Change my view : communism is organized crime not a political ideology.

1  2018-06-12 by GeneralApollyon

Look at the participants. Look at who the triads backed. This is standard. Marxism is not a political ideology as I'm sure we were all taught. Communism is not a way to organize society It is in fact organized crime. We see the evidence of a standard protection racket wherever it rears its ugly head. You can't understand history if you still think communist revolutions are grassroots movements organized by peasant farmers.

Point to the peasant farmer.


Point to the peasant farmer.

Sergeyev was born in the village of Glebovo, Kursk Governorate, Russian Empire near the city of Fatezh to a family of a peasants. His father Andrey Arefyevich Sergeyev was a contractor to a construction porter, who in 1888 moved the family to Yekaterinoslav.

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Not a farmer

Wow, imagine a movement of the proletariat (industrial workers) does not contain a lot of peasant farmers. QED commies.

Not an industrial worker either

Thats right, he is a Leninist. They differentiated themselves from other communist currents holding that a. the working class can only reach 'trade union consciousness', and b. that it needs to be lead by a vanguard party of professional revolutionaries. They are not representative of the communist movement as a whole. Even still contained plenty of industrial workers in their ranks.

Surely you can name one. They hid behind these different labels a Stalinist Trotskyite lennonist. It's just a way to confuse the masses. In reality they are all part of one global criminal cabal. what you call an army of industrial workers I call a slave army.

Surely you can name one.

Name what? A bolshevik that worked in a factory?

Early in his political career, in 1915, Kaganovich became a Communist organizer at a shoe-factory where he worked.

You continue:

They hide behind these different labels Stalinist Trotskyite lennonist. It's just a way to confuse the masses.

Well no, they point to significant theoretical differences which have political consequences. For example, Stalinism is an affirmation of Marxist-Lenninism with a view that socialism can be built in one country, and that the USSR reached this stage, Trotskyism, holds that the USSR was not socialist, but rather a 'deformed workers state', and that socialism is an international project achieved to a state of permanent revolution. Leninism was already defined for you.

In reality they are all part of one global criminal cabal.

Oh yeah, I thought global law was some kind of NWO project? What global law was violated that made them a global criminal cabal?

what you call an army of industrial workers


I call a slave army.

Yes, yes, we are all individuals pursuing our own self interest, capitalism is great, and made is free, etc, etc,.

Ok hard mode name one that isn't Jewish. I'm sure the average person in Russia really gave a crap about the squabbling of these so called revolutionaries. Their crimes are innumerable. In the first link of the op see how many innocents were killed by the communist triads.

Ok hard mode name one that isn't Jewish.

Zamyatin was born in Lebedyan, Tambov Governorate, 300 km (186 mi) south of Moscow. His father was a Russian Orthodox priest and schoolmaster, and his mother a musician.

I'm sure the average person in Russia really gave a crap about the squabbling of these so called revolutionaries.

Well if that average person was interested in understanding the political developments they would give a crap about these differences.

Their crimes are innumerable.

Whose crimes?

In the first link of the op see how many innocents were killed by the communist triads.

Lets start at the beginning, do you know what a communist is?

He was an engineer not a a farmer or a industry worker. You are bad at this.

Who's crimes? The communist international. Responsible for all global unrest since 1917

He was an engineering student not a a farmer or a industry worker. You are bad at this.

Sorry, you weren't clear due to moving your goal posts. So you want a non Jewish Bolshevik, that worked in a factory.

Stanisław Kosior was born in 1889 in Węgrów in the Siedlce Governorate of the Russian Empire, in the region of Podlachia, to a Polish family of humble factory workers. Because of poverty, he emigrated to Yuzovka (modern Donetsk), where he worked at a steel mill.

The communist international.

The Third international lasted from 1919 to 1935.

Responsible for all global unrest since 1917

This is great trolling on your part by the way.

What is communism? Why it's organized crime.

Organized crime is anti-communist.

Great way to dismiss different ideas just call um a troll.

Would you trust the mafia if they said they disbanded?

Why did the triads side with the commies?

Great way to dismiss different ideas just call um a troll.

I am not dismissing ideas by calling out the trolling. If you want my serious thinking on shit like this, it is the following. You are repeating false claims that have their resurgence on 4chan among the fascist revival. It is anti-semetic in the real sense, as it is because of irrational hatred of the jews. You are regurgitating actual fascist propaganda, that has its genesis in the reactionary white movement in Russia, that was mediated through the Nazi party through their 'Cultural Bolshevism' crap, and that was recycled through paleo-conservatives by resurrecting it through the Cultural Marxism crap by Lind.

It is not rooted in fact, it is just of distortions rooted in innuendo. You don't want to actually engage with facts, as evidenced by your distortions of the communist movement, and the bolshevik party.

Yeah how dare those whites react to being enslaved by the mafia.

See, this is what I mean, you are trolling. You have no problems with secret police suppressing political dissidents.

You have no problem with work camps where political dissidents and children are placed.

You have no problems with real persecution of jews and pogroms, nor with feudal law regimes, etc.

If there is a small chance that you are not a pure fascist propagandist, and actually want to learn about the influence of the 'White' movement in Russia and its influence on Nazism, and incidently the genesis of the crap you are regurgitating, go to the library and get this book.

Is it really your position that Bolsheviks dindu nuffin?

No, my position on the Bolsheviks is that they were a counter-revolutionary current that organized an authoritarian state-capitalist system.

See the The Bolsheviks and Workers' Control.

Maybe there is a reason communism is never actually implemented? Because they are just criminals disinterested in actually helping anyone but themselves.

Maybe there is a reason communism is never actually implemented?

There is no communism to implement, communism is not a social formation to implement. It is a movement that abolishes exploitative social relations, i,e,. capital.

This is what I mean about starting at the begging.

Think about what Marx and Engels meant by this:

Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.

A movement that nobody but criminals and useless idiots seem to want

It is actually the opposite, people who are realizing that capitalism is a deeply exploitative, alienating system pushing us to the precipice of an environmental catastrophe, are usually attracted to communist thinking, and display some intellect because they can read and accurately summarize the material. This means they are not idiots. People articulating memes rooted in fascist revival on the other hand...

Reading commie Marxist lies about history doesn't make you smart. Maybe you can tell the class why the vast majority of images that are supposed to detail the events of early commies and Bolshevik activities and life in pre communist Russia are obviously doctored. What are they afraid of?

Reading commie Marxist lies about history doesn't make you smart.

No, but being able to read a text, and actually understand what it is saying, and being able to articulate that understanding, is generally a mark of intelligence. On the other hand repeating fascist propaganda like all old Bolsheviks are Jews...

Maybe you can tell the class why the vast majority of images that are supposed to detail the events of early commies

This is easy, there was an actual project of doctoring photographs by Stalin. Go to the library and get this book.

olshevik activities and life in pre communist Russia are obviously doctored

Here I don't know what you are referencing. Just for the sake of accuracy however, there was no communist Russia. Stalin claimed that the USSR reached socialism in once country. But I know fascist don't actually care for facts.

What are they afraid of?

You need to actually present evidence that pre-Revolution photographs were altered en masse.

Commies want me to believe that this little girl is standing next to 6 foot 4 Rasputin

Those who can make you believe absurdity will make you commit atrocity


Commies want me to believe that this little girl is standing next to 6 foot 4 Rasputin

So wait wait wait, your evidence that pre Revolution photographs were altered en masse is that Rasputin was like really tall, but he looks short in pictures.

How about the obvious. The claim that Rasputin was like really tall is not true.

This is hardly the only image look at the other images of him with intellectual honesty and you will see. especially the one with the czarina. Unless you believe her shoulders were wider than his.

This is hardly the only image look at the other images of him with intellectual honesty and you will see.

See what??

Unless you believe her shoulders were wider than his

What are you talking about. If he was a small and short guy why wouldn't he appear this way??

So he was both 6 4 and small and short with slender woman like shoulders? See absurdity. If you choose to believe it that's on you.

So he was both 6 4 and small and short with slender woman like shoulders?

No, the claim that was really really tall is not supported. Where are you getting this crap from??

There is no absurdity, other than your attempt to obscure another false claim you made about all photographs being altered.

I don't know what to tell you if you think this is a real photoΡασπούτιν.jpg

There's a reason why the Marxist wiki uses such a small image despite a much larger image being freely available.

There's a reason why the Marxist wiki uses such a small image despite a much larger image being freely available.

You really are perfecting the art of the troll.

Again not trolling. I'm a real person deal wth it.

Again not trolling. I'm a real person deal wth it.

Trolls are real people, they just don't engage in deliberative activity in good faith.

You're trolling in the sense that you're not making any actual arguments, you keep changing the conversation, and you don't seem to actually want to engage with ideas. You keep telling this other guy that you're not a troll and to deal with the fact that you're a real person, but you can't seem to understand yourself that communists might be real actual people who just disagree with you.

Then this is the place for them to change my mind. So far I'm unconvinced

And you are doing the work of a saint by continuing this discussion. Seriously, you're the hero we need that we definitely don't deserve.

I argue many more people die from the 'benefits' of capitalism.

What do you think happens when you are dying in the United States & your insurance runs out. It's called 'managed care'....they pump you up with drugs & let you die ..... because they "ran out of treatment options".

It should be called murder unless the person wants to die.

We coat our murders in softer words to appear more human. It's a fucking charade for morons hypnotized by tv & nationalism.

Insulin became so expensive people are being killed by economic left & right.

My family lived after Stalin under Communism & loved it. They still talk about how great it was. Their are tons of old timers on Russian forums going on & on about how great it was. All it takes is Google translate to verify for yourself.

People had to share production of their farm goods to ship to help areas that were suffering because of Trofim_Lysenko's bad advice that hurt the Ukrainian people. Great grand parents were happy to do it.

They had house calls from doctors for anything. They came right away. No one locked their doors. Weren't afraid for children to be out late playing because nothing ever happened like child kidnapping etc.

Everybody had a roof over their head.

I think I've seen this copypasta before ...

People don't seem to understand that Marxism was just the end-result of capitalism, according to Marx. It wasn't until the ((Bolsheviks)) came around that they (and their banker backers) turned it into a criminal racket.

What form of government isn't organized crime?

Anarcho monarchism

So something that doesn't exist?

Communism/Leninism/Stalinism/Marxism/socialism is based on theology. It's the ideology of the ancient mystery religion. "Solve et coagula." Hmm...

You should really ask your question over on r/communism

Your probably right. Have you ever thought about this before? Why don't we hear about organize crime and it's links to communist activity? My example I shared is very clear you would think this would be more well understood.

no. go to r/communism101

Okay it seems like you didn't quite learn everything about Marxism that you thought you did. Fact one communism is an ideal that has never existed in the modern world. Fact 2 so-called communist countries are actually socialist countries none of them have achieved a communist state as described by Marx. We can disagree about whether these things are good and bad but we have to be on the same page about what the words mean to have a conversation. I agree that corrupt governments can become criminal Enterprises. Let me suggest to you though that's criminal cartels and Mafia Enterprise very happy to exist in a capitalist system. It is only through representative government that we the people can regulate mobsters and criminals. Is representative government a communist ideal to you? Or is it capitalist? Or are those stupid questions because representative government is decided by the people in the context of history and mutual understanding and shared experience I mean come on read a fucking book about Marx before you make a post like this. Lol

This is my favorite communist strawman -- the idea that communism cannot ever really exist until it is both global and irreversible. Let's just ignore all of the communes and kibbutzes that have existed in complete peace and political isolation at various times and places, almost all of which eventually disbanded because communism is not actually an ideal but only a supposed end-state.

You assume I'm a communist? I'm just telling you the basics of the ideology. I personally doubt that humanity can function at that higher state. Make no mistake, communism is both an ideal and a supposed end-state. 'Communism' is an idea, an ideal, an ideology, and a supposed end state. I'm not saying it's bound to happen. Marx was far too idealistic. Many 'marxists' take issue with 'Marx'. Realize that it's not simple.
Communists are not liberals. Surely we can agree on that. An that liberals and conservatives are far closer in ideology than marxists / communists! Are we on the same page yet...

I'm not assuming anything. You took issue with the post, which I tend to think is exactly correct. It is verifiably not an "ideal," since it ends in failure or voluntary dissolution every time it is tried. So 'communism' is not actually a consistent ideology; and 'communists' don't seem to actually care. The idea that it is just an excuse for gangsterism makes a lot of sense.

No issue you asked for an argument for communism being an ideology. Youre saying its not a valid ideology, which is a different question. Its not your ideal. What is your ideal?

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No Fortune 5 and Federal Reserve is organized crime.

It was not communism that led to the death millions of Cambodians, Indonesians, latin American or the wars of today.

Its just branding yesterday communist is today Terrorist.. we need stop getting to blinded by labels

Anarcho monarchism

Reading commie Marxist lies about history doesn't make you smart.

No, but being able to read a text, and actually understand what it is saying, and being able to articulate that understanding, is generally a mark of intelligence. On the other hand repeating fascist propaganda like all old Bolsheviks are Jews...

Maybe you can tell the class why the vast majority of images that are supposed to detail the events of early commies

This is easy, there was an actual project of doctoring photographs by Stalin. Go to the library and get this book.

olshevik activities and life in pre communist Russia are obviously doctored

Here I don't know what you are referencing. Just for the sake of accuracy however, there was no communist Russia. Stalin claimed that the USSR reached socialism in once country. But I know fascist don't actually care for facts.

What are they afraid of?

You need to actually present evidence that pre-Revolution photographs were altered en masse.

This is my favorite communist strawman -- the idea that communism cannot ever really exist until it is both global and irreversible. Let's just ignore all of the communes and kibbutzes that have existed in complete peace and political isolation at various times and places, almost all of which eventually disbanded because communism is not actually an ideal but only a supposed end-state.