshole.

Where has a victim mentality ever helped somebody?

When has denying reality ever helped solved real problems? Helps deflect for those who stand to benefit from those problems continuing to fester, though. It's a piece-of-shit abuser tactic to shame people for pointing out ongoing abuses.

abuser tactic

This is the main problem with conspiracy theory forums.

They attract people who truly feel like they are victims under attack in all social situations.

Again with the sweeping assumptions that make you such an asshole. You might want to work on that, for your own sake.

I for one do not feel like that in all social situations, or even many. Only those for which there is actual evidence of it. Thankfully none in my personal life for a long time.

When there is actual evidence of it and someone asserts otherwise, that is a manipulation tactic commonly known as gaslighting, typical of narcissists and sociopaths. I've been a victim of it in one intimate relationship in the past, but most of my relationships have been/are healthy, without abuses like that. One bad experience will teach a person what to look out for, though. And taught me the confidence to resist assholes like my ex who try to make me doubt my own observations of fact.

Part of refusing to be a victim is calling bullshit like that out when you see it.

actual evidence

What actual evidence?

Oh hey, you're asking questions now -- happy to see the progress! I already answered that question however. It's hard to get more specific than my earlier comment (where I described what I consider to be evidence of brigading) without a specific thread to refer to wherein it is occurring.

So no actual evidence, then?

Oh there are plenty of past examples I could dig up if I wanted to spend hours on this, although you'd need archived copies of a given brigaded thread as it developed to really see it, since as I described, it's about significant, notable changes in voting tendencies as a thread develops (and, on a more subjective level, a push toward views that conflict with the general community consensus of the subreddit in question) that's the big tip-off, rather than the final version of the thread alone. It's quite an onerous task to document if you aren't just watching it happen in real time. If you actually seemed interested in such evidence, it might be worth the effort on my part, but since you just asserted your own version without even asking before, undermining the observations of the many redditors who have watched brigading as it occurred, I doubt it'd be worth the hours of effort. If you're questioning your initial assumptions now, that's terrific, though. Maybe you can do some observation for yourself and notice what most long-time reddit users are already well aware of.

There are loads of documented instances of brigading, though, if you'd really like to see what it looks like. It happens across different ideologies, although people tend to notice it more when it's opposed to their views. For one example, here's an instance where an /r/EnoughTrumpSpam user documented brigading in their sub by Trump supporters. The same patterns can be seen in other instances regardless of the ideology of the brigaders and brigadees.

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They attract people who truly feel like they are victims under attack in all social situations.

I really don't know how to respond to that /u/Step2TheJep. I really don't... It is amazing that you would say that.

People who complained about being called shills/CTR were gaslighted starting in July 2016. Had nothing to do with TMOR. Now the gaslighters are complaining about being gaslighted.

So you haven't been here in 9 months, but know that OP is crying victim.

I don't even...

So you didn't read that I was here when the brigades arrived, in 2016. I know you don't even.

Topmindsofreddit is hilarious. You guys take things so seriously. Lighten up a bit.

Mods play dumb like they have no control over their subreddit. They make petty power plays all the time where it doesn't count. Meanwhile, they allow the most blatant shilling, brigading, and anti-conspiracy attacks straight from the CIA document 1035-960.

They are obvious to those of us looking. Post history. They hide in silly chatty subs like gaming where they can build a post history rather than look like new accounts. Likely some silly sods just take over the accounts and spend all day in a darkened room chatting to each other about nonsense in subs no one cares about.

Other subjects that get brigades. Mandela effect. Glitch in the matrix. Nasa. Flat earth. Why ? No idea but simply them being there back fires IMO as the more inquisitive of us wonder why. Means there’s more than meets the eye.

wow they act just like real users, but they say things you disagree with (so obviously they are paid to disagree)

how nefarious

I mean what else are the PTSD IDF soldiers suppose to do? I mean killing women and children is really going to mess with your head. They had to give you guys something to do. Honestly we pitty you guys.

you 'pitty' who exactly? you are talking about some IDF soldiers, then you say you 'pitty' me? help me understand your point

Hes insinuating that you are a shill thats being paid to disagree with him. Because its impossible that he might just be stupid and wrong.

god I WISH i could think on those terms. imagine how easy it would be to go through life being so confident that you are right and have nothing to learn, that you believe that anyone who disagrees has been paid off by shadowy bogeymen

so simple, so black and white, and you get to think of yourself as a hero

Missing the point rather. Disagreeing is one thing. But I’ve made a valid point on shilled accounts. Surely a person disagreeing on something would have a history on agreeing with something else ? Rather than talking shite on some random sub ?

Surely a person disagreeing on something would have a history on agreeing with something else ?

not sure what this means?

Well if there is an interest in any subject a person will generally have an opinion to agree with. So 9/11 there must be a stance to agree with. Such as the government was right and the buildings came down by planes. Nd there would be a reason to agree with that. Even if it was the government wouldn’t lie what would happen if they got caught ? Or god forbid a true believer that our authorities don’t lie to us and give us the whole truth (wouldn’t that be a nice thought)

Surely you’d see that in their answers. A debate generally means the other person has a point. Yet we see well rehearsed repeated phrases. “The explanation is very simple really”. “There’s too many people involved someone would say something” “you don’t understand basic science” (that’s my favourite).

Yet a free flowing disagreement doesn’t employ tried and tested de railment tactics that we see repeated. In fact it’s a pleasure to talk to someone with an interest in disagreeing. The fact is most people, like me, when they don’t agree just move on and let others chat about it. If i don’t agree with some things on here. I don’t feel the need to tell people I dont agree.

when they say something like 'you don't understand basic science' do they make their case with science? because that seems like a pretty good argument, assuming the science isnt bullshit magic or something

No they don’t make an argument. Although occasionally there are pre fabricated answers. 9/11 buildings is a good example. Despite some well respected and well recognised people stating that scientifically those buildings could not have come down like they did, we see a massive response complete with diagrams and god knows what to drown out the other person. Now I’m talking as an observer here I have some views on those buildings but I’ve seen perfectly reasonable and scientific arguments simply get drowned out by shills.

Another good example is simply asking open ended questions and let the other person waffle away. He who asks more questions wins and often looks like they are in control. It’s a good and effective technique employed in the sales environment mostly. You see this when a user poses questions, and in return you get a question whilst avoiding any answers to questions posed.

This isn’t how people naturally talk to each other. What does that mean to you ? Why do you see it that way ? How do you feel about that ? I mean if you ask someone what are the implications of x being that way ? You could be reading a novel in the answer.

And science ? It’s as well as employing god said. Science is no more trusted here than the word of the bloke you met down the pub. Scientific papers can in effect come up with any answer given the right set of data. We’ve seen that admitted to by scientists here. Science proves x pill works better than anything tested (not mentioning sugar and cow poo were the only things tested) science predicts that global warming will effect earths sea levels (yeah and Doris my medium predicts I’d win the lottery).

Science shows how a melted beam can bring down a building (not mentioning the beam didn’t melt) science shows how an aeroplane could turn in circles (could being the operative word). It’s no more science than politics half the time. And even when we do see raw data science we find out raw data has been fiddled with (east anglia university) and for every scientific theory there seems to be an opposing theory. Eventually it’s my god is bigger than your god, and back to square one.

Wow given the downvotes you are getting and your position I’m just even more convinced of all this BS

Yeah like I care about downvotes here.

It’s ok lil buddy, good luck with your propaganda campaigns.

thanks i guess

good luck with the paranoia. remember, every NPC in your life is on the SOROS payroll

More like 3rd world slaves posting garbage online to feed their garbage families because their life and culture is garbage. Sup buddy, the poop smells bad don’t it?

i dont smell poop.

you are kind of a weird person. im thinking you are attempting 'humor' but a severe lack of emotional intelligence (hand in hand with the paranoia) probably makes that difficult on you

upvotes won't help your family out of poverty, that's why your paid by rich Americans because you are such poor cheap labor. Good luck lil buddy.

that's why your paid by rich Americans because you are such poor cheap labor.

hard to parse this

did you mean "you're", as in "you are"


that is why you are paid by rich Americans because you are such poor cheap labor.

but that doesnt really make sense

im paid by rich americans BECAUSE i am such poor cheap labor? dont get why the americans have to be rich, or me being poor is a great reason to pay me. i think i dont get it because your premise is wrong and weird

keep working, your english is getting better!

No they act like they have been on different subjects like gaming then decide to randomly comment on subjects they have had no previous interest in.

How nefarious.

what is so suspicious about someone being interested in gaming? are their comments spammy and banal or something?

to me it sounds like you are deciding they are shills because you dont like what they post here, then looking at their post history and shaking your head and going 'look at how they pretend to be real humans'

maybe they are real humans who disagree with you?

Maybe. But just seems like inordinate amount of people who disagree with a given rhetoric seem to pop over from gaming to disagree. Surely if one has an interest in a subject, one would debate or seek questions, rather than come up with immediate explanations for the disagreement.

And seemingly well informed disagreements. Where as someone so well informed in say politics. Or moon landings. Or 9/11 would show some sort of history of disagreement or a given stance. Yet one minute they are talking about how to best shoot someone on COD and the next they seem to be an expert in building demolition or rocket thrusters.

Maybe it’s time to think of another way to keep these accounts looking real rather than being lazy, that’s all I’m saying. Maybe some are real. But it’s kind of washed out by those that aren’t.

Surely you aren’t naive enough to believe there isn’t political rhetoric and corporate propaganda on Reddit and other chat rooms ? I have seen all the pretty new buildings they’ve built for social media propaganda by the way.

Why should we give them an easy ride.

Just seen you’re upvotes. Come on that’s what I’m talking about. Everyone knows this is shilled to fuck. Stop being so damn obvious about’re a yank. I can tell by the upvotes. At least the Brits are a little more subtle.

i never said shills dont exist. im saying your system for detecting them is flawed, and you may just be using it to dismiss opinions you disagree with

I’m not so arrogant to think I know everything I really don’t. And I would welcome the debate with anyone with a different opinion. In fact I was quite naive when I got here at first. I thought my main subject would be of no interest to shills or propaganda. But soon I found out my sub was about the worst for it. It’s only experience not pre judgement. Had I chosen politics or debate on Israel I would have fully expected shills.

It’s hard to always separate the two. And that’s a real shame because there is one thing all our counties once stood for and that was free speech. It’s even a pleasure when shills break character and actually chat. Otherwise may as well be talking to the defending lawyer.

R/topmindsofreddit is definitely not funded or anything. Why is this post getting upvotes?

Says the TMOR member. I think they're holding out on you.

Be careful with the broad brush your painting with.

It can get messy.

I'm not a member of TMOR. Look at the post you linked, whose post are they mocking?

I have been suspicious of this for a while. Good Job!!!

TuMOR at it again.

This is only happening because we are winning. They have a bad habit of exposing themselves.

It's pretty obvious the same spam subs that brigade /r/all, such as /t/politics and all of their spam subs, have been brigading here for quite some time. Notice how most criticism of /r/politics or the topics they like are usually downvoted here. They project by calling this sub "T_D 2.0" or "alt-right" yet comments such as that wouldn't be upvoted in a sub that's "T_D 2.0" or "alt-right" since it would go against the sub's agenda then. Basic logic, makes it easy to see through the brigades.

Always take note of the account ages and where they post often. If it's a post, take note of the crossposts.

I see these kinds of voting patterns in plenty of other subs where there has been an influx of users with differing views. I've been on this sub for like 7 or 8 years, and it is vastly different than it used to be.

Perhaps there are lots like me who are sick of the obviously fake bullshit and are here for vaguely plausible stuff or even (gasp) ... proven conspiracies?

Proven conspiracy theories arent really conspiracy theories anymore though.

well it's /r/conspiracy not /r/conspiracytheories. I think anything conspiracy related is fine as long as it's not garbage

Fair but i don't think banning the theories is a good idea. Maybe you didnt mean it that way. Idk

Nah, I'm primarily responding to the thread and OP and others who share his feelings. Having been on the sub long before Trump was a thing (politically), it's easy to recognize how ridiculous it has become.

OP is doing more to discredit him/herself than anyone else could by posting those "tactic: bullshit bullshit bullshit" replies, and they're acting like they don't even realize that. Maybe they don't! Who knows, it's a huge clusterfuck.

Yeah htis sub has kinda gone to shit i went to conspiracyII but got into it with the mod and got banned from there about 6 months back lol

Very true OP

Glad others are calling this out

Could you share some evidence of this "brigading"?

Or did you consider that some people might think your anti-globalist rhetoric is stupid at best and argue back?

Sad state of the subreddit when this is one of our most upvoted posts.

Get ready to get banned lol

I really hope not, been here for 5+ years..

I didn't know this was r/the_donald when it comes to banning people.

Well I guess we’ll find out if one or both of us get banned within the next few hours.


just stay in line and youll be fine

“One of our most upvoted posts”

Current number of upvotes as I write this: 112

Ok that might have been an exaggeration. I do see it as the number one post on the subreddit when sorting by hot.

It was posted at 10am on a Monday, and has less than 200 upvotes bruh. This is just another random venting post, don't try and loop everyone in the sub together like all 647,000 subscribers agree with this guy cause there's 162 upvotes.

Ya I shouldn’t have put so much stock into it.

Evidence? Who needs such a silly thing?!?

I've been called a shill recently just for disagreeing and reported for brigading.

It's flat out nonsense. These people pushing the anti-globalist, far right rhetoric feel comfortable in only that safest of space. people diagreeing with your wacky logic and super thin evidence are not all paid shills. Some people just don't carry the same inherent bias as you and look at your theory skeptically. This is okay. No need to put up trash posts like this, unless you have some evidence, of course.

Interesting the kind of people that feel attacked by this post.

persona non gratas

I don’t think anyone who upvoted me realized my comment was in reference to Cervical_Plumber and not in defense of him/her.

oh no it is clear. you are saying /u/cervical_plumber is offended and so they must be a shill right?

Offended is probably putting it strongly. I find these types of broad accusations of "shills" and "vote suppression" to be a tactic of those wilth weak evidence and a demand for constsnt echo chamber.

I figured he was referring to the post as a whole, rather than my crticism of it. I honestly don't give a shit if they think I'm shill.

i completely agree with you. shill is the laziest cop out argument you can come up with. if you dont like someones argument, demonstrate why you think it is wrong rather than insinuate that they are paid by someone to make that argument

random shill calling plays into the hands of actual shills. they would love nothing more than a sub like this to degenerate into a bunch of people who cannot engage in discourse.

Preach. I have an open mind, but the amount of politically motivated allegations of pedophilia rings on this sub is distressing. Most are almost entirely founded on out of context public statements and strange choices in artwork. These are not enough to level serious allegations of child rape and trafficking, in my opinion.

It goes both ways though. I wasn’t implying you were a shill, but your anti anti-globalist rant came out of left field without really dissecting anything OP said. It appeared as if you felt personally attacked and reacted accordingly. I agree that the left/right wing paradigm has infested this sub horribly (thank fuck there’s other growing conspiracy subs). Your broad stroke of categorizing everyone who is anti-globalist as possessing whacky logic and thin evidence seems the opposite of open minded. I’m not trying to attack you, just feeling out where you’re coming from. I want you to elaborate on why you dont think that the administration of Reddit has been bought out or why you don’t think that TMOR is slightly nefarious and inorganic. Also, conspiracy theory culture is - by its very nature - one where evidence is thin, because if it wasn’t...then it wouldn’t be so much of a theory in the first place. There’s few pieces of the puzzle and people do their best (at least non politically motivated, actual truth seekers) to figure out what that big picture is.

Personally, I like globalism, and have dedicated my career to an industry that helps foster global economic and social collaboration. I wish I had more clarity on when and how globalism became such a sinister thing.

At the same time I believe in many conspiracies, particularly in politics and business, that hurt individual rights of people.

Is the anti-globalism thingy happening because of the stark realization that when lifting up the masses who are disadvantaged around the world, those with built in advantages due to geography or heritage may have to give more than they would prefer?

We better get this globalist agenda straightened out because we will some day need EARTH represented at a future council of intergalactic cooperation!

I think some just fear the type of unity we would have. They think it would be dystopia.

No one is lifting up the poor, there's just a series of control schemes.

i think the biggest legit knock on globalism is that it increases competition pressure on people on the low end of the economy. if you are a factory worker in america and now have to compete with factory workers in china, it is bad for you

but it is good for the 1%er factory owner who increases his profit margin and reaps the benefits, at the expense of his former local owners.

obviously its not all bad, but there are downsides, like with any complex issue

Considering this subreddit was MUCH more "centrist" before the election and is now considered by the rest of Reddit to basically be another alt-right sub... Which way do you honestly think the brigading is going?

It's so unbelievably insane to me that there's an actual conspiracy going on involving the russians and subtle takeovers of internet communities, but this sub doesn't buy that. The one thing that might ACTUALLY be happening... And this sub thinks it's ridiculous. I wonder why that is?

Before the election there were many posts about random, fringe, theories and people discussing all kinds of possibilities pertaining to them. Ever since r/whereisjulian came about, I've seen a big change in this sub, related or not. Now it's all politics and global agendas.

Jesus, what is that subreddit?

I believe it refers to the time Julian Assange, top dog of wiki leaks appeared missing for a while and people thought he was dead or imprisoned. Looks to me people still think so.

The sub was left up as an alternative to this sub after the community voted to keep it. There were much more subscribers to it back during the event you mention.

i dont think he is either, but he is owned.

To add: people saw that Wikileaks lied during their AMA about who they were, and literally started tweeting anti-Clinton/anti-Dem articles and propaganda around the time of the election. This is something they never did previously, for any side.

Red hat apologists always claim that Wikileaks was just speaking the truth and “too bad, so sad” it was anti-Clinton, but they never pushed a narrative or any news articles prior to this; they would only push information dumps and anything related directly to their org or Julian.

Something appears to be wrong with Julian and a bunch of people start questioning why Wikileaks is acting so blatantly partisan along with the AMA disaster, but it was pushed off this sub. It was fascinating to discuss and watch unfold in real time.

Exactly this. It went insanely anti-Hillary and DNC to the point of obfuscating everything else and while it moved away from that (to an extent) it’s still overwhelmingly politicized. This sub is nothing like it was 3-4 years ago. It has been completely and utterly brigaded by both sides, at various points, and the front page posts turned into worthless unsourced rants.

Did r/WhereIsJulian get scrubbed since you posted this?

It's not just considered by the rest of Reddit to be basically another alt-right sub, it's also considered by many longtime users of the sub itself to now be another alt-right sub. The rise of Trump on his campaign led to this sub's transformation into an extension of T_D.

The death knell was when conspiracy mods stickied a thread welcoming refugees from T_D.

and what about the usage of contest mode, tags of 'Unverified Allegation', banned users, etc.

these threads are common and they seem like they are trying to convince us to believe something other than our eyes

I think a lot of us do understand that and are very aware of it, it’s just that’s there’s enough noise being blasted into the sub to derail any serious conversation about it. Wonder who benefits from these type of posts?

If this is just another alt right sub I'm confused on why comments like yours are almost always highly upvoted. Seems a strange dichotomy.

Ding ding!

Nobody else has to associate this sub as 'alt-right' when you knobs welcome T_D with open arms and tag the Steele Dossier as 'unproven' while going on about Pizza Gate.

How fucking dense can you be.

I welcomed no one, I'm not sure who you are trying to classify as "you knobs" (whatever that means). I haven't spoken about the 'Steele Dossier' or 'Pizza Gate'

You are not the sub. But you are talking about the sub, which has done all of those things. Stop deflecting.

Because the articles that get upvoted here tend to be more right-leaning. The comments don't. That doesn't seem hard to understand.

Anything is possible I suppose. I would assume that if people were "brigading" they would do so in the comment section as well but I'm no expert.

Well, at least we're both getting downvotes. We must be doing something right.

I'd just assume that upvoting posts is easier than going through every comment and upvoting those.

Just me far as I can tell. I thought my comments were pretty benign but obviously some people disagree.

Many mistake being contrarian with being a conspiracy theorist.

A conspiracy theorist looks for truth no matter where it leads to or who it makes look bad.

I used post here often but the place is just another trump sub. I stopped coming back when trump tweets were pushed to the top and every other post was exactly like this one, complaining about admins and brigading. Sad!

isnt one of the core tenets of the info war to gaslight by accusing the other side of doing what you are doing?

makes sense to me. the only people who think this place is not Right enough are consistently vocal about it (and a few other predictable topics) and make me think they are trying to convince us of something, rather than revealing some truth

There's a comment higher up that literally shows the shills at TMOR already linked to this thread twice...

Yeah I don't know how it can be interpreted any other way if you spent 2 minutes of time on that sub

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Do a search on RecoveringGrace. Used to be a mood here till they got caught doing that .

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Of course there is brigading here.

Look at any pro establishment thread. Lots of upvotes, but all the comments destroy its arguments.

Sort by new for the truth.

Sorting by oldest to newest can be pretty interesting too. Lets you see what the initial reaction of people browsing the new queue was before brigading kicked in.

Sort by new for the truth.

Red flag that this is getting upvoted in a skeptical forum. You are part of the problem. Don't sort by new, sort by "reading and critically thinking about what was read", not some arbitrary sorting mechanism that has no relationship to what is actually written.

sort by "reading and critically thinking about what was read"

Do you understand what a stupid suggestion this is relative to the topic at hand?

Thinking critically is never stupid. Full stop.

Thinking critically is never stupid. Full stop.

Nice straw-man. No one is claiming otherwise.

The issue is mod and admin-endorsed manipulation and deception: The whole point of reddit is to connect with various types of content, for which we rely on, and participate in, a type of crowd-sourced labor. When that is being manipulated to produce inorganic results, it is not possible to solve the problem by simply reading everything critically. That suggestion misses the point entirely.

it is not possible to solve the problem by simply reading everything critically.

Yeah, reading critically won't solve it, but "sorting by new" surely will. What is wrong with you people?

Two dumbs don't make a smart...

There's only one "dumb" in this discussion and its the suggestion that we should "sort by new for the truth". That's dumb. Reading critically is not. What's so hard about that?

Reading critically is not.

Again, no one said that it was...

Suggesting 'reading critically' as a solution to the same issue is even dumber than the sorting new suggestion

Sorting by new is dumber than reading critically. Got it.

Now in your next reply please explain to me why you didn't literally just say that reading critically is dumber than sorting by new. lmao

Suggesting 'reading critically' as a solution to the same issue is even dumber than the sorting new suggestion

Sorting by new is dumber than reading critically. Got it.

This is how a ten year old argues...

Now in your next reply please explain to me why you didn't literally just say that reading critically is dumber than sorting by new. lmao

You are just playing dumb. Suggesting that 'reading critically' is a viable solution to the problem raised in the OP is stupid. No one said that reading critically in general is stupid.

Now just go right back to playing dumb.

I am starting to understand why you have such an aversion to the "read critically" suggestion.

Let make this really simple for you.

Given the option "sort by new for the truth" and the option "read critically for the truth", the "sort by new" option is always the dumber of the two. 100% of the time. There are no exceptions. There is no situation where "the truth" is more readily ascertained by comment order rather than reading with scrutiny.

No one said that reading critically in general is stupid.

YES. I understand. You're not saying reading critically in general is stupid, you're saying it's only stupid in certain specific scenarios where "SORTING BY NEW" is the smarter way to reveal the truth. What you're missing is that this notion is totally wrong. Period.

Given the option "sort by new for the truth" and the option "read critically for the truth", the "sort by new" option is always the dumber of the two. 100% of the time.

Did you even read the OP? The truth that the user was referring to was not the veracity of the articles, but rather making it evident that manipulation is at play. At least the sort by new method addresses the issue of brigading to some degree. The whole point of reddit is to not have to simply read everything on the internet to find the kind of content for which you are looking.

You're not saying reading critically in general is stupid, you're saying it's only stupid in certain specific scenarios where "SORTING BY NEW" is the smarter way to reveal the truth.

How the fuck are you supposed to critically read articles that never hit your eyes because they have been brigaded off the front page or modded out of existence?

lol. I guess I am the dumb one since I have been trolled into an argument where

No, you are the dumb one because you can't seem to follow the conversation or the content of the OP.

Stuff that gets mass upvoted but torn apart in the comments sounds like a poster that was upvoted brigaded.

That level of skepticism/contrarianism is actually the reason I came to reddit from Digg 8 years ago. Even when dumb, misleading shit got upvoted, it would be corrected in the top comment.

It's not new. The site has always had a disconnect between voters/commenters.

a simple vote bot that only upvotes threads but cant parse comments. we've seen this for a while

... Wouldn't it be that upvotes are easier to get that comments? That seems backwards to me.

That was what they are saying, comments are massively upvoted but all the comments responding to it tear apart its lies and shoddy logic, which implies either botting or a Brigade to upvote, while the actual regulars just apply critical thinking.

But the comments are generally on an upvoted post - wouldn't it be easier to manipulate upvotes on posts than comments?

It is.

The post is brigaded up, but the comments are real.

Just a reminder to everyone.

This isn't a left is better than the right, or vice versa. This is about thought control and manipulation. Yes, leftist groups do shill online. So do right groups. So do corporations, so do media platforms.

The point of this post is to draw awareness to the issue.

Exactly. There doesn't need to be a identification with "this or that." Thats just a bunch of finger pointing.

Both sides commit wrongdoings. We are here to discuss the manipulation and try to theorize a form of discourse. Well...not so much anymore

Every time I try and open that link, my reddit app (reddit is fun) crashes. Neat........

Shilling from the left is much more coordinated and funded. Correct the record and shareblue literally changed Reddit’s Alexa rating.

r/politics went from a Bernie sub to a Hilary sub overnight

You're right. Their shilling groups are also more documented as well. Makes much easier to detect.

finally someone who mentions shareblue can also mention cambridge analytica and whatever that israeli group that mueller shut down was called.

all too often we get spammy 'beware of shills!' posts that only mention the left. be less obvious guys

its obvious to me that the point of these threads is 'dont trust anyone you disagree with'. i think the obvious intelligent thing to do is to run your ideas into disagreeing ideas to see what holds up to scrutiny. if you live in an echochamber or think that anyone who disagrees is a shill, your ideas will become weak and atrophy and wont hold up when you run into something undeniable

Ah there it is, the daily fear mongering thread meant to slowly push this community further right. Cool cool

Yeah, many seem to forget who sold off their right to internet privacy last year....while they all cheered!

They misremember as instructed. It's the Democrats. It's actually in one of the most here.

Hahahaha Snowden meant nothing right? The US government spying on their own and foreign citizen's internet started last year, how could I forget! Get a grip, you are deranged.

And this trivializes net neutrality being sold out by a R controlled Congress how?

How could they sell something that's already been sold for close to a decade? This kind of shit passes through any government, any party, anywhere. No politician/government in the world would pass on the opportunities and powers such spying fives them. It's foolish to lay the blame on any side. It happened worldwide around 2005.

Oh - when Rs controlled all of congress too. Good point.

You only see in black and white. If you would read and tried to understand, you'd see me saying that any government party, Republican, democrat, socialist, fascist, social-democratic, dictatorship or free democracy or anything else would take those spying powers for themselves.

European, African, Asian, North- or South-American, doesn't matter, all would go for it the second they got the chance. Even if every last member of your government was a democrat back at the point when the technology became good enough to make mass-surveillance possible, they still would've taken that power.

I'm not equating your 2 parties in any way, just saying that these kind of laws get passed everywhere, under any leadership, the second it becomes an option.

Seems like you only see in wild conjecture. It's saddening to see such a pessimistic worldview.

Lol, sure, your heroic democrats would have passed on those powers... I hope you wake up one day.

Maybe you'll wake up and see what is history and what is speculative boogeymanning. The truth is discernable. There is a clear voting record of who votes to give up your privacy and who doesn't. Sorry that it doesn't work out in your favor.

You still don't get it. You can't see that I'm not comparing your pathetic 2 parties. I'm speaking of a reality that's been true for all time and throughout all rulers and governments. They do NOT pass on the chance for more power. You are stuck in your US centric POV and one day you will wake up.

The US government spying on their own... your heroic democrats would have passed on those powers

your heroic democrats would have passed on those powers... You are stuck in your US centric POV and one day you will wake up.

Pick one.

What are you even trying to say? You claim that one side is more likely to sign away civilian privacy than the other, I simply say that there is no party or ruling body ever that would not sign that privacy away.

I don't CARE about your sides. US left is shit, US right is shit, and if all you care about is determining which is more shit you're lost. These kind of laws were implemented across all European, American and Asian countries that had the infrastructure to do it.

Your claim that it's one party that does this kind of shit, and the other wouldn't have done it is delusional at worst and worrying at best.

You claim that one side is more likely to sign away civilian privacy than the other, I simply say that there is no party or ruling body ever that would not sign that privacy away. I simply say that there is no party or ruling body ever that would not sign that privacy away.

But you originally didn't. Then you changed your argument and all of a sudden we are arguing different things and I "didnt understand all along". Is this somehow not true? Show me the voting records of D's in the last 15 years against R's on privacy, neutrality, or turning America into a corporatocracy. Feels differ from actual votes.

Your claim that it's one party that does this kind of shit, and the other wouldn't have done it is delusional at worst and worrying at best.

Yes - because the truth is discernible. Your feels don't hold merit when we have years of voting records.

But you originally didn't. Then you changed your argument and all of a sudden we are arguing different things and I "didnt understand all along". Is this somehow not true? Show me the voting records of D's in the last 15 years against R's on privacy, neutrality, or turning America into a corporatocracy. Feels differ from actual votes.

Oh fuck of, here's my first comment:

Hahahaha Snowden meant nothing right? The US government spying on their own and foreign citizen's internet started last year, how could I forget! Get a grip, you are deranged.

Me pointing out it's not a one party problem, and that internet privacy was sold a decade ago.

And here's my next:

How could they sell something that's already been sold for close to a decade? This kind of shit passes through any government, any party, anywhere. No politician/government in the world would pass on the opportunities and powers such spying fives them. It's foolish to lay the blame on any side. It happened worldwide around 2005.

That's me clarifying my stance, trying to tell you that I don't believe any party would have passed on the opportunity. Also me telling you that it happened in every country that could do it, regardless of government. How is that not EXACTLY the same as everything else I've been saying.

Yes - because the truth is discernible. Your feels don't hold merit when we have years of voting records.

And you're still not getting it... It's a WORLDWIDE thing, fuck your voting records of 2 parties. Fuck US Left and Right, I don't have a preference.

Me pointing out it's not a one party problem

2005 Republicans sold out US privacy

2017 Republicans sold out US privacy


That's me clarifying my stance, trying to tell you that I don't believe any party would have passed on the opportunity.

Feels don't equal reals. But this is /r/conspiracy so I'll let it slide.

The US government spying on their own and foreign citizen's internet started with the last Republican in office.

yet many, like the guy above, choose to ignore (living in denial) who sold off their right to internet privacy last year....while they all cheered!

I still can't tell if this guy is saying it's a left wing conspiracy or right wing

Not left wing, not right wing in the strict, now seemingly dated sense, but of the Trump variety, of his and his ilk, I would imagine.

Leftwing. TMoR is liberal-leaning and some do consider it a brigade sub. Conspiracy is a little strong of a word, but I get why people who regularly post here are sick of the abnormal voting patterns that come from getting linked in subs like that.

They’re saying overall though. Anytime a protrump comment gets downvoted a certain group of people immediately cry shill— as if there’s no way someone could genuinely downvote them. It’s happening in this very thread.

I’ve been visiting this subreddit for around 7 years and there’s always been devision between full on conspiracy theorists and people who come here to push back against it, which is fine, and I think it makes the sub a better place— but there’s never been a topic that was treated as off limits by a majority of the sub, as you see with anti-trump sentiments.

This post is adding to the echo chamber of people who are unable to believe that anyone could want to discus trump conspiracies and not support right wing talking points. It’s a farce.

I was talking about the OP. I see no reason why politics wouldn't be as divisive here as anywhere else.

Pretending the “other side” doesn’t exist or are paid to believe what they believe is beyond divisive.

I was talking about op too.

I basically just took it as the /r/conspiracy version of ranting about brigading, which is a real phenomenon on this sub. It's kind of funny too, because those "meta" subs tend to be pretty agenda-driven and nasty, which is natural /r/conspiracy fodder. It's like when people would keep linking to the rIncels sub and send swarms of angry redditors at the maladjusted individuals convinced that the world was out to get them.

I guess I latched onto their mention of shareblue and CTR. This same type of post is made on here once a month and it’s always trying to uncover vague brigading by liberals, so I find it hard to accept that they’re only talking about provable instances of topmind brigading, but maybe I’m wrong.

I mean, you just have to scroll up to see the bot where there are 4 different meta posts about this one. I guess whether you consider that 'brigading by liberals' depends on why you think people make these posts, and how the voting and comments are subsequently affected. I don't think brigading needs to necessarily be intentional either.

So OP is upset because pro Trump posts on r/conspiracy get brigaded by anti Trump people? And because it's r/conspiracy he thinks it's a conspiracy


Nailed it

why dont the users of r/conspiracy love and support the president of the united states a billionaire born a millionaire with shady domestic and international mob ties? WHY dont they love the president?

so weird right

"self proclaimed billionaire"

debt billionaire

I don't agree that people who ridicule conspiracies on r/conspiracy makes it a better place.

I didn’t say ridicule.

I did.

Ah, then I don’t agree.

people immediately cry shill

Or Russian... or Russian bot. It's made Reddit a fucking boring and infuriating place to try and have a quality political discussion.

look at who he thinks the shills are. all left wing orgs. conveniently ignoring the ones on the right, as usual

one campaign outright won the social media war, and it wasnt hillary fucking clinton

anything not right wing is a brigade of paid leftists

i wonder if they think left wing people exist in the real world. they certainly dont think their opinions hold any value, since youd have to be paid to believe in universal healthcare or something

I can't speak for everyone, but I am well aware that naive communist and socialist Anti-Americans really exist.

and what do you think about people who think their countrymen who disagree with them are literally enemies of the country?

hypothetically, what should True American Patriots do with 'enemies of the country'?

If you are actively working to convert the USA to a communist/socialist country, you ARE an enemy of the USA.

It has been defined in law that this is treasonous activity.

You can attempt to get into a philosophical debate about this, but all you would be doing is trying to justify treasonous behavior. I am not interested.

who really is trying to convert the US into a communist state? i would say very few people actually want that. your liberal neighbors arent. maybe like 20 kids in the communism club at each university?

hillary is no communist, she is very much into capitalism/wall st.

im not advocating a communist state. i do like universal healthcare, like every other 1st world country.


And liberals don't want to ban guns, either. They just want 'sensible gun control'.

Blah blah blah

sounds like nuance

sounds like you arent interested in nuance. not a great sign for discourse amongst citizens of a common country

I'm not interested in arguing with communists/socialists about the philosophical justifications for being enemies of the US.

It is written in law.

We don't need to argue. You do it, you get caught, you go to prison.

Winning an argument online doesn't change that.



While this post isn't the greatest, it's quite apparent that an agenda is being pushed on Reddit. They allow discourse, but they moderate it.

Just look at r/politics. It's literally got politics in it's name, and it only speaks to one side. There are plenty of left leaning, people who don't want to suck on HRC's dick, and don't support Trump.

Unfortunately there is no solution to rooting out the dishonesty.

You have to be as wise as the serpents because censorship is never the answer.

I've suggested requiring phone numbers be attached to all reddit accounts, just like Google does for new gmail accounts, as anonymity is not compatible with voting systems. Imagine running a political election where the votes were all anonymous -- that's reddit right now.

So who people vote for should be publicly posted? I should be able to head on down to the local DMV or wherever and see who my neighbors support? Sounds like a fun time to me!

That's clearly not what is being suggested, as that could be used to coerce or target those with unpopular votes. The state does extensive indentity validation before allowing people to vote, so why doesn't reddit do the same?

Because Reddit is a private company. They don't have to, they haven't in the past, and it would cost them money to create such a system, so they don't.

Also, you can put the same phone number for more than one gmail account.

Those are terrible rebuttals. Reddit should inplement these changes if they want to remain relevant as a trusted platform, since they risk becoming another Digg if they do not. It's a simple policy difference to only allow a single account/vote per number -- gmail accounts are not used for voting.

Hey, christ wants his line back.

Leave Reddit, it will only get worse. Decentralize and censorship-proof all the things.

Sounds like you've been taking Alex Jones a bit too seriously

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

Are you sure you're replying to the right person, what the fuck are you talking about? Spicy memes?

I'd suggest you actually read some of this garbage you disseminate. The first article from CNN about hacking is saying how it would be difficult for Moscow to affect the outcome of the election by hacking voter machines. The second article is about the hack of the DNC emails.

Spicy meme yourself into a book or something before you rot your brain little man.

Wait, how many programmed minions have replied to me today already? But seeing as I don't see my contenders as brain-dead, I'll not get insulted.

What does Trump have to do with being in the thumbnail when it was Hillary who got "hacked"? The narrative there is certainly not of Trump conspiring with Russia to "hack" DNC emails.

It's funny how CNN realises that it's difficult to hack electronic voting machines (remotely) but it's easy for Russia to hack DNC servers. So easy, that Trump just paid Putin to do it.

Why even mention Seth Rich? He was obviously not pissed about DNC rigging Bernie's nomination and certainly didn't transferred emails onto an USB drive and leaked it to Wikileaks. It's not like forensics showed that email transfer speeds were not possible to be on USB 2.0 level, if they were sent to Russia or any other substantial foreign location

Your cheese has fallen off your cracker.

Not an argument

Yes please, leave.

I would love for this place to stop being /r/the_donald2.

That's the thing, I speak up against these bs Donald distraction posts but it's not like there isn't a lot of "brigading" type behaviour, as OP puts it, from left leaning rheeee people. People dismiss this sub left and right becaused they have labelled it alt right which just feeds any alt right narrative....which just further delegitimizes the sub and so on until the only subs left are the ones approved by some Reddit admins.

Its a reality but unfortunately a lot of the people bringing it up are obvious trump ball suckers...."Hillary still greatest threat to worldwide democracy" as trump spews random vomit from his mouth on the daily and is dirtier than a mayor/used car salesman

If you don't buy into every theory, you're a shill. Debate is disencouraged. Unless of course, it's a Russia/Trump conspiracy. Believe/post about that, and you're a shill.

Pretty much. I'd argue its not about buying into every theory, just calling out the obvious agenda of the poster. Might be some truths but a lot of posts are often related to who's troubling Donald at the time. Its so fucking transparent.

Post an article supporting him. Then post one that doesn't. Get back to us with the results.


Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

I don't brigade, I come directly into this sub and downvote stupid shit all the time. Downvotes don't always mean brigade.

So basically you are immune from making stupid claims because if anyone argues back or calls your stupid it’s “brigading”. Must be weird that your ego is so fragile you can’t handle the possibility you might be wrong.

calls you stupid

Yeah, you should go back to /r/redacted if that's your line of discussion. GTFO, no one wants you here.

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

> screenshots of

> "spicy memes"

Why do you keep copy-pasting this comment throughout the thread and what does it have to do with this post?

The bullshit conspiracies posted in the first link has more to do with OP's post but seeing as /r/politics promotes the types of hypocrisies exposed in the memes I figured it would make sense to be posted

You're brigading

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

I didn't lose anything

Excuse my assumptions then, the comment was copy-pasted too much this time

I'm very excited about decentralized immutable open source applications running on 3rd generation blockchains. Tech that can scale and handle large volumes of transactions at little cost.

Many centralized internet services will be challenged by a decentralized version that rewards the users of the network instead of the board members. Users will own and be paid for their data, or to view ads.

Currently the incentives are all misaligned.

Once users get control of their data and start being rewarded for contributing mass adoption will happen.

I give Reddit 3 years max.

Can you not state this as fact? You didn't provide any evidence. You just stated things. I really don't like that. I get it, I see it. I'm not disagreeing with you. But it'd be nice to put some kind of evidence to support it.

/r/conspiracyfact is that way.

Well here's my comment

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

All in all pretty shady stuff. There's much more evidence under my belt as well

thank you.

I was being sarcastic but okay.

Just because something is globalist, free trade, or democratic, doesn’t automatically make it evil or even corrupt.

I can get behind 50% of conspiracy theories, and still not pander to populist idiots.

I see far, far more of a push to support Trump and Russia on this sub than anything else. There are better subs out there now for actual conspiracies now, so I just go to them for conspiracy and view this one for the yucks at obvious bullshit.

Yeah I don't know if they did or didn't effect the 3lection and I don't really care. I know they're not out to help our nation in anyway since their leader promised to destroy us many times in the past and that's all I need to know.

They are not. But it's just easier to not talk with foreign leaders and don't negotiate anything, like in G7 summit, that was once G8 with Russia. This is really reminiscent if the cold war

They are not.

What makes you so sure of that?

Which subs are better for conspiracies? Genuinely interested

Right now I'm enjoying r/conspiracytheories a lot.

Thanks mate

How is that a better sub when it has exactly the same posts from this sub cut and pasted? The only difference is it has 500k less users.

I see far fewer political based conspiracies posted on there so far. I prefer that.

I guess better is the wrong word, I prefer it.

The one TMOR wanted us all to switch to, huh

yes /r/conspiracytheories is the one they steer people to. I continually see it in their threads over in tmor.

That sub was mentioned on TMOR? I learned about it on this sub actually. Though I do enjoy the T_D posts on TMOR because well, sorry but those asshats make themselves into jokes and where else can I laugh at them since I was banned for asking a very simple question back when I was dumb enough to support Trump at all.


These arent better conspiracy subs at all. They have exactly the same posts as this sub only with 500k less users. They are basically just an alt of this sub with much less activity and participation. How could anyone consider those better?

Because they focus on non political conspiracies moreso than this sub's Fox news hannity conspiracy feed.

far more of a push to support Trump and Russia on this sub than anything else.

A push to support Russia or skepticism about the conspiracy theory of Russia hacking the election?

I like the users who push skepticism on both sides because they're both out to get us, but I guess I'm just sick of the agenda pushing here that often even gets mod support.

What's funny is probably 10 years ago ( even even a little less) people like Alex Jones and topics like globalization were mainly brought about by people with more left leaning politics.. While Republicans /conservatives whatever would call anyone who believed in conspiracy theories and anyone who viewed sites like info wars "nut jobs".. Never forget. The same people and issues that are being championed by Trump supporters rn were nut jobs when 9/11 was an inside job was attached to it.

But these are the same issues and some of the same fringe media personalities..

Even back then I didn't like Alex Jones and even more so now I down right despise him.

But the fact still remains.. That post 9/11 and the years that followed.. People that now talk about globalism and worship Alex Jones were calling conspiracies theorists (including Jones) all the mental health associated slurs you can think of

Fact is anything neo or extreme.. Is bad.. Doesn't matter what it is.. For thst matter tho if you refer to yourself as any synonym relative to the two dominant political factions in America.. Take your tired ass back to sleep. If you fall for divisive trap issues period.. Take your ass back to sleep. There is enough misinformation out there as is. People wanna act like the mainstream media just now started lying about shit... Take your ass back to sleep.. You are a pawn being played. You only decided to open your eyes when they had something for you to look at..

While on the subject of "brigading" also.. Trump would not have been elected so easily without the "salt right" and the white supremacist brigading of 4chan.. The same thing that made anonymous and occupy a thing made the alt right and Trump a thing And those fucking idiots are so brainwashed.. Not just them the majority for that matter... That they actually think Trump is a republican.. That he is for the elite because he stepped out of wwe and reality TV and into the white house..

You motherfuckers are being deceived.. Trump has built an empire by ripping off and conning the same people he manipulated into voting for him.

I can't believe people can be so fucking dumb and celebrate someone turning this country into a mockery that no one even respects anymore much less fears.. Used to get accused of secretly policing and trying to dominate the world.. These days we are known as another weak country that has other countries deciding its election.

So either wake the fuck up or go back to sleep. All this same shit was going on years ago when you were insulting the people that were fighting against it.. Sorry.. Don't mean to he a broken record.. This shit just makes me fucking disgusted and furious

Your comment is the type of comment that keeps me subscribed to this sub lol.

and you will be downvote brigaided if you point out the blatant, hysterical, laughable, double standarded psyop nature of the establishment peddled Russia distraction. i mean really, make your agenda just a teensy bit more obvious for me why don't you, lol.


hah they went ahead and proved my point for me. thanks shills!

Apparently if you aren't lining up to suck the presidents dick you're being subversive.

Since when is it reasonable to literally praise the people in power on the conspiracy subreddit? I've been posting here for years and the number of people who are suddenly all for the government is uh, shocking.

But he promised to drain the swamp!!1!!1!!! /s

And he keeps his promises.

good one lol

What fucking promises? The guy is clearly a clueless grifter.

Promises made, promises kept

How long till downvotes come in?

Lol, a bunch of vague bullshit

*sigh* I'm pleased there are a bunch of reasonable people stepping up to the plate to comment. :)

I visit The_Donald, once a day, minimum, and if that ever spreads out into the world... my god; it's like seeing toxic waste mix with farm runoff mix with petrochemical byproducts mix with human shit from a country music - spicy food festival, and then see it stored, moved about in similar tubes and vessels as those which hold and provide our clean drinking water...

So many minds that could otherwise be contributing to their own lives and the world in a positive way.

I know people in my life who view it as truth. But, to their benefit, I don't think they read it as much as I do.

Good comment, what with the d s'ing sub remark.

Maybe we dont see the same things on t_d, i too visit once a day and enjoy it, i am a slightly right leaning libertarian, and it is one of the few places where my political opinions dont get flooded with downvotes or wind up being called an uneducated racist nazi. I do see much shitposting, but for you to react to it by calling those posts a petrochemical feces country music concert.... means that those posts have achieved their goal, pissing a left leaner off. As far as commenting on the stae 9f conspiracy and t_d, they are brigaded by the same people, and we know who and what they are, one for consistently pissing them off with meme magic, and the other for coming too close to uncovering truths. I dont believe at all that either side of the political aisle is for the everyday man, but i also think that those on t_d are certainly not your enemies and shouldnt be disparaged as such.

If the year was 2008ish, gripped by all the whack G.W.B. and the neocons of his ilk were up to, and a place like T_D existed, given my age, my view of the world at that time, I am basically certain I'd be in there with you folks.

Am I left leaning? Sometimes it seems so. Other times, I'm actually more of a far-far-far-far right wing authoritarian.

I don't hate the folks of T_D, don't get me wrong. It's what T_D style forums do to discussion, what they inevitably do to the mind that worries me.

I have a two T_D friends in the real world, one is a successful Chad with a great job, great friends, beautiful gf. He is allowed to like T_D, because he doesn't take it too seriously.

My other T_D friend? All he talks about is Q, what women owe him (the saddest most fucked up Facebook stuff I see), and, as of late, he has begun to end every conversation before it begins by saying that his language is different from our language, and truth cannot be explained, it can only be known...

So, yeah, his brain is on the quick path to mush, and every public Facebook opinion of his is honestly, like, the most shocking thing a real world person could say. Very incel. Very worrying.

I don't hate you guys, nor have I given up on my friend, I just hate the real-world effects of forums that do not allow for rational dissenting views.

Which, haha, might be the reason that drives people to the sub in the first place.

As I tell my friend who loves "Q", my friend... The information war happening right now... whether or not you realize it, whether or not I realize it, myself, we are up to our eyeballs in truths that look like falsehoods and falsehoods and heroes that look like facts and villains, lies and saviours, respectively; and all, everything, pretty much indistinguishable.

I've not found the good, there, myself; that said, if you can find some good for you in T_D, do take it... mmm, but remember, too much of anything, even too much water will fuck you up.

Protect your mind. Given the time, especially from places that seem safe.

I'm rambling at this point.


Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

Lmao do you see me posting on politics or cheering on CNN? Keep fighting whatever strawman youve constructed you think represents me.

Also your weird shit about memes, fuckin lmao are u 15?

Oh hey. Why don't you unleash downvoting brigade as well. You seem to be very triggered by my comment

keep using 2014 memes and think youre creative, its so fun.

Its like you think I'm unaware that the media is hypocritical? The media has been garbage forever. As I said, I've been on this sub for years.

And apparently you think I like democrats? I admit I don't really know much about Adam Schiff, but democrats are shit, so I'm not shocked he's also a hypocrite.

I assume things, definitely. I noticed the line between /r/politics and /r/technology or /r/worldnews or even /r/conspiracy shrinking. I sadly didn't make screenshot of same exact posts being put on technology as well as on politics. What OP is saying holds a lot of factual basis for conspiracy. So again excuse my assumptions

can you please link the articles from those images? thanks.

It's easy to do a search engine query with the title. But here's first (to prove articles are still available). I may edit this comment with further links however

Stop spamming!

Most would argue that supporting Trump is anti-government. Given the opportunity the non-defense portion of government would be cut in half.

Taxes and regulations give the government power over us and they have been cut dramatically.

I mean honestly I strongly care that the defense spending go down. I imagine a lot of kids with dead parents care too. At least, they care enough to join militant groups to fight us.

I've been posting here for years and the number of people who are suddenly all for the government is uh, shocking.

I'm shocked by the number of people who equate skepticism of Kremlin hacking claims with sucking the president's dick.

It basically comes down to who you perceive "the man" to be. If you are anti-establishment you are more likely to support the outsider opposition party. Trump won largely because people were disillusioned with 8 years of Obama. Obama won because people were disillusioned with 8 years of Bush.

The pendulum swings very predictably from one party back to the other. In a two party system it's very easy to control political discourse in a very controllable predictable way, eventhough on face it appears chaotic. There will always be those that want to consider themselves to be anti-establishment, and its usually the rebellious younger crowd, the types more likely to post in conspiracy subs. Those people still support trump because the true power structure is still perceived to be the elitist left because 8 years of Obama is still fresh in peoples minds. Obama won because the neocons were considered to be the true power structure at the time because 8 years of bush was still fresh in people's minds.

The drain the swamp rhetoric of Trump is no different from the hope and change rhetoric of Obama. They all do the same shit and support the same objectives. People just dont have very long memories or attention spans. Obama tricked us with a promise of change and the prospect of an outsider who would change the system. The same is true for Trump.

Over time people will see through Trump's false promises and become disillusioned with him just as they did with Obama and Bush before him. It just takes some time. The anti-establishment crowd will swing from being the alt-right back to the left again. Many of the the people who are now alt right were previously anti-establishment left leaning libertarians.

It just depends on what the "in" (or out) crowd is perceived to be.

Trump is still considered by naive people to be a maverick rogue outsider. Just like an internet meme, people are projecting values they want in a leader onto him that he never expressed himself and he just vaguely signals and plays along. He never mentioned exposing sex cults but that doesnt stop roseanne or Alex Jones from claiming he is doing that.

People who are intelectually honest will eventually realize, "hey wait a minute, this guy isnt really running the country any different than Obama did." Just like around 2013 people realized "hey obama promised all this hope and change and hes had 5 years, but he's just running the country a lot like Bush did."

There will always be the entrenched die hards who claim a party for life, but there are a lot less of those and elections are decided by swing voters who are fickle and have short attention spans and short memories.

People on conspiracy subs are more likely to be anti-establishment. They want to be contrarians. If they are smart and objective thinkers, they will see there is zero real difference between the 2 parties at all. Corporate globalist interests and advancing the military industrial complex reign supreme under both. It's just a matter of perception. Eventually people will realize they are only serving as political pawns and promoting the popular unpopular ideas of the moment (if that makes sense).

Are you one of those people who thinks that someone who criticizes Hillary Clinton is an automatic Trump supporter? Or that we should "leave her alone because she isn't President"?

Maybe you're not being "brigaded"

Maybe most people just say really dumb shit here, so they get downvoted.

Or maybe both are possible and happening?

I enjoy /r/conspiracy and I enjoy /r/TOMR. For what it's worth, I've been following this sub for a while, and the political direction has changed a lot since the primaries when HRC was elected as the dem candidate. i feel like this sub has been brigaded by anti-globalists who think all conspiracies come from the left. there used to be a large contingent (there's still a small one) of people who came up with interesting conspiracies based on corporate interests -- which can obviously be pinned on right or left wing leaning politicians as supporters (depending on the particular case or policy).

TOMR is (mostly) just pointing out stupid posts that show hypocrisy or ignorance. the brigading of downvotes is unethical and they aren't supposed to do that. so, i agree that it's something that needs to be controlled and recognized. however, nobody is "behind" TOMR from some "ShareBlue" or other left leaning globalist org. it's just centrist-to-left leaning trolls making fun of uninformed right wing opinions.

i agree with this we have a right to voice our opinions we are not fucking slaves.

So, the "Globalist Agenda", to me, is obvious: the goals are clear, and the tactics self-evident. My question (which I have yet to find a divisive answer to), is "Who tf is running the show?" I think to myself: it wouldnt be in the best interest of any HUMAN to sabotage the economy, and the human technological progress, because THEY, themselves, are human, ie "in the same boat", meaning "their standard of living can only be in the same ballpark as the world as a whole" (but then again, they could just be so hellbent on power and control, they dont think of the negative consequences of seeking it...). There's also the "peculiar" rise of computer technology, while other industries, like "energy" are still WAY behind. I've heard speculation that computer tech may be back engineered alien tech.

TLDR: I think there might be aliens/extraterrestrials subverting human progress...

I don't see much light at the end of the tunnel: SO many are oblivious, few are "semi-woke", the "surveillance state" has been being built up around us, for decades now, the economy, and the technological progress that comes with it, has been sabotaged... Whoever is running the show seems to be winning, by a LONG SHOT. We're down 87-120, with 2:00 minutes left to go in the 4th quarter: only dreamers think they have a chance. But, then again, this "agenda" moves in secrecy, and if the light is shown upon it, maybe it CAN be "evaporated" (for lack of a better word)... The systems are being built, the wealth is consolidated, the conversations are diverted, so many are led to live meaningless lifestyles, the human progress has been sabotaged... What hope is left?

"Who tf is running the show?"

I think that this isn't really possible to answer because it isn't any individual level. The way I think of it is more of a Big Leagues situation where the powerful classes fight each other viciously within the framework of having many mutual interests.

I didn't even know of /r/TopMindsOfReddit.

And, as per the way that I operate, a la, /r/conspiracy OG, I accept your /r/Streisandeffect, and I will check TMOR out.

Let's say your concern is legitimate, then I will be legitimate in my response; the other responses here which label your post as being another call for the sub to move to the right of the political spectrum, likely right into the_donald territory, these people are exercising the very skepticism which will help protect them not simply from the cult of personality, from the blind pull populist leaders (under ideal conditions), but, so too will this help them maneuver such places as this subreddit you have shared.

I'm sure there are homes for your ideas, your worldview.

Of course, if there isn't, then, it's reddit, make your own subreddit. Find like minds. Meetup for bicycle rides and stuff. Pizza. Lazer quest? Like, come on. You'll be golden.

It's always a coin toss who is going to be the target with a title like this, considering I've seen both sides complain that the other is brigading conspiracy. Better to just assume everyone has an agenda.

why didnt you mention cambridge analytica? they just won an election ffs

Hilarious .

Here's another fun one, just to demonstrate that something similar has happened before.

My entry - Polls are an accurate representation of what people actually think

Interesting we haven't investigated the polling methods that are apparently so important, but yeah, the election was hacked, so of course the polls were wrong /s

Well said sir Reddit is home of anti liberty while disguised as being openband fair.

Well said sir Reddit is home of anti liberty while disguised as being openband fair.

This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read lmao.

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again


I'm from TMOR here to laugh at your stupid theories, thereby ensuring the take over of the world by the neo liberal lizard folk

“Omg people on a subreddit I like disagree with me, must be brigading!”

You guys are cowards who are afraid of debate

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

Lol @ this partisan government bootlicker treating politics and conspiracy theories like a team sport

That's exactly what OP was talking about. Certain political affiliation coming down on this sub. Also don't get so trigger so as to downvote me

Certain political affiliation coming down on this sub.

If you want an echo chamber prep rally go back to the_donald so your masters can do your thinking for you

Well your masters programmed you to think of people like me as lacking free will or consciousness to make decisions. It's really SAD!

It's really SAD!

You even speak the way they want you to speak lmao

And you just downvoted every comment as you're programmed to do, so we're equal

I, for one, am not for the globalist agenda.

I believe it's dangerous, (ok, so why is it dangerous?) because it effectively blends countries. Countries are no longer sovereign, and that causes issues when different countries with different economic success/failure profiles are suddenly blended together. Plus, it creates an environment where - because the borders are gone - the better economic performing countries end up bailing out or subsidizing the lower performing countries, but have no basis of responsibility to do so, other than being guilted into it.

Economics aside, it really creates more problems than it solves, EXCEPT if you're one of the really big money guys, like Soros. You end up creating so much havoc that it takes a really big government machine to run it, and guess who benefits from really big government structures? You guessed it.

These kinds of threads are hilarious to me, as somebody who has posted here for years and still gets called a shill as recently as yesterday for having different opinions.

This paranoid calling out of anyone who dares to say that you might over-reacting to a particular conspiracy theory is a giant part of what gives us a bad name.

If anyone is pushing an agenda, it's those who want to put liberalism on the opposing end of being a conspiracy theorist. Conspiracy theories are non-partisan, they are about getting to the truth, not figuring out which liberal group is behind calling you a goof. People should be very suspicious of those who post constantly against one side or the other, it kind of tips your hand.

On a similar note, /r/topmindsofreddit formed very organically because of threads like this.

may I suggest that maybe I just disagree with you?

You just made like 500 claims without a shred of evidence. Where is the virtue of rigor this sub used to have?

sufficient threats and harrassment that she left reddit altogether

No offense to /u/polkadotgirl, some of her posts were interesting and insightful. But if words on a computer screen are enough to make you shut up (despite many people supporting and encouraging you) you really need to grow a spine. This internet battleground of ideas is not always a friendly place and to expect it to be one is unrealistic. Internet trolling and harassment has existed long before reddit.

I feel like this sub has turned into nothing but the Alex Jones crowd. The only posts I see do well in here are posts like this. I'm not the most active r/conspiracy user, but I can't help but be surprised by this. I'd be really interested so see some actual data on the matter.

This accusation seems light on substance. What's the difference between "subversion" and "people who disagree with me are posting"?

...also, "pro-globalist"? What abput topminds shows them to be pro-globalist exactly?

Isn't it crazy how the republicans control a majority of state governorships, houses, senates, and all 3 federal branches, but THE SPOOKY DEMOCRATS ARE TRYING TO CONTROL YOU.


disclose how this sub has been subverted and why

If you want insight to the agenda, then that source of information would not be much more reliable than rumors. As most actors in this likely simply do it for the money. The brigading shills do it for an hourly wage or even a per vote and per comment commission. The people that are actually tied to reddit are probably given a bonus or donation (bribes) to look the other way and/or help facilitate the subversion. So if you want some real insight, find out who is supplying the money.

A theory I saw a while ago was that a lot of the shills are not just doing it because they are losers that want some money but they are doing it because they are covering their own asses. After the election, the DNC asked their entire staff to resign. Some said this was to hinder any investigations such as into pedosta or clinton or schultz. Some said it could also be so they could do their new job as a reddit shill. I don't know what the law says about holding a job in the DNC while simultaneously contributing to a political disinformation and propaganda campaign on public forums, but maybe the resignation was what allowed it to be legal? Or maybe they simply needed some complicit employees who have something to lose (if they fail or rat they get jail or Seth Rich'd).

r/worldnews took a wicked turn when mueller went after Israel for doing what Russia did. I find it absolutely insane that r/politics allows it, although it is a democratic sub and Israel attacked them, its still crazy. The worldnews mods broke their own rules and started IP checking and blanket banning as anyone who uses my Wi-Fi and comments in that sub gets banned. A few of my friends who write for publications are very upset with me now. Oops. The mod who banned me is in an IP range of an Israeli muniviple server in beer sheva a place where black cube and other Israeli private Intel companies are based.

thoughts on Russiagate? i have to laugh listening to these drones prattle on about how crazy it is that no one is buying their "totally authentic Russia conspiracy" because Trump towers in Moscow and Hillary Clinton emails and Twitter bots and shit. ok call that collusion or whatever if you want, the problem is it doesn't even begin to pale in comparison to the sheer infilitration of the Ziomob in to US politics. America was co opted long, long, long ago. fuck their entire foreign policy is pretty much dictated by a foreign lobby, but my god, Trump met with a Russian. like i say, perhaps there are some shady dealings there, but you're only worried about foreign subversion now? despite AIPAC? the ADL? the Israeli war on terror that America has been fighting? and on and on and on. these people are fucking idiots.

Trump is part of the ziomob. Russia Israel are just as married as America Israel. Trump has done everything Israel wants and has admitted with Bibi working together with Saudi UAE to help Trump. Since they are allies, its not treason. Clinton and trump are left testicle right testicle in the corporate dick fucking everyone. Trump is no outsider. He in fact is more deep state than people realize. Obama moved America's foreign policy to work around israel so they hacked and attacked him and the democrats not under zions control. You need to get over thinking their is some radical group saving us from the establishment because thats not the case. Trump is the older establishment retaking the progressive drive America was taking to be more centrist. We are a corporatocracy and trump wears his suit/ uniform shuffling their power mechanism just as much as Clinton. You don't become a billionaire without fucking people over. Trump bloomberg Giuliani Soros all worked together under bill clinton yo rewrite the community reinvestment act to rob grandmas..

Search duqu 2.0. Jcpoa. Israel. Obama Netanyahu. Israel hired Russia to help Trump.

You need to get over thinking there is some radical group saving us from the establishment because thats not the case.

i don't think this at all i'm fully aware of Trump's ziomob connections, that's why i see the Russia thing as such a lame diversion.

Don't blame Israel. It was Russia, We hired them.

what? why not? they hired Russia, ultimately to help themselves. they're what's behind this, why not blame them?

I'm playing. The likud has been the worst thing for Jews since Hitler.

ah, gotcha, my bad lols.

Everything has a cost. (not in money) Slowly, I've seen what appears to be a subtle change in what is presented (or shown) on reddit. If the powers that be can start a quiet coup in national gov'ts, controlling reddit is a piece of cake.

controlling reddit

In your opinion, what would happen if reddit were not 'controlled'?

What do TPTB have to fear?

Love when users elegantly encapsulate the r/conspiracy outcry

Couldn't have said it better

I commented on a post on TMOR that was accusing this sub of being a neo-nazi echo chamber. I simply asked for some examples to support this claim. I received 0 examples, more than 30 downvotes on my comments combined, and was told to 'Fuck off, qultist", whatever that means. Will post a picture of the comment chain when I get home if anyone is interested.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

It’s been happening forever. I was on a message board for a TV show, not sure exactly how long ago but over 10 years for sure, could be 15.

Somehow the conversation on the board turned a bit political and I made a couple of comments, might have been about 9-11 or something. Immediately a couple of users start relentlessly attacking me, then a new account logs into the chat that was my user name but like one character off and starts spouting a bunch of racist and sexist shit. The accounts attacking me jump on this, saying it’s me posting all this and in minutes the entire board is after me until I logged off.

It all felt so coordinated, like these accounts were monitoring the board in case anyone started sharing any controversial perspectives. Once I learned, years later, about disinformation agents in social media, that incident suddenly made a lot more sense.

You forgot to mention how one of the mods /RecoveringGrace was recently banned from Reddit because of their actions. Not one word was mentioned about it in here.

Are people aware the neoliberalism is a right wing economic paradigm popularized in the US by Reagan and most heavily pushed by the GOP in the US, and that while the Democratic Party is dominated by moderated neoliberals, the primary opposition to neoliberalism in the US is the left wing of the Democratic Party while the GOP itself is dominated by more hard line neoliberals and that the most neoliberal party in the US is the Libertarian Party?

So, wait, if someone doesn't have the same views on globalism, disarmament, and immigration as you then they're pushing some agenda? So basiacally you have to be a wimple minded rightwinger to fit in here?

Yea and posts like this essentially lumping it into globalists. Far more complex than just nationalists and globalists. This would be why TMOR makes fun of posters like yourself. You play right into the alleged subversion tactics.

By just saying what you just did you only add to the idea that this is a biased sub. Those agencies sure have a hand in it, but it stretches father than that. There are many powerful actors on the global stage. Its a rudderless ship.

Ruskies are the ones you really have to worry about mate, trust me CIA is not in your laptop nor under your bed.

I just upvoted this post

I was featured on r/topmindsofreddit, then banned. Badge of honour!

"It's an old Gestapo trick. Shoot one of your own people to show that you're not one of them."
- North by Northwest, A. Hitchcock

:-D ;-)

I just upvoted this post but it popped up saying "Unable to downvote this post."

Voat isn't a good option. The best option is to have your own website, your own forum. I'd follow.

It's a r/conspiracy conspiracy!

Can't have conspiracy without piracy.

Add a u to TMOR and you get a much better description, TuMOR

I am extremely left wing and consider all these faux-left identity politic neoliberals to be extremely right wing. Yet somehow these shills refer to these faux-left neoliberals as the actual left wing creating a false dichotomy. Pretty outrageous considering these types literally just rigged their primaries against the actual left.

I welcome the alt-right into this forum. I much prefer them to the astroturfed "Hillary Clinton wing" of the Democratic party. Also, it's clear to me that one of the shills main talking points is trying to refer to this subreddit as td2.


Speaking of blatant subversion of the sub...

Unsubscribe, if nothing else.

This is the kind of conspiracy this sub needs more of.

It's not hard to tell that it is the guys from topminds when 1/2 of their fucking threads are links to this subreddit.

So there's brigading going on with threads about globalism? I'm so fucking shocked an alt left site like reddit would brigade anything that exposes the globalists.

Who is Digg, quick rundown?

All you have to do is go to the stickied post about Russia and trump to see that this is obviously happening and only those involved in the brigading would ever deny it.

People arguing about which side is brigading and trying to forcefully and inorganically shut down discussions and use mob methods to do it....

The left has anti-fa in their ranks, supported by the left, aided by the media which covers up their actions and writes purposefully misleading headlines about the violence that occurs at the rallies they show up to shut down.

Now who would go online and act exactly like that, I wonder?


I was writing about this exact issue ten months ago.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Old link, comments closed.

Their usual horrible reasoning: if it doesn't apply to me, it doesn't apply to anyone. If I didn't look for it, it doesn't exist. If it contradicts my favorite tv channels and teachers it's crazy talk.

About as intellectual as a sack of turnips.

Really how much creativity does it take to repeat the same thoughtless sarcasm for dozens of comments?

It's not smart. It's at the level of high school bullying and peer pressure. "Agree or else."

We've got an alternative to reddit up and coming at

Go to an actual message board with free-speech like 4chan or Voat and see how radically different it is than this festering controlled shithole.

whatever happened to the putin loves cats guy?


bogus, fraudulent, inauthentic, phony, compromised, deceptive- so many appropriate words you could have used and you chose "non-organic," to describe TMOR...

/u/tedsmitts I see what you were talking about.

Back to the subject though...

Um... To be honest. I can't help but wonder- why are so many people giving certain topics so much attention and continuing such a steady(and very particular) narrative in this sub.

A good 80% of topics that are featured/created in this subreddit I couldn't give less of a shit about, and trust me, I've been sitting on the bowl for a while now. Um... Google, Facebook, mass surveillance, something about child trafficking and American politics. That's literally 95% of the content, and while the child exploitation topics should catch my attention, at this point- I don't give a shit most of the time. Child exploitation and corrupt politics are old as time. Like I can crack open my Bible and find those topics.

I'd rather read about FEMA camps, Aliens, History, Atlantis. Give me the weird, give me the strange- give me something to be shocked about. I want something creative where I actually read. I don't need one-hundred thousand posts to tell me that politicians are corrupt- most "fake news" outlets literally imply it themselves.

fuckin' eh man. Right on.

This sub has become over run by pro establishment shills.

I had a guy argue with me in /r/conspiracy last week that Craig Sawyer was in the wrong for wanting to find pedos, when I questioned his malice mindset...I was met with harassment and insults from him and multiple members of the sub who all "unanimously" upvoted and agreed on his response that pedophiles weren't a real thing.

I made my exit, and labeled conspiracy sub now the pedo sub after seeing multiple comments of mine deleted.

I agree the top minds sub consists of paid posters.

It's blatant alright, and this isn't the only sub that gets brigaded and astroturfed by these pro-establishment or govt/military shills.

Correct. Since the MSM is controlled entirely now, it was just a matter of time before they went after the internet.

Over the election when td nade it to r all every day it was able to inform people of the democrat lies

After you guys allowed Reddit to ban it the democrat wave took over

it kinda sounds like the point of this thread is to enforce an echochamber.

as if there are not different, valid sides to these political discussions

That's definitely fair to say. I'd say a big "MSM opinion" that causes a lot of strife in this sub is the Trump-Russia conspiracy. Which I think we should all just reserve judgement until the investigation is complete, because anything said before that is just rampant speculation, which the MSM has been having a field day with for almost 2 years now.

It's pretty absurd that reading through this thread would give me almost the exact opposite opinion than I actually have of /r/conspiracy. Reality is meaningless here these days.

I hate you

Except for Gab, right?

That sounds like the no true scotsman fallacy..

I'm not sure which is worse, the blatant, ubiquitous brigading, or the aggressive gaslighting of people who point it out.

You might enjoy Brin's book 'Earth' which includes some exploration of the ideas around anonymity and privacy when it is difficult to enforce rules about that.

But he promised to drain the swamp!!1!!1!!! /s

sorry can you list the approved and disapproved conspiracy theories?

i missed the sticky where the required beliefs were listed

i do believe in some conspiracies. i hope they are on the 'approved' list

*sigh* I'm pleased there are a bunch of reasonable people stepping up to the plate to comment. :)

I visit The_Donald, once a day, minimum, and if that ever spreads out into the world... my god; it's like seeing toxic waste mix with farm runoff mix with petrochemical byproducts mix with human shit from a country music - spicy food festival, and then see it stored, moved about in similar tubes and vessels as those which hold and provide our clean drinking water...

So many minds that could otherwise be contributing to their own lives and the world in a positive way.

I know people in my life who view it as truth. But, to their benefit, I don't think they read it as much as I do.

Good comment, what with the d s'ing sub remark.

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

Ohm no. I expect spicy memes on The Donald. But don't expect tabloid level bullshit conspiracy falsehoods on supposedly neutral r/politics. Like this

Oh wait. Elections can't be hacked.

Everyone should support family leave. oh wait. scratch it. not anymore

Wiretapping didn't happen, etc, etc.

Do you even realise how many more spicy memes I've got? There's a reason why the left can't meme. And why you've lost the election. And why will you lose it again

Lots of people are targeted on here daily.

Sure am glad you would never do such a thing to people you don't like! I mean, can you even imagine what it would be like to be the type of person to downvote ideas he doesn't like and to tell others to do the same?

The never of some people!

Most would argue that supporting Trump is anti-government. Given the opportunity the non-defense portion of government would be cut in half.

Taxes and regulations give the government power over us and they have been cut dramatically.

And this trivializes net neutrality being sold out by a R controlled Congress how?


I've been posting here for years and the number of people who are suddenly all for the government is uh, shocking.

I'm shocked by the number of people who equate skepticism of Kremlin hacking claims with sucking the president's dick.

These arent better conspiracy subs at all. They have exactly the same posts as this sub only with 500k less users. They are basically just an alt of this sub with much less activity and participation. How could anyone consider those better?

Anything is possible I suppose. I would assume that if people were "brigading" they would do so in the comment section as well but I'm no expert.

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It basically comes down to who you perceive "the man" to be. If you are anti-establishment you are more likely to support the outsider opposition party. Trump won largely because people were disillusioned with 8 years of Obama. Obama won because people were disillusioned with 8 years of Bush.

The pendulum swings very predictably from one party back to the other. In a two party system it's very easy to control political discourse in a very controllable predictable way, eventhough on face it appears chaotic. There will always be those that want to consider themselves to be anti-establishment, and its usually the rebellious younger crowd, the types more likely to post in conspiracy subs. Those people still support trump because the true power structure is still perceived to be the elitist left because 8 years of Obama is still fresh in peoples minds. Obama won because the neocons were considered to be the true power structure at the time because 8 years of bush was still fresh in people's minds.

The drain the swamp rhetoric of Trump is no different from the hope and change rhetoric of Obama. They all do the same shit and support the same objectives. People just dont have very long memories or attention spans. Obama tricked us with a promise of change and the prospect of an outsider who would change the system. The same is true for Trump.

Over time people will see through Trump's false promises and become disillusioned with him just as they did with Obama and Bush before him. It just takes some time. The anti-establishment crowd will swing from being the alt-right back to the left again. Many of the the people who are now alt right were previously anti-establishment left leaning libertarians.

It just depends on what the "in" (or out) crowd is perceived to be.

Trump is still considered by naive people to be a maverick rogue outsider. Just like an internet meme, people are projecting values they want in a leader onto him that he never expressed himself and he just vaguely signals and plays along. He never mentioned exposing sex cults but that doesnt stop roseanne or Alex Jones from claiming he is doing that.

People who are intelectually honest will eventually realize, "hey wait a minute, this guy isnt really running the country any different than Obama did." Just like around 2013 people realized "hey obama promised all this hope and change and hes had 5 years, but he's just running the country a lot like Bush did."

There will always be the entrenched die hards who claim a party for life, but there are a lot less of those and elections are decided by swing voters who are fickle and have short attention spans and short memories.

People on conspiracy subs are more likely to be anti-establishment. They want to be contrarians. If they are smart and objective thinkers, they will see there is zero real difference between the 2 parties at all. Corporate globalist interests and advancing the military industrial complex reign supreme under both. It's just a matter of perception. Eventually people will realize they are only serving as political pawns and promoting the popular unpopular ideas of the moment (if that makes sense).

Trump is part of the ziomob. Russia Israel are just as married as America Israel. Trump has done everything Israel wants and has admitted with Bibi working together with Saudi UAE to help Trump. Since they are allies, its not treason. Clinton and trump are left testicle right testicle in the corporate dick fucking everyone. Trump is no outsider. He in fact is more deep state than people realize. Obama moved America's foreign policy to work around israel so they hacked and attacked him and the democrats not under zions control. You need to get over thinking their is some radical group saving us from the establishment because thats not the case. Trump is the older establishment retaking the progressive drive America was taking to be more centrist. We are a corporatocracy and trump wears his suit/ uniform shuffling their power mechanism just as much as Clinton. You don't become a billionaire without fucking people over. Trump bloomberg Giuliani Soros all worked together under bill clinton yo rewrite the community reinvestment act to rob grandmas..

Search duqu 2.0. Jcpoa. Israel. Obama Netanyahu. Israel hired Russia to help Trump.

Where has a victim mentality ever helped somebody?

Ah, then I don’t agree.

Because I'm not grasping at straws

It is.

The post is brigaded up, but the comments are real.

The US government spying on their own and foreign citizen's internet started with the last Republican in office.

yet many, like the guy above, choose to ignore (living in denial) who sold off their right to internet privacy last year....while they all cheered!

You sound like a mormon teenager. Saying "get help" is extra rich coming from someone saying reddit is "virtual reality" and then projecting like whoa. You shouldn't attempt to engage in intellectual debate in the future, you might hurt yourself again.

and what about the usage of contest mode, tags of 'Unverified Allegation', banned users, etc.

these threads are common and they seem like they are trying to convince us to believe something other than our eyes

"self proclaimed billionaire"

hah they went ahead and proved my point for me. thanks shills!

Me pointing out it's not a one party problem

2005 Republicans sold out US privacy

2017 Republicans sold out US privacy


That's me clarifying my stance, trying to tell you that I don't believe any party would have passed on the opportunity.

Feels don't equal reals. But this is /r/conspiracy so I'll let it slide.


And liberals don't want to ban guns, either. They just want 'sensible gun control'.

Blah blah blah

Are you one of those people who thinks that someone who criticizes Hillary Clinton is an automatic Trump supporter? Or that we should "leave her alone because she isn't President"?

It goes both ways though. I wasn’t implying you were a shill, but your anti anti-globalist rant came out of left field without really dissecting anything OP said. It appeared as if you felt personally attacked and reacted accordingly. I agree that the left/right wing paradigm has infested this sub horribly (thank fuck there’s other growing conspiracy subs). Your broad stroke of categorizing everyone who is anti-globalist as possessing whacky logic and thin evidence seems the opposite of open minded. I’m not trying to attack you, just feeling out where you’re coming from. I want you to elaborate on why you dont think that the administration of Reddit has been bought out or why you don’t think that TMOR is slightly nefarious and inorganic. Also, conspiracy theory culture is - by its very nature - one where evidence is thin, because if it wasn’t...then it wouldn’t be so much of a theory in the first place. There’s few pieces of the puzzle and people do their best (at least non politically motivated, actual truth seekers) to figure out what that big picture is.