Are the Reddit admins helping /r/TopMindsOfReddit brigade and manipulate this sub?

1  2018-06-15 by Rocksolid1111

Rule 13 states that a submission statement is required within twenty minutes of a post or a bot will remove it. In this example of a /r/TopMindsOfReddit brigade, a post was made without a submission statement and predictably the post was removed:

Notice anything off about this post? You can see the bot removed it for no submission statement and can check the public mod logs and see it was never approved. It was visable for only 20 minutes, yet it has 87 comments.

How can it have so many comments in such a short amount of time when it couldn't be seen by this community? This is how:

This is clearly a brigade, which is against reddit's policy:

Forming or joining a group that votes together, either on a specific post, a user's posts, posts from a domain, etc.

What can you do with an obvious brigade like this? Go to the admins? It looks like a mod here went to /r/ModSupport to find out:

Wow.. Not only did the admins not offer any real support, they removed the post..

Why would the admins do this? Dig a little deeper and you can find a sub called /r/PartyParrot. What is this sub about? I have no idea but it has 90k subscribers and 120 mods.

Looking at the mod list, a /r/TopMindOfReddit mod, /u/siouxsie_siouxv2, is listed as the #3 mod there, along with Reddit's CEO, /u/spez, four other Reddit admins and power users like /u/gallowboob.

Speaking of TMoR's mods, I think this gives some context to what they are about pertaining to this sub. This is a deleted comment from a /r/TopMindsOfReddit mod. Going back for years, his account was filled with statements about /r/conspiracy like this but a few days after he wiped all his comments, he deleted his account. He was added back as a mod under /u/Dr_ShillGood:

Well, I and my pals got started about 2 years ago now. We tried to help the /con goons, but to no avail. They seem to like things precisely how they are. As far as Queen Bee goes, that is of my own doing. They would have never branched off if I didn't supposedly "go off the rails" in participating here in this sub. I don't give a shit, my mission is far larger and more just than these feelgood cultists can even fathom.

I'm not going anywhere until various goals are met, and it has very little to do with my sub. They WILL be met, and my time investment will have payoff. I'll beat the shit out of people until 2030 if that's what it takes.

These easily led fools are incapable of thinking bigger, which is why I'll win. I've always been ahead, they just didn't know it. For shame I say, because I/we gave them a chance. Now we play for blood, Johnny Ringo.

So, I ask, are the Reddit admins complicit or helping /r/TopMindsOfReddit brigade and manipulate this sub?


They certainly are not following the rules towards them as all of the witchhunting is against TOS.

There's no way to prove such things so OP is going way overboard with saying there's "clearly" brigading going on.

I wish people who say that this is happening would report their evidence and post the response.

But I guess complaining here is better.

Um, did you even bother to read the whole OP?

Certainly did.

Suspicion of comment quantity and bad response on a mod sub.

Then an old comment from a user of TMOR.

Help me if I missed the grand evidence.

I said he should talk to the admins and got a broken message link in response.

The post was up for only 20 minutes, and garnered comments with 200+ upvotes with the only link coming from TMOR. It's about as clear as it gets.

When posts get deleted the comment chains are still active and linked.

Yeah, they are, your point?

You might see many votes because of how long the chain was linked data to user pings etc

I'm not saying brigading doesn't happen, I'm just sick of people whining about it when their posts are shit.

That's why I advised op to contact the admins, which he has not done and provided a broken link to prove he had.

I'm not holding my breath.

Admins were contacted weels ago, as OP's post shows.

In modsupport, yes. I was suggesting directly.

Who knows. OP supplied a broken link in support. I don't know.

In modsupport, yes. I was suggesting directly.

I already did that too, after an admin deleted my /r/modhelp thread. Guess what thread is still up?

Who knows. OP supplied a broken link in support. I don't know.

What link was broken?

I can't guess what thread is still up, you need to show it. How the fuck would I be able to guess?

This comment :

The original brigade thread.

The original brigade thread.

Alright alright.

...and that link isn't proof of anything, just that that OP went to the admins after I already did weeks ago.

I know it isn't proof of anything, that's why I said it was broken.

There's no proof OP went to the admins at all.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure they did. They just can't prove it.

Which was my only advice.

I went to the admins already.

Why do you need OP to?

I don't need anyone to. It was advice. I thought it would do better there than here.

...but it didn't.


I already did that too, after an admin deleted my /r/modhelp thread. Guess what thread is still up?

Don't play the victim. Your post iwas removed because it was better suited as a message to the admins than a post in that subreddit.

And then all the admins did was shadowban the moron who xposted my /r/modhelp thread.

Now, tell me why messaging them directly was better?

...and would you like it if I started deleting your posts without telling you?

Maybe it was moon light reflecting off of swamp gas.

I was being serious. I see you were not.

Good morning.


Send this to the admins.

Post your response.

Get your answer.

Done. Sent it through here:

I'll update if I hear back.


Next time don't complain.

I for one find this post very interesting, relevant, and worthy of a closer look, and not loaded with unsubstantiated "complaining" at all. Your opinion of finding a post complaining does not make it so for all readers.

Interesting post, OP. I am curious to see where this goes.

My first response was to take it to the admins.

The complaining came later.

If this is happening it should be stopped.

If it isn't then there's no need for drama.

Posting it doesn't help much

I agree with you about addressing this with the admins. The thing I appreciate about this post though is that I had no knowledge of this allegedly happening (keyword: allegedly), but to me the post read very thorough and plausible, so I feel that if this is true, I am glad to know about it.

Oh same same, I'd just rather people take it up with those who can find out rather than with those who will scream that the sky is falling.

You're crawling all over this thread trying so hard to refute OP's claim.

Might as well just come out and say, "I'm from TMOR" already.

I told the OP to take it to the admins.

Is that refutation?

7 year account with only two weeks of post history. Oh, and in those two weeks, posts have been coming in feverishly.

You'll get a canned response in 3-7 days saying "we take these reports very seriously and will get back to you shortly". Then you'll never hear another word about it and if you complain about it to the admins they'll suspend your account for 7 days and warn you that next time it will be permanent.

Meanwhile they complain about the Nazis.

The amount of down votes I give you encourages me to upvote the other ones more. Thanks for being so amateurishly transparent.

That's weird

Not really.

Here's another from just a few months ago.

You guys are shameless, mindless, and backed by astroturfing admins.

That's hardly reportable. That's just complaining about vote scores.

Pathetic effort, Top Mind.

I'm sure there's nothing reportable about announcing a brigade, linking it, and then engaging in it.

You're a friggin genius. Tippity top mind, for sure.

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Report away.

Fuck off. Away.

Already done, with nothing more than the generic response from admins.

You dusted off a 7 year old account to astroturf like this?! What a waste. You coulda been so much more...

The admins got back to me. I updated the post about it.

Reddit admins know exactly who is brigading and causing fuckery. Those folks will get a deaf ear from the admins when they go to them with complaints. Would be like the old Game of Trolls folks complaining about being trolled.

Of course they do. There's no way they don't. When people repeatedly come to you over and over, handing you evidence that the same subreddit is brigading and manipulating, there's no way they don't know.

Admins are just a bunch of soylent Silicon Valley dweebs who are complicit with their governing overlords.

Of course if TM complains to the admins they'll get a deaf ear.

As will this sub and subs like TD. Reddit has always been a right left war.

Says you...and this sub isn't left or right, no matter how much you try and make it out to be. And there aren't groups from here that link to other subs consistently. I don't give a crap about TD. Then don't raid HERE. Not like TM. Not even close.

Yes, says me. At the very least let go of the idea that folks around here are actually non partisan.

There are plenty of folks on here that are non-partisan. But you guys try and make anyone that supports the president partisan, which is improper.

I didn't vote for Trump, but still support what he is doing. I'm also a registered Democrat.

So, I won't "let go" of the idea...silly way to phrase that.

But you guys try and make anyone that supports the president partisan

It feels like someone is sniveling around when they take partisan actions and then want to pretend they are not partisan.

And IT IS OKAY to be partisan. Our society, our system of government is a polarity of two ideologies and a back and forth that has been going on for hundreds of years.

Pick a side and then spare the world the feigned indignation of trying to pretend to not care!

Pick a side and then spare the world the feigned indignation of trying to pretend to not care!

Yeah, exactly the wrong viewpoint. You really don't want independent thinkers, do you?

You really don't want independent thinkers, do you?

The illusion of independent thought in a world of 8 billion and a country of 340 million is just a mathematical conclusion. As you're having a though, hundreds of others have as well. Nothing is new under the sun.

Deep thoughts coming from your local nihilist. Sorry, I don't subscribe to limiting beliefs.

Nothing you said had anything to do with mathmatics!

You really don't want independent thinkers, do you?

That's quite a leap you just made. Have you considered competing in the Olympics?

Not remotely funny.

pick a side

Become divided


You can disagree and have policy disagreements and vote to try things different ways but everything does not have to be an angry pissing contest. That's on folks for making it blood sport.

Encouraging partisanship is akin to dividing and conqurering those beneath you.

Nah, that's hyperbole and silly.

It's purposeful and meant to be deconstructed.

It will have to be used to make that change.

Democratic and Republican ideals do tend to shift magnetic poles every so often, though, it seems, ie Republicans once being the party of (most would consider) modern equivalent of liberalism, and vice versa. I think it's important to keep historical evolution of the parties in mind. The Democratic Party of today is peopled by significantly more left of center folks than the Democratic Party of 2008 and earlier. Boomers who voted Democrat and identified as Democrats their entire lives are now identifying more with Republicans because earlier Democratic ideals were more "centrist" than contemporary leftism.

My point here is that I think Party labels are relative to the times in which we live, and while it may be easy for younger people like millennials to identify clearly with current Democratic Party policies, it is probably harder for older generations to do so even if they considered themselves lifelong dems - not because they are curmudgeonly old people, but because it means something else now to be a Democrat than it did 40 years ago.

And IT IS OKAY to be partisan. Our society, our system of government is a polarity of two ideologies and a back and forth that has been going on for hundreds of years.

I just marked my calendar garyp. You're 100% correct with this statement.

lol, I feel like I've won an award :D

You may now choose a Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle.

It's not okay to be fooled by the false dichotomy of left and right. Stop promoting division.

I find your perspective really interesting, you being a registered democrat and voting for Trump. If you ever feel like making a post on your thoughts or reasons - if it connects to any conspiracies, that is - I would be intrigued to check that out (so as we don't derail the topic here).

I didn't vote for Trump, but still support what he is doing. I'm also a registered Democrat.

Eugh yeah I misread that one, lol.

Lol. That's rich coming from you, Florida man. Ready for that debate?

Oh that's right you have nothing to do with tmor.

"Study: Tiny percent of Reddit communities spark majority of conflicts - Stanford researchers reveal how tribalism and infighting ignite the “front page of the internet.”" -

I love that study, cnet article, your 1st link, that targeted this sub fpr brigading... The best part:

Jim! You think this is something Curry would cover, if we also made a labour law aspect to it. I can hear him now "Oh! And did you know, reddit moderators work for free? Yeah, they control all of reddit's content for them, but some how skirt California labour law... No wonder these guys want to go IPO!"

Now please, look at that post... 0 upvotes with 1 comment... and has since been removed... From hpw many years ago? LOL! Yeah, got us! Go check out SRS or TMOR. They may have a bit more votes & comments.

I love that study, cnet article, your 1st link, that targeted this sub for brigading... The best part:

The post has since been removed, but its intention is clear: to invade the r/documentaries community.

Now please, look at that post... 0 upvotes with 1 comment... and has since been removed... From hpw many years ago? LOL! Yeah, got us! Go check out SRS or TMOR. They may have a bit more votes & comments.

How is this relevant to potential corruption of reddit administration?



Downvoted for not agreeing. What a shame.

Haha, whatever happened to Reddiquette?/s

It died when the shills took over.

It died with Aaron Swartz

Keep the spotlight on the roaches

Yes! Good job illuminating the roaches /r/TMoR.

Keep lighting up the idiot filled subs.

Be sure to tag users

That's every sub. Especially TMOR

Are the Reddit admins helping /r/TopMindsOfReddit brigade and manipulate this sub?

looks at vote count

(59% upvoted)


Turn on the lights, watch them scurry under the fridge.

Agreed... but they are centipedes from r/The_Donald.

Of course this comment is buried..


I am honestly taken aback by this.

You have cut at a nerve and I think we will all be seeing some type of response if this gets traction.

Great share. +1

Oh this post will definitely cause some strife. Just give it time and before you know it, the TMOR low lifes will be here in no time. Some already are.

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"Rent free"

Says a guy in a sub that exists to stalk another sub. That's top logic, right there.

I mean besides their boner for watching trump fail they really respond to Q anon (which even here has been debated as a psyop), flat earth, and most importantly: drama about TMOR. They honestly just meme as hard as T_D, for some reason everyone takes what they say literally. And a lot of TMOR shills (they call themselves and each other this as a meme) are ex-conspiracy users.

If people really didn't want TMOR to have such a presence just don't talk about them? They really get excited when they're mentioned here.

They really get excited when they're mentioned here.

That's because this sub lives rent free in their heads

If people really didn't want TMOR to have such a presence just don't talk about them?

That's what I wonder. This sub gives them tons of attention - seems counter productive.

TMOR creates its own attention.

Pay attention!

They will ban this one sub and leave the other well known "left" hate subs to exist and create new subs to replace it. It starts with ShitRedditSays and when /u/spez (YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT SPEZ, GO KILL YOURSELF) banned "hate" subreddits like fatpeoplehat but left ShitRedditSays. Obviously everyone knows this if you know anything about Reddit.

Don't call for someone to kill themselves, it isn't productive and we get it, you're justifiably mad. That kind of shit doesn't look good on you.

Ok, /u/spez should just beat himself nearly to death and then learn his lesson before dying of blood loose from some other unfortunate event like a shark attack due to the chum in the water.

That's the spirit!

Removed. Rule 4.

Removed. Rule 4.

Hey, fuck you.

Why should anyone be surprised by this? They did the same thing with Shit Reddit Says, they must have decided that "brand" was becoming too well known and relaunched the initiative under a

Why can’t mods just be replaced every 6 months? Or something to that affect...are their positions permanent? Are they salaried employees of Reddit?

Guaranteed nothing will be done. Spez has been asked about the obvious astroturfing (especially political) that has been happening and they didn't even bother to give a proper reply. Either they are powerless to do anything, simply don't care or are happy to look the other way in exchange for some $s. Reddit is like the 3rd biggest site in the US. If you can get to the front page with as little as $200 dollars, that's the cheapest ad money you will ever spend. It's a no-brainer to do it.



Good god... Any one have any idea what spez's net worth it? Might be a good start

Wasn't there some overlap with tmor mods and admins at one point in the past?

3? years ago?

was that tmor? Idk. It was some hate sub that had admins as mods until people noticed and they hid it.

TheGhostOfDusty was a mod here, now he jerks off TMOR. Traitor and drama queen.

AssuredlyAThrowAway moderates (squats) far too many subs for me to consider normal behavior. Also helped shut down Pizzagate threads during its prime. Power grabber with a Jesuit education.

Flytape was a mod here, but tried pulling a coup on the rest of the mods. Bit of an asshole, but overt about his right leaning bias. Overall less troublesome than the other two.

Traitor and drama queen.

He's a Libertatian, right?

I’m one of the top minds over in top minds.

Can confirm that we absolutely did the thing you’re talking about right here. The thing with the submission statement comment and taking it down by posting something something.

This is kind of embarrassing, don't you think?

Yeah cus I guess Poe’s law doesn’t always work

Not always, just like Murphy's... Thank goodness!

I’m one of the top minds over in top minds.

You misspelled "dumb fucks".

Sorry you definitely didn’t take enough English.


Are you apologizing for some reason? Pretending like an obvious joke is a literal red penning of your spelling is a brilliant comeback. Way to back up my statement and make it more clear than it already was. If you desire a literal red penning then I must point out that your sentence structure is below average for someone who implicitly "took enough English".

Very scholarly.

Er, ok

Removed. Rule 10.

You misspelled "great comment!".

They don't call themselves "top minds" for nothing.

It's a reference to a comment from this sub, I believe, so it's more a description of the type of content they link (much like the original conspiratard was a pejorative about its subject, although top minds is far milder.)

It seems to me that it describes them perfectly, so whatever their original attentions, the name fits.

Yes. I expect it is fairly simple to discern bot activity when you can see the IP addresses.

Wrong, residential IP address space is cheap.

Is voat an option?

Obviously. They let TMoR brigade at will.

A subreddit whose entire ethos is to mock and brigade other subreddits is somehow allowed to be featured on r/popular. Admins are definitely complicit. Last I'd seen they were at #2 on r/popular a while back.

Fantastic post! This deserves to be gilded.

Stickied, at least :)

Keep up the good work! Some of us still appreciate what you do.

no it doesn't. Reddit Gold doesn't do anything except pay the owners of reddit. don't give reddit money.

TMoR has been doing this with some type of help for years and years - I have been targeted very heavily in the past. Glad this is getting some attention. Thank you so much!

TMOR is nothing more than a pretentious mommy sub. The same way MSNBC was when all day ever day they spent their shows reporting how evil and bad George Bush and FOX news was instead of actually reporting real news.

Its so transparent and it makes them look silly as hell.

TMOR are the Lawrence O'Donnell, Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris Perry's of Reddit and their only purpose is to degrade, insult and shame people who don't agree with their message.

To top it off the only way they can make any headway is to lie, cheat and steal the same way Debbie washerman Schultz did everything in her power to rig the primaries and election to no avail.

That dude who wrote that post has way too much time on his hands and has a warped sense of reality.

MSNBC will be defending the Bushes very soon.

They are Elgin Air Force Base, aka: traitors.

Eglin AFB, FL

Air Force has always been quite good at psyops. For 'reasons,' of course.

Too minds of Langley

I've had similar thoughts for a while as well

Funny, msnbc badmouthed George Bush, but still fired one of their most popular commentators because he used his platform to challenge the Iraq invasion. This is the perfect example of surface level partisanship but an underlying unity of agenda across the supposed spectrum.

It is obvious that is happening. I guess all you can do is keep pointing it out and shame them in hopes that will stop in time. Keep resisting and stand up to them when they personally harass you which they have done with the approval admins.

or you could move to voat

why let them win when I can troll and harass em back with the best of them . Its more fun that way. Besides voat isnt growing much and always on the verge of shutting down last time I checked into it .

I'm amazed that the TMoR problem hasn't been acknowledged already. They openly brigade on a daily basis. Shaming a group of sociopaths isn't going to help. Without identity validation, I don't think that even banning them would accomplish anything.

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The people that control Reddit know of the problem because they created the problem. I just believe continually bringing it to light will eventually do something they cant ban as all. As to your idea, I dont think anything that even more so identifies users here will fly here in a community that is already rightly paranoid that their privacy is being stripped.

Given the current state of surveillance, I think usernames give people a false sense of privacy, and identity verification would benefit the average users far more than those seeking to game the platform.

Oh my God that last quote is so pathetic. Imagine wanting to subvert online communities and thinking that makes you an important, powerful person. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

He himself is an idiot for thinking this. The person controlling him, and probably several other people, is a genius.

Genius? No. Immoral, sociopathic? Yes.

Why not both?

When you have the (active?) support of the admins, helping you skirt around rules that gets "lesser" subs banned, you don't have to be a genius, or even very clever. You just need bodies, bots, and some tech resources. Funding, basically.

We know for certain that the admins passively support them, but the active support is harder to prove.

Don't ignore the phrase "goons" . Something awful has fucked with Reddit for years, created SRS and infiltrated mod positions early on. They are sjw trolls and many of them work for the government. Just saying.

Is there anyway to trace financial dealings or back room hand shakes?

shitty analogy but harry potter when he got his wand the wand seller says "great, terrible but great" about evil actions. evil can be great but that does not mean it is positive.

Maybe I'm missing something, but in the context of that thread isn't his post sarcastic LARPing?

Oh probably, but they do still coordinate discord raids on the sub so they're still jackwagons.

Someone should take screenshots of that just like they did to T_D discord setting up brigades here.

That would require actually peddling in their bullshit, I honestly don't think I have it in me to even fake it because it's so childish.

And I can't support subterfuge, even if I believe it necessary at times.

People who participate in brigading are probably some of the saddest people you'll ever meet.

He behaves like a self grandiosing tyrant in ConII

From a study on this subreddit: A little under 10 percent of /r/conspiracy users are part of a "distinct subgroup who appeared to be posting primarily in order to debunk conspiracy beliefs." They call themselves "skeptics," but that's probably a poor word to describe them. They want to prevent you from questioning certain narratives. They are only skeptical of certain things.


According to the other article you posted, it is a small margin. When you have the Tucson thing popping up for days here non-stop, and a bunch of other related content, the skeptics of course are going to ask for more sufficient evidence than whatever people type in in the chans. I'd say after the election, a large percentage of this sub was brigaded by r/The_Donald and later people from subs like r/greatawakening.

What article? And I don't think at all that those two subs brigades what so ever.

You know, the one linked to in the parent comment. Sorry.. didn't mean to respond to the person u/Squirrelboy85.

No I know what you exactly meant. I'm saying that whom ever brigades were not organic users there. The Donald users are building a positive community within that sub. There's just to me a lot of bad actors. They are just trying to advocate for acceptance within the social media industry. And I will end it at that.

It make ya think also if they brigade on here since to me this is the last place of free speech in my mind. They can do it in other subs. The more down votes someone has the less likely they are to be listen to even when you feel that is someone TRUE opinion.

These are just shills for the people running the patriarchy, I’ll sound like a conspiracist since I’m pretty new to this bs but the truth is getting around and the people that want to keep us suppressed know. If you are reading this and you haven’t prepped emergency readiness bags and seriously considered the idea that the problem could come to your doorstep at any moment than in my opinion you really must not be paying attention. Its time for us to stop listening to what people tell us about our world and start figuring it out for ourselves. We are educated enough to read and ideally we should be reading older non republished text because they’ve been indoctrinating us for centuries with altered text that fits their agenda which is mostly suppression of the truth and male hierarchy which has quite clearly failed us miserably in results so far; as people of the earth experience widespread suffering everyday we have to start working together diplomatically on a global scale, all freethinkers do because they will try something and I know it. Right now ‘they’ (who the fuck knows who I’m really referring to in the long run) are scrambling really hard to keep a wrap on things and they are realizing they might not be able to stop the noise but whats a good way to distract us so they can mop of up some ‘messes’, earn them more money and weaken the global status quo for people. World War or even just war in general. I know I’m thinking of the worst but I believe we really could stand to be more diplomatic about a shift in power to the people because if we aren’t it’ll just bring us more suffering. Good luck and peace be with you.

I'd say it's way more than 10%.

Way more. You don't have to even do the math.

It only seems that way because of alt/sock accounts.

I'm a user that likes to debate against conspiracy theories as I find the discussion a good mental exercise. I like debating, even as the devil's advocate. It's not nefarious from me as I'll only approach the argument itself and if a thesis doesn't at all hold up to scrutiny then how is it a valid thesis to begin with.

I bet some people count me among these "skeptics." You people are so damn resistant to critical thinking.

Used to be conspiracies were about asking questions. Was Lee Harvey Oswald alone? What's going on in Area 51? etc.

Now it's more about asserting that you already know the truth because you're a super genius who can see the clues everyone else is missing, and you scorn anyone who dares ask you to apply even a modicum of fucking critical thinking to your assertion.

It's not about keeping you from asking about things like the VOP in Tucson or pizzagate. It's about seeing if you have answers to basic fucking questions, or if you just believe shit just to believe it.

I'm in search of answers and way too often in this sub I hear "Yeah but you just know it's true"

Muh critical thinking

I've been here since 2010. It has become significantly worse the past 2 to 3 years. This isn't just casual people who want to debate or debunk as a pasttime.

This place gets brigaded and people are paid money to do it...certain subjects are immediately downvoted...I'm talking within seconds sometimes. This place is a threat, information is critical to control that is why things are so different now than they used to be here.

I remember back in the early days of reddit in 2010 9/11 truth was a regular frontpage thing because the facts spoke for themselves. Now even in this sub 9/11 threads get derailed by shills...

I venture over here from time to time. I'm more of an official narrative skeptic as being a skeptic of conspiracies seems frivolous and a waste of time to comment on. I certainly don't believe at least half of the threads posted here.

I certainly don't believe at least half of the threads posted here.

And nor should you. You'd be a shitty conspiracy theorist is you did.

The sad, sad truth is that this sub has been, and always will be, a gulag. I've been here since the beginning, and I've watched it all unfold. TMOR is a PsyOp that is part of the controlled opposition. It part of the divide and conquer strategy.

Here is how it works: There is a perceived external threat, TMOR. The reaction is to rally against obvious threats to this sub. The result, the perception of this sub as legitimate is strengthened and the community isolates more from the majority of reddit.

Fuck TMOR, Fuck the Admins. Just post and converse. The truth holds weight on its own. Keep seeking.

Lol Phoenix

can someone explain the conflict between /conspiracy and /topminds? what the difference between subs is and what the conflict is/why it exists?

It's not a two way conflict.

We exist and they hate us for it. The only reason any legitimate users here know about top minds is because they constantly username ping people to try and bait them into getting banned.

but why? whats their issue with /r/conspiracy?

It's pretty simple. Most of TMOR is people who were banned here for their opinions. Most are anti-trump too.


I mean, all anyone has to do is go over there and read about the bans. It's a public forum, people can see for themselves.

he should have not been banned.

His ban was temporary and was reversed after some deliberation.

So he can post here again? Countless others over there have asked to have their bans reversed and are met with resistance. Maybe it would be wise to just let people speak their minds here instead of banning them?

The TMOR problem seems entirely self-created by this sub.

Most people get muted from being able to message the mods and Axo will take it one step further when he bans to block the user so there is no way to discuss a ban in private like they tell you to do.

Mutes only last 72 hours, though.

True, but then you get muted again cause the mods don't want to mess with something from a few days ago.

I have never seen anyone preemptively muted in 3 years, and the other half of your comment isn't true either.

What's your agenda, anyway?

TIL joey is 90% of their 60k userbase.

Big League if true.

Who said that? Again, you're free to go over there and read the posts.

No they don't. The pretend they get banned for opinions but never link to their comments or ban message because that get banned for brigading. TMOR has been trying to silence conspiracy for years before Trump...

Haha, I don't think anyone pretends to get banned. Go read the posts. It's public.

Do exactly what you recommend

Nah they do, when you ask them to help direct you to it they just spout about getting banned for their opinions.

They could screenshot mod convos, explain their position, show their post in context to everything else, but they never do.

You didn't read carefully.

They pretend they get banned for opinions but never link to their comments or ban message because they actually get banned for attacking users

I added some highlights to draw attention to the actual points of the person you responded to. The points you blatantly ignored.

Go read the posts. It's public.

My dude.. You think people on the internet tell 100% truth? L O L

so TMoR is the hillary brigade? I thought conspiracy was pretty much against all government... vaguely speaking.

Mostly against corruption by government or corporations or even private groups.

Being 100% against government all the time is preteen fantasy land anarchy. Nobody survives puberty and remains that ignorant.

yeah, that's why i added vaguely speaking. i didn't mean strictly antigovernment or something but was in a hurry and couldn't be bothered picking words carefully. maybe against all corruption would be a better way to word it.

We are against pretty much all of the Government. But whenever someone brings up Hillary.. Look at the posts. The posts will appear very much in favor of Hillary.

Most current r/conspiracy users are neo-fascists who are 100% fine with authoritarianism as long as it suits them. Just look at how much they salivate over the idea of Trump et al. jailing politicians, journalists, and Hollywood types who don't toe their line. Look at how they defend throwing children in actual internment camps.

jailing corrupt politicians, journalists and hollywood pedos is good. Putting illegal immigrants into detention centres is standard across the globe. What do you suggest? Politicians do as they please without threat? Journalists write whatever fiction as fact they want? Weinstein can rape who he wants? And immigrants are free to enter any country they wish? ... What is your point? These are not fascist views.

Lmao, you actually believe these people are pedos and corrupt? Without evidence of that, it's pretty clear that y'all want them in jail because they don't fall in line with the Cheetoh King goose step.

It's hilarious seeing you defend literal concentration camps. Hell, DHS isn't allowing media and politicians into the camps for two weeks. If I were a cynical sort, I might choose to point out that these government types you're defending can diddle a lot of children in two weeks.

Firstly, I'm british, so, I don't have any ties to this party or that. I've read mike pence is a pedo too but seen no evidence. I have however seen that hillary LOVES pedos. I mean, ignoring that she is one, lets presume she's not. So as a completely sane and rational woman, why is she surrounded by that many pedophiles? It's quite a list of kiddy fucking friends she has. So, yeah, I don't like that pedo sympathiser, to put it mildly. I'm interested to know why you think she seemingly loves all these pedos all around her though, genuinely. Any ideas? I mean, if it was 1, fair enough. But it aint. ITS A LOT.

"Literal concentration camps" You're comparing a holding cell to a genocidal death camp. I'm not gonna resort to calling names, but fucking hell, man, c'mon. Use your head for more than regurgitating the news you've been fed.

Speaking of news, maybe the media is no longer allowed for how they use images completely out of context. And I thought politicians weren't pedos? Make up your mind. Oh wait. The politicians You don't like are the pedos! I get it. If you have any info on Pence, i'd love to hear though. I hate all pedos, regardless of their immigration policy y'see.

I'd say your view of liberals vs fascists is clouding all judgement to have any sense of a rational conversation here. It's weird, but not rare or unique. A shame. You'd think someone on conspiracy would see through such petty divides as libs vs fasc / white vs black, etc.

So as a completely sane and rational woman, why is she surrounded by that many pedophiles?

Such as...?

"Literal concentration camps" You're comparing a holding cell to a genocidal death camp. I'm not gonna resort to calling names, but fucking hell, man, c'mon. Use your head for more than regurgitating the news you've been fed.

Fits the definition bud.

Speaking of news, maybe the media is no longer allowed for how they use images completely out of context. And I thought politicians weren't pedos? Make up your mind. Oh wait. The politicians You don't like are the pedos! I get it. If you have any info on Pence, i'd love to hear though. I hate all pedos, regardless of their immigration policy y'see. I'd say your view of liberals vs fascists is clouding all judgement to have any sense of a rational conversation here. It's weird, but not rare or unique. A shame. You'd think someone on conspiracy would see through such petty divides as libs vs fasc / white vs black, etc.

This is literally exactly what I'm talking about. Earlier you claim that conspiracy theorists should be against all government, now you defend actual government-run child prisons that ban the public, the press, and democratically elected officials. You're totally fine with the Deep State if it other people are the ones threatened by it.

Such as all the convicted pedophiles in her friends list. This isn't made up. They're behind bars. Weiner and Epstein spring to mind. Google it if 2 pedo friends aint enough. There are plenty more. Won't even go into Podesta and Alefantis.

I think you need to read about what happened in concentration camps. Comparing holding cells to a genocidal death camp is fucking insane. Do they have gas chambers? Mass graves? Bodies burning 24/7? No, so drop the stupid fuckin comparison.

Again, no. I'm ok with governments detaining people who enter any country illegally. As i'm ok with governments detaining people who commit any crime. They call them prisons. They're global. You break the law, you go there. I'm not defending every law, many are retarded, many get arrested for things they shouldn't, many go to prison for crimes they didn't commit. The system isn't perfect. But it works. Break the law and get locked up. OK?

Some conspiracy theories are threatening to powerful people and certain politicians, like Pizzagate. In order to supress discussion on those topics in this sub, they have created another sub under the guise of mocking users. But if you watch which topics they brigade and which they ignore, it becomes obvious what their motivations are. Most of the users probably aren't paid shills, but those who organize the brigades and such likely are.

so I had this arrive in my inbox and they've said they're ok with me posting it here. Be interested to see what peoples responses are...

Re: your question about TMOR vs. Conspiracy

from TheGhostOfDusty sent 4 hours ago


I am an ex-conspiracy moderator who quit in protest after months of trying to reason with my co-mods to not be biased, hyper-partisan hypocrites. Two other long-standing mods quit in disgust soon after I did. This left the Trumpaganda mods in full control of the subreddit starting in January 2017.

See my post history there:

I was banned about a month after leaving the mod team. I was not ever given a reason for the ban, just insults and animosity after politely asking for over a week why I was banned. Then the mods "mute" you so you can't use modmail again for 72 hours.

I was conspicuously banned soon after posting screenshots of the public mod log in threads, showing rogue mods in action undermining and ignoring the rules. At this point I felt fully justified, and obligated by a sense of duty, to let the community know that the mods were corrupt.


To answer your question: TMoR began as an offshoot of the actual bigoted hate group /r/Conspiratard. The mod team there (who went on to start the infamous /r/The_Donald became too openly homophobic and toxic so everyone migrated to TMoR.

For the next couple of years they were just jerks mocking people they found weird. Then, beginning in late 2016, the Conspiracy mods started unjustly and routinely banning popular users who were critics of Trump and alt-right propaganda. The general population of TMoR quickly became dominated by rational and pissed off conspiracy theorists who were spitefully banned by the thin-skinned Trump zealot mods of /r/conspiracy.

Tl;Dr - TMoR these days is a group of justifiably resentful conspiracy theorist who weren't stupid/gullible enough to unquestioningly believe alt-right defamation propaganda like "pizzagate" being dressed up as 'conspiracy theory' and got banned by the mod team for not toeing the line.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and please feel free to share this explanation in that stickied thread if you think it will help others grasp the current situation.

Thanks for sharing this - this confirms what I have heard and seen over the last couple of years regarding this situation.

People here go apeshit over TMOR, accusing them of all kinds of nutty things.

But this sounds about right to me:

TMoR these days is a group of justifiably resentful conspiracy theorist who weren't stupid/gullible enough to unquestioningly believe alt-right defamation propaganda like "pizzagate" being dressed up as 'conspiracy theory' and got banned by the mod team for not toeing the line.

accusing them of all kinds of nutty things.

Tell me what is "nutty" about what people say about them. Is the OP "nutty"?

You can look at the block quote in the OP and be like, "That's not nutty", but claims against TM are? WOW.

justifiably resentful conspiracy theorist

Who makes comments like the block quote in the OP? Sorry, that's not "resentful", that's a planned agenda.

I've had TM users literally change the text of a comment of mine and repost it as a pic. That's not "getting one over" on the old sub, it's fraudulent behavior.

Sorry, "resent" doesn't really explain their behavior, wall of text or not.

I am an ex-conspiracy moderator who quit in protest after months of trying to reason with my co-mods to not be biased, hyper-partisan hypocrites. Two other long-standing mods quit in disgust soon after I did. This left the Trumpaganda mods in full control of the subreddit starting in January 2017.

So literally being emotionally hurt by ignorance and not standing by your guns is what helped this forum degrade.


Tl;Dr - TMoR these days is a group of justifiably resentful conspiracy theorist who weren't stupid/gullible enough to unquestioningly believe alt-right defamation propaganda like "pizzagate" being dressed up as 'conspiracy theory' and got banned by the mod team for not toeing the line.

You just had to add this loooool

Ahahahahah! Hahahahahah!

I love that the dude thinks he's over there amongst friends.

They are Zionists and consider this sub to be dangerous and use our supposed racism as justification for their actions. They used to have stars of david everywhere.

TMOR is where spoilt little brats congregate and come to circle jerk this sub because their own sub is weak, kacking decent content and they have nothing better to do. The self proclaimed title, the arrogance of their over-inflated intelligence and the obvious stalking of this sub all lead to one conclusion; their own sub is dead in the water and they have nothing better to do than to tug on the trouser leg of r/conspiracy for attention because they are like needy children. Ignore these inferior dimwits, challenge they're intelligence, question their though processes and you will see them run back to their tiny sub to regroup and target the next post in here. I actually feel sorry for them.

Ignore these inferior dimwits, challenge their intelligence, question their thought processes and you will see them run back to their tiny sub to regroup

So true.

Ok, fuck it, he's right again. Updoot me TMoR, you're my only friends.

Great post, OP. TMOR's struggle to dissuade discussion here is testament to our users' stubborn curiosity. I'd love to know exactly how much manpower they've wasted so far.

Wow... I'm just learning about TMoR. Just reading the 'About the Community' section and it's written with the same fart-huffing smugness as ShitRedditSays.

And it's full of admins, you say?


TMoR appears to be admin-sanctioned brigade subreddit... along the same lines as ShitRedditSays


Hello. This is my third comment

My comments are being wiped from this thread and there is no explanation being given. If this is a mod, can they at least send something to my inbox? They were short comments and I don't feel there was anything in them that would even warrant deletion

Looking for clarification

You have 0 comments removed in this thread or on the board.

If r/conspriacy mods would unban u/totesmessenger already it would be so much easier to figure this shit out. the fact that u/totesmessenger is still banned here is proof thay ghe r/conspiracy mod pool is poisoned

Except the fact that the admins ignore when TMOR brigades here but ban any Conspiracy users that follow totes links back to the source of the brigading to comment.

according to who/what? that sounds like some bullshit a TMOR user would make up out of thin air to counter the point because if anyone they dont want u/totesmessenger unbanned

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.

From totes itself.

Do you think there may be a reason behind this disclaimer? Think real hard about it.

Yep, expression of experience.

Got any proof of that?

Well, we know the first part of the comment is true...

If you just follow it and don't comment then you have nothing to worry about.

Source: do it all the time, I'm a lurker.

but ban any Conspiracy users that follow totes links back to the source of the brigading to comment.

That's just completely untrue. I am proof that your statement is not true.

When we were using totesmessenger every thread became a massive back and forth shitfest as soon as something was cross-posted. We're trying to limit drama, not throw oil on the fire.

o so now they can just come throw oil on the fire without your users even realising it. real good moderation there. way too look out for your peopel

Doesn't even make sense. The brigades are going to happen regardless of what we do, what's the point of inviting TMOR users to come here and bicker/troll everyone? Every comment section when we allowed totesmessenger just devolved into a stupid back and forth. That's what the trolls at TMOR want - they want to get a reaction and derail discussion.

Do you think it is a good idea for mods to selectively allow totes for certain submissions only to give an excuse as to why the submission isn't going the way the mod thinks it should? Why is that allowed when others aren't?

Huh? Totes is banned for all submissions. Not sure what you're trying to say.

yes it is banned across the sub. what are you trying to say? why are you asking such duplicitous questions?

No shit it's banned across the sub, that's literally what I said. That's why I have no clue what the other guy meant by "selectively allow totes for certain submissions".

Fair enough, I actually didn't know that other mods were doing that at times. I guess the other guy in this thread who's saying we should allow totes bot to post would be happy to see those links though.

Added an edit in at the end. Don't need to answer the questions, but thought I should mention it so other don't think you were deliberately avoiding them.

Also just pinged the other guy.

If I had it my way totes would be banned for all submissions but I'm just one guy and I don't control the other mods. We have different opinions and ideas regarding certain things, including how to handle groups like TMOR.

Thanks for coming back to answer.

I know you guys have differences of opinions and nobody controls anyone else (and that's a good thing! I'd be worried if you guys all agreed all the time), but is there any way you guys could have a discussion, or vote, about either allowing it all the time or banning it altogether?

I personally don't care either way (though I do agree with you that it does seem to cause more bickering and getting off topic when it is allowed in threads), but this whole argument over whether it should be allowed, banned, or allowed to be unbanned sometimes is causing even more bickering.

Perhaps allow a community vote of some sort so there will be less bitching on either side about mods.

Just thought I'd ask. I wouldn't be surprised if TMOR wait for totes to be allowed on certain threads just so they can go to those threads and have a hissyfit about the mods.

I think people are gonna find things to bicker about no matter what but to me this is basically a non-issue and not worth wasting too much time on (at least in my opinion). The overall stance is that totes is banned but if certain mods want to approve the comments in certain threads who am I to say they're wrong for doing so? Doesn't seem like something that's worth having a huge, in-depth discussion about. There are bigger fish to fry here.

yes thats exactly what im saying. unban totes completely

thats not true. in those cases it would just be condensed to the totesmessenger thread. and like you said they still anyway so whats the difference?

The difference is one promotes static and arguments and bickering and drama, the other doesn't.

we're not fucking children. we want to know when we're being fucked with

Feel free to go to TMOR and check for yourself if you're so interested. They link to multiple posts per day, every day.

Ever wonder of what a picture of that group would look like?

Wonder no longer

The man tits in that picture offended me greatly.


There is an ignore function.

Unban everyone, start fresh. I was wrongfully banned once.

username checks out

Saidit conspiracy is much better and there are no children there like those of TMOR

what is saidit conspiracy?

It's some bullshit platform like voat that someone from here made.

Use at your own risk (the owner will have admin access to password, email etc)

We banned totes to keep OUR users from retaliating. This is pure self preservation. If well meaning and angry users started flooding from here to there to confront these users in their sub on their bullshit, I promise you the admins would ban our sub with a quickness.

This is literally the double standard the OP is referring to.

I see, well yeah, I've seen way too many users fall for their harassment. Wish there was something more we could do about the brigading, but I guess we can only endlessly defend and they can only endlessly attack.

We are trying. The problem is the only way to stop an account's vote counting is to ban them. The political shiteaters you see talking are quite literally the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority of the votes coming in are likely from botnet accounts run by those same shiteater accounts that actually comment. These accounts will never speak, rendering them effectively invisible to us. And when we ban the control account, they just bring up one of their bots as a new control. Ad infinitum.

The best we can do is frustrate them. And I think we are starting to do a better job of that. But I think sometimes when they care a lot about a subject, they point the botnets they use regularly to control /r/politics and just blow us the fuck up. We will never be able to defend that. But luckily when they do do that, it is blatantly obvious, and maybe with the exception of the external traffic generated from /all, it doesn't fool anyone.

Admins deny us the tools we need to identify these malignant accounts. Probably because those tools would include traffic statistics and user behavior metrics, which is where I think reddit actually makes their money. That's their real product, behavioural data. Plus the admins have made it pretty clear we are on our own. If something egregious happe ns, that doesn't involve TMOR or any of the other bot swarming hate subs, they will throw us a bone. But nothing that would actually improve our experience.

But, at least all this meta stuff is kinda interesting. And if you think about it, there are groups spending a great deal of money trying to ruin our day...and yet we continue to have our fun.

Keep trying guys. There is a lot of weight on you. I'm sorry I can't be of much use.

Being a quality user is honestly the best thing you can do. Mods don't add anything really, users create the experience.

Thanks, you guys do your best too.

Except you guys unban it on the threads you sticky.

I might be mistaken, but you might be thinking back to some months ago where I modified automod to do something we needed and accidentally commented out the hide totes routine.

At least I am not aware of a policy regarding unbanning for stickies...but stickies also aren't really my bailiwick.

This was recent, a post by /u/axolotl_peyotl was sticked and had a post from /u/totesmessenger

Some other poster mentioned something about it at the time.

There wasn't. Never seen such a blatant fabrication. My counter theory is that the BS collusion stuff was designed to smoke screen what Trump is really doing, that Trump's team may have been encouraging it along.

It's pretty clear what the mod decision on collusion is in this sub are, you guys can't even pretend to have a conversation about it.

The question is about why you unban /u/totesmessenger when you sticky your bullshit, but leave it banned for everything else.

I dunno about totes being unbanned for stickies, i'm going to ask the rest of the guys.

As far as the collusion thing, if you retained any objectivity after the election and treated MSM news sources as the stanky shit they are, you would be ROFL with the rest of us about the collusion hoax.

Ok I checked with the rest of the mods, this is not and has never been policy.

However, awhile back AP let totes loose on a couple posts that were being heavily brigaded so that people could see what he was talking about, I think the confusion comes from there.

I was wondering about that. Thanks for the clarification. This thread is a blessing, glad it is stickied.

Who is that guy and how would unbanning help?

u/totesmessenger is a bot that comments in the thread of a post anytime it is linked in another comment section on reddit

good work rock solid. thats a month old post, howd you manage to dig this shit up if you dont mind me asking?

Gotta love when conspiracy theorists start thinking their subreddit is target of a conspiracy

yes, reddit is a bastion of free speech [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted] [deleted]

[deleted] means the user deleted it. Not much reddit can do about that!

oh, i used the wrong example.

so mods dont delete comments? right...

Mods delete comments all the time it just says [removed].

ok so... i'll try again.

yes, reddit is a bastion of free speech [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed]

Good job!

want to address what i'm referring to now?



Which is pretty much the only defense you can when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar...

Lie, lie, lie! Deny, deny, deny!

This places gets more and more meta everyday.

One of the users in the removed thread, BuddaMuta, goes to r-NBA and argues about how Trump was elected through racism. Can't these people relax?

If they even are "people"... wouldn't be surprised if most were AI bots.

Can't these AI bots even relax?

AI bots have no chill

I've noticed a lot of the brigading accounts post on NBA and random gaming subs as well.

I've noticed SIGNIFICANTLY less accounts that purely post on /r/politics, for example. Perhaps it was getting too obvious or maybe they just have separate accounts to obfuscate.

It's always just NBA, NFL, or a random sports team.

If you look at the comments they barely post shit about sports lol

I don't give a shit, my mission is far larger and more just than these feelgood cultists can even fathom.

The amphetamine psychosis is real. This dude needs to untape his balls and buy some looser panties. The chronically restricted blood flow is causing some serious brain damage.

He's right about one thing though...'

feelgood cultists

I'm not removing this comment, even though it is a blatant rule 10 violation, and the user was banned. I don't want the comment to be a mystery hole.

These types of comments and attitudes are unacceptable in our community.

pathetic mod

Your discomfort just encourages me.

It wasn't even a rule 10 violation. I don't think you're fit to be a mod buddeh

That's just like... your opinion, man.

I forgive you, mastigia. I think you just made an honest mistake and weren't comfortable admitting to it. That's ok.

Ya, like I ever have a hard time admitting when i'm wrong (I dont). I lost track of how this shook out. I was away for 3 weeks and in trying to get caught up have lost track of many things.

Where was I wrong here?

I was away for 3 weeks and in trying to get caught up have lost track of many things.

It was literally four days ago.

I am catching up on 3 weeks of shit, on reddit, and in my life. Want to answer the question?

Honestly, I'm still waiting on your answer where you ducked-out in PM after wrongly banning me for insulting a TMoR mod.

I get hundreds of PMs man, it isn't personal, I do the best I can. Cut and paste or resend please.

You have been banned from participating in r/conspiracy. You can still view and subscribe to r/conspiracy, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Note from the moderators:

Rule 10

If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/conspiracy by replying to this message.

Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

YourHeadWillCollapse • 4d Which content was a rule 10 violation? When does the ban expire?

YourHeadWillCollapse • 4d No answer? What gives?

mastigia • 4d Sorry, was asleep and missed your original modmail. Here is the comment:

YourHeadWillCollapse • 3d So, I cracked a joke on a mod of TMoR, and that's a rule 10 violation how, exactly?

You're here to defend TMoR mods now?

YourHeadWillCollapse • 1d

Is your silence then a "yes?" Is u/axolotl_peyotl the only legit one left?

When will the ban be lifted?

It was at that point that Assuredly and aleister were cool enough to step in.

Seriously though, I asked you four days ago which comment was a Rule 10 violation and when the ban would be lifted.

Though you did respond, you linked to a comment where I insulted a TMoR mod (not a violation of Rule 10) and conveniently ignored the part about when the ban would be lifted.

But anyway, like I said, I'm sure it was an honest mistake. I see you taking flak in here so I was really just giving you a sardonic (but friendly) poke.

Ok I see it now. Sorry man. First off, all my bans are permanent. I prefer to have happen exactly what happened. I ban, you complain, other mods review my decisio ...and it goes from there. Sometimes the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater. And you were the baby here, apologies.

Also, with abusive comments, I don't generally check context. They appear all by themselves in the mod queue. And I moderate based on that. I don't care if it was a tmor mod. I mean, I would crack on a tmor mod too, but I just have zero tolorance for abusive comments now. And you probably had the unfortunate luck of being at the tail end of me seeing dozens of other users being shitty at each other.

Glad it worked out, and I hope you understand. Outside of reddit my life was kind of turned upside down and I wasnt firing on all cylinders. I will try to be more conscientious in the future.



Theyve worked repeatedly to hurt progressive subreddits, its no surprise their pet attack dogs get different rules than the rest of us.

Yes . It has been going on a long time . You haven’t noticed the real conspiracies never make it ?

So, I ask, are the Reddit admins complicit or helping /r/TopMindsOfReddit brigade and manipulate this sub?


I think there are admins with TMOR alts myself. Or, they are all buddies since Somethingawful, and part of the reddit manipulation network that brings the real $$$

Are the complicit in allowing and helping r/The_Donald and r/greatawakening brigade then? It goes both ways you know.

I've always thought that TMoR are reddit's unofficial thugs/enforcers. They are obviously protected.


I remember the JIDF used to be all over reddit, then they went away, now TMOR are all over reddit. I wonder if that was a re-branding.

This is extremely pathetic. No wonder they are losing.

I’m more interested in knowing why exactly they feel the need to go into a sub they disagree with and try to disrupt it? I mean, as has been repeatedly mentioned, this used to be a fringe, low traffic sub before, why do they give a shit what gets discussed here as opposed to, I don’t know, a sub dedicated to some random kpop singer or whatever?

It seems like it’s a way for banned folks to link to a discussion that they are interested in and continue a parallel discussion. That’s the idealistic reason. In reality it’s a rallying cry to disrupt.

Imo the root cause is due to the indiscriminate use of bans by overzealous mods. If they could not permanently ban someone then there would be little need for a sub to link to threads.

Of course you would have very disruptive users but honesty they can be ignored or downvotes by users that are sensitive to their comments. The way it should be - no censorship except at the personal level.

Are you sure you replied to the right comment? I’m not asking about bans, links or censorship, but rather the reasoning behind the desire to disrupt conversations by a group of relatively isolated folks.

It seems like it’s a way for banned folks to link to a discussion

This doesn’t answer the question though...

Users are typically banned here because they harass and disparage conspiracy believers, the main focus of the sub.

Why are users who don’t adhere to conspiracy theory wasting their time disrupting conversations on a topic they admittedly don’t have any interest in?

I understand the ban rationale but they just regroup outside, consolidate as a group, and link in. This actually makes their actions more visible to others and they feel sympathetic or have similar experiences then suddenly they are a large group with an agenda.

If they weren’t banned in the first place they would just be ignored or downvoted on the original thread. The larger audience wouldn’t see except for those participating in the original thread. The disruption would be contained.

Except when they aren’t banned they also spam the submissions with disinfo and overtly racist crap to smear this sub.

Lol people get banned here for disagreeing with the mods or for not supporting whatever anti Clinton bullshit has dribbled over from t_d.

It's the ultimate hypocrisy and it's why when axo or whoever bans someone they make a couple of alts and come back and shit all over the sub.

It's not users fault, it's the mods here who have created this environment.

Color me completely unsurprised.

I’m pretty thoroughly convinced at this point that they’ve even got a few mods in r/conspiracy who are at least sympathetic to their cause,

The point I’ve always tried to raise with users here is this:

Why would a group of users who supposedly troll r/conspiracy for laughs, go to such great lengths year after year to covertly subvert this subreddit? It’s not in line with rational behavior.

There is a serious agenda to dismantle this forum because it has undoubtedly been a bastion of truth that has lead many people out of the mind control.

I've assumed so since encountering TuMoR.

It's a sub reddit front for some record correcting type organization.

It's one of the worst subs I've seen. The front page of their sub consisted of bashing just 3 subs. Reddit consists of more than just 3 subs. I suggest theirs get deleted for blatant misuse.

TMOR bridging this thread. Nice 64% upvote.

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This sub died some time ago, I just like checking to see if the corpse has decomposed

This is pretty good proof and the upvote ratio is still fucked. The admins, shills, and bots are disgusting.

don't really care much. TMOR suck at debate and it's fun to expose them. not sure how the machine of "putting cans in your face" is anything but helpful at this point.

Did /r/tmor go private over this post?

You know, if others just took the time to upvote each others posts, they wouldn't be so successful.

The difference is that they are motivated to downvote the threads and comments into oblivion. We think votes in general are meaningless, so we don't upvote/downvote each other.

"Certain groups" take advantage of that. They use our ethics against us. They have done this for decades.

I see tons of people in each comment thread who just have the one vote (or zero) they get when they post. Nobody is upvoting them even though 30-40 are posting their own comment that agrees with them.

If you aren't going to have each other's backs, then shrug, there is no point to talking about this because they will keep doing it.

Yes. Topminds is an obvious bully thread that is allowed. Theres no question.

They have specific rules about voting and commenting on topics here found through r/TopMindsOfReddit. If someone that is a member there finds a thread here, then there is nothing to stop them from organically voting or commenting on it.

A fun activity is to dig through and see what sort of topics they are attempting to "debate" (i.e., ridicule and shameless shit all over) - then to go investigate those topics. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

The list:

Vaccines Space Flat Earth Secret Societies Reddit / Media Corruption Climate Change Holocaust

At least that's how it was in years gone by. Now even TMOR is mostly politically charged nonsense headlines about political celebs and "story of the week" drivel designed to distract and divide people - because reddit is so heavily saturated with this type of nonsense content.

because reddit is so heavily saturated with this type of nonsense content.

That would seem to be the obvious reason, since it's a sub that links to content elsewhere on reddit...

Right - all of reddit is rotten, so even the most foul, most troll-infested brigading low-lifes can't even serve a useful purpose of exposing which propaganda they have to defend any more - it's all just useless distractions. Thanks for agreeing with me.

It's pretty much a spectator sub, right? They still reference the same subs as before, those subs have just changed what they talk about...

My point was that it used to be usable as a way to trace propaganda efforts, but now the propaganda is so far removed from useful and actionable intelligence that it no longer serves that purpose. I'm not claiming that topminds has changed it's format or it's rules or content patterns. You're trying to address a strawman, as many topminds posters do.

Thanks again for supporting my position.

You're welcome, I guess?

You're a topminds poster I guess?

I've posted there before, and here, so a little of both? Probably more on this sub, but I'm not sure how to check.

Just kidding, I didn't have to guess. Your behaviors give you guys away every time. And your post history confirms my suspicions. You only come to /r/conspiracy to deny conspiracies. Please go away.

It's okay though. When you get to the point or harassing others instead of trying to build something worthwhile yourself, maybe just give it a rest. Please try to enjoy yourself, maybe go outside and take a break. Hope you have a nice day.

I mostly speak out against space-related conspiracies because I actually have a clue about that subject and can comment about it. And most of them are utterly dumb. I hope most people can agree that dumb conspiracy theories should be countered with facts...

I don't spend a lot of time posting about conspiracy stuff, but on the occasions I do, I find it a productive use of time. I get to pull out my reference material and discuss optics or physics, rationally consider the implications of various claims, and maybe change someone's mind. It's good stuff.

Well, space is science-fiction, so there's another problem.

You actually fit the agenda points in the OP and my own views of how controlled opposition works completely. I can see why this thread is very upsetting to you.

But please, go away. I don't want to talk with you. I don't think you're an honest poster. I think you're mostly here to harass me, so please, as I suggested above, please drop it, stop trying to provoke me, and go do something else you funny little clownling :)

I only made one actual post in here, and it was a quick response agreeing with you. Not exactly a raging tirade to protect the poor defenseless top minds, methinks. If that is 'controlled opposition' then everyone's a shill.

I also don't appreciate your claims that I am dishonest, harassing you, provoking you, nor your juvenile insult. Live by your own rules, would you?

(Also, lol, you're a space truther? Make a thread sometime, it'd be fun to discuss that.)

And I don't appreciate conspiracy-deniers who frequent topminds harassing me, trying to undermine my positions, and water down good conspiracy threads and conversation with mindless babble, sneering, snarky attitude, and a total ignorance of a larger picture.

I mentioned space as one of the propaganda points in my first post. You're either dishonest or so stupid you don't actually read the posts you're replying to. Go away.

I mean, I imagined you meant moon landing denial or maybe the claims that the ISS doesn't exist, not actual space doesn't exist. That's quite a step further...

And yet it's a step I'm very comfortable taking. Because I've done enough looking around to understand the deception thoroughly. And now we're back to you obviously being here to deny, discredit, and distract from actual conspiracy while claiming to be a poster of both /r/conspiracy and topminds. You are not an earnest poster. Please leave me alone.


Another conspiracy denier - you guys love me. It's a badge of honor. What total creeps :)

Please leave me alone! 😂

It's a new phrase I realized I can use to counter harassment from people like you :)

Did you know it's against the rules to stalk and harass people on reddit? It's even on the sidebar.

"Please leave me alone" it a great indicator that a user is feeling targeted and harassed - by conspiracy deniers who show up in conspiracy only to scoff and ridicule. People with no actual lives of their own - sort of like you seem to be doing :)

So please leave me alone and I hope you have a nice day :)


Typical - harass me then accuse me of harassment

Pls lve alon

Iif you do not have anything to contribute, you don't have to post :)

More targeted harassment from conspiracy denier who feel the need to post in conspiracy just to harass it's users. How is this not harassment? :)

Do you not have anything better to do? It's against reddit policy and the subreddit rules - hope your day improves and you're able to enjoy it. :)



In all seriousness I don't know what this thread is about I just wanted you to get cancer and die slowly.

As far as I can tell anyone who strives to be a mod or admin on the reddits is a pathetic loser in the real world of life.

I don't know why anyone would want the job, to be honest. Seems like a thankless task.

it appears egomaniacs, power trippers, and social retards would want the job.

Did you just assume their mental state?

"job" is correct. They are paid to do what they do, in the manner they do it. The deepstate isn't going to let free truth speech flood social media without a fight. Funny thing is, the DS is losing and we are winning.

on the reddits

only people i know who do this habitually are physically/mentally disabled.

like 400lb admin with amputees and mentally disabled moderators. people who would struggle for meaning in the real world, instead turn their energy to reddit subs


Looks like it’s time to burn another account.

Good thing no one has been archiving your history!

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Looks like it’s time to burn another account.

Good thing no one has been archiving your history, phoenix!

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

You should see if they want to debate. Pheephee was too scared to even consider debating me.

I have sent so many reports to admins. Nothing is done. I have documented it all.

I am /u/polkadotgirl btw. They know this.

There is a conspiracy. The admin support their harassment.

Nobody cares. I tried. I am sad.

I don't blame them. This sub is a joke . I come here just to laugh at the moronic shit that people think are conspiracies. The bias alone is what gets me. Trump supporters are completely incapable of seeing any slightly wrong with that piece of shit. The man is literally embroiled in dozens of conspiracies.

Agreed. This sub would have a lot more credibility if it dropped the blind support for Trump.

Removed. Rule 10.

The fact that people here attacking OP is enough proof that he's correct in my book.

Well that's how you end up believing bullshit.

Are the Reddit admins helping /r/TopMindsOfReddit brigade and manipulate this sub?


pretty poor evidence.

so... par for the course for this sub.

Tmor are literal shills.

It's basically impossible for TMOR to be brigading, as most TMORers are banned. Banned people can't upvote or downvote.

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You do realize how easy it is to create new accounts, use proxies or even purchase votes. Right? You also realize Reddit admins can manipulate post, upvotes and visibility..


Hold on a second. When I posted my own 'conspiracy' theory involving the mods, the post was removed citing rule number who cares.

But now this guy has his own conspiracy theory about the mods here, and the post get stickied!?

you gotta be fucking kidding me.

This sub was basically the Donald II up until the election, then shareblue and reddit decided it was too influential and allowed shareblue to flood this sub with anti trump bots and shills like they have done all over reddit, Twitter, Facebook and every major newspaper with a comment section.

Dems have their own massive troll farm. Even with it, they seem to be failing miserably because their tactics only really work on the naive and gullible.

This subreddit is a joke.

I remember almost a decade ago the jewish elite were exposed constantly. No longer!

Secondly, and 99.9% of people reading this will be put off, but I am a actual legit FLAT EARTHER. Yes for over a year now I've been researching the subject. It's truly fascinating how the biggest conspiracy there can be, that encompasses all other conspiracies, is not allowed to be talked about here. Not even a thing about it in "Related Subreddits".


It is related to to some extent - I helped run /r/theworldisflat for the longest time before I was ousted for no reason with no recourse. It was the largest and only genuine flat earth subreddit on all of reddit. I used to be stalked and harassed by so many topminds posters it was totally absurd. FE continues to spread though despite their efforts to distract from it and quarantine it - nice to see more FE comments. Cheers

You want a conspiracy about this sub google “reddit conspiracy”

Any other search “reddit ___” will get you the sub. Conspiracy is not in the results at all. I first noticed it after the election. (Clinton/ trump) and the Pizza stuff was blowing up. (I don t really believe it just saying it started late nov. / dec that year.) the sub moved down from the first result and Finland conspiracy replaced it which makes flat earth look like a good idea. Then as articles were written by press about the dangers of conspiracy theory. Those articles slowly replace the sub all together. Until today where it is buried at least 3 pages deep (I didn’t look any farther) in the results. I have no doubt that shills manipulate this site. But this is proof some one with more time should look into it.

Tmor is an interesting place. Like an echo chamber for a small angry mob of narcissistic children. Unfortunately someone is protecting them.

The parrot party is for bird owners who like to share parrot shit, I don't see why that is suspicious.

Mods, please keep up the fight. I'm sure a lot of us aprecciate what you guys do. We can't lose this place just yet.

Wow, breath taking post, good job!

Remember they will be the ones giving the info of every participant of this sub to COMMUNIST REVOLUTIONARIES when the big day comes, and have participants of this sub rounded up and shot by said revolutionaries when they come to the US in World War III.

I swear this post has 1.5k+ upvotes and now it has 600?


boyo boy

I like this post a lot, usually analyses of TMoR here end up becoming absurd and suggesting TMoR are under orders from TPTB to destroy r/conspiracy because this sub is just too much of a threat to them.

The reality is much more mundane, they're just another meta sub that inevitably became a brigade sub. This is a huge problem, not just for us but for the whole of Reddit. And it's not just limited to meta subs.

The admins never do anything unless bad publicity is involved. r/StopAdvertising are employing a great tactic to force change from the admins, however brigading isn't a sexy issue we can wave in front of media outlets and advertisers, so we're sort of on our own. All we can do is pressure the admins when we have the opportunity and stay vigilant in the meantime.

This post detailed, factual and eye-opening, I wish I could upvote it twice.

This. Remember PizzaGate and Wikileaks? Calling out pedophiles and leftist corruption is bad for uh, pedophiles and Leftist.

They cant just ban conspiracy or its major news and censorship. They brigade it. Over run it. Run the core membership off. Control the narrative.

starts reply with "This."

reply completely disagrees with everything in the comment


Did you perhaps reply to the wrong one?

I've only seen one happen in real time and it was nutty then removed. Sometimes I wonder if they are doing it as their actual job. It seems so coordinated.

God knows the mods here are garbage. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were complicit in any fuckery going on

No doubt they are in on it. I called it a year ago. Reddit admins are preparing for midtermsThey won't let Reddit be used to spread information thats counter to their leftist narratives.

TD contained, PizzaGate censored, every other major sub controlled. Reddit is a propaganda machine with the likes of MSM.

Should have been here a year ago. It was maddening. Mods would let shills troll the comment sections calling people every name in the book. THe moment someone called them a name back, they got banned. Todays mods... I have no complaints. Surprisingly, I think they do a fair job. Just look at this sticky, for example.

Past mods would have never stickied this.

Frightening what's been going on here the past few days.

the comment scores have all been assimilated

Yes. They are. You can post factual laws with links to the .gov archives as written, get downvoted, called a liar.

Leftist shills don't care about facts. They only care about their personal interpretation and narrative.

Wow. This is some cool/serious reddit conspiracy stuff. Bunch of lame people if they did harass redditor.

Reddit is extremely censored, which is why I stopped using it. For the past few years it has been compromised by radical leftists elements who take an authoritarian approach to censor and destroy dissenting opinions.

PartyParrot is a Twitch emote for BTTV.

Why do these people talk like they're super villains. It's really sad. You're just a bunch of losers PMing people and downvoting.

Holy shit, cancer.

TMOR is probably worse than ESS.

Edit: Almost forgot SubredditDrama

...but it didn't.


Hey, fuck you.

Except the fact that the admins ignore when TMOR brigades here but ban any Conspiracy users that follow totes links back to the source of the brigading to comment.

You have 0 comments removed in this thread or on the board.

Genius? No. Immoral, sociopathic? Yes.

When we were using totesmessenger every thread became a massive back and forth shitfest as soon as something was cross-posted. We're trying to limit drama, not throw oil on the fire.

[deleted] means the user deleted it. Not much reddit can do about that!

o so now they can just come throw oil on the fire without your users even realising it. real good moderation there. way too look out for your peopel

Do you think it is a good idea for mods to selectively allow totes for certain submissions only to give an excuse as to why the submission isn't going the way the mod thinks it should? Why is that allowed when others aren't?

thats not true. in those cases it would just be condensed to the totesmessenger thread. and like you said they still anyway so whats the difference?

Unban everyone, start fresh. I was wrongfully banned once.

It seems like it’s a way for banned folks to link to a discussion that they are interested in and continue a parallel discussion. That’s the idealistic reason. In reality it’s a rallying cry to disrupt.

Imo the root cause is due to the indiscriminate use of bans by overzealous mods. If they could not permanently ban someone then there would be little need for a sub to link to threads.

Of course you would have very disruptive users but honesty they can be ignored or downvotes by users that are sensitive to their comments. The way it should be - no censorship except at the personal level.

Mutes only last 72 hours, though.

Wrong, residential IP address space is cheap.

Saidit conspiracy is much better and there are no children there like those of TMOR

There is an ignore function.

We banned totes to keep OUR users from retaliating. This is pure self preservation. If well meaning and angry users started flooding from here to there to confront these users in their sub on their bullshit, I promise you the admins would ban our sub with a quickness.

This is literally the double standard the OP is referring to.

According to the other article you posted, it is a small margin. When you have the Tucson thing popping up for days here non-stop, and a bunch of other related content, the skeptics of course are going to ask for more sufficient evidence than whatever people type in in the chans. I'd say after the election, a large percentage of this sub was brigaded by r/The_Donald and later people from subs like r/greatawakening.

We are trying. The problem is the only way to stop an account's vote counting is to ban them. The political shiteaters you see talking are quite literally the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority of the votes coming in are likely from botnet accounts run by those same shiteater accounts that actually comment. These accounts will never speak, rendering them effectively invisible to us. And when we ban the control account, they just bring up one of their bots as a new control. Ad infinitum.

The best we can do is frustrate them. And I think we are starting to do a better job of that. But I think sometimes when they care a lot about a subject, they point the botnets they use regularly to control /r/politics and just blow us the fuck up. We will never be able to defend that. But luckily when they do do that, it is blatantly obvious, and maybe with the exception of the external traffic generated from /all, it doesn't fool anyone.

Admins deny us the tools we need to identify these malignant accounts. Probably because those tools would include traffic statistics and user behavior metrics, which is where I think reddit actually makes their money. That's their real product, behavioural data. Plus the admins have made it pretty clear we are on our own. If something egregious happe ns, that doesn't involve TMOR or any of the other bot swarming hate subs, they will throw us a bone. But nothing that would actually improve our experience.

But, at least all this meta stuff is kinda interesting. And if you think about it, there are groups spending a great deal of money trying to ruin our day...and yet we continue to have our fun.

I might be mistaken, but you might be thinking back to some months ago where I modified automod to do something we needed and accidentally commented out the hide totes routine.

At least I am not aware of a policy regarding unbanning for stickies...but stickies also aren't really my bailiwick.

So as a completely sane and rational woman, why is she surrounded by that many pedophiles?

Such as...?

"Literal concentration camps" You're comparing a holding cell to a genocidal death camp. I'm not gonna resort to calling names, but fucking hell, man, c'mon. Use your head for more than regurgitating the news you've been fed.

Fits the definition bud.

Speaking of news, maybe the media is no longer allowed for how they use images completely out of context. And I thought politicians weren't pedos? Make up your mind. Oh wait. The politicians You don't like are the pedos! I get it. If you have any info on Pence, i'd love to hear though. I hate all pedos, regardless of their immigration policy y'see. I'd say your view of liberals vs fascists is clouding all judgement to have any sense of a rational conversation here. It's weird, but not rare or unique. A shame. You'd think someone on conspiracy would see through such petty divides as libs vs fasc / white vs black, etc.

This is literally exactly what I'm talking about. Earlier you claim that conspiracy theorists should be against all government, now you defend actual government-run child prisons that ban the public, the press, and democratically elected officials. You're totally fine with the Deep State if it other people are the ones threatened by it.

Who is that guy and how would unbanning help?

Ok I see it now. Sorry man. First off, all my bans are permanent. I prefer to have happen exactly what happened. I ban, you complain, other mods review my decisio ...and it goes from there. Sometimes the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater. And you were the baby here, apologies.

Also, with abusive comments, I don't generally check context. They appear all by themselves in the mod queue. And I moderate based on that. I don't care if it was a tmor mod. I mean, I would crack on a tmor mod too, but I just have zero tolorance for abusive comments now. And you probably had the unfortunate luck of being at the tail end of me seeing dozens of other users being shitty at each other.

Glad it worked out, and I hope you understand. Outside of reddit my life was kind of turned upside down and I wasnt firing on all cylinders. I will try to be more conscientious in the future.
